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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
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package org.jooq.impl;

import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
import static java.util.Collections.nCopies;
import static org.jooq.Clause.INSERT;
import static org.jooq.Clause.INSERT_INSERT_INTO;
import static org.jooq.Clause.INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE;
import static org.jooq.Clause.INSERT_RETURNING;
import static org.jooq.Clause.INSERT_SELECT;
// ...
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.DERBY;
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.H2;
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.MARIADB;
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.MYSQL;
// ...
// ...
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.constraint;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.dual;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.falseCondition;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.name;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.one;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.row;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.select;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.selectFrom;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.selectOne;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_DEFAULT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_DEFAULT_VALUES;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_DO_NOTHING;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_DO_UPDATE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_IGNORE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_INSERT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_INTO;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_ON_CONFLICT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_ON_CONSTRAINT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_SET;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_VALUES;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_WHERE;
import static org.jooq.impl.QueryPartListView.wrap;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.EMPTY_FIELD;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.aliasedFields;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.fieldNameStrings;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.BooleanDataKey.DATA_CONSTRAINT_REFERENCE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.BooleanDataKey.DATA_INSERT_SELECT_WITHOUT_INSERT_COLUMN_LIST;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataKey.DATA_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_WHERE;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.jooq.Clause;
import org.jooq.Condition;
import org.jooq.Configuration;
import org.jooq.Constraint;
import org.jooq.Context;
import org.jooq.Field;
import org.jooq.Identity;
import org.jooq.InsertQuery;
import org.jooq.Merge;
import org.jooq.MergeNotMatchedStep;
import org.jooq.MergeOnConditionStep;
import org.jooq.Name;
import org.jooq.Operator;
// ...
import org.jooq.QueryPart;
import org.jooq.Record;
import org.jooq.SQLDialect;
import org.jooq.Select;
import org.jooq.Table;
import org.jooq.UniqueKey;
import org.jooq.exception.SQLDialectNotSupportedException;
import org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataExtendedKey;
import org.jooq.tools.StringUtils;

Author:Lukas Eder
/** * @author Lukas Eder */
final class InsertQueryImpl<R extends Record> extends AbstractStoreQuery<R> implements InsertQuery<R> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4466005417945353842L; private static final Clause[] CLAUSES = { INSERT }; private static final Set<SQLDialect> SUPPORT_INSERT_IGNORE = SQLDialect.supportedBy(MARIADB, MYSQL); private static final Set<SQLDialect> NO_SUPPORT_DERIVED_COLUMN_LIST_IN_MERGE_USING = SQLDialect.supportedBy(DERBY, H2); private final FieldMapForUpdate updateMap; private final FieldMapsForInsert insertMaps; private Select<?> select; private boolean defaultValues; private boolean onDuplicateKeyUpdate; private boolean onDuplicateKeyIgnore; private Constraint onConstraint; private UniqueKey<R> onConstraintUniqueKey; private QueryPartList<Field<?>> onConflict; private final ConditionProviderImpl onConflictWhere; private final ConditionProviderImpl condition; InsertQueryImpl(Configuration configuration, WithImpl with, Table<R> into) { super(configuration, with, into); this.updateMap = new FieldMapForUpdate(into, INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE_ASSIGNMENT); this.insertMaps = new FieldMapsForInsert(into); this.onConflictWhere = new ConditionProviderImpl(); this.condition = new ConditionProviderImpl(); } @Override public final void newRecord() { insertMaps.newRecord(); } @Override protected final Map<Field<?>, Field<?>> getValues() { return insertMaps.lastMap(); } final FieldMapsForInsert getInsertMaps() { return insertMaps; } final Select<?> getSelect() { return select; } @Override public final void addRecord(R record) { newRecord(); setRecord(record); } @Override public final void onConflict(Field<?>... fields) { onConflict(Arrays.asList(fields)); } @Override public final void onConflict(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { this.onConflict = new QueryPartList<>(fields); } @Override public final void onConflictWhere(Condition conditions) { onConflictWhere.addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void onConflictOnConstraint(Constraint constraint) { onConflictOnConstraint0(constraint); } @Override public void onConflictOnConstraint(UniqueKey<R> constraint) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(constraint.getName())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("UniqueKey's name is not specified"); this.onConstraintUniqueKey = constraint; onConflictOnConstraint0(constraint(name(constraint.getName()))); } @Override public final void onConflictOnConstraint(Name constraint) { onConflictOnConstraint0(constraint(constraint)); } private void onConflictOnConstraint0(Constraint constraint) { this.onConstraint = constraint; if (onConstraintUniqueKey == null) { for (UniqueKey<R> key : table().getKeys()) { if (constraint.getName().equals(key.getName())) { onConstraintUniqueKey = key; break; } } } } @Override public final void onDuplicateKeyUpdate(boolean flag) { this.onDuplicateKeyIgnore = false; this.onDuplicateKeyUpdate = flag; } @Override public final void onDuplicateKeyIgnore(boolean flag) { this.onDuplicateKeyUpdate = false; this.onDuplicateKeyIgnore = flag; } @Override public final <T> void addValueForUpdate(Field<T> field, T value) { updateMap.put(field, Tools.field(value, field)); } @Override public final <T> void addValueForUpdate(Field<T> field, Field<T> value) { updateMap.put(field, Tools.field(value, field)); } @Override public final void addValuesForUpdate(Map<?, ?> map) { updateMap.set(map); } @Override public final void addConditions(Condition conditions) { condition.addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addConditions(Condition... conditions) { condition.addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addConditions(Collection<? extends Condition> conditions) { condition.addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addConditions(Operator operator, Condition conditions) { condition.addConditions(operator, conditions); } @Override public final void addConditions(Operator operator, Condition... conditions) { condition.addConditions(operator, conditions); } @Override public final void addConditions(Operator operator, Collection<? extends Condition> conditions) { condition.addConditions(operator, conditions); } @Override public final void setDefaultValues() { defaultValues = true; } @Override public final void setSelect(Field<?>[] f, Select<?> s) { setSelect(Arrays.asList(f), s); } @Override public final void setSelect(Collection<? extends Field<?>> f, Select<?> s) { insertMaps.addFields(f); select = s; } @Override public final void addValues(Map<?, ?> map) { insertMaps.set(map); } @Override final void accept0(Context<?> ctx) { // ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause // ------------------------------ if (onDuplicateKeyUpdate) { switch (ctx.family()) { // MySQL has a nice syntax for this case CUBRID: case MARIADB: case MYSQL: { // [#2508] In H2, this syntax is supported in MySQL MODE (we're assuming users will // set this mode in order to profit from this functionality). Up until // H2 1.4.197, qualification of columns in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause // wasn't supported (see https://github.com/h2database/h2database/issues/1027) boolean oldQualify = ctx.qualify(); boolean newQualify = ctx.family() == H2 ? false : oldQualify; toSQLInsert(ctx); ctx.formatSeparator() .start(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE) .visit(K_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE) .formatIndentStart() .formatSeparator() .qualify(newQualify); // [#8479] Emulate WHERE clause using CASE if (condition.hasWhere()) ctx.data(DATA_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_WHERE, condition.getWhere()); ctx.visit(updateMap); if (condition.hasWhere()) ctx.data().remove(DATA_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_WHERE); ctx.qualify(oldQualify) .formatIndentEnd() .end(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE); break; } case POSTGRES: case SQLITE: { toSQLInsert(ctx); ctx.formatSeparator() .start(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE) .visit(K_ON_CONFLICT) .sql(' '); if (onConstraint != null ) { ctx.data(DATA_CONSTRAINT_REFERENCE, true); ctx.visit(K_ON_CONSTRAINT) .sql(' ') .visit(onConstraint); ctx.data().remove(DATA_CONSTRAINT_REFERENCE); } else { boolean qualify = ctx.qualify(); ctx.sql('('); if (onConflict != null && onConflict.size() > 0) ctx.qualify(false) .visit(onConflict) .qualify(qualify); // [#6462] There is no way to emulate MySQL's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE // where all UNIQUE keys are considered for conflicts. PostgreSQL // doesn't allow ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE without either a conflict // column list or a constraint reference. else if (table().getPrimaryKey() == null) ctx.sql("[unknown primary key]"); else ctx.qualify(false) .visit(new Fields<>(table().getPrimaryKey().getFields())) .qualify(qualify); ctx.sql(')'); } if (onConflictWhere.hasWhere()) ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_WHERE) .sql(' ') .visit(onConflictWhere.getWhere()); ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_DO_UPDATE) .formatSeparator() .visit(K_SET) .formatIndentStart() .formatSeparator() .visit(updateMap) .formatIndentEnd(); if (condition.hasWhere()) ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_WHERE) .sql(' ') .visit(condition); ctx.end(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE); break; } // Some databases allow for emulating this clause using a MERGE statement case DERBY: case FIREBIRD: case H2: case HSQLDB: default: { ctx.visit(toMerge(ctx.configuration())); break; } } } // ON DUPLICATE KEY IGNORE clause // ------------------------------ else if (onDuplicateKeyIgnore) { switch (ctx.dialect()) { // MySQL has a nice, native syntax for this case MYSQL: case MARIADB: { toSQLInsert(ctx); ctx.start(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE) .end(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE); break; } case POSTGRES: case SQLITE: { toSQLInsert(ctx); ctx.formatSeparator() .start(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE) .visit(K_ON_CONFLICT); if (onConstraint != null ) { ctx.data(DATA_CONSTRAINT_REFERENCE, true); ctx.sql(' ') .visit(K_ON_CONSTRAINT) .sql(' ') .visit(onConstraint); ctx.data().remove(DATA_CONSTRAINT_REFERENCE); } else { boolean qualify = ctx.qualify(); if (onConflict != null && onConflict.size() > 0) { ctx.sql(" (") .qualify(false) .visit(onConflict) .qualify(qualify) .sql(')'); if (onConflictWhere.hasWhere()) ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_WHERE) .sql(' ') .visit(onConflictWhere.getWhere()); } } ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_DO_NOTHING) .end(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE); break; } // CUBRID can emulate this using ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE case CUBRID: { FieldMapForUpdate update = new FieldMapForUpdate(table(), INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE_ASSIGNMENT); Field<?> field = table().field(0); update.put(field, field); toSQLInsert(ctx); ctx.formatSeparator() .start(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE) .visit(K_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE) .sql(' ') .visit(update) .end(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE); break; } // Some databases allow for emulating this clause using a MERGE statement case H2: case HSQLDB: { ctx.visit(toMerge(ctx.configuration())); break; } case DERBY: { // [#10989] Cannot use MERGE with SELECT: [42XAL]: The source table of a MERGE statement must be a base table or table function. if (select != null) ctx.visit(toInsertSelect(ctx.configuration())); else ctx.visit(toMerge(ctx.configuration())); break; } default: { ctx.visit(toInsertSelect(ctx.configuration())); break; } } } // Default mode // ------------ else { toSQLInsert(ctx); ctx.start(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE) .end(INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE); } ctx.start(INSERT_RETURNING); toSQLReturning(ctx); ctx.end(INSERT_RETURNING); } @Override public final Clause[] clauses(Context<?> ctx) { return CLAUSES; } private final void toSQLInsert(Context<?> ctx) { boolean declareTables = ctx.declareTables(); ctx.start(INSERT_INSERT_INTO) .visit(K_INSERT) .sql(' '); // [#1295] MySQL dialects have native syntax for INSERT IGNORE // [#4376] [#8433] for SQLite render using ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING // rather than INSERT OR IGNORE if (onDuplicateKeyIgnore) if (SUPPORT_INSERT_IGNORE.contains(ctx.dialect())) ctx.visit(K_IGNORE).sql(' '); ctx.visit(K_INTO) .sql(' ') .declareTables(true) .visit(table(ctx)) .declareTables(declareTables); insertMaps.toSQLReferenceKeys(ctx); ctx.end(INSERT_INSERT_INTO); if (select != null) { // [#2995] Prevent the generation of wrapping parentheses around the // INSERT .. SELECT statement's SELECT because they would be // interpreted as the (missing) INSERT column list's parens. if (insertMaps.fields().size() == 0) ctx.data(DATA_INSERT_SELECT_WITHOUT_INSERT_COLUMN_LIST, true); // [#8353] TODO: Support overlapping embeddables ctx.formatSeparator() .start(INSERT_SELECT) .visit(select) .end(INSERT_SELECT); ctx.data().remove(DATA_INSERT_SELECT_WITHOUT_INSERT_COLUMN_LIST); } else if (defaultValues) { switch (ctx.family()) { case DERBY: case MARIADB: case MYSQL: acceptDefaultValuesEmulation(ctx, table().fields().length); break; default: ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_DEFAULT_VALUES); break; } } else { ctx.visit(insertMaps); } } private final void acceptDefaultValuesEmulation(Context<?> ctx, int length) { ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_VALUES) .sql(" (") .visit(wrap(nCopies(length, K_DEFAULT))) .sql(')'); } private final List<List<? extends Field<?>>> conflictingKeys(Configuration configuration) { // [#7365] PostgreSQL ON CONFLICT (conflict columns) clause if (onConflict != null && onConflict.size() > 0) return Collections.<List<? extends Field<?>>>singletonList(onConflict); // [#7409] PostgreSQL ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT clause else if (onConstraintUniqueKey != null) return Collections.<List<? extends Field<?>>>singletonList(onConstraintUniqueKey.getFields()); // [#6462] MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause // Flag for backwards compatibility considers only PRIMARY KEY else if (TRUE.equals(Tools.settings(configuration).isEmulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly())) return Collections.<List<? extends Field<?>>>singletonList(table().getPrimaryKey().getFields()); // [#6462] MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause // All conflicting keys are considered List<UniqueKey<R>> keys = table().getKeys(); List<List<? extends Field<?>>> result = new ArrayList<>(keys.size()); for (UniqueKey<R> key : keys) result.add(key.getFields()); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private final QueryPart toInsertSelect(Configuration configuration) { List<List<? extends Field<?>>> keys = conflictingKeys(configuration); if (!keys.isEmpty()) { Select<Record> rows = null; // [#10989] INSERT .. SELECT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY IGNORE if (select != null) { Map<Field<?>, Field<?>> map = new HashMap<>(); Field<?>[] names = Tools.fields(select.fields().length); List<Field<?>> fields = new ArrayList<>(insertMaps.fields()); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size() && i < names.length; i++) map.put(fields.get(i), names[i]); rows = (Select<Record>) selectFrom(select.asTable(DSL.table(name("t")), names)) .whereNotExists( selectOne() .from(table()) .where(matchByConflictingKeys(configuration, map)) ); } // [#5089] Multi-row inserts need to explicitly generate UNION ALL // here. TODO: Refactor this logic to be more generally // reusable - i.e. ordinary UNION ALL emulation should be // re-used. else { for (Map<Field<?>, Field<?>> map : insertMaps.maps()) { Select<Record> row = select(aliasedFields(map.values().toArray(EMPTY_FIELD))) .whereNotExists( selectOne() .from(table()) .where(matchByConflictingKeys(configuration, map)) ); if (rows == null) rows = row; else rows = rows.unionAll(row); } } return configuration.dsl() .insertInto(table()) .columns(insertMaps.fields()) .select(selectFrom(rows.asTable("t"))); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("The ON DUPLICATE KEY IGNORE/UPDATE clause cannot be emulated when inserting into tables without any known keys : " + table()); } } private final Merge<R> toMerge(Configuration configuration) { if ((onConflict != null && onConflict.size() > 0) || onConstraint != null || !table().getKeys().isEmpty()) { Select<?> s = select; // [#10461] Multi row inserts need to be emulated using select if (s == null && insertMaps.maps().size() > 1) s = insertMaps.insertSelect(); // [#6375] INSERT .. VALUES and INSERT .. SELECT distinction also in MERGE Table<?> t; if (s != null) { t = s.asTable("t", fieldNameStrings(insertMaps.fields().toArray(EMPTY_FIELD))); if (NO_SUPPORT_DERIVED_COLUMN_LIST_IN_MERGE_USING.contains(configuration.dialect())) t = selectFrom(t).asTable("t"); } else t = dual(); MergeOnConditionStep<R> on = s == null ? configuration.dsl().mergeInto(table()) .usingDual() .on(matchByConflictingKeys(configuration, insertMaps.lastMap())) : configuration.dsl().mergeInto(table()) .using(t) .on(matchByConflictingKeys(configuration, t)); // [#1295] Use UPDATE clause only when with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, // not with ON DUPLICATE KEY IGNORE MergeNotMatchedStep<R> notMatched = on; if (onDuplicateKeyUpdate) notMatched = condition.hasWhere() ? on.whenMatchedAnd(condition.getWhere()).thenUpdate().set(updateMap) : on.whenMatchedThenUpdate().set(updateMap); return s == null ? notMatched.whenNotMatchedThenInsert(insertMaps.fields()) .values(insertMaps.lastMap().values()) : notMatched.whenNotMatchedThenInsert(insertMaps.fields()) .values(t.fields()); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("The ON DUPLICATE KEY IGNORE/UPDATE clause cannot be emulated when inserting into non-updatable tables : " + table()); } }
Produce a Condition that matches existing rows by the inserted or updated primary key values.
/** * Produce a {@link Condition} that matches existing rows by the inserted or * updated primary key values. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private final Condition matchByConflictingKeys(Configuration configuration, Map<Field<?>, Field<?>> map) { Condition or = null; // [#7365] The ON CONFLICT clause can be emulated using MERGE by joining // the MERGE's target and source tables on the conflict columns // [#7409] The ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT clause can be emulated using MERGE by // joining the MERGE's target and source tables on the constraint columns // [#6462] The ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause is emulated using the primary key. // To properly reflect MySQL behaviour, it should use all the known unique keys. if (onConstraint != null && onConstraintUniqueKey == null) return DSL.condition("[ cannot create predicate from constraint with unknown columns ]"); for (List<? extends Field<?>> fields : conflictingKeys(configuration)) { Condition and = null; for (Field<?> field : fields) { Field<Object> f = (Field<Object>) field; Field<Object> v = (Field<Object>) map.get(f); Condition other = f.eq(v) ; and = (and == null) ? other : and.and(other); } or = (or == null) ? and : or.or(and); } return or; }
Produce a Condition that matches existing rows by the inserted or updated primary key values.
/** * Produce a {@link Condition} that matches existing rows by the inserted or * updated primary key values. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private final Condition matchByConflictingKeys(Configuration configuration, Table<?> s) { Condition or = null; // [#7365] The ON CONFLICT (column list) clause can be emulated using MERGE by // joining the MERGE's target and source tables on the conflict columns // [#7409] The ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT clause can be emulated using MERGE by // joining the MERGE's target and source tables on the constraint columns // [#6462] The ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause is emulated using the primary key. // To properly reflect MySQL behaviour, it should use all the known unique keys. if (onConstraint != null && onConstraintUniqueKey == null) return DSL.condition("[ cannot create predicate from constraint with unknown columns ]"); for (List<? extends Field<?>> fields : conflictingKeys(configuration)) { Condition and = null; for (Field<?> field : fields) { Field<Object> f = (Field<Object>) field; Field<Object> v = s.field(f); Condition other = f.eq(v) ; and = (and == null) ? other : and.and(other); } or = (or == null) ? and : or.or(and); } return or; } @Override public final boolean isExecutable() { return insertMaps.isExecutable() || defaultValues || select != null; } }