 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;

import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Component;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Descriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTable;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReader;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;

A decoded line in a transaction log file replica.
See Also:
  • and LogFile.
/** * A decoded line in a transaction log file replica. * * @see LogReplica and LogFile. */
final class LogRecord { public enum Type { UNKNOWN, // a record that cannot be parsed ADD, // new files to be retained on commit REMOVE, // old files to be retained on abort COMMIT, // commit flag ABORT; // abort flag public static Type fromPrefix(String prefix) { return valueOf(prefix.toUpperCase()); } public boolean hasFile() { return this == Type.ADD || this == Type.REMOVE; } public boolean matches(LogRecord record) { return this == record.type; } public boolean isFinal() { return this == Type.COMMIT || this == Type.ABORT; } }
The status of a record after it has been verified, any parsing errors are also store here.
/** * The status of a record after it has been verified, any parsing errors * are also store here. */
public final static class Status { // if there are any errors, they end up here Optional<String> error = Optional.empty(); // if the record was only partially matched across files this is true boolean partial = false; // if the status of this record on disk is required (e.g. existing files), it is // stored here for caching LogRecord onDiskRecord; void setError(String error) { if (!this.error.isPresent()) this.error = Optional.of(error); } boolean hasError() { return error.isPresent(); } } // the type of record, see Type public final Type type; // for sstable records, the absolute path of the table desc public final Optional<String> absolutePath; // for sstable records, the last update time of all files (may not be available for NEW records) public final long updateTime; // for sstable records, the total number of files (may not be accurate for NEW records) public final int numFiles; // the raw string as written or read from a file public final String raw; // the checksum of this record, written at the end of the record string public final long checksum; // the status of this record, @see Status class public final Status status; // (add|remove|commit|abort):[*,*,*][checksum] static Pattern REGEX = Pattern.compile("^(add|remove|commit|abort):\\[([^,]*),?([^,]*),?([^,]*)\\]\\[(\\d*)\\]$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public static LogRecord make(String line) { try { Matcher matcher = REGEX.matcher(line); if (!matcher.matches()) return new LogRecord(Type.UNKNOWN, null, 0, 0, 0, line) .setError(String.format("Failed to parse [%s]", line)); Type type = Type.fromPrefix(matcher.group(1)); return new LogRecord(type, matcher.group(2) + Component.separator, // see comment on CASSANDRA-13294 below Long.parseLong(matcher.group(3)), Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(4)), Long.parseLong(matcher.group(5)), line); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return new LogRecord(Type.UNKNOWN, null, 0, 0, 0, line) .setError(String.format("Failed to parse line: %s", e.getMessage())); } } public static LogRecord makeCommit(long updateTime) { return new LogRecord(Type.COMMIT, updateTime); } public static LogRecord makeAbort(long updateTime) { return new LogRecord(Type.ABORT, updateTime); } public static LogRecord make(Type type, SSTable table) { // CASSANDRA-13294: add the sstable component separator because for legacy (2.1) files // there is no separator after the generation number, and this would cause files of sstables with // a higher generation number that starts with the same number, to be incorrectly classified as files // of this record sstable String absoluteTablePath = absolutePath(table.descriptor.baseFilename()); return make(type, getExistingFiles(absoluteTablePath), table.getAllFilePaths().size(), absoluteTablePath); } public static Map<SSTable, LogRecord> make(Type type, Iterable<SSTableReader> tables) { // contains a mapping from sstable absolute path (everything up until the 'Data'/'Index'/etc part of the filename) to the sstable Map<String, SSTable> absolutePaths = new HashMap<>(); for (SSTableReader table : tables) absolutePaths.put(absolutePath(table.descriptor.baseFilename()), table); // maps sstable base file name to the actual files on disk Map<String, List<File>> existingFiles = getExistingFiles(absolutePaths.keySet()); Map<SSTable, LogRecord> records = new HashMap<>(existingFiles.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, List<File>> entry : existingFiles.entrySet()) { List<File> filesOnDisk = entry.getValue(); String baseFileName = entry.getKey(); SSTable sstable = absolutePaths.get(baseFileName); records.put(sstable, make(type, filesOnDisk, sstable.getAllFilePaths().size(), baseFileName)); } return records; } private static String absolutePath(String baseFilename) { return FileUtils.getCanonicalPath(baseFilename + Component.separator); } public LogRecord withExistingFiles() { return make(type, getExistingFiles(), 0, absolutePath.get()); } public static LogRecord make(Type type, List<File> files, int minFiles, String absolutePath) { // CASSANDRA-11889: File.lastModified() returns a positive value only if the file exists, therefore // we filter by positive values to only consider the files that still exists right now, in case things // changed on disk since getExistingFiles() was called List<Long> positiveModifiedTimes = files.stream().map(File::lastModified).filter(lm -> lm > 0).collect(Collectors.toList()); long lastModified = positiveModifiedTimes.stream().reduce(0L, Long::max); return new LogRecord(type, absolutePath, lastModified, Math.max(minFiles, positiveModifiedTimes.size())); } private LogRecord(Type type, long updateTime) { this(type, null, updateTime, 0, 0, null); } private LogRecord(Type type, String absolutePath, long updateTime, int numFiles) { this(type, absolutePath, updateTime, numFiles, 0, null); } private LogRecord(Type type, String absolutePath, long updateTime, int numFiles, long checksum, String raw) { assert !type.hasFile() || absolutePath != null : "Expected file path for file records"; this.type = type; this.absolutePath = type.hasFile() ? Optional.of(absolutePath) : Optional.empty(); this.updateTime = type == Type.REMOVE ? updateTime : 0; this.numFiles = type.hasFile() ? numFiles : 0; this.status = new Status(); if (raw == null) { assert checksum == 0; this.checksum = computeChecksum(); this.raw = format(); } else { this.checksum = checksum; this.raw = raw; } } LogRecord setError(String error) { status.setError(error); return this; } String error() { return status.error.orElse(""); } void setPartial() { status.partial = true; } boolean partial() { return status.partial; } boolean isValid() { return !status.hasError() && type != Type.UNKNOWN; } boolean isInvalid() { return !isValid(); } boolean isInvalidOrPartial() { return isInvalid() || partial(); } private String format() { return String.format("%s:[%s,%d,%d][%d]", type.toString(), absolutePath(), updateTime, numFiles, checksum); } public List<File> getExistingFiles() { assert absolutePath.isPresent() : "Expected a path in order to get existing files"; return getExistingFiles(absolutePath.get()); } public static List<File> getExistingFiles(String absoluteFilePath) { Path path = Paths.get(absoluteFilePath); File[] files = path.getParent().toFile().listFiles((dir, name) -> name.startsWith(path.getFileName().toString())); // files may be null if the directory does not exist yet, e.g. when tracking new files return files == null ? Collections.emptyList() : Arrays.asList(files); }
absoluteFilePaths contains full file parts up to the component name this method finds all files on disk beginning with any of the paths in absoluteFilePaths
Returns:a map from absoluteFilePath to actual file on disk.
/** * absoluteFilePaths contains full file parts up to the component name * * this method finds all files on disk beginning with any of the paths in absoluteFilePaths * @return a map from absoluteFilePath to actual file on disk. */
public static Map<String, List<File>> getExistingFiles(Set<String> absoluteFilePaths) { Set<File> uniqueDirectories = absoluteFilePaths.stream().map(path -> Paths.get(path).getParent().toFile()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); Map<String, List<File>> fileMap = new HashMap<>(); FilenameFilter ff = (dir, name) -> { Descriptor descriptor = null; try { descriptor = Descriptor.fromFilename(dir, name).left; } catch (Throwable t) {// ignored - if we can't parse the filename, just skip the file } String absolutePath = descriptor != null ? absolutePath(descriptor.baseFilename()) : null; if (absolutePath != null && absoluteFilePaths.contains(absolutePath)) fileMap.computeIfAbsent(absolutePath, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(new File(dir, name)); return false; }; // populate the file map: for (File f : uniqueDirectories) f.listFiles(ff); return fileMap; } public boolean isFinal() { return type.isFinal(); } String fileName() { return absolutePath.isPresent() ? Paths.get(absolutePath.get()).getFileName().toString() : ""; } boolean isInFolder(Path folder) { return absolutePath.isPresent() ? FileUtils.isContained(folder.toFile(), Paths.get(absolutePath.get()).toFile()) : false; }
Return the absolute path, if present, except for the last character (the descriptor separator), or the empty string if the record has no path. This method is only to be used internally for writing the record to file or computing the checksum. CASSANDRA-13294: the last character of the absolute path is the descriptor separator, it is removed from the absolute path for backward compatibility, to make sure that on upgrade from 3.0.x to 3.0.y or to 3.y or to 4.0, the checksum of existing txn files still matches (in case of non clean shutdown some txn files may be present). By removing the last character here, it means that it will never be written to txn files, but it is added after reading a txn file in LogFile.make().
/** * Return the absolute path, if present, except for the last character (the descriptor separator), or * the empty string if the record has no path. This method is only to be used internally for writing * the record to file or computing the checksum. * * CASSANDRA-13294: the last character of the absolute path is the descriptor separator, it is removed * from the absolute path for backward compatibility, to make sure that on upgrade from 3.0.x to 3.0.y * or to 3.y or to 4.0, the checksum of existing txn files still matches (in case of non clean shutdown * some txn files may be present). By removing the last character here, it means that * it will never be written to txn files, but it is added after reading a txn file in LogFile.make(). */
private String absolutePath() { if (!absolutePath.isPresent()) return ""; String ret = absolutePath.get(); assert ret.charAt(ret.length() -1) == Component.separator : "Invalid absolute path, should end with '-'"; return ret.substring(0, ret.length() - 1); } @Override public int hashCode() { // see comment in equals return Objects.hash(type, absolutePath, numFiles, updateTime); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof LogRecord)) return false; final LogRecord other = (LogRecord)obj; // we exclude on purpose checksum, error and full file path // since records must match across log file replicas on different disks return type == other.type && absolutePath.equals(other.absolutePath) && numFiles == other.numFiles && updateTime == other.updateTime; } @Override public String toString() { return raw; } long computeChecksum() { CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32(); crc32.update((absolutePath()).getBytes(FileUtils.CHARSET)); crc32.update(type.toString().getBytes(FileUtils.CHARSET)); FBUtilities.updateChecksumInt(crc32, (int) updateTime); FBUtilities.updateChecksumInt(crc32, (int) (updateTime >>> 32)); FBUtilities.updateChecksumInt(crc32, numFiles); return crc32.getValue() & (Long.MAX_VALUE); } LogRecord asType(Type type) { return new LogRecord(type, absolutePath.orElse(null), updateTime, numFiles); } }