 * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public
 * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
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 * the License at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * rights and limitations under the License.
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 The JRuby Team (jruby@jruby.org)
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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 ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/

package org.jruby.ext.ripper;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.lexer.LexerSource;
import org.jruby.lexer.LexingCommon;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.RegexpOptions;
import org.jruby.util.SafeDoubleParser;
import org.jruby.util.StringSupport;
import org.jruby.util.cli.Options;

import static org.jruby.ext.ripper.RipperParser.tSP;

/** * * @author enebo */
public class RipperLexer extends LexingCommon { private static final HashMap<String, Keyword> map; static { map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("end", Keyword.END); map.put("else", Keyword.ELSE); map.put("case", Keyword.CASE); map.put("ensure", Keyword.ENSURE); map.put("module", Keyword.MODULE); map.put("elsif", Keyword.ELSIF); map.put("def", Keyword.DEF); map.put("rescue", Keyword.RESCUE); map.put("not", Keyword.NOT); map.put("then", Keyword.THEN); map.put("yield", Keyword.YIELD); map.put("for", Keyword.FOR); map.put("self", Keyword.SELF); map.put("false", Keyword.FALSE); map.put("retry", Keyword.RETRY); map.put("return", Keyword.RETURN); map.put("true", Keyword.TRUE); map.put("if", Keyword.IF); map.put("defined?", Keyword.DEFINED_P); map.put("super", Keyword.SUPER); map.put("undef", Keyword.UNDEF); map.put("break", Keyword.BREAK); map.put("in", Keyword.IN); map.put("do", Keyword.DO); map.put("nil", Keyword.NIL); map.put("until", Keyword.UNTIL); map.put("unless", Keyword.UNLESS); map.put("or", Keyword.OR); map.put("next", Keyword.NEXT); map.put("when", Keyword.WHEN); map.put("redo", Keyword.REDO); map.put("and", Keyword.AND); map.put("begin", Keyword.BEGIN); map.put("__LINE__", Keyword.__LINE__); map.put("class", Keyword.CLASS); map.put("__FILE__", Keyword.__FILE__); map.put("END", Keyword.LEND); map.put("BEGIN", Keyword.LBEGIN); map.put("while", Keyword.WHILE); map.put("alias", Keyword.ALIAS); map.put("__ENCODING__", Keyword.__ENCODING__); } protected void ambiguousOperator(String op, String syn) { parser.dispatch("on_operator_ambiguous", getRuntime().newSymbol(op), getRuntime().newString(syn)); } protected boolean onMagicComment(String name, ByteList value) { boolean found = super.onMagicComment(name, value); parser.dispatch("on_magic_comment", getRuntime().newString(name), getRuntime().newString(value)); return found; } private int getFloatToken(String number, int suffix) { if ((suffix & SUFFIX_R) != 0) { BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(number); BigDecimal denominator = BigDecimal.ONE.scaleByPowerOfTen(bd.scale()); BigDecimal numerator = bd.multiply(denominator); try { numerator.longValueExact(); denominator.longValueExact(); } catch (ArithmeticException ae) { compile_error("Rational (" + numerator + "/" + denominator + ") out of range."); } return considerComplex(RipperParser.tRATIONAL, suffix); } double d; try { d = SafeDoubleParser.parseDouble(number); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { warn("Float " + number + " out of range."); d = number.startsWith("-") ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } return considerComplex(RipperParser.tFLOAT, suffix); } private int considerComplex(int token, int suffix) { if ((suffix & SUFFIX_I) == 0) { return token; } else { return RipperParser.tIMAGINARY; } } public boolean isVerbose() { return parser.getRuntime().isVerbose(); } public void warn(String message) { parser.dispatch("warn", getRuntime().newString(message)); } public void warning(String fmt) { parser.dispatch("warning", getRuntime().newString(fmt)); } public void warning(String fmt, String arg) { parser.dispatch("warning", getRuntime().newString(fmt), getRuntime().newString(arg)); } public enum Keyword { END ("end", RipperParser.keyword_end, RipperParser.keyword_end, EXPR_END), ELSE ("else", RipperParser.keyword_else, RipperParser.keyword_else, EXPR_BEG), CASE ("case", RipperParser.keyword_case, RipperParser.keyword_case, EXPR_BEG), ENSURE ("ensure", RipperParser.keyword_ensure, RipperParser.keyword_ensure, EXPR_BEG), MODULE ("module", RipperParser.keyword_module, RipperParser.keyword_module, EXPR_BEG), ELSIF ("elsif", RipperParser.keyword_elsif, RipperParser.keyword_elsif, EXPR_BEG), DEF ("def", RipperParser.keyword_def, RipperParser.keyword_def, EXPR_FNAME), RESCUE ("rescue", RipperParser.keyword_rescue, RipperParser.modifier_rescue, EXPR_MID), NOT ("not", RipperParser.keyword_not, RipperParser.keyword_not, EXPR_ARG), THEN ("then", RipperParser.keyword_then, RipperParser.keyword_then, EXPR_BEG), YIELD ("yield", RipperParser.keyword_yield, RipperParser.keyword_yield, EXPR_ARG), FOR ("for", RipperParser.keyword_for, RipperParser.keyword_for, EXPR_BEG), SELF ("self", RipperParser.keyword_self, RipperParser.keyword_self, EXPR_END), FALSE ("false", RipperParser.keyword_false, RipperParser.keyword_false, EXPR_END), RETRY ("retry", RipperParser.keyword_retry, RipperParser.keyword_retry, EXPR_END), RETURN ("return", RipperParser.keyword_return, RipperParser.keyword_return, EXPR_MID), TRUE ("true", RipperParser.keyword_true, RipperParser.keyword_true, EXPR_END), IF ("if", RipperParser.keyword_if, RipperParser.modifier_if, EXPR_BEG), DEFINED_P ("defined?", RipperParser.keyword_defined, RipperParser.keyword_defined, EXPR_ARG), SUPER ("super", RipperParser.keyword_super, RipperParser.keyword_super, EXPR_ARG), UNDEF ("undef", RipperParser.keyword_undef, RipperParser.keyword_undef, EXPR_FNAME|EXPR_FITEM), BREAK ("break", RipperParser.keyword_break, RipperParser.keyword_break, EXPR_MID), IN ("in", RipperParser.keyword_in, RipperParser.keyword_in, EXPR_BEG), DO ("do", RipperParser.keyword_do, RipperParser.keyword_do, EXPR_BEG), NIL ("nil", RipperParser.keyword_nil, RipperParser.keyword_nil, EXPR_END), UNTIL ("until", RipperParser.keyword_until, RipperParser.modifier_until, EXPR_BEG), UNLESS ("unless", RipperParser.keyword_unless, RipperParser.modifier_unless, EXPR_BEG), OR ("or", RipperParser.keyword_or, RipperParser.keyword_or, EXPR_BEG), NEXT ("next", RipperParser.keyword_next, RipperParser.keyword_next, EXPR_MID), WHEN ("when", RipperParser.keyword_when, RipperParser.keyword_when, EXPR_BEG), REDO ("redo", RipperParser.keyword_redo, RipperParser.keyword_redo, EXPR_END), AND ("and", RipperParser.keyword_and, RipperParser.keyword_and, EXPR_BEG), BEGIN ("begin", RipperParser.keyword_begin, RipperParser.keyword_begin, EXPR_BEG), __LINE__ ("__LINE__", RipperParser.keyword__LINE__, RipperParser.keyword__LINE__, EXPR_END), CLASS ("class", RipperParser.keyword_class, RipperParser.keyword_class, EXPR_CLASS), __FILE__("__FILE__", RipperParser.keyword__FILE__, RipperParser.keyword__FILE__, EXPR_END), LEND ("END", RipperParser.keyword_END, RipperParser.keyword_END, EXPR_END), LBEGIN ("BEGIN", RipperParser.keyword_BEGIN, RipperParser.keyword_BEGIN, EXPR_END), WHILE ("while", RipperParser.keyword_while, RipperParser.modifier_while, EXPR_BEG), ALIAS ("alias", RipperParser.keyword_alias, RipperParser.keyword_alias, EXPR_FNAME|EXPR_FITEM), __ENCODING__("__ENCODING__", RipperParser.keyword__ENCODING__, RipperParser.keyword__ENCODING__, EXPR_END); public final String name; public final int id0; public final int id1; public final int state; Keyword(String name, int id0, int id1, int state) { this.name = name; this.id0 = id0; this.id1 = id1; this.state = state; } } public static Keyword getKeyword(String str) { return (Keyword) map.get(str); } // MRI can directly seek source but we do not so we store all idents // here so the parser can then look at it on-demand to check things like // whether it is a valid identifier. This should be safe to be a single // field since all ident logic should hit sequentially. String identValue; // Used for tiny smidgen of grammar in lexer (see setParserSupport()) private RipperParserBase parser = null; private StrTerm lex_strterm; // When the heredoc identifier specifies <<-EOF that indents before ident. are ok (the '-'). static final int STR_FUNC_INDENT=0x20; public RipperLexer(RipperParserBase parser, LexerSource src) { super(src); this.parser = parser; setState(0); lex_strterm = null; // FIXME: Do we need to parser_prepare like normal lexer? setCurrentEncoding(src.getEncoding()); reset(); } protected ByteList delayed = null; private int delayed_line = 0; private int delayed_col = 0; private boolean cr_seen = false;
Has lexing started yet?
/** * Has lexing started yet? */
public boolean hasStarted() { return src != null; // if no current line then nextc has never been called. } protected void flush_string_content(Encoding encoding) { if (delayed != null) { int len = lex_p - tokp; if (len > 0) { delayed.setEncoding(encoding); delayed.append(lexb.makeShared(tokp, len)); } dispatchDelayedToken(RipperParser.tSTRING_CONTENT); tokp = lex_p; } } public void addDelayedToken(int tok, int end) { // Left over stuffs...Add to delayed for later processing. if (tok < end) { if (delayed == null) { delayed = new ByteList(); delayed.setEncoding(getEncoding()); delayed_line = ruby_sourceline; delayed_col = tok - lex_pbeg; } delayed.append(lexb, tok, end - tok); tokp = end; } } private boolean nextLine() { line_offset += lex_pend; ByteList v = lex_nextline; lex_nextline = null; if (v == null) { if (eofp) return true; if (src == null || (v = src.gets()) == null) { eofp = true; lex_goto_eol(); return true; } cr_seen = false; } addDelayedToken(tokp, lex_pend); if (heredoc_end > 0) { ruby_sourceline = heredoc_end; heredoc_end = 0; } ruby_sourceline++; line_count++; lex_pbeg = lex_p = 0; lex_pend = lex_p + v.length(); lexb = v; flush(); lex_lastline = v; return false; } private int cr(int c) { if (peek('\n')) { lex_p++; c = '\n'; } else if (!cr_seen) { cr_seen = true; warn("encountered \\\\r in middle of line, treated as a mere space"); } return c; } public int nextc() { if (lex_p == lex_pend || eofp || lex_nextline != null) { if (nextLine()) return EOF; } int c = p(lex_p); lex_p++; if (c == '\r') c = cr(c); return c; } public void dispatchHeredocEnd() { if (delayed != null) { dispatchDelayedToken(RipperParser.tSTRING_CONTENT); } lex_goto_eol(); dispatchIgnoredScanEvent(RipperParser.tHEREDOC_END); } public void compile_error(String message) { parser.error(); parser.dispatch("compile_error", getRuntime().newString(message)); // throw new SyntaxException(lexb.toString(), message); } public int tokenize_ident(int result) { String value = createTokenString(); if (!isLexState(last_state, EXPR_DOT|EXPR_FNAME) && parser.getCurrentScope().isDefined(value) >= 0) { setState(EXPR_END); } identValue = value.intern(); return result; } public void heredoc_restore(HeredocTerm here) { ByteList line = here.lastLine; lex_lastline = line; lex_pbeg = 0; lex_pend = lex_pbeg + line.length(); lex_p = lex_pbeg + here.nth; lexb = line; heredoc_end = ruby_sourceline; ruby_sourceline = here.line; flush(); } public int nextToken() throws IOException { //mri: yylex token = yylex(); if (delayed != null) { dispatchDelayedToken(token); return token == EOF ? 0 : token; } if (token != EOF) dispatchScanEvent(token); return token == EOF ? 0 : token; } public String getIdent() { return identValue; } public Ruby getRuntime() { return parser.context.getRuntime(); }
Parse must pass its support object for some check at bottom of yylex(). Ruby does it this way as well (i.e. a little parsing logic in the lexer).
  • parserSupport –
/** * Parse must pass its support object for some check at bottom of * yylex(). Ruby does it this way as well (i.e. a little parsing * logic in the lexer). * * @param parserSupport */
public void setParser(RipperParserBase parserSupport) { this.parser = parserSupport; } @Override protected void setCompileOptionFlag(String name, ByteList value) { if (tokenSeen) { warning("`%s' is ignored after any tokens", name); return; } } @Override protected RegexpOptions parseRegexpFlags() throws IOException { StringBuilder unknownFlags = new StringBuilder(10); RegexpOptions options = parseRegexpFlags(unknownFlags); if (unknownFlags.length() != 0) { compile_error("unknown regexp option" + (unknownFlags.length() > 1 ? "s" : "") + " - " + unknownFlags); } return options; } @Override protected void mismatchedRegexpEncodingError(Encoding optionEncoding, Encoding encoding) { compile_error("regexp encoding option '" + optionsEncodingChar(optionEncoding) + "' differs from source encoding '" + encoding + "'"); } @Override protected void setTokenInfo(String name, ByteList value) { } protected void setEncoding(ByteList name) { Encoding newEncoding = parser.getRuntime().getEncodingService().loadEncoding(name); if (newEncoding == null) { compile_error("unknown encoding name: " + name.toString()); return; } if (!newEncoding.isAsciiCompatible()) { compile_error(name.toString() + " is not ASCII compatible"); return; } setEncoding(newEncoding); } public StrTerm getStrTerm() { return lex_strterm; } public void setStrTerm(StrTerm strterm) { this.lex_strterm = strterm; } // STR_NEW3/parser_str_new public IRubyObject createStr(ByteList buffer, int flags) { Encoding bufferEncoding = buffer.getEncoding(); int codeRange = StringSupport.codeRangeScan(bufferEncoding, buffer); if ((flags & STR_FUNC_REGEXP) == 0 && bufferEncoding.isAsciiCompatible()) { // If we have characters outside 7-bit range and we are still ascii then change to ascii-8bit if (codeRange == StringSupport.CR_7BIT) { // Do nothing like MRI } else if (getEncoding() == USASCII_ENCODING && bufferEncoding != UTF8_ENCODING) { codeRange = RipperParserBase.associateEncoding(buffer, ASCII8BIT_ENCODING, codeRange); } } return getRuntime().newString(buffer); }
What type/kind of quote are we dealing with?
  • c – first character the the quote construct
Returns:a token that specifies the quote type
/** * What type/kind of quote are we dealing with? * * @param c first character the the quote construct * @return a token that specifies the quote type */
private int parseQuote(int c) throws IOException { int begin, end; String value = "%" + (char) c; // Short-hand (e.g. %{,%.,%!,... versus %Q{). if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { begin = c; c = 'Q'; // Long-hand (e.g. %Q{}). } else { begin = nextc(); value = value + (char) begin; if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(begin) || !isASCII()) { compile_error("unknown type of %string"); return EOF; } } if (c == EOF || begin == EOF) { compile_error("unterminated quoted string meets end of file"); return EOF; } // Figure end-char. '\0' is special to indicate begin=end and that no nesting? switch(begin) { case '(': end = ')'; break; case '[': end = ']'; break; case '{': end = '}'; break; case '<': end = '>'; break; default: end = begin; begin = '\0'; } switch (c) { case 'Q': lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_dquote, begin ,end); return RipperParser.tSTRING_BEG; case 'q': lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_squote, begin, end); return RipperParser.tSTRING_BEG; case 'W': lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_dword, begin, end); return RipperParser.tWORDS_BEG; case 'w': lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_sword, begin, end); return RipperParser.tQWORDS_BEG; case 'x': lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_xquote, begin, end); return RipperParser.tXSTRING_BEG; case 'r': lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_regexp, begin, end); return RipperParser.tREGEXP_BEG; case 's': lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_ssym, begin, end); setState(EXPR_FNAME|EXPR_FITEM); return RipperParser.tSYMBEG; case 'I': lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_dword, begin, end); return RipperParser.tSYMBOLS_BEG; case 'i': lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_sword, begin, end); return RipperParser.tQSYMBOLS_BEG; default: compile_error("Unknown type of %string. Expected 'Q', 'q', 'w', 'x', 'r' or any non letter character, but found '" + c + "'."); return -1; //notreached } } private int hereDocumentIdentifier() throws IOException { int c = nextc(); int term; int func = 0; if (c == '-') { c = nextc(); func = STR_FUNC_INDENT; } else if (c == '~') { c = nextc(); func = STR_FUNC_INDENT; heredoc_indent = Integer.MAX_VALUE; heredoc_line_indent = 0; } ByteList markerValue; if (c == '\'' || c == '"' || c == '`') { if (c == '\'') { func |= str_squote; } else if (c == '"') { func |= str_dquote; } else { func |= str_xquote; } markerValue = new ByteList(); markerValue.setEncoding(getEncoding()); term = c; while ((c = nextc()) != EOF && c != term) { if (!tokenAddMBC(c, markerValue)) return EOF; } if (c == EOF) compile_error("unterminated here document identifier"); } else { if (!isIdentifierChar(c)) { pushback(c); if ((func & STR_FUNC_INDENT) != 0) { pushback(heredoc_indent > 0 ? '~' : '-'); } return 0; } markerValue = new ByteList(); markerValue.setEncoding(getEncoding()); term = '"'; func |= str_dquote; do { if (!tokenAddMBC(c, markerValue)) return EOF; } while ((c = nextc()) != EOF && isIdentifierChar(c)); pushback(c); } dispatchScanEvent(RipperParser.tHEREDOC_BEG); int len = lex_p - lex_pbeg; lex_goto_eol(); lex_strterm = new HeredocTerm(markerValue, func, len, ruby_sourceline, lex_lastline); flush(); return term == '`' ? RipperParser.tXSTRING_BEG : RipperParser.tSTRING_BEG; } private boolean arg_ambiguous() { parser.dispatch("on_arg_ambiguous"); return true; } /* * Not normally used, but is left in here since it can be useful in debugging * grammar and lexing problems. * */ private void printToken(int token) { //System.out.print("LOC: " + support.getPosition() + " ~ "); switch (token) { case RipperParser.yyErrorCode: System.err.print("yyErrorCode,"); break; // missing some RipperParser. case RipperParser.tIDENTIFIER: System.err.print("tIDENTIFIER["+ value() + "],"); break; case RipperParser.tFID: System.err.print("tFID[" + value() + "],"); break; case RipperParser.tGVAR: System.err.print("tGVAR[" + value() + "],"); break; case RipperParser.tIVAR: System.err.print("tIVAR[" + value() +"],"); break; case RipperParser.tCONSTANT: System.err.print("tCONSTANT["+ value() +"],"); break; case RipperParser.tCVAR: System.err.print("tCVAR,"); break; case RipperParser.tINTEGER: System.err.print("tINTEGER,"); break; case RipperParser.tFLOAT: System.err.print("tFLOAT,"); break; case RipperParser.tSTRING_CONTENT: System.err.print("tSTRING_CONTENT[" + value() + "],"); break; case RipperParser.tSTRING_BEG: System.err.print("tSTRING_BEG,"); break; case RipperParser.tSTRING_END: System.err.print("tSTRING_END,"); break; case RipperParser.tSTRING_DBEG: System.err.print("tSTRING_DBEG,"); break; case RipperParser.tSTRING_DVAR: System.err.print("tSTRING_DVAR,"); break; case RipperParser.tXSTRING_BEG: System.err.print("tXSTRING_BEG,"); break; case RipperParser.tREGEXP_BEG: System.err.print("tREGEXP_BEG,"); break; case RipperParser.tREGEXP_END: System.err.print("tREGEXP_END,"); break; case RipperParser.tWORDS_BEG: System.err.print("tWORDS_BEG,"); break; case RipperParser.tQWORDS_BEG: System.err.print("tQWORDS_BEG,"); break; case RipperParser.tBACK_REF: System.err.print("tBACK_REF,"); break; case RipperParser.tBACK_REF2: System.err.print("tBACK_REF2,"); break; case RipperParser.tNTH_REF: System.err.print("tNTH_REF,"); break; case RipperParser.tUPLUS: System.err.print("tUPLUS"); break; case RipperParser.tUMINUS: System.err.print("tUMINUS,"); break; case RipperParser.tPOW: System.err.print("tPOW,"); break; case RipperParser.tCMP: System.err.print("tCMP,"); break; case RipperParser.tEQ: System.err.print("tEQ,"); break; case RipperParser.tEQQ: System.err.print("tEQQ,"); break; case RipperParser.tNEQ: System.err.print("tNEQ,"); break; case RipperParser.tGEQ: System.err.print("tGEQ,"); break; case RipperParser.tLEQ: System.err.print("tLEQ,"); break; case RipperParser.tANDOP: System.err.print("tANDOP,"); break; case RipperParser.tOROP: System.err.print("tOROP,"); break; case RipperParser.tMATCH: System.err.print("tMATCH,"); break; case RipperParser.tNMATCH: System.err.print("tNMATCH,"); break; case RipperParser.tDOT: System.err.print("tDOT,"); break; case RipperParser.tDOT2: System.err.print("tDOT2,"); break; case RipperParser.tDOT3: System.err.print("tDOT3,"); break; case RipperParser.tAREF: System.err.print("tAREF,"); break; case RipperParser.tASET: System.err.print("tASET,"); break; case RipperParser.tLSHFT: System.err.print("tLSHFT,"); break; case RipperParser.tRSHFT: System.err.print("tRSHFT,"); break; case RipperParser.tCOLON2: System.err.print("tCOLON2,"); break; case RipperParser.tCOLON3: System.err.print("tCOLON3,"); break; case RipperParser.tOP_ASGN: System.err.print("tOP_ASGN,"); break; case RipperParser.tASSOC: System.err.print("tASSOC,"); break; case RipperParser.tLPAREN: System.err.print("tLPAREN,"); break; case RipperParser.tLPAREN2: System.err.print("tLPAREN2,"); break; case RipperParser.tLPAREN_ARG: System.err.print("tLPAREN_ARG,"); break; case RipperParser.tLBRACK: System.err.print("tLBRACK,"); break; case RipperParser.tRBRACK: System.err.print("tRBRACK,"); break; case RipperParser.tLBRACE: System.err.print("tLBRACE,"); break; case RipperParser.tLBRACE_ARG: System.err.print("tLBRACE_ARG,"); break; case RipperParser.tSTAR: System.err.print("tSTAR,"); break; case RipperParser.tSTAR2: System.err.print("tSTAR2,"); break; case RipperParser.tAMPER: System.err.print("tAMPER,"); break; case RipperParser.tAMPER2: System.err.print("tAMPER2,"); break; case RipperParser.tSYMBEG: System.err.print("tSYMBEG,"); break; case RipperParser.tTILDE: System.err.print("tTILDE,"); break; case RipperParser.tPERCENT: System.err.print("tPERCENT,"); break; case RipperParser.tDIVIDE: System.err.print("tDIVIDE,"); break; case RipperParser.tPLUS: System.err.print("tPLUS,"); break; case RipperParser.tMINUS: System.err.print("tMINUS,"); break; case RipperParser.tLT: System.err.print("tLT,"); break; case RipperParser.tGT: System.err.print("tGT,"); break; case RipperParser.tCARET: System.err.print("tCARET,"); break; case RipperParser.tBANG: System.err.print("tBANG,"); break; case RipperParser.tLCURLY: System.err.print("tTLCURLY,"); break; case RipperParser.tRCURLY: System.err.print("tRCURLY,"); break; case RipperParser.tPIPE: System.err.print("tTPIPE,"); break; case RipperParser.tLAMBDA: System.err.print("tLAMBDA,"); break; case RipperParser.tLAMBEG: System.err.print("tLAMBEG,"); break; case RipperParser.tRPAREN: System.err.print("tRPAREN,"); break; case RipperParser.tLABEL: System.err.print("tLABEL("+ value() +":),"); break; case RipperParser.tLABEL_END: System.err.print("tLABEL_END"); break; case '\n': System.err.println("NL"); break; case EOF: System.out.println("EOF"); break; case RipperParser.tDSTAR: System.err.print("tDSTAR"); break; case RipperParser.tSTRING_DEND: System.err.print("tDSTRING_DEND,"); break; default: System.err.print("'" + (char)token + "'[" + token + "]"); break; } } public boolean hasScanEvent() { if (lex_p < tokp) { throw parser.getRuntime().newRuntimeError("lex_p < tokp"); } return lex_p > tokp; } public void dispatchDelayedToken(int token) { //mri: ripper_dispatch_delayed_token int saved_line = ruby_sourceline; int saved_tokp = tokp; ruby_sourceline = delayed_line; tokp = lex_pbeg + delayed_col; String event = tokenToEventId(token); IRubyObject value = delayed == null ? parser.context.nil : parser.getRuntime().newString(delayed.dup()); yaccValue = parser.dispatch(event, value); delayed = null; ruby_sourceline = saved_line; tokp = saved_tokp; } public void dispatchIgnoredScanEvent(int token) { if (!hasScanEvent()) return; scanEventValue(token); } public void dispatchScanEvent(int token) { //mri: ripper_dispatch_scan_event if (!hasScanEvent()) return; yaccValue = scanEventValue(token); } private IRubyObject scanEventValue(int token) { // mri: ripper_scane_event_val //System.out.println("TOKP: " + tokp + ", LEX_P: " + lex_p); IRubyObject value = parser.getRuntime().newString(lexb.makeShared(tokp, lex_p - tokp)); String event = tokenToEventId(token); //System.out.println("EVENT: " + event + ", VALUE: " + value); IRubyObject returnValue = parser.dispatch(event, value); flush(); return returnValue; } private String tokenToEventId(int token) { switch(token) { case ' ': return "on_words_sep"; case RipperParser.tBANG: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tPERCENT: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tANDDOT: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tAMPER2: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tSTAR2: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tPLUS: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tMINUS: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tDIVIDE: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tLT: return "on_op"; case '=': return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tGT: return "on_op"; case '?': return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tCARET: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tPIPE: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tTILDE: return "on_op"; case ':': return "on_op"; case ',': return "on_comma"; case '.': return "on_period"; case RipperParser.tDOT: return "on_period"; case ';': return "on_semicolon"; case RipperParser.tBACK_REF2: return "on_backtick"; case '\n': return "on_nl"; case RipperParser.keyword_alias: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_and: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_begin: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_break: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_case: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_class: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_def: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_defined: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_do: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_do_block: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_do_cond: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_else: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_elsif: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_end: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_ensure: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_false: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_for: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_if: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.modifier_if: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_in: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_module: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_next: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_nil: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_not: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_or: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_redo: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_rescue: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.modifier_rescue: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_retry: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_return: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_self: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_super: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_then: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_true: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_undef: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_unless: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.modifier_unless: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_until: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.modifier_until: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_when: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_while: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.modifier_while: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_yield: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword__FILE__: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword__LINE__: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword__ENCODING__: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_BEGIN: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_END: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.keyword_do_lambda: return "on_kw"; case RipperParser.tAMPER: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tANDOP: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tAREF: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tASET: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tASSOC: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tBACK_REF: return "on_backref"; case RipperParser.tCHAR: return "on_CHAR"; case RipperParser.tCMP: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tCOLON2: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tCOLON3: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tCONSTANT: return "on_const"; case RipperParser.tCVAR: return "on_cvar"; case RipperParser.tDOT2: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tDOT3: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tEQ: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tEQQ: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tFID: return "on_ident"; case RipperParser.tFLOAT: return "on_float"; case RipperParser.tGEQ: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tGVAR: return "on_gvar"; case RipperParser.tIDENTIFIER: return "on_ident"; case RipperParser.tIMAGINARY: return "on_imaginary"; case RipperParser.tINTEGER: return "on_int"; case RipperParser.tIVAR: return "on_ivar"; case RipperParser.tLBRACE: return "on_lbrace"; case RipperParser.tLBRACE_ARG: return "on_lbrace"; case RipperParser.tLCURLY: return "on_lbrace"; case RipperParser.tRCURLY: return "on_rbrace"; case RipperParser.tLBRACK: return "on_lbracket"; case '[': return "on_lbracket"; case RipperParser.tRBRACK: return "on_rbracket"; case RipperParser.tLEQ: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tLPAREN: return "on_lparen"; case RipperParser.tLPAREN_ARG: return "on_lparen"; case RipperParser.tLPAREN2: return "on_lparen"; case ')': return "on_rparen"; // ENEBO: Don't this this can happen. case RipperParser.tLSHFT: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tMATCH: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tNEQ: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tNMATCH: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tNTH_REF: return "on_backref"; case RipperParser.tOP_ASGN: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tOROP: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tPOW: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tQSYMBOLS_BEG: return "on_qsymbols_beg"; case RipperParser.tRATIONAL: return "on_rational"; case RipperParser.tSYMBOLS_BEG: return "on_symbols_beg"; case RipperParser.tQWORDS_BEG: return "on_qwords_beg"; case RipperParser.tREGEXP_BEG:return "on_regexp_beg"; case RipperParser.tREGEXP_END: return "on_regexp_end"; case RipperParser.tRPAREN: return "on_rparen"; case RipperParser.tRSHFT: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tSTAR: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tDSTAR: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tSTRING_BEG: return "on_tstring_beg"; case RipperParser.tSTRING_CONTENT: return "on_tstring_content"; case RipperParser.tSTRING_DBEG: return "on_embexpr_beg"; case RipperParser.tSTRING_DEND: return "on_embexpr_end"; case RipperParser.tSTRING_DVAR: return "on_embvar"; case RipperParser.tSTRING_END: return "on_tstring_end"; case RipperParser.tSYMBEG: return "on_symbeg"; case RipperParser.tUMINUS: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tUMINUS_NUM: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tUPLUS: return "on_op"; case RipperParser.tWORDS_BEG: return "on_words_beg"; case RipperParser.tXSTRING_BEG: return "on_backtick"; case RipperParser.tLABEL: return "on_label"; case RipperParser.tLABEL_END: return "on_label_end"; case RipperParser.tLAMBDA: return "on_tlambda"; case RipperParser.tLAMBEG: return "on_tlambeg"; // ripper specific tokens case RipperParser.tIGNORED_NL: return "on_ignored_nl"; case RipperParser.tCOMMENT: return "on_comment"; case RipperParser.tEMBDOC_BEG: return "on_embdoc_beg"; case RipperParser.tEMBDOC: return "on_embdoc"; case RipperParser.tEMBDOC_END: return "on_embdoc_end"; case tSP: return "on_sp"; case RipperParser.tHEREDOC_BEG: return "on_heredoc_beg"; case RipperParser.tHEREDOC_END: return "on_heredoc_end"; case RipperParser.k__END__: return "on___end__"; default: // Weird catchall but we will try and not use < 256 value trick like MRI return "on_CHAR"; } } // DEBUGGING HELP private int yylex2() throws IOException { try { int currentToken = yylex2(); printToken(currentToken); return currentToken; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("FFUFUFUFUFUFUFUF: " + e); return EOF; } }
Returns the next token. Also sets yyVal as needed.
Returns: the next token
/** * Returns the next token. Also sets yyVal as needed. * * @return the next token */
private int yylex() throws IOException { int c; boolean spaceSeen = false; boolean commandState; boolean tokenSeen = this.tokenSeen; if (lex_strterm != null) return lex_strterm.parseString(this, src); commandState = commandStart; commandStart = false; this.tokenSeen = true; boolean fallthru = false; loop: for(;;) { last_state = lex_state; c = nextc(); switch(c) { case '\000': /* NUL */ case '\004': /* ^D */ case '\032': /* ^Z */ case EOF: /* end of script. */ return -1; /* white spaces */ case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\r': case '\13': /* '\v' */ { ByteList whitespaceBuf = new ByteList(); // FIXME: bytelist encoding hookedup whitespaceBuf.append(c); boolean looping = true; spaceSeen = true; while (looping && (c = nextc()) != EOF) { switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\r': case '\13': /* '\v' */ whitespaceBuf.append(c); break; default: looping = false; break; } } pushback(c); dispatchScanEvent(tSP); continue; } case '#': { /* it's a comment */ this.tokenSeen = tokenSeen; if (!parser_magic_comment(lexb.makeShared(lex_p, lex_pend - lex_p))) { if (comment_at_top()) set_file_encoding(lex_p, lex_pend); } lex_p = lex_pend; dispatchScanEvent(RipperParser.tCOMMENT); fallthru = true; } /* fall through */ case '\n': { this.tokenSeen = tokenSeen; boolean normalArg = isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_BEG | EXPR_CLASS | EXPR_FNAME | EXPR_DOT) && !isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_LABELED); if (normalArg || isLexStateAll(lex_state, EXPR_ARG | EXPR_LABELED)) { if (!fallthru) dispatchScanEvent(RipperParser.tIGNORED_NL); fallthru = false; if (!normalArg && inKwarg) { commandStart = true; setState(EXPR_BEG); return '\n'; } continue loop; } boolean done = false; while (!done) { c = nextc(); switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\r': case '\13': /* '\v' */ spaceSeen = true; continue; case '&': case '.': { dispatchDelayedToken(RipperParser.tIGNORED_NL); if (peek('.') == (c == '&')) { pushback(c); dispatchScanEvent(tSP); continue loop; } } default: ruby_sourceline--; lex_nextline = lex_lastline; case -1: // EOF (ENEBO: After default? lex_goto_eol(); if (c != -1) tokp = lex_p; done = true; } } commandStart = true; setState(EXPR_BEG); return '\n'; } case '*': return star(spaceSeen); case '!': return bang(); case '=': // documentation nodes if (was_bol()) { if (strncmp(lexb.makeShared(lex_p, lex_pend - lex_p), BEGIN_DOC_MARKER, BEGIN_DOC_MARKER.length()) && Character.isWhitespace(p(lex_p + 5))) { boolean first_p = true; lex_goto_eol(); dispatchScanEvent(RipperParser.tEMBDOC_BEG); for (;;) { lex_goto_eol(); if (!first_p) dispatchScanEvent(RipperParser.tEMBDOC); first_p = false; c = nextc(); if (c == EOF) { compile_error("embedded document meets end of file"); return EOF; } if (c != '=') continue; if (strncmp(lexb.makeShared(lex_p, lex_pend - lex_p), END_DOC_MARKER, END_DOC_MARKER.length()) && (lex_p + 3 == lex_pend || Character.isWhitespace(p(lex_p + 3)))) { break; } } lex_goto_eol(); dispatchScanEvent(RipperParser.tEMBDOC_END); continue loop; } } setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG); c = nextc(); if (c == '=') { c = nextc(); if (c == '=') { return RipperParser.tEQQ; } pushback(c); return RipperParser.tEQ; } if (c == '~') { return RipperParser.tMATCH; } else if (c == '>') { return RipperParser.tASSOC; } pushback(c); return '='; case '<': return lessThan(spaceSeen); case '>': return greaterThan(); case '"': return doubleQuote(commandState); case '`': return backtick(commandState); case '\'': return singleQuote(commandState); case '?': return questionMark(); case '&': return ampersand(spaceSeen); case '|': return pipe(); case '+': return plus(spaceSeen); case '-': return minus(spaceSeen); case '.': return dot(); case '0' : case '1' : case '2' : case '3' : case '4' : case '5' : case '6' : case '7' : case '8' : case '9' : return parseNumber(c); case ')': return rightParen(); case ']': return rightBracket(); case '}': return rightCurly(); case ':': return colon(spaceSeen); case '/': return slash(spaceSeen); case '^': return caret(); case ';': commandStart = true; setState(EXPR_BEG); return ';'; case ',': return comma(c); case '~': return tilde(); case '(': return leftParen(spaceSeen); case '[': return leftBracket(spaceSeen); case '{': return leftCurly(); case '\\': c = nextc(); if (c == '\n') { spaceSeen = true; dispatchScanEvent(tSP); continue; } pushback(c); return '\\'; case '%': return percent(spaceSeen); case '$': return dollar(); case '@': return at(); case '_': if (was_bol() && whole_match_p(END_MARKER, false)) { __end__seen = true; eofp = true; lex_goto_eol(); dispatchScanEvent(RipperParser.k__END__); return EOF; } return identifier(c, commandState); default: return identifier(c, commandState); } } } private int identifierToken(int last_state, int result, String value) { if (result == RipperParser.tIDENTIFIER && !isLexState(last_state, EXPR_DOT|EXPR_FNAME) && parser.getCurrentScope().isDefined(value) >= 0) { setState(EXPR_END|EXPR_LABEL); } identValue = value.intern(); return result; } private int ampersand(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException { int c = nextc(); switch (c) { case '&': setState(EXPR_BEG); if ((c = nextc()) == '=') { setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; } pushback(c); return RipperParser.tANDOP; case '=': setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; case '.': setState(EXPR_DOT); return RipperParser.tANDDOT; } pushback(c); if (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen)) { if (isVerbose()) warning("`&' interpreted as argument prefix"); c = RipperParser.tAMPER; } else if (isBEG()) { c = RipperParser.tAMPER; } else { c = RipperParser.tAMPER2; } setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG); return c; } private int at() throws IOException { newtok(true); int c = nextc(); int result; if (c == '@') { c = nextc(); result = RipperParser.tCVAR; } else { result = RipperParser.tIVAR; } if (c == EOF || isSpace(c)) { if (result == RipperParser.tIVAR) { compile_error("`@' without identifiers is not allowed as an instance variable name"); } compile_error("`@@' without identifiers is not allowed as a class variable name"); } else if (Character.isDigit(c) || !isIdentifierChar(c)) { pushback(c); if (result == RipperParser.tIVAR) { compile_error("`@" + ((char) c) + "' is not allowed as an instance variable name"); } compile_error("`@@" + ((char) c) + "' is not allowed as a class variable name"); } if (!tokadd_ident(c)) return EOF; last_state = lex_state; setState(EXPR_END); return tokenize_ident(result); } private int backtick(boolean commandState) throws IOException { if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_FNAME)) { setState(EXPR_ENDFN); return RipperParser.tBACK_REF2; } if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_DOT)) { setState(commandState ? EXPR_CMDARG : EXPR_ARG); return RipperParser.tBACK_REF2; } lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_xquote, '\0', '`'); return RipperParser.tXSTRING_BEG; } private int bang() throws IOException { int c = nextc(); if (isAfterOperator()) { setState(EXPR_ARG); if (c == '@') return RipperParser.tBANG; } else { setState(EXPR_BEG); } switch (c) { case '=': return RipperParser.tNEQ; case '~': return RipperParser.tNMATCH; default: // Just a plain bang pushback(c); return RipperParser.tBANG; } } private int caret() throws IOException { int c = nextc(); if (c == '=') { setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; } setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG); pushback(c); return RipperParser.tCARET; } private int colon(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException { int c = nextc(); if (c == ':') { if (isBEG() || isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_CLASS) || (isARG() && spaceSeen)) { setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tCOLON3; } setState(EXPR_DOT); return RipperParser.tCOLON2; } if (isEND() || Character.isWhitespace(c) || c == '#') { pushback(c); setState(EXPR_BEG); return ':'; } switch (c) { case '\'': lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_ssym, '\0', c); break; case '"': lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_dsym, '\0', c); break; default: pushback(c); break; } setState(EXPR_FNAME); return RipperParser.tSYMBEG; } private int comma(int c) throws IOException { setState(EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL); return c; } private int doKeyword(int state) { int leftParenBegin = getLeftParenBegin(); if (leftParenBegin > 0 && leftParenBegin == parenNest) { setLeftParenBegin(0); parenNest--; return RipperParser.keyword_do_lambda; } if (conditionState.isInState()) return RipperParser.keyword_do_cond; if (cmdArgumentState.isInState() && !isLexState(state, EXPR_CMDARG)) { return RipperParser.keyword_do_block; } if (isLexState(state, EXPR_BEG|EXPR_ENDARG)) { return RipperParser.keyword_do_block; } return RipperParser.keyword_do; } private int dollar() throws IOException { setState(EXPR_END); newtok(true); int c = nextc(); switch (c) { case '_': /* $_: last read line string */ c = nextc(); if (isIdentifierChar(c)) { if (!tokadd_ident(c)) return EOF; last_state = lex_state; setState(EXPR_END); identValue = createTokenString().intern(); return RipperParser.tGVAR; } pushback(c); c = '_'; // fall through case '~': /* $~: match-data */ case '*': /* $*: argv */ case '$': /* $$: pid */ case '?': /* $?: last status */ case '!': /* $!: error string */ case '@': /* $@: error position */ case '/': /* $/: input record separator */ case '\\': /* $\: output record separator */ case ';': /* $;: field separator */ case ',': /* $,: output field separator */ case '.': /* $.: last read line number */ case '=': /* $=: ignorecase */ case ':': /* $:: load path */ case '<': /* $<: reading filename */ case '>': /* $>: default output handle */ case '\"': /* $": already loaded files */ identValue = "$" + (char) c; return RipperParser.tGVAR; case '-': c = nextc(); if (isIdentifierChar(c)) { if (!tokadd_mbchar(c)) return EOF; } else { pushback(c); pushback('-'); return '$'; } identValue = createTokenString().intern(); /* xxx shouldn't check if valid option variable */ return RipperParser.tGVAR; case '&': /* $&: last match */ case '`': /* $`: string before last match */ case '\'': /* $': string after last match */ case '+': /* $+: string matches last paren. */ // Explicit reference to these vars as symbols... if (last_state == EXPR_FNAME) { identValue = "$" + (char) c; return RipperParser.tGVAR; } identValue = "$" + (char) c; return RipperParser.tBACK_REF; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': do { c = nextc(); } while (Character.isDigit(c)); pushback(c); if (last_state == EXPR_FNAME) { identValue = createTokenString().intern(); return RipperParser.tGVAR; } String refAsString = createTokenString(); try { Integer.parseInt(refAsString.substring(1).intern()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { warn("`" + refAsString + "' is too big for a number variable, always nil"); } identValue = createTokenString().intern(); return RipperParser.tNTH_REF; case '0': setState(EXPR_END); return identifierToken(last_state, RipperParser.tGVAR, ("$" + (char) c).intern()); default: if (!isIdentifierChar(c)) { if (c == EOF || isSpace(c)) { compile_error("`$' without identifiers is not allowed as a global variable name"); } else { pushback(c); compile_error("`$" + ((char) c) + "' is not allowed as a global variable name"); } return EOF; } last_state = lex_state; setState(EXPR_END); tokadd_ident(c); return identifierToken(last_state, RipperParser.tGVAR, createTokenString().intern()); // $blah } } private int dot() throws IOException { int c; setState(EXPR_BEG); if ((c = nextc()) == '.') { if ((c = nextc()) == '.') return RipperParser.tDOT3; pushback(c); return RipperParser.tDOT2; } pushback(c); if (Character.isDigit(c)) compile_error("no .<digit> floating literal anymore; put 0 before dot"); setState(EXPR_DOT); return RipperParser.tDOT; } private int doubleQuote(boolean commandState) throws IOException { int label = isLabelPossible(commandState) ? str_label : 0; lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_dquote|label, '\0', '"'); return RipperParser.tSTRING_BEG; } private int greaterThan() throws IOException { setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG); int c = nextc(); switch (c) { case '=': return RipperParser.tGEQ; case '>': if ((c = nextc()) == '=') { setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; } pushback(c); return RipperParser.tRSHFT; default: pushback(c); return RipperParser.tGT; } } private int identifier(int c, boolean commandState) throws IOException { if (!isIdentifierChar(c)) { String badChar = "\\" + Integer.toOctalString(c & 0xff); compile_error("Invalid char `" + badChar + "' ('" + (char) c + "') in expression"); } // FIXME: on_kw: will return BOM as part of the ident string "\xfeffclass" on MRI and Yard also seems // to need this to properly parse. So I record where token should really start so I can extract as // a proper ident for keyword check but createTempValue below will end up creating the bom + kw. This feels like // an MRI bug but it is well baked into libraries at this point??? newtok+tokadd is still different from MRI // and does not construct a temp buf. Once I convert that to be the same I think I can do exactly what MRI does // and this hack can disappear. int whereKeywordShouldStart = lex_p - 1; do { if (!tokadd_mbchar(c)) return EOF; c = nextc(); } while (isIdentifierChar(c)); boolean lastBangOrPredicate = false; // methods 'foo!' and 'foo?' are possible but if followed by '=' it is relop if (c == '!' || c == '?') { if (!peek('=')) { lastBangOrPredicate = true; } else { pushback(c); } } else { pushback(c); } int result = 0; last_state = lex_state; String tempVal; if (lastBangOrPredicate) { result = RipperParser.tFID; tempVal = createTokenString(); } else { if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_FNAME)) { if ((c = nextc()) == '=') { int c2 = nextc(); if (c2 != '~' && c2 != '>' && (c2 != '=' || peek('>'))) { result = RipperParser.tIDENTIFIER; pushback(c2); } else { pushback(c2); pushback(c); } } else { pushback(c); } } tempVal = createTokenString(); if (result == 0 && Character.isUpperCase(tempVal.charAt(0))) { result = RipperParser.tCONSTANT; } else { result = RipperParser.tIDENTIFIER; } } if (isLabelPossible(commandState)) { if (isLabelSuffix()) { setState(EXPR_ARG|EXPR_LABELED); nextc(); identValue = tempVal.intern(); return RipperParser.tLABEL; } } if (lex_state != EXPR_DOT) { Keyword keyword = getKeyword(createTokenString(whereKeywordShouldStart)); // Is it is a keyword? if (keyword != null) { int state = lex_state; // Save state at time keyword is encountered setState(keyword.state); if (isLexState(state, EXPR_FNAME)) { identValue = tempVal; return keyword.id0; } if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_BEG)) commandStart = true; if (keyword.id0 == RipperParser.keyword_do) return doKeyword(state); if (isLexState(state, EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABELED)) { return keyword.id0; } else { if (keyword.id0 != keyword.id1) setState(EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL); return keyword.id1; } } } if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_BEG_ANY|EXPR_ARG_ANY|EXPR_DOT)) { setState(commandState ? EXPR_CMDARG : EXPR_ARG); } else if (lex_state == EXPR_FNAME) { setState(EXPR_ENDFN); } else { setState(EXPR_END); } return identifierToken(last_state, result, tempVal.intern()); } private int leftBracket(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException { parenNest++; int c = '['; if (isAfterOperator()) { if ((c = nextc()) == ']') { setState(EXPR_ARG); if (peek('=')) { nextc(); return RipperParser.tASET; } return RipperParser.tAREF; } pushback(c); setState(EXPR_ARG|EXPR_LABEL); return '['; } else if (isBEG() || (isARG() && (spaceSeen || isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_LABELED)))) { c = RipperParser.tLBRACK; } setState(EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL); conditionState.stop(); cmdArgumentState.stop(); yaccValue = "["; return c; } private int leftCurly() { braceNest++; int leftParenBegin = getLeftParenBegin(); if (leftParenBegin > 0 && leftParenBegin == parenNest) { setState(EXPR_BEG); setLeftParenBegin(0); parenNest--; conditionState.stop(); cmdArgumentState.stop(); return RipperParser.tLAMBEG; } char c; if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_LABELED)) { c = RipperParser.tLBRACE; } else if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_ARG_ANY|EXPR_END|EXPR_ENDFN)) { // block (primary) c = RipperParser.tLCURLY; } else if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_ENDARG)) { // block (expr) c = RipperParser.tLBRACE_ARG; } else { // hash c = RipperParser.tLBRACE; } conditionState.stop(); cmdArgumentState.stop(); setState(EXPR_BEG); setState(c == RipperParser.tLBRACE_ARG ? EXPR_BEG : EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL); if (c != RipperParser.tLBRACE) commandStart = true; return c; } private int leftParen(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException { int result; if (isBEG()) { result = RipperParser.tLPAREN; } else if (isSpaceArg('(', spaceSeen)) { result = RipperParser.tLPAREN_ARG; } else { result = RipperParser.tLPAREN2; } parenNest++; conditionState.stop(); cmdArgumentState.stop(); setState(EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL); return result; } private int lessThan(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException { last_state = lex_state; int c = nextc(); if (c == '<' && !isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_DOT|EXPR_CLASS) && !isEND() && (!isARG() || isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_LABELED) || spaceSeen)) { int tok = hereDocumentIdentifier(); if (tok != 0) return tok; } setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG); switch (c) { case '=': if ((c = nextc()) == '>') { return RipperParser.tCMP; } pushback(c); return RipperParser.tLEQ; case '<': if ((c = nextc()) == '=') { setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; } pushback(c); warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "<<", "here document"); return RipperParser.tLSHFT; default: pushback(c); return RipperParser.tLT; } } private int minus(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException { int c = nextc(); if (isAfterOperator()) { setState(EXPR_ARG); if (c == '@') { return RipperParser.tUMINUS; } pushback(c); return RipperParser.tMINUS; } if (c == '=') { setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; } if (c == '>') { setState(EXPR_ENDFN); return RipperParser.tLAMBDA; } if (isBEG() || (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen) && arg_ambiguous())) { setState(EXPR_BEG); pushback(c); if (Character.isDigit(c)) { return RipperParser.tUMINUS_NUM; } return RipperParser.tUMINUS; } setState(EXPR_BEG); pushback(c); warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "-", "unary operator"); return RipperParser.tMINUS; } private int percent(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException { if (isBEG()) return parseQuote(nextc()); int c = nextc(); if (c == '=') { setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; } if (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen) || (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_FITEM) && c == 's')) return parseQuote(c); setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG); pushback(c); warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "%", "string literal"); return RipperParser.tPERCENT; } private int pipe() throws IOException { int c = nextc(); switch (c) { case '|': setState(EXPR_BEG); if ((c = nextc()) == '=') { setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; } pushback(c); return RipperParser.tOROP; case '=': setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; default: setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL); pushback(c); return RipperParser.tPIPE; } } private int plus(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException { int c = nextc(); if (isAfterOperator()) { setState(EXPR_ARG); if (c == '@') return RipperParser.tUPLUS; pushback(c); return RipperParser.tPLUS; } if (c == '=') { setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; } if (isBEG() || (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen) && arg_ambiguous())) { setState(EXPR_BEG); pushback(c); if (Character.isDigit(c)) { c = '+'; return parseNumber(c); } return RipperParser.tUPLUS; } setState(EXPR_BEG); pushback(c); warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "+", "unary operator"); return RipperParser.tPLUS; } // FIXME: This is a bit different than regular parser but the problem // I ran into was not returning the '?' with the char it is finding. // This in part must be some difference between MRI and our lexer impls // doing things a little differently. private int questionMark() throws IOException { int c; if (isEND()) { setState(EXPR_VALUE); return '?'; } c = nextc(); if (c == EOF) { compile_error("incomplete character syntax"); return EOF; } if (Character.isWhitespace(c)){ if (!isARG()) { int c2 = 0; switch (c) { case ' ': c2 = 's'; break; case '\n': c2 = 'n'; break; case '\t': c2 = 't'; break; /* What is \v in C? case '\v': c2 = 'v'; break; */ case '\r': c2 = 'r'; break; case '\f': c2 = 'f'; break; } if (c2 != 0) { warn("invalid character syntax; use ?\\" + c2); } } pushback(c); setState(EXPR_VALUE); return '?'; } else if (isASCII()) { ByteList buffer = new ByteList(1); if (!tokenAddMBC(c, buffer)) return EOF; setState(EXPR_END); return RipperParser.tCHAR; } else if (isIdentifierChar(c) && !peek('\n') && isNext_identchar()) { pushback(c); setState(EXPR_VALUE); return '?'; } else if (c == '\\') { if (peek('u')) { nextc(); // Eat 'u' ByteList oneCharBL = new ByteList(2); c = readUTFEscape(oneCharBL, false, false); if (c >= 0x80) { tokenAddMBC(c, oneCharBL); } else { oneCharBL.append(c); } setState(EXPR_END); return RipperParser.tINTEGER; // FIXME: This should be something else like a tCHAR in 1.9/2.0 } else { c = readEscape(); } } setState(EXPR_END); // TODO: this isn't handling multibyte yet ByteList oneCharBL = new ByteList(1); oneCharBL.append(c); return RipperParser.tCHAR; } private int rightBracket() { parenNest--; conditionState.restart(); cmdArgumentState.restart(); setState(EXPR_END); return RipperParser.tRBRACK; } private int rightCurly() { conditionState.restart(); cmdArgumentState.restart(); setState(EXPR_END); //System.out.println("braceNest: " + braceNest); int tok = braceNest == 0 ? RipperParser.tSTRING_DEND : RipperParser.tRCURLY; braceNest--; return tok; } private int rightParen() { parenNest--; conditionState.restart(); cmdArgumentState.restart(); setState(EXPR_ENDFN); return RipperParser.tRPAREN; } private int singleQuote(boolean commandState) throws IOException { int label = isLabelPossible(commandState) ? str_label : 0; lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_squote|label, '\0', '\''); return RipperParser.tSTRING_BEG; } private int slash(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException { if (isBEG()) { lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_regexp, '\0', '/'); return RipperParser.tREGEXP_BEG; } int c = nextc(); if (c == '=') { setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; } pushback(c); if (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen)) { arg_ambiguous(); lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_regexp, '\0', '/'); return RipperParser.tREGEXP_BEG; } setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG); warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "/", "regexp literal"); return RipperParser.tDIVIDE; } private int star(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException { int c = nextc(); switch (c) { case '*': if ((c = nextc()) == '=') { setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; } pushback(c); if (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen)) { if (isVerbose() && Options.PARSER_WARN_ARGUMENT_PREFIX.load()) warning("`**' interpreted as argument prefix"); c = RipperParser.tDSTAR; } else if (isBEG()) { c = RipperParser.tDSTAR; } else { warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "**", "argument prefix"); c = RipperParser.tPOW; } break; case '=': setState(EXPR_BEG); return RipperParser.tOP_ASGN; default: pushback(c); if (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen)) { if (isVerbose() && Options.PARSER_WARN_ARGUMENT_PREFIX.load()) warning("`*' interpreted as argument prefix"); c = RipperParser.tSTAR; } else if (isBEG()) { c = RipperParser.tSTAR; } else { warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "*", "argument prefix"); c = RipperParser.tSTAR2; } } setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG); return c; } private int tilde() throws IOException { int c; if (isAfterOperator()) { if ((c = nextc()) != '@') pushback(c); setState(EXPR_ARG); } else { setState(EXPR_BEG); } return RipperParser.tTILDE; } private ByteList numberBuffer = new ByteList(10); // ascii is good enough.
Parse a number from the input stream.
  • c – The first character of the number.
Returns:A int constant which represents a token.
/** * Parse a number from the input stream. * *@param c The first character of the number. *@return A int constant which represents a token. */
private int parseNumber(int c) throws IOException { setState(EXPR_END); numberBuffer.setRealSize(0); if (c == '-') { numberBuffer.append((char) c); c = nextc(); } else if (c == '+') { // We don't append '+' since Java number parser gets confused c = nextc(); } int nondigit = 0; if (c == '0') { int startLen = numberBuffer.length(); switch (c = nextc()) { case 'x' : case 'X' : // hexadecimal c = nextc(); if (isHexChar(c)) { for (;; c = nextc()) { if (c == '_') { if (nondigit != '\0') break; nondigit = c; } else if (isHexChar(c)) { nondigit = '\0'; numberBuffer.append((char) c); } else { break; } } } pushback(c); if (numberBuffer.length() == startLen) { compile_error("Hexadecimal number without hex-digits."); } else if (nondigit != '\0') { compile_error("Trailing '_' in number."); } return setIntegerLiteral(numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL)); case 'b' : case 'B' : // binary c = nextc(); if (c == '0' || c == '1') { for (;; c = nextc()) { if (c == '_') { if (nondigit != '\0') break; nondigit = c; } else if (c == '0' || c == '1') { nondigit = '\0'; numberBuffer.append((char) c); } else { break; } } } pushback(c); if (numberBuffer.length() == startLen) { compile_error("Binary number without digits."); } else if (nondigit != '\0') { compile_error("Trailing '_' in number."); } return setIntegerLiteral(numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL)); case 'd' : case 'D' : // decimal c = nextc(); if (Character.isDigit(c)) { for (;; c = nextc()) { if (c == '_') { if (nondigit != '\0') break; nondigit = c; } else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { nondigit = '\0'; numberBuffer.append((char) c); } else { break; } } } pushback(c); if (numberBuffer.length() == startLen) { compile_error("Binary number without digits."); } else if (nondigit != '\0') { compile_error("Trailing '_' in number."); } return setIntegerLiteral(numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL)); case 'o': case 'O': c = nextc(); case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': //Octal case '5': case '6': case '7': case '_': for (;; c = nextc()) { if (c == '_') { if (nondigit != '\0') break; nondigit = c; } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '7') { nondigit = '\0'; numberBuffer.append((char) c); } else { break; } } if (numberBuffer.length() > startLen) { pushback(c); if (nondigit != '\0') compile_error("Trailing '_' in number."); return setIntegerLiteral(numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL)); } case '8' : case '9' : compile_error("Illegal octal digit."); case '.' : case 'e' : case 'E' : numberBuffer.append('0'); break; default : pushback(c); numberBuffer.append('0'); return setIntegerLiteral(numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL)); } } boolean seen_point = false; boolean seen_e = false; for (;; c = nextc()) { switch (c) { case '0' : case '1' : case '2' : case '3' : case '4' : case '5' : case '6' : case '7' : case '8' : case '9' : nondigit = '\0'; numberBuffer.append((char) c); break; case '.' : if (nondigit != '\0') { pushback(c); compile_error("Trailing '_' in number."); } else if (seen_point || seen_e) { pushback(c); return getNumberLiteral(numberBuffer.toString(), seen_e, seen_point, nondigit); } else { int c2; if (!Character.isDigit(c2 = nextc())) { pushback(c2); pushback('.'); if (c == '_') { // Enebo: c can never be antrhign but '.' // Why did I put this here? } else { return getNumberLiteral(numberBuffer.toString(), seen_e, seen_point, nondigit); } } else { numberBuffer.append('.'); numberBuffer.append((char) c2); seen_point = true; nondigit = '\0'; } } break; case 'e' : case 'E' : if (nondigit != '\0') { compile_error("Trailing '_' in number."); } else if (seen_e) { pushback(c); return getNumberLiteral(numberBuffer.toString(), seen_e, seen_point, nondigit); } else { numberBuffer.append((char) c); seen_e = true; nondigit = c; c = nextc(); if (c == '-' || c == '+') { numberBuffer.append((char) c); nondigit = c; } else { pushback(c); } } break; case '_' : // '_' in number just ignored if (nondigit != '\0') { compile_error("Trailing '_' in number."); } nondigit = c; break; default : pushback(c); return getNumberLiteral(numberBuffer.toString(), seen_e, seen_point, nondigit); } } } // MRI: This is decode_num: chunk private int getNumberLiteral(String number, boolean seen_e, boolean seen_point, int nondigit) throws IOException { if (nondigit != '\0') compile_error("Trailing '_' in number."); boolean isFloat = seen_e || seen_point; if (isFloat) { int suffix = numberLiteralSuffix(seen_e ? SUFFIX_I : SUFFIX_ALL); return setNumberLiteral(getFloatToken(number, suffix), suffix); } return setIntegerLiteral(numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL)); } private int setNumberLiteral(int type, int suffix) { if ((suffix & SUFFIX_I) != 0) type = RipperParser.tIMAGINARY; setState(EXPR_END|EXPR_ENDARG); return type; } private int setIntegerLiteral(int suffix) { int type = (suffix & SUFFIX_R) != 0 ? RipperParser.tRATIONAL : RipperParser.tINTEGER; return setNumberLiteral(type, suffix); } // Note: parser_tokadd_utf8 variant just for regexp literal parsing. This variant is to be // called when string_literal and regexp_literal. public void readUTFEscapeRegexpLiteral(ByteList buffer) throws IOException { buffer.append('\\'); buffer.append('u'); if (peek('{')) { // handle \\u{...} do { buffer.append(nextc()); if (scanHexLiteral(buffer, 6, false, "invalid Unicode escape") > 0x10ffff) { compile_error("invalid Unicode codepoint (too large)"); } } while (peek(' ') || peek('\t')); int c = nextc(); if (c != '}') { compile_error("unterminated Unicode escape"); } buffer.append((char) c); } else { // handle \\uxxxx scanHexLiteral(buffer, 4, true, "Invalid Unicode escape"); } } // mri: parser_tokadd_mbchar // This is different than MRI in that we return a boolean since we only care whether it was added // or not. The MRI version returns the byte supplied which is never used as a value. public boolean tokenAddMBC(int first_byte, ByteList buffer) { return tokadd_mbchar(first_byte, buffer); } // MRI: parser_tokadd_utf8 sans regexp literal parsing public int readUTFEscape(ByteList buffer, boolean stringLiteral, boolean symbolLiteral) throws IOException { int codepoint; int c; if (peek('{')) { // handle \\u{...} do { nextc(); // Eat curly or whitespace codepoint = scanHex(6, false, "invalid Unicode escape"); if (codepoint > 0x10ffff) { compile_error("invalid Unicode codepoint (too large)"); } if (buffer != null) readUTF8EscapeIntoBuffer(codepoint, buffer, stringLiteral); } while (peek(' ') || peek('\t')); c = nextc(); if (c != '}') { compile_error("unterminated Unicode escape"); } } else { // handle \\uxxxx codepoint = scanHex(4, true, "Invalid Unicode escape"); if (buffer != null) readUTF8EscapeIntoBuffer(codepoint, buffer, stringLiteral); } return codepoint; } private void readUTF8EscapeIntoBuffer(int codepoint, ByteList buffer, boolean stringLiteral) { if (codepoint >= 0x80) { buffer.setEncoding(UTF8_ENCODING); if (stringLiteral) tokenAddMBC(codepoint, buffer); } else if (stringLiteral) { buffer.append((char) codepoint); } } public int readEscape() throws IOException { int c = nextc(); switch (c) { case '\\' : // backslash return c; case 'n' : // newline return '\n'; case 't' : // horizontal tab return '\t'; case 'r' : // carriage return return '\r'; case 'f' : // form feed return '\f'; case 'v' : // vertical tab return '\u000B'; case 'a' : // alarm(bell) return '\u0007'; case 'e' : // escape return '\u001B'; case '0' : case '1' : case '2' : case '3' : // octal constant case '4' : case '5' : case '6' : case '7' : pushback(c); return scanOct(3); case 'x' : // hex constant return scanHex(2, false, "Invalid escape character syntax"); case 'b' : // backspace return '\010'; case 's' : // space return ' '; case 'M' : if ((c = nextc()) != '-') { compile_error("Invalid escape character syntax"); } else if ((c = nextc()) == '\\') { return (char) (readEscape() | 0x80); } else if (c == EOF) { compile_error("Invalid escape character syntax"); } return (char) ((c & 0xff) | 0x80); case 'C' : if (nextc() != '-') { compile_error("Invalid escape character syntax"); } case 'c' : if ((c = nextc()) == '\\') { c = readEscape(); } else if (c == '?') { return '\177'; } else if (c == EOF) { compile_error("Invalid escape character syntax"); } return (char) (c & 0x9f); case EOF : compile_error("Invalid escape character syntax"); default : return c; } }
Read up to count hexadecimal digits and store those digits in a token buffer. If strict is provided then count number of hex digits must be present. If no digits can be read a syntax exception will be thrown. This will also return the codepoint as a value so codepoint ranges can be checked.
/** * Read up to count hexadecimal digits and store those digits in a token buffer. If strict is * provided then count number of hex digits must be present. If no digits can be read a syntax * exception will be thrown. This will also return the codepoint as a value so codepoint * ranges can be checked. */
private char scanHexLiteral(ByteList buffer, int count, boolean strict, String errorMessage) throws IOException { int i = 0; char hexValue = '\0'; for (; i < count; i++) { int h1 = nextc(); if (!isHexChar(h1)) { pushback(h1); break; } buffer.append(h1); hexValue <<= 4; hexValue |= Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf((char) h1), 16) & 15; } // No hex value after the 'x'. if (i == 0 || strict && count != i) compile_error(errorMessage); return hexValue; }
Read up to count hexadecimal digits. If strict is provided then count number of hex digits must be present. If no digits can be read a syntax exception will be thrown.
/** * Read up to count hexadecimal digits. If strict is provided then count number of hex * digits must be present. If no digits can be read a syntax exception will be thrown. */
private int scanHex(int count, boolean strict, String errorMessage) throws IOException { int i = 0; int hexValue = '\0'; for (; i < count; i++) { int h1 = nextc(); if (!isHexChar(h1)) { pushback(h1); break; } hexValue <<= 4; hexValue |= Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf((char) h1), 16) & 15; } // No hex value after the 'x'. if (i == 0 || (strict && count != i)) compile_error(errorMessage); return hexValue; } }