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package org.apache.lucene.document;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;

import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableFieldType;
import org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues;
import org.apache.lucene.search.MatchNoDocsQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.PointInSetQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.PointRangeQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FutureArrays;

An indexed binary field for fast range filters. If you also need to store the value, you should add a separate StoredField instance.

Finding all documents within an N-dimensional shape or range at search time is efficient. Multiple values for the same field in one document is allowed.

This field defines static factory methods for creating common queries:

See Also:
/** * An indexed binary field for fast range filters. If you also * need to store the value, you should add a separate {@link StoredField} instance. * <p> * Finding all documents within an N-dimensional shape or range at search time is * efficient. Multiple values for the same field in one document * is allowed. * <p> * This field defines static factory methods for creating common queries: * <ul> * <li>{@link #newExactQuery(String, byte[])} for matching an exact 1D point. * <li>{@link #newSetQuery(String, byte[][]) newSetQuery(String, byte[]...)} for matching a set of 1D values. * <li>{@link #newRangeQuery(String, byte[], byte[])} for matching a 1D range. * <li>{@link #newRangeQuery(String, byte[][], byte[][])} for matching points/ranges in n-dimensional space. * </ul> * @see PointValues */
public final class BinaryPoint extends Field { private static FieldType getType(byte[][] point) { if (point == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("point must not be null"); } if (point.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("point must not be 0 dimensions"); } int bytesPerDim = -1; for(int i=0;i<point.length;i++) { byte[] oneDim = point[i]; if (oneDim == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("point must not have null values"); } if (oneDim.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("point must not have 0-length values"); } if (bytesPerDim == -1) { bytesPerDim = oneDim.length; } else if (bytesPerDim != oneDim.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("all dimensions must have same bytes length; got " + bytesPerDim + " and " + oneDim.length); } } return getType(point.length, bytesPerDim); } private static FieldType getType(int numDims, int bytesPerDim) { FieldType type = new FieldType(); type.setDimensions(numDims, bytesPerDim); type.freeze(); return type; } private static BytesRef pack(byte[]... point) { if (point == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("point must not be null"); } if (point.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("point must not be 0 dimensions"); } if (point.length == 1) { return new BytesRef(point[0]); } int bytesPerDim = -1; for(byte[] dim : point) { if (dim == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("point must not have null values"); } if (bytesPerDim == -1) { if (dim.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("point must not have 0-length values"); } bytesPerDim = dim.length; } else if (dim.length != bytesPerDim) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("all dimensions must have same bytes length; got " + bytesPerDim + " and " + dim.length); } } byte[] packed = new byte[bytesPerDim*point.length]; for(int i=0;i<point.length;i++) { System.arraycopy(point[i], 0, packed, i*bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim); } return new BytesRef(packed); }
General purpose API: creates a new BinaryPoint, indexing the provided N-dimensional binary point. @param name field name @param point byte[][] value @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field name or value is null.
/** General purpose API: creates a new BinaryPoint, indexing the * provided N-dimensional binary point. * * @param name field name * @param point byte[][] value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field name or value is null. */
public BinaryPoint(String name, byte[]... point) { super(name, pack(point), getType(point)); }
Expert API
/** Expert API */
public BinaryPoint(String name, byte[] packedPoint, IndexableFieldType type) { super(name, packedPoint, type); if (packedPoint.length != type.pointDimensionCount() * type.pointNumBytes()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("packedPoint is length=" + packedPoint.length + " but type.pointDimensionCount()=" + type.pointDimensionCount() + " and type.pointNumBytes()=" + type.pointNumBytes()); } } // static methods for generating queries
Create a query for matching an exact binary value.

This is for simple one-dimension points, for multidimensional points use newRangeQuery(String, byte[][], byte[][]) instead.

  • field – field name. must not be null.
  • value – binary value
Returns:a query matching documents with this exact value
/** * Create a query for matching an exact binary value. * <p> * This is for simple one-dimension points, for multidimensional points use * {@link #newRangeQuery(String, byte[][], byte[][])} instead. * * @param field field name. must not be {@code null}. * @param value binary value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} is null or {@code value} is null * @return a query matching documents with this exact value */
public static Query newExactQuery(String field, byte[] value) { return newRangeQuery(field, value, value); }
Create a range query for binary values.

This is for simple one-dimension ranges, for multidimensional ranges use newRangeQuery(String, byte[][], byte[][]) instead.

  • field – field name. must not be null.
  • lowerValue – lower portion of the range (inclusive). must not be null
  • upperValue – upper portion of the range (inclusive). must not be null
Returns:a query matching documents within this range.
/** * Create a range query for binary values. * <p> * This is for simple one-dimension ranges, for multidimensional ranges use * {@link #newRangeQuery(String, byte[][], byte[][])} instead. * * @param field field name. must not be {@code null}. * @param lowerValue lower portion of the range (inclusive). must not be {@code null} * @param upperValue upper portion of the range (inclusive). must not be {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} is null, if {@code lowerValue} is null, * or if {@code upperValue} is null * @return a query matching documents within this range. */
public static Query newRangeQuery(String field, byte[] lowerValue, byte[] upperValue) { PointRangeQuery.checkArgs(field, lowerValue, upperValue); return newRangeQuery(field, new byte[][] {lowerValue}, new byte[][] {upperValue}); }
Create a range query for n-dimensional binary values.
  • field – field name. must not be null.
  • lowerValue – lower portion of the range (inclusive). must not be null.
  • upperValue – upper portion of the range (inclusive). must not be null.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if field is null, if lowerValue is null, if upperValue is null, or if lowerValue.length != upperValue.length
Returns:a query matching documents within this range.
/** * Create a range query for n-dimensional binary values. * * @param field field name. must not be {@code null}. * @param lowerValue lower portion of the range (inclusive). must not be null. * @param upperValue upper portion of the range (inclusive). must not be null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} is null, if {@code lowerValue} is null, if {@code upperValue} is null, * or if {@code lowerValue.length != upperValue.length} * @return a query matching documents within this range. */
public static Query newRangeQuery(String field, byte[][] lowerValue, byte[][] upperValue) { return new PointRangeQuery(field, pack(lowerValue).bytes, pack(upperValue).bytes, lowerValue.length) { @Override protected String toString(int dimension, byte[] value) { assert value != null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("binary("); for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(' '); } sb.append(Integer.toHexString(value[i] & 0xFF)); } sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); } }; }
Create a query matching any of the specified 1D values. This is the points equivalent of TermsQuery.
  • field – field name. must not be null.
  • values – all values to match
/** * Create a query matching any of the specified 1D values. This is the points equivalent of {@code TermsQuery}. * * @param field field name. must not be {@code null}. * @param values all values to match */
public static Query newSetQuery(String field, byte[]... values) { // Make sure all byte[] have the same length int bytesPerDim = -1; for(byte[] value : values) { if (bytesPerDim == -1) { bytesPerDim = value.length; } else if (value.length != bytesPerDim) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("all byte[] must be the same length, but saw " + bytesPerDim + " and " + value.length); } } if (bytesPerDim == -1) { // There are no points, and we cannot guess the bytesPerDim here, so we return an equivalent query: return new MatchNoDocsQuery("empty BinaryPoint.newSetQuery"); } // Don't unexpectedly change the user's incoming values array: byte[][] sortedValues = values.clone(); Arrays.sort(sortedValues, new Comparator<byte[]>() { @Override public int compare(byte[] a, byte[] b) { return FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(a, 0, a.length, b, 0, b.length); } }); final BytesRef encoded = new BytesRef(new byte[bytesPerDim]); return new PointInSetQuery(field, 1, bytesPerDim, new PointInSetQuery.Stream() { int upto; @Override public BytesRef next() { if (upto == sortedValues.length) { return null; } else { encoded.bytes = sortedValues[upto]; upto++; return encoded; } } }) { @Override protected String toString(byte[] value) { return new BytesRef(value).toString(); } }; } }