 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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 * Copyright 2013 Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and other contributors
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 * See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
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package org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal;

import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.JdbcCoordinator;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.JdbcServices;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.ResultSetReturn;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlStatementLogger;

Standard implementation of the ResultSetReturn contract
Author:Brett Meyer
/** * Standard implementation of the ResultSetReturn contract * * @author Brett Meyer */
public class ResultSetReturnImpl implements ResultSetReturn { private final JdbcCoordinator jdbcCoordinator; private final Dialect dialect; private final SqlStatementLogger sqlStatementLogger; private final SqlExceptionHelper sqlExceptionHelper; private boolean isJdbc4 = true;
Constructs a ResultSetReturnImpl
  • jdbcCoordinator – The JdbcCoordinator
/** * Constructs a ResultSetReturnImpl * * @param jdbcCoordinator The JdbcCoordinator */
public ResultSetReturnImpl(JdbcCoordinator jdbcCoordinator) { this.jdbcCoordinator = jdbcCoordinator; final JdbcServices jdbcServices = jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext() .getTransactionEnvironment() .getJdbcServices(); this.dialect = jdbcServices.getDialect(); this.sqlStatementLogger = jdbcServices.getSqlStatementLogger(); this.sqlExceptionHelper = jdbcServices.getSqlExceptionHelper(); } @Override public ResultSet extract(PreparedStatement statement) { // IMPL NOTE : SQL logged by caller if (isTypeOf(statement, CallableStatement.class)) { // We actually need to extract from Callable statement. Although // this seems needless, Oracle can return an // OracleCallableStatementWrapper that finds its way to this method, // rather than extract(CallableStatement). See HHH-8022. final CallableStatement callableStatement = (CallableStatement) statement; return extract( callableStatement ); } try { final ResultSet rs; try { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().startStatementExecution(); rs = statement.executeQuery(); } finally { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().endStatementExecution(); } postExtract( rs, statement ); return rs; } catch (SQLException e) { throw sqlExceptionHelper.convert( e, "could not extract ResultSet" ); } } private boolean isTypeOf(final Statement statement, final Class<? extends Statement> type) { if (isJdbc4) { try { // This is "more correct" than #isInstance, but not always supported. return statement.isWrapperFor( type ); } catch (SQLException e) { // No operation } catch (Throwable e) { // No operation. Note that this catches more than just SQLException to // cover edge cases where a driver might throw an UnsupportedOperationException, AbstractMethodError, // etc. If so, skip permanently. isJdbc4 = false; } } return type.isInstance( statement ); } @Override public ResultSet extract(CallableStatement callableStatement) { // IMPL NOTE : SQL logged by caller try { final ResultSet rs; try { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().startStatementExecution(); rs = dialect.getResultSet( callableStatement ); } finally { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().endStatementExecution(); } postExtract( rs, callableStatement ); return rs; } catch (SQLException e) { throw sqlExceptionHelper.convert( e, "could not extract ResultSet" ); } } @Override public ResultSet extract(Statement statement, String sql) { sqlStatementLogger.logStatement( sql ); try { final ResultSet rs; try { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().startStatementExecution(); rs = statement.executeQuery( sql ); } finally { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().endStatementExecution(); } postExtract( rs, statement ); return rs; } catch (SQLException e) { throw sqlExceptionHelper.convert( e, "could not extract ResultSet" ); } } @Override public ResultSet execute(PreparedStatement statement) { // sql logged by StatementPreparerImpl try { final ResultSet rs; try { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().startStatementExecution(); if ( !statement.execute() ) { while ( !statement.getMoreResults() && statement.getUpdateCount() != -1 ) { // do nothing until we hit the resultset } } rs = statement.getResultSet(); } finally { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().endStatementExecution(); } postExtract( rs, statement ); return rs; } catch (SQLException e) { throw sqlExceptionHelper.convert( e, "could not execute statement" ); } } @Override public ResultSet execute(Statement statement, String sql) { sqlStatementLogger.logStatement( sql ); try { final ResultSet rs; try { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().startStatementExecution(); if ( !statement.execute( sql ) ) { while ( !statement.getMoreResults() && statement.getUpdateCount() != -1 ) { // do nothing until we hit the resultset } } rs = statement.getResultSet(); } finally { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().endStatementExecution(); } postExtract( rs, statement ); return rs; } catch (SQLException e) { throw sqlExceptionHelper.convert( e, "could not execute statement" ); } } @Override public int executeUpdate(PreparedStatement statement) { try { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().startStatementExecution(); return statement.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw sqlExceptionHelper.convert( e, "could not execute statement" ); } finally { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().endStatementExecution(); } } @Override public int executeUpdate(Statement statement, String sql) { sqlStatementLogger.logStatement( sql ); try { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().startStatementExecution(); return statement.executeUpdate( sql ); } catch (SQLException e) { throw sqlExceptionHelper.convert( e, "could not execute statement" ); } finally { jdbcCoordinator.getTransactionCoordinator().getTransactionContext().endStatementExecution(); } } private void postExtract(ResultSet rs, Statement st) { if ( rs != null ) { jdbcCoordinator.register( rs, st ); } } }