 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.

package org.antlr.v4.runtime;

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Interval;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

Alternative to ANTLRInputStream which treats the input as a series of Unicode code points, instead of a series of UTF-16 code units. Use this if you need to parse input which potentially contains Unicode values > U+FFFF.
/** * Alternative to {@link ANTLRInputStream} which treats the input * as a series of Unicode code points, instead of a series of UTF-16 * code units. * * Use this if you need to parse input which potentially contains * Unicode values > U+FFFF. */
public abstract class CodePointCharStream implements CharStream { protected final int size; protected final String name; // To avoid lots of virtual method calls, we directly access // the state of the underlying code points in the // CodePointBuffer. protected int position; // Use the factory method {@link #fromBuffer(CodePointBuffer)} to // construct instances of this type. private CodePointCharStream(int position, int remaining, String name) { // TODO assert position == 0; this.size = remaining; this.name = name; this.position = 0; } // Visible for testing. abstract Object getInternalStorage();
Constructs a CodePointCharStream which provides access to the Unicode code points stored in codePointBuffer.
/** * Constructs a {@link CodePointCharStream} which provides access * to the Unicode code points stored in {@code codePointBuffer}. */
public static CodePointCharStream fromBuffer(CodePointBuffer codePointBuffer) { return fromBuffer(codePointBuffer, UNKNOWN_SOURCE_NAME); }
Constructs a named CodePointCharStream which provides access to the Unicode code points stored in codePointBuffer.
/** * Constructs a named {@link CodePointCharStream} which provides access * to the Unicode code points stored in {@code codePointBuffer}. */
public static CodePointCharStream fromBuffer(CodePointBuffer codePointBuffer, String name) { // Java lacks generics on primitive types. // // To avoid lots of calls to virtual methods in the // very hot codepath of LA() below, we construct one // of three concrete subclasses. // // The concrete subclasses directly access the code // points stored in the underlying array (byte[], // char[], or int[]), so we can avoid lots of virtual // method calls to ByteBuffer.get(offset). switch (codePointBuffer.getType()) { case BYTE: return new CodePoint8BitCharStream( codePointBuffer.position(), codePointBuffer.remaining(), name, codePointBuffer.byteArray(), codePointBuffer.arrayOffset()); case CHAR: return new CodePoint16BitCharStream( codePointBuffer.position(), codePointBuffer.remaining(), name, codePointBuffer.charArray(), codePointBuffer.arrayOffset()); case INT: return new CodePoint32BitCharStream( codePointBuffer.position(), codePointBuffer.remaining(), name, codePointBuffer.intArray(), codePointBuffer.arrayOffset()); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not reached"); } @Override public final void consume() { if (size - position == 0) { assert LA(1) == IntStream.EOF; throw new IllegalStateException("cannot consume EOF"); } position = position + 1; } @Override public final int index() { return position; } @Override public final int size() { return size; }
mark/release do nothing; we have entire buffer
/** mark/release do nothing; we have entire buffer */
@Override public final int mark() { return -1; } @Override public final void release(int marker) { } @Override public final void seek(int index) { position = index; } @Override public final String getSourceName() { if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) { return UNKNOWN_SOURCE_NAME; } return name; } @Override public final String toString() { return getText(Interval.of(0, size - 1)); } // 8-bit storage for code points <= U+00FF. private static final class CodePoint8BitCharStream extends CodePointCharStream { private final byte[] byteArray; private CodePoint8BitCharStream(int position, int remaining, String name, byte[] byteArray, int arrayOffset) { super(position, remaining, name); // TODO assert arrayOffset == 0; this.byteArray = byteArray; }
Return the UTF-16 encoded string for the given interval
/** Return the UTF-16 encoded string for the given interval */
@Override public String getText(Interval interval) { int startIdx = Math.min(interval.a, size); int len = Math.min(interval.b - interval.a + 1, size - startIdx); // We know the maximum code point in byteArray is U+00FF, // so we can treat this as if it were ISO-8859-1, aka Latin-1, // which shares the same code points up to 0xFF. return new String(byteArray, startIdx, len, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1); } @Override public int LA(int i) { int offset; switch (Integer.signum(i)) { case -1: offset = position + i; if (offset < 0) { return IntStream.EOF; } return byteArray[offset] & 0xFF; case 0: // Undefined return 0; case 1: offset = position + i - 1; if (offset >= size) { return IntStream.EOF; } return byteArray[offset] & 0xFF; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not reached"); } @Override Object getInternalStorage() { return byteArray; } } // 16-bit internal storage for code points between U+0100 and U+FFFF. private static final class CodePoint16BitCharStream extends CodePointCharStream { private final char[] charArray; private CodePoint16BitCharStream(int position, int remaining, String name, char[] charArray, int arrayOffset) { super(position, remaining, name); this.charArray = charArray; // TODO assert arrayOffset == 0; }
Return the UTF-16 encoded string for the given interval
/** Return the UTF-16 encoded string for the given interval */
@Override public String getText(Interval interval) { int startIdx = Math.min(interval.a, size); int len = Math.min(interval.b - interval.a + 1, size - startIdx); // We know there are no surrogates in this // array, since otherwise we would be given a // 32-bit int[] array. // // So, it's safe to treat this as if it were // UTF-16. return new String(charArray, startIdx, len); } @Override public int LA(int i) { int offset; switch (Integer.signum(i)) { case -1: offset = position + i; if (offset < 0) { return IntStream.EOF; } return charArray[offset] & 0xFFFF; case 0: // Undefined return 0; case 1: offset = position + i - 1; if (offset >= size) { return IntStream.EOF; } return charArray[offset] & 0xFFFF; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not reached"); } @Override Object getInternalStorage() { return charArray; } } // 32-bit internal storage for code points between U+10000 and U+10FFFF. private static final class CodePoint32BitCharStream extends CodePointCharStream { private final int[] intArray; private CodePoint32BitCharStream(int position, int remaining, String name, int[] intArray, int arrayOffset) { super(position, remaining, name); this.intArray = intArray; // TODO assert arrayOffset == 0; }
Return the UTF-16 encoded string for the given interval
/** Return the UTF-16 encoded string for the given interval */
@Override public String getText(Interval interval) { int startIdx = Math.min(interval.a, size); int len = Math.min(interval.b - interval.a + 1, size - startIdx); // Note that we pass the int[] code points to the String constructor -- // this is supported, and the constructor will convert to UTF-16 internally. return new String(intArray, startIdx, len); } @Override public int LA(int i) { int offset; switch (Integer.signum(i)) { case -1: offset = position + i; if (offset < 0) { return IntStream.EOF; } return intArray[offset]; case 0: // Undefined return 0; case 1: offset = position + i - 1; if (offset >= size) { return IntStream.EOF; } return intArray[offset]; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not reached"); } @Override Object getInternalStorage() { return intArray; } } }