package org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines;

import org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.DataLengthException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.OutputLengthException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.TweakableBlockCipherParameters;

Implementation of the Threefish tweakable large block cipher in 256, 512 and 1024 bit block sizes.

This is the 1.3 version of Threefish defined in the Skein hash function submission to the NIST SHA-3 competition in October 2010.

Threefish was designed by Niels Ferguson - Stefan Lucks - Bruce Schneier - Doug Whiting - Mihir Bellare - Tadayoshi Kohno - Jon Callas - Jesse Walker.

This implementation inlines all round functions, unrolls 8 rounds, and uses 1.2k of static tables to speed up key schedule injection.
2 x block size state is retained by each cipher instance.

/** * Implementation of the Threefish tweakable large block cipher in 256, 512 and 1024 bit block * sizes. * <p> * This is the 1.3 version of Threefish defined in the Skein hash function submission to the NIST * SHA-3 competition in October 2010. * <p> * Threefish was designed by Niels Ferguson - Stefan Lucks - Bruce Schneier - Doug Whiting - Mihir * Bellare - Tadayoshi Kohno - Jon Callas - Jesse Walker. * <p> * This implementation inlines all round functions, unrolls 8 rounds, and uses 1.2k of static tables * to speed up key schedule injection. <br> * 2 x block size state is retained by each cipher instance. */
public class ThreefishEngine implements BlockCipher {
256 bit block size - Threefish-256
/** * 256 bit block size - Threefish-256 */
public static final int BLOCKSIZE_256 = 256;
512 bit block size - Threefish-512
/** * 512 bit block size - Threefish-512 */
public static final int BLOCKSIZE_512 = 512;
1024 bit block size - Threefish-1024
/** * 1024 bit block size - Threefish-1024 */
public static final int BLOCKSIZE_1024 = 1024;
Size of the tweak in bytes (always 128 bit/16 bytes)
/** * Size of the tweak in bytes (always 128 bit/16 bytes) */
private static final int TWEAK_SIZE_BYTES = 16; private static final int TWEAK_SIZE_WORDS = TWEAK_SIZE_BYTES / 8;
Rounds in Threefish-256
/** * Rounds in Threefish-256 */
private static final int ROUNDS_256 = 72;
Rounds in Threefish-512
/** * Rounds in Threefish-512 */
private static final int ROUNDS_512 = 72;
Rounds in Threefish-1024
/** * Rounds in Threefish-1024 */
private static final int ROUNDS_1024 = 80;
Max rounds of any of the variants
/** * Max rounds of any of the variants */
private static final int MAX_ROUNDS = ROUNDS_1024;
Key schedule parity constant
/** * Key schedule parity constant */
private static final long C_240 = 0x1BD11BDAA9FC1A22L; /* Pre-calculated modulo arithmetic tables for key schedule lookups */ private static int[] MOD9 = new int[MAX_ROUNDS]; private static int[] MOD17 = new int[MOD9.length]; private static int[] MOD5 = new int[MOD9.length]; private static int[] MOD3 = new int[MOD9.length]; static { for (int i = 0; i < MOD9.length; i++) { MOD17[i] = i % 17; MOD9[i] = i % 9; MOD5[i] = i % 5; MOD3[i] = i % 3; } }
Block size in bytes
/** * Block size in bytes */
private int blocksizeBytes;
Block size in 64 bit words
/** * Block size in 64 bit words */
private int blocksizeWords;
Buffer for byte oriented processBytes to call internal word API
/** * Buffer for byte oriented processBytes to call internal word API */
private long[] currentBlock;
Tweak bytes (2 byte t1,t2, calculated t3 and repeat of t1,t2 for modulo free lookup
/** * Tweak bytes (2 byte t1,t2, calculated t3 and repeat of t1,t2 for modulo free lookup */
private long[] t = new long[5];
Key schedule words
/** * Key schedule words */
private long[] kw;
The internal cipher implementation (varies by blocksize)
/** * The internal cipher implementation (varies by blocksize) */
private ThreefishCipher cipher; private boolean forEncryption;
Constructs a new Threefish cipher, with a specified block size.
/** * Constructs a new Threefish cipher, with a specified block size. * * @param blocksizeBits the block size in bits, one of {@link #BLOCKSIZE_256}, {@link #BLOCKSIZE_512}, * {@link #BLOCKSIZE_1024}. */
public ThreefishEngine(final int blocksizeBits) { this.blocksizeBytes = (blocksizeBits / 8); this.blocksizeWords = (this.blocksizeBytes / 8); this.currentBlock = new long[blocksizeWords]; /* * Provide room for original key words, extended key word and repeat of key words for modulo * free lookup of key schedule words. */ = new long[2 * blocksizeWords + 1]; switch (blocksizeBits) { case BLOCKSIZE_256: cipher = new Threefish256Cipher(kw, t); break; case BLOCKSIZE_512: cipher = new Threefish512Cipher(kw, t); break; case BLOCKSIZE_1024: cipher = new Threefish1024Cipher(kw, t); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid blocksize - Threefish is defined with block size of 256, 512, or 1024 bits"); } }
Initialise the engine.
/** * Initialise the engine. * * @param params an instance of {@link TweakableBlockCipherParameters}, or {@link KeyParameter} (to * use a 0 tweak) */
public void init(boolean forEncryption, CipherParameters params) throws IllegalArgumentException { final byte[] keyBytes; final byte[] tweakBytes; if (params instanceof TweakableBlockCipherParameters) { TweakableBlockCipherParameters tParams = (TweakableBlockCipherParameters)params; keyBytes = tParams.getKey().getKey(); tweakBytes = tParams.getTweak(); } else if (params instanceof KeyParameter) { keyBytes = ((KeyParameter)params).getKey(); tweakBytes = null; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameter passed to Threefish init - " + params.getClass().getName()); } long[] keyWords = null; long[] tweakWords = null; if (keyBytes != null) { if (keyBytes.length != this.blocksizeBytes) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Threefish key must be same size as block (" + blocksizeBytes + " bytes)"); } keyWords = new long[blocksizeWords]; for (int i = 0; i < keyWords.length; i++) { keyWords[i] = bytesToWord(keyBytes, i * 8); } } if (tweakBytes != null) { if (tweakBytes.length != TWEAK_SIZE_BYTES) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Threefish tweak must be " + TWEAK_SIZE_BYTES + " bytes"); } tweakWords = new long[]{bytesToWord(tweakBytes, 0), bytesToWord(tweakBytes, 8)}; } init(forEncryption, keyWords, tweakWords); }
Initialise the engine, specifying the key and tweak directly.
  • forEncryption – the cipher mode.
  • key – the words of the key, or null to use the current key.
  • tweak – the 2 word (128 bit) tweak, or null to use the current tweak.
/** * Initialise the engine, specifying the key and tweak directly. * * @param forEncryption the cipher mode. * @param key the words of the key, or <code>null</code> to use the current key. * @param tweak the 2 word (128 bit) tweak, or <code>null</code> to use the current tweak. */
public void init(boolean forEncryption, final long[] key, final long[] tweak) { this.forEncryption = forEncryption; if (key != null) { setKey(key); } if (tweak != null) { setTweak(tweak); } } private void setKey(long[] key) { if (key.length != this.blocksizeWords) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Threefish key must be same size as block (" + blocksizeWords + " words)"); } /* * Full subkey schedule is deferred to execution to avoid per cipher overhead (10k for 512, * 20k for 1024). * * Key and tweak word sequences are repeated, and static MOD17/MOD9/MOD5/MOD3 calculations * used, to avoid expensive mod computations during cipher operation. */ long knw = C_240; for (int i = 0; i < blocksizeWords; i++) { kw[i] = key[i]; knw = knw ^ kw[i]; } kw[blocksizeWords] = knw; System.arraycopy(kw, 0, kw, blocksizeWords + 1, blocksizeWords); } private void setTweak(long[] tweak) { if (tweak.length != TWEAK_SIZE_WORDS) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tweak must be " + TWEAK_SIZE_WORDS + " words."); } /* * Tweak schedule partially repeated to avoid mod computations during cipher operation */ t[0] = tweak[0]; t[1] = tweak[1]; t[2] = t[0] ^ t[1]; t[3] = t[0]; t[4] = t[1]; } public String getAlgorithmName() { return "Threefish-" + (blocksizeBytes * 8); } public int getBlockSize() { return blocksizeBytes; } public void reset() { } public int processBlock(byte[] in, int inOff, byte[] out, int outOff) throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException { if ((inOff + blocksizeBytes) > in.length) { throw new DataLengthException("Input buffer too short"); } if ((outOff + blocksizeBytes) > out.length) { throw new OutputLengthException("Output buffer too short"); } for (int i = 0; i < blocksizeBytes; i += 8) { currentBlock[i >> 3] = bytesToWord(in, inOff + i); } processBlock(this.currentBlock, this.currentBlock); for (int i = 0; i < blocksizeBytes; i += 8) { wordToBytes(this.currentBlock[i >> 3], out, outOff + i); } return blocksizeBytes; }
Process a block of data represented as 64 bit words.
  • in – a block sized buffer of words to process.
  • out – a block sized buffer of words to receive the output of the operation.
Returns:the number of 8 byte words processed (which will be the same as the block size).
/** * Process a block of data represented as 64 bit words. * * @param in a block sized buffer of words to process. * @param out a block sized buffer of words to receive the output of the operation. * @return the number of 8 byte words processed (which will be the same as the block size). * @throws DataLengthException if either the input or output is not block sized. * @throws IllegalStateException if this engine is not initialised. */
public int processBlock(long[] in, long[] out) throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException { if (kw[blocksizeWords] == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Threefish engine not initialised"); } if (in.length != blocksizeWords) { throw new DataLengthException("Input buffer too short"); } if (out.length != blocksizeWords) { throw new OutputLengthException("Output buffer too short"); } if (forEncryption) { cipher.encryptBlock(in, out); } else { cipher.decryptBlock(in, out); } return blocksizeWords; }
Read a single 64 bit word from input in LSB first order.
/** * Read a single 64 bit word from input in LSB first order. */
// At least package protected for efficient access from inner class public static long bytesToWord(final byte[] bytes, final int off) { if ((off + 8) > bytes.length) { // Help the JIT avoid index checks throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } long word = 0; int index = off; word = (bytes[index++] & 0xffL); word |= (bytes[index++] & 0xffL) << 8; word |= (bytes[index++] & 0xffL) << 16; word |= (bytes[index++] & 0xffL) << 24; word |= (bytes[index++] & 0xffL) << 32; word |= (bytes[index++] & 0xffL) << 40; word |= (bytes[index++] & 0xffL) << 48; word |= (bytes[index++] & 0xffL) << 56; return word; }
Write a 64 bit word to output in LSB first order.
/** * Write a 64 bit word to output in LSB first order. */
// At least package protected for efficient access from inner class public static void wordToBytes(final long word, final byte[] bytes, final int off) { if ((off + 8) > bytes.length) { // Help the JIT avoid index checks throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } int index = off; bytes[index++] = (byte)word; bytes[index++] = (byte)(word >> 8); bytes[index++] = (byte)(word >> 16); bytes[index++] = (byte)(word >> 24); bytes[index++] = (byte)(word >> 32); bytes[index++] = (byte)(word >> 40); bytes[index++] = (byte)(word >> 48); bytes[index++] = (byte)(word >> 56); }
Rotate left + xor part of the mix operation.
/** * Rotate left + xor part of the mix operation. */
// Package protected for efficient access from inner class static long rotlXor(long x, int n, long xor) { return ((x << n) | (x >>> -n)) ^ xor; }
Rotate xor + rotate right part of the unmix operation.
/** * Rotate xor + rotate right part of the unmix operation. */
// Package protected for efficient access from inner class static long xorRotr(long x, int n, long xor) { long xored = x ^ xor; return (xored >>> n) | (xored << -n); } private static abstract class ThreefishCipher {
The extended + repeated tweak words
/** * The extended + repeated tweak words */
protected final long[] t;
The extended + repeated key words
/** * The extended + repeated key words */
protected final long[] kw; protected ThreefishCipher(final long[] kw, final long[] t) { = kw; this.t = t; } abstract void encryptBlock(long[] block, long[] out); abstract void decryptBlock(long[] block, long[] out); } private static final class Threefish256Cipher extends ThreefishCipher {
Mix rotation constants defined in Skein 1.3 specification
/** * Mix rotation constants defined in Skein 1.3 specification */
private static final int ROTATION_0_0 = 14, ROTATION_0_1 = 16; private static final int ROTATION_1_0 = 52, ROTATION_1_1 = 57; private static final int ROTATION_2_0 = 23, ROTATION_2_1 = 40; private static final int ROTATION_3_0 = 5, ROTATION_3_1 = 37; private static final int ROTATION_4_0 = 25, ROTATION_4_1 = 33; private static final int ROTATION_5_0 = 46, ROTATION_5_1 = 12; private static final int ROTATION_6_0 = 58, ROTATION_6_1 = 22; private static final int ROTATION_7_0 = 32, ROTATION_7_1 = 32; public Threefish256Cipher(long[] kw, long[] t) { super(kw, t); } void encryptBlock(long[] block, long[] out) { final long[] kw =; final long[] t = this.t; final int[] mod5 = MOD5; final int[] mod3 = MOD3; /* Help the JIT avoid index bounds checks */ if (kw.length != 9) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (t.length != 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } /* * Read 4 words of plaintext data, not using arrays for cipher state */ long b0 = block[0]; long b1 = block[1]; long b2 = block[2]; long b3 = block[3]; /* * First subkey injection. */ b0 += kw[0]; b1 += kw[1] + t[0]; b2 += kw[2] + t[1]; b3 += kw[3]; /* * Rounds loop, unrolled to 8 rounds per iteration. * * Unrolling to multiples of 4 avoids the mod 4 check for key injection, and allows * inlining of the permutations, which cycle every of 2 rounds (avoiding array * index/lookup). * * Unrolling to multiples of 8 avoids the mod 8 rotation constant lookup, and allows * inlining constant rotation values (avoiding array index/lookup). */ for (int d = 1; d < (ROUNDS_256 / 4); d += 2) { final int dm5 = mod5[d]; final int dm3 = mod3[d]; /* * 4 rounds of mix and permute. * * Permute schedule has a 2 round cycle, so permutes are inlined in the mix * operations in each 4 round block. */ b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_0_0, b0 += b1); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_0_1, b2 += b3); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_1_0, b0 += b3); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_1_1, b2 += b1); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_2_0, b0 += b1); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_2_1, b2 += b3); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_3_0, b0 += b3); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_3_1, b2 += b1); /* * Subkey injection for first 4 rounds. */ b0 += kw[dm5]; b1 += kw[dm5 + 1] + t[dm3]; b2 += kw[dm5 + 2] + t[dm3 + 1]; b3 += kw[dm5 + 3] + d; /* * 4 more rounds of mix/permute */ b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_4_0, b0 += b1); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_4_1, b2 += b3); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_5_0, b0 += b3); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_5_1, b2 += b1); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_6_0, b0 += b1); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_6_1, b2 += b3); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_7_0, b0 += b3); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_7_1, b2 += b1); /* * Subkey injection for next 4 rounds. */ b0 += kw[dm5 + 1]; b1 += kw[dm5 + 2] + t[dm3 + 1]; b2 += kw[dm5 + 3] + t[dm3 + 2]; b3 += kw[dm5 + 4] + d + 1; } /* * Output cipher state. */ out[0] = b0; out[1] = b1; out[2] = b2; out[3] = b3; } void decryptBlock(long[] block, long[] state) { final long[] kw =; final long[] t = this.t; final int[] mod5 = MOD5; final int[] mod3 = MOD3; /* Help the JIT avoid index bounds checks */ if (kw.length != 9) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (t.length != 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } long b0 = block[0]; long b1 = block[1]; long b2 = block[2]; long b3 = block[3]; for (int d = (ROUNDS_256 / 4) - 1; d >= 1; d -= 2) { final int dm5 = mod5[d]; final int dm3 = mod3[d]; /* Reverse key injection for second 4 rounds */ b0 -= kw[dm5 + 1]; b1 -= kw[dm5 + 2] + t[dm3 + 1]; b2 -= kw[dm5 + 3] + t[dm3 + 2]; b3 -= kw[dm5 + 4] + d + 1; /* Reverse second 4 mix/permute rounds */ b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_7_0, b0); b0 -= b3; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_7_1, b2); b2 -= b1; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_6_0, b0); b0 -= b1; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_6_1, b2); b2 -= b3; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_5_0, b0); b0 -= b3; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_5_1, b2); b2 -= b1; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_4_0, b0); b0 -= b1; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_4_1, b2); b2 -= b3; /* Reverse key injection for first 4 rounds */ b0 -= kw[dm5]; b1 -= kw[dm5 + 1] + t[dm3]; b2 -= kw[dm5 + 2] + t[dm3 + 1]; b3 -= kw[dm5 + 3] + d; /* Reverse first 4 mix/permute rounds */ b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_3_0, b0); b0 -= b3; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_3_1, b2); b2 -= b1; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_2_0, b0); b0 -= b1; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_2_1, b2); b2 -= b3; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_1_0, b0); b0 -= b3; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_1_1, b2); b2 -= b1; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_0_0, b0); b0 -= b1; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_0_1, b2); b2 -= b3; } /* * First subkey uninjection. */ b0 -= kw[0]; b1 -= kw[1] + t[0]; b2 -= kw[2] + t[1]; b3 -= kw[3]; /* * Output cipher state. */ state[0] = b0; state[1] = b1; state[2] = b2; state[3] = b3; } } private static final class Threefish512Cipher extends ThreefishCipher {
Mix rotation constants defined in Skein 1.3 specification
/** * Mix rotation constants defined in Skein 1.3 specification */
private static final int ROTATION_0_0 = 46, ROTATION_0_1 = 36, ROTATION_0_2 = 19, ROTATION_0_3 = 37; private static final int ROTATION_1_0 = 33, ROTATION_1_1 = 27, ROTATION_1_2 = 14, ROTATION_1_3 = 42; private static final int ROTATION_2_0 = 17, ROTATION_2_1 = 49, ROTATION_2_2 = 36, ROTATION_2_3 = 39; private static final int ROTATION_3_0 = 44, ROTATION_3_1 = 9, ROTATION_3_2 = 54, ROTATION_3_3 = 56; private static final int ROTATION_4_0 = 39, ROTATION_4_1 = 30, ROTATION_4_2 = 34, ROTATION_4_3 = 24; private static final int ROTATION_5_0 = 13, ROTATION_5_1 = 50, ROTATION_5_2 = 10, ROTATION_5_3 = 17; private static final int ROTATION_6_0 = 25, ROTATION_6_1 = 29, ROTATION_6_2 = 39, ROTATION_6_3 = 43; private static final int ROTATION_7_0 = 8, ROTATION_7_1 = 35, ROTATION_7_2 = 56, ROTATION_7_3 = 22; protected Threefish512Cipher(long[] kw, long[] t) { super(kw, t); } public void encryptBlock(long[] block, long[] out) { final long[] kw =; final long[] t = this.t; final int[] mod9 = MOD9; final int[] mod3 = MOD3; /* Help the JIT avoid index bounds checks */ if (kw.length != 17) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (t.length != 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } /* * Read 8 words of plaintext data, not using arrays for cipher state */ long b0 = block[0]; long b1 = block[1]; long b2 = block[2]; long b3 = block[3]; long b4 = block[4]; long b5 = block[5]; long b6 = block[6]; long b7 = block[7]; /* * First subkey injection. */ b0 += kw[0]; b1 += kw[1]; b2 += kw[2]; b3 += kw[3]; b4 += kw[4]; b5 += kw[5] + t[0]; b6 += kw[6] + t[1]; b7 += kw[7]; /* * Rounds loop, unrolled to 8 rounds per iteration. * * Unrolling to multiples of 4 avoids the mod 4 check for key injection, and allows * inlining of the permutations, which cycle every of 4 rounds (avoiding array * index/lookup). * * Unrolling to multiples of 8 avoids the mod 8 rotation constant lookup, and allows * inlining constant rotation values (avoiding array index/lookup). */ for (int d = 1; d < (ROUNDS_512 / 4); d += 2) { final int dm9 = mod9[d]; final int dm3 = mod3[d]; /* * 4 rounds of mix and permute. * * Permute schedule has a 4 round cycle, so permutes are inlined in the mix * operations in each 4 round block. */ b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_0_0, b0 += b1); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_0_1, b2 += b3); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_0_2, b4 += b5); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_0_3, b6 += b7); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_1_0, b2 += b1); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_1_1, b4 += b7); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_1_2, b6 += b5); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_1_3, b0 += b3); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_2_0, b4 += b1); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_2_1, b6 += b3); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_2_2, b0 += b5); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_2_3, b2 += b7); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_3_0, b6 += b1); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_3_1, b0 += b7); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_3_2, b2 += b5); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_3_3, b4 += b3); /* * Subkey injection for first 4 rounds. */ b0 += kw[dm9]; b1 += kw[dm9 + 1]; b2 += kw[dm9 + 2]; b3 += kw[dm9 + 3]; b4 += kw[dm9 + 4]; b5 += kw[dm9 + 5] + t[dm3]; b6 += kw[dm9 + 6] + t[dm3 + 1]; b7 += kw[dm9 + 7] + d; /* * 4 more rounds of mix/permute */ b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_4_0, b0 += b1); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_4_1, b2 += b3); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_4_2, b4 += b5); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_4_3, b6 += b7); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_5_0, b2 += b1); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_5_1, b4 += b7); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_5_2, b6 += b5); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_5_3, b0 += b3); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_6_0, b4 += b1); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_6_1, b6 += b3); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_6_2, b0 += b5); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_6_3, b2 += b7); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_7_0, b6 += b1); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_7_1, b0 += b7); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_7_2, b2 += b5); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_7_3, b4 += b3); /* * Subkey injection for next 4 rounds. */ b0 += kw[dm9 + 1]; b1 += kw[dm9 + 2]; b2 += kw[dm9 + 3]; b3 += kw[dm9 + 4]; b4 += kw[dm9 + 5]; b5 += kw[dm9 + 6] + t[dm3 + 1]; b6 += kw[dm9 + 7] + t[dm3 + 2]; b7 += kw[dm9 + 8] + d + 1; } /* * Output cipher state. */ out[0] = b0; out[1] = b1; out[2] = b2; out[3] = b3; out[4] = b4; out[5] = b5; out[6] = b6; out[7] = b7; } public void decryptBlock(long[] block, long[] state) { final long[] kw =; final long[] t = this.t; final int[] mod9 = MOD9; final int[] mod3 = MOD3; /* Help the JIT avoid index bounds checks */ if (kw.length != 17) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (t.length != 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } long b0 = block[0]; long b1 = block[1]; long b2 = block[2]; long b3 = block[3]; long b4 = block[4]; long b5 = block[5]; long b6 = block[6]; long b7 = block[7]; for (int d = (ROUNDS_512 / 4) - 1; d >= 1; d -= 2) { final int dm9 = mod9[d]; final int dm3 = mod3[d]; /* Reverse key injection for second 4 rounds */ b0 -= kw[dm9 + 1]; b1 -= kw[dm9 + 2]; b2 -= kw[dm9 + 3]; b3 -= kw[dm9 + 4]; b4 -= kw[dm9 + 5]; b5 -= kw[dm9 + 6] + t[dm3 + 1]; b6 -= kw[dm9 + 7] + t[dm3 + 2]; b7 -= kw[dm9 + 8] + d + 1; /* Reverse second 4 mix/permute rounds */ b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_7_0, b6); b6 -= b1; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_7_1, b0); b0 -= b7; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_7_2, b2); b2 -= b5; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_7_3, b4); b4 -= b3; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_6_0, b4); b4 -= b1; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_6_1, b6); b6 -= b3; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_6_2, b0); b0 -= b5; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_6_3, b2); b2 -= b7; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_5_0, b2); b2 -= b1; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_5_1, b4); b4 -= b7; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_5_2, b6); b6 -= b5; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_5_3, b0); b0 -= b3; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_4_0, b0); b0 -= b1; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_4_1, b2); b2 -= b3; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_4_2, b4); b4 -= b5; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_4_3, b6); b6 -= b7; /* Reverse key injection for first 4 rounds */ b0 -= kw[dm9]; b1 -= kw[dm9 + 1]; b2 -= kw[dm9 + 2]; b3 -= kw[dm9 + 3]; b4 -= kw[dm9 + 4]; b5 -= kw[dm9 + 5] + t[dm3]; b6 -= kw[dm9 + 6] + t[dm3 + 1]; b7 -= kw[dm9 + 7] + d; /* Reverse first 4 mix/permute rounds */ b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_3_0, b6); b6 -= b1; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_3_1, b0); b0 -= b7; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_3_2, b2); b2 -= b5; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_3_3, b4); b4 -= b3; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_2_0, b4); b4 -= b1; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_2_1, b6); b6 -= b3; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_2_2, b0); b0 -= b5; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_2_3, b2); b2 -= b7; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_1_0, b2); b2 -= b1; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_1_1, b4); b4 -= b7; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_1_2, b6); b6 -= b5; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_1_3, b0); b0 -= b3; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_0_0, b0); b0 -= b1; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_0_1, b2); b2 -= b3; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_0_2, b4); b4 -= b5; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_0_3, b6); b6 -= b7; } /* * First subkey uninjection. */ b0 -= kw[0]; b1 -= kw[1]; b2 -= kw[2]; b3 -= kw[3]; b4 -= kw[4]; b5 -= kw[5] + t[0]; b6 -= kw[6] + t[1]; b7 -= kw[7]; /* * Output cipher state. */ state[0] = b0; state[1] = b1; state[2] = b2; state[3] = b3; state[4] = b4; state[5] = b5; state[6] = b6; state[7] = b7; } } private static final class Threefish1024Cipher extends ThreefishCipher {
Mix rotation constants defined in Skein 1.3 specification
/** * Mix rotation constants defined in Skein 1.3 specification */
private static final int ROTATION_0_0 = 24, ROTATION_0_1 = 13, ROTATION_0_2 = 8, ROTATION_0_3 = 47; private static final int ROTATION_0_4 = 8, ROTATION_0_5 = 17, ROTATION_0_6 = 22, ROTATION_0_7 = 37; private static final int ROTATION_1_0 = 38, ROTATION_1_1 = 19, ROTATION_1_2 = 10, ROTATION_1_3 = 55; private static final int ROTATION_1_4 = 49, ROTATION_1_5 = 18, ROTATION_1_6 = 23, ROTATION_1_7 = 52; private static final int ROTATION_2_0 = 33, ROTATION_2_1 = 4, ROTATION_2_2 = 51, ROTATION_2_3 = 13; private static final int ROTATION_2_4 = 34, ROTATION_2_5 = 41, ROTATION_2_6 = 59, ROTATION_2_7 = 17; private static final int ROTATION_3_0 = 5, ROTATION_3_1 = 20, ROTATION_3_2 = 48, ROTATION_3_3 = 41; private static final int ROTATION_3_4 = 47, ROTATION_3_5 = 28, ROTATION_3_6 = 16, ROTATION_3_7 = 25; private static final int ROTATION_4_0 = 41, ROTATION_4_1 = 9, ROTATION_4_2 = 37, ROTATION_4_3 = 31; private static final int ROTATION_4_4 = 12, ROTATION_4_5 = 47, ROTATION_4_6 = 44, ROTATION_4_7 = 30; private static final int ROTATION_5_0 = 16, ROTATION_5_1 = 34, ROTATION_5_2 = 56, ROTATION_5_3 = 51; private static final int ROTATION_5_4 = 4, ROTATION_5_5 = 53, ROTATION_5_6 = 42, ROTATION_5_7 = 41; private static final int ROTATION_6_0 = 31, ROTATION_6_1 = 44, ROTATION_6_2 = 47, ROTATION_6_3 = 46; private static final int ROTATION_6_4 = 19, ROTATION_6_5 = 42, ROTATION_6_6 = 44, ROTATION_6_7 = 25; private static final int ROTATION_7_0 = 9, ROTATION_7_1 = 48, ROTATION_7_2 = 35, ROTATION_7_3 = 52; private static final int ROTATION_7_4 = 23, ROTATION_7_5 = 31, ROTATION_7_6 = 37, ROTATION_7_7 = 20; public Threefish1024Cipher(long[] kw, long[] t) { super(kw, t); } void encryptBlock(long[] block, long[] out) { final long[] kw =; final long[] t = this.t; final int[] mod17 = MOD17; final int[] mod3 = MOD3; /* Help the JIT avoid index bounds checks */ if (kw.length != 33) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (t.length != 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } /* * Read 16 words of plaintext data, not using arrays for cipher state */ long b0 = block[0]; long b1 = block[1]; long b2 = block[2]; long b3 = block[3]; long b4 = block[4]; long b5 = block[5]; long b6 = block[6]; long b7 = block[7]; long b8 = block[8]; long b9 = block[9]; long b10 = block[10]; long b11 = block[11]; long b12 = block[12]; long b13 = block[13]; long b14 = block[14]; long b15 = block[15]; /* * First subkey injection. */ b0 += kw[0]; b1 += kw[1]; b2 += kw[2]; b3 += kw[3]; b4 += kw[4]; b5 += kw[5]; b6 += kw[6]; b7 += kw[7]; b8 += kw[8]; b9 += kw[9]; b10 += kw[10]; b11 += kw[11]; b12 += kw[12]; b13 += kw[13] + t[0]; b14 += kw[14] + t[1]; b15 += kw[15]; /* * Rounds loop, unrolled to 8 rounds per iteration. * * Unrolling to multiples of 4 avoids the mod 4 check for key injection, and allows * inlining of the permutations, which cycle every of 4 rounds (avoiding array * index/lookup). * * Unrolling to multiples of 8 avoids the mod 8 rotation constant lookup, and allows * inlining constant rotation values (avoiding array index/lookup). */ for (int d = 1; d < (ROUNDS_1024 / 4); d += 2) { final int dm17 = mod17[d]; final int dm3 = mod3[d]; /* * 4 rounds of mix and permute. * * Permute schedule has a 4 round cycle, so permutes are inlined in the mix * operations in each 4 round block. */ b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_0_0, b0 += b1); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_0_1, b2 += b3); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_0_2, b4 += b5); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_0_3, b6 += b7); b9 = rotlXor(b9, ROTATION_0_4, b8 += b9); b11 = rotlXor(b11, ROTATION_0_5, b10 += b11); b13 = rotlXor(b13, ROTATION_0_6, b12 += b13); b15 = rotlXor(b15, ROTATION_0_7, b14 += b15); b9 = rotlXor(b9, ROTATION_1_0, b0 += b9); b13 = rotlXor(b13, ROTATION_1_1, b2 += b13); b11 = rotlXor(b11, ROTATION_1_2, b6 += b11); b15 = rotlXor(b15, ROTATION_1_3, b4 += b15); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_1_4, b10 += b7); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_1_5, b12 += b3); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_1_6, b14 += b5); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_1_7, b8 += b1); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_2_0, b0 += b7); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_2_1, b2 += b5); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_2_2, b4 += b3); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_2_3, b6 += b1); b15 = rotlXor(b15, ROTATION_2_4, b12 += b15); b13 = rotlXor(b13, ROTATION_2_5, b14 += b13); b11 = rotlXor(b11, ROTATION_2_6, b8 += b11); b9 = rotlXor(b9, ROTATION_2_7, b10 += b9); b15 = rotlXor(b15, ROTATION_3_0, b0 += b15); b11 = rotlXor(b11, ROTATION_3_1, b2 += b11); b13 = rotlXor(b13, ROTATION_3_2, b6 += b13); b9 = rotlXor(b9, ROTATION_3_3, b4 += b9); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_3_4, b14 += b1); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_3_5, b8 += b5); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_3_6, b10 += b3); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_3_7, b12 += b7); /* * Subkey injection for first 4 rounds. */ b0 += kw[dm17]; b1 += kw[dm17 + 1]; b2 += kw[dm17 + 2]; b3 += kw[dm17 + 3]; b4 += kw[dm17 + 4]; b5 += kw[dm17 + 5]; b6 += kw[dm17 + 6]; b7 += kw[dm17 + 7]; b8 += kw[dm17 + 8]; b9 += kw[dm17 + 9]; b10 += kw[dm17 + 10]; b11 += kw[dm17 + 11]; b12 += kw[dm17 + 12]; b13 += kw[dm17 + 13] + t[dm3]; b14 += kw[dm17 + 14] + t[dm3 + 1]; b15 += kw[dm17 + 15] + d; /* * 4 more rounds of mix/permute */ b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_4_0, b0 += b1); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_4_1, b2 += b3); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_4_2, b4 += b5); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_4_3, b6 += b7); b9 = rotlXor(b9, ROTATION_4_4, b8 += b9); b11 = rotlXor(b11, ROTATION_4_5, b10 += b11); b13 = rotlXor(b13, ROTATION_4_6, b12 += b13); b15 = rotlXor(b15, ROTATION_4_7, b14 += b15); b9 = rotlXor(b9, ROTATION_5_0, b0 += b9); b13 = rotlXor(b13, ROTATION_5_1, b2 += b13); b11 = rotlXor(b11, ROTATION_5_2, b6 += b11); b15 = rotlXor(b15, ROTATION_5_3, b4 += b15); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_5_4, b10 += b7); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_5_5, b12 += b3); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_5_6, b14 += b5); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_5_7, b8 += b1); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_6_0, b0 += b7); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_6_1, b2 += b5); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_6_2, b4 += b3); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_6_3, b6 += b1); b15 = rotlXor(b15, ROTATION_6_4, b12 += b15); b13 = rotlXor(b13, ROTATION_6_5, b14 += b13); b11 = rotlXor(b11, ROTATION_6_6, b8 += b11); b9 = rotlXor(b9, ROTATION_6_7, b10 += b9); b15 = rotlXor(b15, ROTATION_7_0, b0 += b15); b11 = rotlXor(b11, ROTATION_7_1, b2 += b11); b13 = rotlXor(b13, ROTATION_7_2, b6 += b13); b9 = rotlXor(b9, ROTATION_7_3, b4 += b9); b1 = rotlXor(b1, ROTATION_7_4, b14 += b1); b5 = rotlXor(b5, ROTATION_7_5, b8 += b5); b3 = rotlXor(b3, ROTATION_7_6, b10 += b3); b7 = rotlXor(b7, ROTATION_7_7, b12 += b7); /* * Subkey injection for next 4 rounds. */ b0 += kw[dm17 + 1]; b1 += kw[dm17 + 2]; b2 += kw[dm17 + 3]; b3 += kw[dm17 + 4]; b4 += kw[dm17 + 5]; b5 += kw[dm17 + 6]; b6 += kw[dm17 + 7]; b7 += kw[dm17 + 8]; b8 += kw[dm17 + 9]; b9 += kw[dm17 + 10]; b10 += kw[dm17 + 11]; b11 += kw[dm17 + 12]; b12 += kw[dm17 + 13]; b13 += kw[dm17 + 14] + t[dm3 + 1]; b14 += kw[dm17 + 15] + t[dm3 + 2]; b15 += kw[dm17 + 16] + d + 1; } /* * Output cipher state. */ out[0] = b0; out[1] = b1; out[2] = b2; out[3] = b3; out[4] = b4; out[5] = b5; out[6] = b6; out[7] = b7; out[8] = b8; out[9] = b9; out[10] = b10; out[11] = b11; out[12] = b12; out[13] = b13; out[14] = b14; out[15] = b15; } void decryptBlock(long[] block, long[] state) { final long[] kw =; final long[] t = this.t; final int[] mod17 = MOD17; final int[] mod3 = MOD3; /* Help the JIT avoid index bounds checks */ if (kw.length != 33) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (t.length != 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } long b0 = block[0]; long b1 = block[1]; long b2 = block[2]; long b3 = block[3]; long b4 = block[4]; long b5 = block[5]; long b6 = block[6]; long b7 = block[7]; long b8 = block[8]; long b9 = block[9]; long b10 = block[10]; long b11 = block[11]; long b12 = block[12]; long b13 = block[13]; long b14 = block[14]; long b15 = block[15]; for (int d = (ROUNDS_1024 / 4) - 1; d >= 1; d -= 2) { final int dm17 = mod17[d]; final int dm3 = mod3[d]; /* Reverse key injection for second 4 rounds */ b0 -= kw[dm17 + 1]; b1 -= kw[dm17 + 2]; b2 -= kw[dm17 + 3]; b3 -= kw[dm17 + 4]; b4 -= kw[dm17 + 5]; b5 -= kw[dm17 + 6]; b6 -= kw[dm17 + 7]; b7 -= kw[dm17 + 8]; b8 -= kw[dm17 + 9]; b9 -= kw[dm17 + 10]; b10 -= kw[dm17 + 11]; b11 -= kw[dm17 + 12]; b12 -= kw[dm17 + 13]; b13 -= kw[dm17 + 14] + t[dm3 + 1]; b14 -= kw[dm17 + 15] + t[dm3 + 2]; b15 -= kw[dm17 + 16] + d + 1; /* Reverse second 4 mix/permute rounds */ b15 = xorRotr(b15, ROTATION_7_0, b0); b0 -= b15; b11 = xorRotr(b11, ROTATION_7_1, b2); b2 -= b11; b13 = xorRotr(b13, ROTATION_7_2, b6); b6 -= b13; b9 = xorRotr(b9, ROTATION_7_3, b4); b4 -= b9; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_7_4, b14); b14 -= b1; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_7_5, b8); b8 -= b5; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_7_6, b10); b10 -= b3; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_7_7, b12); b12 -= b7; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_6_0, b0); b0 -= b7; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_6_1, b2); b2 -= b5; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_6_2, b4); b4 -= b3; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_6_3, b6); b6 -= b1; b15 = xorRotr(b15, ROTATION_6_4, b12); b12 -= b15; b13 = xorRotr(b13, ROTATION_6_5, b14); b14 -= b13; b11 = xorRotr(b11, ROTATION_6_6, b8); b8 -= b11; b9 = xorRotr(b9, ROTATION_6_7, b10); b10 -= b9; b9 = xorRotr(b9, ROTATION_5_0, b0); b0 -= b9; b13 = xorRotr(b13, ROTATION_5_1, b2); b2 -= b13; b11 = xorRotr(b11, ROTATION_5_2, b6); b6 -= b11; b15 = xorRotr(b15, ROTATION_5_3, b4); b4 -= b15; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_5_4, b10); b10 -= b7; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_5_5, b12); b12 -= b3; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_5_6, b14); b14 -= b5; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_5_7, b8); b8 -= b1; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_4_0, b0); b0 -= b1; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_4_1, b2); b2 -= b3; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_4_2, b4); b4 -= b5; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_4_3, b6); b6 -= b7; b9 = xorRotr(b9, ROTATION_4_4, b8); b8 -= b9; b11 = xorRotr(b11, ROTATION_4_5, b10); b10 -= b11; b13 = xorRotr(b13, ROTATION_4_6, b12); b12 -= b13; b15 = xorRotr(b15, ROTATION_4_7, b14); b14 -= b15; /* Reverse key injection for first 4 rounds */ b0 -= kw[dm17]; b1 -= kw[dm17 + 1]; b2 -= kw[dm17 + 2]; b3 -= kw[dm17 + 3]; b4 -= kw[dm17 + 4]; b5 -= kw[dm17 + 5]; b6 -= kw[dm17 + 6]; b7 -= kw[dm17 + 7]; b8 -= kw[dm17 + 8]; b9 -= kw[dm17 + 9]; b10 -= kw[dm17 + 10]; b11 -= kw[dm17 + 11]; b12 -= kw[dm17 + 12]; b13 -= kw[dm17 + 13] + t[dm3]; b14 -= kw[dm17 + 14] + t[dm3 + 1]; b15 -= kw[dm17 + 15] + d; /* Reverse first 4 mix/permute rounds */ b15 = xorRotr(b15, ROTATION_3_0, b0); b0 -= b15; b11 = xorRotr(b11, ROTATION_3_1, b2); b2 -= b11; b13 = xorRotr(b13, ROTATION_3_2, b6); b6 -= b13; b9 = xorRotr(b9, ROTATION_3_3, b4); b4 -= b9; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_3_4, b14); b14 -= b1; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_3_5, b8); b8 -= b5; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_3_6, b10); b10 -= b3; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_3_7, b12); b12 -= b7; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_2_0, b0); b0 -= b7; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_2_1, b2); b2 -= b5; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_2_2, b4); b4 -= b3; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_2_3, b6); b6 -= b1; b15 = xorRotr(b15, ROTATION_2_4, b12); b12 -= b15; b13 = xorRotr(b13, ROTATION_2_5, b14); b14 -= b13; b11 = xorRotr(b11, ROTATION_2_6, b8); b8 -= b11; b9 = xorRotr(b9, ROTATION_2_7, b10); b10 -= b9; b9 = xorRotr(b9, ROTATION_1_0, b0); b0 -= b9; b13 = xorRotr(b13, ROTATION_1_1, b2); b2 -= b13; b11 = xorRotr(b11, ROTATION_1_2, b6); b6 -= b11; b15 = xorRotr(b15, ROTATION_1_3, b4); b4 -= b15; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_1_4, b10); b10 -= b7; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_1_5, b12); b12 -= b3; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_1_6, b14); b14 -= b5; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_1_7, b8); b8 -= b1; b1 = xorRotr(b1, ROTATION_0_0, b0); b0 -= b1; b3 = xorRotr(b3, ROTATION_0_1, b2); b2 -= b3; b5 = xorRotr(b5, ROTATION_0_2, b4); b4 -= b5; b7 = xorRotr(b7, ROTATION_0_3, b6); b6 -= b7; b9 = xorRotr(b9, ROTATION_0_4, b8); b8 -= b9; b11 = xorRotr(b11, ROTATION_0_5, b10); b10 -= b11; b13 = xorRotr(b13, ROTATION_0_6, b12); b12 -= b13; b15 = xorRotr(b15, ROTATION_0_7, b14); b14 -= b15; } /* * First subkey uninjection. */ b0 -= kw[0]; b1 -= kw[1]; b2 -= kw[2]; b3 -= kw[3]; b4 -= kw[4]; b5 -= kw[5]; b6 -= kw[6]; b7 -= kw[7]; b8 -= kw[8]; b9 -= kw[9]; b10 -= kw[10]; b11 -= kw[11]; b12 -= kw[12]; b13 -= kw[13] + t[0]; b14 -= kw[14] + t[1]; b15 -= kw[15]; /* * Output cipher state. */ state[0] = b0; state[1] = b1; state[2] = b2; state[3] = b3; state[4] = b4; state[5] = b5; state[6] = b6; state[7] = b7; state[8] = b8; state[9] = b9; state[10] = b10; state[11] = b11; state[12] = b12; state[13] = b13; state[14] = b14; state[15] = b15; } } }