 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.cfg;

import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.annotations.ColumnDefault;
import org.hibernate.annotations.ColumnTransformer;
import org.hibernate.annotations.ColumnTransformers;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Index;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XProperty;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.Identifier;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.ImplicitBasicColumnNameSource;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.ImplicitNamingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.ObjectNameNormalizer;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.relational.Database;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.source.spi.AttributePath;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.MetadataBuildingContext;
import org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.Nullability;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Column;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Formula;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Join;
import org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Wrap state of an EJB3 @Column annotation and build the Hibernate column mapping element
Author:Emmanuel Bernard
/** * Wrap state of an EJB3 @Column annotation * and build the Hibernate column mapping element * * @author Emmanuel Bernard */
public class Ejb3Column { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(CoreMessageLogger.class, Ejb3Column.class.getName()); private MetadataBuildingContext context; private Column mappingColumn; private boolean insertable = true; private boolean updatable = true; private String explicitTableName; protected Map<String, Join> joins; protected PropertyHolder propertyHolder; private boolean isImplicit; public static final int DEFAULT_COLUMN_LENGTH = 255; public String sqlType; private int length = DEFAULT_COLUMN_LENGTH; private int precision; private int scale; private String logicalColumnName; private String propertyName; private boolean unique; private boolean nullable = true; private String formulaString; private Formula formula; private Table table; private String readExpression; private String writeExpression; private String defaultValue; public void setTable(Table table) { this.table = table; } public String getLogicalColumnName() { return logicalColumnName; } public String getSqlType() { return sqlType; } public int getLength() { return length; } public int getPrecision() { return precision; } public int getScale() { return scale; } public boolean isUnique() { return unique; } public boolean isFormula() { return StringHelper.isNotEmpty( formulaString ); } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public String getFormulaString() { return formulaString; } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public String getExplicitTableName() { return explicitTableName; } public void setExplicitTableName(String explicitTableName) { if ( "``".equals( explicitTableName ) ) { this.explicitTableName = ""; } else { this.explicitTableName = explicitTableName; } } public void setFormula(String formula) { this.formulaString = formula; } public boolean isImplicit() { return isImplicit; } public void setInsertable(boolean insertable) { this.insertable = insertable; } public void setUpdatable(boolean updatable) { this.updatable = updatable; } protected MetadataBuildingContext getBuildingContext() { return context; } public void setBuildingContext(MetadataBuildingContext context) { this.context = context; } public void setImplicit(boolean implicit) { isImplicit = implicit; } public void setSqlType(String sqlType) { this.sqlType = sqlType; } public void setLength(int length) { this.length = length; } public void setPrecision(int precision) { this.precision = precision; } public void setScale(int scale) { this.scale = scale; } public void setLogicalColumnName(String logicalColumnName) { this.logicalColumnName = logicalColumnName; } public void setPropertyName(String propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; } public String getPropertyName() { return propertyName; } public void setUnique(boolean unique) { this.unique = unique; } public boolean isNullable() { return isFormula() ? true : mappingColumn.isNullable(); } public String getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue; } public void setDefaultValue(String defaultValue) { this.defaultValue = defaultValue; } public Ejb3Column() { } public void bind() { if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( formulaString ) ) { LOG.debugf( "Binding formula %s", formulaString ); formula = new Formula(); formula.setFormula( formulaString ); } else { initMappingColumn( logicalColumnName, propertyName, length, precision, scale, nullable, sqlType, unique, true ); if ( defaultValue != null ) { mappingColumn.setDefaultValue( defaultValue ); } if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) { LOG.debugf( "Binding column: %s", toString() ); } } } protected void initMappingColumn( String columnName, String propertyName, int length, int precision, int scale, boolean nullable, String sqlType, boolean unique, boolean applyNamingStrategy) { if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( formulaString ) ) { this.formula = new Formula(); this.formula.setFormula( formulaString ); } else { this.mappingColumn = new Column(); redefineColumnName( columnName, propertyName, applyNamingStrategy ); this.mappingColumn.setLength( length ); if ( precision > 0 ) { //revelent precision this.mappingColumn.setPrecision( precision ); this.mappingColumn.setScale( scale ); } this.mappingColumn.setNullable( nullable ); this.mappingColumn.setSqlType( sqlType ); this.mappingColumn.setUnique( unique ); if(writeExpression != null && !writeExpression.matches("[^?]*\\?[^?]*")) { throw new AnnotationException( "@WriteExpression must contain exactly one value placeholder ('?') character: property [" + propertyName + "] and column [" + logicalColumnName + "]" ); } if ( readExpression != null) { this.mappingColumn.setCustomRead( readExpression ); } if ( writeExpression != null) { this.mappingColumn.setCustomWrite( writeExpression ); } } } public boolean isNameDeferred() { return mappingColumn == null || StringHelper.isEmpty( mappingColumn.getName() ); } public void redefineColumnName(String columnName, String propertyName, boolean applyNamingStrategy) { final ObjectNameNormalizer normalizer = context.getObjectNameNormalizer(); final Database database = context.getMetadataCollector().getDatabase(); final ImplicitNamingStrategy implicitNamingStrategy = context.getBuildingOptions().getImplicitNamingStrategy(); final PhysicalNamingStrategy physicalNamingStrategy = context.getBuildingOptions().getPhysicalNamingStrategy(); if ( applyNamingStrategy ) { if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( columnName ) ) { if ( propertyName != null ) { final AttributePath attributePath = AttributePath.parse( propertyName ); Identifier implicitName = normalizer.normalizeIdentifierQuoting( implicitNamingStrategy.determineBasicColumnName( new ImplicitBasicColumnNameSource() { @Override public AttributePath getAttributePath() { return attributePath; } @Override public boolean isCollectionElement() { // if the propertyHolder is a collection, assume the // @Column refers to the element column return !propertyHolder.isComponent() && !propertyHolder.isEntity(); } @Override public MetadataBuildingContext getBuildingContext() { return context; } } ) ); // HHH-6005 magic if ( implicitName.getText().contains( "_collection&&element_" ) ) { implicitName = Identifier.toIdentifier( implicitName.getText().replace( "_collection&&element_", "_" ), implicitName.isQuoted() ); } final Identifier physicalName = physicalNamingStrategy.toPhysicalColumnName( implicitName, database.getJdbcEnvironment() ); mappingColumn.setName( physicalName.render( database.getDialect() ) ); } //Do nothing otherwise } else { final Identifier explicitName = database.toIdentifier( columnName ); final Identifier physicalName = physicalNamingStrategy.toPhysicalColumnName( explicitName, database.getJdbcEnvironment() ); mappingColumn.setName( physicalName.render( database.getDialect() ) ); } } else { if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( columnName ) ) { mappingColumn.setName( normalizer.toDatabaseIdentifierText( columnName ) ); } } } public String getName() { return mappingColumn.getName(); } public Column getMappingColumn() { return mappingColumn; } public boolean isInsertable() { return insertable; } public boolean isUpdatable() { return updatable; } public void setNullable(boolean nullable) { if ( mappingColumn != null ) { mappingColumn.setNullable( nullable ); } else { this.nullable = nullable; } } public void setJoins(Map<String, Join> joins) { this.joins = joins; } public PropertyHolder getPropertyHolder() { return propertyHolder; } public void setPropertyHolder(PropertyHolder propertyHolder) { this.propertyHolder = propertyHolder; } protected void setMappingColumn(Column mappingColumn) { this.mappingColumn = mappingColumn; } public void linkWithValue(SimpleValue value) { if ( formula != null ) { value.addFormula( formula ); } else { getMappingColumn().setValue( value ); value.addColumn( getMappingColumn(), insertable, updatable ); value.getTable().addColumn( getMappingColumn() ); addColumnBinding( value ); table = value.getTable(); } } protected void addColumnBinding(SimpleValue value) { final String logicalColumnName; if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( this.logicalColumnName ) ) { logicalColumnName = this.logicalColumnName; } else { final ObjectNameNormalizer normalizer = context.getObjectNameNormalizer(); final Database database = context.getMetadataCollector().getDatabase(); final ImplicitNamingStrategy implicitNamingStrategy = context.getBuildingOptions() .getImplicitNamingStrategy(); final Identifier implicitName = normalizer.normalizeIdentifierQuoting( implicitNamingStrategy.determineBasicColumnName( new ImplicitBasicColumnNameSource() { @Override public AttributePath getAttributePath() { return AttributePath.parse( propertyName ); } @Override public boolean isCollectionElement() { return false; } @Override public MetadataBuildingContext getBuildingContext() { return context; } } ) ); logicalColumnName = implicitName.render( database.getDialect() ); } context.getMetadataCollector().addColumnNameBinding( value.getTable(), logicalColumnName, getMappingColumn() ); }
Find appropriate table of the column. It can come from a secondary table or from the main table of the persistent class
Returns:appropriate table
/** * Find appropriate table of the column. * It can come from a secondary table or from the main table of the persistent class * * @return appropriate table * @throws AnnotationException missing secondary table */
public Table getTable() { if ( table != null ){ return table; } if ( isSecondary() ) { return getJoin().getTable(); } else { return propertyHolder.getTable(); } } public boolean isSecondary() { if ( propertyHolder == null ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Should not call getTable() on column w/o persistent class defined" ); } return StringHelper.isNotEmpty( explicitTableName ) && !propertyHolder.getTable().getName().equals( explicitTableName ); } public Join getJoin() { Join join = joins.get( explicitTableName ); if ( join == null ) { // annotation binding seems to use logical and physical naming somewhat inconsistently... final String physicalTableName = getBuildingContext().getMetadataCollector().getPhysicalTableName( explicitTableName ); if ( physicalTableName != null ) { join = joins.get( physicalTableName ); } } if ( join == null ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Cannot find the expected secondary table: no " + explicitTableName + " available for " + propertyHolder.getClassName() ); } return join; } public void forceNotNull() { if ( mappingColumn == null ) { throw new CannotForceNonNullableException( "Cannot perform #forceNotNull because internal org.hibernate.mapping.Column reference is null: " + "likely a formula" ); } mappingColumn.setNullable( false ); } public static Ejb3Column[] buildColumnFromAnnotation( javax.persistence.Column[] anns, org.hibernate.annotations.Formula formulaAnn, Nullability nullability, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, PropertyData inferredData, Map<String, Join> secondaryTables, MetadataBuildingContext context) { return buildColumnFromAnnotation( anns, formulaAnn, nullability, propertyHolder, inferredData, null, secondaryTables, context ); } public static Ejb3Column[] buildColumnFromAnnotation( javax.persistence.Column[] anns, org.hibernate.annotations.Formula formulaAnn, Nullability nullability, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, PropertyData inferredData, String suffixForDefaultColumnName, Map<String, Join> secondaryTables, MetadataBuildingContext context) { Ejb3Column[] columns; if ( formulaAnn != null ) { Ejb3Column formulaColumn = new Ejb3Column(); formulaColumn.setFormula( formulaAnn.value() ); formulaColumn.setImplicit( false ); formulaColumn.setBuildingContext( context ); formulaColumn.setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder ); formulaColumn.bind(); columns = new Ejb3Column[] { formulaColumn }; } else { javax.persistence.Column[] actualCols = anns; javax.persistence.Column[] overriddenCols = propertyHolder.getOverriddenColumn( StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), inferredData.getPropertyName() ) ); if ( overriddenCols != null ) { //check for overridden first if ( anns != null && overriddenCols.length != anns.length ) { throw new AnnotationException( "AttributeOverride.column() should override all columns for now" ); } actualCols = overriddenCols.length == 0 ? null : overriddenCols; LOG.debugf( "Column(s) overridden for property %s", inferredData.getPropertyName() ); } if ( actualCols == null ) { columns = buildImplicitColumn( inferredData, suffixForDefaultColumnName, secondaryTables, propertyHolder, nullability, context ); } else { final int length = actualCols.length; columns = new Ejb3Column[length]; for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) { final ObjectNameNormalizer normalizer = context.getObjectNameNormalizer(); final Database database = context.getMetadataCollector().getDatabase(); final ImplicitNamingStrategy implicitNamingStrategy = context.getBuildingOptions().getImplicitNamingStrategy(); final PhysicalNamingStrategy physicalNamingStrategy = context.getBuildingOptions().getPhysicalNamingStrategy(); javax.persistence.Column col = actualCols[index]; final String sqlType; if ( col.columnDefinition().equals( "" ) ) { sqlType = null; } else { sqlType = normalizer.applyGlobalQuoting( col.columnDefinition() ); } final String tableName; if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( col.table() ) ) { tableName = ""; } else { tableName = database.getJdbcEnvironment() .getIdentifierHelper() .toIdentifier( col.table() ) .render(); // final Identifier logicalName = database.getJdbcEnvironment() // .getIdentifierHelper() // .toIdentifier( col.table() ); // final Identifier physicalName = physicalNamingStrategy.toPhysicalTableName( logicalName ); // tableName = physicalName.render( database.getDialect() ); } final String columnName; if ( "".equals( col.name() ) ) { columnName = null; } else { // NOTE : this is the logical column name, not the physical! columnName = database.getJdbcEnvironment() .getIdentifierHelper() .toIdentifier( col.name() ) .render(); } Ejb3Column column = new Ejb3Column(); if ( length == 1 ) { applyColumnDefault( column, inferredData ); } column.setImplicit( false ); column.setSqlType( sqlType ); column.setLength( col.length() ); column.setPrecision( col.precision() ); column.setScale( col.scale() ); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( columnName ) && ! StringHelper.isEmpty( suffixForDefaultColumnName ) ) { column.setLogicalColumnName( inferredData.getPropertyName() + suffixForDefaultColumnName ); } else { column.setLogicalColumnName( columnName ); } column.setPropertyName( BinderHelper.getRelativePath( propertyHolder, inferredData.getPropertyName() ) ); column.setNullable( col.nullable() ); //TODO force to not null if available? This is a (bad) user choice. column.setUnique( col.unique() ); column.setInsertable( col.insertable() ); column.setUpdatable( col.updatable() ); column.setExplicitTableName( tableName ); column.setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder ); column.setJoins( secondaryTables ); column.setBuildingContext( context ); column.extractDataFromPropertyData(inferredData); column.bind(); columns[index] = column; } } } return columns; } private static void applyColumnDefault(Ejb3Column column, PropertyData inferredData) { final XProperty xProperty = inferredData.getProperty(); if ( xProperty != null ) { ColumnDefault columnDefaultAnn = xProperty.getAnnotation( ColumnDefault.class ); if ( columnDefaultAnn != null ) { column.setDefaultValue( columnDefaultAnn.value() ); } } else { LOG.trace( "Could not perform @ColumnDefault lookup as 'PropertyData' did not give access to XProperty" ); } } //must only be called after all setters are defined and before bind private void extractDataFromPropertyData(PropertyData inferredData) { if ( inferredData != null ) { XProperty property = inferredData.getProperty(); if ( property != null ) { processExpression( property.getAnnotation( ColumnTransformer.class ) ); ColumnTransformers annotations = property.getAnnotation( ColumnTransformers.class ); if (annotations != null) { for ( ColumnTransformer annotation : annotations.value() ) { processExpression( annotation ); } } } } } private void processExpression(ColumnTransformer annotation) { if ( annotation == null ) { return; } final String nonNullLogicalColumnName = logicalColumnName != null ? logicalColumnName //use the default for annotations : ""; if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( annotation.forColumn() ) || annotation.forColumn().equals( nonNullLogicalColumnName ) ) { readExpression = annotation.read(); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( readExpression ) ) { readExpression = null; } writeExpression = annotation.write(); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( writeExpression ) ) { writeExpression = null; } } } private static Ejb3Column[] buildImplicitColumn( PropertyData inferredData, String suffixForDefaultColumnName, Map<String, Join> secondaryTables, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, Nullability nullability, MetadataBuildingContext context) { Ejb3Column column = new Ejb3Column(); Ejb3Column[] columns = new Ejb3Column[1]; columns[0] = column; //not following the spec but more clean if ( nullability != Nullability.FORCED_NULL && inferredData.getClassOrElement().isPrimitive() && !inferredData.getProperty().isArray() ) { column.setNullable( false ); } column.setLength( DEFAULT_COLUMN_LENGTH ); final String propertyName = inferredData.getPropertyName(); column.setPropertyName( BinderHelper.getRelativePath( propertyHolder, propertyName ) ); column.setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder ); column.setJoins( secondaryTables ); column.setBuildingContext( context ); // property name + suffix is an "explicit" column name if ( !StringHelper.isEmpty( suffixForDefaultColumnName ) ) { column.setLogicalColumnName( propertyName + suffixForDefaultColumnName ); column.setImplicit( false ); } else { column.setImplicit( true ); } applyColumnDefault( column, inferredData ); column.extractDataFromPropertyData( inferredData ); column.bind(); return columns; } public static void checkPropertyConsistency(Ejb3Column[] columns, String propertyName) { int nbrOfColumns = columns.length; if ( nbrOfColumns > 1 ) { for (int currentIndex = 1; currentIndex < nbrOfColumns; currentIndex++) { if (columns[currentIndex].isFormula() || columns[currentIndex - 1].isFormula()) { continue; } if ( columns[currentIndex].isInsertable() != columns[currentIndex - 1].isInsertable() ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Mixing insertable and non insertable columns in a property is not allowed: " + propertyName ); } if ( columns[currentIndex].isNullable() != columns[currentIndex - 1].isNullable() ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Mixing nullable and non nullable columns in a property is not allowed: " + propertyName ); } if ( columns[currentIndex].isUpdatable() != columns[currentIndex - 1].isUpdatable() ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Mixing updatable and non updatable columns in a property is not allowed: " + propertyName ); } if ( !columns[currentIndex].getTable().equals( columns[currentIndex - 1].getTable() ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Mixing different tables in a property is not allowed: " + propertyName ); } } } } public void addIndex(Index index, boolean inSecondPass) { if ( index == null ) return; String indexName = index.name(); addIndex( indexName, inSecondPass ); } void addIndex(String indexName, boolean inSecondPass) { IndexOrUniqueKeySecondPass secondPass = new IndexOrUniqueKeySecondPass( indexName, this, context, false ); if ( inSecondPass ) { secondPass.doSecondPass( context.getMetadataCollector().getEntityBindingMap() ); } else { context.getMetadataCollector().addSecondPass( secondPass ); } } void addUniqueKey(String uniqueKeyName, boolean inSecondPass) { IndexOrUniqueKeySecondPass secondPass = new IndexOrUniqueKeySecondPass( uniqueKeyName, this, context, true ); if ( inSecondPass ) { secondPass.doSecondPass( context.getMetadataCollector().getEntityBindingMap() ); } else { context.getMetadataCollector().addSecondPass( secondPass ); } } @Override public String toString() { return "Ejb3Column" + "{table=" + getTable() + ", mappingColumn=" + mappingColumn.getName() + ", insertable=" + insertable + ", updatable=" + updatable + ", unique=" + unique + '}'; } }