 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.boot.model.relational;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.Identifier;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.boot.spi.MetadataBuildingOptions;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.JdbcServices;

Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class Database { private final Dialect dialect; private final MetadataBuildingOptions buildingOptions; private final JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment; private Namespace implicitNamespace; private final Map<Namespace.Name,Namespace> namespaceMap = new TreeMap<Namespace.Name, Namespace>(); private Map<String,AuxiliaryDatabaseObject> auxiliaryDatabaseObjects; private List<InitCommand> initCommands; public Database(MetadataBuildingOptions buildingOptions) { this( buildingOptions, buildingOptions.getServiceRegistry().getService( JdbcEnvironment.class ) ); } public Database(MetadataBuildingOptions buildingOptions, JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment) { this.buildingOptions = buildingOptions; this.jdbcEnvironment = jdbcEnvironment; this.dialect = determineDialect( buildingOptions ); this.implicitNamespace = makeNamespace( new Namespace.Name( toIdentifier( buildingOptions.getMappingDefaults().getImplicitCatalogName() ), toIdentifier( buildingOptions.getMappingDefaults().getImplicitSchemaName() ) ) ); } private static Dialect determineDialect(MetadataBuildingOptions buildingOptions) { final Dialect dialect = buildingOptions.getServiceRegistry().getService( JdbcServices.class ).getDialect(); if ( dialect != null ) { return dialect; } // Use H2 dialect as default return new H2Dialect(); } private Namespace makeNamespace(Namespace.Name name) { Namespace namespace; namespace = new Namespace( this, name ); namespaceMap.put( name, namespace ); return namespace; } public MetadataBuildingOptions getBuildingOptions() { return buildingOptions; } public Dialect getDialect() { return dialect; } public JdbcEnvironment getJdbcEnvironment() { return jdbcEnvironment; }
Wrap the raw name of a database object in it's Identifier form accounting for quoting from any of:
  • explicit quoting in the name itself
  • global request to quote all identifiers

NOTE : quoting from database keywords happens only when building physical identifiers
  • text – The raw object name
Returns:The wrapped Identifier form
/** * Wrap the raw name of a database object in it's Identifier form accounting for quoting from * any of:<ul> * <li>explicit quoting in the name itself</li> * <li>global request to quote all identifiers</li> * </ul> * <p/> * NOTE : quoting from database keywords happens only when building physical identifiers * * @param text The raw object name * * @return The wrapped Identifier form */
public Identifier toIdentifier(String text) { return text == null ? null : jdbcEnvironment.getIdentifierHelper().toIdentifier( text ); } public PhysicalNamingStrategy getPhysicalNamingStrategy() { return getBuildingOptions().getPhysicalNamingStrategy(); } public Iterable<Namespace> getNamespaces() { return namespaceMap.values(); } public Namespace getDefaultNamespace() { return implicitNamespace; } public Namespace locateNamespace(Identifier catalogName, Identifier schemaName) { if ( catalogName == null && schemaName == null ) { return getDefaultNamespace(); } final Namespace.Name name = new Namespace.Name( catalogName, schemaName ); Namespace namespace = namespaceMap.get( name ); if ( namespace == null ) { namespace = makeNamespace( name ); } return namespace; } public Namespace adjustDefaultNamespace(Identifier catalogName, Identifier schemaName) { final Namespace.Name name = new Namespace.Name( catalogName, schemaName ); if ( implicitNamespace.getName().equals( name ) ) { return implicitNamespace; } Namespace namespace = namespaceMap.get( name ); if ( namespace == null ) { namespace = makeNamespace( name ); } implicitNamespace = namespace; return implicitNamespace; } public Namespace adjustDefaultNamespace(String implicitCatalogName, String implicitSchemaName) { return adjustDefaultNamespace( toIdentifier( implicitCatalogName ), toIdentifier( implicitSchemaName ) ); } public void addAuxiliaryDatabaseObject(AuxiliaryDatabaseObject auxiliaryDatabaseObject) { if ( auxiliaryDatabaseObjects == null ) { auxiliaryDatabaseObjects = new HashMap<String,AuxiliaryDatabaseObject>(); } auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.put( auxiliaryDatabaseObject.getExportIdentifier(), auxiliaryDatabaseObject ); } public Collection<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject> getAuxiliaryDatabaseObjects() { return auxiliaryDatabaseObjects == null ? Collections.<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject>emptyList() : auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.values(); } public Collection<InitCommand> getInitCommands() { return initCommands == null ? Collections.<InitCommand>emptyList() : initCommands; } public void addInitCommand(InitCommand initCommand) { if ( initCommands == null ) { initCommands = new ArrayList<InitCommand>(); } initCommands.add( initCommand ); } }