package org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.bouncycastle.crypto.OutputLengthException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.ThreefishEngine;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.SkeinMac;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.SkeinParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Integers;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Memoable;

Implementation of the Skein family of parameterised hash functions in 256, 512 and 1024 bit block sizes, based on the Threefish tweakable block cipher.

This is the 1.3 version of Skein defined in the Skein hash function submission to the NIST SHA-3 competition in October 2010.

Skein was designed by Niels Ferguson - Stefan Lucks - Bruce Schneier - Doug Whiting - Mihir Bellare - Tadayoshi Kohno - Jon Callas - Jesse Walker.

This implementation is the basis for SkeinDigest and SkeinMac, implementing the parameter based configuration system that allows Skein to be adapted to multiple applications.
Initialising the engine with SkeinParameters allows standard and arbitrary parameters to be applied during the Skein hash function.


  • 256, 512 and 1024 bit internal states.
  • Full 96 bit input length.
  • Parameters defined in the Skein specification, and arbitrary other pre and post message parameters.
  • Arbitrary output size in 1 byte intervals.

Not implemented:

  • Sub-byte length input (bit padding).
  • Tree hashing.
See Also:
/** * Implementation of the Skein family of parameterised hash functions in 256, 512 and 1024 bit block * sizes, based on the {@link ThreefishEngine Threefish} tweakable block cipher. * <p> * This is the 1.3 version of Skein defined in the Skein hash function submission to the NIST SHA-3 * competition in October 2010. * <p> * Skein was designed by Niels Ferguson - Stefan Lucks - Bruce Schneier - Doug Whiting - Mihir * Bellare - Tadayoshi Kohno - Jon Callas - Jesse Walker. * <p> * This implementation is the basis for {@link SkeinDigest} and {@link SkeinMac}, implementing the * parameter based configuration system that allows Skein to be adapted to multiple applications. <br> * Initialising the engine with {@link SkeinParameters} allows standard and arbitrary parameters to * be applied during the Skein hash function. * <p> * Implemented: * <ul> * <li>256, 512 and 1024 bit internal states.</li> * <li>Full 96 bit input length.</li> * <li>Parameters defined in the Skein specification, and arbitrary other pre and post message * parameters.</li> * <li>Arbitrary output size in 1 byte intervals.</li> * </ul> * <p> * Not implemented: * <ul> * <li>Sub-byte length input (bit padding).</li> * <li>Tree hashing.</li> * </ul> * * @see SkeinParameters */
public class SkeinEngine implements Memoable {
256 bit block size - Skein 256
/** * 256 bit block size - Skein 256 */
public static final int SKEIN_256 = ThreefishEngine.BLOCKSIZE_256;
512 bit block size - Skein 512
/** * 512 bit block size - Skein 512 */
public static final int SKEIN_512 = ThreefishEngine.BLOCKSIZE_512;
1024 bit block size - Skein 1024
/** * 1024 bit block size - Skein 1024 */
public static final int SKEIN_1024 = ThreefishEngine.BLOCKSIZE_1024; // Minimal at present, but more complex when tree hashing is implemented private static class Configuration { private byte[] bytes = new byte[32]; public Configuration(long outputSizeBits) { // 0..3 = ASCII SHA3 bytes[0] = (byte)'S'; bytes[1] = (byte)'H'; bytes[2] = (byte)'A'; bytes[3] = (byte)'3'; // 4..5 = version number in LSB order bytes[4] = 1; bytes[5] = 0; // 8..15 = output length ThreefishEngine.wordToBytes(outputSizeBits, bytes, 8); } public byte[] getBytes() { return bytes; } } public static class Parameter { private int type; private byte[] value; public Parameter(int type, byte[] value) { this.type = type; this.value = value; } public int getType() { return type; } public byte[] getValue() { return value; } }
The parameter type for the Skein key.
/** * The parameter type for the Skein key. */
private static final int PARAM_TYPE_KEY = 0;
The parameter type for the Skein configuration block.
/** * The parameter type for the Skein configuration block. */
private static final int PARAM_TYPE_CONFIG = 4;
The parameter type for the message.
/** * The parameter type for the message. */
private static final int PARAM_TYPE_MESSAGE = 48;
The parameter type for the output transformation.
/** * The parameter type for the output transformation. */
private static final int PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT = 63;
Precalculated UBI(CFG) states for common state/output combinations without key or other pre-message params.
/** * Precalculated UBI(CFG) states for common state/output combinations without key or other * pre-message params. */
private static final Hashtable INITIAL_STATES = new Hashtable(); static { // From Appendix C of the Skein 1.3 NIST submission initialState(SKEIN_256, 128, new long[]{ 0xe1111906964d7260L, 0x883daaa77c8d811cL, 0x10080df491960f7aL, 0xccf7dde5b45bc1c2L}); initialState(SKEIN_256, 160, new long[]{ 0x1420231472825e98L, 0x2ac4e9a25a77e590L, 0xd47a58568838d63eL, 0x2dd2e4968586ab7dL}); initialState(SKEIN_256, 224, new long[]{ 0xc6098a8c9ae5ea0bL, 0x876d568608c5191cL, 0x99cb88d7d7f53884L, 0x384bddb1aeddb5deL}); initialState(SKEIN_256, 256, new long[]{ 0xfc9da860d048b449L, 0x2fca66479fa7d833L, 0xb33bc3896656840fL, 0x6a54e920fde8da69L}); initialState(SKEIN_512, 128, new long[]{ 0xa8bc7bf36fbf9f52L, 0x1e9872cebd1af0aaL, 0x309b1790b32190d3L, 0xbcfbb8543f94805cL, 0x0da61bcd6e31b11bL, 0x1a18ebead46a32e3L, 0xa2cc5b18ce84aa82L, 0x6982ab289d46982dL}); initialState(SKEIN_512, 160, new long[]{ 0x28b81a2ae013bd91L, 0xc2f11668b5bdf78fL, 0x1760d8f3f6a56f12L, 0x4fb747588239904fL, 0x21ede07f7eaf5056L, 0xd908922e63ed70b8L, 0xb8ec76ffeccb52faL, 0x01a47bb8a3f27a6eL}); initialState(SKEIN_512, 224, new long[]{ 0xccd0616248677224L, 0xcba65cf3a92339efL, 0x8ccd69d652ff4b64L, 0x398aed7b3ab890b4L, 0x0f59d1b1457d2bd0L, 0x6776fe6575d4eb3dL, 0x99fbc70e997413e9L, 0x9e2cfccfe1c41ef7L}); initialState(SKEIN_512, 384, new long[]{ 0xa3f6c6bf3a75ef5fL, 0xb0fef9ccfd84faa4L, 0x9d77dd663d770cfeL, 0xd798cbf3b468fddaL, 0x1bc4a6668a0e4465L, 0x7ed7d434e5807407L, 0x548fc1acd4ec44d6L, 0x266e17546aa18ff8L}); initialState(SKEIN_512, 512, new long[]{ 0x4903adff749c51ceL, 0x0d95de399746df03L, 0x8fd1934127c79bceL, 0x9a255629ff352cb1L, 0x5db62599df6ca7b0L, 0xeabe394ca9d5c3f4L, 0x991112c71a75b523L, 0xae18a40b660fcc33L}); } private static void initialState(int blockSize, int outputSize, long[] state) { INITIAL_STATES.put(variantIdentifier(blockSize / 8, outputSize / 8), state); } private static Integer variantIdentifier(int blockSizeBytes, int outputSizeBytes) { return Integers.valueOf((outputSizeBytes << 16) | blockSizeBytes); } private static class UbiTweak {
Point at which position might overflow long, so switch to add with carry logic
/** * Point at which position might overflow long, so switch to add with carry logic */
private static final long LOW_RANGE = Long.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Bit 127 = final
/** * Bit 127 = final */
private static final long T1_FINAL = 1L << 63;
Bit 126 = first
/** * Bit 126 = first */
private static final long T1_FIRST = 1L << 62;
UBI uses a 128 bit tweak
/** * UBI uses a 128 bit tweak */
private long tweak[] = new long[2];
Whether 64 bit position exceeded
/** * Whether 64 bit position exceeded */
private boolean extendedPosition; public UbiTweak() { reset(); } public void reset(UbiTweak tweak) { this.tweak = Arrays.clone(tweak.tweak, this.tweak); this.extendedPosition = tweak.extendedPosition; } public void reset() { tweak[0] = 0; tweak[1] = 0; extendedPosition = false; setFirst(true); } public void setType(int type) { // Bits 120..125 = type tweak[1] = (tweak[1] & 0xFFFFFFC000000000L) | ((type & 0x3FL) << 56); } public int getType() { return (int)((tweak[1] >>> 56) & 0x3FL); } public void setFirst(boolean first) { if (first) { tweak[1] |= T1_FIRST; } else { tweak[1] &= ~T1_FIRST; } } public boolean isFirst() { return ((tweak[1] & T1_FIRST) != 0); } public void setFinal(boolean last) { if (last) { tweak[1] |= T1_FINAL; } else { tweak[1] &= ~T1_FINAL; } } public boolean isFinal() { return ((tweak[1] & T1_FINAL) != 0); }
Advances the position in the tweak by the specified value.
/** * Advances the position in the tweak by the specified value. */
public void advancePosition(int advance) { // Bits 0..95 = position if (extendedPosition) { long[] parts = new long[3]; parts[0] = tweak[0] & 0xFFFFFFFFL; parts[1] = (tweak[0] >>> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; parts[2] = tweak[1] & 0xFFFFFFFFL; long carry = advance; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { carry += parts[i]; parts[i] = carry; carry >>>= 32; } tweak[0] = ((parts[1] & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32) | (parts[0] & 0xFFFFFFFFL); tweak[1] = (tweak[1] & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L) | (parts[2] & 0xFFFFFFFFL); } else { long position = tweak[0]; position += advance; tweak[0] = position; if (position > LOW_RANGE) { extendedPosition = true; } } } public long[] getWords() { return tweak; } public String toString() { return getType() + " first: " + isFirst() + ", final: " + isFinal(); } }
The Unique Block Iteration chaining mode.
/** * The Unique Block Iteration chaining mode. */
// TODO: This might be better as methods... private class UBI { private final UbiTweak tweak = new UbiTweak();
Buffer for the current block of message data
/** * Buffer for the current block of message data */
private byte[] currentBlock;
Offset into the current message block
/** * Offset into the current message block */
private int currentOffset;
Buffer for message words for feedback into encrypted block
/** * Buffer for message words for feedback into encrypted block */
private long[] message; public UBI(int blockSize) { currentBlock = new byte[blockSize]; message = new long[currentBlock.length / 8]; } public void reset(UBI ubi) { currentBlock = Arrays.clone(ubi.currentBlock, currentBlock); currentOffset = ubi.currentOffset; message = Arrays.clone(ubi.message, this.message); tweak.reset(ubi.tweak); } public void reset(int type) { tweak.reset(); tweak.setType(type); currentOffset = 0; } public void update(byte[] value, int offset, int len, long[] output) { /* * Buffer complete blocks for the underlying Threefish cipher, only flushing when there * are subsequent bytes (last block must be processed in doFinal() with final=true set). */ int copied = 0; while (len > copied) { if (currentOffset == currentBlock.length) { processBlock(output); tweak.setFirst(false); currentOffset = 0; } int toCopy = Math.min((len - copied), currentBlock.length - currentOffset); System.arraycopy(value, offset + copied, currentBlock, currentOffset, toCopy); copied += toCopy; currentOffset += toCopy; tweak.advancePosition(toCopy); } } private void processBlock(long[] output) { threefish.init(true, chain, tweak.getWords()); for (int i = 0; i < message.length; i++) { message[i] = ThreefishEngine.bytesToWord(currentBlock, i * 8); } threefish.processBlock(message, output); for (int i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { output[i] ^= message[i]; } } public void doFinal(long[] output) { // Pad remainder of current block with zeroes for (int i = currentOffset; i < currentBlock.length; i++) { currentBlock[i] = 0; } tweak.setFinal(true); processBlock(output); } }
Underlying Threefish tweakable block cipher
/** * Underlying Threefish tweakable block cipher */
final ThreefishEngine threefish;
Size of the digest output, in bytes
/** * Size of the digest output, in bytes */
private final int outputSizeBytes;
The current chaining/state value
/** * The current chaining/state value */
long[] chain;
The initial state value
/** * The initial state value */
private long[] initialState;
The (optional) key parameter
/** * The (optional) key parameter */
private byte[] key;
Parameters to apply prior to the message
/** * Parameters to apply prior to the message */
private Parameter[] preMessageParameters;
Parameters to apply after the message, but prior to output
/** * Parameters to apply after the message, but prior to output */
private Parameter[] postMessageParameters;
The current UBI operation
/** * The current UBI operation */
private final UBI ubi;
Buffer for single byte update method
/** * Buffer for single byte update method */
private final byte[] singleByte = new byte[1];
Constructs a Skein engine.
  • blockSizeBits – the internal state size in bits - one of SKEIN_256, SKEIN_512 or SKEIN_1024.
  • outputSizeBits – the output/digest size to produce in bits, which must be an integral number of bytes.
/** * Constructs a Skein engine. * * @param blockSizeBits the internal state size in bits - one of {@link #SKEIN_256}, {@link #SKEIN_512} or * {@link #SKEIN_1024}. * @param outputSizeBits the output/digest size to produce in bits, which must be an integral number of * bytes. */
public SkeinEngine(int blockSizeBits, int outputSizeBits) { if (outputSizeBits % 8 != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output size must be a multiple of 8 bits. :" + outputSizeBits); } // TODO: Prevent digest sizes > block size? this.outputSizeBytes = outputSizeBits / 8; this.threefish = new ThreefishEngine(blockSizeBits); this.ubi = new UBI(threefish.getBlockSize()); }
Creates a SkeinEngine as an exact copy of an existing instance.
/** * Creates a SkeinEngine as an exact copy of an existing instance. */
public SkeinEngine(SkeinEngine engine) { this(engine.getBlockSize() * 8, engine.getOutputSize() * 8); copyIn(engine); } private void copyIn(SkeinEngine engine) { this.ubi.reset(engine.ubi); this.chain = Arrays.clone(engine.chain, this.chain); this.initialState = Arrays.clone(engine.initialState, this.initialState); this.key = Arrays.clone(engine.key, this.key); this.preMessageParameters = clone(engine.preMessageParameters, this.preMessageParameters); this.postMessageParameters = clone(engine.postMessageParameters, this.postMessageParameters); } private static Parameter[] clone(Parameter[] data, Parameter[] existing) { if (data == null) { return null; } if ((existing == null) || (existing.length != data.length)) { existing = new Parameter[data.length]; } System.arraycopy(data, 0, existing, 0, existing.length); return existing; } public Memoable copy() { return new SkeinEngine(this); } public void reset(Memoable other) { SkeinEngine s = (SkeinEngine)other; if ((getBlockSize() != s.getBlockSize()) || (outputSizeBytes != s.outputSizeBytes)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible parameters in provided SkeinEngine."); } copyIn(s); } public int getOutputSize() { return outputSizeBytes; } public int getBlockSize() { return threefish.getBlockSize(); }
Initialises the Skein engine with the provided parameters. See SkeinParameters for details on the parameterisation of the Skein hash function.
  • params – the parameters to apply to this engine, or null to use no parameters.
/** * Initialises the Skein engine with the provided parameters. See {@link SkeinParameters} for * details on the parameterisation of the Skein hash function. * * @param params the parameters to apply to this engine, or <code>null</code> to use no parameters. */
public void init(SkeinParameters params) { this.chain = null; this.key = null; this.preMessageParameters = null; this.postMessageParameters = null; if (params != null) { byte[] key = params.getKey(); if (key.length < 16) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Skein key must be at least 128 bits."); } initParams(params.getParameters()); } createInitialState(); // Initialise message block ubiInit(PARAM_TYPE_MESSAGE); } private void initParams(Hashtable parameters) { Enumeration keys = parameters.keys(); final Vector pre = new Vector(); final Vector post = new Vector(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Integer type = (Integer)keys.nextElement(); byte[] value = (byte[])parameters.get(type); if (type.intValue() == PARAM_TYPE_KEY) { this.key = value; } else if (type.intValue() < PARAM_TYPE_MESSAGE) { pre.addElement(new Parameter(type.intValue(), value)); } else { post.addElement(new Parameter(type.intValue(), value)); } } preMessageParameters = new Parameter[pre.size()]; pre.copyInto(preMessageParameters); sort(preMessageParameters); postMessageParameters = new Parameter[post.size()]; post.copyInto(postMessageParameters); sort(postMessageParameters); } private static void sort(Parameter[] params) { if (params == null) { return; } // Insertion sort, for Java 1.1 compatibility for (int i = 1; i < params.length; i++) { Parameter param = params[i]; int hole = i; while (hole > 0 && param.getType() < params[hole - 1].getType()) { params[hole] = params[hole - 1]; hole = hole - 1; } params[hole] = param; } }
Calculate the initial (pre message block) chaining state.
/** * Calculate the initial (pre message block) chaining state. */
private void createInitialState() { long[] precalc = (long[])INITIAL_STATES.get(variantIdentifier(getBlockSize(), getOutputSize())); if ((key == null) && (precalc != null)) { // Precalculated UBI(CFG) chain = Arrays.clone(precalc); } else { // Blank initial state chain = new long[getBlockSize() / 8]; // Process key block if (key != null) { ubiComplete(SkeinParameters.PARAM_TYPE_KEY, key); } // Process configuration block ubiComplete(PARAM_TYPE_CONFIG, new Configuration(outputSizeBytes * 8).getBytes()); } // Process additional pre-message parameters if (preMessageParameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < preMessageParameters.length; i++) { Parameter param = preMessageParameters[i]; ubiComplete(param.getType(), param.getValue()); } } initialState = Arrays.clone(chain); }
Reset the engine to the initial state (with the key and any pre-message parameters , ready to accept message input.
/** * Reset the engine to the initial state (with the key and any pre-message parameters , ready to * accept message input. */
public void reset() { System.arraycopy(initialState, 0, chain, 0, chain.length); ubiInit(PARAM_TYPE_MESSAGE); } private void ubiComplete(int type, byte[] value) { ubiInit(type); this.ubi.update(value, 0, value.length, chain); ubiFinal(); } private void ubiInit(int type) { this.ubi.reset(type); } private void ubiFinal() { ubi.doFinal(chain); } private void checkInitialised() { if (this.ubi == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Skein engine is not initialised."); } } public void update(byte in) { singleByte[0] = in; update(singleByte, 0, 1); } public void update(byte[] in, int inOff, int len) { checkInitialised(); ubi.update(in, inOff, len, chain); } public int doFinal(byte[] out, int outOff) { checkInitialised(); if (out.length < (outOff + outputSizeBytes)) { throw new OutputLengthException("Output buffer is too short to hold output"); } // Finalise message block ubiFinal(); // Process additional post-message parameters if (postMessageParameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < postMessageParameters.length; i++) { Parameter param = postMessageParameters[i]; ubiComplete(param.getType(), param.getValue()); } } // Perform the output transform final int blockSize = getBlockSize(); final int blocksRequired = ((outputSizeBytes + blockSize - 1) / blockSize); for (int i = 0; i < blocksRequired; i++) { final int toWrite = Math.min(blockSize, outputSizeBytes - (i * blockSize)); output(i, out, outOff + (i * blockSize), toWrite); } reset(); return outputSizeBytes; } private void output(long outputSequence, byte[] out, int outOff, int outputBytes) { byte[] currentBytes = new byte[8]; ThreefishEngine.wordToBytes(outputSequence, currentBytes, 0); // Output is a sequence of UBI invocations all of which use and preserve the pre-output // state long[] outputWords = new long[chain.length]; ubiInit(PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT); this.ubi.update(currentBytes, 0, currentBytes.length, outputWords); ubi.doFinal(outputWords); final int wordsRequired = ((outputBytes + 8 - 1) / 8); for (int i = 0; i < wordsRequired; i++) { int toWrite = Math.min(8, outputBytes - (i * 8)); if (toWrite == 8) { ThreefishEngine.wordToBytes(outputWords[i], out, outOff + (i * 8)); } else { ThreefishEngine.wordToBytes(outputWords[i], currentBytes, 0); System.arraycopy(currentBytes, 0, out, outOff + (i * 8), toWrite); } } } }