 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
package org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc;

An immutable inclusive interval a..b
/** An immutable inclusive interval a..b */
public class Interval { public static final int INTERVAL_POOL_MAX_VALUE = 1000; public static final Interval INVALID = new Interval(-1,-2); static Interval[] cache = new Interval[INTERVAL_POOL_MAX_VALUE+1]; public int a; public int b; public static int creates = 0; public static int misses = 0; public static int hits = 0; public static int outOfRange = 0; public Interval(int a, int b) { this.a=a; this.b=b; }
Interval objects are used readonly so share all with the same single value a==b up to some max size. Use an array as a perfect hash. Return shared object for 0..INTERVAL_POOL_MAX_VALUE or a new Interval object with a..a in it. On Java.g4, 218623 IntervalSets have a..a (set with 1 element).
/** Interval objects are used readonly so share all with the * same single value a==b up to some max size. Use an array as a perfect hash. * Return shared object for 0..INTERVAL_POOL_MAX_VALUE or a new * Interval object with a..a in it. On Java.g4, 218623 IntervalSets * have a..a (set with 1 element). */
public static Interval of(int a, int b) { // cache just a..a if ( a!=b || a<0 || a>INTERVAL_POOL_MAX_VALUE ) { return new Interval(a,b); } if ( cache[a]==null ) { cache[a] = new Interval(a,a); } return cache[a]; }
return number of elements between a and b inclusively. x..x is length 1. if b < a, then length is 0. 9..10 has length 2.
/** return number of elements between a and b inclusively. x..x is length 1. * if b &lt; a, then length is 0. 9..10 has length 2. */
public int length() { if ( b<a ) return 0; return b-a+1; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if ( o==null || !(o instanceof Interval) ) { return false; } Interval other = (Interval)o; return this.a==other.a && this.b==other.b; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 23; hash = hash * 31 + a; hash = hash * 31 + b; return hash; }
Does this start completely before other? Disjoint
/** Does this start completely before other? Disjoint */
public boolean startsBeforeDisjoint(Interval other) { return this.a<other.a && this.b<other.a; }
Does this start at or before other? Nondisjoint
/** Does this start at or before other? Nondisjoint */
public boolean startsBeforeNonDisjoint(Interval other) { return this.a<=other.a && this.b>=other.a; }
Does this.a start after other.b? May or may not be disjoint
/** Does this.a start after other.b? May or may not be disjoint */
public boolean startsAfter(Interval other) { return this.a>other.a; }
Does this start completely after other? Disjoint
/** Does this start completely after other? Disjoint */
public boolean startsAfterDisjoint(Interval other) { return this.a>other.b; }
Does this start after other? NonDisjoint
/** Does this start after other? NonDisjoint */
public boolean startsAfterNonDisjoint(Interval other) { return this.a>other.a && this.a<=other.b; // this.b>=other.b implied }
Are both ranges disjoint? I.e., no overlap?
/** Are both ranges disjoint? I.e., no overlap? */
public boolean disjoint(Interval other) { return startsBeforeDisjoint(other) || startsAfterDisjoint(other); }
Are two intervals adjacent such as 0..41 and 42..42?
/** Are two intervals adjacent such as 0..41 and 42..42? */
public boolean adjacent(Interval other) { return this.a == other.b+1 || this.b == other.a-1; } public boolean properlyContains(Interval other) { return other.a >= this.a && other.b <= this.b; }
Return the interval computed from combining this and other
/** Return the interval computed from combining this and other */
public Interval union(Interval other) { return Interval.of(Math.min(a, other.a), Math.max(b, other.b)); }
Return the interval in common between this and o
/** Return the interval in common between this and o */
public Interval intersection(Interval other) { return Interval.of(Math.max(a, other.a), Math.min(b, other.b)); }
Return the interval with elements from this not in other; other must not be totally enclosed (properly contained) within this, which would result in two disjoint intervals instead of the single one returned by this method.
/** Return the interval with elements from this not in other; * other must not be totally enclosed (properly contained) * within this, which would result in two disjoint intervals * instead of the single one returned by this method. */
public Interval differenceNotProperlyContained(Interval other) { Interval diff = null; // other.a to left of this.a (or same) if ( other.startsBeforeNonDisjoint(this) ) { diff = Interval.of(Math.max(this.a, other.b + 1), this.b); } // other.a to right of this.a else if ( other.startsAfterNonDisjoint(this) ) { diff = Interval.of(this.a, other.a - 1); } return diff; } @Override public String toString() { return a+".."+b; } }