 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.cfg.annotations;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.persistence.AttributeOverride;
import javax.persistence.AttributeOverrides;
import javax.persistence.CollectionTable;
import javax.persistence.ConstraintMode;
import javax.persistence.ElementCollection;
import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumns;
import javax.persistence.JoinTable;
import javax.persistence.ManyToMany;
import javax.persistence.MapKey;
import javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;

import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
import org.hibernate.FetchMode;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.annotations.BatchSize;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Cache;
import org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionId;
import org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionType;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Fetch;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Filter;
import org.hibernate.annotations.FilterJoinTable;
import org.hibernate.annotations.FilterJoinTables;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Filters;
import org.hibernate.annotations.ForeignKey;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Immutable;
import org.hibernate.annotations.LazyCollection;
import org.hibernate.annotations.LazyCollectionOption;
import org.hibernate.annotations.LazyGroup;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Loader;
import org.hibernate.annotations.ManyToAny;
import org.hibernate.annotations.OnDelete;
import org.hibernate.annotations.OptimisticLock;
import org.hibernate.annotations.OrderBy;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Parameter;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Persister;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SQLDelete;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SQLDeleteAll;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SQLInsert;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SQLUpdate;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Sort;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SortComparator;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SortNatural;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SortType;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Where;
import org.hibernate.annotations.WhereJoinTable;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XProperty;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.IdentifierGeneratorDefinition;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.TypeDefinition;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.MetadataBuildingContext;
import org.hibernate.cfg.AccessType;
import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotatedClassType;
import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationBinder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.BinderHelper;
import org.hibernate.cfg.CollectionPropertyHolder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.CollectionSecondPass;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Ejb3Column;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Ejb3JoinColumn;
import org.hibernate.cfg.IndexColumn;
import org.hibernate.cfg.InheritanceState;
import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyData;
import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyHolder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyHolderBuilder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyInferredData;
import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyPreloadedData;
import org.hibernate.cfg.SecondPass;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Junction;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Any;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Backref;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Collection;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Column;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Component;
import org.hibernate.mapping.DependantValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Join;
import org.hibernate.mapping.KeyValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.ManyToOne;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

import static org.hibernate.cfg.BinderHelper.toAliasEntityMap;
import static org.hibernate.cfg.BinderHelper.toAliasTableMap;

Base class for binding different types of collections to Hibernate configuration objects.
Author:inger, Emmanuel Bernard
/** * Base class for binding different types of collections to Hibernate configuration objects. * * @author inger * @author Emmanuel Bernard */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "serial", "WeakerAccess", "deprecation"}) public abstract class CollectionBinder { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(CoreMessageLogger.class, CollectionBinder.class.getName()); private MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext; protected Collection collection; protected String propertyName; PropertyHolder propertyHolder; private int batchSize; private String mappedBy; private XClass collectionType; private XClass targetEntity; private Ejb3JoinColumn[] inverseJoinColumns; private String cascadeStrategy; private String cacheConcurrencyStrategy; private String cacheRegionName; private boolean oneToMany; protected IndexColumn indexColumn; protected boolean cascadeDeleteEnabled; protected String mapKeyPropertyName; private boolean insertable = true; private boolean updatable = true; private Ejb3JoinColumn[] fkJoinColumns; private boolean isExplicitAssociationTable; private Ejb3Column[] elementColumns; private boolean isEmbedded; private XProperty property; private boolean ignoreNotFound; private TableBinder tableBinder; private Ejb3Column[] mapKeyColumns; private Ejb3JoinColumn[] mapKeyManyToManyColumns; protected HashMap<String, IdentifierGeneratorDefinition> localGenerators; protected Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass; private XClass declaringClass; private boolean declaringClassSet; private AccessType accessType; private boolean hibernateExtensionMapping; private boolean isSortedCollection; private javax.persistence.OrderBy jpaOrderBy; private OrderBy sqlOrderBy; private Sort deprecatedSort; private SortNatural naturalSort; private SortComparator comparatorSort; private String explicitType; private final Properties explicitTypeParameters = new Properties(); protected CollectionBinder(boolean isSortedCollection) { this.isSortedCollection = isSortedCollection; } protected MetadataBuildingContext getBuildingContext() { return buildingContext; } public void setBuildingContext(MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext) { this.buildingContext = buildingContext; } public boolean isMap() { return false; } protected void setIsHibernateExtensionMapping(boolean hibernateExtensionMapping) { this.hibernateExtensionMapping = hibernateExtensionMapping; } protected boolean isHibernateExtensionMapping() { return hibernateExtensionMapping; } public void setUpdatable(boolean updatable) { this.updatable = updatable; } public void setInheritanceStatePerClass(Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass) { this.inheritanceStatePerClass = inheritanceStatePerClass; } public void setInsertable(boolean insertable) { this.insertable = insertable; } public void setCascadeStrategy(String cascadeStrategy) { this.cascadeStrategy = cascadeStrategy; } public void setAccessType(AccessType accessType) { this.accessType = accessType; } public void setInverseJoinColumns(Ejb3JoinColumn[] inverseJoinColumns) { this.inverseJoinColumns = inverseJoinColumns; } public void setJoinColumns(Ejb3JoinColumn[] joinColumns) { this.joinColumns = joinColumns; } private Ejb3JoinColumn[] joinColumns; public void setPropertyHolder(PropertyHolder propertyHolder) { this.propertyHolder = propertyHolder; } public void setBatchSize(BatchSize batchSize) { this.batchSize = batchSize == null ? -1 : batchSize.size(); } public void setJpaOrderBy(javax.persistence.OrderBy jpaOrderBy) { this.jpaOrderBy = jpaOrderBy; } public void setSqlOrderBy(OrderBy sqlOrderBy) { this.sqlOrderBy = sqlOrderBy; } public void setSort(Sort deprecatedSort) { this.deprecatedSort = deprecatedSort; } public void setNaturalSort(SortNatural naturalSort) { this.naturalSort = naturalSort; } public void setComparatorSort(SortComparator comparatorSort) { this.comparatorSort = comparatorSort; }
collection binder factory
/** * collection binder factory */
public static CollectionBinder getCollectionBinder( String entityName, XProperty property, boolean isIndexed, boolean isHibernateExtensionMapping, MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext) { final CollectionBinder result; if ( property.isArray() ) { if ( property.getElementClass().isPrimitive() ) { result = new PrimitiveArrayBinder(); } else { result = new ArrayBinder(); } } else if ( property.isCollection() ) { //TODO consider using an XClass Class returnedClass = property.getCollectionClass(); if ( java.util.Set.class.equals( returnedClass ) ) { if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionId.class ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Set do not support @CollectionId: " + StringHelper.qualify( entityName, property.getName() ) ); } result = new SetBinder( false ); } else if ( java.util.SortedSet.class.equals( returnedClass ) ) { if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionId.class ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Set do not support @CollectionId: " + StringHelper.qualify( entityName, property.getName() ) ); } result = new SetBinder( true ); } else if ( java.util.Map.class.equals( returnedClass ) ) { if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionId.class ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Map do not support @CollectionId: " + StringHelper.qualify( entityName, property.getName() ) ); } result = new MapBinder( false ); } else if ( java.util.SortedMap.class.equals( returnedClass ) ) { if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionId.class ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Map do not support @CollectionId: " + StringHelper.qualify( entityName, property.getName() ) ); } result = new MapBinder( true ); } else if ( java.util.Collection.class.equals( returnedClass ) ) { if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionId.class ) ) { result = new IdBagBinder(); } else { result = new BagBinder(); } } else if ( java.util.List.class.equals( returnedClass ) ) { if ( isIndexed ) { if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionId.class ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "List do not support @CollectionId and @OrderColumn (or @IndexColumn) at the same time: " + StringHelper.qualify( entityName, property.getName() ) ); } result = new ListBinder(); } else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionId.class ) ) { result = new IdBagBinder(); } else { result = new BagBinder(); } } else { throw new AnnotationException( returnedClass.getName() + " collection not yet supported: " + StringHelper.qualify( entityName, property.getName() ) ); } } else { throw new AnnotationException( "Illegal attempt to map a non collection as a @OneToMany, @ManyToMany or @CollectionOfElements: " + StringHelper.qualify( entityName, property.getName() ) ); } result.setIsHibernateExtensionMapping( isHibernateExtensionMapping ); final CollectionType typeAnnotation = property.getAnnotation( CollectionType.class ); if ( typeAnnotation != null ) { final String typeName = typeAnnotation.type(); // see if it names a type-def final TypeDefinition typeDef = buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getTypeDefinition( typeName ); if ( typeDef != null ) { result.explicitType = typeDef.getTypeImplementorClass().getName(); result.explicitTypeParameters.putAll( typeDef.getParameters() ); } else { result.explicitType = typeName; for ( Parameter param : typeAnnotation.parameters() ) { result.explicitTypeParameters.setProperty( param.name(), param.value() ); } } } return result; } public void setMappedBy(String mappedBy) { this.mappedBy = mappedBy; } public void setTableBinder(TableBinder tableBinder) { this.tableBinder = tableBinder; } public void setCollectionType(XClass collectionType) { // NOTE: really really badly named. This is actually NOT the collection-type, but rather the collection-element-type! this.collectionType = collectionType; } public void setTargetEntity(XClass targetEntity) { this.targetEntity = targetEntity; } protected abstract Collection createCollection(PersistentClass persistentClass); public Collection getCollection() { return collection; } public void setPropertyName(String propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; } public void setDeclaringClass(XClass declaringClass) { this.declaringClass = declaringClass; this.declaringClassSet = true; } public void bind() { this.collection = createCollection( propertyHolder.getPersistentClass() ); String role = StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), propertyName ); LOG.debugf( "Collection role: %s", role ); collection.setRole( role ); collection.setMappedByProperty( mappedBy ); if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( MapKeyColumn.class ) && mapKeyPropertyName != null ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Cannot mix @javax.persistence.MapKey and @MapKeyColumn or @org.hibernate.annotations.MapKey " + "on the same collection: " + StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), propertyName ) ); } // set explicit type information if ( explicitType != null ) { final TypeDefinition typeDef = buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getTypeDefinition( explicitType ); if ( typeDef == null ) { collection.setTypeName( explicitType ); collection.setTypeParameters( explicitTypeParameters ); } else { collection.setTypeName( typeDef.getTypeImplementorClass().getName() ); collection.setTypeParameters( typeDef.getParameters() ); } } //set laziness defineFetchingStrategy(); collection.setBatchSize( batchSize ); collection.setMutable( !property.isAnnotationPresent( Immutable.class ) ); //work on association boolean isMappedBy = !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( mappedBy ); final OptimisticLock lockAnn = property.getAnnotation( OptimisticLock.class ); final boolean includeInOptimisticLockChecks = ( lockAnn != null ) ? ! lockAnn.excluded() : ! isMappedBy; collection.setOptimisticLocked( includeInOptimisticLockChecks ); Persister persisterAnn = property.getAnnotation( Persister.class ); if ( persisterAnn != null ) { collection.setCollectionPersisterClass( persisterAnn.impl() ); } applySortingAndOrdering( collection ); //set cache if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( cacheConcurrencyStrategy ) ) { collection.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( cacheConcurrencyStrategy ); collection.setCacheRegionName( cacheRegionName ); } //SQL overriding SQLInsert sqlInsert = property.getAnnotation( SQLInsert.class ); SQLUpdate sqlUpdate = property.getAnnotation( SQLUpdate.class ); SQLDelete sqlDelete = property.getAnnotation( SQLDelete.class ); SQLDeleteAll sqlDeleteAll = property.getAnnotation( SQLDeleteAll.class ); Loader loader = property.getAnnotation( Loader.class ); if ( sqlInsert != null ) { collection.setCustomSQLInsert( sqlInsert.sql().trim(), sqlInsert.callable(), ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( sqlInsert.check().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } if ( sqlUpdate != null ) { collection.setCustomSQLUpdate( sqlUpdate.sql(), sqlUpdate.callable(), ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( sqlUpdate.check().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } if ( sqlDelete != null ) { collection.setCustomSQLDelete( sqlDelete.sql(), sqlDelete.callable(), ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( sqlDelete.check().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } if ( sqlDeleteAll != null ) { collection.setCustomSQLDeleteAll( sqlDeleteAll.sql(), sqlDeleteAll.callable(), ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( sqlDeleteAll.check().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } if ( loader != null ) { collection.setLoaderName( loader.namedQuery() ); } if (isMappedBy && (property.isAnnotationPresent( JoinColumn.class ) || property.isAnnotationPresent( JoinColumns.class ) || propertyHolder.getJoinTable( property ) != null ) ) { String message = "Associations marked as mappedBy must not define database mappings like @JoinTable or @JoinColumn: "; message += StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), propertyName ); throw new AnnotationException( message ); } if (!isMappedBy && oneToMany && property.isAnnotationPresent( OnDelete.class ) && !property.isAnnotationPresent( JoinColumn.class )) { String message = "Unidirectional one-to-many associations annotated with @OnDelete must define @JoinColumn: "; message += StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), propertyName ); throw new AnnotationException( message ); } collection.setInverse( isMappedBy ); //many to many may need some second pass informations if ( !oneToMany && isMappedBy ) { buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().addMappedBy( getCollectionType().getName(), mappedBy, propertyName ); } //TODO reducce tableBinder != null and oneToMany XClass collectionType = getCollectionType(); if ( inheritanceStatePerClass == null) throw new AssertionFailure( "inheritanceStatePerClass not set" ); SecondPass sp = getSecondPass( fkJoinColumns, joinColumns, inverseJoinColumns, elementColumns, mapKeyColumns, mapKeyManyToManyColumns, isEmbedded, property, collectionType, ignoreNotFound, oneToMany, tableBinder, buildingContext ); if ( collectionType.isAnnotationPresent( Embeddable.class ) || property.isAnnotationPresent( ElementCollection.class ) //JPA 2 ) { // do it right away, otherwise @ManyToOne on composite element call addSecondPass // and raise a ConcurrentModificationException //sp.doSecondPass( CollectionHelper.EMPTY_MAP ); buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().addSecondPass( sp, !isMappedBy ); } else { buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().addSecondPass( sp, !isMappedBy ); } buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().addCollectionBinding( collection ); //property building PropertyBinder binder = new PropertyBinder(); binder.setName( propertyName ); binder.setValue( collection ); binder.setCascade( cascadeStrategy ); if ( cascadeStrategy != null && cascadeStrategy.contains( "delete-orphan" ) ) { collection.setOrphanDelete( true ); } binder.setLazy( collection.isLazy() ); final LazyGroup lazyGroupAnnotation = property.getAnnotation( LazyGroup.class ); if ( lazyGroupAnnotation != null ) { binder.setLazyGroup( lazyGroupAnnotation.value() ); } binder.setAccessType( accessType ); binder.setProperty( property ); binder.setInsertable( insertable ); binder.setUpdatable( updatable ); Property prop = binder.makeProperty(); //we don't care about the join stuffs because the column is on the association table. if (! declaringClassSet) throw new AssertionFailure( "DeclaringClass is not set in CollectionBinder while binding" ); propertyHolder.addProperty( prop, declaringClass ); } private void applySortingAndOrdering(Collection collection) { boolean hadOrderBy = false; boolean hadExplicitSort = false; Class<? extends Comparator> comparatorClass = null; if ( jpaOrderBy == null && sqlOrderBy == null ) { if ( deprecatedSort != null ) { LOG.debug( "Encountered deprecated @Sort annotation; use @SortNatural or @SortComparator instead." ); if ( naturalSort != null || comparatorSort != null ) { throw buildIllegalSortCombination(); } hadExplicitSort = deprecatedSort.type() != SortType.UNSORTED; if ( deprecatedSort.type() == SortType.NATURAL ) { isSortedCollection = true; } else if ( deprecatedSort.type() == SortType.COMPARATOR ) { isSortedCollection = true; comparatorClass = deprecatedSort.comparator(); } } else if ( naturalSort != null ) { if ( comparatorSort != null ) { throw buildIllegalSortCombination(); } hadExplicitSort = true; } else if ( comparatorSort != null ) { hadExplicitSort = true; comparatorClass = comparatorSort.value(); } } else { if ( jpaOrderBy != null && sqlOrderBy != null ) { throw new AnnotationException( String.format( "Illegal combination of @%s and @%s on %s", javax.persistence.OrderBy.class.getName(), OrderBy.class.getName(), safeCollectionRole() ) ); } hadOrderBy = true; hadExplicitSort = false; // we can only apply the sql-based order by up front. The jpa order by has to wait for second pass if ( sqlOrderBy != null ) { collection.setOrderBy( sqlOrderBy.clause() ); } } if ( isSortedCollection ) { if ( ! hadExplicitSort && !hadOrderBy ) { throw new AnnotationException( "A sorted collection must define and ordering or sorting : " + safeCollectionRole() ); } } collection.setSorted( isSortedCollection || hadExplicitSort ); if ( comparatorClass != null ) { try { collection.setComparator( comparatorClass.newInstance() ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AnnotationException( String.format( "Could not instantiate comparator class [%s] for %s", comparatorClass.getName(), safeCollectionRole() ) ); } } } private AnnotationException buildIllegalSortCombination() { return new AnnotationException( String.format( "Illegal combination of annotations on %s. Only one of @%s, @%s and @%s can be used", safeCollectionRole(), Sort.class.getName(), SortNatural.class.getName(), SortComparator.class.getName() ) ); } private void defineFetchingStrategy() { LazyCollection lazy = property.getAnnotation( LazyCollection.class ); Fetch fetch = property.getAnnotation( Fetch.class ); OneToMany oneToMany = property.getAnnotation( OneToMany.class ); ManyToMany manyToMany = property.getAnnotation( ManyToMany.class ); ElementCollection elementCollection = property.getAnnotation( ElementCollection.class ); ManyToAny manyToAny = property.getAnnotation( ManyToAny.class ); FetchType fetchType; if ( oneToMany != null ) { fetchType = oneToMany.fetch(); } else if ( manyToMany != null ) { fetchType = manyToMany.fetch(); } else if ( elementCollection != null ) { fetchType = elementCollection.fetch(); } else if ( manyToAny != null ) { fetchType = FetchType.LAZY; } else { throw new AssertionFailure( "Define fetch strategy on a property not annotated with @ManyToOne nor @OneToMany nor @CollectionOfElements" ); } if ( lazy != null ) { collection.setLazy( !( lazy.value() == LazyCollectionOption.FALSE ) ); collection.setExtraLazy( lazy.value() == LazyCollectionOption.EXTRA ); } else { collection.setLazy( fetchType == FetchType.LAZY ); collection.setExtraLazy( false ); } if ( fetch != null ) { if ( fetch.value() == org.hibernate.annotations.FetchMode.JOIN ) { collection.setFetchMode( FetchMode.JOIN ); collection.setLazy( false ); } else if ( fetch.value() == org.hibernate.annotations.FetchMode.SELECT ) { collection.setFetchMode( FetchMode.SELECT ); } else if ( fetch.value() == org.hibernate.annotations.FetchMode.SUBSELECT ) { collection.setFetchMode( FetchMode.SELECT ); collection.setSubselectLoadable( true ); collection.getOwner().setSubselectLoadableCollections( true ); } else { throw new AssertionFailure( "Unknown FetchMode: " + fetch.value() ); } } else { collection.setFetchMode( AnnotationBinder.getFetchMode( fetchType ) ); } } private XClass getCollectionType() { if ( AnnotationBinder.isDefault( targetEntity, buildingContext ) ) { if ( collectionType != null ) { return collectionType; } else { String errorMsg = "Collection has neither generic type or OneToMany.targetEntity() defined: " + safeCollectionRole(); throw new AnnotationException( errorMsg ); } } else { return targetEntity; } } public SecondPass getSecondPass( final Ejb3JoinColumn[] fkJoinColumns, final Ejb3JoinColumn[] keyColumns, final Ejb3JoinColumn[] inverseColumns, final Ejb3Column[] elementColumns, final Ejb3Column[] mapKeyColumns, final Ejb3JoinColumn[] mapKeyManyToManyColumns, final boolean isEmbedded, final XProperty property, final XClass collType, final boolean ignoreNotFound, final boolean unique, final TableBinder assocTableBinder, final MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext) { return new CollectionSecondPass( buildingContext, collection ) { @Override public void secondPass(java.util.Map persistentClasses, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException { bindStarToManySecondPass( persistentClasses, collType, fkJoinColumns, keyColumns, inverseColumns, elementColumns, isEmbedded, property, unique, assocTableBinder, ignoreNotFound, buildingContext ); } }; }
return true if it's a Fk, false if it's an association table
/** * return true if it's a Fk, false if it's an association table */
protected boolean bindStarToManySecondPass( Map persistentClasses, XClass collType, Ejb3JoinColumn[] fkJoinColumns, Ejb3JoinColumn[] keyColumns, Ejb3JoinColumn[] inverseColumns, Ejb3Column[] elementColumns, boolean isEmbedded, XProperty property, boolean unique, TableBinder associationTableBinder, boolean ignoreNotFound, MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext) { PersistentClass persistentClass = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get( collType.getName() ); boolean reversePropertyInJoin = false; if ( persistentClass != null && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( this.mappedBy ) ) { try { reversePropertyInJoin = 0 != persistentClass.getJoinNumber( persistentClass.getRecursiveProperty( this.mappedBy ) ); } catch (MappingException e) { throw new AnnotationException( "mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property: " + collType + "." + this.mappedBy + " in " + collection.getOwnerEntityName() + "." + property.getName() ); } } if ( persistentClass != null && !reversePropertyInJoin && oneToMany && !this.isExplicitAssociationTable && ( joinColumns[0].isImplicit() && !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( this.mappedBy ) //implicit @JoinColumn || !fkJoinColumns[0].isImplicit() ) //this is an explicit @JoinColumn ) { //this is a Foreign key bindOneToManySecondPass( getCollection(), persistentClasses, fkJoinColumns, collType, cascadeDeleteEnabled, ignoreNotFound, buildingContext, inheritanceStatePerClass ); return true; } else { //this is an association table bindManyToManySecondPass( this.collection, persistentClasses, keyColumns, inverseColumns, elementColumns, isEmbedded, collType, ignoreNotFound, unique, cascadeDeleteEnabled, associationTableBinder, property, propertyHolder, buildingContext ); return false; } } protected void bindOneToManySecondPass( Collection collection, Map persistentClasses, Ejb3JoinColumn[] fkJoinColumns, XClass collectionType, boolean cascadeDeleteEnabled, boolean ignoreNotFound, MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass) { final boolean debugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); if ( debugEnabled ) { LOG.debugf( "Binding a OneToMany: %s.%s through a foreign key", propertyHolder.getEntityName(), propertyName ); } if ( buildingContext == null ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "CollectionSecondPass for oneToMany should not be called with null mappings" ); } org.hibernate.mapping.OneToMany oneToMany = new org.hibernate.mapping.OneToMany( buildingContext, collection.getOwner() ); collection.setElement( oneToMany ); oneToMany.setReferencedEntityName( collectionType.getName() ); oneToMany.setIgnoreNotFound( ignoreNotFound ); String assocClass = oneToMany.getReferencedEntityName(); PersistentClass associatedClass = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get( assocClass ); if ( jpaOrderBy != null ) { final String orderByFragment = buildOrderByClauseFromHql( jpaOrderBy.value(), associatedClass, collection.getRole() ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( orderByFragment ) ) { collection.setOrderBy( orderByFragment ); } } Map<String, Join> joins = buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getJoins( assocClass ); if ( associatedClass == null ) { throw new MappingException( String.format("Association [%s] for entity [%s] references unmapped class [%s]", propertyName, propertyHolder.getClassName(), assocClass) ); } oneToMany.setAssociatedClass( associatedClass ); for (Ejb3JoinColumn column : fkJoinColumns) { column.setPersistentClass( associatedClass, joins, inheritanceStatePerClass ); column.setJoins( joins ); collection.setCollectionTable( column.getTable() ); } if ( debugEnabled ) { LOG.debugf( "Mapping collection: %s -> %s", collection.getRole(), collection.getCollectionTable().getName() ); } bindFilters( false ); bindCollectionSecondPass( collection, null, fkJoinColumns, cascadeDeleteEnabled, property, propertyHolder, buildingContext ); if ( !collection.isInverse() && !collection.getKey().isNullable() ) { // for non-inverse one-to-many, with a not-null fk, add a backref! String entityName = oneToMany.getReferencedEntityName(); PersistentClass referenced = buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getEntityBinding( entityName ); Backref prop = new Backref(); prop.setName( '_' + fkJoinColumns[0].getPropertyName() + '_' + fkJoinColumns[0].getLogicalColumnName() + "Backref" ); prop.setUpdateable( false ); prop.setSelectable( false ); prop.setCollectionRole( collection.getRole() ); prop.setEntityName( collection.getOwner().getEntityName() ); prop.setValue( collection.getKey() ); referenced.addProperty( prop ); } } private void bindFilters(boolean hasAssociationTable) { Filter simpleFilter = property.getAnnotation( Filter.class ); //set filtering //test incompatible choices //if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( where ) ) collection.setWhere( where ); if ( simpleFilter != null ) { if ( hasAssociationTable ) { collection.addManyToManyFilter(simpleFilter.name(), getCondition(simpleFilter), simpleFilter.deduceAliasInjectionPoints(), toAliasTableMap(simpleFilter.aliases()), toAliasEntityMap(simpleFilter.aliases())); } else { collection.addFilter(simpleFilter.name(), getCondition(simpleFilter), simpleFilter.deduceAliasInjectionPoints(), toAliasTableMap(simpleFilter.aliases()), toAliasEntityMap(simpleFilter.aliases())); } } Filters filters = property.getAnnotation( Filters.class ); if ( filters != null ) { for (Filter filter : filters.value()) { if ( hasAssociationTable ) { collection.addManyToManyFilter( filter.name(), getCondition(filter), filter.deduceAliasInjectionPoints(), toAliasTableMap(filter.aliases()), toAliasEntityMap(filter.aliases())); } else { collection.addFilter(filter.name(), getCondition(filter), filter.deduceAliasInjectionPoints(), toAliasTableMap(filter.aliases()), toAliasEntityMap(filter.aliases())); } } } FilterJoinTable simpleFilterJoinTable = property.getAnnotation( FilterJoinTable.class ); if ( simpleFilterJoinTable != null ) { if ( hasAssociationTable ) { collection.addFilter(simpleFilterJoinTable.name(), simpleFilterJoinTable.condition(), simpleFilterJoinTable.deduceAliasInjectionPoints(), toAliasTableMap(simpleFilterJoinTable.aliases()), toAliasEntityMap(simpleFilterJoinTable.aliases())); } else { throw new AnnotationException( "Illegal use of @FilterJoinTable on an association without join table:" + StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), propertyName ) ); } } FilterJoinTables filterJoinTables = property.getAnnotation( FilterJoinTables.class ); if ( filterJoinTables != null ) { for (FilterJoinTable filter : filterJoinTables.value()) { if ( hasAssociationTable ) { collection.addFilter(filter.name(), filter.condition(), filter.deduceAliasInjectionPoints(), toAliasTableMap(filter.aliases()), toAliasEntityMap(filter.aliases())); } else { throw new AnnotationException( "Illegal use of @FilterJoinTable on an association without join table:" + StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), propertyName ) ); } } } StringBuilder whereBuffer = new StringBuilder(); if ( property.getElementClass() != null ) { Where whereOnClass = property.getElementClass().getAnnotation( Where.class ); if ( whereOnClass != null ) { String clause = whereOnClass.clause(); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( clause ) ) { whereBuffer.append( clause ); } } } Where whereOnCollection = property.getAnnotation( Where.class ); if ( whereOnCollection != null ) { String clause = whereOnCollection.clause(); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( clause ) ) { if ( whereBuffer.length() > 0 ) { whereBuffer.append( ' ' ); whereBuffer.append( Junction.Nature.AND.getOperator() ); whereBuffer.append( ' ' ); } whereBuffer.append( clause ); } } if ( whereBuffer.length() > 0 ) { String whereClause = whereBuffer.toString(); if ( hasAssociationTable ) { collection.setManyToManyWhere( whereClause ); } else { collection.setWhere( whereClause ); } } WhereJoinTable whereJoinTable = property.getAnnotation( WhereJoinTable.class ); String whereJoinTableClause = whereJoinTable == null ? null : whereJoinTable.clause(); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( whereJoinTableClause ) ) { if ( hasAssociationTable ) { collection.setWhere( whereJoinTableClause ); } else { throw new AnnotationException( "Illegal use of @WhereJoinTable on an association without join table:" + StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), propertyName ) ); } } // This cannot happen in annotations since the second fetch is hardcoded to join // if ( ( ! collection.getManyToManyFilterMap().isEmpty() || collection.getManyToManyWhere() != null ) && // collection.getFetchMode() == FetchMode.JOIN && // collection.getElement().getFetchMode() != FetchMode.JOIN ) { // throw new MappingException( // "association with join table defining filter or where without join fetching " + // "not valid within collection using join fetching [" + collection.getRole() + "]" // ); // } } private String getCondition(Filter filter) { //set filtering String name = filter.name(); String cond = filter.condition(); return getCondition( cond, name ); } private String getCondition(String cond, String name) { if ( BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( cond ) ) { cond = buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getFilterDefinition( name ).getDefaultFilterCondition(); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( cond ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "no filter condition found for filter " + name + " in " + StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), propertyName ) ); } } return cond; } public void setCache(Cache cacheAnn) { if ( cacheAnn != null ) { cacheRegionName = BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( cacheAnn.region() ) ? null : cacheAnn.region(); cacheConcurrencyStrategy = EntityBinder.getCacheConcurrencyStrategy( cacheAnn.usage() ); } else { cacheConcurrencyStrategy = null; cacheRegionName = null; } } public void setOneToMany(boolean oneToMany) { this.oneToMany = oneToMany; } public void setIndexColumn(IndexColumn indexColumn) { this.indexColumn = indexColumn; } public void setMapKey(MapKey key) { if ( key != null ) { mapKeyPropertyName = key.name(); } } private static String buildOrderByClauseFromHql(String orderByFragment, PersistentClass associatedClass, String role) { if ( orderByFragment != null ) { if ( orderByFragment.length() == 0 ) { //order by id return "id asc"; } else if ( "desc".equals( orderByFragment ) ) { return "id desc"; } } return orderByFragment; } public static String adjustUserSuppliedValueCollectionOrderingFragment(String orderByFragment) { if ( orderByFragment != null ) { orderByFragment = orderByFragment.trim(); if ( orderByFragment.length() == 0 || orderByFragment.equalsIgnoreCase( "asc" ) ) { // This indicates something like either: // `@OrderBy()` // `@OrderBy("asc") // // JPA says this should indicate an ascending natural ordering of the elements - id for // entity associations or the value(s) for "element collections" return "$element$ asc"; } else if ( orderByFragment.equalsIgnoreCase( "desc" ) ) { // This indicates: // `@OrderBy("desc")` // // JPA says this should indicate a descending natural ordering of the elements - id for // entity associations or the value(s) for "element collections" return "$element$ desc"; } } return orderByFragment; } private static SimpleValue buildCollectionKey( Collection collValue, Ejb3JoinColumn[] joinColumns, boolean cascadeDeleteEnabled, XProperty property, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext) { //binding key reference using column KeyValue keyVal; //give a chance to override the referenced property name //has to do that here because the referencedProperty creation happens in a FKSecondPass for Many to one yuk! if ( joinColumns.length > 0 && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( joinColumns[0].getMappedBy() ) ) { String entityName = joinColumns[0].getManyToManyOwnerSideEntityName() != null ? "inverse__" + joinColumns[0].getManyToManyOwnerSideEntityName() : joinColumns[0].getPropertyHolder().getEntityName(); String propRef = buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getPropertyReferencedAssociation( entityName, joinColumns[0].getMappedBy() ); if ( propRef != null ) { collValue.setReferencedPropertyName( propRef ); buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().addPropertyReference( collValue.getOwnerEntityName(), propRef ); } } String propRef = collValue.getReferencedPropertyName(); if ( propRef == null ) { keyVal = collValue.getOwner().getIdentifier(); } else { keyVal = (KeyValue) collValue.getOwner() .getReferencedProperty( propRef ) .getValue(); } DependantValue key = new DependantValue( buildingContext, collValue.getCollectionTable(), keyVal ); key.setTypeName( null ); Ejb3Column.checkPropertyConsistency( joinColumns, collValue.getOwnerEntityName() ); key.setNullable( joinColumns.length == 0 || joinColumns[0].isNullable() ); key.setUpdateable( joinColumns.length == 0 || joinColumns[0].isUpdatable() ); key.setCascadeDeleteEnabled( cascadeDeleteEnabled ); collValue.setKey( key ); if ( property != null ) { final ForeignKey fk = property.getAnnotation( ForeignKey.class ); if ( fk != null && !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( fk.name() ) ) { key.setForeignKeyName( fk.name() ); } else { final CollectionTable collectionTableAnn = property.getAnnotation( CollectionTable.class ); if ( collectionTableAnn != null ) { if ( collectionTableAnn.foreignKey().value() == ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT ) { key.setForeignKeyName( "none" ); } else { key.setForeignKeyName( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( collectionTableAnn.foreignKey().name() ) ); key.setForeignKeyDefinition( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( collectionTableAnn.foreignKey().foreignKeyDefinition() ) ); if ( key.getForeignKeyName() == null && key.getForeignKeyDefinition() == null && collectionTableAnn.joinColumns().length == 1 ) { JoinColumn joinColumn = collectionTableAnn.joinColumns()[0]; key.setForeignKeyName( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( joinColumn.foreignKey().name() ) ); key.setForeignKeyDefinition( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( joinColumn.foreignKey().foreignKeyDefinition() ) ); } } } else { final JoinTable joinTableAnn = property.getAnnotation( JoinTable.class ); if ( joinTableAnn != null ) { String foreignKeyName = joinTableAnn.foreignKey().name(); String foreignKeyDefinition = joinTableAnn.foreignKey().foreignKeyDefinition(); ConstraintMode foreignKeyValue = joinTableAnn.foreignKey().value(); if ( joinTableAnn.joinColumns().length != 0 ) { final JoinColumn joinColumnAnn = joinTableAnn.joinColumns()[0]; if ( "".equals( foreignKeyName ) ) { foreignKeyName = joinColumnAnn.foreignKey().name(); foreignKeyDefinition = joinColumnAnn.foreignKey().foreignKeyDefinition(); } if ( foreignKeyValue != ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT ) { foreignKeyValue = joinColumnAnn.foreignKey().value(); } } if ( foreignKeyValue == ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT ) { key.setForeignKeyName( "none" ); } else { key.setForeignKeyName( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( foreignKeyName ) ); key.setForeignKeyDefinition( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( foreignKeyDefinition ) ); } } else { final javax.persistence.ForeignKey fkOverride = propertyHolder.getOverriddenForeignKey( StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), property.getName() ) ); if ( fkOverride != null && fkOverride.value() == ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT ) { key.setForeignKeyName( "none" ); } else if ( fkOverride != null ) { key.setForeignKeyName( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( fkOverride.name() ) ); key.setForeignKeyDefinition( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( fkOverride.foreignKeyDefinition() ) ); } else { final JoinColumn joinColumnAnn = property.getAnnotation( JoinColumn.class ); if ( joinColumnAnn != null ) { if ( joinColumnAnn.foreignKey().value() == ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT ) { key.setForeignKeyName( "none" ); } else { key.setForeignKeyName( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( joinColumnAnn.foreignKey().name() ) ); key.setForeignKeyDefinition( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( joinColumnAnn.foreignKey().foreignKeyDefinition() ) ); } } } } } } } return key; } private void bindManyToManySecondPass( Collection collValue, Map persistentClasses, Ejb3JoinColumn[] joinColumns, Ejb3JoinColumn[] inverseJoinColumns, Ejb3Column[] elementColumns, boolean isEmbedded, XClass collType, boolean ignoreNotFound, boolean unique, boolean cascadeDeleteEnabled, TableBinder associationTableBinder, XProperty property, PropertyHolder parentPropertyHolder, MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext) throws MappingException { if ( property == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "null was passed for argument property" ); } final PersistentClass collectionEntity = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get( collType.getName() ); final String hqlOrderBy = extractHqlOrderBy( jpaOrderBy ); boolean isCollectionOfEntities = collectionEntity != null; ManyToAny anyAnn = property.getAnnotation( ManyToAny.class ); if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) { String path = collValue.getOwnerEntityName() + "." + joinColumns[0].getPropertyName(); if ( isCollectionOfEntities && unique ) { LOG.debugf("Binding a OneToMany: %s through an association table", path); } else if (isCollectionOfEntities) { LOG.debugf("Binding as ManyToMany: %s", path); } else if (anyAnn != null) { LOG.debugf("Binding a ManyToAny: %s", path); } else { LOG.debugf("Binding a collection of element: %s", path); } } //check for user error if ( !isCollectionOfEntities ) { if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToMany.class ) || property.isAnnotationPresent( OneToMany.class ) ) { String path = collValue.getOwnerEntityName() + "." + joinColumns[0].getPropertyName(); throw new AnnotationException( "Use of @OneToMany or @ManyToMany targeting an unmapped class: " + path + "[" + collType + "]" ); } else if ( anyAnn != null ) { if ( parentPropertyHolder.getJoinTable( property ) == null ) { String path = collValue.getOwnerEntityName() + "." + joinColumns[0].getPropertyName(); throw new AnnotationException( "@JoinTable is mandatory when @ManyToAny is used: " + path ); } } else { JoinTable joinTableAnn = parentPropertyHolder.getJoinTable( property ); if ( joinTableAnn != null && joinTableAnn.inverseJoinColumns().length > 0 ) { String path = collValue.getOwnerEntityName() + "." + joinColumns[0].getPropertyName(); throw new AnnotationException( "Use of @JoinTable.inverseJoinColumns targeting an unmapped class: " + path + "[" + collType + "]" ); } } } boolean mappedBy = !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( joinColumns[0].getMappedBy() ); if ( mappedBy ) { if ( !isCollectionOfEntities ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Collection of elements must not have mappedBy or association reference an unmapped entity: " + collValue.getOwnerEntityName() + "." + joinColumns[0].getPropertyName() ); } Property otherSideProperty; try { otherSideProperty = collectionEntity.getRecursiveProperty( joinColumns[0].getMappedBy() ); } catch (MappingException e) { throw new AnnotationException( "mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property: " + collType + "." + joinColumns[0].getMappedBy() + " in " + collValue.getOwnerEntityName() + "." + joinColumns[0].getPropertyName() ); } Table table; if ( otherSideProperty.getValue() instanceof Collection ) { //this is a collection on the other side table = ( (Collection) otherSideProperty.getValue() ).getCollectionTable(); } else { //This is a ToOne with a @JoinTable or a regular property table = otherSideProperty.getValue().getTable(); } collValue.setCollectionTable( table ); String entityName = collectionEntity.getEntityName(); for (Ejb3JoinColumn column : joinColumns) { //column.setDefaultColumnHeader( joinColumns[0].getMappedBy() ); //seems not to be used, make sense column.setManyToManyOwnerSideEntityName( entityName ); } } else { //TODO: only for implicit columns? //FIXME NamingStrategy for (Ejb3JoinColumn column : joinColumns) { String mappedByProperty = buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getFromMappedBy( collValue.getOwnerEntityName(), column.getPropertyName() ); Table ownerTable = collValue.getOwner().getTable(); column.setMappedBy( collValue.getOwner().getEntityName(), collValue.getOwner().getJpaEntityName(), buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getLogicalTableName( ownerTable ), mappedByProperty ); // String header = ( mappedByProperty == null ) ? mappings.getLogicalTableName( ownerTable ) : mappedByProperty; // column.setDefaultColumnHeader( header ); } if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( associationTableBinder.getName() ) ) { //default value associationTableBinder.setDefaultName( collValue.getOwner().getClassName(), collValue.getOwner().getEntityName(), collValue.getOwner().getJpaEntityName(), buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getLogicalTableName( collValue.getOwner().getTable() ), collectionEntity != null ? collectionEntity.getClassName() : null, collectionEntity != null ? collectionEntity.getEntityName() : null, collectionEntity != null ? collectionEntity.getJpaEntityName() : null, collectionEntity != null ? buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getLogicalTableName( collectionEntity.getTable() ) : null, joinColumns[0].getPropertyName() ); } associationTableBinder.setJPA2ElementCollection( !isCollectionOfEntities && property.isAnnotationPresent( ElementCollection.class )); collValue.setCollectionTable( associationTableBinder.bind() ); } bindFilters( isCollectionOfEntities ); bindCollectionSecondPass( collValue, collectionEntity, joinColumns, cascadeDeleteEnabled, property, propertyHolder, buildingContext ); ManyToOne element = null; if ( isCollectionOfEntities ) { element = new ManyToOne( buildingContext, collValue.getCollectionTable() ); collValue.setElement( element ); element.setReferencedEntityName( collType.getName() ); //element.setFetchMode( fetchMode ); //element.setLazy( fetchMode != FetchMode.JOIN ); //make the second join non lazy element.setFetchMode( FetchMode.JOIN ); element.setLazy( false ); element.setIgnoreNotFound( ignoreNotFound ); // as per 11.1.38 of JPA 2.0 spec, default to primary key if no column is specified by @OrderBy. if ( hqlOrderBy != null ) { collValue.setManyToManyOrdering( buildOrderByClauseFromHql( hqlOrderBy, collectionEntity, collValue.getRole() ) ); } final ForeignKey fk = property.getAnnotation( ForeignKey.class ); if ( fk != null && !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( fk.name() ) ) { element.setForeignKeyName( fk.name() ); } else { final JoinTable joinTableAnn = property.getAnnotation( JoinTable.class ); if ( joinTableAnn != null ) { String foreignKeyName = joinTableAnn.inverseForeignKey().name(); String foreignKeyDefinition = joinTableAnn.inverseForeignKey().foreignKeyDefinition(); ConstraintMode foreignKeyValue = joinTableAnn.inverseForeignKey().value(); if ( joinTableAnn.inverseJoinColumns().length != 0 ) { final JoinColumn joinColumnAnn = joinTableAnn.inverseJoinColumns()[0]; if ( "".equals( foreignKeyName ) ) { foreignKeyName = joinColumnAnn.foreignKey().name(); foreignKeyDefinition = joinColumnAnn.foreignKey().foreignKeyDefinition(); } if ( foreignKeyValue != ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT ) { foreignKeyValue = joinColumnAnn.foreignKey().value(); } } if ( joinTableAnn.inverseForeignKey().value() == ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT ) { element.setForeignKeyName( "none" ); } else { element.setForeignKeyName( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( foreignKeyName ) ); element.setForeignKeyDefinition( StringHelper.nullIfEmpty( foreignKeyDefinition ) ); } } } } else if ( anyAnn != null ) { //@ManyToAny //Make sure that collTyp is never used during the @ManyToAny branch: it will be set to void.class PropertyData inferredData = new PropertyInferredData( null, property, "unsupported", buildingContext.getBootstrapContext().getReflectionManager() ); //override the table for (Ejb3Column column : inverseJoinColumns) { column.setTable( collValue.getCollectionTable() ); } Any any = BinderHelper.buildAnyValue( anyAnn.metaDef(), inverseJoinColumns, anyAnn.metaColumn(), inferredData, cascadeDeleteEnabled, Nullability.NO_CONSTRAINT, propertyHolder, new EntityBinder(), true, buildingContext ); collValue.setElement( any ); } else { XClass elementClass; AnnotatedClassType classType; CollectionPropertyHolder holder; if ( BinderHelper.PRIMITIVE_NAMES.contains( collType.getName() ) ) { classType = AnnotatedClassType.NONE; elementClass = null; holder = PropertyHolderBuilder.buildPropertyHolder( collValue, collValue.getRole(), null, property, parentPropertyHolder, buildingContext ); } else { elementClass = collType; classType = buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getClassType( elementClass ); holder = PropertyHolderBuilder.buildPropertyHolder( collValue, collValue.getRole(), elementClass, property, parentPropertyHolder, buildingContext ); // 'parentPropertyHolder' is the PropertyHolder for the owner of the collection // 'holder' is the CollectionPropertyHolder. // 'property' is the collection XProperty parentPropertyHolder.startingProperty( property ); //force in case of attribute override boolean attributeOverride = property.isAnnotationPresent( AttributeOverride.class ) || property.isAnnotationPresent( AttributeOverrides.class ); // todo : force in the case of Convert annotation(s) with embedded paths (beyond key/value prefixes)? if ( isEmbedded || attributeOverride ) { classType = AnnotatedClassType.EMBEDDABLE; } } if ( AnnotatedClassType.EMBEDDABLE.equals( classType ) ) { holder.prepare( property ); EntityBinder entityBinder = new EntityBinder(); PersistentClass owner = collValue.getOwner(); boolean isPropertyAnnotated; //FIXME support @Access for collection of elements //String accessType = access != null ? access.value() : null; if ( owner.getIdentifierProperty() != null ) { isPropertyAnnotated = owner.getIdentifierProperty().getPropertyAccessorName().equals( "property" ); } else if ( owner.getIdentifierMapper() != null && owner.getIdentifierMapper().getPropertySpan() > 0 ) { Property prop = (Property) owner.getIdentifierMapper().getPropertyIterator().next(); isPropertyAnnotated = prop.getPropertyAccessorName().equals( "property" ); } else { throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to guess collection property accessor name" ); } PropertyData inferredData; if ( isMap() ) { //"value" is the JPA 2 prefix for map values (used to be "element") if ( isHibernateExtensionMapping() ) { inferredData = new PropertyPreloadedData( AccessType.PROPERTY, "element", elementClass ); } else { inferredData = new PropertyPreloadedData( AccessType.PROPERTY, "value", elementClass ); } } else { if ( isHibernateExtensionMapping() ) { inferredData = new PropertyPreloadedData( AccessType.PROPERTY, "element", elementClass ); } else { //"collection&&element" is not a valid property name => placeholder inferredData = new PropertyPreloadedData( AccessType.PROPERTY, "collection&&element", elementClass ); } } //TODO be smart with isNullable boolean isNullable = true; Component component = AnnotationBinder.fillComponent( holder, inferredData, isPropertyAnnotated ? AccessType.PROPERTY : AccessType.FIELD, isNullable, entityBinder, false, false, true, buildingContext, inheritanceStatePerClass ); collValue.setElement( component ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( hqlOrderBy ) ) { String orderBy = adjustUserSuppliedValueCollectionOrderingFragment( hqlOrderBy ); if ( orderBy != null ) { collValue.setOrderBy( orderBy ); } } } else { holder.prepare( property ); SimpleValueBinder elementBinder = new SimpleValueBinder(); elementBinder.setBuildingContext( buildingContext ); elementBinder.setReturnedClassName( collType.getName() ); if ( elementColumns == null || elementColumns.length == 0 ) { elementColumns = new Ejb3Column[1]; Ejb3Column column = new Ejb3Column(); column.setImplicit( false ); //not following the spec but more clean column.setNullable( true ); column.setLength( Ejb3Column.DEFAULT_COLUMN_LENGTH ); column.setLogicalColumnName( Collection.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_COLUMN_NAME ); //TODO create an EMPTY_JOINS collection column.setJoins( new HashMap<>() ); column.setBuildingContext( buildingContext ); column.bind(); elementColumns[0] = column; } //override the table for (Ejb3Column column : elementColumns) { column.setTable( collValue.getCollectionTable() ); } elementBinder.setColumns( elementColumns ); elementBinder.setType( property, elementClass, collValue.getOwnerEntityName(), holder.resolveElementAttributeConverterDescriptor( property, elementClass ) ); elementBinder.setPersistentClassName( propertyHolder.getEntityName() ); elementBinder.setAccessType( accessType ); collValue.setElement( elementBinder.make() ); String orderBy = adjustUserSuppliedValueCollectionOrderingFragment( hqlOrderBy ); if ( orderBy != null ) { collValue.setOrderBy( orderBy ); } } } checkFilterConditions( collValue ); //FIXME: do optional = false if ( isCollectionOfEntities ) { bindManytoManyInverseFk( collectionEntity, inverseJoinColumns, element, unique, buildingContext ); } } private String extractHqlOrderBy(javax.persistence.OrderBy jpaOrderBy) { if ( jpaOrderBy != null ) { return jpaOrderBy.value(); // Null not possible. In case of empty expression, apply default ordering. } return null; // @OrderBy not found. } private static void checkFilterConditions(Collection collValue) { //for now it can't happen, but sometime soon... if ( ( collValue.getFilters().size() != 0 || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( collValue.getWhere() ) ) && collValue.getFetchMode() == FetchMode.JOIN && !( collValue.getElement() instanceof SimpleValue ) && //SimpleValue (CollectionOfElements) are always SELECT but it does not matter collValue.getElement().getFetchMode() != FetchMode.JOIN ) { throw new MappingException( "@ManyToMany or @CollectionOfElements defining filter or where without join fetching " + "not valid within collection using join fetching[" + collValue.getRole() + "]" ); } } private static void bindCollectionSecondPass( Collection collValue, PersistentClass collectionEntity, Ejb3JoinColumn[] joinColumns, boolean cascadeDeleteEnabled, XProperty property, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext) { try { BinderHelper.createSyntheticPropertyReference( joinColumns, collValue.getOwner(), collectionEntity, collValue, false, buildingContext ); } catch (AnnotationException ex) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to map collection " + collValue.getOwner().getClassName() + "." + property.getName(), ex ); } SimpleValue key = buildCollectionKey( collValue, joinColumns, cascadeDeleteEnabled, property, propertyHolder, buildingContext ); if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( ElementCollection.class ) && joinColumns.length > 0 ) { joinColumns[0].setJPA2ElementCollection( true ); } TableBinder.bindFk( collValue.getOwner(), collectionEntity, joinColumns, key, false, buildingContext ); } public void setCascadeDeleteEnabled(boolean onDeleteCascade) { this.cascadeDeleteEnabled = onDeleteCascade; } private String safeCollectionRole() { if ( propertyHolder != null ) { return propertyHolder.getEntityName() + "." + propertyName; } else { return ""; } }
bind the inverse FK of a ManyToMany If we are in a mappedBy case, read the columns from the associated collection element Otherwise delegates to the usual algorithm
/** * bind the inverse FK of a ManyToMany * If we are in a mappedBy case, read the columns from the associated * collection element * Otherwise delegates to the usual algorithm */
public static void bindManytoManyInverseFk( PersistentClass referencedEntity, Ejb3JoinColumn[] columns, SimpleValue value, boolean unique, MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext) { final String mappedBy = columns[0].getMappedBy(); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( mappedBy ) ) { final Property property = referencedEntity.getRecursiveProperty( mappedBy ); Iterator mappedByColumns; if ( property.getValue() instanceof Collection ) { mappedByColumns = ( (Collection) property.getValue() ).getKey().getColumnIterator(); } else { //find the appropriate reference key, can be in a join Iterator joinsIt = referencedEntity.getJoinIterator(); KeyValue key = null; while ( joinsIt.hasNext() ) { Join join = (Join) joinsIt.next(); if ( join.containsProperty( property ) ) { key = join.getKey(); break; } } if ( key == null ) key = property.getPersistentClass().getIdentifier(); mappedByColumns = key.getColumnIterator(); } while ( mappedByColumns.hasNext() ) { Column column = (Column) mappedByColumns.next(); columns[0].linkValueUsingAColumnCopy( column, value ); } String referencedPropertyName = buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getPropertyReferencedAssociation( "inverse__" + referencedEntity.getEntityName(), mappedBy ); if ( referencedPropertyName != null ) { //TODO always a many to one? ( (ManyToOne) value ).setReferencedPropertyName( referencedPropertyName ); buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().addUniquePropertyReference( referencedEntity.getEntityName(), referencedPropertyName ); } ( (ManyToOne) value ).setReferenceToPrimaryKey( referencedPropertyName == null ); value.createForeignKey(); } else { BinderHelper.createSyntheticPropertyReference( columns, referencedEntity, null, value, true, buildingContext ); TableBinder.bindFk( referencedEntity, null, columns, value, unique, buildingContext ); } } public void setFkJoinColumns(Ejb3JoinColumn[] ejb3JoinColumns) { this.fkJoinColumns = ejb3JoinColumns; } public void setExplicitAssociationTable(boolean explicitAssocTable) { this.isExplicitAssociationTable = explicitAssocTable; } public void setElementColumns(Ejb3Column[] elementColumns) { this.elementColumns = elementColumns; } public void setEmbedded(boolean annotationPresent) { this.isEmbedded = annotationPresent; } public void setProperty(XProperty property) { this.property = property; } public void setIgnoreNotFound(boolean ignoreNotFound) { this.ignoreNotFound = ignoreNotFound; } public void setMapKeyColumns(Ejb3Column[] mapKeyColumns) { this.mapKeyColumns = mapKeyColumns; } public void setMapKeyManyToManyColumns(Ejb3JoinColumn[] mapJoinColumns) { this.mapKeyManyToManyColumns = mapJoinColumns; } public void setLocalGenerators(HashMap<String, IdentifierGeneratorDefinition> localGenerators) { this.localGenerators = localGenerators; } }