 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package freemarker.template.utility;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import freemarker.core.Environment;
import freemarker.core.ParseException;
import freemarker.ext.dom._ExtDomApi;
import freemarker.template.Version;

Some text related utilities.
/** * Some text related utilities. */
public class StringUtil {
Used to look up if the chars with low code needs to be escaped, but note that it gives bad result for '=', as there the it matters if it's after '['.
/** * Used to look up if the chars with low code needs to be escaped, but note that it gives bad result for '=', as * there the it matters if it's after '['. */
private static final char[] ESCAPES = createEscapes(); private static final char[] LT = new char[] { '&', 'l', 't', ';' }; private static final char[] GT = new char[] { '&', 'g', 't', ';' }; private static final char[] AMP = new char[] { '&', 'a', 'm', 'p', ';' }; private static final char[] QUOT = new char[] { '&', 'q', 'u', 'o', 't', ';' }; private static final char[] HTML_APOS = new char[] { '&', '#', '3', '9', ';' }; private static final char[] XML_APOS = new char[] { '&', 'a', 'p', 'o', 's', ';' }; /* * For better performance most methods are folded down. Don't you scream... :) */
HTML encoding (does not convert line breaks and apostrophe-quote). Replaces all '>' '<' '&' and '"' with entity reference, but not "'" (apostrophe-quote). The last is not escaped as back then when this was written some user agents didn't understood "&apos;" nor "&#39;". @deprecated Use XHTMLEnc(String) instead, because it escapes apostrophe-quote too.
/** * HTML encoding (does not convert line breaks and apostrophe-quote). * Replaces all '&gt;' '&lt;' '&amp;' and '"' with entity reference, but not "'" (apostrophe-quote). * The last is not escaped as back then when this was written some user agents didn't understood * "&amp;apos;" nor "&amp;#39;". * * @deprecated Use {@link #XHTMLEnc(String)} instead, because it escapes apostrophe-quote too. */
@Deprecated public static String HTMLEnc(String s) { return XMLEncNA(s); }
XML Encoding. Replaces all '>' '<' '&', "'" and '"' with entity reference
/** * XML Encoding. * Replaces all '&gt;' '&lt;' '&amp;', "'" and '"' with entity reference */
public static String XMLEnc(String s) { return XMLOrHTMLEnc(s, true, true, XML_APOS); }
Like XMLEnc(String), but writes the result into a Writer.
/** * Like {@link #XMLEnc(String)}, but writes the result into a {@link Writer}. * * @since 2.3.24 */
public static void XMLEnc(String s, Writer out) throws IOException { XMLOrHTMLEnc(s, XML_APOS, out); }
XHTML Encoding. Replaces all '>' '<' '&', "'" and '"' with entity reference suitable for XHTML decoding in common user agents (including legacy user agents, which do not decode "&apos;" to "'", so "&#39;" is used instead [see http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_16])
/** * XHTML Encoding. * Replaces all '&gt;' '&lt;' '&amp;', "'" and '"' with entity reference * suitable for XHTML decoding in common user agents (including legacy * user agents, which do not decode "&amp;apos;" to "'", so "&amp;#39;" is used * instead [see http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_16]) */
public static String XHTMLEnc(String s) { return XMLOrHTMLEnc(s, true, true, HTML_APOS); }
Like XHTMLEnc(String), but writes the result into a Writer.
/** * Like {@link #XHTMLEnc(String)}, but writes the result into a {@link Writer}. * * @since 2.3.24 */
public static void XHTMLEnc(String s, Writer out) throws IOException { XMLOrHTMLEnc(s, HTML_APOS, out); } private static String XMLOrHTMLEnc(String s, boolean escGT, boolean escQuot, char[] apos) { final int ln = s.length(); // First we find out if we need to escape, and if so, what the length of the output will be: int firstEscIdx = -1; int lastEscIdx = 0; int plusOutLn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) { escape: do { final char c = s.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '<': plusOutLn += LT.length - 1; break; case '>': if (!(escGT || maybeCDataEndGT(s, i))) { break escape; } plusOutLn += GT.length - 1; break; case '&': plusOutLn += AMP.length - 1; break; case '"': if (!escQuot) { break escape; } plusOutLn += QUOT.length - 1; break; case '\'': // apos if (apos == null) { break escape; } plusOutLn += apos.length - 1; break; default: break escape; } if (firstEscIdx == -1) { firstEscIdx = i; } lastEscIdx = i; } while (false); } if (firstEscIdx == -1) { return s; // Nothing to escape } else { final char[] esced = new char[ln + plusOutLn]; if (firstEscIdx != 0) { s.getChars(0, firstEscIdx, esced, 0); } int dst = firstEscIdx; scan: for (int i = firstEscIdx; i <= lastEscIdx; i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '<': dst = shortArrayCopy(LT, esced, dst); continue scan; case '>': if (!(escGT || maybeCDataEndGT(s, i))) { break; } dst = shortArrayCopy(GT, esced, dst); continue scan; case '&': dst = shortArrayCopy(AMP, esced, dst); continue scan; case '"': if (!escQuot) { break; } dst = shortArrayCopy(QUOT, esced, dst); continue scan; case '\'': // apos if (apos == null) { break; } dst = shortArrayCopy(apos, esced, dst); continue scan; } esced[dst++] = c; } if (lastEscIdx != ln - 1) { s.getChars(lastEscIdx + 1, ln, esced, dst); } return String.valueOf(esced); } } private static boolean maybeCDataEndGT(String s, int i) { if (i == 0) return true; if (s.charAt(i - 1) != ']') return false; if (i == 1 || s.charAt(i - 2) == ']') return true; return false; } private static void XMLOrHTMLEnc(String s, char[] apos, Writer out) throws IOException { int writtenEnd = 0; // exclusive end int ln = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '&' || c == '"' || c == '\'') { int flushLn = i - writtenEnd; if (flushLn != 0) { out.write(s, writtenEnd, flushLn); } writtenEnd = i + 1; switch (c) { case '<': out.write(LT); break; case '>': out.write(GT); break; case '&': out.write(AMP); break; case '"': out.write(QUOT); break; default: out.write(apos); break; } } } if (writtenEnd < ln) { out.write(s, writtenEnd, ln - writtenEnd); } }
For efficiently copying very short char arrays.
/** * For efficiently copying very short char arrays. */
private static int shortArrayCopy(char[] src, char[] dst, int dstOffset) { int ln = src.length; for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) { dst[dstOffset++] = src[i]; } return dstOffset; }
XML encoding without replacing apostrophes. @see #XMLEnc(String)
/** * XML encoding without replacing apostrophes. * @see #XMLEnc(String) */
public static String XMLEncNA(String s) { return XMLOrHTMLEnc(s, true, true, null); }
XML encoding for attribute values quoted with " (not with '!). Also can be used for HTML attributes that are quoted with ". @see #XMLEnc(String)
/** * XML encoding for attribute values quoted with <tt>"</tt> (not with <tt>'</tt>!). * Also can be used for HTML attributes that are quoted with <tt>"</tt>. * @see #XMLEnc(String) */
public static String XMLEncQAttr(String s) { return XMLOrHTMLEnc(s, false, true, null); }
XML encoding without replacing apostrophes and quotation marks and greater-thans (except in ]]>). @see #XMLEnc(String)
/** * XML encoding without replacing apostrophes and quotation marks and * greater-thans (except in {@code ]]>}). * @see #XMLEnc(String) */
public static String XMLEncNQG(String s) { return XMLOrHTMLEnc(s, false, false, null); }
Rich Text Format encoding (does not replace line breaks). Escapes all '\' '{' '}'.
/** * Rich Text Format encoding (does not replace line breaks). * Escapes all '\' '{' '}'. */
public static String RTFEnc(String s) { int ln = s.length(); // First we find out if we need to escape, and if so, what the length of the output will be: int firstEscIdx = -1; int lastEscIdx = 0; int plusOutLn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '\\') { if (firstEscIdx == -1) { firstEscIdx = i; } lastEscIdx = i; plusOutLn++; } } if (firstEscIdx == -1) { return s; // Nothing to escape } else { char[] esced = new char[ln + plusOutLn]; if (firstEscIdx != 0) { s.getChars(0, firstEscIdx, esced, 0); } int dst = firstEscIdx; for (int i = firstEscIdx; i <= lastEscIdx; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '\\') { esced[dst++] = '\\'; } esced[dst++] = c; } if (lastEscIdx != ln - 1) { s.getChars(lastEscIdx + 1, ln, esced, dst); } return String.valueOf(esced); } }
Like RTFEnc(String), but writes the result into a Writer.
/** * Like {@link #RTFEnc(String)}, but writes the result into a {@link Writer}. * * @since 2.3.24 */
public static void RTFEnc(String s, Writer out) throws IOException { int writtenEnd = 0; // exclusive end int ln = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '\\') { int flushLn = i - writtenEnd; if (flushLn != 0) { out.write(s, writtenEnd, flushLn); } out.write('\\'); writtenEnd = i; // Not i + 1, so c will be written out later } } if (writtenEnd < ln) { out.write(s, writtenEnd, ln - writtenEnd); } }
URL encoding (like%20this) for query parameter values, path segments, fragments; this encodes all characters that are reserved anywhere.
/** * URL encoding (like%20this) for query parameter values, path <em>segments</em>, fragments; this encodes all * characters that are reserved anywhere. */
public static String URLEnc(String s, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return URLEnc(s, charset, false); }
Like URLEnc(String, String) but doesn't escape the slash character (/). This can be used to encode a path only if you know that no folder or file name will contain / character (not in the path, but in the name itself), which usually stands, as the commonly used OS-es don't allow that.
/** * Like {@link #URLEnc(String, String)} but doesn't escape the slash character ({@code /}). * This can be used to encode a path only if you know that no folder or file name will contain {@code /} * character (not in the path, but in the name itself), which usually stands, as the commonly used OS-es don't * allow that. * * @since 2.3.21 */
public static String URLPathEnc(String s, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return URLEnc(s, charset, true); } private static String URLEnc(String s, String charset, boolean keepSlash) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { int ln = s.length(); int i; for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (!safeInURL(c, keepSlash)) { break; } } if (i == ln) { // Nothing to escape return s; } StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(ln + ln / 3 + 2); b.append(s.substring(0, i)); int encStart = i; for (i++; i < ln; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (safeInURL(c, keepSlash)) { if (encStart != -1) { byte[] o = s.substring(encStart, i).getBytes(charset); for (int j = 0; j < o.length; j++) { b.append('%'); byte bc = o[j]; int c1 = bc & 0x0F; int c2 = (bc >> 4) & 0x0F; b.append((char) (c2 < 10 ? c2 + '0' : c2 - 10 + 'A')); b.append((char) (c1 < 10 ? c1 + '0' : c1 - 10 + 'A')); } encStart = -1; } b.append(c); } else { if (encStart == -1) { encStart = i; } } } if (encStart != -1) { byte[] o = s.substring(encStart, i).getBytes(charset); for (int j = 0; j < o.length; j++) { b.append('%'); byte bc = o[j]; int c1 = bc & 0x0F; int c2 = (bc >> 4) & 0x0F; b.append((char) (c2 < 10 ? c2 + '0' : c2 - 10 + 'A')); b.append((char) (c1 < 10 ? c1 + '0' : c1 - 10 + 'A')); } } return b.toString(); } private static boolean safeInURL(char c, boolean keepSlash) { return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '!' || c == '~' || c >= '\'' && c <= '*' || keepSlash && c == '/'; } private static char[] createEscapes() { char[] escapes = new char['\\' + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { escapes[i] = 1; } escapes['\\'] = '\\'; escapes['\''] = '\''; escapes['"'] = '"'; escapes['<'] = 'l'; // As '=' is only escaped if it's after '[', we can't handle it here escapes['>'] = 'g'; escapes['&'] = 'a'; escapes['\b'] = 'b'; escapes['\t'] = 't'; escapes['\n'] = 'n'; escapes['\f'] = 'f'; escapes['\r'] = 'r'; return escapes; }
Escapes a string according the FTL string literal escaping rules, assuming the literal is quoted with quotation; it doesn't add the quotation marks itself.
  • quotation – Either '"' or '\''. It's assumed that the string literal whose part we calculate is enclosed within this kind of quotation mark. Thus, the other kind of quotation character will not be escaped in the result.
/** * Escapes a string according the FTL string literal escaping rules, assuming the literal is quoted with * {@code quotation}; it doesn't add the quotation marks itself. * * @param quotation * Either {@code '"'} or {@code '\''}. It's assumed that the string literal whose part we calculate is * enclosed within this kind of quotation mark. Thus, the other kind of quotation character will not be * escaped in the result. * * @since 2.3.22 */
public static String FTLStringLiteralEnc(String s, char quotation) { return FTLStringLiteralEnc(s, quotation, false); }
Escapes a string according the FTL string literal escaping rules; it doesn't add the quotation marks. As this method doesn't know if the string literal is quoted with reuglar quotation marks or apostrophe quute, it will escape both.
See Also:
  • FTLStringLiteralEnc(String, char)
/** * Escapes a string according the FTL string literal escaping rules; it doesn't add the quotation marks. As this * method doesn't know if the string literal is quoted with reuglar quotation marks or apostrophe quute, it will * escape both. * * @see #FTLStringLiteralEnc(String, char) */
public static String FTLStringLiteralEnc(String s) { return FTLStringLiteralEnc(s, (char) 0, false); } private static String FTLStringLiteralEnc(String s, char quotation, boolean addQuotation) { final int ln = s.length(); final char otherQuotation; if (quotation == 0) { otherQuotation = 0; } else if (quotation == '"') { otherQuotation = '\''; } else if (quotation == '\'') { otherQuotation = '"'; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported quotation character: " + quotation); } final int escLn = ESCAPES.length; StringBuilder buf = null; for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); char escape; if (c == '=') { escape = i > 0 && s.charAt(i - 1) == '[' ? '=' : 0; } else if (c < escLn) { escape = ESCAPES[c]; // } else if (c == '{' && i > 0 && isInterpolationStart(s.charAt(i - 1))) { escape = '{'; } else { escape = 0; } if (escape == 0 || escape == otherQuotation) { if (buf != null) { buf.append(c); } } else { if (buf == null) { buf = new StringBuilder(s.length() + 4 + (addQuotation ? 2 : 0)); if (addQuotation) { buf.append(quotation); } buf.append(s.substring(0, i)); } if (escape == 1) { // hex encoding for characters below 0x20 // that have no other escape representation buf.append("\\x00"); int c2 = (c >> 4) & 0x0F; c = (char) (c & 0x0F); buf.append((char) (c2 < 10 ? c2 + '0' : c2 - 10 + 'A')); buf.append((char) (c < 10 ? c + '0' : c - 10 + 'A')); } else { buf.append('\\'); buf.append(escape); } } } if (buf == null) { return addQuotation ? quotation + s + quotation : s; } else { if (addQuotation) { buf.append(quotation); } return buf.toString(); } } private static boolean isInterpolationStart(char c) { return c == '$' || c == '#'; }
FTL string literal decoding. \\, \", \', \n, \t, \r, \b and \f will be replaced according to Java rules. In additional, it knows \g, \l, \a and \{ which are replaced with <, >, & and { respectively. \x works as hexadecimal character code escape. The character codes are interpreted according to UCS basic plane (Unicode). "f\x006Fo", "f\x06Fo" and "f\x6Fo" will be "foo". "f\x006F123" will be "foo123" as the maximum number of digits is 4. All other \X (where X is any character not mentioned above or End-of-string) will cause a ParseException.
  • s – String literal without the surrounding quotation marks
Returns:String with all escape sequences resolved
/** * FTL string literal decoding. * * \\, \", \', \n, \t, \r, \b and \f will be replaced according to * Java rules. In additional, it knows \g, \l, \a and \{ which are * replaced with &lt;, &gt;, &amp; and { respectively. * \x works as hexadecimal character code escape. The character * codes are interpreted according to UCS basic plane (Unicode). * "f\x006Fo", "f\x06Fo" and "f\x6Fo" will be "foo". * "f\x006F123" will be "foo123" as the maximum number of digits is 4. * * All other \X (where X is any character not mentioned above or End-of-string) * will cause a ParseException. * * @param s String literal <em>without</em> the surrounding quotation marks * @return String with all escape sequences resolved * @throws ParseException if there string contains illegal escapes */
public static String FTLStringLiteralDec(String s) throws ParseException { int idx = s.indexOf('\\'); if (idx == -1) { return s; } int lidx = s.length() - 1; int bidx = 0; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(lidx); do { buf.append(s.substring(bidx, idx)); if (idx >= lidx) { throw new ParseException("The last character of string literal is backslash", 0,0); } char c = s.charAt(idx + 1); switch (c) { case '"': buf.append('"'); bidx = idx + 2; break; case '\'': buf.append('\''); bidx = idx + 2; break; case '\\': buf.append('\\'); bidx = idx + 2; break; case 'n': buf.append('\n'); bidx = idx + 2; break; case 'r': buf.append('\r'); bidx = idx + 2; break; case 't': buf.append('\t'); bidx = idx + 2; break; case 'f': buf.append('\f'); bidx = idx + 2; break; case 'b': buf.append('\b'); bidx = idx + 2; break; case 'g': buf.append('>'); bidx = idx + 2; break; case 'l': buf.append('<'); bidx = idx + 2; break; case 'a': buf.append('&'); bidx = idx + 2; break; case '{': case '=': buf.append(c); bidx = idx + 2; break; case 'x': { idx += 2; int x = idx; int y = 0; int z = lidx > idx + 3 ? idx + 3 : lidx; while (idx <= z) { char b = s.charAt(idx); if (b >= '0' && b <= '9') { y <<= 4; y += b - '0'; } else if (b >= 'a' && b <= 'f') { y <<= 4; y += b - 'a' + 10; } else if (b >= 'A' && b <= 'F') { y <<= 4; y += b - 'A' + 10; } else { break; } idx++; } if (x < idx) { buf.append((char) y); } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid \\x escape in a string literal",0,0); } bidx = idx; break; } default: throw new ParseException("Invalid escape sequence (\\" + c + ") in a string literal",0,0); } idx = s.indexOf('\\', bidx); } while (idx != -1); buf.append(s.substring(bidx)); return buf.toString(); } public static Locale deduceLocale(String input) { if (input == null) return null; Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); if (input.length() > 0 && input.charAt(0) == '"') input = input.substring(1, input.length() - 1); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(input, ",_ "); String lang = "", country = ""; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { lang = st.nextToken(); } if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { country = st.nextToken(); } if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { locale = new Locale(lang, country); } else { locale = new Locale(lang, country, st.nextToken()); } return locale; } public static String capitalize(String s) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, " \t\r\n", true); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(s.length()); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String tok = st.nextToken(); buf.append(tok.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()); buf.append(tok.substring(1).toLowerCase()); } return buf.toString(); } public static boolean getYesNo(String s) { if (s.startsWith("\"")) { s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1); } if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("n") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("no") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("f") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { return false; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("y") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("t") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { return true; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal boolean value: " + s); }
Splits a string at the specified character.
/** * Splits a string at the specified character. */
public static String[] split(String s, char c) { int i, b, e; int cnt; String res[]; int ln = s.length(); i = 0; cnt = 1; while ((i = s.indexOf(c, i)) != -1) { cnt++; i++; } res = new String[cnt]; i = 0; b = 0; while (b <= ln) { e = s.indexOf(c, b); if (e == -1) e = ln; res[i++] = s.substring(b, e); b = e + 1; } return res; }
Splits a string at the specified string.
  • sep – The string that separates the items of the resulting array. Since 2.3.28, if this is 0 length, then each character will be a separate item in the array.
/** * Splits a string at the specified string. * * @param sep * The string that separates the items of the resulting array. Since 2.3.28, if this is 0 length, then * each character will be a separate item in the array. */
public static String[] split(String s, String sep, boolean caseInsensitive) { int sepLn = sep.length(); String convertedS = caseInsensitive ? s.toLowerCase() : s; int sLn = s.length(); if (sepLn == 0) { String[] res = new String[sLn]; for (int i = 0; i < sLn; i++) { res[i] = String.valueOf(s.charAt(i)); } return res; } String splitString = caseInsensitive ? sep.toLowerCase() : sep; String res[]; { int next = 0; int count = 1; while ((next = convertedS.indexOf(splitString, next)) != -1) { count++; next += sepLn; } res = new String[count]; } int dst = 0; int next = 0; while (next <= sLn) { int end = convertedS.indexOf(splitString, next); if (end == -1) end = sLn; res[dst++] = s.substring(next, end); next = end + sepLn; } return res; }
Same as replace(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) with two false parameters.
/** * Same as {@link #replace(String, String, String, boolean, boolean)} with two {@code false} parameters. * @since 2.3.20 */
public static String replace(String text, String oldSub, String newSub) { return replace(text, oldSub, newSub, false, false); }
Replaces all occurrences of a sub-string in a string.
  • text – The string where it will replace oldsub with newsub.
Returns:String The string after the replacements.
/** * Replaces all occurrences of a sub-string in a string. * @param text The string where it will replace <code>oldsub</code> with * <code>newsub</code>. * @return String The string after the replacements. */
public static String replace(String text, String oldsub, String newsub, boolean caseInsensitive, boolean firstOnly) { StringBuilder buf; int tln; int oln = oldsub.length(); if (oln == 0) { int nln = newsub.length(); if (nln == 0) { return text; } else { if (firstOnly) { return newsub + text; } else { tln = text.length(); buf = new StringBuilder(tln + (tln + 1) * nln); buf.append(newsub); for (int i = 0; i < tln; i++) { buf.append(text.charAt(i)); buf.append(newsub); } return buf.toString(); } } } else { oldsub = caseInsensitive ? oldsub.toLowerCase() : oldsub; String input = caseInsensitive ? text.toLowerCase() : text; int e = input.indexOf(oldsub); if (e == -1) { return text; } int b = 0; tln = text.length(); buf = new StringBuilder( tln + Math.max(newsub.length() - oln, 0) * 3); do { buf.append(text.substring(b, e)); buf.append(newsub); b = e + oln; e = input.indexOf(oldsub, b); } while (e != -1 && !firstOnly); buf.append(text.substring(b)); return buf.toString(); } }
Removes a line-break from the end of the string (if there's any).
/** * Removes a line-break from the end of the string (if there's any). */
public static String chomp(String s) { if (s.endsWith("\r\n")) return s.substring(0, s.length() - 2); if (s.endsWith("\r") || s.endsWith("\n")) return s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); return s; }
Converts a 0-length string to null, leaves the string as is otherwise.
  • s – maybe null.
/** * Converts a 0-length string to null, leaves the string as is otherwise. * @param s maybe {@code null}. */
public static String emptyToNull(String s) { if (s == null) return null; return s.length() == 0 ? null : s; }
Converts the parameter with toString (if it's not null) and passes it to jQuote(String).
/** * Converts the parameter with <code>toString</code> (if it's not <code>null</code>) and passes it to * {@link #jQuote(String)}. */
public static String jQuote(Object obj) { return jQuote(obj != null ? obj.toString() : null); }
Quotes string as Java Language string literal. Returns string "null" if s is null.
/** * Quotes string as Java Language string literal. * Returns string <code>"null"</code> if <code>s</code> * is <code>null</code>. */
public static String jQuote(String s) { if (s == null) { return "null"; } int ln = s.length(); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(ln + 4); b.append('"'); for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '"') { b.append("\\\""); } else if (c == '\\') { b.append("\\\\"); } else if (c < 0x20) { if (c == '\n') { b.append("\\n"); } else if (c == '\r') { b.append("\\r"); } else if (c == '\f') { b.append("\\f"); } else if (c == '\b') { b.append("\\b"); } else if (c == '\t') { b.append("\\t"); } else { b.append("\\u00"); int x = c / 0x10; b.append(toHexDigit(x)); x = c & 0xF; b.append(toHexDigit(x)); } } else { b.append(c); } } // for each characters b.append('"'); return b.toString(); }
Converts the parameter with toString (if not null)and passes it to jQuoteNoXSS(String).
/** * Converts the parameter with <code>toString</code> (if not * <code>null</code>)and passes it to {@link #jQuoteNoXSS(String)}. */
public static String jQuoteNoXSS(Object obj) { return jQuoteNoXSS(obj != null ? obj.toString() : null); }
Same as jQuoteNoXSS(String) but also escapes '<' as \u003C. This is used for log messages to prevent XSS on poorly written Web-based log viewers.
/** * Same as {@link #jQuoteNoXSS(String)} but also escapes <code>'&lt;'</code> * as <code>\</code><code>u003C</code>. This is used for log messages to prevent XSS * on poorly written Web-based log viewers. */
public static String jQuoteNoXSS(String s) { if (s == null) { return "null"; } int ln = s.length(); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(ln + 4); b.append('"'); for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '"') { b.append("\\\""); } else if (c == '\\') { b.append("\\\\"); } else if (c == '<') { b.append("\\u003C"); } else if (c < 0x20) { if (c == '\n') { b.append("\\n"); } else if (c == '\r') { b.append("\\r"); } else if (c == '\f') { b.append("\\f"); } else if (c == '\b') { b.append("\\b"); } else if (c == '\t') { b.append("\\t"); } else { b.append("\\u00"); int x = c / 0x10; b.append(toHexDigit(x)); x = c & 0xF; b.append(toHexDigit(x)); } } else { b.append(c); } } // for each characters b.append('"'); return b.toString(); }
Creates a quoted FTL string literal from a string, using escaping where necessary. The result either uses regular quotation marks (UCS 0x22) or apostrophe-quotes (UCS 0x27), depending on the string content. (Currently, apostrophe-quotes will be chosen exactly when the string contains regular quotation character and doesn't contain apostrophe-quote character.)
  • s – The value that should be converted to an FTL string literal whose evaluated value equals to s
/** * Creates a <em>quoted</em> FTL string literal from a string, using escaping where necessary. The result either * uses regular quotation marks (UCS 0x22) or apostrophe-quotes (UCS 0x27), depending on the string content. * (Currently, apostrophe-quotes will be chosen exactly when the string contains regular quotation character and * doesn't contain apostrophe-quote character.) * * @param s * The value that should be converted to an FTL string literal whose evaluated value equals to {@code s} * * @since 2.3.22 */
public static String ftlQuote(String s) { char quotation; if (s.indexOf('"') != -1 && s.indexOf('\'') == -1) { quotation = '\''; } else { quotation = '\"'; } return FTLStringLiteralEnc(s, quotation, true); }
Tells if a character can occur on the beginning of an FTL identifier expression (without escaping).
/** * Tells if a character can occur on the beginning of an FTL identifier expression (without escaping). * * @since 2.3.22 */
public static boolean isFTLIdentifierStart(final char c) { // This code was generated on JDK 1.8.0_20 Win64 with src/main/misc/identifierChars/IdentifierCharGenerator.java if (c < 0xAA) { // This branch was edited for speed. if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= '@' && c <= 'Z') { return true; } else { return c == '$' || c == '_'; } } else { // c >= 0xAA if (c < 0xA7F8) { if (c < 0x2D6F) { if (c < 0x2128) { if (c < 0x2090) { if (c < 0xD8) { if (c < 0xBA) { return c == 0xAA || c == 0xB5; } else { // c >= 0xBA return c == 0xBA || c >= 0xC0 && c <= 0xD6; } } else { // c >= 0xD8 if (c < 0x2071) { return c >= 0xD8 && c <= 0xF6 || c >= 0xF8 && c <= 0x1FFF; } else { // c >= 0x2071 return c == 0x2071 || c == 0x207F; } } } else { // c >= 0x2090 if (c < 0x2115) { if (c < 0x2107) { return c >= 0x2090 && c <= 0x209C || c == 0x2102; } else { // c >= 0x2107 return c == 0x2107 || c >= 0x210A && c <= 0x2113; } } else { // c >= 0x2115 if (c < 0x2124) { return c == 0x2115 || c >= 0x2119 && c <= 0x211D; } else { // c >= 0x2124 return c == 0x2124 || c == 0x2126; } } } } else { // c >= 0x2128 if (c < 0x2C30) { if (c < 0x2145) { if (c < 0x212F) { return c == 0x2128 || c >= 0x212A && c <= 0x212D; } else { // c >= 0x212F return c >= 0x212F && c <= 0x2139 || c >= 0x213C && c <= 0x213F; } } else { // c >= 0x2145 if (c < 0x2183) { return c >= 0x2145 && c <= 0x2149 || c == 0x214E; } else { // c >= 0x2183 return c >= 0x2183 && c <= 0x2184 || c >= 0x2C00 && c <= 0x2C2E; } } } else { // c >= 0x2C30 if (c < 0x2D00) { if (c < 0x2CEB) { return c >= 0x2C30 && c <= 0x2C5E || c >= 0x2C60 && c <= 0x2CE4; } else { // c >= 0x2CEB return c >= 0x2CEB && c <= 0x2CEE || c >= 0x2CF2 && c <= 0x2CF3; } } else { // c >= 0x2D00 if (c < 0x2D2D) { return c >= 0x2D00 && c <= 0x2D25 || c == 0x2D27; } else { // c >= 0x2D2D return c == 0x2D2D || c >= 0x2D30 && c <= 0x2D67; } } } } } else { // c >= 0x2D6F if (c < 0x31F0) { if (c < 0x2DD0) { if (c < 0x2DB0) { if (c < 0x2DA0) { return c == 0x2D6F || c >= 0x2D80 && c <= 0x2D96; } else { // c >= 0x2DA0 return c >= 0x2DA0 && c <= 0x2DA6 || c >= 0x2DA8 && c <= 0x2DAE; } } else { // c >= 0x2DB0 if (c < 0x2DC0) { return c >= 0x2DB0 && c <= 0x2DB6 || c >= 0x2DB8 && c <= 0x2DBE; } else { // c >= 0x2DC0 return c >= 0x2DC0 && c <= 0x2DC6 || c >= 0x2DC8 && c <= 0x2DCE; } } } else { // c >= 0x2DD0 if (c < 0x3031) { if (c < 0x2E2F) { return c >= 0x2DD0 && c <= 0x2DD6 || c >= 0x2DD8 && c <= 0x2DDE; } else { // c >= 0x2E2F return c == 0x2E2F || c >= 0x3005 && c <= 0x3006; } } else { // c >= 0x3031 if (c < 0x3040) { return c >= 0x3031 && c <= 0x3035 || c >= 0x303B && c <= 0x303C; } else { // c >= 0x3040 return c >= 0x3040 && c <= 0x318F || c >= 0x31A0 && c <= 0x31BA; } } } } else { // c >= 0x31F0 if (c < 0xA67F) { if (c < 0xA4D0) { if (c < 0x3400) { return c >= 0x31F0 && c <= 0x31FF || c >= 0x3300 && c <= 0x337F; } else { // c >= 0x3400 return c >= 0x3400 && c <= 0x4DB5 || c >= 0x4E00 && c <= 0xA48C; } } else { // c >= 0xA4D0 if (c < 0xA610) { return c >= 0xA4D0 && c <= 0xA4FD || c >= 0xA500 && c <= 0xA60C; } else { // c >= 0xA610 return c >= 0xA610 && c <= 0xA62B || c >= 0xA640 && c <= 0xA66E; } } } else { // c >= 0xA67F if (c < 0xA78B) { if (c < 0xA717) { return c >= 0xA67F && c <= 0xA697 || c >= 0xA6A0 && c <= 0xA6E5; } else { // c >= 0xA717 return c >= 0xA717 && c <= 0xA71F || c >= 0xA722 && c <= 0xA788; } } else { // c >= 0xA78B if (c < 0xA7A0) { return c >= 0xA78B && c <= 0xA78E || c >= 0xA790 && c <= 0xA793; } else { // c >= 0xA7A0 return c >= 0xA7A0 && c <= 0xA7AA; } } } } } } else { // c >= 0xA7F8 if (c < 0xAB20) { if (c < 0xAA44) { if (c < 0xA8FB) { if (c < 0xA840) { if (c < 0xA807) { return c >= 0xA7F8 && c <= 0xA801 || c >= 0xA803 && c <= 0xA805; } else { // c >= 0xA807 return c >= 0xA807 && c <= 0xA80A || c >= 0xA80C && c <= 0xA822; } } else { // c >= 0xA840 if (c < 0xA8D0) { return c >= 0xA840 && c <= 0xA873 || c >= 0xA882 && c <= 0xA8B3; } else { // c >= 0xA8D0 return c >= 0xA8D0 && c <= 0xA8D9 || c >= 0xA8F2 && c <= 0xA8F7; } } } else { // c >= 0xA8FB if (c < 0xA984) { if (c < 0xA930) { return c == 0xA8FB || c >= 0xA900 && c <= 0xA925; } else { // c >= 0xA930 return c >= 0xA930 && c <= 0xA946 || c >= 0xA960 && c <= 0xA97C; } } else { // c >= 0xA984 if (c < 0xAA00) { return c >= 0xA984 && c <= 0xA9B2 || c >= 0xA9CF && c <= 0xA9D9; } else { // c >= 0xAA00 return c >= 0xAA00 && c <= 0xAA28 || c >= 0xAA40 && c <= 0xAA42; } } } } else { // c >= 0xAA44 if (c < 0xAAC0) { if (c < 0xAA80) { if (c < 0xAA60) { return c >= 0xAA44 && c <= 0xAA4B || c >= 0xAA50 && c <= 0xAA59; } else { // c >= 0xAA60 return c >= 0xAA60 && c <= 0xAA76 || c == 0xAA7A; } } else { // c >= 0xAA80 if (c < 0xAAB5) { return c >= 0xAA80 && c <= 0xAAAF || c == 0xAAB1; } else { // c >= 0xAAB5 return c >= 0xAAB5 && c <= 0xAAB6 || c >= 0xAAB9 && c <= 0xAABD; } } } else { // c >= 0xAAC0 if (c < 0xAAF2) { if (c < 0xAADB) { return c == 0xAAC0 || c == 0xAAC2; } else { // c >= 0xAADB return c >= 0xAADB && c <= 0xAADD || c >= 0xAAE0 && c <= 0xAAEA; } } else { // c >= 0xAAF2 if (c < 0xAB09) { return c >= 0xAAF2 && c <= 0xAAF4 || c >= 0xAB01 && c <= 0xAB06; } else { // c >= 0xAB09 return c >= 0xAB09 && c <= 0xAB0E || c >= 0xAB11 && c <= 0xAB16; } } } } } else { // c >= 0xAB20 if (c < 0xFB46) { if (c < 0xFB13) { if (c < 0xAC00) { if (c < 0xABC0) { return c >= 0xAB20 && c <= 0xAB26 || c >= 0xAB28 && c <= 0xAB2E; } else { // c >= 0xABC0 return c >= 0xABC0 && c <= 0xABE2 || c >= 0xABF0 && c <= 0xABF9; } } else { // c >= 0xAC00 if (c < 0xD7CB) { return c >= 0xAC00 && c <= 0xD7A3 || c >= 0xD7B0 && c <= 0xD7C6; } else { // c >= 0xD7CB return c >= 0xD7CB && c <= 0xD7FB || c >= 0xF900 && c <= 0xFB06; } } } else { // c >= 0xFB13 if (c < 0xFB38) { if (c < 0xFB1F) { return c >= 0xFB13 && c <= 0xFB17 || c == 0xFB1D; } else { // c >= 0xFB1F return c >= 0xFB1F && c <= 0xFB28 || c >= 0xFB2A && c <= 0xFB36; } } else { // c >= 0xFB38 if (c < 0xFB40) { return c >= 0xFB38 && c <= 0xFB3C || c == 0xFB3E; } else { // c >= 0xFB40 return c >= 0xFB40 && c <= 0xFB41 || c >= 0xFB43 && c <= 0xFB44; } } } } else { // c >= 0xFB46 if (c < 0xFF21) { if (c < 0xFDF0) { if (c < 0xFD50) { return c >= 0xFB46 && c <= 0xFBB1 || c >= 0xFBD3 && c <= 0xFD3D; } else { // c >= 0xFD50 return c >= 0xFD50 && c <= 0xFD8F || c >= 0xFD92 && c <= 0xFDC7; } } else { // c >= 0xFDF0 if (c < 0xFE76) { return c >= 0xFDF0 && c <= 0xFDFB || c >= 0xFE70 && c <= 0xFE74; } else { // c >= 0xFE76 return c >= 0xFE76 && c <= 0xFEFC || c >= 0xFF10 && c <= 0xFF19; } } } else { // c >= 0xFF21 if (c < 0xFFCA) { if (c < 0xFF66) { return c >= 0xFF21 && c <= 0xFF3A || c >= 0xFF41 && c <= 0xFF5A; } else { // c >= 0xFF66 return c >= 0xFF66 && c <= 0xFFBE || c >= 0xFFC2 && c <= 0xFFC7; } } else { // c >= 0xFFCA if (c < 0xFFDA) { return c >= 0xFFCA && c <= 0xFFCF || c >= 0xFFD2 && c <= 0xFFD7; } else { // c >= 0xFFDA return c >= 0xFFDA && c <= 0xFFDC; } } } } } } } }
Tells if a character can occur in an FTL identifier expression (without escaping) as other than the first character.
/** * Tells if a character can occur in an FTL identifier expression (without escaping) as other than the first * character. * * @since 2.3.22 */
public static boolean isFTLIdentifierPart(final char c) { return isFTLIdentifierStart(c) || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); }
Escapes the String with the escaping rules of Java language string literals, so it's safe to insert the value into a string literal. The resulting string will not be quoted.

All characters under UCS code point 0x20 will be escaped. Where they have no dedicated escape sequence in Java, they will be replaced with hexadecimal escape (\uXXXX).

See Also:
  • jQuote(String)
/** * Escapes the <code>String</code> with the escaping rules of Java language * string literals, so it's safe to insert the value into a string literal. * The resulting string will not be quoted. * * <p>All characters under UCS code point 0x20 will be escaped. * Where they have no dedicated escape sequence in Java, they will * be replaced with hexadecimal escape (<tt>\</tt><tt>u<i>XXXX</i></tt>). * * @see #jQuote(String) */
public static String javaStringEnc(String s) { int ln = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '"' || c == '\\' || c < 0x20) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(ln + 4); b.append(s.substring(0, i)); while (true) { if (c == '"') { b.append("\\\""); } else if (c == '\\') { b.append("\\\\"); } else if (c < 0x20) { if (c == '\n') { b.append("\\n"); } else if (c == '\r') { b.append("\\r"); } else if (c == '\f') { b.append("\\f"); } else if (c == '\b') { b.append("\\b"); } else if (c == '\t') { b.append("\\t"); } else { b.append("\\u00"); int x = c / 0x10; b.append((char) (x < 0xA ? x + '0' : x - 0xA + 'a')); x = c & 0xF; b.append((char) (x < 0xA ? x + '0' : x - 0xA + 'a')); } } else { b.append(c); } i++; if (i >= ln) { return b.toString(); } c = s.charAt(i); } } // if has to be escaped } // for each characters return s; }
Escapes a String to be safely insertable into a JavaScript string literal; for more see jsStringEnc(s, false).
/** * Escapes a {@link String} to be safely insertable into a JavaScript string literal; for more see * {@link #jsStringEnc(String, boolean) jsStringEnc(s, false)}. */
public static String javaScriptStringEnc(String s) { return jsStringEnc(s, false); }
Escapes a String to be safely insertable into a JSON string literal; for more see jsStringEnc(s, true).
/** * Escapes a {@link String} to be safely insertable into a JSON string literal; for more see * {@link #jsStringEnc(String, boolean) jsStringEnc(s, true)}. */
public static String jsonStringEnc(String s) { return jsStringEnc(s, true); } private static final int NO_ESC = 0; private static final int ESC_HEXA = 1; private static final int ESC_BACKSLASH = 3;
Escapes a String to be safely insertable into a JavaScript or a JSON string literal. The resulting string will not be quoted; the caller must ensure that they are there in the final output. Note that for JSON, the quotation marks must be ", not ', because JSON doesn't escape '.

The escaping rules guarantee that if the inside of the JavaScript/JSON string literal is from one or more touching pieces that were escaped with this, no character sequence can occur that closes the JavaScript/JSON string literal, or has a meaning in HTML/XML that causes the HTML script section to be closed. (If, however, the escaped section is preceded by or followed by strings from other sources, this can't be guaranteed in some rare cases. Like x = "</${a?js_string}" might closes the "script" element if a is "script>".) The escaped characters are:

Input Output
" \"
' if not in JSON-mode \'
\ \\
/ if the method can't know that it won't be directly after < \/
> if the method can't know that it won't be directly after ]] or -- JavaScript: \>; JSON: \u003E
< if the method can't know that it won't be directly followed by ! or ? \u003C
u0000-u001f (UNICODE control characters - disallowed by JSON)
u007f-u009f (UNICODE control characters - disallowed by JSON)
\n, \r and such, or if there's no such dedicated escape: JavaScript: \xXX, JSON: \uXXXX
u2028 (Line separator - source code line-break in ECMAScript)
u2029 (Paragraph separator - source code line-break in ECMAScript)
/** * Escapes a {@link String} to be safely insertable into a JavaScript or a JSON string literal. * The resulting string will <em>not</em> be quoted; the caller must ensure that they are there in the final * output. Note that for JSON, the quotation marks must be {@code "}, not {@code '}, because JSON doesn't escape * {@code '}. * * <p>The escaping rules guarantee that if the inside of the JavaScript/JSON string literal is from one or more * touching pieces that were escaped with this, no character sequence can occur that closes the * JavaScript/JSON string literal, or has a meaning in HTML/XML that causes the HTML script section to be closed. * (If, however, the escaped section is preceded by or followed by strings from other sources, this can't be * guaranteed in some rare cases. Like <tt>x = "&lt;/${a?js_string}"</tt> might closes the "script" * element if {@code a} is {@code "script>"}.) * * The escaped characters are: * * <table style="width: auto; border-collapse: collapse" border="1" summary="Characters escaped by jsStringEnc"> * <tr> * <th>Input * <th>Output * <tr> * <td><tt>"</tt> * <td><tt>\"</tt> * <tr> * <td><tt>'</tt> if not in JSON-mode * <td><tt>\'</tt> * <tr> * <td><tt>\</tt> * <td><tt>\\</tt> * <tr> * <td><tt>/</tt> if the method can't know that it won't be directly after <tt>&lt;</tt> * <td><tt>\/</tt> * <tr> * <td><tt>&gt;</tt> if the method can't know that it won't be directly after <tt>]]</tt> or <tt>--</tt> * <td>JavaScript: <tt>\&gt;</tt>; JSON: <tt>\</tt><tt>u003E</tt> * <tr> * <td><tt>&lt;</tt> if the method can't know that it won't be directly followed by <tt>!</tt> or <tt>?</tt> * <td><tt><tt>\</tt>u003C</tt> * <tr> * <td> * u0000-u001f (UNICODE control characters - disallowed by JSON)<br> * u007f-u009f (UNICODE control characters - disallowed by JSON) * <td><tt>\n</tt>, <tt>\r</tt> and such, or if there's no such dedicated escape: * JavaScript: <tt>\x<i>XX</i></tt>, JSON: <tt>\<tt>u</tt><i>XXXX</i></tt> * <tr> * <td> * u2028 (Line separator - source code line-break in ECMAScript)<br> * u2029 (Paragraph separator - source code line-break in ECMAScript)<br> * <td><tt>\<tt>u</tt><i>XXXX</i></tt> * </table> * * @since 2.3.20 */
public static String jsStringEnc(String s, boolean json) { NullArgumentException.check("s", s); int ln = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = null; for (int i = 0; i < ln; i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); final int escapeType; // if (!(c > '>' && c < 0x7F && c != '\\') && c != ' ' && !(c >= 0xA0 && c < 0x2028)) { // skip common chars if (c <= 0x1F) { // control chars range 1 if (c == '\n') { escapeType = 'n'; } else if (c == '\r') { escapeType = 'r'; } else if (c == '\f') { escapeType = 'f'; } else if (c == '\b') { escapeType = 'b'; } else if (c == '\t') { escapeType = 't'; } else { escapeType = ESC_HEXA; } } else if (c == '"') { escapeType = ESC_BACKSLASH; } else if (c == '\'') { escapeType = json ? NO_ESC : ESC_BACKSLASH; } else if (c == '\\') { escapeType = ESC_BACKSLASH; } else if (c == '/' && (i == 0 || s.charAt(i - 1) == '<')) { // against closing elements escapeType = ESC_BACKSLASH; } else if (c == '>') { // against "]]> and "-->" final boolean dangerous; if (i == 0) { dangerous = true; } else { final char prevC = s.charAt(i - 1); if (prevC == ']' || prevC == '-') { if (i == 1) { dangerous = true; } else { final char prevPrevC = s.charAt(i - 2); dangerous = prevPrevC == prevC; } } else { dangerous = false; } } escapeType = dangerous ? (json ? ESC_HEXA : ESC_BACKSLASH) : NO_ESC; } else if (c == '<') { // against "<!" final boolean dangerous; if (i == ln - 1) { dangerous = true; } else { char nextC = s.charAt(i + 1); dangerous = nextC == '!' || nextC == '?'; } escapeType = dangerous ? ESC_HEXA : NO_ESC; } else if ((c >= 0x7F && c <= 0x9F) // control chars range 2 || (c == 0x2028 || c == 0x2029) // UNICODE line terminators ) { escapeType = ESC_HEXA; } else { escapeType = NO_ESC; } if (escapeType != NO_ESC) { // If needs escaping if (sb == null) { sb = new StringBuilder(ln + 6); sb.append(s.substring(0, i)); } sb.append('\\'); if (escapeType > 0x20) { sb.append((char) escapeType); } else if (escapeType == ESC_HEXA) { if (!json && c < 0x100) { sb.append('x'); sb.append(toHexDigit(c >> 4)); sb.append(toHexDigit(c & 0xF)); } else { sb.append('u'); int cp = c; sb.append(toHexDigit((cp >> 12) & 0xF)); sb.append(toHexDigit((cp >> 8) & 0xF)); sb.append(toHexDigit((cp >> 4) & 0xF)); sb.append(toHexDigit(cp & 0xF)); } } else { // escapeType == ESC_BACKSLASH sb.append(c); } continue; } // Falls through when escapeType == NO_ESC } // Needs no escaping if (sb != null) sb.append(c); } // for each characters return sb == null ? s : sb.toString(); } private static char toHexDigit(int d) { return (char) (d < 0xA ? d + '0' : d - 0xA + 'A'); }
Parses a name-value pair list, where the pairs are separated with comma, and the name and value is separated with colon. The keys and values can contain only letters, digits and _. They can't be quoted. White-space around the keys and values are ignored. The value can be omitted if defaultValue is not null. When a value is omitted, then the colon after the key must be omitted as well. The same key can't be used for multiple times.
  • s – the string to parse. For example: "strong:100, soft:900".
  • defaultValue – the value used when the value is omitted in a key-value pair.
Returns:the map that contains the name-value pairs.
/** * Parses a name-value pair list, where the pairs are separated with comma, * and the name and value is separated with colon. * The keys and values can contain only letters, digits and <tt>_</tt>. They * can't be quoted. White-space around the keys and values are ignored. The * value can be omitted if <code>defaultValue</code> is not null. When a * value is omitted, then the colon after the key must be omitted as well. * The same key can't be used for multiple times. * * @param s the string to parse. * For example: <code>"strong:100, soft:900"</code>. * @param defaultValue the value used when the value is omitted in a * key-value pair. * * @return the map that contains the name-value pairs. * * @throws java.text.ParseException if the string is not a valid name-value * pair list. */
public static Map parseNameValuePairList(String s, String defaultValue) throws java.text.ParseException { Map map = new HashMap(); char c = ' '; int ln = s.length(); int p = 0; int keyStart; int valueStart; String key; String value; fetchLoop: while (true) { // skip ws while (p < ln) { c = s.charAt(p); if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) { break; } p++; } if (p == ln) { break fetchLoop; } keyStart = p; // seek key end while (p < ln) { c = s.charAt(p); if (!(Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_')) { break; } p++; } if (keyStart == p) { throw new java.text.ParseException( "Expecting letter, digit or \"_\" " + "here, (the first character of the key) but found " + jQuote(String.valueOf(c)) + " at position " + p + ".", p); } key = s.substring(keyStart, p); // skip ws while (p < ln) { c = s.charAt(p); if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) { break; } p++; } if (p == ln) { if (defaultValue == null) { throw new java.text.ParseException( "Expecting \":\", but reached " + "the end of the string " + " at position " + p + ".", p); } value = defaultValue; } else if (c != ':') { if (defaultValue == null || c != ',') { throw new java.text.ParseException( "Expecting \":\" here, but found " + jQuote(String.valueOf(c)) + " at position " + p + ".", p); } // skip "," p++; value = defaultValue; } else { // skip ":" p++; // skip ws while (p < ln) { c = s.charAt(p); if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) { break; } p++; } if (p == ln) { throw new java.text.ParseException( "Expecting the value of the key " + "here, but reached the end of the string " + " at position " + p + ".", p); } valueStart = p; // seek value end while (p < ln) { c = s.charAt(p); if (!(Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_')) { break; } p++; } if (valueStart == p) { throw new java.text.ParseException( "Expecting letter, digit or \"_\" " + "here, (the first character of the value) " + "but found " + jQuote(String.valueOf(c)) + " at position " + p + ".", p); } value = s.substring(valueStart, p); // skip ws while (p < ln) { c = s.charAt(p); if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) { break; } p++; } // skip "," if (p < ln) { if (c != ',') { throw new java.text.ParseException( "Excpecting \",\" or the end " + "of the string here, but found " + jQuote(String.valueOf(c)) + " at position " + p + ".", p); } else { p++; } } } // store the key-value pair if (map.put(key, value) != null) { throw new java.text.ParseException( "Dublicated key: " + jQuote(key), keyStart); } } return map; }
Used internally by the XML DOM wrapper to check if the subvariable name is just an element name, or a more complex XPath expression.
Returns:whether the name is a valid XML element name. (This routine might only be 99% accurate. REVISIT)
Deprecated:Don't use this outside FreeMarker; it's name if misleading, and it doesn't follow the XML specs.
/** * Used internally by the XML DOM wrapper to check if the subvariable name is just an element name, or a more * complex XPath expression. * * @return whether the name is a valid XML element name. (This routine might only be 99% accurate. REVISIT) * * @deprecated Don't use this outside FreeMarker; it's name if misleading, and it doesn't follow the XML specs. */
@Deprecated static public boolean isXMLID(String name) { return _ExtDomApi.isXMLNameLike(name); }
Returns:whether the qname matches the combination of nodeName, nsURI, and environment prefix settings.
/** * @return whether the qname matches the combination of nodeName, nsURI, and environment prefix settings. */
static public boolean matchesName(String qname, String nodeName, String nsURI, Environment env) { return _ExtDomApi.matchesName(qname, nodeName, nsURI, env); }
Pads the string at the left with spaces until it reaches the desired length. If the string is longer than this length, then it returns the unchanged string.
  • s – the string that will be padded.
  • minLength – the length to reach.
/** * Pads the string at the left with spaces until it reaches the desired * length. If the string is longer than this length, then it returns the * unchanged string. * * @param s the string that will be padded. * @param minLength the length to reach. */
public static String leftPad(String s, int minLength) { return leftPad(s, minLength, ' '); }
Pads the string at the left with the specified character until it reaches the desired length. If the string is longer than this length, then it returns the unchanged string.
  • s – the string that will be padded.
  • minLength – the length to reach.
  • filling – the filling pattern.
/** * Pads the string at the left with the specified character until it reaches * the desired length. If the string is longer than this length, then it * returns the unchanged string. * * @param s the string that will be padded. * @param minLength the length to reach. * @param filling the filling pattern. */
public static String leftPad(String s, int minLength, char filling) { int ln = s.length(); if (minLength <= ln) { return s; } StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(minLength); int dif = minLength - ln; for (int i = 0; i < dif; i++) { res.append(filling); } res.append(s); return res.toString(); }
Pads the string at the left with a filling pattern until it reaches the desired length. If the string is longer than this length, then it returns the unchanged string. For example: leftPad('ABC', 9, '1234') returns "123412ABC".
  • s – the string that will be padded.
  • minLength – the length to reach.
  • filling – the filling pattern. Must be at least 1 characters long. Can't be null.
/** * Pads the string at the left with a filling pattern until it reaches the * desired length. If the string is longer than this length, then it returns * the unchanged string. For example: <code>leftPad('ABC', 9, '1234')</code> * returns <code>"123412ABC"</code>. * * @param s the string that will be padded. * @param minLength the length to reach. * @param filling the filling pattern. Must be at least 1 characters long. * Can't be <code>null</code>. */
public static String leftPad(String s, int minLength, String filling) { int ln = s.length(); if (minLength <= ln) { return s; } StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(minLength); int dif = minLength - ln; int fln = filling.length(); if (fln == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The \"filling\" argument can't be 0 length string."); } int cnt = dif / fln; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { res.append(filling); } cnt = dif % fln; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { res.append(filling.charAt(i)); } res.append(s); return res.toString(); }
Pads the string at the right with spaces until it reaches the desired length. If the string is longer than this length, then it returns the unchanged string.
  • s – the string that will be padded.
  • minLength – the length to reach.
/** * Pads the string at the right with spaces until it reaches the desired * length. If the string is longer than this length, then it returns the * unchanged string. * * @param s the string that will be padded. * @param minLength the length to reach. */
public static String rightPad(String s, int minLength) { return rightPad(s, minLength, ' '); }
Pads the string at the right with the specified character until it reaches the desired length. If the string is longer than this length, then it returns the unchanged string.
  • s – the string that will be padded.
  • minLength – the length to reach.
  • filling – the filling pattern.
/** * Pads the string at the right with the specified character until it * reaches the desired length. If the string is longer than this length, * then it returns the unchanged string. * * @param s the string that will be padded. * @param minLength the length to reach. * @param filling the filling pattern. */
public static String rightPad(String s, int minLength, char filling) { int ln = s.length(); if (minLength <= ln) { return s; } StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(minLength); res.append(s); int dif = minLength - ln; for (int i = 0; i < dif; i++) { res.append(filling); } return res.toString(); }
Pads the string at the right with a filling pattern until it reaches the desired length. If the string is longer than this length, then it returns the unchanged string. For example: rightPad('ABC', 9, '1234') returns "ABC412341". Note that the filling pattern is started as if you overlay "123412341" with the left-aligned "ABC", so it starts with "4".
  • s – the string that will be padded.
  • minLength – the length to reach.
  • filling – the filling pattern. Must be at least 1 characters long. Can't be null.
/** * Pads the string at the right with a filling pattern until it reaches the * desired length. If the string is longer than this length, then it returns * the unchanged string. For example: <code>rightPad('ABC', 9, '1234')</code> * returns <code>"ABC412341"</code>. Note that the filling pattern is * started as if you overlay <code>"123412341"</code> with the left-aligned * <code>"ABC"</code>, so it starts with <code>"4"</code>. * * @param s the string that will be padded. * @param minLength the length to reach. * @param filling the filling pattern. Must be at least 1 characters long. * Can't be <code>null</code>. */
public static String rightPad(String s, int minLength, String filling) { int ln = s.length(); if (minLength <= ln) { return s; } StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(minLength); res.append(s); int dif = minLength - ln; int fln = filling.length(); if (fln == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The \"filling\" argument can't be 0 length string."); } int start = ln % fln; int end = fln - start <= dif ? fln : start + dif; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { res.append(filling.charAt(i)); } dif -= end - start; int cnt = dif / fln; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { res.append(filling); } cnt = dif % fln; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { res.append(filling.charAt(i)); } return res.toString(); }
Converts a version number string to an integer for easy comparison. The version number must start with numbers separated with dots. There can be any number of such dot-separated numbers, but only the first three will be considered. After the numbers arbitrary text can follow, and will be ignored. The string will be trimmed before interpretation.
Returns:major * 1000000 + minor * 1000 + micro
/** * Converts a version number string to an integer for easy comparison. * The version number must start with numbers separated with * dots. There can be any number of such dot-separated numbers, but only * the first three will be considered. After the numbers arbitrary text can * follow, and will be ignored. * * The string will be trimmed before interpretation. * * @return major * 1000000 + minor * 1000 + micro */
public static int versionStringToInt(String version) { return new Version(version).intValue(); }
Tries to run toString(), but if that fails, returns a "[com.example.SomeClass.toString() failed: " + e + "]" instead. Also, it returns null for null parameter.
/** * Tries to run {@code toString()}, but if that fails, returns a * {@code "[com.example.SomeClass.toString() failed: " + e + "]"} instead. Also, it returns {@code null} for * {@code null} parameter. * * @since 2.3.20 */
public static String tryToString(Object object) { if (object == null) return null; try { return object.toString(); } catch (Throwable e) { return failedToStringSubstitute(object, e); } } private static String failedToStringSubstitute(Object object, Throwable e) { String eStr; try { eStr = e.toString(); } catch (Throwable e2) { eStr = ClassUtil.getShortClassNameOfObject(e); } return "[" + ClassUtil.getShortClassNameOfObject(object) + ".toString() failed: " + eStr + "]"; }
Converts 1, 2, 3 and so forth to "A", "B", "C" and so fort. When reaching "Z", it continues like "AA", "AB", etc. The lowest supported number is 1, but there's no upper limit.
/** * Converts {@code 1}, {@code 2}, {@code 3} and so forth to {@code "A"}, {@code "B"}, {@code "C"} and so fort. When * reaching {@code "Z"}, it continues like {@code "AA"}, {@code "AB"}, etc. The lowest supported number is 1, but * there's no upper limit. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * If the argument is 0 or less. * * @since 2.3.22 */
public static String toUpperABC(int n) { return toABC(n, 'A'); }
Same as toUpperABC(int), but produces lower case result, like "ab".
/** * Same as {@link #toUpperABC(int)}, but produces lower case result, like {@code "ab"}. * * @since 2.3.22 */
public static String toLowerABC(int n) { return toABC(n, 'a'); }
  • oneDigit – The character that stands for the value 1.
/** * @param oneDigit * The character that stands for the value 1. */
private static String toABC(final int n, char oneDigit) { if (n < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't convert 0 or negative " + "numbers to latin-number: " + n); } // First find out how many "digits" will we need. We start from A, then // try AA, then AAA, etc. (Note that the smallest digit is "A", which is // 1, not 0. Hence this isn't like a usual 26-based number-system): int reached = 1; int weight = 1; while (true) { int nextWeight = weight * 26; int nextReached = reached + nextWeight; if (nextReached <= n) { // So we will have one more digit weight = nextWeight; reached = nextReached; } else { // No more digits break; } } // Increase the digits of the place values until we get as close // to n as possible (but don't step over it). StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (weight != 0) { // digitIncrease: how many we increase the digit which is already 1 final int digitIncrease = (n - reached) / weight; sb.append((char) (oneDigit + digitIncrease)); reached += digitIncrease * weight; weight /= 26; } return sb.toString(); }
Behaves exactly like String.trim(), but works on arrays. If the resulting array would have the same content after trimming, it returns the original array instance. Otherwise it returns a new array instance (or CollectionUtils.EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY).
/** * Behaves exactly like {@link String#trim()}, but works on arrays. If the resulting array would have the same * content after trimming, it returns the original array instance. Otherwise it returns a new array instance (or * {@link CollectionUtils#EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY}). * * @since 2.3.22 */
public static char[] trim(final char[] cs) { if (cs.length == 0) { return cs; } int start = 0; int end = cs.length; while (start < end && cs[start] <= ' ') { start++; } while (start < end && cs[end - 1] <= ' ') { end--; } if (start == 0 && end == cs.length) { return cs; } if (start == end) { return CollectionUtils.EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY; } char[] newCs = new char[end - start]; System.arraycopy(cs, start, newCs, 0, end - start); return newCs; }
Tells if String.trim() will return a 0-length string for the String equivalent of the argument.
/** * Tells if {@link String#trim()} will return a 0-length string for the {@link String} equivalent of the argument. * * @since 2.3.22 */
public static boolean isTrimmableToEmpty(char[] text) { return isTrimmableToEmpty(text, 0, text.length); }
Like isTrimmableToEmpty(char[]), but acts on a sub-array that starts at start (inclusive index).
/** * Like {@link #isTrimmableToEmpty(char[])}, but acts on a sub-array that starts at {@code start} (inclusive index). * * @since 2.3.23 */
public static boolean isTrimmableToEmpty(char[] text, int start) { return isTrimmableToEmpty(text, start, text.length); }
Like isTrimmableToEmpty(char[]), but acts on a sub-array that starts at start (inclusive index) and ends at end (exclusive index).
/** * Like {@link #isTrimmableToEmpty(char[])}, but acts on a sub-array that starts at {@code start} (inclusive index) * and ends at {@code end} (exclusive index). * * @since 2.3.23 */
public static boolean isTrimmableToEmpty(char[] text, int start, int end) { for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { // We follow Java's String.trim() here, which simply states that c <= ' ' is whitespace. if (text[i] > ' ') { return false; } } return true; }
Same as globToRegularExpression(String, boolean) with caseInsensitive argument false.
/** * Same as {@link #globToRegularExpression(String, boolean)} with {@code caseInsensitive} argument {@code false}. * * @since 2.3.24 */
public static Pattern globToRegularExpression(String glob) { return globToRegularExpression(glob, false); }
Creates a regular expression from a glob. The glob must use / for as file separator, not \ (backslash), and is always case sensitive.

This glob implementation recognizes these special characters:

  • ?: Wildcard that matches exactly one character, other than /
  • *: Wildcard that matches zero, one or multiple characters, other than /
  • **: Wildcard that matches zero, one or multiple directories. For example, **/head.ftl matches foo/bar/head.ftl, foo/head.ftl and head.ftl too. ** must be either preceded by / or be at the beginning of the glob. ** must be either followed by / or be at the end of the glob. When ** is at the end of the glob, it also matches file names, like a/** matches a/b/c.ftl. If the glob only consist of a **, it will be a match for everything.
  • \ (backslash): Makes the next character non-special (a literal). For example How\?.ftl will match How?.ftl, but not HowX.ftl. Naturally, two backslashes produce one literal backslash.
  • [: Reserved for future purposes; can't be used
  • {: Reserved for future purposes; can't be used
/** * Creates a regular expression from a glob. The glob must use {@code /} for as file separator, not {@code \} * (backslash), and is always case sensitive. * * <p>This glob implementation recognizes these special characters: * <ul> * <li>{@code ?}: Wildcard that matches exactly one character, other than {@code /} * <li>{@code *}: Wildcard that matches zero, one or multiple characters, other than {@code /} * <li>{@code **}: Wildcard that matches zero, one or multiple directories. For example, {@code **}{@code /head.ftl} * matches {@code foo/bar/head.ftl}, {@code foo/head.ftl} and {@code head.ftl} too. {@code **} must be either * preceded by {@code /} or be at the beginning of the glob. {@code **} must be either followed by {@code /} or be * at the end of the glob. When {@code **} is at the end of the glob, it also matches file names, like * {@code a/**} matches {@code a/b/c.ftl}. If the glob only consist of a {@code **}, it will be a match for * everything. * <li>{@code \} (backslash): Makes the next character non-special (a literal). For example {@code How\?.ftl} will * match {@code How?.ftl}, but not {@code HowX.ftl}. Naturally, two backslashes produce one literal backslash. * <li>{@code [}: Reserved for future purposes; can't be used * <li><code>{</code>: Reserved for future purposes; can't be used * </ul> * * @since 2.3.24 */
public static Pattern globToRegularExpression(String glob, boolean caseInsensitive) { StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder(); int nextStart = 0; boolean escaped = false; int ln = glob.length(); for (int idx = 0; idx < ln; idx++) { char c = glob.charAt(idx); if (!escaped) { if (c == '?') { appendLiteralGlobSection(regex, glob, nextStart, idx); regex.append("[^/]"); nextStart = idx + 1; } else if (c == '*') { appendLiteralGlobSection(regex, glob, nextStart, idx); if (idx + 1 < ln && glob.charAt(idx + 1) == '*') { if (!(idx == 0 || glob.charAt(idx - 1) == '/')) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The \"**\" wildcard must be directly after a \"/\" or it must be at the " + "beginning, in this glob: " + glob); } if (idx + 2 == ln) { // trailing "**" regex.append(".*"); idx++; } else { // "**/" if (!(idx + 2 < ln && glob.charAt(idx + 2) == '/')) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The \"**\" wildcard must be followed by \"/\", or must be at tehe end, " + "in this glob: " + glob); } regex.append("(.*?/)*"); idx += 2; // "*/".length() } } else { regex.append("[^/]*"); } nextStart = idx + 1; } else if (c == '\\') { escaped = true; } else if (c == '[' || c == '{') { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The \"" + c + "\" glob operator is currently unsupported " + "(precede it with \\ for literal matching), " + "in this glob: " + glob); } } else { escaped = false; } } appendLiteralGlobSection(regex, glob, nextStart, glob.length()); return Pattern.compile(regex.toString(), caseInsensitive ? Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE : 0); } private static void appendLiteralGlobSection(StringBuilder regex, String glob, int start, int end) { if (start == end) return; String part = unescapeLiteralGlobSection(glob.substring(start, end)); regex.append(Pattern.quote(part)); } private static String unescapeLiteralGlobSection(String s) { int backslashIdx = s.indexOf('\\'); if (backslashIdx == -1) { return s; } int ln = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ln - 1); int nextStart = 0; do { sb.append(s, nextStart, backslashIdx); nextStart = backslashIdx + 1; } while ((backslashIdx = s.indexOf('\\', nextStart + 1)) != -1); if (nextStart < ln) { sb.append(s, nextStart, ln); } return sb.toString(); } }