 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.

package org.antlr.v4.runtime;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;

Wrapper for ByteBuffer / CharBuffer / IntBuffer. Because Java lacks generics on primitive types, these three types do not share an interface, so we have to write one manually.
/** * Wrapper for {@link ByteBuffer} / {@link CharBuffer} / {@link IntBuffer}. * * Because Java lacks generics on primitive types, these three types * do not share an interface, so we have to write one manually. */
public class CodePointBuffer { public enum Type { BYTE, CHAR, INT } private final Type type; private final ByteBuffer byteBuffer; private final CharBuffer charBuffer; private final IntBuffer intBuffer; private CodePointBuffer(Type type, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, CharBuffer charBuffer, IntBuffer intBuffer) { this.type = type; this.byteBuffer = byteBuffer; this.charBuffer = charBuffer; this.intBuffer = intBuffer; } public static CodePointBuffer withBytes(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { return new CodePointBuffer(Type.BYTE, byteBuffer, null, null); } public static CodePointBuffer withChars(CharBuffer charBuffer) { return new CodePointBuffer(Type.CHAR, null, charBuffer, null); } public static CodePointBuffer withInts(IntBuffer intBuffer) { return new CodePointBuffer(Type.INT, null, null, intBuffer); } public int position() { switch (type) { case BYTE: return byteBuffer.position(); case CHAR: return charBuffer.position(); case INT: return intBuffer.position(); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not reached"); } public void position(int newPosition) { switch (type) { case BYTE: byteBuffer.position(newPosition); break; case CHAR: charBuffer.position(newPosition); break; case INT: intBuffer.position(newPosition); break; } } public int remaining() { switch (type) { case BYTE: return byteBuffer.remaining(); case CHAR: return charBuffer.remaining(); case INT: return intBuffer.remaining(); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not reached"); } public int get(int offset) { switch (type) { case BYTE: return byteBuffer.get(offset); case CHAR: return charBuffer.get(offset); case INT: return intBuffer.get(offset); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not reached"); } Type getType() { return type; } int arrayOffset() { switch (type) { case BYTE: return byteBuffer.arrayOffset(); case CHAR: return charBuffer.arrayOffset(); case INT: return intBuffer.arrayOffset(); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not reached"); } byte[] byteArray() { assert type == Type.BYTE; return byteBuffer.array(); } char[] charArray() { assert type == Type.CHAR; return charBuffer.array(); } int[] intArray() { assert type == Type.INT; return intBuffer.array(); } public static Builder builder(int initialBufferSize) { return new Builder(initialBufferSize); } public static class Builder { private Type type; private ByteBuffer byteBuffer; private CharBuffer charBuffer; private IntBuffer intBuffer; private int prevHighSurrogate; private Builder(int initialBufferSize) { type = Type.BYTE; byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(initialBufferSize); charBuffer = null; intBuffer = null; prevHighSurrogate = -1; } Type getType() { return type; } ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() { return byteBuffer; } CharBuffer getCharBuffer() { return charBuffer; } IntBuffer getIntBuffer() { return intBuffer; } public CodePointBuffer build() { switch (type) { case BYTE: byteBuffer.flip(); break; case CHAR: charBuffer.flip(); break; case INT: intBuffer.flip(); break; } return new CodePointBuffer(type, byteBuffer, charBuffer, intBuffer); } private static int roundUpToNextPowerOfTwo(int i) { int nextPowerOfTwo = 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(i - 1); return (int) Math.pow(2, nextPowerOfTwo); } public void ensureRemaining(int remainingNeeded) { switch (type) { case BYTE: if (byteBuffer.remaining() < remainingNeeded) { int newCapacity = roundUpToNextPowerOfTwo(byteBuffer.capacity() + remainingNeeded); ByteBuffer newBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(newCapacity); byteBuffer.flip(); newBuffer.put(byteBuffer); byteBuffer = newBuffer; } break; case CHAR: if (charBuffer.remaining() < remainingNeeded) { int newCapacity = roundUpToNextPowerOfTwo(charBuffer.capacity() + remainingNeeded); CharBuffer newBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(newCapacity); charBuffer.flip(); newBuffer.put(charBuffer); charBuffer = newBuffer; } break; case INT: if (intBuffer.remaining() < remainingNeeded) { int newCapacity = roundUpToNextPowerOfTwo(intBuffer.capacity() + remainingNeeded); IntBuffer newBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(newCapacity); intBuffer.flip(); newBuffer.put(intBuffer); intBuffer = newBuffer; } break; } } public void append(CharBuffer utf16In) { ensureRemaining(utf16In.remaining()); if (utf16In.hasArray()) { appendArray(utf16In); } else { // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO"); } } private void appendArray(CharBuffer utf16In) { assert utf16In.hasArray(); switch (type) { case BYTE: appendArrayByte(utf16In); break; case CHAR: appendArrayChar(utf16In); break; case INT: appendArrayInt(utf16In); break; } } private void appendArrayByte(CharBuffer utf16In) { assert prevHighSurrogate == -1; char[] in = utf16In.array(); int inOffset = utf16In.arrayOffset() + utf16In.position(); int inLimit = utf16In.arrayOffset() + utf16In.limit(); byte[] outByte = byteBuffer.array(); int outOffset = byteBuffer.arrayOffset() + byteBuffer.position(); while (inOffset < inLimit) { char c = in[inOffset]; if (c <= 0xFF) { outByte[outOffset] = (byte)(c & 0xFF); } else { utf16In.position(inOffset - utf16In.arrayOffset()); byteBuffer.position(outOffset - byteBuffer.arrayOffset()); if (!Character.isHighSurrogate(c)) { byteToCharBuffer(utf16In.remaining()); appendArrayChar(utf16In); return; } else { byteToIntBuffer(utf16In.remaining()); appendArrayInt(utf16In); return; } } inOffset++; outOffset++; } utf16In.position(inOffset - utf16In.arrayOffset()); byteBuffer.position(outOffset - byteBuffer.arrayOffset()); } private void appendArrayChar(CharBuffer utf16In) { assert prevHighSurrogate == -1; char[] in = utf16In.array(); int inOffset = utf16In.arrayOffset() + utf16In.position(); int inLimit = utf16In.arrayOffset() + utf16In.limit(); char[] outChar = charBuffer.array(); int outOffset = charBuffer.arrayOffset() + charBuffer.position(); while (inOffset < inLimit) { char c = in[inOffset]; if (!Character.isHighSurrogate(c)) { outChar[outOffset] = c; } else { utf16In.position(inOffset - utf16In.arrayOffset()); charBuffer.position(outOffset - charBuffer.arrayOffset()); charToIntBuffer(utf16In.remaining()); appendArrayInt(utf16In); return; } inOffset++; outOffset++; } utf16In.position(inOffset - utf16In.arrayOffset()); charBuffer.position(outOffset - charBuffer.arrayOffset()); } private void appendArrayInt(CharBuffer utf16In) { char[] in = utf16In.array(); int inOffset = utf16In.arrayOffset() + utf16In.position(); int inLimit = utf16In.arrayOffset() + utf16In.limit(); int[] outInt = intBuffer.array(); int outOffset = intBuffer.arrayOffset() + intBuffer.position(); while (inOffset < inLimit) { char c = in[inOffset]; inOffset++; if (prevHighSurrogate != -1) { if (Character.isLowSurrogate(c)) { outInt[outOffset] = Character.toCodePoint((char) prevHighSurrogate, c); outOffset++; prevHighSurrogate = -1; } else { // Dangling high surrogate outInt[outOffset] = prevHighSurrogate; outOffset++; if (Character.isHighSurrogate(c)) { prevHighSurrogate = c & 0xFFFF; } else { outInt[outOffset] = c & 0xFFFF; outOffset++; prevHighSurrogate = -1; } } } else if (Character.isHighSurrogate(c)) { prevHighSurrogate = c & 0xFFFF; } else { outInt[outOffset] = c & 0xFFFF; outOffset++; } } if (prevHighSurrogate != -1) { // Dangling high surrogate outInt[outOffset] = prevHighSurrogate & 0xFFFF; outOffset++; } utf16In.position(inOffset - utf16In.arrayOffset()); intBuffer.position(outOffset - intBuffer.arrayOffset()); } private void byteToCharBuffer(int toAppend) { byteBuffer.flip(); // CharBuffers hold twice as much per unit as ByteBuffers, so start with half the capacity. CharBuffer newBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(Math.max(byteBuffer.remaining() + toAppend, byteBuffer.capacity() / 2)); while (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { newBuffer.put((char) (byteBuffer.get() & 0xFF)); } type = Type.CHAR; byteBuffer = null; charBuffer = newBuffer; } private void byteToIntBuffer(int toAppend) { byteBuffer.flip(); // IntBuffers hold four times as much per unit as ByteBuffers, so start with one quarter the capacity. IntBuffer newBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(Math.max(byteBuffer.remaining() + toAppend, byteBuffer.capacity() / 4)); while (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { newBuffer.put(byteBuffer.get() & 0xFF); } type = Type.INT; byteBuffer = null; intBuffer = newBuffer; } private void charToIntBuffer(int toAppend) { charBuffer.flip(); // IntBuffers hold two times as much per unit as ByteBuffers, so start with one half the capacity. IntBuffer newBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(Math.max(charBuffer.remaining() + toAppend, charBuffer.capacity() / 2)); while (charBuffer.hasRemaining()) { newBuffer.put(charBuffer.get() & 0xFFFF); } type = Type.INT; charBuffer = null; intBuffer = newBuffer; } } }