 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi;

import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;

Contract for extracting ResultSets from Statements, executing Statements, managing Statement/ResultSet resources, and logging statement calls. TODO: This could eventually utilize the new Return interface. It would be great to have a common API shared. Generally the methods here dealing with CallableStatement are extremely limited, relying on the legacy
Author:Brett Meyer, Steve Ebersole
/** * Contract for extracting ResultSets from Statements, executing Statements, * managing Statement/ResultSet resources, and logging statement calls. * * TODO: This could eventually utilize the new Return interface. It would be * great to have a common API shared. * * Generally the methods here dealing with CallableStatement are extremely limited, relying on the legacy * * * @author Brett Meyer * @author Steve Ebersole */
public interface ResultSetReturn {
Extract the ResultSet from the PreparedStatement.

If user passes CallableStatement reference, this method calls extract(CallableStatement) internally. Otherwise, generally speaking, PreparedStatement.executeQuery() is called
  • statement – The PreparedStatement from which to extract the ResultSet
Returns:The extracted ResultSet
/** * Extract the ResultSet from the PreparedStatement. * <p/> * If user passes {@link CallableStatement} reference, this method calls {@link #extract(CallableStatement)} * internally. Otherwise, generally speaking, {@link java.sql.PreparedStatement#executeQuery()} is called * * @param statement The PreparedStatement from which to extract the ResultSet * * @return The extracted ResultSet */
public ResultSet extract(PreparedStatement statement);
Extract the ResultSet from the CallableStatement. Note that this is the limited legacy form which delegates to Dialect.getResultSet. Better option is to integrate ProcedureCall-like hooks
  • callableStatement – The CallableStatement from which to extract the ResultSet
Returns:The extracted ResultSet
/** * Extract the ResultSet from the CallableStatement. Note that this is the limited legacy form which delegates to * {@link org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect#getResultSet}. Better option is to integrate * {@link org.hibernate.procedure.ProcedureCall}-like hooks * * @param callableStatement The CallableStatement from which to extract the ResultSet * * @return The extracted ResultSet */
public ResultSet extract(CallableStatement callableStatement);
Performs the given SQL statement, expecting a ResultSet in return
  • statement – The JDBC Statement object to use
  • sql – The SQL to execute
Returns:The resulting ResultSet
/** * Performs the given SQL statement, expecting a ResultSet in return * * @param statement The JDBC Statement object to use * @param sql The SQL to execute * * @return The resulting ResultSet */
public ResultSet extract(Statement statement, String sql);
Execute the PreparedStatement return its first ResultSet, if any. If there is no ResultSet, returns null
  • statement – The PreparedStatement to execute
Returns:The extracted ResultSet, or null
/** * Execute the PreparedStatement return its first ResultSet, if any. If there is no ResultSet, returns {@code null} * * @param statement The PreparedStatement to execute * * @return The extracted ResultSet, or {@code null} */
public ResultSet execute(PreparedStatement statement);
Performs the given SQL statement, returning its first ResultSet, if any. If there is no ResultSet, returns null
  • statement – The JDBC Statement object to use
  • sql – The SQL to execute
Returns:The extracted ResultSet, or null
/** * Performs the given SQL statement, returning its first ResultSet, if any. If there is no ResultSet, * returns {@code null} * * @param statement The JDBC Statement object to use * @param sql The SQL to execute * * @return The extracted ResultSet, or {@code null} */
public ResultSet execute(Statement statement, String sql);
Execute the PreparedStatement, returning its "affected row count".
  • statement – The PreparedStatement to execute
Returns:The PreparedStatement.executeUpdate() result
/** * Execute the PreparedStatement, returning its "affected row count". * * @param statement The PreparedStatement to execute * * @return The {@link java.sql.PreparedStatement#executeUpdate()} result */
public int executeUpdate(PreparedStatement statement);
Execute the given SQL statement returning its "affected row count".
  • statement – The JDBC Statement object to use
  • sql – The SQL to execute
Returns:The Statement.executeUpdate(String) result
/** * Execute the given SQL statement returning its "affected row count". * * @param statement The JDBC Statement object to use * @param sql The SQL to execute * * @return The {@link java.sql.PreparedStatement#executeUpdate(String)} result */
public int executeUpdate(Statement statement, String sql); }