 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.engine.internal;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi.ClassLoaderService;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityEntry;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.ManagedEntity;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.PersistenceContext;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

Defines a context for maintaining the relation between an entity associated with the Session ultimately owning this EntityEntryContext instance and that entity's corresponding EntityEntry. 2 approaches are supported:
  • the entity->EntityEntry association is maintained in a Map within this class
  • the EntityEntry is injected into the entity via it implementing the ManagedEntity contract, either directly or through bytecode enhancement.

Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Defines a context for maintaining the relation between an entity associated with the Session ultimately owning this * EntityEntryContext instance and that entity's corresponding EntityEntry. 2 approaches are supported:<ul> * <li> * the entity->EntityEntry association is maintained in a Map within this class * </li> * <li> * the EntityEntry is injected into the entity via it implementing the {@link org.hibernate.engine.spi.ManagedEntity} contract, * either directly or through bytecode enhancement. * </li> * </ul> * <p/> * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class EntityEntryContext { private static final CoreMessageLogger log = CoreLogging.messageLogger( EntityEntryContext.class ); private transient PersistenceContext persistenceContext; private transient IdentityHashMap<ManagedEntity,ImmutableManagedEntityHolder> immutableManagedEntityXref; private transient ManagedEntity head; private transient ManagedEntity tail; private transient int count; private transient IdentityHashMap<Object,ManagedEntity> nonEnhancedEntityXref; @SuppressWarnings( {"unchecked"}) private transient Map.Entry<Object,EntityEntry>[] reentrantSafeEntries = new Map.Entry[0]; private transient boolean dirty;
Constructs a EntityEntryContext
/** * Constructs a EntityEntryContext */
public EntityEntryContext(PersistenceContext persistenceContext) { this.persistenceContext = persistenceContext; }
Adds the entity and entry to this context, associating them together
  • entity – The entity
  • entityEntry – The entry
/** * Adds the entity and entry to this context, associating them together * * @param entity The entity * @param entityEntry The entry */
public void addEntityEntry(Object entity, EntityEntry entityEntry) { // IMPORTANT!!!!! // add is called more than once of some entities. In such cases the first // call is simply setting up a "marker" to avoid infinite looping from reentrancy // any addition (even the double one described above) should invalidate the cross-ref array dirty = true; assert AbstractEntityEntry.class.isInstance( entityEntry ); // We only need to check a mutable EntityEntry is associated with the same PersistenceContext. // Immutable EntityEntry can be associated with multiple PersistenceContexts, so no need to check. // ImmutableEntityEntry#getPersistenceContext() throws an exception (HHH-10251). if ( entityEntry.getPersister().isMutable() ) { assert AbstractEntityEntry.class.cast( entityEntry ).getPersistenceContext() == persistenceContext; } // Determine the appropriate ManagedEntity instance to use based on whether the entity is enhanced or not. // Throw an exception if entity is a mutable ManagedEntity that is associated with a different // PersistenceContext. ManagedEntity managedEntity = getAssociatedManagedEntity( entity ); final boolean alreadyAssociated = managedEntity != null; if ( !alreadyAssociated ) { if ( ManagedEntity.class.isInstance( entity ) ) { if ( entityEntry.getPersister().isMutable() ) { managedEntity = (ManagedEntity) entity; // We know that managedEntity is not associated with the same PersistenceContext. // Check if managedEntity is associated with a different PersistenceContext. checkNotAssociatedWithOtherPersistenceContextIfMutable( managedEntity ); } else { // Create a holder for PersistenceContext-related data. managedEntity = new ImmutableManagedEntityHolder( (ManagedEntity) entity ); if ( immutableManagedEntityXref == null ) { immutableManagedEntityXref = new IdentityHashMap<ManagedEntity, ImmutableManagedEntityHolder>(); } immutableManagedEntityXref.put( (ManagedEntity) entity, (ImmutableManagedEntityHolder) managedEntity ); } } else { if ( nonEnhancedEntityXref == null ) { nonEnhancedEntityXref = new IdentityHashMap<Object, ManagedEntity>(); } managedEntity = new ManagedEntityImpl( entity ); nonEnhancedEntityXref.put( entity, managedEntity ); } } // associate the EntityEntry with the entity managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setEntityEntry( entityEntry ); if ( alreadyAssociated ) { // if the entity was already associated with the context, skip the linking step. return; } // TODO: can dirty be set to true here? // finally, set up linking and count if ( tail == null ) { assert head == null; // Protect against stale data in the ManagedEntity and nullify previous/next references. managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setPreviousManagedEntity( null ); managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setNextManagedEntity( null ); head = managedEntity; tail = head; count = 1; } else { tail.$$_hibernate_setNextManagedEntity( managedEntity ); managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setPreviousManagedEntity( tail ); // Protect against stale data left in the ManagedEntity nullify next reference. managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setNextManagedEntity( null ); tail = managedEntity; count++; } } private ManagedEntity getAssociatedManagedEntity(Object entity) { if ( ManagedEntity.class.isInstance( entity ) ) { final ManagedEntity managedEntity = (ManagedEntity) entity; if ( managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry() == null ) { // it is not associated return null; } final AbstractEntityEntry entityEntry = (AbstractEntityEntry) managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry(); if ( entityEntry.getPersister().isMutable() ) { return entityEntry.getPersistenceContext() == persistenceContext ? managedEntity // it is associated : null; } else { // if managedEntity is associated with this EntityEntryContext, then // it will have an entry in immutableManagedEntityXref and its // holder will be returned. return immutableManagedEntityXref != null ? immutableManagedEntityXref.get( managedEntity ) : null; } } else { return nonEnhancedEntityXref != null ? nonEnhancedEntityXref.get( entity ) : null; } } private void checkNotAssociatedWithOtherPersistenceContextIfMutable(ManagedEntity managedEntity) { // we only have to check mutable managedEntity final AbstractEntityEntry entityEntry = (AbstractEntityEntry) managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry(); if ( entityEntry == null || !entityEntry.getPersister().isMutable() || entityEntry.getPersistenceContext() == null || entityEntry.getPersistenceContext() == persistenceContext ) { return; } if ( entityEntry.getPersistenceContext().getSession().isOpen() ) { // NOTE: otherPersistenceContext may be operating on the entityEntry in a different thread. // it is not safe to associate entityEntry with this EntityEntryContext. throw new HibernateException( "Illegal attempt to associate a ManagedEntity with two open persistence contexts. " + entityEntry ); } else { // otherPersistenceContext is associated with a closed PersistenceContext log.stalePersistenceContextInEntityEntry( entityEntry.toString() ); } }
Does this entity exist in this context, associated with an EntityEntry?
  • entity – The entity to check
Returns:true if it is associated with this context
/** * Does this entity exist in this context, associated with an EntityEntry? * * @param entity The entity to check * * @return {@code true} if it is associated with this context */
public boolean hasEntityEntry(Object entity) { return getEntityEntry( entity ) != null; }
Retrieve the associated EntityEntry for the entity
  • entity – The entity to retrieve the EntityEntry for
Returns:The associated EntityEntry
/** * Retrieve the associated EntityEntry for the entity * * @param entity The entity to retrieve the EntityEntry for * * @return The associated EntityEntry */
public EntityEntry getEntityEntry(Object entity) { // locate a ManagedEntity for the entity, but only if it is associated with the same PersistenceContext. final ManagedEntity managedEntity = getAssociatedManagedEntity( entity ); // and get/return the EntityEntry from the ManagedEntry return managedEntity == null ? null : managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry(); }
Remove an entity from the context, returning the EntityEntry which was associated with it
  • entity – The entity to remove
Returns:Tjee EntityEntry
/** * Remove an entity from the context, returning the EntityEntry which was associated with it * * @param entity The entity to remove * * @return Tjee EntityEntry */
public EntityEntry removeEntityEntry(Object entity) { // locate a ManagedEntity for the entity, but only if it is associated with the same PersistenceContext. // no need to check if the entity is a ManagedEntity that is associated with a different PersistenceContext final ManagedEntity managedEntity = getAssociatedManagedEntity( entity ); if ( managedEntity == null ) { // not associated with this EntityEntryContext, so nothing to do. return null; } dirty = true; if ( ImmutableManagedEntityHolder.class.isInstance( managedEntity ) ) { assert entity == ( (ImmutableManagedEntityHolder) managedEntity ).managedEntity; immutableManagedEntityXref.remove( (ManagedEntity) entity ); } else if ( !ManagedEntity.class.isInstance( entity ) ) { nonEnhancedEntityXref.remove( entity ); } // prepare for re-linking... final ManagedEntity previous = managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getPreviousManagedEntity(); final ManagedEntity next = managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getNextManagedEntity(); managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setPreviousManagedEntity( null ); managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setNextManagedEntity( null ); // re-link count--; if ( count == 0 ) { // handle as a special case... head = null; tail = null; assert previous == null; assert next == null; } else { // otherwise, previous or next (or both) should be non-null if ( previous == null ) { // we are removing head assert managedEntity == head; head = next; } else { previous.$$_hibernate_setNextManagedEntity( next ); } if ( next == null ) { // we are removing tail assert managedEntity == tail; tail = previous; } else { next.$$_hibernate_setPreviousManagedEntity( previous ); } } // finally clean out the ManagedEntity and return the associated EntityEntry final EntityEntry theEntityEntry = managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry(); managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setEntityEntry( null ); return theEntityEntry; }
The main bugaboo with IdentityMap that warranted this class in the first place. Return an array of all the entity/EntityEntry pairs in this context. The array is to make sure that the iterators built off of it are safe from concurrency/reentrancy
Returns:The safe array
/** * The main bugaboo with IdentityMap that warranted this class in the first place. * * Return an array of all the entity/EntityEntry pairs in this context. The array is to make sure * that the iterators built off of it are safe from concurrency/reentrancy * * @return The safe array */
public Map.Entry<Object, EntityEntry>[] reentrantSafeEntityEntries() { if ( dirty ) { reentrantSafeEntries = new EntityEntryCrossRefImpl[count]; int i = 0; ManagedEntity managedEntity = head; while ( managedEntity != null ) { reentrantSafeEntries[i++] = new EntityEntryCrossRefImpl( managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityInstance(), managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry() ); managedEntity = managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getNextManagedEntity(); } dirty = false; } return reentrantSafeEntries; }
Clear this context of all managed entities
/** * Clear this context of all managed entities */
public void clear() { dirty = true; ManagedEntity node = head; while ( node != null ) { final ManagedEntity nextNode = node.$$_hibernate_getNextManagedEntity(); node.$$_hibernate_setEntityEntry( null ); node.$$_hibernate_setPreviousManagedEntity( null ); node.$$_hibernate_setNextManagedEntity( null ); node = nextNode; } if ( immutableManagedEntityXref != null ) { immutableManagedEntityXref.clear(); } if ( nonEnhancedEntityXref != null ) { nonEnhancedEntityXref.clear(); } head = null; tail = null; count = 0; reentrantSafeEntries = null; }
Down-grade locks to NONE for all entities in this context
/** * Down-grade locks to NONE for all entities in this context */
public void downgradeLocks() { if ( head == null ) { return; } ManagedEntity node = head; while ( node != null ) { node.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry().setLockMode( LockMode.NONE ); node = node.$$_hibernate_getNextManagedEntity(); } }
JDK serialization hook for serializing
  • oos – The stream to write ourselves to
  • IOException – Indicates an IO exception accessing the given stream
/** * JDK serialization hook for serializing * * @param oos The stream to write ourselves to * * @throws IOException Indicates an IO exception accessing the given stream */
public void serialize(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException { log.tracef( "Starting serialization of [%s] EntityEntry entries", count ); oos.writeInt( count ); if ( count == 0 ) { return; } ManagedEntity managedEntity = head; while ( managedEntity != null ) { // so we know whether or not to build a ManagedEntityImpl on deserialize oos.writeBoolean( managedEntity == managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityInstance() ); oos.writeObject( managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityInstance() ); // we need to know which implementation of EntityEntry is being serialized oos.writeInt( managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry().getClass().getName().length() ); oos.writeChars( managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry().getClass().getName() ); managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry().serialize( oos ); managedEntity = managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getNextManagedEntity(); } }
JDK serialization hook for deserializing
  • ois – The stream to read ourselves from
  • rtn – The persistence context we belong to
Returns:The deserialized EntityEntryContext
/** * JDK serialization hook for deserializing * * @param ois The stream to read ourselves from * @param rtn The persistence context we belong to * * @return The deserialized EntityEntryContext * * @throws IOException Indicates an IO exception accessing the given stream * @throws ClassNotFoundException Problem reading stream data */
public static EntityEntryContext deserialize(ObjectInputStream ois, StatefulPersistenceContext rtn) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { final int count = ois.readInt(); log.tracef( "Starting deserialization of [%s] EntityEntry entries", count ); final EntityEntryContext context = new EntityEntryContext( rtn ); context.count = count; context.dirty = true; if ( count == 0 ) { return context; } ManagedEntity previous = null; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { final boolean isEnhanced = ois.readBoolean(); final Object entity = ois.readObject(); //Call deserialize method dynamically via reflection final int numChars = ois.readInt(); final char[] entityEntryClassNameArr = new char[numChars]; for ( int j = 0; j < numChars; j++ ) { entityEntryClassNameArr[j] = ois.readChar(); } final EntityEntry entry = deserializeEntityEntry( entityEntryClassNameArr, ois, rtn ); final ManagedEntity managedEntity; if ( isEnhanced ) { if ( entry.getPersister().isMutable() ) { managedEntity = (ManagedEntity) entity; } else { managedEntity = new ImmutableManagedEntityHolder( (ManagedEntity) entity ); if ( context.immutableManagedEntityXref == null ) { context.immutableManagedEntityXref = new IdentityHashMap<ManagedEntity, ImmutableManagedEntityHolder>(); } context.immutableManagedEntityXref.put( (ManagedEntity) entity, (ImmutableManagedEntityHolder) managedEntity ); } } else { managedEntity = new ManagedEntityImpl( entity ); if ( context.nonEnhancedEntityXref == null ) { context.nonEnhancedEntityXref = new IdentityHashMap<Object, ManagedEntity>(); } context.nonEnhancedEntityXref.put( entity, managedEntity ); } managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setEntityEntry( entry ); if ( previous == null ) { context.head = managedEntity; } else { previous.$$_hibernate_setNextManagedEntity( managedEntity ); managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setPreviousManagedEntity( previous ); } previous = managedEntity; } context.tail = previous; return context; } private static EntityEntry deserializeEntityEntry(char[] entityEntryClassNameArr, ObjectInputStream ois, StatefulPersistenceContext rtn){ EntityEntry entry = null; final String entityEntryClassName = new String( entityEntryClassNameArr ); final Class entityEntryClass = rtn.getSession().getFactory().getServiceRegistry().getService( ClassLoaderService.class ).classForName( entityEntryClassName ); try { final Method deserializeMethod = entityEntryClass.getDeclaredMethod( "deserialize", ObjectInputStream.class, PersistenceContext.class ); entry = (EntityEntry) deserializeMethod.invoke( null, ois, rtn ); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { log.errorf( "Enable to deserialize [%s]", entityEntryClassName ); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.errorf( "Enable to deserialize [%s]", entityEntryClassName ); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.errorf( "Enable to deserialize [%s]", entityEntryClassName ); } return entry; } public int getNumberOfManagedEntities() { return count; }
The wrapper for entity classes which do not implement ManagedEntity
/** * The wrapper for entity classes which do not implement ManagedEntity */
private static class ManagedEntityImpl implements ManagedEntity { private final Object entityInstance; private EntityEntry entityEntry; private ManagedEntity previous; private ManagedEntity next; public ManagedEntityImpl(Object entityInstance) { this.entityInstance = entityInstance; } @Override public Object $$_hibernate_getEntityInstance() { return entityInstance; } @Override public EntityEntry $$_hibernate_getEntityEntry() { return entityEntry; } @Override public void $$_hibernate_setEntityEntry(EntityEntry entityEntry) { this.entityEntry = entityEntry; } @Override public ManagedEntity $$_hibernate_getNextManagedEntity() { return next; } @Override public void $$_hibernate_setNextManagedEntity(ManagedEntity next) { this.next = next; } @Override public ManagedEntity $$_hibernate_getPreviousManagedEntity() { return previous; } @Override public void $$_hibernate_setPreviousManagedEntity(ManagedEntity previous) { this.previous = previous; } } private static class ImmutableManagedEntityHolder implements ManagedEntity { private ManagedEntity managedEntity; private ManagedEntity previous; private ManagedEntity next; public ImmutableManagedEntityHolder(ManagedEntity immutableManagedEntity) { this.managedEntity = immutableManagedEntity; } @Override public Object $$_hibernate_getEntityInstance() { return managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityInstance(); } @Override public EntityEntry $$_hibernate_getEntityEntry() { return managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry(); } @Override public void $$_hibernate_setEntityEntry(EntityEntry entityEntry) { // need to think about implications for memory leaks here if we don't removed reference to EntityEntry if ( entityEntry == null ) { if ( canClearEntityEntryReference() ) { managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setEntityEntry( null ); } // otherwise, do nothing. } else { // TODO: we may want to do something different here if // managedEntity is in the process of being deleted. // An immutable ManagedEntity can be associated with // multiple PersistenceContexts. Changing the status // to DELETED probably should not happen directly // in the ManagedEntity because that would affect all // PersistenceContexts to which the ManagedEntity is // associated. managedEntity.$$_hibernate_setEntityEntry( entityEntry ); } } @Override public ManagedEntity $$_hibernate_getPreviousManagedEntity() { // previous reference cannot be stored in an immutable ManagedEntity; // previous reference is maintained by this ManagedEntityHolder. return previous; } @Override public void $$_hibernate_setPreviousManagedEntity(ManagedEntity previous) { // previous reference cannot be stored in an immutable ManagedEntity; // previous reference is maintained by this ManagedEntityHolder. this.previous = previous; } @Override public ManagedEntity $$_hibernate_getNextManagedEntity() { // next reference cannot be stored in an immutable ManagedEntity; // next reference is maintained by this ManagedEntityHolder. return next; } @Override public void $$_hibernate_setNextManagedEntity(ManagedEntity next) { // next reference cannot be stored in an immutable ManagedEntity; // next reference is maintained by this ManagedEntityHolder. this.next = next; } /* Check instance type of EntityEntry and if type is ImmutableEntityEntry, check to see if entity is referenced cached in the second level cache */ private boolean canClearEntityEntryReference(){ if( managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry() == null ) { return true; } if( !(managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry() instanceof ImmutableEntityEntry) ) { return true; } else if( managedEntity.$$_hibernate_getEntityEntry().getPersister().canUseReferenceCacheEntries() ) { return false; } return true; } } /** * Used in building the {@link #reentrantSafeEntityEntries()} entries */ public static interface EntityEntryCrossRef extends Map.Entry<Object,EntityEntry> {
The entity
Returns:The entity
/** * The entity * * @return The entity */
public Object getEntity();
The associated EntityEntry
Returns:The EntityEntry associated with the entity in this context
/** * The associated EntityEntry * * @return The EntityEntry associated with the entity in this context */
public EntityEntry getEntityEntry(); }
Implementation of the EntityEntryCrossRef interface
/** * Implementation of the EntityEntryCrossRef interface */
private static class EntityEntryCrossRefImpl implements EntityEntryCrossRef { private final Object entity; private EntityEntry entityEntry; private EntityEntryCrossRefImpl(Object entity, EntityEntry entityEntry) { this.entity = entity; this.entityEntry = entityEntry; } @Override public Object getEntity() { return entity; } @Override public EntityEntry getEntityEntry() { return entityEntry; } @Override public Object getKey() { return getEntity(); } @Override public EntityEntry getValue() { return getEntityEntry(); } @Override public EntityEntry setValue(EntityEntry entityEntry) { final EntityEntry old = this.entityEntry; this.entityEntry = entityEntry; return old; } } }