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package org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent;

import java.lang.ref.PhantomReference;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;

import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.InfiniteLoopExecutor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;

import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.NamedThreadFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.View;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReader;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.Memory;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.SafeMemory;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ExecutorUtils;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.NoSpamLogger;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;
import org.cliffc.high_scale_lib.NonBlockingHashMap;

import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.InfiniteLoopExecutor.InterruptibleRunnable;

import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.ExecutorUtils.awaitTermination;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.ExecutorUtils.shutdownNow;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.Throwables.maybeFail;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.Throwables.merge;

An object that needs ref counting does the two following: - defines a Tidy object that will cleanup once it's gone, (this must retain no references to the object we're tracking (only its resources and how to clean up)) Then, one of two options: 1) Construct a Ref directly pointing to it, and always use this Ref; or 2) - implements RefCounted - encapsulates a Ref, we'll call selfRef, to which it proxies all calls to RefCounted behaviours - users must ensure no references to the selfRef leak, or are retained outside of a method scope. (to ensure the selfRef is collected with the object, so that leaks may be detected and corrected) This class' functionality is achieved by what may look at first glance like a complex web of references, but boils down to: Target --> selfRef --> [Ref.State] <--> Ref.GlobalState --> Tidy ^ | Ref ---------------------------------------- | Global ------------------------------------- So that, if Target is collected, Impl is collected and, hence, so is selfRef. Once ref or selfRef are collected, the paired Ref.State's release method is called, which if it had not already been called will update Ref.GlobalState and log an error. Once the Ref.GlobalState has been completely released, the Tidy method is called and it removes the global reference to itself so it may also be collected.
/** * An object that needs ref counting does the two following: * - defines a Tidy object that will cleanup once it's gone, * (this must retain no references to the object we're tracking (only its resources and how to clean up)) * Then, one of two options: * 1) Construct a Ref directly pointing to it, and always use this Ref; or * 2) * - implements RefCounted * - encapsulates a Ref, we'll call selfRef, to which it proxies all calls to RefCounted behaviours * - users must ensure no references to the selfRef leak, or are retained outside of a method scope. * (to ensure the selfRef is collected with the object, so that leaks may be detected and corrected) * * This class' functionality is achieved by what may look at first glance like a complex web of references, * but boils down to: * * {@code * Target --> selfRef --> [Ref.State] <--> Ref.GlobalState --> Tidy * ^ * | * Ref ---------------------------------------- * | * Global ------------------------------------- * } * So that, if Target is collected, Impl is collected and, hence, so is selfRef. * * Once ref or selfRef are collected, the paired Ref.State's release method is called, which if it had * not already been called will update Ref.GlobalState and log an error. * * Once the Ref.GlobalState has been completely released, the Tidy method is called and it removes the global reference * to itself so it may also be collected. */
public final class Ref<T> implements RefCounted<T> { static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Ref.class); public static final boolean DEBUG_ENABLED = System.getProperty("cassandra.debugrefcount", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); final State state; final T referent; public Ref(T referent, Tidy tidy) { this.state = new State(new GlobalState(tidy), this, referenceQueue); this.referent = referent; } Ref(T referent, GlobalState state) { this.state = new State(state, this, referenceQueue); this.referent = referent; }
Must be called exactly once, when the logical operation for which this Ref was created has terminated. Failure to abide by this contract will result in an error (eventually) being reported, assuming a hard reference to the resource it managed is not leaked.
/** * Must be called exactly once, when the logical operation for which this Ref was created has terminated. * Failure to abide by this contract will result in an error (eventually) being reported, assuming a * hard reference to the resource it managed is not leaked. */
public void release() { state.release(false); } public Throwable ensureReleased(Throwable accumulate) { return state.ensureReleased(accumulate); } public void ensureReleased() { maybeFail(state.ensureReleased(null)); } public void close() { ensureReleased(); } public T get() { state.assertNotReleased(); return referent; } public Ref<T> tryRef() { return state.globalState.ref() ? new Ref<>(referent, state.globalState) : null; } public Ref<T> ref() { Ref<T> ref = tryRef(); // TODO: print the last release as well as the release here if (ref == null) state.assertNotReleased(); return ref; } public String printDebugInfo() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) { state.debug.log(state.toString()); return "Memory was freed by " + state.debug.deallocateThread; } return "Memory was freed"; }
A convenience method for reporting:
Returns:the number of currently extant references globally, including the shared reference
/** * A convenience method for reporting: * @return the number of currently extant references globally, including the shared reference */
public int globalCount() { return state.globalState.count(); } // similar to Ref.GlobalState, but tracks only the management of each unique ref created to the managed object // ensures it is only released once, and that it is always released static final class State extends PhantomReference<Ref> { final Debug debug = DEBUG_ENABLED ? new Debug() : null; final GlobalState globalState; private volatile int released; private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<State> releasedUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(State.class, "released"); public State(final GlobalState globalState, Ref reference, ReferenceQueue<? super Ref> q) { super(reference, q); this.globalState = globalState; globalState.register(this); } void assertNotReleased() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && released == 1) debug.log(toString()); assert released == 0; } Throwable ensureReleased(Throwable accumulate) { if (releasedUpdater.getAndSet(this, 1) == 0) { accumulate = globalState.release(this, accumulate); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug.deallocate(); } return accumulate; } void release(boolean leak) { if (!releasedUpdater.compareAndSet(this, 0, 1)) { if (!leak) { String id = this.toString(); logger.error("BAD RELEASE: attempted to release a reference ({}) that has already been released", id); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug.log(id); throw new IllegalStateException("Attempted to release a reference that has already been released"); } return; } Throwable fail = globalState.release(this, null); if (leak) { String id = this.toString(); logger.error("LEAK DETECTED: a reference ({}) to {} was not released before the reference was garbage collected", id, globalState); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug.log(id); } else if (DEBUG_ENABLED) { debug.deallocate(); } if (fail != null) logger.error("Error when closing {}", globalState, fail); } } static final class Debug { String allocateThread, deallocateThread; StackTraceElement[] allocateTrace, deallocateTrace; Debug() { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); allocateThread = thread.toString(); allocateTrace = thread.getStackTrace(); } synchronized void deallocate() { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); deallocateThread = thread.toString(); deallocateTrace = thread.getStackTrace(); } synchronized void log(String id) { logger.error("Allocate trace {}:\n{}", id, print(allocateThread, allocateTrace)); if (deallocateThread != null) logger.error("Deallocate trace {}:\n{}", id, print(deallocateThread, deallocateTrace)); } String print(String thread, StackTraceElement[] trace) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(thread); sb.append("\n"); for (StackTraceElement element : trace) { sb.append("\tat "); sb.append(element ); sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } } // the object that manages the actual cleaning up; this does not reference the target object // so that we can detect when references are lost to the resource itself, and still cleanup afterwards // the Tidy object MUST NOT contain any references to the object we are managing static final class GlobalState { // we need to retain a reference to each of the PhantomReference instances // we are using to track individual refs private final Collection<State> locallyExtant = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(); // the number of live refs private final AtomicInteger counts = new AtomicInteger(); // the object to call to cleanup when our refs are all finished with private final Tidy tidy; GlobalState(Tidy tidy) { this.tidy = tidy; globallyExtant.add(this); } void register(Ref.State ref) { locallyExtant.add(ref); } // increment ref count if not already tidied, and return success/failure boolean ref() { while (true) { int cur = counts.get(); if (cur < 0) return false; if (counts.compareAndSet(cur, cur + 1)) return true; } } // release a single reference, and cleanup if no more are extant Throwable release(Ref.State ref, Throwable accumulate) { locallyExtant.remove(ref); if (-1 == counts.decrementAndGet()) { globallyExtant.remove(this); try { if (tidy != null) tidy.tidy(); } catch (Throwable t) { accumulate = merge(accumulate, t); } } return accumulate; } int count() { return 1 + counts.get(); } public String toString() { if (tidy != null) return tidy.getClass() + "@" + System.identityHashCode(tidy) + ":" + tidy.name(); return "@" + System.identityHashCode(this); } } private static final Class<?>[] concurrentIterableClasses = new Class<?>[] { ConcurrentLinkedQueue.class, ConcurrentLinkedDeque.class, ConcurrentSkipListSet.class, CopyOnWriteArrayList.class, CopyOnWriteArraySet.class, DelayQueue.class, NonBlockingHashMap.class, }; static final Set<Class<?>> concurrentIterables = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>()); private static final Set<GlobalState> globallyExtant = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); static final ReferenceQueue<Object> referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>(); private static final InfiniteLoopExecutor EXEC = new InfiniteLoopExecutor("Reference-Reaper", Ref::reapOneReference).start(); static final ScheduledExecutorService STRONG_LEAK_DETECTOR = !DEBUG_ENABLED ? null : Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new NamedThreadFactory("Strong-Reference-Leak-Detector")); static { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) { STRONG_LEAK_DETECTOR.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Visitor(), 1, 15, TimeUnit.MINUTES); STRONG_LEAK_DETECTOR.scheduleAtFixedRate(new StrongLeakDetector(), 2, 15, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } concurrentIterables.addAll(Arrays.asList(concurrentIterableClasses)); } private static void reapOneReference() throws InterruptedException { Object obj = referenceQueue.remove(100); if (obj instanceof Ref.State) { ((Ref.State) obj).release(true); } } static final Deque<InProgressVisit> inProgressVisitPool = new ArrayDeque<InProgressVisit>(); @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) static InProgressVisit newInProgressVisit(Object o, List<Field> fields, Field field, String name) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(o); InProgressVisit ipv = inProgressVisitPool.pollLast(); if (ipv == null) ipv = new InProgressVisit(); ipv.o = o; if (o instanceof Object[]) ipv.collectionIterator = Arrays.asList((Object[])o).iterator(); else if (o instanceof ConcurrentMap) { ipv.isMapIterator = true; ipv.collectionIterator = ((Map)o).entrySet().iterator(); } else if (concurrentIterables.contains(o.getClass()) | o instanceof BlockingQueue) ipv.collectionIterator = ((Iterable)o).iterator(); ipv.fields = fields; ipv.field = field; ipv.name = name; return ipv; } static void returnInProgressVisit(InProgressVisit ipv) { if (inProgressVisitPool.size() > 1024) return; ipv.name = null; ipv.fields = null; ipv.o = null; ipv.fieldIndex = 0; ipv.field = null; ipv.collectionIterator = null; ipv.mapEntryValue = null; ipv.isMapIterator = false; inProgressVisitPool.offer(ipv); } /* * Stack state for walking an object graph. * Field index is the index of the current field being fetched. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes"}) static class InProgressVisit { String name; List<Field> fields; Object o; int fieldIndex = 0; Field field; //Need to know if Map.Entry should be returned or traversed as an object boolean isMapIterator; //If o is a ConcurrentMap, BlockingQueue, or Object[], this is populated with an iterator over the contents Iterator<Object> collectionIterator; //If o is a ConcurrentMap the entry set contains keys and values. The key is returned as the first child //And the associated value is stashed here and returned next Object mapEntryValue; private Field nextField() { if (fields.isEmpty()) return null; if (fieldIndex >= fields.size()) return null; Field retval = fields.get(fieldIndex); fieldIndex++; return retval; } Pair<Object, Field> nextChild() throws IllegalAccessException { //If the last child returned was a key from a map, the value from that entry is stashed //so it can be returned next if (mapEntryValue != null) { Pair<Object, Field> retval = Pair.create(mapEntryValue, field); mapEntryValue = null; return retval; } //If o is a ConcurrentMap, BlockingQueue, or Object[], then an iterator will be stored to return the elements if (collectionIterator != null) { if (!collectionIterator.hasNext()) return null; Object nextItem = null; //Find the next non-null element to traverse since returning null will cause the visitor to stop while (collectionIterator.hasNext() && (nextItem = collectionIterator.next()) == null){} if (nextItem != null) { if (isMapIterator & nextItem instanceof Map.Entry) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)nextItem; mapEntryValue = entry.getValue(); return Pair.create(entry.getKey(), field); } return Pair.create(nextItem, field); } else { return null; } } //Basic traversal of an object by its member fields //Don't return null values as that indicates no more objects while (true) { Field nextField = nextField(); if (nextField == null) return null; //A weak reference isn't strongly reachable //subclasses of WeakReference contain strong references in their fields, so those need to be traversed //The weak reference fields are in the common Reference class base so filter those out if (o instanceof WeakReference & nextField.getDeclaringClass() == Reference.class) continue; Object nextObject = nextField.get(o); if (nextObject != null) return Pair.create(nextField.get(o), nextField); } } @Override public String toString() { return field == null ? name : field.toString() + "-" + o.getClass().getName(); } } static class Visitor implements Runnable { final Deque<InProgressVisit> path = new ArrayDeque<>(); final Set<Object> visited = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>()); @VisibleForTesting int lastVisitedCount; @VisibleForTesting long iterations = 0; GlobalState visiting; Set<GlobalState> haveLoops; public void run() { try { for (GlobalState globalState : globallyExtant) { if (globalState.tidy == null) continue; // do a graph exploration of the GlobalState, since it should be shallow; if it references itself, we have a problem path.clear(); visited.clear(); lastVisitedCount = 0; iterations = 0; visited.add(globalState); visiting = globalState; traverse(globalState.tidy); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } finally { lastVisitedCount = visited.size(); path.clear(); visited.clear(); } } /* * Searches for an indirect strong reference between rootObject and visiting. */ void traverse(final RefCounted.Tidy rootObject) { path.offer(newInProgressVisit(rootObject, getFields(rootObject.getClass()), null, rootObject.name())); InProgressVisit inProgress = null; while (inProgress != null || !path.isEmpty()) { //If necessary fetch the next object to start tracing if (inProgress == null) inProgress = path.pollLast(); try { Pair<Object, Field> p = inProgress.nextChild(); Object child = null; Field field = null; if (p != null) { iterations++; child = p.left; field = p.right; } if (child != null && visited.add(child)) { path.offer(inProgress); inProgress = newInProgressVisit(child, getFields(child.getClass()), field, null); continue; } else if (visiting == child) { if (haveLoops != null) haveLoops.add(visiting); NoSpamLogger.log(logger, NoSpamLogger.Level.ERROR, rootObject.getClass().getName(), 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS, "Strong self-ref loop detected {}", path); } else if (child == null) { returnInProgressVisit(inProgress); inProgress = null; continue; } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { NoSpamLogger.log(logger, NoSpamLogger.Level.ERROR, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES, "Could not fully check for self-referential leaks", e); } } } } static final Map<Class<?>, List<Field>> fieldMap = new HashMap<>(); static List<Field> getFields(Class<?> clazz) { if (clazz == null || clazz == PhantomReference.class || clazz == Class.class || java.lang.reflect.Member.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) return emptyList(); List<Field> fields = fieldMap.get(clazz); if (fields != null) return fields; fieldMap.put(clazz, fields = new ArrayList<>()); for (Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { if (field.getType().isPrimitive() || Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) continue; field.setAccessible(true); fields.add(field); } fields.addAll(getFields(clazz.getSuperclass())); return fields; } public static class IdentityCollection { final Set<Tidy> candidates; public IdentityCollection(Set<Tidy> candidates) { this.candidates = candidates; } public void add(Ref<?> ref) { candidates.remove(ref.state.globalState.tidy); } public void add(SelfRefCounted<?> ref) { add(ref.selfRef()); } public void add(SharedCloseable ref) { if (ref instanceof SharedCloseableImpl) add((SharedCloseableImpl)ref); } public void add(SharedCloseableImpl ref) { add(ref.ref); } public void add(Memory memory) { if (memory instanceof SafeMemory) ((SafeMemory) memory).addTo(this); } } private static class StrongLeakDetector implements Runnable { Set<Tidy> candidates = new HashSet<>(); public void run() { final Set<Tidy> candidates = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>()); for (GlobalState state : globallyExtant) candidates.add(state.tidy); removeExpected(candidates); this.candidates.retainAll(candidates); if (!this.candidates.isEmpty()) { List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); for (Tidy tidy : this.candidates) names.add(tidy.name()); logger.warn("Strong reference leak candidates detected: {}", names); } this.candidates = candidates; } private void removeExpected(Set<Tidy> candidates) { final Ref.IdentityCollection expected = new Ref.IdentityCollection(candidates); for (Keyspace ks : Keyspace.all()) { for (ColumnFamilyStore cfs : ks.getColumnFamilyStores()) { View view = cfs.getTracker().getView(); for (SSTableReader reader : view.allKnownSSTables()) reader.addTo(expected); } } } } @VisibleForTesting public static void shutdownReferenceReaper(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException { ExecutorUtils.shutdownNowAndWait(timeout, unit, EXEC, STRONG_LEAK_DETECTOR); } }