 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package freemarker.core;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Date;

import freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel;
import freemarker.ext.beans._BeansAPI;
import freemarker.template.TemplateBooleanModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateCollectionModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateException;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModelException;
import freemarker.template.TemplateNumberModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel;
import freemarker.template._TemplateAPI;

Internally used static utilities for evaluation expressions.
/** * Internally used static utilities for evaluation expressions. */
class EvalUtil { static final int CMP_OP_EQUALS = 1; static final int CMP_OP_NOT_EQUALS = 2; static final int CMP_OP_LESS_THAN = 3; static final int CMP_OP_GREATER_THAN = 4; static final int CMP_OP_LESS_THAN_EQUALS = 5; static final int CMP_OP_GREATER_THAN_EQUALS = 6; // If you add a new operator here, update the "compare" and "cmpOpToString" methods! // Prevents instantination. private EvalUtil() { }
  • expr – null is allowed, but may results in less helpful error messages
  • env – null is allowed, but may results in lower performance in classic-compatible mode
/** * @param expr {@code null} is allowed, but may results in less helpful error messages * @param env {@code null} is allowed, but may results in lower performance in classic-compatible mode */
static String modelToString(TemplateScalarModel model, Expression expr, Environment env) throws TemplateModelException { String value = model.getAsString(); if (value == null) { if (env == null) env = Environment.getCurrentEnvironment(); if (env != null && env.isClassicCompatible()) { return ""; } else { throw newModelHasStoredNullException(String.class, model, expr); } } return value; }
  • expr – null is allowed, but may results in less helpful error messages
/** * @param expr {@code null} is allowed, but may results in less helpful error messages */
static Number modelToNumber(TemplateNumberModel model, Expression expr) throws TemplateModelException { Number value = model.getAsNumber(); if (value == null) throw newModelHasStoredNullException(Number.class, model, expr); return value; }
  • expr – null is allowed, but may results in less helpful error messages
/** * @param expr {@code null} is allowed, but may results in less helpful error messages */
static Date modelToDate(TemplateDateModel model, Expression expr) throws TemplateModelException { Date value = model.getAsDate(); if (value == null) throw newModelHasStoredNullException(Date.class, model, expr); return value; }
Signals the buggy case where we have a non-null model, but it wraps a null.
/** Signals the buggy case where we have a non-null model, but it wraps a null. */
static TemplateModelException newModelHasStoredNullException( Class expected, TemplateModel model, Expression expr) { return new _TemplateModelException(expr, _TemplateModelException.modelHasStoredNullDescription(expected, model)); }
Compares two expressions according the rules of the FTL comparator operators.
  • leftExp – not null
  • operator – one of the COMP_OP_... constants, like CMP_OP_EQUALS.
  • operatorString – can be null null; the actual operator used, used for more accurate error message.
  • rightExp – not null
  • env – null is tolerated, but should be avoided
/** * Compares two expressions according the rules of the FTL comparator operators. * * @param leftExp not {@code null} * @param operator one of the {@code COMP_OP_...} constants, like {@link #CMP_OP_EQUALS}. * @param operatorString can be null {@code null}; the actual operator used, used for more accurate error message. * @param rightExp not {@code null} * @param env {@code null} is tolerated, but should be avoided */
static boolean compare( Expression leftExp, int operator, String operatorString, Expression rightExp, Expression defaultBlamed, Environment env) throws TemplateException { TemplateModel ltm = leftExp.eval(env); TemplateModel rtm = rightExp.eval(env); return compare( ltm, leftExp, operator, operatorString, rtm, rightExp, defaultBlamed, false, false, false, false, env); }
Compares values according the rules of the FTL comparator operators; if the Expression-s are accessible, use compare(Expression, int, String, Expression, Expression, Environment) instead, as that gives better error messages.
  • leftValue – maybe null, which will usually cause the appropriate TemplateException.
  • operator – one of the COMP_OP_... constants, like CMP_OP_EQUALS.
  • rightValue – maybe null, which will usually cause the appropriate TemplateException.
  • env – null is tolerated, but should be avoided
/** * Compares values according the rules of the FTL comparator operators; if the {@link Expression}-s are * accessible, use {@link #compare(Expression, int, String, Expression, Expression, Environment)} instead, as * that gives better error messages. * * @param leftValue maybe {@code null}, which will usually cause the appropriate {@link TemplateException}. * @param operator one of the {@code COMP_OP_...} constants, like {@link #CMP_OP_EQUALS}. * @param rightValue maybe {@code null}, which will usually cause the appropriate {@link TemplateException}. * @param env {@code null} is tolerated, but should be avoided */
static boolean compare( TemplateModel leftValue, int operator, TemplateModel rightValue, Environment env) throws TemplateException { return compare( leftValue, null, operator, null, rightValue, null, null, false, false, false, false, env); }
Same as compare(TemplateModel, int, TemplateModel, Environment), but if the two types are incompatible, they are treated as non-equal instead of throwing an exception. Comparing dates of different types will still throw an exception, however.
/** * Same as {@link #compare(TemplateModel, int, TemplateModel, Environment)}, but if the two types are incompatible, * they are treated as non-equal instead of throwing an exception. Comparing dates of different types will * still throw an exception, however. */
static boolean compareLenient( TemplateModel leftValue, int operator, TemplateModel rightValue, Environment env) throws TemplateException { return compare( leftValue, null, operator, null, rightValue, null, null, false, true, false, false, env); } private static final String VALUE_OF_THE_COMPARISON_IS_UNKNOWN_DATE_LIKE = "value of the comparison is a date-like value where " + "it's not known if it's a date (no time part), time, or date-time, " + "and thus can't be used in a comparison.";
  • leftExp – null is allowed, but may results in less helpful error messages
  • operator – one of the COMP_OP_... constants, like CMP_OP_EQUALS.
  • operatorString – can be null null; the actual operator used, used for more accurate error message.
  • rightExp – null is allowed, but may results in less helpful error messages
  • defaultBlamed – null allowed; the expression to which the error will point to if something goes wrong that is not specific to the left or right side expression, or if that expression is null.
  • typeMismatchMeansNotEqual – If the two types are incompatible, they are treated as non-equal instead of throwing an exception. Comparing dates of different types will still throw an exception, however.
  • leftNullReturnsFalse – if true, a null left value will not cause exception, but make the expression false.
  • rightNullReturnsFalse – if true, a null right value will not cause exception, but make the expression false.
/** * @param leftExp {@code null} is allowed, but may results in less helpful error messages * @param operator one of the {@code COMP_OP_...} constants, like {@link #CMP_OP_EQUALS}. * @param operatorString can be null {@code null}; the actual operator used, used for more accurate error message. * @param rightExp {@code null} is allowed, but may results in less helpful error messages * @param defaultBlamed {@code null} allowed; the expression to which the error will point to if something goes * wrong that is not specific to the left or right side expression, or if that expression is {@code null}. * @param typeMismatchMeansNotEqual If the two types are incompatible, they are treated as non-equal instead * of throwing an exception. Comparing dates of different types will still throw an exception, however. * @param leftNullReturnsFalse if {@code true}, a {@code null} left value will not cause exception, but make the * expression {@code false}. * @param rightNullReturnsFalse if {@code true}, a {@code null} right value will not cause exception, but make the * expression {@code false}. */
static boolean compare( TemplateModel leftValue, Expression leftExp, int operator, String operatorString, TemplateModel rightValue, Expression rightExp, Expression defaultBlamed, boolean quoteOperandsInErrors, boolean typeMismatchMeansNotEqual, boolean leftNullReturnsFalse, boolean rightNullReturnsFalse, Environment env) throws TemplateException { if (leftValue == null) { if (env != null && env.isClassicCompatible()) { leftValue = TemplateScalarModel.EMPTY_STRING; } else { if (leftNullReturnsFalse) { return false; } else { if (leftExp != null) { throw InvalidReferenceException.getInstance(leftExp, env); } else { throw new _MiscTemplateException(defaultBlamed, env, "The left operand of the comparison was undefined or null."); } } } } if (rightValue == null) { if (env != null && env.isClassicCompatible()) { rightValue = TemplateScalarModel.EMPTY_STRING; } else { if (rightNullReturnsFalse) { return false; } else { if (rightExp != null) { throw InvalidReferenceException.getInstance(rightExp, env); } else { throw new _MiscTemplateException(defaultBlamed, env, "The right operand of the comparison was undefined or null."); } } } } final int cmpResult; if (leftValue instanceof TemplateNumberModel && rightValue instanceof TemplateNumberModel) { Number leftNum = EvalUtil.modelToNumber((TemplateNumberModel) leftValue, leftExp); Number rightNum = EvalUtil.modelToNumber((TemplateNumberModel) rightValue, rightExp); ArithmeticEngine ae = env != null ? env.getArithmeticEngine() : (leftExp != null ? leftExp.getTemplate().getArithmeticEngine() : ArithmeticEngine.BIGDECIMAL_ENGINE); try { cmpResult = ae.compareNumbers(leftNum, rightNum); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new _MiscTemplateException(defaultBlamed, e, env, new Object[] { "Unexpected error while comparing two numbers: ", e }); } } else if (leftValue instanceof TemplateDateModel && rightValue instanceof TemplateDateModel) { TemplateDateModel leftDateModel = (TemplateDateModel) leftValue; TemplateDateModel rightDateModel = (TemplateDateModel) rightValue; int leftDateType = leftDateModel.getDateType(); int rightDateType = rightDateModel.getDateType(); if (leftDateType == TemplateDateModel.UNKNOWN || rightDateType == TemplateDateModel.UNKNOWN) { String sideName; Expression sideExp; if (leftDateType == TemplateDateModel.UNKNOWN) { sideName = "left"; sideExp = leftExp; } else { sideName = "right"; sideExp = rightExp; } throw new _MiscTemplateException(sideExp != null ? sideExp : defaultBlamed, env, "The ", sideName, " ", VALUE_OF_THE_COMPARISON_IS_UNKNOWN_DATE_LIKE); } if (leftDateType != rightDateType) { ; throw new _MiscTemplateException(defaultBlamed, env, "Can't compare dates of different types. Left date type is ", TemplateDateModel.TYPE_NAMES.get(leftDateType), ", right date type is ", TemplateDateModel.TYPE_NAMES.get(rightDateType), "."); } Date leftDate = EvalUtil.modelToDate(leftDateModel, leftExp); Date rightDate = EvalUtil.modelToDate(rightDateModel, rightExp); cmpResult = leftDate.compareTo(rightDate); } else if (leftValue instanceof TemplateScalarModel && rightValue instanceof TemplateScalarModel) { if (operator != CMP_OP_EQUALS && operator != CMP_OP_NOT_EQUALS) { throw new _MiscTemplateException(defaultBlamed, env, "Can't use operator \"", cmpOpToString(operator, operatorString), "\" on string values."); } String leftString = EvalUtil.modelToString((TemplateScalarModel) leftValue, leftExp, env); String rightString = EvalUtil.modelToString((TemplateScalarModel) rightValue, rightExp, env); // FIXME NBC: Don't use the Collator here. That's locale-specific, but ==/!= should not be. cmpResult = env.getCollator().compare(leftString, rightString); } else if (leftValue instanceof TemplateBooleanModel && rightValue instanceof TemplateBooleanModel) { if (operator != CMP_OP_EQUALS && operator != CMP_OP_NOT_EQUALS) { throw new _MiscTemplateException(defaultBlamed, env, "Can't use operator \"", cmpOpToString(operator, operatorString), "\" on boolean values."); } boolean leftBool = ((TemplateBooleanModel) leftValue).getAsBoolean(); boolean rightBool = ((TemplateBooleanModel) rightValue).getAsBoolean(); cmpResult = (leftBool ? 1 : 0) - (rightBool ? 1 : 0); } else if (env.isClassicCompatible()) { String leftSting = leftExp.evalAndCoerceToPlainText(env); String rightString = rightExp.evalAndCoerceToPlainText(env); cmpResult = env.getCollator().compare(leftSting, rightString); } else { if (typeMismatchMeansNotEqual) { if (operator == CMP_OP_EQUALS) { return false; } else if (operator == CMP_OP_NOT_EQUALS) { return true; } // Falls through } throw new _MiscTemplateException(defaultBlamed, env, "Can't compare values of these types. ", "Allowed comparisons are between two numbers, two strings, two dates, or two booleans.\n", "Left hand operand ", (quoteOperandsInErrors && leftExp != null ? new Object[] { "(", new _DelayedGetCanonicalForm(leftExp), ") value " } : (Object) ""), "is ", new _DelayedAOrAn(new _DelayedFTLTypeDescription(leftValue)), ".\n", "Right hand operand ", (quoteOperandsInErrors && rightExp != null ? new Object[] { "(", new _DelayedGetCanonicalForm(rightExp), ") value " } : (Object) ""), "is ", new _DelayedAOrAn(new _DelayedFTLTypeDescription(rightValue)), "."); } switch (operator) { case CMP_OP_EQUALS: return cmpResult == 0; case CMP_OP_NOT_EQUALS: return cmpResult != 0; case CMP_OP_LESS_THAN: return cmpResult < 0; case CMP_OP_GREATER_THAN: return cmpResult > 0; case CMP_OP_LESS_THAN_EQUALS: return cmpResult <= 0; case CMP_OP_GREATER_THAN_EQUALS: return cmpResult >= 0; default: throw new BugException("Unsupported comparator operator code: " + operator); } } private static String cmpOpToString(int operator, String operatorString) { if (operatorString != null) { return operatorString; } else { switch (operator) { case CMP_OP_EQUALS: return "equals"; case CMP_OP_NOT_EQUALS: return "not-equals"; case CMP_OP_LESS_THAN: return "less-than"; case CMP_OP_GREATER_THAN: return "greater-than"; case CMP_OP_LESS_THAN_EQUALS: return "less-than-equals"; case CMP_OP_GREATER_THAN_EQUALS: return "greater-than-equals"; default: return "???"; } } }
Converts a value to plain text String, or a TemplateMarkupOutputModel if that's what the TemplateValueFormat involved produces.
  • seqTip – Tip to display if the value type is not coercable, but it's sequence or collection.
Returns:Never null
/** * Converts a value to plain text {@link String}, or a {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel} if that's what the * {@link TemplateValueFormat} involved produces. * * @param seqTip * Tip to display if the value type is not coercable, but it's sequence or collection. * * @return Never {@code null} * @throws TemplateException */
static Object coerceModelToStringOrMarkup(TemplateModel tm, Expression exp, String seqTip, Environment env) throws TemplateException { return coerceModelToStringOrMarkup(tm, exp, false, seqTip, env); }
See Also:
Returns:null if the returnNullOnNonCoercableType parameter is true, and the coercion is not possible, because of the type is not right for it.
/** * @return {@code null} if the {@code returnNullOnNonCoercableType} parameter is {@code true}, and the coercion is * not possible, because of the type is not right for it. * * @see #coerceModelToStringOrMarkup(TemplateModel, Expression, String, Environment) */
static Object coerceModelToStringOrMarkup( TemplateModel tm, Expression exp, boolean returnNullOnNonCoercableType, String seqTip, Environment env) throws TemplateException { if (tm instanceof TemplateNumberModel) { TemplateNumberModel tnm = (TemplateNumberModel) tm; TemplateNumberFormat format = env.getTemplateNumberFormat(exp, false); try { return assertFormatResultNotNull(format.format(tnm)); } catch (TemplateValueFormatException e) { throw _MessageUtil.newCantFormatNumberException(format, exp, e, false); } } else if (tm instanceof TemplateDateModel) { TemplateDateModel tdm = (TemplateDateModel) tm; TemplateDateFormat format = env.getTemplateDateFormat(tdm, exp, false); try { return assertFormatResultNotNull(format.format(tdm)); } catch (TemplateValueFormatException e) { throw _MessageUtil.newCantFormatDateException(format, exp, e, false); } } else if (tm instanceof TemplateMarkupOutputModel) { return tm; } else { return coerceModelToTextualCommon(tm, exp, seqTip, true, returnNullOnNonCoercableType, env); } }
Like coerceModelToStringOrMarkup(TemplateModel, Expression, String, Environment), but gives error if the result is markup. This is what you normally use where markup results can't be used.
  • seqTip – Tip to display if the value type is not coercable, but it's sequence or collection.
Returns:Never null
/** * Like {@link #coerceModelToStringOrMarkup(TemplateModel, Expression, String, Environment)}, but gives error * if the result is markup. This is what you normally use where markup results can't be used. * * @param seqTip * Tip to display if the value type is not coercable, but it's sequence or collection. * * @return Never {@code null} */
static String coerceModelToStringOrUnsupportedMarkup( TemplateModel tm, Expression exp, String seqTip, Environment env) throws TemplateException { if (tm instanceof TemplateNumberModel) { TemplateNumberModel tnm = (TemplateNumberModel) tm; TemplateNumberFormat format = env.getTemplateNumberFormat(exp, false); try { return ensureFormatResultString(format.format(tnm), exp, env); } catch (TemplateValueFormatException e) { throw _MessageUtil.newCantFormatNumberException(format, exp, e, false); } } else if (tm instanceof TemplateDateModel) { TemplateDateModel tdm = (TemplateDateModel) tm; TemplateDateFormat format = env.getTemplateDateFormat(tdm, exp, false); try { return ensureFormatResultString(format.format(tdm), exp, env); } catch (TemplateValueFormatException e) { throw _MessageUtil.newCantFormatDateException(format, exp, e, false); } } else { return coerceModelToTextualCommon(tm, exp, seqTip, false, false, env); } }
Converts a value to plain text String, even if the TemplateValueFormat involved normally produces markup. This should be used rarely, where the user clearly intend to use the plain text variant of the format.
  • seqTip – Tip to display if the value type is not coercable, but it's sequence or collection.
Returns:Never null
/** * Converts a value to plain text {@link String}, even if the {@link TemplateValueFormat} involved normally produces * markup. This should be used rarely, where the user clearly intend to use the plain text variant of the format. * * @param seqTip * Tip to display if the value type is not coercable, but it's sequence or collection. * * @return Never {@code null} */
static String coerceModelToPlainText(TemplateModel tm, Expression exp, String seqTip, Environment env) throws TemplateException { if (tm instanceof TemplateNumberModel) { return assertFormatResultNotNull(env.formatNumberToPlainText((TemplateNumberModel) tm, exp, false)); } else if (tm instanceof TemplateDateModel) { return assertFormatResultNotNull(env.formatDateToPlainText((TemplateDateModel) tm, exp, false)); } else { return coerceModelToTextualCommon(tm, exp, seqTip, false, false, env); } }
  • tm – If null that's an exception, unless we are in classic compatible mode.
  • supportsTOM – Whether the caller coerceModelTo... method could handle a TemplateMarkupOutputModel.
Returns:Never null
/** * @param tm * If {@code null} that's an exception, unless we are in classic compatible mode. * * @param supportsTOM * Whether the caller {@code coerceModelTo...} method could handle a {@link TemplateMarkupOutputModel}. * * @return Never {@code null} */
private static String coerceModelToTextualCommon( TemplateModel tm, Expression exp, String seqHint, boolean supportsTOM, boolean returnNullOnNonCoercableType, Environment env) throws TemplateModelException, InvalidReferenceException, TemplateException, NonStringOrTemplateOutputException, NonStringException { if (tm instanceof TemplateScalarModel) { return modelToString((TemplateScalarModel) tm, exp, env); } else if (tm == null) { if (env.isClassicCompatible()) { return ""; } else { if (exp != null) { throw InvalidReferenceException.getInstance(exp, env); } else { throw new InvalidReferenceException( "Null/missing value (no more informatoin avilable)", env); } } } else if (tm instanceof TemplateBooleanModel) { // This should be before TemplateScalarModel, but automatic boolean-to-string is only non-error since 2.3.20 // (and before that when classic_compatible was true), so to keep backward compatibility we couldn't insert // this before TemplateScalarModel. boolean booleanValue = ((TemplateBooleanModel) tm).getAsBoolean(); int compatMode = env.getClassicCompatibleAsInt(); if (compatMode == 0) { return env.formatBoolean(booleanValue, false); } else { if (compatMode == 1) { return booleanValue ? MiscUtil.C_TRUE : ""; } else if (compatMode == 2) { if (tm instanceof BeanModel) { // In 2.1, bean-wrapped booleans where strings, so that has overridden the boolean behavior: return _BeansAPI.getAsClassicCompatibleString((BeanModel) tm); } else { return booleanValue ? MiscUtil.C_TRUE : ""; } } else { throw new BugException("Unsupported classic_compatible variation: " + compatMode); } } } else { if (env.isClassicCompatible() && tm instanceof BeanModel) { return _BeansAPI.getAsClassicCompatibleString((BeanModel) tm); } if (returnNullOnNonCoercableType) { return null; } if (seqHint != null && (tm instanceof TemplateSequenceModel || tm instanceof TemplateCollectionModel)) { if (supportsTOM) { throw new NonStringOrTemplateOutputException(exp, tm, seqHint, env); } else { throw new NonStringException(exp, tm, seqHint, env); } } else { if (supportsTOM) { throw new NonStringOrTemplateOutputException(exp, tm, env); } else { throw new NonStringException(exp, tm, env); } } } } private static String ensureFormatResultString(Object formatResult, Expression exp, Environment env) throws NonStringException { if (formatResult instanceof String) { return (String) formatResult; } assertFormatResultNotNull(formatResult); TemplateMarkupOutputModel mo = (TemplateMarkupOutputModel) formatResult; _ErrorDescriptionBuilder desc = new _ErrorDescriptionBuilder( "Value was formatted to convert it to string, but the result was markup of ouput format ", new _DelayedJQuote(mo.getOutputFormat()), ".") .tip("Use value?string to force formatting to plain text.") .blame(exp); throw new NonStringException(null, desc); } static String assertFormatResultNotNull(String r) { if (r != null) { return r; } throw new NullPointerException("TemplateValueFormatter result can't be null"); } static Object assertFormatResultNotNull(Object r) { if (r != null) { return r; } throw new NullPointerException("TemplateValueFormatter result can't be null"); } static TemplateMarkupOutputModel concatMarkupOutputs(TemplateObject parent, TemplateMarkupOutputModel leftMO, TemplateMarkupOutputModel rightMO) throws TemplateException { MarkupOutputFormat leftOF = leftMO.getOutputFormat(); MarkupOutputFormat rightOF = rightMO.getOutputFormat(); if (rightOF != leftOF) { String rightPT; String leftPT; if ((rightPT = rightOF.getSourcePlainText(rightMO)) != null) { return leftOF.concat(leftMO, leftOF.fromPlainTextByEscaping(rightPT)); } else if ((leftPT = leftOF.getSourcePlainText(leftMO)) != null) { return rightOF.concat(rightOF.fromPlainTextByEscaping(leftPT), rightMO); } else { Object[] message = { "Concatenation left hand operand is in ", new _DelayedToString(leftOF), " format, while the right hand operand is in ", new _DelayedToString(rightOF), ". Conversion to common format wasn't possible." }; if (parent instanceof Expression) { throw new _MiscTemplateException((Expression) parent, message); } else { throw new _MiscTemplateException(message); } } } else { return leftOF.concat(leftMO, rightMO); } }
Returns an ArithmeticEngine even if env is null, because we are in parsing phase.
/** * Returns an {@link ArithmeticEngine} even if {@code env} is {@code null}, because we are in parsing phase. */
static ArithmeticEngine getArithmeticEngine(Environment env, TemplateObject tObj) { return env != null ? env.getArithmeticEngine() : tObj.getTemplate().getParserConfiguration().getArithmeticEngine(); } static boolean shouldWrapUncheckedException(Throwable e, Environment env) { if (FlowControlException.class.isInstance(e)) { return false; } if (env.getWrapUncheckedExceptions()) { return true; } else if (env.getConfiguration().getIncompatibleImprovements().intValue() >= _TemplateAPI.VERSION_INT_2_3_27) { // We have to judge if we dare to wrap this exception, or it's too likely that some applications try to // catch it around the template processing to do something special. For the same reason, we only wrap very // frequent exceptions. // We use "==" instead of "instanceof" deliberately; user defined subclasses must not match. Class<? extends Throwable> c = e.getClass(); return c == NullPointerException.class || c == ClassCastException.class || c == IndexOutOfBoundsException.class || c == InvocationTargetException.class; } else { return false; } } }