 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQL3Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AsciiType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BooleanType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ByteType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CounterColumnType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.DecimalType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.DoubleType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.FloatType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.InetAddressType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.Int32Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.IntegerType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.LongType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ShortType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.SimpleDateType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TimeType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TimeUUIDType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TimestampType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UUIDType;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils;

Casting functions
/** * Casting functions * */
public final class CastFcts { private static final String FUNCTION_NAME_PREFIX = "castAs"; public static Collection<Function> all() { List<Function> functions = new ArrayList<>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final AbstractType<? extends Number>[] numericTypes = new AbstractType[] {ByteType.instance, ShortType.instance, Int32Type.instance, LongType.instance, FloatType.instance, DoubleType.instance, DecimalType.instance, CounterColumnType.instance, IntegerType.instance}; for (AbstractType<? extends Number> inputType : numericTypes) { addFunctionIfNeeded(functions, inputType, ByteType.instance, Number::byteValue); addFunctionIfNeeded(functions, inputType, ShortType.instance, Number::shortValue); addFunctionIfNeeded(functions, inputType, Int32Type.instance, Number::intValue); addFunctionIfNeeded(functions, inputType, LongType.instance, Number::longValue); addFunctionIfNeeded(functions, inputType, FloatType.instance, Number::floatValue); addFunctionIfNeeded(functions, inputType, DoubleType.instance, Number::doubleValue); addFunctionIfNeeded(functions, inputType, DecimalType.instance, getDecimalConversionFunction(inputType)); addFunctionIfNeeded(functions, inputType, IntegerType.instance, p -> BigInteger.valueOf(p.longValue())); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(inputType, AsciiType.instance)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(inputType, UTF8Type.instance)); } functions.add(JavaFunctionWrapper.create(AsciiType.instance, UTF8Type.instance, p -> p)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(InetAddressType.instance, AsciiType.instance)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(InetAddressType.instance, UTF8Type.instance)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(BooleanType.instance, AsciiType.instance)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(BooleanType.instance, UTF8Type.instance)); functions.add(CassandraFunctionWrapper.create(TimeUUIDType.instance, SimpleDateType.instance, TimeFcts.timeUuidtoDate)); functions.add(CassandraFunctionWrapper.create(TimeUUIDType.instance, TimestampType.instance, TimeFcts.timeUuidToTimestamp)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(TimeUUIDType.instance, AsciiType.instance)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(TimeUUIDType.instance, UTF8Type.instance)); functions.add(CassandraFunctionWrapper.create(TimestampType.instance, SimpleDateType.instance, TimeFcts.timestampToDate)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(TimestampType.instance, AsciiType.instance)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(TimestampType.instance, UTF8Type.instance)); functions.add(CassandraFunctionWrapper.create(SimpleDateType.instance, TimestampType.instance, TimeFcts.dateToTimestamp)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(SimpleDateType.instance, AsciiType.instance)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(SimpleDateType.instance, UTF8Type.instance)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(TimeType.instance, AsciiType.instance)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(TimeType.instance, UTF8Type.instance)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(UUIDType.instance, AsciiType.instance)); functions.add(CastAsTextFunction.create(UUIDType.instance, UTF8Type.instance)); return functions; }
Returns the conversion function to convert the specified type into a Decimal type
  • inputType – the input type
Returns:the conversion function to convert the specified type into a Decimal type
/** * Returns the conversion function to convert the specified type into a Decimal type * * @param inputType the input type * @return the conversion function to convert the specified type into a Decimal type */
private static <I extends Number> java.util.function.Function<I, BigDecimal> getDecimalConversionFunction(AbstractType<? extends Number> inputType) { if (inputType == FloatType.instance || inputType == DoubleType.instance) return p -> BigDecimal.valueOf(p.doubleValue()); if (inputType == IntegerType.instance) return p -> new BigDecimal((BigInteger) p); return p -> BigDecimal.valueOf(p.longValue()); }
Creates the name of the cast function use to cast to the specified type.
  • outputType – the output type
Returns:the name of the cast function use to cast to the specified type
/** * Creates the name of the cast function use to cast to the specified type. * * @param outputType the output type * @return the name of the cast function use to cast to the specified type */
public static String getFunctionName(AbstractType<?> outputType) { return getFunctionName(outputType.asCQL3Type()); }
Creates the name of the cast function use to cast to the specified type.
  • outputType – the output type
Returns:the name of the cast function use to cast to the specified type
/** * Creates the name of the cast function use to cast to the specified type. * * @param outputType the output type * @return the name of the cast function use to cast to the specified type */
public static String getFunctionName(CQL3Type outputType) { return FUNCTION_NAME_PREFIX + WordUtils.capitalize(toLowerCaseString(outputType)); }
Adds to the list a function converting the input type in to the output type if they are not the same.
  • functions – the list to add to
  • inputType – the input type
  • outputType – the output type
  • converter – the function use to convert the input type into the output type
/** * Adds to the list a function converting the input type in to the output type if they are not the same. * * @param functions the list to add to * @param inputType the input type * @param outputType the output type * @param converter the function use to convert the input type into the output type */
private static <I, O> void addFunctionIfNeeded(List<Function> functions, AbstractType<I> inputType, AbstractType<O> outputType, java.util.function.Function<I, O> converter) { if (!inputType.equals(outputType)) functions.add(wrapJavaFunction(inputType, outputType, converter)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <O, I> Function wrapJavaFunction(AbstractType<I> inputType, AbstractType<O> outputType, java.util.function.Function<I, O> converter) { return inputType.equals(CounterColumnType.instance) ? JavaCounterFunctionWrapper.create(outputType, (java.util.function.Function<Long, O>) converter) : JavaFunctionWrapper.create(inputType, outputType, converter); } private static String toLowerCaseString(CQL3Type type) { return type.toString().toLowerCase(); }
Base class for the CAST functions.
Type parameters:
  • <I> – the input type
  • <O> – the output type
/** * Base class for the CAST functions. * * @param <I> the input type * @param <O> the output type */
private static abstract class CastFunction<I, O> extends NativeScalarFunction { public CastFunction(AbstractType<I> inputType, AbstractType<O> outputType) { super(getFunctionName(outputType), outputType, inputType); } @Override public String columnName(List<String> columnNames) { return String.format("cast(%s as %s)", columnNames.get(0), toLowerCaseString(outputType().asCQL3Type())); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected AbstractType<O> outputType() { return (AbstractType<O>) returnType; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected AbstractType<I> inputType() { return (AbstractType<I>) argTypes.get(0); } }
CastFunction that implements casting by wrapping a java Function.
Type parameters:
  • <I> – the input parameter
  • <O> – the output parameter
/** * <code>CastFunction</code> that implements casting by wrapping a java <code>Function</code>. * * @param <I> the input parameter * @param <O> the output parameter */
private static class JavaFunctionWrapper<I, O> extends CastFunction<I, O> {
The java function used to convert the input type into the output one.
/** * The java function used to convert the input type into the output one. */
private final java.util.function.Function<I, O> converter; public static <I, O> JavaFunctionWrapper<I, O> create(AbstractType<I> inputType, AbstractType<O> outputType, java.util.function.Function<I, O> converter) { return new JavaFunctionWrapper<I, O>(inputType, outputType, converter); } protected JavaFunctionWrapper(AbstractType<I> inputType, AbstractType<O> outputType, java.util.function.Function<I, O> converter) { super(inputType, outputType); this.converter = converter; } public final ByteBuffer execute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> parameters) { ByteBuffer bb = parameters.get(0); if (bb == null) return null; return outputType().decompose(converter.apply(compose(bb))); } protected I compose(ByteBuffer bb) { return inputType().compose(bb); } }
JavaFunctionWrapper for counter columns.

Counter columns need to be handled in a special way because their binary representation is converted into the one of a BIGINT before functions are applied.

Type parameters:
  • <O> – the output parameter
/** * <code>JavaFunctionWrapper</code> for counter columns. * * <p>Counter columns need to be handled in a special way because their binary representation is converted into * the one of a BIGINT before functions are applied.</p> * * @param <O> the output parameter */
private static class JavaCounterFunctionWrapper<O> extends JavaFunctionWrapper<Long, O> { public static <O> JavaFunctionWrapper<Long, O> create(AbstractType<O> outputType, java.util.function.Function<Long, O> converter) { return new JavaCounterFunctionWrapper<O>(outputType, converter); } protected JavaCounterFunctionWrapper(AbstractType<O> outputType, java.util.function.Function<Long, O> converter) { super(CounterColumnType.instance, outputType, converter); } protected Long compose(ByteBuffer bb) { return LongType.instance.compose(bb); } }
CastFunction that implements casting by wrapping an existing NativeScalarFunction.
Type parameters:
  • <I> – the input parameter
  • <O> – the output parameter
/** * <code>CastFunction</code> that implements casting by wrapping an existing <code>NativeScalarFunction</code>. * * @param <I> the input parameter * @param <O> the output parameter */
private static final class CassandraFunctionWrapper<I, O> extends CastFunction<I, O> {
The native scalar function used to perform the conversion.
/** * The native scalar function used to perform the conversion. */
private final NativeScalarFunction delegate; public static <I, O> CassandraFunctionWrapper<I, O> create(AbstractType<I> inputType, AbstractType<O> outputType, NativeScalarFunction delegate) { return new CassandraFunctionWrapper<I, O>(inputType, outputType, delegate); } private CassandraFunctionWrapper(AbstractType<I> inputType, AbstractType<O> outputType, NativeScalarFunction delegate) { super(inputType, outputType); assert delegate.argTypes().size() == 1 && inputType.equals(delegate.argTypes().get(0)); assert outputType.equals(delegate.returnType()); this.delegate = delegate; } public ByteBuffer execute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> parameters) { return delegate.execute(protocolVersion, parameters); } }
CastFunction that can be used to cast a type into ascii or text types.
Type parameters:
  • <I> – the input parameter
/** * <code>CastFunction</code> that can be used to cast a type into ascii or text types. * * @param <I> the input parameter */
private static final class CastAsTextFunction<I> extends CastFunction<I, String> { public static <I> CastAsTextFunction<I> create(AbstractType<I> inputType, AbstractType<String> outputType) { return new CastAsTextFunction<I>(inputType, outputType); } private CastAsTextFunction(AbstractType<I> inputType, AbstractType<String> outputType) { super(inputType, outputType); } public ByteBuffer execute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> parameters) { ByteBuffer bb = parameters.get(0); if (bb == null) return null; return outputType().decompose(inputType().getSerializer().toCQLLiteral(bb)); } }
The class must not be instantiated as it contains only static variables.
/** * The class must not be instantiated as it contains only static variables. */
private CastFcts() { } }