 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.tuple.entity;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.EntityNameResolver;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.spi.LazyPropertyInitializer;
import org.hibernate.bytecode.spi.BytecodeEnhancementMetadata;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityEntry;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityKey;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.PersistenceContext;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor;
import org.hibernate.id.Assigned;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.loader.PropertyPath;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Component;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.property.access.spi.Getter;
import org.hibernate.property.access.spi.Setter;
import org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy;
import org.hibernate.proxy.ProxyFactory;
import org.hibernate.tuple.Instantiator;
import org.hibernate.tuple.NonIdentifierAttribute;
import org.hibernate.type.AssociationType;
import org.hibernate.type.ComponentType;
import org.hibernate.type.CompositeType;
import org.hibernate.type.EntityType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

import static org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging.messageLogger;

Support for tuplizers relating to entities.
Author:Steve Ebersole, Gavin King
/** * Support for tuplizers relating to entities. * * @author Steve Ebersole * @author Gavin King */
public abstract class AbstractEntityTuplizer implements EntityTuplizer { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = messageLogger( AbstractEntityTuplizer.class ); //TODO: currently keeps Getters and Setters (instead of PropertyAccessors) because of the way getGetter() and getSetter() are implemented currently; yuck! private final EntityMetamodel entityMetamodel; private final Getter idGetter; private final Setter idSetter; protected final Getter[] getters; protected final Setter[] setters; protected final int propertySpan; protected final boolean hasCustomAccessors; private final Instantiator instantiator; private final ProxyFactory proxyFactory; private final CompositeType identifierMapperType; public Type getIdentifierMapperType() { return identifierMapperType; }
Build an appropriate Getter for the given property.
  • mappedProperty – The property to be accessed via the built Getter.
  • mappedEntity – The entity information regarding the mapped entity owning this property.
Returns:An appropriate Getter instance.
/** * Build an appropriate Getter for the given property. * * @param mappedProperty The property to be accessed via the built Getter. * @param mappedEntity The entity information regarding the mapped entity owning this property. * * @return An appropriate Getter instance. */
protected abstract Getter buildPropertyGetter(Property mappedProperty, PersistentClass mappedEntity);
Build an appropriate Setter for the given property.
  • mappedProperty – The property to be accessed via the built Setter.
  • mappedEntity – The entity information regarding the mapped entity owning this property.
Returns:An appropriate Setter instance.
/** * Build an appropriate Setter for the given property. * * @param mappedProperty The property to be accessed via the built Setter. * @param mappedEntity The entity information regarding the mapped entity owning this property. * * @return An appropriate Setter instance. */
protected abstract Setter buildPropertySetter(Property mappedProperty, PersistentClass mappedEntity);
Build an appropriate Instantiator for the given mapped entity.
  • mappingInfo – The mapping information regarding the mapped entity.
Returns:An appropriate Instantiator instance.
/** * Build an appropriate Instantiator for the given mapped entity. * * @param mappingInfo The mapping information regarding the mapped entity. * * @return An appropriate Instantiator instance. */
protected abstract Instantiator buildInstantiator(EntityMetamodel entityMetamodel, PersistentClass mappingInfo);
Build an appropriate ProxyFactory for the given mapped entity.
  • mappingInfo – The mapping information regarding the mapped entity.
  • idGetter – The constructed Getter relating to the entity's id property.
  • idSetter – The constructed Setter relating to the entity's id property.
Returns:An appropriate ProxyFactory instance.
/** * Build an appropriate ProxyFactory for the given mapped entity. * * @param mappingInfo The mapping information regarding the mapped entity. * @param idGetter The constructed Getter relating to the entity's id property. * @param idSetter The constructed Setter relating to the entity's id property. * * @return An appropriate ProxyFactory instance. */
protected abstract ProxyFactory buildProxyFactory(PersistentClass mappingInfo, Getter idGetter, Setter idSetter);
Constructs a new AbstractEntityTuplizer instance.
  • entityMetamodel – The "interpreted" information relating to the mapped entity.
  • mappingInfo – The parsed "raw" mapping data relating to the given entity.
/** * Constructs a new AbstractEntityTuplizer instance. * * @param entityMetamodel The "interpreted" information relating to the mapped entity. * @param mappingInfo The parsed "raw" mapping data relating to the given entity. */
public AbstractEntityTuplizer(EntityMetamodel entityMetamodel, PersistentClass mappingInfo) { this.entityMetamodel = entityMetamodel; if ( !entityMetamodel.getIdentifierProperty().isVirtual() ) { idGetter = buildPropertyGetter( mappingInfo.getIdentifierProperty(), mappingInfo ); idSetter = buildPropertySetter( mappingInfo.getIdentifierProperty(), mappingInfo ); } else { idGetter = null; idSetter = null; } propertySpan = entityMetamodel.getPropertySpan(); getters = new Getter[propertySpan]; setters = new Setter[propertySpan]; Iterator itr = mappingInfo.getPropertyClosureIterator(); boolean foundCustomAccessor = false; int i = 0; while ( itr.hasNext() ) { //TODO: redesign how PropertyAccessors are acquired... Property property = (Property) itr.next(); getters[i] = buildPropertyGetter( property, mappingInfo ); setters[i] = buildPropertySetter( property, mappingInfo ); if ( !property.isBasicPropertyAccessor() ) { foundCustomAccessor = true; } i++; } hasCustomAccessors = foundCustomAccessor; instantiator = buildInstantiator( entityMetamodel, mappingInfo ); if ( entityMetamodel.isLazy() && !entityMetamodel.getBytecodeEnhancementMetadata().isEnhancedForLazyLoading() ) { proxyFactory = buildProxyFactory( mappingInfo, idGetter, idSetter ); if ( proxyFactory == null ) { entityMetamodel.setLazy( false ); } } else { proxyFactory = null; } Component mapper = mappingInfo.getIdentifierMapper(); if ( mapper == null ) { identifierMapperType = null; mappedIdentifierValueMarshaller = null; } else { identifierMapperType = (CompositeType) mapper.getType(); mappedIdentifierValueMarshaller = buildMappedIdentifierValueMarshaller( getEntityName(), getFactory(), (ComponentType) entityMetamodel.getIdentifierProperty().getType(), (ComponentType) identifierMapperType ); } }
Retrieves the defined entity-name for the tuplized entity.
Returns:The entity-name.
/** * Retrieves the defined entity-name for the tuplized entity. * * @return The entity-name. */
protected String getEntityName() { return entityMetamodel.getName(); }
Retrieves the defined entity-names for any subclasses defined for this entity.
Returns:Any subclass entity-names.
/** * Retrieves the defined entity-names for any subclasses defined for this * entity. * * @return Any subclass entity-names. */
protected Set getSubclassEntityNames() { return entityMetamodel.getSubclassEntityNames(); } @Override public Serializable getIdentifier(Object entity) throws HibernateException { return getIdentifier( entity, null ); } @Override public Serializable getIdentifier(Object entity, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { final Object id; if ( entityMetamodel.getIdentifierProperty().isEmbedded() ) { id = entity; } else if ( HibernateProxy.class.isInstance( entity ) ) { id = ( (HibernateProxy) entity ).getHibernateLazyInitializer().getIdentifier(); } else { if ( idGetter == null ) { if ( identifierMapperType == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "The class has no identifier property: " + getEntityName() ); } else { id = mappedIdentifierValueMarshaller.getIdentifier( entity, getEntityMode(), session ); } } else { id = idGetter.get( entity ); } } try { return (Serializable) id; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder( "Identifier classes must be serializable. " ); if ( id != null ) { msg.append( id.getClass().getName() ).append( " is not serializable. " ); } if ( cce.getMessage() != null ) { msg.append( cce.getMessage() ); } throw new ClassCastException( msg.toString() ); } } @Override public void setIdentifier(Object entity, Serializable id) throws HibernateException { // 99% of the time the session is not needed. Its only needed for certain brain-dead // interpretations of JPA 2 "derived identity" support setIdentifier( entity, id, null ); } @Override public void setIdentifier(Object entity, Serializable id, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { if ( entityMetamodel.getIdentifierProperty().isEmbedded() ) { if ( entity != id ) { CompositeType copier = (CompositeType) entityMetamodel.getIdentifierProperty().getType(); copier.setPropertyValues( entity, copier.getPropertyValues( id, getEntityMode() ), getEntityMode() ); } } else if ( idSetter != null ) { idSetter.set( entity, id, getFactory() ); } else if ( identifierMapperType != null ) { mappedIdentifierValueMarshaller.setIdentifier( entity, id, getEntityMode(), session ); } } private static interface MappedIdentifierValueMarshaller { public Object getIdentifier(Object entity, EntityMode entityMode, SharedSessionContractImplementor session); public void setIdentifier(Object entity, Serializable id, EntityMode entityMode, SharedSessionContractImplementor session); } private final MappedIdentifierValueMarshaller mappedIdentifierValueMarshaller; private static MappedIdentifierValueMarshaller buildMappedIdentifierValueMarshaller( String entityName, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, ComponentType mappedIdClassComponentType, ComponentType virtualIdComponent) { // so basically at this point we know we have a "mapped" composite identifier // which is an awful way to say that the identifier is represented differently // in the entity and in the identifier value. The incoming value should // be an instance of the mapped identifier class (@IdClass) while the incoming entity // should be an instance of the entity class as defined by metamodel. // // However, even within that we have 2 potential scenarios: // 1) @IdClass types and entity @Id property types match // - return a NormalMappedIdentifierValueMarshaller // 2) They do not match // - return a IncrediblySillyJpaMapsIdMappedIdentifierValueMarshaller boolean wereAllEquivalent = true; // the sizes being off is a much bigger problem that should have been caught already... for ( int i = 0; i < virtualIdComponent.getSubtypes().length; i++ ) { if ( virtualIdComponent.getSubtypes()[i].isEntityType() && !mappedIdClassComponentType.getSubtypes()[i].isEntityType() ) { wereAllEquivalent = false; break; } } return wereAllEquivalent ? new NormalMappedIdentifierValueMarshaller( virtualIdComponent, mappedIdClassComponentType ) : new IncrediblySillyJpaMapsIdMappedIdentifierValueMarshaller( entityName, sessionFactory, virtualIdComponent, mappedIdClassComponentType ); } private static class NormalMappedIdentifierValueMarshaller implements MappedIdentifierValueMarshaller { private final ComponentType virtualIdComponent; private final ComponentType mappedIdentifierType; private NormalMappedIdentifierValueMarshaller( ComponentType virtualIdComponent, ComponentType mappedIdentifierType) { this.virtualIdComponent = virtualIdComponent; this.mappedIdentifierType = mappedIdentifierType; } @Override public Object getIdentifier(Object entity, EntityMode entityMode, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { Object id = mappedIdentifierType.instantiate( entityMode ); final Object[] propertyValues = virtualIdComponent.getPropertyValues( entity, entityMode ); mappedIdentifierType.setPropertyValues( id, propertyValues, entityMode ); return id; } @Override public void setIdentifier(Object entity, Serializable id, EntityMode entityMode, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { virtualIdComponent.setPropertyValues( entity, mappedIdentifierType.getPropertyValues( id, session ), entityMode ); } } private static class IncrediblySillyJpaMapsIdMappedIdentifierValueMarshaller implements MappedIdentifierValueMarshaller { private final String entityName; private final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory; private final ComponentType virtualIdComponent; private final ComponentType mappedIdentifierType; private IncrediblySillyJpaMapsIdMappedIdentifierValueMarshaller( String entityName, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, ComponentType virtualIdComponent, ComponentType mappedIdentifierType) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; this.entityName = entityName; this.virtualIdComponent = virtualIdComponent; this.mappedIdentifierType = mappedIdentifierType; } @Override public Object getIdentifier(Object entity, EntityMode entityMode, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { final Object id = mappedIdentifierType.instantiate( entityMode ); final Object[] propertyValues = virtualIdComponent.getPropertyValues( entity, entityMode ); final Type[] subTypes = virtualIdComponent.getSubtypes(); final Type[] copierSubTypes = mappedIdentifierType.getSubtypes(); final int length = subTypes.length; for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { if ( propertyValues[i] == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "No part of a composite identifier may be null" ); } //JPA 2 @MapsId + @IdClass points to the pk of the entity if ( subTypes[i].isAssociationType() && !copierSubTypes[i].isAssociationType() ) { propertyValues[i] = determineEntityId( propertyValues[i], (AssociationType) subTypes[i], session, sessionFactory ); } } mappedIdentifierType.setPropertyValues( id, propertyValues, entityMode ); return id; } @Override public void setIdentifier(Object entity, Serializable id, EntityMode entityMode, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { final Object[] extractedValues = mappedIdentifierType.getPropertyValues( id, entityMode ); final Object[] injectionValues = new Object[extractedValues.length]; final PersistenceContext persistenceContext = session.getPersistenceContext(); for ( int i = 0; i < virtualIdComponent.getSubtypes().length; i++ ) { final Type virtualPropertyType = virtualIdComponent.getSubtypes()[i]; final Type idClassPropertyType = mappedIdentifierType.getSubtypes()[i]; if ( virtualPropertyType.isEntityType() && !idClassPropertyType.isEntityType() ) { if ( session == null ) { throw new AssertionError( "Deprecated version of getIdentifier (no session) was used but session was required" ); } final String associatedEntityName = ( (EntityType) virtualPropertyType ).getAssociatedEntityName(); final EntityKey entityKey = session.generateEntityKey( (Serializable) extractedValues[i], sessionFactory.getMetamodel().entityPersister( associatedEntityName ) ); // it is conceivable there is a proxy, so check that first Object association = persistenceContext.getProxy( entityKey ); if ( association == null ) { // otherwise look for an initialized version association = persistenceContext.getEntity( entityKey ); if ( association == null ) { // get the association out of the entity itself association = sessionFactory.getMetamodel().entityPersister( entityName ).getPropertyValue( entity, virtualIdComponent.getPropertyNames()[i] ); } } injectionValues[i] = association; } else { injectionValues[i] = extractedValues[i]; } } virtualIdComponent.setPropertyValues( entity, injectionValues, entityMode ); } } private static Serializable determineEntityId( Object entity, AssociationType associationType, SharedSessionContractImplementor session, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory) { if ( entity == null ) { return null; } if ( HibernateProxy.class.isInstance( entity ) ) { // entity is a proxy, so we know it is not transient; just return ID from proxy return ( (HibernateProxy) entity ).getHibernateLazyInitializer().getIdentifier(); } if ( session != null ) { final EntityEntry pcEntry = session.getPersistenceContext().getEntry( entity ); if ( pcEntry != null ) { // entity managed; return ID. return pcEntry.getId(); } } final EntityPersister persister = resolveEntityPersister( entity, associationType, session, sessionFactory ); return persister.getIdentifier( entity, session ); } private static EntityPersister resolveEntityPersister( Object entity, AssociationType associationType, SharedSessionContractImplementor session, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory) { assert sessionFactory != null; if ( session != null ) { return session.getEntityPersister( associationType.getAssociatedEntityName( session.getFactory() ), entity ); } String entityName = null; for ( EntityNameResolver entityNameResolver : sessionFactory.getMetamodel().getEntityNameResolvers() ) { entityName = entityNameResolver.resolveEntityName( entity ); if ( entityName != null ) { break; } } if ( entityName == null ) { // old fall-back entityName = entity.getClass().getName(); } return sessionFactory.getMetamodel().entityPersister( entityName ); } @Override public void resetIdentifier(Object entity, Serializable currentId, Object currentVersion) { // 99% of the time the session is not needed. Its only needed for certain brain-dead // interpretations of JPA 2 "derived identity" support resetIdentifier( entity, currentId, currentVersion, null ); } @Override public void resetIdentifier( Object entity, Serializable currentId, Object currentVersion, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if ( entityMetamodel.getIdentifierProperty().getIdentifierGenerator() instanceof Assigned ) { } else { //reset the id Serializable result = entityMetamodel.getIdentifierProperty() .getUnsavedValue() .getDefaultValue( currentId ); setIdentifier( entity, result, session ); //reset the version VersionProperty versionProperty = entityMetamodel.getVersionProperty(); if ( entityMetamodel.isVersioned() ) { setPropertyValue( entity, entityMetamodel.getVersionPropertyIndex(), versionProperty.getUnsavedValue().getDefaultValue( currentVersion ) ); } } } @Override public Object getVersion(Object entity) throws HibernateException { if ( !entityMetamodel.isVersioned() ) { return null; } return getters[entityMetamodel.getVersionPropertyIndex()].get( entity ); } protected boolean shouldGetAllProperties(Object entity) { if ( !getEntityMetamodel().getBytecodeEnhancementMetadata().isEnhancedForLazyLoading() ) { return true; } return !getEntityMetamodel().getBytecodeEnhancementMetadata().hasUnFetchedAttributes( entity ); } @Override public Object[] getPropertyValues(Object entity) { final BytecodeEnhancementMetadata enhancementMetadata = entityMetamodel.getBytecodeEnhancementMetadata(); final int span = entityMetamodel.getPropertySpan(); final Object[] result = new Object[span]; for ( int j = 0; j < span; j++ ) { NonIdentifierAttribute property = entityMetamodel.getProperties()[j]; if ( !property.isLazy() || enhancementMetadata.isAttributeLoaded( entity, property.getName() ) ) { result[j] = getters[j].get( entity ); } else { result[j] = LazyPropertyInitializer.UNFETCHED_PROPERTY; } } return result; } @Override public Object[] getPropertyValuesToInsert(Object entity, Map mergeMap, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { final int span = entityMetamodel.getPropertySpan(); final Object[] result = new Object[span]; for ( int j = 0; j < span; j++ ) { result[j] = getters[j].getForInsert( entity, mergeMap, session ); } return result; } @Override public Object getPropertyValue(Object entity, int i) throws HibernateException { return getters[i].get( entity ); } @Override public Object getPropertyValue(Object entity, String propertyPath) throws HibernateException { int loc = propertyPath.indexOf( '.' ); String basePropertyName = loc > 0 ? propertyPath.substring( 0, loc ) : propertyPath; //final int index = entityMetamodel.getPropertyIndexOrNull( basePropertyName ); Integer index = entityMetamodel.getPropertyIndexOrNull( basePropertyName ); if ( index == null ) { propertyPath = PropertyPath.IDENTIFIER_MAPPER_PROPERTY + "." + propertyPath; loc = propertyPath.indexOf( '.' ); basePropertyName = loc > 0 ? propertyPath.substring( 0, loc ) : propertyPath; } index = entityMetamodel.getPropertyIndexOrNull( basePropertyName ); final Object baseValue = getPropertyValue( entity, index ); if ( loc > 0 ) { if ( baseValue == null ) { return null; } return getComponentValue( (ComponentType) entityMetamodel.getPropertyTypes()[index], baseValue, propertyPath.substring( loc + 1 ) ); } else { return baseValue; } }
Extract a component property value.
  • type – The component property types.
  • component – The component instance itself.
  • propertyPath – The property path for the property to be extracted.
Returns:The property value extracted.
/** * Extract a component property value. * * @param type The component property types. * @param component The component instance itself. * @param propertyPath The property path for the property to be extracted. * * @return The property value extracted. */
protected Object getComponentValue(ComponentType type, Object component, String propertyPath) { final int loc = propertyPath.indexOf( '.' ); final String basePropertyName = loc > 0 ? propertyPath.substring( 0, loc ) : propertyPath; final int index = findSubPropertyIndex( type, basePropertyName ); final Object baseValue = type.getPropertyValue( component, index ); if ( loc > 0 ) { if ( baseValue == null ) { return null; } return getComponentValue( (ComponentType) type.getSubtypes()[index], baseValue, propertyPath.substring( loc + 1 ) ); } else { return baseValue; } } private int findSubPropertyIndex(ComponentType type, String subPropertyName) { final String[] propertyNames = type.getPropertyNames(); for ( int index = 0; index < propertyNames.length; index++ ) { if ( subPropertyName.equals( propertyNames[index] ) ) { return index; } } throw new MappingException( "component property not found: " + subPropertyName ); } @Override public void setPropertyValues(Object entity, Object[] values) throws HibernateException { boolean setAll = !entityMetamodel.hasLazyProperties(); for ( int j = 0; j < entityMetamodel.getPropertySpan(); j++ ) { if ( setAll || values[j] != LazyPropertyInitializer.UNFETCHED_PROPERTY ) { setters[j].set( entity, values[j], getFactory() ); } } } @Override public void setPropertyValue(Object entity, int i, Object value) throws HibernateException { setters[i].set( entity, value, getFactory() ); } @Override public void setPropertyValue(Object entity, String propertyName, Object value) throws HibernateException { setters[entityMetamodel.getPropertyIndex( propertyName )].set( entity, value, getFactory() ); } @Override public final Object instantiate(Serializable id) throws HibernateException { // 99% of the time the session is not needed. Its only needed for certain brain-dead // interpretations of JPA 2 "derived identity" support return instantiate( id, null ); } @Override public final Object instantiate(Serializable id, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { Object result = getInstantiator().instantiate( id ); if ( id != null ) { setIdentifier( result, id, session ); } return result; } @Override public final Object instantiate() throws HibernateException { return instantiate( null, null ); } @Override public void afterInitialize(Object entity, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { } @Override public final boolean isInstance(Object object) { return getInstantiator().isInstance( object ); } @Override public boolean hasProxy() { return entityMetamodel.isLazy() && !entityMetamodel.getBytecodeEnhancementMetadata().isEnhancedForLazyLoading(); } @Override public final Object createProxy(Serializable id, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) { return getProxyFactory().getProxy( id, session ); } @Override public boolean isLifecycleImplementor() { return false; } protected final EntityMetamodel getEntityMetamodel() { return entityMetamodel; } protected final SessionFactoryImplementor getFactory() { return entityMetamodel.getSessionFactory(); } protected final Instantiator getInstantiator() { return instantiator; } protected final ProxyFactory getProxyFactory() { return proxyFactory; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + '(' + getEntityMetamodel().getName() + ')'; } @Override public Getter getIdentifierGetter() { return idGetter; } @Override public Getter getVersionGetter() { if ( getEntityMetamodel().isVersioned() ) { return getGetter( getEntityMetamodel().getVersionPropertyIndex() ); } return null; } @Override public Getter getGetter(int i) { return getters[i]; } }