 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package freemarker.core;

import freemarker.template.TemplateModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModelException;
import freemarker.template.utility.ClassUtil;

public class _TemplateModelException extends TemplateModelException {

    // Note: On Java 5 we will use `String descPart1, Object... furtherDescParts` instead of `Object[] descriptionParts`
    //       and `String description`. That's why these are at the end of the parameter list.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Permutation group:
    public _TemplateModelException(String description) {

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Permutation group:

    public _TemplateModelException(Throwable cause, String description) {
        this(cause, null, description);

    public _TemplateModelException(Environment env, String description) {
        this((Throwable) null, env, description);
    public _TemplateModelException(Throwable cause, Environment env) {
        this(cause, env, (String) null);

    public _TemplateModelException(Throwable cause) {
        this(cause, null, (String) null);
    public _TemplateModelException(Throwable cause, Environment env, String description) {
        super(cause, env, description, true);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Permutation group:
    public _TemplateModelException(_ErrorDescriptionBuilder description) {
        this(null, description);

    public _TemplateModelException(Environment env, _ErrorDescriptionBuilder description) {
        this(null, env, description);

    public _TemplateModelException(Throwable cause, Environment env, _ErrorDescriptionBuilder description) {
        super(cause, env, description, true);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Permutation group:
    public _TemplateModelException(Object... descriptionParts) {
        this((Environment) null, descriptionParts);

    public _TemplateModelException(Environment env, Object... descriptionParts) {
        this((Throwable) null, env, descriptionParts);

    public _TemplateModelException(Throwable cause, Object... descriptionParts) {
        this(cause, null, descriptionParts);

    public _TemplateModelException(Throwable cause, Environment env, Object... descriptionParts) {
        super(cause, env, new _ErrorDescriptionBuilder(descriptionParts), true);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Permutation group:
    public _TemplateModelException(Expression blamed, Object... descriptionParts) {
        this(blamed, null, descriptionParts);

    public _TemplateModelException(Expression blamed, Environment env, Object... descriptionParts) {
        this(blamed, null, env, descriptionParts);

    public _TemplateModelException(Expression blamed, Throwable cause, Environment env, Object... descriptionParts) {
        super(cause, env, new _ErrorDescriptionBuilder(descriptionParts).blame(blamed), true);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Permutation group:
    public _TemplateModelException(Expression blamed, String description) {
        this(blamed, null, description);

    public _TemplateModelException(Expression blamed, Environment env, String description) {
        this(blamed, null, env, description);

    public _TemplateModelException(Expression blamed, Throwable cause, Environment env, String description) {
        super(cause, env, new _ErrorDescriptionBuilder(description).blame(blamed), true);

    static Object[] modelHasStoredNullDescription(Class expected, TemplateModel model) {
        return new Object[] {
                "The FreeMarker value exists, but has nothing inside it; the TemplateModel object (class: ",
                model.getClass().getName(), ") has returned a null",
                (expected != null ? new Object[] { " instead of a ", ClassUtil.getShortClassName(expected) } : ""),
                ". This is possibly a bug in the non-FreeMarker code that builds the data-model." };