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 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.tomcat.util.http;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Date;

import jakarta.servlet.http.Cookie;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;
import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.MessageBytes;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.log.UserDataHelper;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.res.StringManager;

The legacy (up to early Tomcat 8 releases) cookie parser based on RFC6265, RFC2109 and RFC2616. This class is not thread-safe.
Author:Costin Manolache, kevin seguin
/** * The legacy (up to early Tomcat 8 releases) cookie parser based on RFC6265, * RFC2109 and RFC2616. * * This class is not thread-safe. * * @author Costin Manolache * @author kevin seguin */
public final class LegacyCookieProcessor extends CookieProcessorBase { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LegacyCookieProcessor.class); private static final UserDataHelper userDataLog = new UserDataHelper(log); private static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager("org.apache.tomcat.util.http"); private static final char[] V0_SEPARATORS = {',', ';', ' ', '\t'}; private static final BitSet V0_SEPARATOR_FLAGS = new BitSet(128); // Excludes '/' since configuration controls whether or not to treat '/' as // a separator private static final char[] HTTP_SEPARATORS = new char[] { '\t', ' ', '\"', '(', ')', ',', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', '\\', ']', '{', '}' }; static { for (char c : V0_SEPARATORS) { V0_SEPARATOR_FLAGS.set(c); } } private final boolean STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE = Boolean.getBoolean("org.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE"); private boolean allowEqualsInValue = false; private boolean allowNameOnly = false; private boolean allowHttpSepsInV0 = false; private boolean alwaysAddExpires = !STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE; private final BitSet httpSeparatorFlags = new BitSet(128); private final BitSet allowedWithoutQuotes = new BitSet(128); public LegacyCookieProcessor() { // BitSet elements will default to false for (char c : HTTP_SEPARATORS) { httpSeparatorFlags.set(c); } boolean b = STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE; if (b) { httpSeparatorFlags.set('/'); } String separators; if (getAllowHttpSepsInV0()) { // comma, semi-colon and space as defined by netscape separators = ",; "; } else { // separators as defined by RFC2616 separators = "()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t"; } // all CHARs except CTLs or separators are allowed without quoting allowedWithoutQuotes.set(0x20, 0x7f); for (char ch : separators.toCharArray()) { allowedWithoutQuotes.clear(ch); } /** * Some browsers (e.g. IE6 and IE7) do not handle quoted Path values even * when Version is set to 1. To allow for this, we support a property * FWD_SLASH_IS_SEPARATOR which, when false, means a '/' character will not * be treated as a separator, potentially avoiding quoting and the ensuing * side effect of having the cookie upgraded to version 1. * * For now, we apply this rule globally rather than just to the Path attribute. */ if (!getAllowHttpSepsInV0() && !getForwardSlashIsSeparator()) { allowedWithoutQuotes.set('/'); } } public boolean getAllowEqualsInValue() { return allowEqualsInValue; } public void setAllowEqualsInValue(boolean allowEqualsInValue) { this.allowEqualsInValue = allowEqualsInValue; } public boolean getAllowNameOnly() { return allowNameOnly; } public void setAllowNameOnly(boolean allowNameOnly) { this.allowNameOnly = allowNameOnly; } public boolean getAllowHttpSepsInV0() { return allowHttpSepsInV0; } public void setAllowHttpSepsInV0(boolean allowHttpSepsInV0) { this.allowHttpSepsInV0 = allowHttpSepsInV0; // HTTP separators less comma, semicolon and space since the Netscape // spec defines those as separators too. // '/' is also treated as a special case char[] seps = "()<>@:\\\"[]?={}\t".toCharArray(); for (char sep : seps) { if (allowHttpSepsInV0) { allowedWithoutQuotes.set(sep); } else { allowedWithoutQuotes.clear(sep); } } if (getForwardSlashIsSeparator() && !allowHttpSepsInV0) { allowedWithoutQuotes.clear('/'); } else { allowedWithoutQuotes.set('/'); } } public boolean getForwardSlashIsSeparator() { return httpSeparatorFlags.get('/'); } public void setForwardSlashIsSeparator(boolean forwardSlashIsSeparator) { if (forwardSlashIsSeparator) { httpSeparatorFlags.set('/'); } else { httpSeparatorFlags.clear('/'); } if (forwardSlashIsSeparator && !getAllowHttpSepsInV0()) { allowedWithoutQuotes.clear('/'); } else { allowedWithoutQuotes.set('/'); } } public boolean getAlwaysAddExpires() { return alwaysAddExpires; } public void setAlwaysAddExpires(boolean alwaysAddExpires) { this.alwaysAddExpires = alwaysAddExpires; } @Override public Charset getCharset() { return StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1; } @Override public void parseCookieHeader(MimeHeaders headers, ServerCookies serverCookies) { if (headers == null) { // nothing to process return; } // process each "cookie" header int pos = headers.findHeader("Cookie", 0); while (pos >= 0) { MessageBytes cookieValue = headers.getValue(pos); if (cookieValue != null && !cookieValue.isNull() ) { if (cookieValue.getType() != MessageBytes.T_BYTES ) { Exception e = new Exception(); // TODO: Review this in light of HTTP/2 log.debug("Cookies: Parsing cookie as String. Expected bytes.", e); cookieValue.toBytes(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Cookies: Parsing b[]: " + cookieValue.toString()); } ByteChunk bc = cookieValue.getByteChunk(); processCookieHeader(bc.getBytes(), bc.getOffset(), bc.getLength(), serverCookies); } // search from the next position pos = headers.findHeader("Cookie", ++pos); } } @Override public String generateHeader(Cookie cookie, HttpServletRequest request) { /* * The spec allows some latitude on when to send the version attribute * with a Set-Cookie header. To be nice to clients, we'll make sure the * version attribute is first. That means checking the various things * that can cause us to switch to a v1 cookie first. * * Note that by checking for tokens we will also throw an exception if a * control character is encountered. */ int version = cookie.getVersion(); String value = cookie.getValue(); String path = cookie.getPath(); String domain = cookie.getDomain(); String comment = cookie.getComment(); if (version == 0) { // Check for the things that require a v1 cookie if (needsQuotes(value, 0) || comment != null || needsQuotes(path, 0) || needsQuotes(domain, 0)) { version = 1; } } // Now build the cookie header StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); // can't use StringBuilder due to DateFormat // Just use the name supplied in the Cookie buf.append(cookie.getName()); buf.append('='); // Value maybeQuote(buf, value, version); // Add version 1 specific information if (version == 1) { // Version=1 ... required buf.append ("; Version=1"); // Comment=comment if (comment != null) { buf.append ("; Comment="); maybeQuote(buf, comment, version); } } // Add domain information, if present if (domain != null) { buf.append("; Domain="); maybeQuote(buf, domain, version); } // Max-Age=secs ... or use old "Expires" format int maxAge = cookie.getMaxAge(); if (maxAge >= 0) { if (version > 0) { buf.append ("; Max-Age="); buf.append (maxAge); } // IE6, IE7 and possibly other browsers don't understand Max-Age. // They do understand Expires, even with V1 cookies! if (version == 0 || getAlwaysAddExpires()) { // Wdy, DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS GMT ( Expires Netscape format ) buf.append ("; Expires="); // To expire immediately we need to set the time in past if (maxAge == 0) { buf.append( ANCIENT_DATE ); } else { COOKIE_DATE_FORMAT.get().format( new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + maxAge * 1000L), buf, new FieldPosition(0)); } } } // Path=path if (path!=null) { buf.append ("; Path="); maybeQuote(buf, path, version); } // Secure if (cookie.getSecure()) { buf.append ("; Secure"); } // HttpOnly if (cookie.isHttpOnly()) { buf.append("; HttpOnly"); } SameSiteCookies sameSiteCookiesValue = getSameSiteCookies(); if (!sameSiteCookiesValue.equals(SameSiteCookies.UNSET)) { buf.append("; SameSite="); buf.append(sameSiteCookiesValue.getValue()); } return buf.toString(); } private void maybeQuote(StringBuffer buf, String value, int version) { if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { buf.append("\"\""); } else if (alreadyQuoted(value)) { buf.append('"'); escapeDoubleQuotes(buf, value,1,value.length()-1); buf.append('"'); } else if (needsQuotes(value, version)) { buf.append('"'); escapeDoubleQuotes(buf, value,0,value.length()); buf.append('"'); } else { buf.append(value); } } private static void escapeDoubleQuotes(StringBuffer b, String s, int beginIndex, int endIndex) { if (s.indexOf('"') == -1 && s.indexOf('\\') == -1) { b.append(s); return; } for (int i = beginIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '\\' ) { b.append('\\').append('\\'); } else if (c == '"') { b.append('\\').append('"'); } else { b.append(c); } } } private boolean needsQuotes(String value, int version) { if (value == null) { return false; } int i = 0; int len = value.length(); if (alreadyQuoted(value)) { i++; len--; } for (; i < len; i++) { char c = value.charAt(i); if ((c < 0x20 && c != '\t') || c >= 0x7f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Control character in cookie value or attribute."); } if (version == 0 && !allowedWithoutQuotes.get(c) || version == 1 && isHttpSeparator(c)) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean alreadyQuoted (String value) { return value.length() >= 2 && value.charAt(0) == '\"' && value.charAt(value.length() - 1) == '\"'; }
Parses a cookie header after the initial "Cookie:" [WS][$]token[WS]=[WS](token|QV)[;|,] RFC 2965 / RFC 2109 JVK
/** * Parses a cookie header after the initial "Cookie:" * [WS][$]token[WS]=[WS](token|QV)[;|,] * RFC 2965 / RFC 2109 * JVK */
private final void processCookieHeader(byte bytes[], int off, int len, ServerCookies serverCookies) { if (len <= 0 || bytes == null) { return; } int end = off + len; int pos = off; int nameStart = 0; int nameEnd = 0; int valueStart = 0; int valueEnd = 0; int version = 0; ServerCookie sc = null; boolean isSpecial; boolean isQuoted; while (pos < end) { isSpecial = false; isQuoted = false; // Skip whitespace and non-token characters (separators) while (pos < end && (isHttpSeparator((char) bytes[pos]) && !getAllowHttpSepsInV0() || isV0Separator((char) bytes[pos]) || isWhiteSpace(bytes[pos]))) {pos++; } if (pos >= end) { return; } // Detect Special cookies if (bytes[pos] == '$') { isSpecial = true; pos++; } // Get the cookie/attribute name. This must be a token valueEnd = valueStart = nameStart = pos; pos = nameEnd = getTokenEndPosition(bytes,pos,end,version,true); // Skip whitespace while (pos < end && isWhiteSpace(bytes[pos])) {pos++; } // Check for an '=' -- This could also be a name-only // cookie at the end of the cookie header, so if we // are past the end of the header, but we have a name // skip to the name-only part. if (pos < (end - 1) && bytes[pos] == '=') { // Skip whitespace do { pos++; } while (pos < end && isWhiteSpace(bytes[pos])); if (pos >= end) { return; } // Determine what type of value this is, quoted value, // token, name-only with an '=', or other (bad) switch (bytes[pos]) { case '"': // Quoted Value isQuoted = true; valueStart = pos + 1; // strip " // getQuotedValue returns the position before // at the last quote. This must be dealt with // when the bytes are copied into the cookie valueEnd = getQuotedValueEndPosition(bytes, valueStart, end); // We need pos to advance pos = valueEnd; // Handles cases where the quoted value is // unterminated and at the end of the header, // e.g. [myname="value] if (pos >= end) { return; } break; case ';': case ',': // Name-only cookie with an '=' after the name token // This may not be RFC compliant valueStart = valueEnd = -1; // The position is OK (On a delimiter) break; default: if (version == 0 && !isV0Separator((char)bytes[pos]) && getAllowHttpSepsInV0() || !isHttpSeparator((char)bytes[pos]) || bytes[pos] == '=') { // Token valueStart = pos; // getToken returns the position at the delimiter // or other non-token character valueEnd = getTokenEndPosition(bytes, valueStart, end, version, false); // We need pos to advance pos = valueEnd; // Edge case. If value starts with '=' but this is not // allowed in a value make sure we treat this as no // value being present if (valueStart == valueEnd) { valueStart = -1; valueEnd = -1; } } else { // INVALID COOKIE, advance to next delimiter // The starting character of the cookie value was // not valid. UserDataHelper.Mode logMode = userDataLog.getNextMode(); if (logMode != null) { String message = sm.getString( "cookies.invalidCookieToken"); switch (logMode) { case INFO_THEN_DEBUG: message += sm.getString( "cookies.fallToDebug"); //$FALL-THROUGH$ case INFO: log.info(message); break; case DEBUG: log.debug(message); } } while (pos < end && bytes[pos] != ';' && bytes[pos] != ',') {pos++; } pos++; // Make sure no special avpairs can be attributed to // the previous cookie by setting the current cookie // to null sc = null; continue; } } } else { // Name only cookie valueStart = valueEnd = -1; pos = nameEnd; } // We should have an avpair or name-only cookie at this // point. Perform some basic checks to make sure we are // in a good state. // Skip whitespace while (pos < end && isWhiteSpace(bytes[pos])) {pos++; } // Make sure that after the cookie we have a separator. This // is only important if this is not the last cookie pair while (pos < end && bytes[pos] != ';' && bytes[pos] != ',') { pos++; } pos++; // All checks passed. Add the cookie, start with the // special avpairs first if (isSpecial) { isSpecial = false; // $Version must be the first avpair in the cookie header // (sc must be null) if (equals( "Version", bytes, nameStart, nameEnd) && sc == null) { // Set version if( bytes[valueStart] =='1' && valueEnd == (valueStart+1)) { version=1; } else { // unknown version (Versioning is not very strict) } continue; } // We need an active cookie for Path/Port/etc. if (sc == null) { continue; } // Domain is more common, so it goes first if (equals( "Domain", bytes, nameStart, nameEnd)) { sc.getDomain().setBytes( bytes, valueStart, valueEnd-valueStart); continue; } if (equals( "Path", bytes, nameStart, nameEnd)) { sc.getPath().setBytes( bytes, valueStart, valueEnd-valueStart); continue; } // v2 cookie attributes - skip them if (equals( "Port", bytes, nameStart, nameEnd)) { continue; } if (equals( "CommentURL", bytes, nameStart, nameEnd)) { continue; } // Unknown cookie, complain UserDataHelper.Mode logMode = userDataLog.getNextMode(); if (logMode != null) { String message = sm.getString("cookies.invalidSpecial"); switch (logMode) { case INFO_THEN_DEBUG: message += sm.getString("cookies.fallToDebug"); //$FALL-THROUGH$ case INFO: log.info(message); break; case DEBUG: log.debug(message); } } } else { // Normal Cookie if (valueStart == -1 && !getAllowNameOnly()) { // Skip name only cookies if not supported continue; } sc = serverCookies.addCookie(); sc.setVersion( version ); sc.getName().setBytes( bytes, nameStart, nameEnd-nameStart); if (valueStart != -1) { // Normal AVPair sc.getValue().setBytes( bytes, valueStart, valueEnd-valueStart); if (isQuoted) { // We know this is a byte value so this is safe unescapeDoubleQuotes(sc.getValue().getByteChunk()); } } else { // Name Only sc.getValue().setString(""); } continue; } } }
Given the starting position of a token, this gets the end of the token, with no separator characters in between. JVK
/** * Given the starting position of a token, this gets the end of the * token, with no separator characters in between. * JVK */
private final int getTokenEndPosition(byte bytes[], int off, int end, int version, boolean isName){ int pos = off; while (pos < end && (!isHttpSeparator((char)bytes[pos]) || version == 0 && getAllowHttpSepsInV0() && bytes[pos] != '=' && !isV0Separator((char)bytes[pos]) || !isName && bytes[pos] == '=' && getAllowEqualsInValue())) { pos++; } if (pos > end) { return end; } return pos; } private boolean isHttpSeparator(final char c) { if (c < 0x20 || c >= 0x7f) { if (c != 0x09) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Control character in cookie value or attribute."); } } return httpSeparatorFlags.get(c); }
Returns true if the byte is a separator as defined by V0 of the cookie spec.
/** * Returns true if the byte is a separator as defined by V0 of the cookie * spec. */
private static boolean isV0Separator(final char c) { if (c < 0x20 || c >= 0x7f) { if (c != 0x09) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Control character in cookie value or attribute."); } } return V0_SEPARATOR_FLAGS.get(c); }
Given a starting position after an initial quote character, this gets the position of the end quote. This escapes anything after a '\' char JVK RFC 2616
/** * Given a starting position after an initial quote character, this gets * the position of the end quote. This escapes anything after a '\' char * JVK RFC 2616 */
private static final int getQuotedValueEndPosition(byte bytes[], int off, int end){ int pos = off; while (pos < end) { if (bytes[pos] == '"') { return pos; } else if (bytes[pos] == '\\' && pos < (end - 1)) { pos+=2; } else { pos++; } } // Error, we have reached the end of the header w/o a end quote return end; } private static final boolean equals(String s, byte b[], int start, int end) { int blen = end-start; if (b == null || blen != s.length()) { return false; } int boff = start; for (int i = 0; i < blen; i++) { if (b[boff++] != s.charAt(i)) { return false; } } return true; }
Returns true if the byte is a whitespace character as defined in RFC2619 JVK
/** * Returns true if the byte is a whitespace character as * defined in RFC2619 * JVK */
private static final boolean isWhiteSpace(final byte c) { // This switch statement is slightly slower // for my vm than the if statement. // Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_07-164) /* switch (c) { case ' ':; case '\t':; case '\n':; case '\r':; case '\f':; return true; default:; return false; } */ if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f') { return true; } else { return false; } }
Unescapes any double quotes in the given cookie value.
  • bc – The cookie value to modify
/** * Unescapes any double quotes in the given cookie value. * * @param bc The cookie value to modify */
private static final void unescapeDoubleQuotes(ByteChunk bc) { if (bc == null || bc.getLength() == 0 || bc.indexOf('"', 0) == -1) { return; } // Take a copy of the buffer so the original cookie header is not // modified by this unescaping. byte[] original = bc.getBuffer(); int len = bc.getLength(); byte[] copy = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(original, bc.getStart(), copy, 0, len); int src = 0; int dest = 0; while (src < len) { if (copy[src] == '\\' && src < len && copy[src+1] == '"') { src++; } copy[dest] = copy[src]; dest ++; src ++; } bc.setBytes(copy, 0, dest); } }