 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2011, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
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package org.hibernate.jpa.internal;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.ejb.AvailableSettings;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

An internal registry of all EntityManagerFactoryImpl instances for the same classloader as this class. This registry is used for serialization/deserialization of entity managers.
Author:Scott Marlow
/** * An internal registry of all {@link EntityManagerFactoryImpl} instances for the same * classloader as this class. * * This registry is used for serialization/deserialization of entity managers. * * @author Scott Marlow */
public class EntityManagerFactoryRegistry { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger( CoreMessageLogger.class, EntityManagerFactoryRegistry.class.getName() ); public static final EntityManagerFactoryRegistry INSTANCE = new EntityManagerFactoryRegistry(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<EntityManagerFactory>> entityManagerFactoryMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<EntityManagerFactory>>(); public EntityManagerFactoryRegistry() { LOG.debugf( "Initializing EntityManagerFactoryRegistry : %s", this ); }
register the specified entity manager factory
  • name – to register the passed entity manager factory
  • entityManagerFactory –
/** * register the specified entity manager factory * * @param name to register the passed entity manager factory * @param entityManagerFactory */
public void addEntityManagerFactory(String name, EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) { LOG.debugf( "Registering EntityManagerFactory: %s ", name ); if (name == null) { // allow unit tests that don't specify the pu name to succeed LOG.tracef( "not registering EntityManagerFactory because name is null"); return; } Set<EntityManagerFactory> entityManagerFactorySet = new HashSet<EntityManagerFactory>(); entityManagerFactorySet.add(entityManagerFactory); Set<EntityManagerFactory> previous = entityManagerFactoryMap.putIfAbsent( name, entityManagerFactorySet); // if already added under 'name'. Where 'name' could be session factory name, pu name or uuid (previous // will be null). We will give a warning that an EntityManagerFactory is created with the same name // as is already used for a different EMF. The best way to avoid the warning is to specify the AvailableSettings.SESSION_FACTORY_NAME // with a unique name. if (previous != null) { LOG.entityManagerFactoryAlreadyRegistered(name, AvailableSettings.ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY_NAME); boolean done = false; while( !done) { synchronized (previous) { if (entityManagerFactoryMap.get(name) == previous) { // compare and set EMF if same previous.add(entityManagerFactory); done = true; } else { // else it was removed or a new set added previous = entityManagerFactoryMap.get(name); // get the set added by another thread if (null == previous) { // or add it here if not entityManagerFactoryMap.putIfAbsent( name, new HashSet<EntityManagerFactory>()); previous = entityManagerFactoryMap.get(name);// use the current set } } } } } }
remove the specified entity manager factory from the EntityManagerFactoryRegistry
  • name –
  • entityManagerFactory –
  • HibernateException – if the specified entity manager factory could not be found in the registry
/** * remove the specified entity manager factory from the EntityManagerFactoryRegistry * @param name * @param entityManagerFactory * @throws HibernateException if the specified entity manager factory could not be found in the registry */
public void removeEntityManagerFactory(String name, EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) throws HibernateException { LOG.debugf( "Remove: name=%s", name ); if (name == null) { // allow unit tests that don't specify the pu name to succeed LOG.tracef( "not removing EntityManagerFactory from registry because name is null"); return; } Set<EntityManagerFactory> entityManagerFactorySet = entityManagerFactoryMap.get(name); if (entityManagerFactorySet == null) { throw new HibernateException( "registry does not contain entity manager factory: " + name); } synchronized (entityManagerFactorySet) { boolean removed = entityManagerFactorySet.remove(entityManagerFactory); if (entityManagerFactorySet.size() == 0) { entityManagerFactoryMap.remove( name ); } } }
Lookup the specified entity manager factory by name
  • name –
  • HibernateException – if entity manager factory is not found or if more than one entity manager factory was registered with name.
/** * Lookup the specified entity manager factory by name * @param name * @return * @throws HibernateException if entity manager factory is not found or if more than one * entity manager factory was registered with name. */
public EntityManagerFactory getNamedEntityManagerFactory(String name) throws HibernateException { LOG.debugf( "Lookup: name=%s", name ); Set<EntityManagerFactory> entityManagerFactorySet = entityManagerFactoryMap.get(name); if (entityManagerFactorySet == null) { throw new HibernateException( "registry does not contain entity manager factory: " + name); } synchronized (entityManagerFactorySet) { if (entityManagerFactorySet.size() > 1) { throw new HibernateException( "registry contains more than one (" + entityManagerFactorySet.size()+ ") entity manager factories: " + name); } return entityManagerFactorySet.iterator().next(); } } }