 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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package org.apache.tomcat.util.modeler;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.management.DynamicMBean;
import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException;
import javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanOperationInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanRegistration;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.MBeanServerFactory;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;

import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;
import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.compat.JreCompat;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.modeler.modules.ModelerSource;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.res.StringManager;

   - exceptions - too many "throws Exception"
   - double check the interfaces
   - start removing the use of the experimental methods in tomcat, then remove
     the methods ( before 1.1 final )
   - is the security enough to prevent Registry being used to avoid the
     permission checks in the mbean server ?

Registry for modeler MBeans. This is the main entry point into modeler. It provides methods to create and manipulate model mbeans and simplify their use. This class is itself an mbean. IMPORTANT: public methods not marked with @since x.x are experimental or internal. Should not be used.
Author:Craig R. McClanahan, Costin Manolache
/** * Registry for modeler MBeans. * * This is the main entry point into modeler. It provides methods to create and * manipulate model mbeans and simplify their use. * * This class is itself an mbean. * * IMPORTANT: public methods not marked with @since x.x are experimental or * internal. Should not be used. * * @author Craig R. McClanahan * @author Costin Manolache */
public class Registry implements RegistryMBean, MBeanRegistration {
The Log instance to which we will write our log messages.
/** * The Log instance to which we will write our log messages. */
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Registry.class); private static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(Registry.class); // Support for the factory methods
The registry instance created by our factory method the first time it is called.
/** * The registry instance created by our factory method the first time it is * called. */
private static Registry registry = null; // Per registry fields
The MBeanServer instance that we will use to register management beans.
/** * The <code>MBeanServer</code> instance that we will use to register * management beans. */
private volatile MBeanServer server = null; private final Object serverLock = new Object();
The set of ManagedBean instances for the beans this registry knows about, keyed by name.
/** * The set of ManagedBean instances for the beans this registry knows about, * keyed by name. */
private Map<String, ManagedBean> descriptors = new HashMap<>();
List of managed beans, keyed by class name
/** * List of managed beans, keyed by class name */
private Map<String, ManagedBean> descriptorsByClass = new HashMap<>(); // map to avoid duplicated searching or loading descriptors private Map<String, URL> searchedPaths = new HashMap<>(); private Object guard; // Id - small ints to use array access. No reset on stop() // Used for notifications private final Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, Integer>> idDomains = new Hashtable<>(); private final Hashtable<String, int[]> ids = new Hashtable<>(); // ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors protected Registry() { super(); } // -------------------- Static methods -------------------- // Factories
Factory method to create (if necessary) and return our Registry instance.
  • key – Unused
  • guard – Prevent access to the registry by untrusted components
Returns:the registry
/** * Factory method to create (if necessary) and return our * <code>Registry</code> instance. * * @param key Unused * @param guard Prevent access to the registry by untrusted components * * @return the registry * @since 1.1 */
public static synchronized Registry getRegistry(Object key, Object guard) { if (registry == null) { if (JreCompat.isGraalAvailable()) { disableRegistry(); } else { registry = new Registry(); } } if (registry.guard != null && registry.guard != guard) { return null; } return registry; } public static synchronized void disableRegistry() { if (registry == null) { registry = new NoDescriptorRegistry(); } else if (!(registry instanceof NoDescriptorRegistry)) { log.warn(sm.getString("registry.noDisable")); } } // -------------------- Generic methods --------------------
Lifecycle method - clean up the registry metadata. Called from resetMetadata().
/** * Lifecycle method - clean up the registry metadata. Called from * resetMetadata(). * * @since 1.1 */
@Override public void stop() { descriptorsByClass = new HashMap<>(); descriptors = new HashMap<>(); searchedPaths = new HashMap<>(); }
Register a bean by creating a modeler mbean and adding it to the MBeanServer. If metadata is not loaded, we'll look up and read a file named "mbeans-descriptors.ser" or "mbeans-descriptors.xml" in the same package or parent. If the bean is an instance of DynamicMBean. it's metadata will be converted to a model mbean and we'll wrap it - so modeler services will be supported If the metadata is still not found, introspection will be used to extract it automatically. If an mbean is already registered under this name, it'll be first unregistered. If the component implements MBeanRegistration, the methods will be called. If the method has a method "setRegistry" that takes a RegistryMBean as parameter, it'll be called with the current registry.
  • bean – Object to be registered
  • oname – Name used for registration
  • type – The type of the mbean, as declared in mbeans-descriptors. If null, the name of the class will be used. This can be used as a hint or by subclasses.
  • Exception – if a registration error occurred
/** * Register a bean by creating a modeler mbean and adding it to the * MBeanServer. * * If metadata is not loaded, we'll look up and read a file named * "mbeans-descriptors.ser" or "mbeans-descriptors.xml" in the same package * or parent. * * If the bean is an instance of DynamicMBean. it's metadata will be * converted to a model mbean and we'll wrap it - so modeler services will * be supported * * If the metadata is still not found, introspection will be used to extract * it automatically. * * If an mbean is already registered under this name, it'll be first * unregistered. * * If the component implements MBeanRegistration, the methods will be * called. If the method has a method "setRegistry" that takes a * RegistryMBean as parameter, it'll be called with the current registry. * * * @param bean Object to be registered * @param oname Name used for registration * @param type The type of the mbean, as declared in mbeans-descriptors. If * null, the name of the class will be used. This can be used as * a hint or by subclasses. * @throws Exception if a registration error occurred * @since 1.1 */
@Override public void registerComponent(Object bean, String oname, String type) throws Exception { registerComponent(bean, new ObjectName(oname), type); }
Unregister a component. We'll first check if it is registered, and mask all errors. This is mostly a helper.
  • oname – Name used for unregistration
/** * Unregister a component. We'll first check if it is registered, and mask * all errors. This is mostly a helper. * * @param oname Name used for unregistration * * @since 1.1 */
@Override public void unregisterComponent(String oname) { try { unregisterComponent(new ObjectName(oname)); } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) { log.info(sm.getString("registry.objectNameCreateError"), e); } }
Invoke a operation on a list of mbeans. Can be used to implement lifecycle operations.
  • mbeans – list of ObjectName on which we'll invoke the operations
  • operation – Name of the operation ( init, start, stop, etc)
  • failFirst – If false, exceptions will be ignored
/** * Invoke a operation on a list of mbeans. Can be used to implement * lifecycle operations. * * @param mbeans list of ObjectName on which we'll invoke the operations * @param operation Name of the operation ( init, start, stop, etc) * @param failFirst If false, exceptions will be ignored * @throws Exception Error invoking operation * @since 1.1 */
@Override public void invoke(List<ObjectName> mbeans, String operation, boolean failFirst) throws Exception { if (mbeans == null) { return; } for (ObjectName current : mbeans) { try { if (current == null) { continue; } if (getMethodInfo(current, operation) == null) { continue; } getMBeanServer().invoke(current, operation, new Object[] {}, new String[] {}); } catch (Exception t) { if (failFirst) throw t; log.info(sm.getString("registry.initError"), t); } } } // -------------------- ID registry --------------------
Return an int ID for faster access. Will be used for notifications and for other operations we want to optimize.
  • domain – Namespace
  • name – Type of the notification
Returns:A unique id for the domain:name combination
/** * Return an int ID for faster access. Will be used for notifications and * for other operations we want to optimize. * * @param domain Namespace * @param name Type of the notification * @return A unique id for the domain:name combination * @since 1.1 */
@Override public synchronized int getId(String domain, String name) { if (domain == null) { domain = ""; } Hashtable<String, Integer> domainTable = idDomains.get(domain); if (domainTable == null) { domainTable = new Hashtable<>(); idDomains.put(domain, domainTable); } if (name == null) { name = ""; } Integer i = domainTable.get(name); if (i != null) { return i.intValue(); } int id[] = ids.get(domain); if (id == null) { id = new int[1]; ids.put(domain, id); } int code = id[0]++; domainTable.put(name, Integer.valueOf(code)); return code; } // -------------------- Metadata -------------------- // methods from 1.0
Add a new bean metadata to the set of beans known to this registry. This is used by internal components.
  • bean – The managed bean to be added
/** * Add a new bean metadata to the set of beans known to this registry. This * is used by internal components. * * @param bean The managed bean to be added * @since 1.0 */
public void addManagedBean(ManagedBean bean) { // XXX Use group + name descriptors.put(bean.getName(), bean); if (bean.getType() != null) { descriptorsByClass.put(bean.getType(), bean); } }
Find and return the managed bean definition for the specified bean name, if any; otherwise return null.
  • name – Name of the managed bean to be returned. Since 1.1, both short names or the full name of the class can be used.
Returns:the managed bean
/** * Find and return the managed bean definition for the specified bean name, * if any; otherwise return <code>null</code>. * * @param name Name of the managed bean to be returned. Since 1.1, both * short names or the full name of the class can be used. * @return the managed bean * @since 1.0 */
public ManagedBean findManagedBean(String name) { // XXX Group ?? Use Group + Type ManagedBean mb = descriptors.get(name); if (mb == null) mb = descriptorsByClass.get(name); return mb; } // -------------------- Helpers --------------------
Get the type of an attribute of the object, from the metadata.
  • oname – The bean name
  • attName – The attribute name
Returns:null if metadata about the attribute is not found
/** * Get the type of an attribute of the object, from the metadata. * * @param oname The bean name * @param attName The attribute name * @return null if metadata about the attribute is not found * @since 1.1 */
public String getType(ObjectName oname, String attName) { String type = null; MBeanInfo info = null; try { info = getMBeanServer().getMBeanInfo(oname); } catch (Exception e) { log.info(sm.getString("registry.noMetadata", oname)); return null; } MBeanAttributeInfo attInfo[] = info.getAttributes(); for (MBeanAttributeInfo mBeanAttributeInfo : attInfo) { if (attName.equals(mBeanAttributeInfo.getName())) { type = mBeanAttributeInfo.getType(); return type; } } return null; }
Find the operation info for a method
  • oname – The bean name
  • opName – The operation name
Returns:the operation info for the specified operation
/** * Find the operation info for a method * * @param oname The bean name * @param opName The operation name * @return the operation info for the specified operation */
public MBeanOperationInfo getMethodInfo(ObjectName oname, String opName) { MBeanInfo info = null; try { info = getMBeanServer().getMBeanInfo(oname); } catch (Exception e) { log.info(sm.getString("registry.noMetadata", oname)); return null; } MBeanOperationInfo attInfo[] = info.getOperations(); for (MBeanOperationInfo mBeanOperationInfo : attInfo) { if (opName.equals(mBeanOperationInfo.getName())) { return mBeanOperationInfo; } } return null; }
Find the operation info for a method.
  • oname – The bean name
  • opName – The operation name
  • argCount – The number of arguments to the method
Returns:the operation info for the specified operation
/** * Find the operation info for a method. * * @param oname The bean name * @param opName The operation name * @param argCount The number of arguments to the method * @return the operation info for the specified operation * @throws InstanceNotFoundException If the object name is not bound to an MBean */
public MBeanOperationInfo getMethodInfo(ObjectName oname, String opName, int argCount) throws InstanceNotFoundException { MBeanInfo info = null; try { info = getMBeanServer().getMBeanInfo(oname); } catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe) { throw infe; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(sm.getString("registry.noMetadata", oname), e); return null; } MBeanOperationInfo attInfo[] = info.getOperations(); for (MBeanOperationInfo mBeanOperationInfo : attInfo) { if (opName.equals(mBeanOperationInfo.getName()) && argCount == mBeanOperationInfo.getSignature().length) { return mBeanOperationInfo; } } return null; }
Unregister a component. This is just a helper that avoids exceptions by checking if the mbean is already registered
  • oname – The bean name
/** * Unregister a component. This is just a helper that avoids exceptions by * checking if the mbean is already registered * * @param oname The bean name */
public void unregisterComponent(ObjectName oname) { try { if (oname != null && getMBeanServer().isRegistered(oname)) { getMBeanServer().unregisterMBean(oname); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(sm.getString("registry.unregisterError"), t); } }
Factory method to create (if necessary) and return our MBeanServer instance.
Returns:the MBean server
/** * Factory method to create (if necessary) and return our * <code>MBeanServer</code> instance. * * @return the MBean server */
public MBeanServer getMBeanServer() { if (server == null) { synchronized (serverLock) { if (server == null) { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null).size() > 0) { server = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null).get(0); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Using existing MBeanServer " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1)); } } else { server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Creating MBeanServer" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1)); } } } } } return server; }
Find or load metadata.
  • bean – The bean
  • beanClass – The bean class
  • type – The registry type
Returns:the managed bean
/** * Find or load metadata. * * @param bean The bean * @param beanClass The bean class * @param type The registry type * @return the managed bean * @throws Exception An error occurred */
public ManagedBean findManagedBean(Object bean, Class<?> beanClass, String type) throws Exception { if (bean != null && beanClass == null) { beanClass = bean.getClass(); } if (type == null) { type = beanClass.getName(); } // first look for existing descriptor ManagedBean managed = findManagedBean(type); // Search for a descriptor in the same package if (managed == null) { // check package and parent packages if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Looking for descriptor "); } findDescriptor(beanClass, type); managed = findManagedBean(type); } // Still not found - use introspection if (managed == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Introspecting "); } // introspection load("MbeansDescriptorsIntrospectionSource", beanClass, type); managed = findManagedBean(type); if (managed == null) { log.warn(sm.getString("registry.noTypeMetadata", type)); return null; } managed.setName(type); addManagedBean(managed); } return managed; }
EXPERIMENTAL Convert a string to object, based on type. Used by several components. We could provide some pluggability. It is here to keep things consistent and avoid duplication in other tasks
  • type – Fully qualified class name of the resulting value
  • value – String value to be converted
Returns:Converted value
/** * EXPERIMENTAL Convert a string to object, based on type. Used by several * components. We could provide some pluggability. It is here to keep things * consistent and avoid duplication in other tasks * * @param type Fully qualified class name of the resulting value * @param value String value to be converted * @return Converted value */
public Object convertValue(String type, String value) { Object objValue = value; if (type == null || "java.lang.String".equals(type)) { // string is default objValue = value; } else if ("javax.management.ObjectName".equals(type) || "ObjectName".equals(type)) { try { objValue = new ObjectName(value); } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) { return null; } } else if ("java.lang.Integer".equals(type) || "int".equals(type)) { objValue = Integer.valueOf(value); } else if ("java.lang.Long".equals(type) || "long".equals(type)) { objValue = Long.valueOf(value); } else if ("java.lang.Boolean".equals(type) || "boolean".equals(type)) { objValue = Boolean.valueOf(value); } return objValue; }
Experimental. Load descriptors.
  • sourceType – The source type
  • source – The bean
  • param – A type to load
Returns:List of descriptors
/** * Experimental. Load descriptors. * * @param sourceType The source type * @param source The bean * @param param A type to load * @return List of descriptors * @throws Exception Error loading descriptors */
public List<ObjectName> load(String sourceType, Object source, String param) throws Exception { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("load " + source); } String location = null; String type = null; Object inputsource = null; if (source instanceof URL) { URL url = (URL) source; location = url.toString(); type = param; inputsource = url.openStream(); if (sourceType == null && location.endsWith(".xml")) { sourceType = "MbeansDescriptorsDigesterSource"; } } else if (source instanceof File) { location = ((File) source).getAbsolutePath(); inputsource = new FileInputStream((File) source); type = param; if (sourceType == null && location.endsWith(".xml")) { sourceType = "MbeansDescriptorsDigesterSource"; } } else if (source instanceof InputStream) { type = param; inputsource = source; } else if (source instanceof Class<?>) { location = ((Class<?>) source).getName(); type = param; inputsource = source; if (sourceType == null) { sourceType = "MbeansDescriptorsIntrospectionSource"; } } if (sourceType == null) { sourceType = "MbeansDescriptorsDigesterSource"; } ModelerSource ds = getModelerSource(sourceType); List<ObjectName> mbeans = ds.loadDescriptors(this, type, inputsource); return mbeans; }
Register a component
  • bean – The bean
  • oname – The object name
  • type – The registry type
/** * Register a component * * @param bean The bean * @param oname The object name * @param type The registry type * @throws Exception Error registering component */
public void registerComponent(Object bean, ObjectName oname, String type) throws Exception { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Managed= " + oname); } if (bean == null) { log.error(sm.getString("registry.nullBean", oname)); return; } try { if (type == null) { type = bean.getClass().getName(); } ManagedBean managed = findManagedBean(null, bean.getClass(), type); // The real mbean is created and registered DynamicMBean mbean = managed.createMBean(bean); if (getMBeanServer().isRegistered(oname)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Unregistering existing component " + oname); } getMBeanServer().unregisterMBean(oname); } getMBeanServer().registerMBean(mbean, oname); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(sm.getString("registry.registerError", oname), ex); throw ex; } }
Lookup the component descriptor in the package and in the parent packages.
  • packageName – The package name
  • classLoader – The class loader
/** * Lookup the component descriptor in the package and in the parent * packages. * * @param packageName The package name * @param classLoader The class loader */
public void loadDescriptors(String packageName, ClassLoader classLoader) { String res = packageName.replace('.', '/'); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Finding descriptor " + res); } if (searchedPaths.get(packageName) != null) { return; } String descriptors = res + "/mbeans-descriptors.xml"; URL dURL = classLoader.getResource(descriptors); if (dURL == null) { return; } log.debug("Found " + dURL); searchedPaths.put(packageName, dURL); try { load("MbeansDescriptorsDigesterSource", dURL, null); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(sm.getString("registry.loadError", dURL)); } }
Lookup the component descriptor in the package and in the parent packages.
/** * Lookup the component descriptor in the package and in the parent * packages. */
private void findDescriptor(Class<?> beanClass, String type) { if (type == null) { type = beanClass.getName(); } ClassLoader classLoader = null; if (beanClass != null) { classLoader = beanClass.getClassLoader(); } if (classLoader == null) { classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } if (classLoader == null) { classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); } String className = type; String pkg = className; while (pkg.indexOf(".") > 0) { int lastComp = pkg.lastIndexOf("."); if (lastComp <= 0) return; pkg = pkg.substring(0, lastComp); if (searchedPaths.get(pkg) != null) { return; } loadDescriptors(pkg, classLoader); } } private ModelerSource getModelerSource(String type) throws Exception { if (type == null) type = "MbeansDescriptorsDigesterSource"; if (!type.contains(".")) { type = "org.apache.tomcat.util.modeler.modules." + type; } Class<?> c = Class.forName(type); ModelerSource ds = (ModelerSource) c.getConstructor().newInstance(); return ds; } // -------------------- Registration -------------------- @Override public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server, ObjectName name) throws Exception { synchronized (serverLock) { this.server = server; } return name; } @Override public void postRegister(Boolean registrationDone) { } @Override public void preDeregister() throws Exception { } @Override public void postDeregister() { } }