 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
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package org.hibernate.jpa.internal;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InvalidObjectException;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import javax.persistence.Cache;
import javax.persistence.EntityGraph;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.NamedAttributeNode;
import javax.persistence.NamedEntityGraph;
import javax.persistence.NamedSubgraph;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import javax.persistence.SynchronizationType;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.metamodel.Attribute;
import javax.persistence.metamodel.EntityType;
import javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel;
import javax.persistence.spi.LoadState;
import javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType;

import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cache.spi.RegionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.NamedEntityGraphDefinition;
import org.hibernate.ejb.HibernateEntityManagerFactory;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedSQLQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedSQLQueryDefinitionBuilder;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerator;
import org.hibernate.id.UUIDGenerator;
import org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.config.ConfigurationHelper;
import org.hibernate.jpa.AvailableSettings;
import org.hibernate.jpa.HibernateQuery;
import org.hibernate.jpa.boot.internal.SettingsImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.CriteriaBuilderImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.graph.internal.AbstractGraphNode;
import org.hibernate.jpa.graph.internal.AttributeNodeImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.graph.internal.EntityGraphImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.graph.internal.SubgraphImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.metamodel.EntityTypeImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.metamodel.MetamodelImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.internal.util.PersistenceUtilHelper;
import org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata;
import org.hibernate.procedure.ProcedureCall;
import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistry;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Actual Hibernate implementation of EntityManagerFactory.
Author:Gavin King, Emmanuel Bernard, Steve Ebersole
/** * Actual Hibernate implementation of {@link javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory}. * * @author Gavin King * @author Emmanuel Bernard * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class EntityManagerFactoryImpl implements HibernateEntityManagerFactory { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5423543L; private static final IdentifierGenerator UUID_GENERATOR = UUIDGenerator.buildSessionFactoryUniqueIdentifierGenerator(); private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class ); private final transient SessionFactoryImpl sessionFactory; private final transient PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType; private final transient boolean discardOnClose; private final transient Class sessionInterceptorClass; private final transient CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder; private final transient MetamodelImpl metamodel; private final transient HibernatePersistenceUnitUtil util; private final transient Map<String,Object> properties; private final String entityManagerFactoryName; private final transient PersistenceUtilHelper.MetadataCache cache = new PersistenceUtilHelper.MetadataCache(); private final transient Map<String,EntityGraphImpl> entityGraphs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, EntityGraphImpl>(); @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) public EntityManagerFactoryImpl( PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType, boolean discardOnClose, Class sessionInterceptorClass, Configuration cfg, ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry, String persistenceUnitName) { this( persistenceUnitName, (SessionFactoryImplementor) cfg.buildSessionFactory( serviceRegistry ), new SettingsImpl().setReleaseResourcesOnCloseEnabled( discardOnClose ).setSessionInterceptorClass( sessionInterceptorClass ).setTransactionType( transactionType ), cfg.getProperties(), cfg ); } public EntityManagerFactoryImpl( String persistenceUnitName, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, SettingsImpl settings, Map<?, ?> configurationValues, Configuration cfg) { this.sessionFactory = (SessionFactoryImpl) sessionFactory; this.transactionType = settings.getTransactionType(); this.discardOnClose = settings.isReleaseResourcesOnCloseEnabled(); this.sessionInterceptorClass = settings.getSessionInterceptorClass(); final JpaMetaModelPopulationSetting jpaMetaModelPopulationSetting = determineJpaMetaModelPopulationSetting( cfg ); if ( JpaMetaModelPopulationSetting.DISABLED == jpaMetaModelPopulationSetting ) { this.metamodel = null; } else { this.metamodel = MetamodelImpl.buildMetamodel( cfg.getClassMappings(), cfg.getMappedSuperclassMappingsCopy(), sessionFactory, JpaMetaModelPopulationSetting.IGNORE_UNSUPPORTED == jpaMetaModelPopulationSetting ); } this.criteriaBuilder = new CriteriaBuilderImpl( this ); this.util = new HibernatePersistenceUnitUtil( this ); HashMap<String,Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); addAll( props, sessionFactory.getProperties() ); addAll( props, cfg.getProperties() ); addAll( props, configurationValues ); maskOutSensitiveInformation( props ); this.properties = Collections.unmodifiableMap( props ); String entityManagerFactoryName = (String)this.properties.get( AvailableSettings.ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY_NAME); if (entityManagerFactoryName == null) { entityManagerFactoryName = persistenceUnitName; } if (entityManagerFactoryName == null) { entityManagerFactoryName = (String) UUID_GENERATOR.generate(null, null); } this.entityManagerFactoryName = entityManagerFactoryName; applyNamedEntityGraphs( cfg.getNamedEntityGraphs() ); EntityManagerFactoryRegistry.INSTANCE.addEntityManagerFactory( entityManagerFactoryName, this ); } private enum JpaMetaModelPopulationSetting { ENABLED, DISABLED, IGNORE_UNSUPPORTED; private static JpaMetaModelPopulationSetting parse(String setting) { if ( "enabled".equalsIgnoreCase( setting ) ) { return ENABLED; } else if ( "disabled".equalsIgnoreCase( setting ) ) { return DISABLED; } else { return IGNORE_UNSUPPORTED; } } } protected JpaMetaModelPopulationSetting determineJpaMetaModelPopulationSetting(Configuration cfg) { String setting = ConfigurationHelper.getString( AvailableSettings.JPA_METAMODEL_POPULATION, cfg.getProperties(), null ); if ( setting == null ) { setting = ConfigurationHelper.getString( AvailableSettings.JPA_METAMODEL_GENERATION, cfg.getProperties(), null ); if ( setting != null ) { log.infof( "Encountered deprecated setting [%s], use [%s] instead", AvailableSettings.JPA_METAMODEL_GENERATION, AvailableSettings.JPA_METAMODEL_POPULATION ); } } return JpaMetaModelPopulationSetting.parse( setting ); } private static void addAll(HashMap<String, Object> destination, Map<?,?> source) { for ( Map.Entry entry : source.entrySet() ) { if ( String.class.isInstance( entry.getKey() ) ) { destination.put( (String) entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() ); } } } private void maskOutSensitiveInformation(HashMap<String, Object> props) { maskOutIfSet( props, AvailableSettings.JDBC_PASSWORD ); maskOutIfSet( props, org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings.PASS ); } private void maskOutIfSet(HashMap<String, Object> props, String setting) { if ( props.containsKey( setting ) ) { props.put( setting, "****" ); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void applyNamedEntityGraphs(Collection<NamedEntityGraphDefinition> namedEntityGraphs) { for ( NamedEntityGraphDefinition definition : namedEntityGraphs ) { log.debugf( "Applying named entity graph [name=%s, entity-name=%s, jpa-entity-name=%s", definition.getRegisteredName(), definition.getEntityName(), definition.getJpaEntityName() ); final EntityType entityType = metamodel.getEntityTypeByName( definition.getEntityName() ); if ( entityType == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempted to register named entity graph [" + definition.getRegisteredName() + "] for unknown entity ["+ definition.getEntityName() + "]" ); } final EntityGraphImpl entityGraph = new EntityGraphImpl( definition.getRegisteredName(), entityType, this ); final NamedEntityGraph namedEntityGraph = definition.getAnnotation(); if ( namedEntityGraph.includeAllAttributes() ) { for ( Object attributeObject : entityType.getAttributes() ) { entityGraph.addAttributeNodes( (Attribute) attributeObject ); } } if ( namedEntityGraph.attributeNodes() != null ) { applyNamedAttributeNodes( namedEntityGraph.attributeNodes(), namedEntityGraph, entityGraph ); } entityGraphs.put( definition.getRegisteredName(), entityGraph ); } } private void applyNamedAttributeNodes( NamedAttributeNode[] namedAttributeNodes, NamedEntityGraph namedEntityGraph, AbstractGraphNode graphNode) { for ( NamedAttributeNode namedAttributeNode : namedAttributeNodes ) { final String value = namedAttributeNode.value(); AttributeNodeImpl attributeNode = graphNode.addAttribute( value ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( namedAttributeNode.subgraph() ) ) { final SubgraphImpl subgraph = attributeNode.makeSubgraph(); applyNamedSubgraphs( namedEntityGraph, namedAttributeNode.subgraph(), subgraph ); } if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( namedAttributeNode.keySubgraph() ) ) { final SubgraphImpl subgraph = attributeNode.makeKeySubgraph(); applyNamedSubgraphs( namedEntityGraph, namedAttributeNode.keySubgraph(), subgraph ); } } } private void applyNamedSubgraphs(NamedEntityGraph namedEntityGraph, String subgraphName, SubgraphImpl subgraph) { for ( NamedSubgraph namedSubgraph : namedEntityGraph.subgraphs() ) { if ( subgraphName.equals( namedSubgraph.name() ) ) { applyNamedAttributeNodes( namedSubgraph.attributeNodes(), namedEntityGraph, subgraph ); } } } public EntityManager createEntityManager() { return internalCreateEntityManager( SynchronizationType.SYNCHRONIZED, Collections.EMPTY_MAP ); } @Override public EntityManager createEntityManager(SynchronizationType synchronizationType) { errorIfResourceLocalDueToExplicitSynchronizationType(); return internalCreateEntityManager( synchronizationType, Collections.EMPTY_MAP ); } private void errorIfResourceLocalDueToExplicitSynchronizationType() { if ( transactionType == PersistenceUnitTransactionType.RESOURCE_LOCAL ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Illegal attempt to specify a SynchronizationType when building an EntityManager from a " + "EntityManagerFactory defined as RESOURCE_LOCAL " ); } } public EntityManager createEntityManager(Map map) { return internalCreateEntityManager( SynchronizationType.SYNCHRONIZED, map ); } @Override public EntityManager createEntityManager(SynchronizationType synchronizationType, Map map) { errorIfResourceLocalDueToExplicitSynchronizationType(); return internalCreateEntityManager( synchronizationType, map ); } private EntityManager internalCreateEntityManager(SynchronizationType synchronizationType, Map map) { validateNotClosed(); //TODO support discardOnClose, persistencecontexttype?, interceptor, return new EntityManagerImpl( this, PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED, synchronizationType, transactionType, discardOnClose, sessionInterceptorClass, map ); } public CriteriaBuilder getCriteriaBuilder() { validateNotClosed(); return criteriaBuilder; } public Metamodel getMetamodel() { validateNotClosed(); return metamodel; } public void close() { // The spec says so, that's why :( validateNotClosed(); sessionFactory.close(); EntityManagerFactoryRegistry.INSTANCE.removeEntityManagerFactory(entityManagerFactoryName, this); } public Map<String, Object> getProperties() { validateNotClosed(); return properties; } public Cache getCache() { validateNotClosed(); // TODO : cache the cache reference? return new JPACache( sessionFactory ); } protected void validateNotClosed() { if ( ! isOpen() ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "EntityManagerFactory is closed" ); } } public PersistenceUnitUtil getPersistenceUnitUtil() { validateNotClosed(); return util; } @Override public void addNamedQuery(String name, Query query) { validateNotClosed(); // NOTE : we use Query#unwrap here (rather than direct type checking) to account for possibly wrapped // query implementations // first, handle StoredProcedureQuery try { final StoredProcedureQueryImpl unwrapped = query.unwrap( StoredProcedureQueryImpl.class ); if ( unwrapped != null ) { addNamedStoredProcedureQuery( name, unwrapped ); return; } } catch ( PersistenceException ignore ) { // this means 'query' is not a StoredProcedureQueryImpl } // then try as a native-SQL or JPQL query try { final HibernateQuery unwrapped = query.unwrap( HibernateQuery.class ); if ( unwrapped != null ) { // create and register the proper NamedQueryDefinition... final org.hibernate.Query hibernateQuery = unwrapped.getHibernateQuery(); if ( org.hibernate.SQLQuery.class.isInstance( hibernateQuery ) ) { sessionFactory.registerNamedSQLQueryDefinition( name, extractSqlQueryDefinition( (org.hibernate.SQLQuery) hibernateQuery, name ) ); } else { sessionFactory.registerNamedQueryDefinition( name, extractHqlQueryDefinition( hibernateQuery, name ) ); } return; } } catch ( PersistenceException ignore ) { // this means 'query' is not a native-SQL or JPQL query } // if we get here, we are unsure how to properly unwrap the incoming query to extract the needed information throw new PersistenceException( String.format( "Unsure how to how to properly unwrap given Query [%s] as basis for named query", query ) ); } private void addNamedStoredProcedureQuery(String name, StoredProcedureQueryImpl query) { final ProcedureCall procedureCall = query.getHibernateProcedureCall(); sessionFactory.getNamedQueryRepository().registerNamedProcedureCallMemento( name, procedureCall.extractMemento( query.getHints() ) ); } private NamedSQLQueryDefinition extractSqlQueryDefinition(org.hibernate.SQLQuery nativeSqlQuery, String name) { final NamedSQLQueryDefinitionBuilder builder = new NamedSQLQueryDefinitionBuilder( name ); fillInNamedQueryBuilder( builder, nativeSqlQuery ); builder.setCallable( nativeSqlQuery.isCallable() ) .setQuerySpaces( nativeSqlQuery.getSynchronizedQuerySpaces() ) .setQueryReturns( nativeSqlQuery.getQueryReturns() ); return builder.createNamedQueryDefinition(); } private NamedQueryDefinition extractHqlQueryDefinition(org.hibernate.Query hqlQuery, String name) { final NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder builder = new NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder( name ); fillInNamedQueryBuilder( builder, hqlQuery ); // LockOptions only valid for HQL/JPQL queries... builder.setLockOptions( hqlQuery.getLockOptions().makeCopy() ); return builder.createNamedQueryDefinition(); } private void fillInNamedQueryBuilder(NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder builder, org.hibernate.Query query) { builder.setQuery( query.getQueryString() ) .setComment( query.getComment() ) .setCacheable( query.isCacheable() ) .setCacheRegion( query.getCacheRegion() ) .setCacheMode( query.getCacheMode() ) .setTimeout( query.getTimeout() ) .setFetchSize( query.getFetchSize() ) .setFirstResult( query.getFirstResult() ) .setMaxResults( query.getMaxResults() ) .setReadOnly( query.isReadOnly() ) .setFlushMode( query.getFlushMode() ); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> cls) { if ( SessionFactory.class.isAssignableFrom( cls ) ) { return ( T ) sessionFactory; } if ( SessionFactoryImplementor.class.isAssignableFrom( cls ) ) { return ( T ) sessionFactory; } if ( EntityManager.class.isAssignableFrom( cls ) ) { return ( T ) this; } throw new PersistenceException( "Hibernate cannot unwrap EntityManagerFactory as " + cls.getName() ); } @Override public <T> void addNamedEntityGraph(String graphName, EntityGraph<T> entityGraph) { if ( ! EntityGraphImpl.class.isInstance( entityGraph ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown type of EntityGraph for making named : " + entityGraph.getClass().getName() ); } final EntityGraphImpl<T> copy = ( (EntityGraphImpl<T>) entityGraph ).makeImmutableCopy( graphName ); final EntityGraphImpl old = entityGraphs.put( graphName, copy ); if ( old != null ) { log.debugf( "EntityGraph being replaced on EntityManagerFactory for name %s", graphName ); } } public EntityGraphImpl findEntityGraphByName(String name) { return entityGraphs.get( name ); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> List<EntityGraph<? super T>> findEntityGraphsByType(Class<T> entityClass) { final EntityType<T> entityType = getMetamodel().entity( entityClass ); if ( entityType == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Given class is not an entity : " + entityClass.getName() ); } final List<EntityGraph<? super T>> results = new ArrayList<EntityGraph<? super T>>(); for ( EntityGraphImpl entityGraph : this.entityGraphs.values() ) { if ( entityGraph.appliesTo( entityType ) ) { results.add( entityGraph ); } } return results; } public boolean isOpen() { return ! sessionFactory.isClosed(); } public SessionFactoryImpl getSessionFactory() { return sessionFactory; } @Override public EntityTypeImpl getEntityTypeByName(String entityName) { final EntityTypeImpl entityType = metamodel.getEntityTypeByName( entityName ); if ( entityType == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "[" + entityName + "] did not refer to EntityType" ); } return entityType; } public String getEntityManagerFactoryName() { return entityManagerFactoryName; } private static class JPACache implements Cache { private SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory; private JPACache(SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } public boolean contains(Class entityClass, Object identifier) { return sessionFactory.getCache().containsEntity( entityClass, ( Serializable ) identifier ); } public void evict(Class entityClass, Object identifier) { sessionFactory.getCache().evictEntity( entityClass, ( Serializable ) identifier ); } public void evict(Class entityClass) { sessionFactory.getCache().evictEntityRegion( entityClass ); } public void evictAll() { // Evict only the "JPA cache", which is purely defined as the entity regions. sessionFactory.getCache().evictEntityRegions(); // TODO : if we want to allow an optional clearing of all cache data, the additional calls would be: // sessionFactory.getCache().evictCollectionRegions(); // sessionFactory.getCache().evictQueryRegions(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> cls) { if ( RegionFactory.class.isAssignableFrom( cls ) ) { return (T) sessionFactory.getSettings().getRegionFactory(); } if ( org.hibernate.Cache.class.isAssignableFrom( cls ) ) { return (T) sessionFactory.getCache(); } throw new PersistenceException( "Hibernate cannot unwrap Cache as " + cls.getName() ); } } private static EntityManagerFactory getNamedEntityManagerFactory(String entityManagerFactoryName) throws InvalidObjectException { Object result = EntityManagerFactoryRegistry.INSTANCE.getNamedEntityManagerFactory(entityManagerFactoryName); if ( result == null ) { throw new InvalidObjectException( "could not resolve entity manager factory during entity manager deserialization [name=" + entityManagerFactoryName + "]" ); } return (EntityManagerFactory)result; } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException { if (entityManagerFactoryName == null) { throw new InvalidObjectException( "could not serialize entity manager factory with null entityManagerFactoryName" ); } oos.defaultWriteObject(); }
After deserialization of an EntityManagerFactory, this is invoked to return the EntityManagerFactory instance that is already in use rather than a cloned copy of the object.
/** * After deserialization of an EntityManagerFactory, this is invoked to return the EntityManagerFactory instance * that is already in use rather than a cloned copy of the object. * * @return * @throws InvalidObjectException */
private Object readResolve() throws InvalidObjectException { return getNamedEntityManagerFactory(entityManagerFactoryName); } private static class HibernatePersistenceUnitUtil implements PersistenceUnitUtil, Serializable { private final HibernateEntityManagerFactory emf; private transient PersistenceUtilHelper.MetadataCache cache; private HibernatePersistenceUnitUtil(EntityManagerFactoryImpl emf) { this.emf = emf; this.cache = emf.cache; } public boolean isLoaded(Object entity, String attributeName) { // added log message to help with HHH-7454, if state == LoadState,NOT_LOADED, returning true or false is not accurate. log.debug("PersistenceUnitUtil#isLoaded is not always accurate; consider using EntityManager#contains instead"); LoadState state = PersistenceUtilHelper.isLoadedWithoutReference( entity, attributeName, cache ); if (state == LoadState.LOADED) { return true; } else if (state == LoadState.NOT_LOADED ) { return false; } else { return PersistenceUtilHelper.isLoadedWithReference( entity, attributeName, cache ) != LoadState.NOT_LOADED; } } public boolean isLoaded(Object entity) { // added log message to help with HHH-7454, if state == LoadState,NOT_LOADED, returning true or false is not accurate. log.debug("PersistenceUnitUtil#isLoaded is not always accurate; consider using EntityManager#contains instead"); return PersistenceUtilHelper.isLoaded( entity ) != LoadState.NOT_LOADED; } public Object getIdentifier(Object entity) { final Class entityClass = Hibernate.getClass( entity ); final ClassMetadata classMetadata = emf.getSessionFactory().getClassMetadata( entityClass ); if (classMetadata == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( entityClass + " is not an entity" ); } //TODO does that work for @IdClass? return classMetadata.getIdentifier( entity ); } } }