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package org.jruby.ext.ripper;

import java.io.IOException;
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.lexer.LexerSource;
import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers;
import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.StackState;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;

public class RipperParserBase {
    private IRubyObject currentArg;

    public RipperParserBase(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject ripper, LexerSource source) {
        this.context = context;
        this.ripper = ripper;
        this.lexer = new RipperLexer(this, source);
    static int associateEncoding(ByteList buffer, Encoding ASCII8BIT_ENCODING, int codeRange) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
    public void reset() {
//        inSingleton = 0;
     //   inDefinition = false;
    public Object yyparse (RipperLexer yyLex) throws java.io.IOException {
        return null;
    public Object yyparse (RipperLexer yyLex, Object debugger) throws java.io.IOException {
        return null;
The parse method use an lexer stream and parse it to an AST node structure
/** The parse method use an lexer stream and parse it to an AST node * structure */
public IRubyObject parse(boolean isDebug) throws IOException { reset(); lexer.parser_prepare(); return (IRubyObject) yyparse(lexer, null); } public IRubyObject arg_add_optblock(IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { // This has to be an MRI bug if (arg2 == null) return dispatch("on_args_add_block", arg1, getRuntime().getFalse()); if (arg2.isNil()) return arg1; return dispatch("on_args_add_block", arg1, arg2); } public IRubyObject arg_var(IRubyObject identifier) { String name = lexer.getIdent(); StaticScope current = getCurrentScope(); // Multiple _ arguments are allowed. To not screw with tons of arity // issues in our runtime we will allocate unnamed bogus vars so things // still work. MRI does not use name as intern'd value so they don't // have this issue. if (name == "_") { int count = 0; while (current.exists(name) >= 0) { name = "_$" + count++; } } current.addVariableThisScope(name); return identifier; } public IRubyObject assignableConstant(IRubyObject value) { if (isInDef()) { value = dispatch("on_assign_error", value); error(); } return value; } public IRubyObject assignableIdentifier(IRubyObject value) { String ident = lexer.getIdent().intern(); getCurrentScope().assign(lexer.getPosition(), context.runtime.newSymbol(lexer.getIdent()), null); return value; } public IRubyObject dispatch(String method_name) { return Helpers.invoke(context, ripper, method_name); } public IRubyObject dispatch(String method_name, IRubyObject arg1) { return Helpers.invoke(context, ripper, method_name, escape(arg1)); } public IRubyObject dispatch(String method_name, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { return Helpers.invoke(context, ripper, method_name, escape(arg1), escape(arg2)); } public IRubyObject dispatch(String method_name, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject arg3) { return Helpers.invoke(context, ripper, method_name, escape(arg1), escape(arg2), escape(arg3)); } public IRubyObject dispatch(String method_name, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject arg3, IRubyObject arg4) { return Helpers.invoke(context, ripper, method_name, escape(arg1), escape(arg2), escape(arg3), escape(arg4)); } public IRubyObject dispatch(String method_name, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject arg3, IRubyObject arg4, IRubyObject arg5) { return Helpers.invoke(context, ripper, method_name, escape(arg1), escape(arg2), escape(arg3), escape(arg4), escape(arg5)); } public IRubyObject dispatch(String method_name, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject arg3, IRubyObject arg4, IRubyObject arg5, IRubyObject arg6, IRubyObject arg7) { return Helpers.invoke(context, ripper, method_name, escape(arg1), escape(arg2), escape(arg3), escape(arg4), escape(arg5), escape(arg6), escape(arg7)); } public IRubyObject escape(IRubyObject arg) { return arg == null ? context.nil : arg; } public IRubyObject formal_argument(IRubyObject identifier) { return shadowing_lvar(identifier); } protected void getterIdentifierError(String identifier) { throw new SyntaxException("identifier " + identifier + " is not valid", identifier); } public boolean is_id_var() { String ident = lexer.getIdent().intern(); return getCurrentScope().isDefined(ident) >= 0; } public boolean is_local_id(String identifier) { return lexer.isIdentifierChar(identifier.charAt(0)); } public IRubyObject intern(String value) { return context.runtime.newSymbol(value); } public IRubyObject method_optarg(IRubyObject method, IRubyObject arg) { if (arg == null) return method; return dispatch("on_method_add_arg", method, arg); } public IRubyObject keyword_arg(IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { RubyArray array = RubyArray.newArray(context.runtime, 2); array.append(key); if (value != null) { array.append(value); } else { array.append(context.nil); } return array; } public IRubyObject new_args(IRubyObject f, IRubyObject o, IRubyObject r, IRubyObject p, ArgsTailHolder tail) { if (tail != null) { return dispatch("on_params", f, o, r, p, tail.getKeywordArgs(), tail.getKeywordRestArg(), tail.getBlockArg()); } return dispatch("on_params", f, o, r, p, null, null, null); } public ArgsTailHolder new_args_tail(IRubyObject kwarg, IRubyObject kwargRest, IRubyObject block) { return new ArgsTailHolder(kwarg, kwargRest, block); } public IRubyObject method_add_block(IRubyObject method, IRubyObject block) { return dispatch("on_method_add_block", method, block); } public IRubyObject internalId() { return null; } public IRubyObject new_array(IRubyObject arg) { return context.runtime.newArray(arg); } public IRubyObject new_assoc(IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { return RubyArray.newArray(context.runtime, key, value); } public IRubyObject new_bv(IRubyObject identifier) { String ident = lexer.getIdent(); if (!is_local_id(ident)) getterIdentifierError(ident); return arg_var(shadowing_lvar(identifier)); } public void popCurrentScope() { currentScope = currentScope.getEnclosingScope(); } public void pushBlockScope() { currentScope = getRuntime().getStaticScopeFactory().newBlockScope(currentScope); } public void pushLocalScope() { currentScope = getRuntime().getStaticScopeFactory().newLocalScope(currentScope); getCmdArgumentState().reset(); } public int getHeredocIndent() { return lexer.getHeredocIndent(); } public void setHeredocIndent(int indent) { lexer.setHeredocIndent(indent); } public void heredoc_dedent(IRubyObject array) { if (lexer.getHeredocIndent() <= 0) return; dispatch("on_heredoc_dedent", array, getRuntime().newFixnum(lexer.getHeredocIndent())); } public void setCommandStart(boolean value) { lexer.commandStart = value; } public IRubyObject shadowing_lvar(IRubyObject identifier) { String name = lexer.getIdent(); if (name == "_") return identifier; StaticScope current = getCurrentScope(); if (current.isBlockScope()) { if (current.exists(name) >= 0) yyerror("duplicated argument name"); if (current.isDefined(name) >= 0) { lexer.warning("shadowing outer local variable - %s", name); } } else if (current.exists(name) >= 0) { yyerror("duplicated argument name"); } return identifier; } public StackState getConditionState() { return lexer.getConditionState(); } public boolean isInDef() { return inDefinition; } public boolean isInClass() { return inClass; } public void setIsInClass(boolean inClass) { this.inClass = inClass; } public StrTerm getStrTerm() { return lexer.getStrTerm(); } public void setStrTerm(StrTerm object) { lexer.setStrTerm(object); } public StackState getCmdArgumentState() { return lexer.getCmdArgumentState(); } public void compile_error(String message) { dispatch("on_parse_error", getRuntime().newString(message)); } public void yyerror(String message) { compile_error(message); error(); throw new SyntaxException(message, message); } public void yyerror(String message, String[] expected, String found) { error(); compile_error(message + ", unexpected " + found + "\n"); } public void error() { this.isError = true; } public Integer getLeftParenBegin() { return lexer.getLeftParenBegin(); } public void setLeftParenBegin(Integer integer) { lexer.setLeftParenBegin(integer); } public void setInDef(boolean inDefinition) { this.inDefinition = inDefinition; } public void setInSingle(int inSingleton) { this.inSingleton = inSingleton; } public int getInSingle() { return inSingleton; } public int getBraceNest() { return lexer.getBraceNest(); } public int getState() { return lexer.getState(); } public void setBraceNest(int braceNest) { lexer.setBraceNest(braceNest); } public void setState(int lexState) { lexer.setState(lexState); } public void warning(String message) { if (lexer.isVerbose()) lexer.warning(message); } public void warn(String message) { lexer.warn(message); } public Integer incrementParenNest() { return lexer.incrementParenNest(); } public StaticScope getCurrentScope() { return currentScope; } public Ruby getRuntime() { return context.runtime; } public long getColumn() { return lexer.column(); } public long getLineno() { return lexer.lineno(); } public boolean hasStarted() { return lexer.hasStarted(); } public Encoding encoding() { return lexer.getEncoding(); } public IRubyObject getCurrentArg() { return currentArg; } public void setCurrentArg(IRubyObject arg) { this.currentArg = arg; } public boolean getYYDebug() { return yydebug; } public void setYYDebug(boolean yydebug) { this.yydebug = yydebug; } public boolean isEndSeen() { return lexer.isEndSeen(); } public boolean isError() { return isError; } public ThreadContext getContext() { return context; } protected IRubyObject ripper; protected ThreadContext context; protected RipperLexer lexer; protected StaticScope currentScope; protected boolean inDefinition; protected boolean inClass; protected boolean yydebug; // FIXME: Hook up to yydebug protected boolean isError; // Is the parser current within a singleton (value is number of nested singletons) protected int inSingleton; }