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package org.apache.lucene.index;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.net.InetAddress;

import org.apache.lucene.document.BinaryPoint;
import org.apache.lucene.document.DoublePoint;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.document.FloatPoint;
import org.apache.lucene.document.IntPoint;
import org.apache.lucene.document.LatLonPoint;
import org.apache.lucene.document.LongPoint;
import org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FutureArrays;
import org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDConfig;

Access to indexed numeric values.

Points represent numeric values and are indexed differently than ordinary text. Instead of an inverted index, points are indexed with datastructures such as KD-trees. These structures are optimized for operations such as range, distance, nearest-neighbor, and point-in-polygon queries.

Basic Point Types

Basic point types in Java and Lucene
Java typeLucene class
* in the lucene-sandbox jar

Basic Lucene point types behave like their java peers: for example IntPoint represents a signed 32-bit Integer, supporting values ranging from Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE, ordered consistent with Integer.compareTo(Integer). In addition to indexing support, point classes also contain static methods (such as IntPoint.newRangeQuery(String, int, int)) for creating common queries. For example:

  // add year 1970 to document
  document.add(new IntPoint("year", 1970));
  // index document
  // issue range query of 1960-1980
  Query query = IntPoint.newRangeQuery("year", 1960, 1980);
  TopDocs docs = searcher.search(query, ...);

Geospatial Point Types

Although basic point types such as DoublePoint support points in multi-dimensional space too, Lucene has specialized classes for location data. These classes are optimized for location data: they are more space-efficient and support special operations such as distance and polygon queries. There are currently two implementations:
  1. LatLonPoint: indexes (latitude,longitude) as (x,y) in two-dimensional space.
  2. Geo3DPoint* in lucene-spatial3d: indexes (latitude,longitude) as (x,y,z) in three-dimensional space.
* does not support altitude, 3D here means "uses three dimensions under-the-hood"

Advanced usage

Custom structures can be created on top of single- or multi- dimensional basic types, on top of BinaryPoint for more flexibility, or via custom Field subclasses. @lucene.experimental
/** * Access to indexed numeric values. * <p> * Points represent numeric values and are indexed differently than ordinary text. Instead of an inverted index, * points are indexed with datastructures such as <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-d_tree">KD-trees</a>. * These structures are optimized for operations such as <i>range</i>, <i>distance</i>, <i>nearest-neighbor</i>, * and <i>point-in-polygon</i> queries. * <h2>Basic Point Types</h2> * <table> * <caption>Basic point types in Java and Lucene</caption> * <tr><th>Java type</th><th>Lucene class</th></tr> * <tr><td>{@code int}</td><td>{@link IntPoint}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code long}</td><td>{@link LongPoint}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code float}</td><td>{@link FloatPoint}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code double}</td><td>{@link DoublePoint}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code byte[]}</td><td>{@link BinaryPoint}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link BigInteger}</td><td><a href="{@docRoot}/../sandbox/org/apache/lucene/document/BigIntegerPoint.html">BigIntegerPoint</a>*</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link InetAddress}</td><td><a href="{@docRoot}/../misc/org/apache/lucene/document/InetAddressPoint.html">InetAddressPoint</a>*</td></tr> * </table> * * in the <i>lucene-sandbox</i> jar<br> * <p> * Basic Lucene point types behave like their java peers: for example {@link IntPoint} represents a signed 32-bit * {@link Integer}, supporting values ranging from {@link Integer#MIN_VALUE} to {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, ordered * consistent with {@link Integer#compareTo(Integer)}. In addition to indexing support, point classes also contain * static methods (such as {@link IntPoint#newRangeQuery(String, int, int)}) for creating common queries. For example: * <pre class="prettyprint"> * // add year 1970 to document * document.add(new IntPoint("year", 1970)); * // index document * writer.addDocument(document); * ... * // issue range query of 1960-1980 * Query query = IntPoint.newRangeQuery("year", 1960, 1980); * TopDocs docs = searcher.search(query, ...); * </pre> * <h2>Geospatial Point Types</h2> * Although basic point types such as {@link DoublePoint} support points in multi-dimensional space too, Lucene has * specialized classes for location data. These classes are optimized for location data: they are more space-efficient and * support special operations such as <i>distance</i> and <i>polygon</i> queries. There are currently two implementations: * <br> * <ol> * <li>{@link LatLonPoint}: indexes {@code (latitude,longitude)} as {@code (x,y)} in two-dimensional space. * <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../spatial3d/org/apache/lucene/spatial3d/Geo3DPoint.html">Geo3DPoint</a>* in <i>lucene-spatial3d</i>: indexes {@code (latitude,longitude)} as {@code (x,y,z)} in three-dimensional space. * </ol> * * does <b>not</b> support altitude, 3D here means "uses three dimensions under-the-hood"<br> * <h2>Advanced usage</h2> * Custom structures can be created on top of single- or multi- dimensional basic types, on top of * {@link BinaryPoint} for more flexibility, or via custom {@link Field} subclasses. * * @lucene.experimental */
public abstract class PointValues {
Maximum number of bytes for each dimension
/** Maximum number of bytes for each dimension */
public static final int MAX_NUM_BYTES = 16;
Maximum number of dimensions
/** Maximum number of dimensions */
public static final int MAX_DIMENSIONS = BKDConfig.MAX_DIMS;
Maximum number of index dimensions
/** Maximum number of index dimensions */
public static final int MAX_INDEX_DIMENSIONS = BKDConfig.MAX_INDEX_DIMS;
Return the cumulated number of points across all leaves of the given IndexReader. Leaves that do not have points for the given field are ignored. @see PointValues#size()
/** Return the cumulated number of points across all leaves of the given * {@link IndexReader}. Leaves that do not have points for the given field * are ignored. * @see PointValues#size() */
public static long size(IndexReader reader, String field) throws IOException { long size = 0; for (LeafReaderContext ctx : reader.leaves()) { PointValues values = ctx.reader().getPointValues(field); if (values != null) { size += values.size(); } } return size; }
Return the cumulated number of docs that have points across all leaves of the given IndexReader. Leaves that do not have points for the given field are ignored. @see PointValues#getDocCount()
/** Return the cumulated number of docs that have points across all leaves * of the given {@link IndexReader}. Leaves that do not have points for the * given field are ignored. * @see PointValues#getDocCount() */
public static int getDocCount(IndexReader reader, String field) throws IOException { int count = 0; for (LeafReaderContext ctx : reader.leaves()) { PointValues values = ctx.reader().getPointValues(field); if (values != null) { count += values.getDocCount(); } } return count; }
Return the minimum packed values across all leaves of the given IndexReader. Leaves that do not have points for the given field are ignored. @see PointValues#getMinPackedValue()
/** Return the minimum packed values across all leaves of the given * {@link IndexReader}. Leaves that do not have points for the given field * are ignored. * @see PointValues#getMinPackedValue() */
public static byte[] getMinPackedValue(IndexReader reader, String field) throws IOException { byte[] minValue = null; for (LeafReaderContext ctx : reader.leaves()) { PointValues values = ctx.reader().getPointValues(field); if (values == null) { continue; } byte[] leafMinValue = values.getMinPackedValue(); if (leafMinValue == null) { continue; } if (minValue == null) { minValue = leafMinValue.clone(); } else { final int numDimensions = values.getNumIndexDimensions(); final int numBytesPerDimension = values.getBytesPerDimension(); for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; ++i) { int offset = i * numBytesPerDimension; if (FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(leafMinValue, offset, offset + numBytesPerDimension, minValue, offset, offset + numBytesPerDimension) < 0) { System.arraycopy(leafMinValue, offset, minValue, offset, numBytesPerDimension); } } } } return minValue; }
Return the maximum packed values across all leaves of the given IndexReader. Leaves that do not have points for the given field are ignored. @see PointValues#getMaxPackedValue()
/** Return the maximum packed values across all leaves of the given * {@link IndexReader}. Leaves that do not have points for the given field * are ignored. * @see PointValues#getMaxPackedValue() */
public static byte[] getMaxPackedValue(IndexReader reader, String field) throws IOException { byte[] maxValue = null; for (LeafReaderContext ctx : reader.leaves()) { PointValues values = ctx.reader().getPointValues(field); if (values == null) { continue; } byte[] leafMaxValue = values.getMaxPackedValue(); if (leafMaxValue == null) { continue; } if (maxValue == null) { maxValue = leafMaxValue.clone(); } else { final int numDimensions = values.getNumIndexDimensions(); final int numBytesPerDimension = values.getBytesPerDimension(); for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; ++i) { int offset = i * numBytesPerDimension; if (FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(leafMaxValue, offset, offset + numBytesPerDimension, maxValue, offset, offset + numBytesPerDimension) > 0) { System.arraycopy(leafMaxValue, offset, maxValue, offset, numBytesPerDimension); } } } } return maxValue; }
Default constructor
/** Default constructor */
protected PointValues() { }
Used by intersect to check how each recursive cell corresponds to the query.
/** Used by {@link #intersect} to check how each recursive cell corresponds to the query. */
public enum Relation {
Return this if the cell is fully contained by the query
/** Return this if the cell is fully contained by the query */
Return this if the cell and query do not overlap
/** Return this if the cell and query do not overlap */
Return this if the cell partially overlaps the query
/** Return this if the cell partially overlaps the query */
We recurse the BKD tree, using a provided instance of this to guide the recursion.
/** We recurse the BKD tree, using a provided instance of this to guide the recursion. * * @lucene.experimental */
public interface IntersectVisitor {
Called for all documents in a leaf cell that's fully contained by the query. The consumer should blindly accept the docID.
/** Called for all documents in a leaf cell that's fully contained by the query. The * consumer should blindly accept the docID. */
void visit(int docID) throws IOException;
Called for all documents in a leaf cell that crosses the query. The consumer should scrutinize the packedValue to decide whether to accept it. In the 1D case, values are visited in increasing order, and in the case of ties, in increasing docID order.
/** Called for all documents in a leaf cell that crosses the query. The consumer * should scrutinize the packedValue to decide whether to accept it. In the 1D case, * values are visited in increasing order, and in the case of ties, in increasing * docID order. */
void visit(int docID, byte[] packedValue) throws IOException;
Similar to visit(int, byte[]) but in this case the packedValue can have more than one docID associated to it. The provided iterator should not escape the scope of this method so that implementations of PointValues are free to reuse it,
/** Similar to {@link IntersectVisitor#visit(int, byte[])} but in this case the packedValue * can have more than one docID associated to it. The provided iterator should not escape the * scope of this method so that implementations of PointValues are free to reuse it,*/
default void visit(DocIdSetIterator iterator, byte[] packedValue) throws IOException { int docID; while ((docID = iterator.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { visit(docID, packedValue); } }
Called for non-leaf cells to test how the cell relates to the query, to determine how to further recurse down the tree.
/** Called for non-leaf cells to test how the cell relates to the query, to * determine how to further recurse down the tree. */
Relation compare(byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue);
Notifies the caller that this many documents are about to be visited
/** Notifies the caller that this many documents are about to be visited */
default void grow(int count) {}; }
Finds all documents and points matching the provided visitor. This method does not enforce live documents, so it's up to the caller to test whether each document is deleted, if necessary.
/** Finds all documents and points matching the provided visitor. * This method does not enforce live documents, so it's up to the caller * to test whether each document is deleted, if necessary. */
public abstract void intersect(IntersectVisitor visitor) throws IOException;
Estimate the number of points that would be visited by intersect with the given IntersectVisitor. This should run many times faster than intersect(IntersectVisitor).
/** Estimate the number of points that would be visited by {@link #intersect} * with the given {@link IntersectVisitor}. This should run many times faster * than {@link #intersect(IntersectVisitor)}. */
public abstract long estimatePointCount(IntersectVisitor visitor);
Estimate the number of documents that would be matched by intersect with the given IntersectVisitor. This should run many times faster than intersect(IntersectVisitor).
See Also:
/** Estimate the number of documents that would be matched by {@link #intersect} * with the given {@link IntersectVisitor}. This should run many times faster * than {@link #intersect(IntersectVisitor)}. * @see DocIdSetIterator#cost */
public long estimateDocCount(IntersectVisitor visitor) { long estimatedPointCount = estimatePointCount(visitor); int docCount = getDocCount(); double size = size(); if (estimatedPointCount >= size) { // math all docs return docCount; } else if (size == docCount || estimatedPointCount == 0L ) { // if the point count estimate is 0 or we have only single values // return this estimate return estimatedPointCount; } else { // in case of multi values estimate the number of docs using the solution provided in // https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1175295/urn-problem-probability-of-drawing-balls-of-k-unique-colors // then approximate the solution for points per doc << size() which results in the expression // D * (1 - ((N - n) / N)^(N/D)) // where D is the total number of docs, N the total number of points and n the estimated point count long docEstimate = (long) (docCount * (1d - Math.pow((size - estimatedPointCount) / size, size / docCount))); return docEstimate == 0L ? 1L : docEstimate; } }
Returns minimum value for each dimension, packed, or null if size is 0
/** Returns minimum value for each dimension, packed, or null if {@link #size} is <code>0</code> */
public abstract byte[] getMinPackedValue() throws IOException;
Returns maximum value for each dimension, packed, or null if size is 0
/** Returns maximum value for each dimension, packed, or null if {@link #size} is <code>0</code> */
public abstract byte[] getMaxPackedValue() throws IOException;
Returns how many dimensions are represented in the values
/** Returns how many dimensions are represented in the values */
public abstract int getNumDimensions() throws IOException;
Returns how many dimensions are used for the index
/** Returns how many dimensions are used for the index */
public abstract int getNumIndexDimensions() throws IOException;
Returns the number of bytes per dimension
/** Returns the number of bytes per dimension */
public abstract int getBytesPerDimension() throws IOException;
Returns the total number of indexed points across all documents.
/** Returns the total number of indexed points across all documents. */
public abstract long size();
Returns the total number of documents that have indexed at least one point.
/** Returns the total number of documents that have indexed at least one point. */
public abstract int getDocCount(); }