 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.jooq.impl;

import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.EMPTY_CHECK;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.jooq.Catalog;
import org.jooq.Check;
import org.jooq.Domain;
import org.jooq.Field;
import org.jooq.ForeignKey;
import org.jooq.Index;
import org.jooq.Meta;
import org.jooq.Record;
import org.jooq.Schema;
import org.jooq.Sequence;
import org.jooq.SortField;
import org.jooq.Table;
import org.jooq.TableField;
import org.jooq.UDT;
import org.jooq.UDTRecord;
import org.jooq.UniqueKey;
import org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException;

An implementation of Meta which can be used to create fully self-contained copies of other Meta objects.
Author:Knut Wannheden
/** * An implementation of {@code Meta} which can be used to create fully * self-contained copies of other {@code Meta} objects. * * @author Knut Wannheden */
final class Snapshot extends AbstractMeta { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5561057000510740144L; private Meta delegate; Snapshot(Meta meta) { super(meta.configuration()); delegate = meta; getCatalogs(); delegate = null; resolveReferences(); } private final void resolveReferences() { for (Catalog catalog : getCatalogs()) ((SnapshotCatalog) catalog).resolveReferences(); } @Override final List<Catalog> getCatalogs0() throws DataAccessException { List<Catalog> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Catalog catalog : delegate.getCatalogs()) result.add(new SnapshotCatalog(catalog)); return result; } private class SnapshotCatalog extends CatalogImpl { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7979890261252183486L; private final List<SnapshotSchema> schemas; SnapshotCatalog(Catalog catalog) { super(catalog.getQualifiedName(), catalog.getCommentPart()); schemas = new ArrayList<>(); for (Schema schema : catalog.getSchemas()) schemas.add(new SnapshotSchema(this, schema)); } private final void resolveReferences() { for (SnapshotSchema schema : schemas) schema.resolveReferences(); } @Override public final List<Schema> getSchemas() { return Collections.<Schema>unmodifiableList(schemas); } } private class SnapshotSchema extends SchemaImpl { private static final long serialVersionUID = -95755926444275258L; private final List<SnapshotDomain<?>> domains; private final List<SnapshotTable<?>> tables; private final List<SnapshotSequence<?>> sequences; private final List<SnapshotUDT<?>> udts; SnapshotSchema(SnapshotCatalog catalog, Schema schema) { super(schema.getQualifiedName(), catalog, schema.getCommentPart()); domains = new ArrayList<>(); tables = new ArrayList<>(); sequences = new ArrayList<>(); udts = new ArrayList<>(); for (Domain<?> domain : schema.getDomains()) domains.add(new SnapshotDomain<>(this, domain)); for (Table<?> table : schema.getTables()) tables.add(new SnapshotTable<>(this, table)); for (Sequence<?> sequence : schema.getSequences()) sequences.add(new SnapshotSequence<>(this, sequence)); for (UDT<?> udt : schema.getUDTs()) udts.add(new SnapshotUDT<>(this, udt)); } final void resolveReferences() { for (SnapshotTable<?> table : tables) table.resolveReferences(); } @Override public final List<Domain<?>> getDomains() { return Collections.<Domain<?>>unmodifiableList(domains); } @Override public final List<Table<?>> getTables() { return Collections.<Table<?>>unmodifiableList(tables); } @Override public final List<Sequence<?>> getSequences() { return Collections.<Sequence<?>>unmodifiableList(sequences); } @Override public final List<UDT<?>> getUDTs() { return Collections.<UDT<?>>unmodifiableList(udts); } } private class SnapshotDomain<T> extends DomainImpl<T> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1607062195966296849L; SnapshotDomain(SnapshotSchema schema, Domain<T> domain) { super(schema, domain.getQualifiedName(), domain.getDataType(), domain.getChecks().toArray(EMPTY_CHECK)); } } private class SnapshotTable<R extends Record> extends TableImpl<R> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6070726881709997500L; private final List<Index> indexes; private final List<UniqueKey<R>> uniqueKeys; private UniqueKey<R> primaryKey; private final List<ForeignKey<R, ?>> foreignKeys; private final List<Check<R>> checks; SnapshotTable(SnapshotSchema schema, Table<R> table) { super(table.getQualifiedName(), schema, null, null, table.getCommentPart(), table.getOptions()); indexes = new ArrayList<>(); uniqueKeys = new ArrayList<>(); foreignKeys = new ArrayList<>(); checks = new ArrayList<>(); for (Field<?> field : table.fields()) createField(field.getUnqualifiedName(), field.getDataType(), this, field.getComment()); for (Index index : table.getIndexes()) { List<SortField<?>> indexFields = index.getFields(); SortField<?>[] copiedFields = new SortField[indexFields.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < indexFields.size(); i++) { SortField<?> field = indexFields.get(i); // [#10804] Use this table's field reference if possible. // Otherwise (e.g. for function based indexes), use the actual field expression Field<?> f = field(field.getName()); copiedFields[i] = f != null ? f.sort(field.getOrder()) : field; // [#9009] TODO NULLS FIRST / NULLS LAST } indexes.add(Internal.createIndex(index.getQualifiedName(), this, copiedFields, index.getUnique())); } for (UniqueKey<R> uk : table.getKeys()) uniqueKeys.add(Internal.createUniqueKey(this, uk.getQualifiedName(), fields(uk.getFieldsArray()), uk.enforced())); UniqueKey<R> pk = table.getPrimaryKey(); for (UniqueKey<R> uk : uniqueKeys) if (uk.equals(pk)) primaryKey = uk; foreignKeys.addAll(table.getReferences()); checks.addAll(table.getChecks()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Deprecated private final TableField<R, ?>[] fields(TableField<R, ?>[] tableFields) { // TODO: [#9456] This auxiliary method should not be necessary // We should be able to call TableLike.fields instead. TableField<R, ?>[] result = new TableField[tableFields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tableFields.length; i++) result[i] = (TableField<R, ?>) field(tableFields[i].getName()); return result; } final void resolveReferences() { // TODO: Is there a better way than temporarily keeping the wrong // ReferenceImpl in this list until we "know better"? for (int i = 0; i < foreignKeys.size(); i++) { ForeignKey<R, ?> fk = foreignKeys.get(i); UniqueKey<?> uk = lookupUniqueKey(fk); // [#10823] [#11287] There are numerous reasons why a UNIQUE // constraint may not be known to our meta model. Let's just // prevent exceptions here if (uk == null) foreignKeys.remove(i); else foreignKeys.set(i, copyFK(this, uk, fk)); } } @Override public final List<Index> getIndexes() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(indexes); } @Override public final List<UniqueKey<R>> getKeys() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(uniqueKeys); } @Override public final UniqueKey<R> getPrimaryKey() { return primaryKey; } @Override public final List<ForeignKey<R, ?>> getReferences() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(foreignKeys); } @Override public final List<Check<R>> getChecks() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(checks); } } private class SnapshotSequence<T extends Number> extends SequenceImpl<T> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1607062195966296849L; SnapshotSequence(SnapshotSchema schema, Sequence<T> sequence) { super( sequence.getQualifiedName(), schema, sequence.getDataType(), false, sequence.getStartWith(), sequence.getIncrementBy(), sequence.getMinvalue(), sequence.getMaxvalue(), sequence.getCycle(), sequence.getCache() ); } } private class SnapshotUDT<R extends UDTRecord<R>> extends UDTImpl<R> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5732449514562314202L; SnapshotUDT(SnapshotSchema schema, UDT<R> udt) { super(udt.getName(), schema, udt.getPackage(), udt.isSynthetic()); } } }