 * Copyright 2014 - 2019 Rafael Winterhalter
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member;

import net.bytebuddy.ClassFileVersion;
import net.bytebuddy.build.HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeList;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackManipulation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackSize;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.assign.TypeCasting;
import org.objectweb.asm.Handle;
import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;

import java.util.List;

A builder for a method invocation.
/** * A builder for a method invocation. */
public enum MethodInvocation {
A virtual method invocation.
/** * A virtual method invocation. */
An interface-typed virtual method invocation.
/** * An interface-typed virtual method invocation. */
A static method invocation.
/** * A static method invocation. */
A specialized pseudo-virtual method invocation for a non-constructor.
/** * A specialized pseudo-virtual method invocation for a non-constructor. */
A specialized pseudo-virtual method invocation for a constructor.
/** * A specialized pseudo-virtual method invocation for a constructor. */
A private method call that is potentially virtual.
/** * A private method call that is potentially virtual. */
A private method call that is potentially virtual on an interface type.
/** * A private method call that is potentially virtual on an interface type. */
The opcode for invoking a method.
/** * The opcode for invoking a method. */
private final int opcode;
The handle being used for a dynamic method invocation.
/** * The handle being used for a dynamic method invocation. */
private final int handle;
The opcode for invoking a method before Java 11.
/** * The opcode for invoking a method before Java 11. */
private final int legacyOpcode;
The handle being used for a dynamic method invocation before Java 11.
/** * The handle being used for a dynamic method invocation before Java 11. */
private final int legacyHandle;
Creates a new type of method invocation.
  • opcode – The opcode for invoking a method.
  • handle – The handle being used for a dynamic method invocation.
  • legacyOpcode – The opcode for invoking a method before Java 11.
  • legacyHandle – The handle being used for a dynamic method invocation before Java 11.
/** * Creates a new type of method invocation. * * @param opcode The opcode for invoking a method. * @param handle The handle being used for a dynamic method invocation. * @param legacyOpcode The opcode for invoking a method before Java 11. * @param legacyHandle The handle being used for a dynamic method invocation before Java 11. */
MethodInvocation(int opcode, int handle, int legacyOpcode, int legacyHandle) { this.opcode = opcode; this.handle = handle; this.legacyOpcode = legacyOpcode; this.legacyHandle = legacyHandle; }
Creates a method invocation with an implicitly determined invocation type.
  • methodDescription – The method to be invoked.
Returns:A stack manipulation with implicitly determined invocation type.
/** * Creates a method invocation with an implicitly determined invocation type. * * @param methodDescription The method to be invoked. * @return A stack manipulation with implicitly determined invocation type. */
public static WithImplicitInvocationTargetType invoke(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription) { if (methodDescription.isTypeInitializer()) { return IllegalInvocation.INSTANCE; } else if (methodDescription.isStatic()) { // Check this property first, private static methods must use INVOKESTATIC return STATIC.new Invocation(methodDescription); } else if (methodDescription.isConstructor()) { return SPECIAL_CONSTRUCTOR.new Invocation(methodDescription); // Check this property second, constructors might be private } else if (methodDescription.isPrivate()) { return (methodDescription.getDeclaringType().isInterface() ? INTERFACE_PRIVATE : VIRTUAL_PRIVATE).new Invocation(methodDescription); } else if (methodDescription.getDeclaringType().isInterface()) { // Check this property last, default methods must be called by INVOKESPECIAL return INTERFACE.new Invocation(methodDescription); } else { return VIRTUAL.new Invocation(methodDescription); } }
Creates a method invocation with an implicitly determined invocation type. If the method's return type derives from its declared shape, the value is additionally casted to the value of the generically resolved method.
  • methodDescription – The method to be invoked.
Returns:A stack manipulation with implicitly determined invocation type.
/** * Creates a method invocation with an implicitly determined invocation type. If the method's return type derives from its declared shape, the value * is additionally casted to the value of the generically resolved method. * * @param methodDescription The method to be invoked. * @return A stack manipulation with implicitly determined invocation type. */
public static WithImplicitInvocationTargetType invoke(MethodDescription methodDescription) { MethodDescription.InDefinedShape declaredMethod = methodDescription.asDefined(); return declaredMethod.getReturnType().asErasure().equals(methodDescription.getReturnType().asErasure()) ? invoke(declaredMethod) : OfGenericMethod.of(methodDescription, invoke(declaredMethod)); }
An illegal implicit method invocation.
/** * An illegal implicit method invocation. */
protected enum IllegalInvocation implements WithImplicitInvocationTargetType {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation virtual(TypeDescription invocationTarget) { return Illegal.INSTANCE; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation special(TypeDescription invocationTarget) { return Illegal.INSTANCE; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation dynamic(String methodName, TypeDescription returnType, List<? extends TypeDescription> methodType, List<?> arguments) { return Illegal.INSTANCE; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation onHandle(HandleType type) { return Illegal.INSTANCE; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isValid() { return false; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Size apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, Implementation.Context implementationContext) { return Illegal.INSTANCE.apply(methodVisitor, implementationContext); } }
Represents a method invocation where the invocation type (static, virtual, special, interface) is derived from the given method's description.
/** * Represents a method invocation where the invocation type (static, virtual, special, interface) is derived * from the given method's description. */
public interface WithImplicitInvocationTargetType extends StackManipulation {
Transforms this method invocation into a virtual (or interface) method invocation on the given type.
  • invocationTarget – The type on which the method is to be invoked virtually on.
Returns:A stack manipulation representing this method invocation.
/** * Transforms this method invocation into a virtual (or interface) method invocation on the given type. * * @param invocationTarget The type on which the method is to be invoked virtually on. * @return A stack manipulation representing this method invocation. */
StackManipulation virtual(TypeDescription invocationTarget);
Transforms this method invocation into a special invocation on the given type.
  • invocationTarget – The type on which the method is to be invoked specially on.
Returns:A stack manipulation representing this method invocation.
/** * Transforms this method invocation into a special invocation on the given type. * * @param invocationTarget The type on which the method is to be invoked specially on. * @return A stack manipulation representing this method invocation. */
StackManipulation special(TypeDescription invocationTarget);
Invokes the method as a bootstrap method to bind a call site with the given properties. Note that the Java virtual machine currently only knows how to resolve bootstrap methods that link static methods or a constructor.
  • methodName – The name of the method to be bound.
  • returnType – The return type of the method to be bound.
  • methodType – The parameter types of the method to be bound.
  • arguments – The arguments to be passed to the bootstrap method.
Returns:A stack manipulation that represents the dynamic method invocation.
/** * Invokes the method as a bootstrap method to bind a call site with the given properties. Note that the * Java virtual machine currently only knows how to resolve bootstrap methods that link static methods * or a constructor. * * @param methodName The name of the method to be bound. * @param returnType The return type of the method to be bound. * @param methodType The parameter types of the method to be bound. * @param arguments The arguments to be passed to the bootstrap method. * @return A stack manipulation that represents the dynamic method invocation. */
StackManipulation dynamic(String methodName, TypeDescription returnType, List<? extends TypeDescription> methodType, List<?> arguments);
Invokes the method via a MethodHandle.
  • type – The type of invocation.
Returns:A stack manipulation that represents a method call of the specified method via a method handle.
/** * Invokes the method via a {@code MethodHandle}. * * @param type The type of invocation. * @return A stack manipulation that represents a method call of the specified method via a method handle. */
StackManipulation onHandle(HandleType type); }
A method invocation of a generically resolved method.
/** * A method invocation of a generically resolved method. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class OfGenericMethod implements WithImplicitInvocationTargetType {
The generically resolved return type of the method.
/** * The generically resolved return type of the method. */
private final TypeDescription targetType;
The invocation of the method in its defined shape.
/** * The invocation of the method in its defined shape. */
private final WithImplicitInvocationTargetType invocation;
Creates a generic method invocation.
  • targetType – The generically resolved return type of the method.
  • invocation – The invocation of the method in its defined shape.
/** * Creates a generic method invocation. * * @param targetType The generically resolved return type of the method. * @param invocation The invocation of the method in its defined shape. */
protected OfGenericMethod(TypeDescription targetType, WithImplicitInvocationTargetType invocation) { this.targetType = targetType; this.invocation = invocation; }
Creates a generic access dispatcher for a given method.
  • methodDescription – The generically resolved return type of the method.
  • invocation – The invocation of the method in its defined shape.
Returns:A method access dispatcher for the given method.
/** * Creates a generic access dispatcher for a given method. * * @param methodDescription The generically resolved return type of the method. * @param invocation The invocation of the method in its defined shape. * @return A method access dispatcher for the given method. */
protected static WithImplicitInvocationTargetType of(MethodDescription methodDescription, WithImplicitInvocationTargetType invocation) { return new OfGenericMethod(methodDescription.getReturnType().asErasure(), invocation); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation virtual(TypeDescription invocationTarget) { return new StackManipulation.Compound(invocation.virtual(invocationTarget), TypeCasting.to(targetType)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation special(TypeDescription invocationTarget) { return new StackManipulation.Compound(invocation.special(invocationTarget), TypeCasting.to(targetType)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation dynamic(String methodName, TypeDescription returnType, List<? extends TypeDescription> methodType, List<?> arguments) { return invocation.dynamic(methodName, returnType, methodType, arguments); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation onHandle(HandleType type) { return new Compound(invocation.onHandle(type), TypeCasting.to(targetType)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isValid() { return invocation.isValid(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Size apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, Implementation.Context implementationContext) { return new Compound(invocation, TypeCasting.to(targetType)).apply(methodVisitor, implementationContext); } }
An implementation of a method invoking stack manipulation.
/** * An implementation of a method invoking stack manipulation. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true) protected class Invocation implements WithImplicitInvocationTargetType {
The method to be invoked.
/** * The method to be invoked. */
private final TypeDescription typeDescription;
The type on which this method is to be invoked.
/** * The type on which this method is to be invoked. */
private final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription;
Creates an invocation of a given method on its declaring type as an invocation target.
  • methodDescription – The method to be invoked.
/** * Creates an invocation of a given method on its declaring type as an invocation target. * * @param methodDescription The method to be invoked. */
protected Invocation(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription) { this(methodDescription, methodDescription.getDeclaringType()); }
Creates an invocation of a given method on a given invocation target type.
  • methodDescription – The method to be invoked.
  • typeDescription – The type on which this method is to be invoked.
/** * Creates an invocation of a given method on a given invocation target type. * * @param methodDescription The method to be invoked. * @param typeDescription The type on which this method is to be invoked. */
protected Invocation(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription, TypeDescription typeDescription) { this.typeDescription = typeDescription; this.methodDescription = methodDescription; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isValid() { return true; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Size apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, Implementation.Context implementationContext) { methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn(opcode == legacyOpcode || implementationContext.getClassFileVersion().isAtLeast(ClassFileVersion.JAVA_V11) ? opcode : legacyOpcode, typeDescription.getInternalName(), methodDescription.getInternalName(), methodDescription.getDescriptor(), typeDescription.isInterface()); int parameterSize = methodDescription.getStackSize(), returnValueSize = methodDescription.getReturnType().getStackSize().getSize(); return new Size(returnValueSize - parameterSize, Math.max(0, returnValueSize - parameterSize)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation virtual(TypeDescription invocationTarget) { if (methodDescription.isConstructor() || methodDescription.isStatic()) { return Illegal.INSTANCE; } else if (methodDescription.isPrivate()) { return methodDescription.getDeclaringType().equals(invocationTarget) ? this : Illegal.INSTANCE; } else if (invocationTarget.isInterface()) { return methodDescription.getDeclaringType().represents(Object.class) ? this : INTERFACE.new Invocation(methodDescription, invocationTarget); } else { return VIRTUAL.new Invocation(methodDescription, invocationTarget); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation special(TypeDescription invocationTarget) { return methodDescription.isSpecializableFor(invocationTarget) ? SPECIAL.new Invocation(methodDescription, invocationTarget) : Illegal.INSTANCE; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation dynamic(String methodName, TypeDescription returnType, List<? extends TypeDescription> methodType, List<?> arguments) { return methodDescription.isInvokeBootstrap() ? new DynamicInvocation(methodName, returnType, new TypeList.Explicit(methodType), methodDescription.asDefined(), arguments) : Illegal.INSTANCE; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation onHandle(HandleType type) { return new HandleInvocation(methodDescription, type); } }
Performs a dynamic method invocation of the given method.
/** * Performs a dynamic method invocation of the given method. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true) protected class DynamicInvocation implements StackManipulation {
The internal name of the method that is to be bootstrapped.
/** * The internal name of the method that is to be bootstrapped. */
private final String methodName;
The return type of the method to be bootstrapped.
/** * The return type of the method to be bootstrapped. */
private final TypeDescription returnType;
The parameter types of the method to be bootstrapped.
/** * The parameter types of the method to be bootstrapped. */
private final List<? extends TypeDescription> parameterTypes;
The bootstrap method.
/** * The bootstrap method. */
private final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape bootstrapMethod;
The list of arguments to be handed over to the bootstrap method.
/** * The list of arguments to be handed over to the bootstrap method. */
private final List<?> arguments;
Creates a new dynamic method invocation.
  • methodName – The internal name of the method that is to be bootstrapped.
  • returnType – The return type of the method to be bootstrapped.
  • parameterTypes – The type of the parameters to be bootstrapped.
  • bootstrapMethod – The bootstrap method.
  • arguments – The list of arguments to be handed over to the bootstrap method.
/** * Creates a new dynamic method invocation. * * @param methodName The internal name of the method that is to be bootstrapped. * @param returnType The return type of the method to be bootstrapped. * @param parameterTypes The type of the parameters to be bootstrapped. * @param bootstrapMethod The bootstrap method. * @param arguments The list of arguments to be handed over to the bootstrap method. */
public DynamicInvocation(String methodName, TypeDescription returnType, List<? extends TypeDescription> parameterTypes, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape bootstrapMethod, List<?> arguments) { this.methodName = methodName; this.returnType = returnType; this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes; this.bootstrapMethod = bootstrapMethod; this.arguments = arguments; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isValid() { return true; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Size apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, Implementation.Context implementationContext) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("("); for (TypeDescription parameterType : parameterTypes) { stringBuilder.append(parameterType.getDescriptor()); } String methodDescriptor = stringBuilder.append(')').append(returnType.getDescriptor()).toString(); methodVisitor.visitInvokeDynamicInsn(methodName, methodDescriptor, new Handle(handle == legacyHandle || implementationContext.getClassFileVersion().isAtLeast(ClassFileVersion.JAVA_V11) ? handle : legacyHandle, bootstrapMethod.getDeclaringType().getInternalName(), bootstrapMethod.getInternalName(), bootstrapMethod.getDescriptor(), bootstrapMethod.getDeclaringType().isInterface()), arguments.toArray(new Object[0])); int stackSize = returnType.getStackSize().getSize() - StackSize.of(parameterTypes); return new Size(stackSize, Math.max(stackSize, 0)); } }
Performs a method invocation on a method handle with a polymorphic type signature.
/** * Performs a method invocation on a method handle with a polymorphic type signature. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class HandleInvocation implements StackManipulation {
The internal name of the method handle type.
/** * The internal name of the method handle type. */
private static final String METHOD_HANDLE = "java/lang/invoke/MethodHandle";
The invoked method.
/** * The invoked method. */
private final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription;
The type of method handle invocation.
/** * The type of method handle invocation. */
private final HandleType type;
Creates a new method handle invocation.
  • methodDescription – The invoked method.
  • type – The type of method handle invocation.
/** * Creates a new method handle invocation. * * @param methodDescription The invoked method. * @param type The type of method handle invocation. */
protected HandleInvocation(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription, HandleType type) { this.methodDescription = methodDescription; this.type = type; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isValid() { return true; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Size apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, Implementation.Context implementationContext) { methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, METHOD_HANDLE, type.getMethodName(), methodDescription.isStatic() || methodDescription.isConstructor() ? methodDescription.getDescriptor() : "(" + methodDescription.getDeclaringType().getDescriptor() + methodDescription.getDescriptor().substring(1), false); int parameterSize = 1 + methodDescription.getStackSize(), returnValueSize = methodDescription.getReturnType().getStackSize().getSize(); return new Size(returnValueSize - parameterSize, Math.max(0, returnValueSize - parameterSize)); } }
The type of method handle invocation.
/** * The type of method handle invocation. */
public enum HandleType {
An exact invocation without type adjustments.
/** * An exact invocation without type adjustments. */
A regular invocation with standard type adjustments.
/** * A regular invocation with standard type adjustments. */
The name of the invoked method.
/** * The name of the invoked method. */
private final String methodName;
Creates a new handle type.
  • methodName – The name of the invoked method.
/** * Creates a new handle type. * * @param methodName The name of the invoked method. */
HandleType(String methodName) { this.methodName = methodName; }
Returns the name of the represented method.
Returns:The name of the invoked method.
/** * Returns the name of the represented method. * * @return The name of the invoked method. */
protected String getMethodName() { return methodName; } } }