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package freemarker.core;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModelException;
import freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil;
import freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil.CalendarFieldsToDateConverter;
import freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil.DateParseException;
import freemarker.template.utility.DateUtil.DateToISO8601CalendarFactory;
import freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil;

abstract class ISOLikeTemplateDateFormat  extends TemplateDateFormat {
            = "Less than seconds accuracy isn't allowed by the XML Schema format";
    private final ISOLikeTemplateDateFormatFactory factory;
    private final Environment env;
    protected final int dateType;
    protected final boolean zonelessInput;
    protected final TimeZone timeZone;
    protected final Boolean forceUTC;
    protected final Boolean showZoneOffset;
    protected final int accuracy;

  • formatString – The value of the ..._format setting, like "iso nz".
  • parsingStart – The index of the char in the settingValue that directly after the prefix that has indicated the exact formatter class (like "iso" or "xs")
/** * @param formatString The value of the ..._format setting, like "iso nz". * @param parsingStart The index of the char in the {@code settingValue} that directly after the prefix that has * indicated the exact formatter class (like "iso" or "xs") */
public ISOLikeTemplateDateFormat( final String formatString, int parsingStart, int dateType, boolean zonelessInput, TimeZone timeZone, ISOLikeTemplateDateFormatFactory factory, Environment env) throws InvalidFormatParametersException, UnknownDateTypeFormattingUnsupportedException { this.factory = factory; this.env = env; if (dateType == TemplateDateModel.UNKNOWN) { throw new UnknownDateTypeFormattingUnsupportedException(); } this.dateType = dateType; this.zonelessInput = zonelessInput; final int ln = formatString.length(); boolean afterSeparator = false; int i = parsingStart; int accuracy = DateUtil.ACCURACY_MILLISECONDS; Boolean showZoneOffset = null; Boolean forceUTC = Boolean.FALSE; while (i < ln) { final char c = formatString.charAt(i++); if (c == '_' || c == ' ') { afterSeparator = true; } else { if (!afterSeparator) { throw new InvalidFormatParametersException( "Missing space or \"_\" before \"" + c + "\" (at char pos. " + i + ")."); } switch (c) { case 'h': case 'm': case 's': if (accuracy != DateUtil.ACCURACY_MILLISECONDS) { throw new InvalidFormatParametersException( "Character \"" + c + "\" is unexpected as accuracy was already specified earlier " + "(at char pos. " + i + ")."); } switch (c) { case 'h': if (isXSMode()) { throw new InvalidFormatParametersException( XS_LESS_THAN_SECONDS_ACCURACY_ERROR_MESSAGE); } accuracy = DateUtil.ACCURACY_HOURS; break; case 'm': if (i < ln && formatString.charAt(i) == 's') { i++; accuracy = DateUtil.ACCURACY_MILLISECONDS_FORCED; } else { if (isXSMode()) { throw new InvalidFormatParametersException( XS_LESS_THAN_SECONDS_ACCURACY_ERROR_MESSAGE); } accuracy = DateUtil.ACCURACY_MINUTES; } break; case 's': accuracy = DateUtil.ACCURACY_SECONDS; break; } break; case 'f': if (i < ln && formatString.charAt(i) == 'u') { checkForceUTCNotSet(forceUTC); i++; forceUTC = Boolean.TRUE; break; } // Falls through case 'n': if (showZoneOffset != null) { throw new InvalidFormatParametersException( "Character \"" + c + "\" is unexpected as zone offset visibility was already " + "specified earlier. (at char pos. " + i + ")."); } switch (c) { case 'n': if (i < ln && formatString.charAt(i) == 'z') { i++; showZoneOffset = Boolean.FALSE; } else { throw new InvalidFormatParametersException( "\"n\" must be followed by \"z\" (at char pos. " + i + ")."); } break; case 'f': if (i < ln && formatString.charAt(i) == 'z') { i++; showZoneOffset = Boolean.TRUE; } else { throw new InvalidFormatParametersException( "\"f\" must be followed by \"z\" (at char pos. " + i + ")."); } break; } break; case 'u': checkForceUTCNotSet(forceUTC); forceUTC = null; // means UTC will be used except for zonelessInput break; default: throw new InvalidFormatParametersException( "Unexpected character, " + StringUtil.jQuote(String.valueOf(c)) + ". Expected the beginning of one of: h, m, s, ms, nz, fz, u" + " (at char pos. " + i + ")."); } // switch afterSeparator = false; } // else } // while this.accuracy = accuracy; this.showZoneOffset = showZoneOffset; this.forceUTC = forceUTC; this.timeZone = timeZone; } private void checkForceUTCNotSet(Boolean fourceUTC) throws InvalidFormatParametersException { if (fourceUTC != Boolean.FALSE) { throw new InvalidFormatParametersException( "The UTC usage option was already set earlier."); } } @Override public final String formatToPlainText(TemplateDateModel dateModel) throws TemplateModelException { final Date date = TemplateFormatUtil.getNonNullDate(dateModel); return format( date, dateType != TemplateDateModel.TIME, dateType != TemplateDateModel.DATE, showZoneOffset == null ? !zonelessInput : showZoneOffset.booleanValue(), accuracy, (forceUTC == null ? !zonelessInput : forceUTC.booleanValue()) ? DateUtil.UTC : timeZone, factory.getISOBuiltInCalendar(env)); } protected abstract String format(Date date, boolean datePart, boolean timePart, boolean offsetPart, int accuracy, TimeZone timeZone, DateToISO8601CalendarFactory calendarFactory); @Override @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "RC_REF_COMPARISON_BAD_PRACTICE_BOOLEAN", justification = "Known to use the singleton Boolean-s only") public final Date parse(String s, int dateType) throws UnparsableValueException { CalendarFieldsToDateConverter calToDateConverter = factory.getCalendarFieldsToDateCalculator(env); TimeZone tz = forceUTC != Boolean.FALSE ? DateUtil.UTC : timeZone; try { if (dateType == TemplateDateModel.DATE) { return parseDate(s, tz, calToDateConverter); } else if (dateType == TemplateDateModel.TIME) { return parseTime(s, tz, calToDateConverter); } else if (dateType == TemplateDateModel.DATETIME) { return parseDateTime(s, tz, calToDateConverter); } else { throw new BugException("Unexpected date type: " + dateType); } } catch (DateParseException e) { throw new UnparsableValueException(e.getMessage(), e); } } protected abstract Date parseDate( String s, TimeZone tz, CalendarFieldsToDateConverter calToDateConverter) throws DateParseException; protected abstract Date parseTime( String s, TimeZone tz, CalendarFieldsToDateConverter calToDateConverter) throws DateParseException; protected abstract Date parseDateTime( String s, TimeZone tz, CalendarFieldsToDateConverter calToDateConverter) throws DateParseException; @Override public final String getDescription() { switch (dateType) { case TemplateDateModel.DATE: return getDateDescription(); case TemplateDateModel.TIME: return getTimeDescription(); case TemplateDateModel.DATETIME: return getDateTimeDescription(); default: return "<error: wrong format dateType>"; } } protected abstract String getDateDescription(); protected abstract String getTimeDescription(); protected abstract String getDateTimeDescription(); @Override public final boolean isLocaleBound() { return false; } @Override public boolean isTimeZoneBound() { return true; } protected abstract boolean isXSMode(); }