 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Other licenses:
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Commercial licenses for this work are available. These replace the above
 * ASL 2.0 and offer limited warranties, support, maintenance, and commercial
 * database integrations.
 * For more information, please visit: http://www.jooq.org/licenses
package org.jooq.impl;

import static java.lang.Boolean.FALSE;
import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.createSchemaIfNotExists;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.dropSchemaIfExists;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.dropTableIfExists;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.inline;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.name;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.schema;
import static org.jooq.impl.MigrationImpl.Status.FAILURE;
import static org.jooq.impl.MigrationImpl.Status.MIGRATING;
import static org.jooq.impl.MigrationImpl.Status.REVERTING;
import static org.jooq.impl.MigrationImpl.Status.STARTING;
import static org.jooq.impl.MigrationImpl.Status.SUCCESS;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.jooq.Configuration;
import org.jooq.Constants;
import org.jooq.ContextTransactionalRunnable;
import org.jooq.Field;
import org.jooq.Meta;
import org.jooq.Migration;
import org.jooq.MigrationListener;
import org.jooq.Name;
import org.jooq.Queries;
import org.jooq.Query;
import org.jooq.Record1;
import org.jooq.Schema;
import org.jooq.Table;
import org.jooq.TableField;
import org.jooq.UniqueKey;
import org.jooq.Version;
import org.jooq.Versions;
import org.jooq.conf.InterpreterSearchSchema;
import org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException;
import org.jooq.exception.DataMigrationException;
import org.jooq.exception.DataMigrationValidationException;
import org.jooq.tools.JooqLogger;
import org.jooq.tools.StopWatch;

Author:Lukas Eder
/** * @author Lukas Eder */
final class MigrationImpl extends AbstractScope implements Migration { private static final JooqLogger log = JooqLogger.getLogger(Migration.class); // TODO: Make this table and its schema configurable private static final JooqMigrationsChangelog CHANGELOG = JooqMigrationsChangelog.JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG; private final Version to; private Version from; private Queries queries; private Versions versions; MigrationImpl(Configuration configuration, Version to) { super(configuration.derive(new ThreadLocalTransactionProvider(configuration.systemConnectionProvider()))); this.to = to; } @Override public final Version from() { if (from == null) // TODO: Use pessimistic locking so no one else can migrate in between from = currentVersion(); return from; } @Override public final Version to() { return to; } @Override public final Queries queries() { if (queries == null) queries = from().migrateTo(to()); return queries; } private final Versions versions() { if (versions == null) versions = configuration().versionProvider().provide(); return versions; } @Override public final void validate() { validate0(migrationContext()); } private final void validate0(DefaultMigrationContext ctx) { JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord currentRecord = currentChangelogRecord(); if (currentRecord != null) { Version currentVersion = versions().get(currentRecord.getMigratedTo()); if (currentVersion == null) throw new DataMigrationValidationException("Version currently installed is not available from VersionProvider: " + currentRecord.getMigratedTo()); } validateVersionProvider(from()); validateVersionProvider(to()); revertUntracked(ctx, null); } private final void validateVersionProvider(Version version) { if (versions().get(version.id()) == null) throw new DataMigrationValidationException("Version is not available from VersionProvider: " + version.id()); } private final Collection<Schema> lookup(List<Schema> schemas) { // TODO: Refactor usages of getInterpreterSearchPath() Collection<Schema> result = schemas; List<InterpreterSearchSchema> searchPath = dsl().settings().getInterpreterSearchPath(); if (!searchPath.isEmpty()) { result = new HashSet<>(); Schema defaultSchema = schema(name(searchPath.get(0).getCatalog(), searchPath.get(0).getSchema())); for (Schema schema : schemas) if (schema.getQualifiedName().empty()) result.add(defaultSchema); else result.add(schema); } return result; } private final Queries revertUntrackedQueries() { Version currentVersion = currentVersion(); Meta currentMeta = currentVersion.meta(); Set<Schema> expectedSchemas = new HashSet<>(); expectedSchemas.addAll(lookup(from().meta().getSchemas())); expectedSchemas.addAll(lookup(to().meta().getSchemas())); // TODO Add a settings governing what schemas we're including in the migration // The current implementation will default to migrating all schemas that are // touched by the from() or to() version Meta existingMeta = dsl().meta(); for (Schema schema : existingMeta.getSchemas()) { // TODO Why is this qualification necessary? existingMeta = existingMeta.apply(dropTableIfExists(schema.getQualifiedName().append(CHANGELOG.getUnqualifiedName())).cascade()); if (!expectedSchemas.contains(schema)) existingMeta = existingMeta.apply(dropSchemaIfExists(schema).cascade()); else currentMeta = currentMeta.apply(createSchemaIfNotExists(schema)); } return existingMeta.migrateTo(currentMeta); } private final void revertUntracked(DefaultMigrationContext ctx, MigrationListener listener) { if (ctx.revertUntrackedQueries.queries().length > 0) if (!TRUE.equals(dsl().settings().isMigrationRevertUntracked())) throw new DataMigrationValidationException("Non-empty difference between actual schema and migration from schema: " + ctx.revertUntrackedQueries); else if (listener != null) execute(ctx, listener, ctx.revertUntrackedQueries); } private final DefaultMigrationContext migrationContext() { return new DefaultMigrationContext(configuration(), from(), to(), queries(), revertUntrackedQueries()); } @Override public final void execute() { // TODO: Transactions don't really make sense in most dialects. In some, they do // e.g. PostgreSQL supports transactional DDL. Check if we're getting this right. run(new ContextTransactionalRunnable() { @Override public void run() { DefaultMigrationContext ctx = migrationContext(); MigrationListener listener = new MigrationListeners(configuration); if (!FALSE.equals(dsl().settings().isMigrationAutoValidation())) validate0(ctx); try { listener.migrationStart(ctx); if (from().equals(to())) { log.info("jOOQ Migrations", "Version " + to().id() + " is already installed as the current version."); return; } // TODO: What to do if we're about to install things on a non-empty schema // TODO: Implement preconditions // TODO: Implement a listener with a variety of pro / oss features // TODO: Implement additional out-of-the-box sanity checks // TODO: Allow undo migrations only if enabled explicitly // TODO: Add some migration settings, e.g. whether CHANGELOG.SQL should be filled // TODO: Migrate the CHANGELOG table with the Migration API // TODO: Create an Enum for CHANGELOG.STATUS // TODO: Add CHANGELOG.USERNAME and HOSTNAME columns // TODO: Add CHANGELOG.COMMENTS column // TODO: Replace (MIGRATED_AT, MIGRATION_TIME) by (MIGRATION_START, MIGRATION_END) log.info("jOOQ Migrations", "Version " + from().id() + " is migrated to " + to().id()); StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); // TODO: Make logging configurable if (log.isDebugEnabled()) for (Query query : queries()) log.debug("jOOQ Migrations", dsl().renderInlined(query)); JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord record = createRecord(STARTING); try { log(watch, record, REVERTING); revertUntracked(ctx, listener); log(watch, record, MIGRATING); execute(ctx, listener, queries()); log(watch, record, SUCCESS); } catch (DataAccessException e) { // TODO: Make sure this is committed, given that we're re-throwing the exception. // TODO: How can we recover from failure? log(watch, record, FAILURE); throw e; } } finally { listener.migrationEnd(ctx); } } private final JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord createRecord(Status status) { JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord record = dsl().newRecord(CHANGELOG); record .setJooqVersion(Constants.VERSION) .setMigratedAt(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())) .setMigratedFrom(from().id()) .setMigratedTo(to().id()) .setMigrationTime(0L) .setSql(queries().toString()) .setSqlCount(queries().queries().length) .setStatus(status) .insert(); return record; } private final void log(StopWatch watch, JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord record, Status status) { record.setMigrationTime(watch.split() / 1000000L) .setStatus(status) .update(); } }); } private final void execute(DefaultMigrationContext ctx, MigrationListener listener, Queries q) { // TODO: Can we access the individual Queries from Version, if applicable? // TODO: Set the ctx.queriesFrom(), ctx.queriesTo(), and ctx.queries() values listener.queriesStart(ctx); // TODO: Make batching an option: queries().executeBatch(); for (Query query : q.queries()) { ctx.query(query); listener.queryStart(ctx); query.execute(); listener.queryEnd(ctx); ctx.query(null); } listener.queriesEnd(ctx); }
Initialise the underlying Configuration with the jOOQ Migrations Changelog.
/** * Initialise the underlying {@link Configuration} with the jOOQ Migrations * Changelog. */
public final void init() { // TODO: What to do when initialising jOOQ-migrations on an existing database? // - Should there be init() commands that can be run explicitly by the user? // - Will we reverse engineer the production Meta snapshot first? if (!existsChangelog()) dsl().meta(CHANGELOG).ddl().executeBatch(); } private final boolean existsChangelog() { // [#8301] Find a better way to test if our table already exists try { dsl().fetchExists(CHANGELOG); return true; } catch (DataAccessException ignore) {} return false; } private final JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord currentChangelogRecord() { return existsChangelog() ? dsl().selectFrom(CHANGELOG) // TODO: How to recover from failure? .where(CHANGELOG.STATUS.eq(inline(SUCCESS))) .orderBy(CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_AT.desc(), CHANGELOG.ID.desc()) .limit(1) .fetchOne() : null; } private final Version currentVersion() { JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord currentRecord = currentChangelogRecord(); if (currentRecord == null) { Version result = to().root(); if (result == null) throw new DataMigrationValidationException("VersionProvider did not provide a root version for " + to().id()); return result; } else { Version result = versions().get(currentRecord.getMigratedTo()); if (result == null) throw new DataMigrationValidationException("VersionProvider did not provide a version for " + currentRecord.getMigratedTo()); return result; } } private final void run(final ContextTransactionalRunnable runnable) { try { init(); dsl().transaction(runnable); } catch (DataMigrationException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataMigrationException("Exception during migration", e); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("-- Migration\n-- From: ").append(from().id()).append("\n") .append("-- To : ").append(to().id()).append("\n") .append(queries()); return sb.toString(); } enum Status { STARTING, REVERTING, MIGRATING, SUCCESS, FAILURE } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XXX: Generated code // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO These classes have been generated and copied here. It would be desirable: // - [#6948] To be able to generate package private classes directly inside of other classes // - [#7444] Alternatively, have a simple public API replacing TableImpl // - If the above cannot be implemented, generate these in the org.jooq.impl package // and make them package private or @Internal
The migration log of jOOQ Migrations.
/** * The migration log of jOOQ Migrations. */
@SuppressWarnings({ "all", "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) static class JooqMigrationsChangelog extends TableImpl<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1147896779;
The reference instance of JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG
/** * The reference instance of <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG</code> */
public static final JooqMigrationsChangelog JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG = new JooqMigrationsChangelog();
The class holding records for this type
/** * The class holding records for this type */
@Override public Class<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord> getRecordType() { return JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord.class; }
The column JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.ID. The database version ID.
/** * The column <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.ID</code>. The database version ID. */
public final TableField<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord, Long> ID = createField(DSL.name("ID"), org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BIGINT.nullable(false).identity(true), this, "The database version ID.");
The column JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_FROM. The previous database version ID.
/** * The column <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_FROM</code>. The previous database version ID. */
public final TableField<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord, String> MIGRATED_FROM = createField(DSL.name("MIGRATED_FROM"), org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.VARCHAR(255).nullable(false), this, "The previous database version ID.");
/** * The column <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_TO</code>. */
public final TableField<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord, String> MIGRATED_TO = createField(DSL.name("MIGRATED_TO"), org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.VARCHAR(255).nullable(false), this, "");
The column JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_AT. The date/time when the database version was migrated to.
/** * The column <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_AT</code>. The date/time when the database version was migrated to. */
public final TableField<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord, Timestamp> MIGRATED_AT = createField(DSL.name("MIGRATED_AT"), org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.TIMESTAMP.precision(6).nullable(false), this, "The date/time when the database version was migrated to.");
The column JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATION_TIME. The time in milliseconds it took to migrate to this database version.
/** * The column <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATION_TIME</code>. The time in milliseconds it took to migrate to this database version. */
public final TableField<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord, Long> MIGRATION_TIME = createField(DSL.name("MIGRATION_TIME"), org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BIGINT, this, "The time in milliseconds it took to migrate to this database version.");
The column JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.JOOQ_VERSION. The jOOQ version used to migrate to this database version.
/** * The column <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.JOOQ_VERSION</code>. The jOOQ version used to migrate to this database version. */
public final TableField<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord, String> JOOQ_VERSION = createField(DSL.name("JOOQ_VERSION"), org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.VARCHAR(50).nullable(false), this, "The jOOQ version used to migrate to this database version.");
The column JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL. The jOOQ version used to migrate to this database version.
/** * The column <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL</code>. The jOOQ version used to migrate to this database version. */
public final TableField<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord, String> SQL = createField(DSL.name("SQL"), org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.CLOB, this, "The SQL statements that were run to install this database version.");
The column JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL_COUNT. The number of SQL statements that were run to install this database version.
/** * The column <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL_COUNT</code>. The number of SQL statements that were run to install this database version. */
public final TableField<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord, Integer> SQL_COUNT = createField(DSL.name("SQL_COUNT"), org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.INTEGER, this, "The number of SQL statements that were run to install this database version.");
The column JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.JOOQ_VERSION. The jOOQ version used to migrate to this database version.
/** * The column <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.JOOQ_VERSION</code>. The jOOQ version used to migrate to this database version. */
public final TableField<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord, Status> STATUS = createField(DSL.name("STATUS"), org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.VARCHAR(10).nullable(false).asConvertedDataType(new EnumConverter(String.class, Status.class)), this, "The database version installation status.");
Create a JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG table reference
/** * Create a <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG</code> table reference */
public JooqMigrationsChangelog() { this(DSL.name("JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG"), null); }
Create an aliased JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG table reference
/** * Create an aliased <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG</code> table reference */
public JooqMigrationsChangelog(String alias) { this(DSL.name(alias), JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG); }
Create an aliased JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG table reference
/** * Create an aliased <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG</code> table reference */
public JooqMigrationsChangelog(Name alias) { this(alias, JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG); } private JooqMigrationsChangelog(Name alias, Table<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord> aliased) { this(alias, aliased, null); } private JooqMigrationsChangelog(Name alias, Table<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord> aliased, Field<?>[] parameters) { super(alias, null, aliased, parameters, DSL.comment("The migration log of jOOQ Migrations.")); } @Override public UniqueKey<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord> getPrimaryKey() { return Internal.createUniqueKey(JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG, "JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG_PK", JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.ID); } @Override public List<UniqueKey<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord>> getKeys() { return Arrays.<UniqueKey<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord>>asList( Internal.createUniqueKey(JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG, "JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG_PK", JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.ID) ); } }
The migration log of jOOQ Migrations.
/** * The migration log of jOOQ Migrations. */
@SuppressWarnings({ "all", "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) static class JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord extends UpdatableRecordImpl<JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2016380678;
Setter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.ID. The database version ID.
/** * Setter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.ID</code>. The database version ID. */
public JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord setId(Long value) { set(0, value); return this; }
Getter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.ID. The database version ID.
/** * Getter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.ID</code>. The database version ID. */
public Long getId() { return (Long) get(0); }
Setter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_FROM. The previous database version ID.
/** * Setter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_FROM</code>. The previous database version ID. */
public JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord setMigratedFrom(String value) { set(1, value); return this; }
Getter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_FROM. The previous database version ID.
/** * Getter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_FROM</code>. The previous database version ID. */
public String getMigratedFrom() { return (String) get(1); }
/** * Setter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_TO</code>. */
public JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord setMigratedTo(String value) { set(2, value); return this; }
/** * Getter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_TO</code>. */
public String getMigratedTo() { return (String) get(2); }
Setter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_AT. The date/time when the database version was migrated to.
/** * Setter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_AT</code>. The date/time when the database version was migrated to. */
public JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord setMigratedAt(Timestamp value) { set(3, value); return this; }
Getter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_AT. The date/time when the database version was migrated to.
/** * Getter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATED_AT</code>. The date/time when the database version was migrated to. */
public Timestamp getMigratedAt() { return (Timestamp) get(3); }
Setter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATION_TIME. The time in milliseconds it took to migrate to this database version.
/** * Setter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATION_TIME</code>. The time in milliseconds it took to migrate to this database version. */
public JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord setMigrationTime(Long value) { set(4, value); return this; }
Getter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATION_TIME. The time in milliseconds it took to migrate to this database version.
/** * Getter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.MIGRATION_TIME</code>. The time in milliseconds it took to migrate to this database version. */
public Long getMigrationTime() { return (Long) get(4); }
Setter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.JOOQ_VERSION. The jOOQ version used to migrate to this database version.
/** * Setter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.JOOQ_VERSION</code>. The jOOQ version used to migrate to this database version. */
public JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord setJooqVersion(String value) { set(5, value); return this; }
Getter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.JOOQ_VERSION. The jOOQ version used to migrate to this database version.
/** * Getter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.JOOQ_VERSION</code>. The jOOQ version used to migrate to this database version. */
public String getJooqVersion() { return (String) get(5); }
Setter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL. The SQL statements that were run to install this database version.
/** * Setter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL</code>. The SQL statements that were run to install this database version. */
public JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord setSql(String value) { set(6, value); return this; }
Getter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL. The SQL statements that were run to install this database version.
/** * Getter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL</code>. The SQL statements that were run to install this database version. */
public String getSql() { return (String) get(6); }
Setter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL_COUNT. The number of SQL statements that were run to install this database version.
/** * Setter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL_COUNT</code>. The number of SQL statements that were run to install this database version. */
public JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord setSqlCount(Integer value) { set(7, value); return this; }
Getter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL_COUNT. The number of SQL statements that were run to install this database version.
/** * Getter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.SQL_COUNT</code>. The number of SQL statements that were run to install this database version. */
public Integer getSqlCount() { return (Integer) get(7); }
Setter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.STATUS. The database version installation status.
/** * Setter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.STATUS</code>. The database version installation status. */
public JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord setStatus(Status value) { set(8, value); return this; }
Getter for JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.STATUS. The database version installation status.
/** * Getter for <code>JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG.STATUS</code>. The database version installation status. */
public Status getStatus() { return (Status) get(8); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Primary key information // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public Record1<Long> key() { return (Record1) super.key(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Create a detached JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord
/** * Create a detached JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord */
public JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord() { super(JooqMigrationsChangelog.JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG); }
Create a detached, initialised JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord
/** * Create a detached, initialised JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord */
public JooqMigrationsChangelogRecord(Long id, String migratedFrom, String migratedTo, Timestamp migratedAt, Long migrationTime, String jooqVersion, String sql, String status) { super(JooqMigrationsChangelog.JOOQ_MIGRATIONS_CHANGELOG); set(0, id); set(1, migratedFrom); set(2, migratedTo); set(3, migratedAt); set(4, migrationTime); set(5, jooqVersion); set(6, sql); set(7, status); } } }