 * Copyright 2014 - 2019 Rafael Winterhalter
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package net.bytebuddy;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import net.bytebuddy.build.CachedReturnPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.build.HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.ClassFileLocator;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.OpenedClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

A wrapper object for representing a validated class file version in the format that is specified by the JVMS.
/** * A wrapper object for representing a validated class file version in the format that is specified by the * <a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se7/html/jvms-4.html">JVMS</a>. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance public class ClassFileVersion implements Comparable<ClassFileVersion> {
Returns the minimal version number that is legal.
/** * Returns the minimal version number that is legal. */
protected static final int BASE_VERSION = 44;
The class file version of Java 1.
/** * The class file version of Java 1. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V1 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V1_1);
The class file version of Java 2.
/** * The class file version of Java 2. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V2 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V1_2);
The class file version of Java 3.
/** * The class file version of Java 3. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V3 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V1_3);
The class file version of Java 4.
/** * The class file version of Java 4. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V4 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V1_4);
The class file version of Java 5.
/** * The class file version of Java 5. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V5 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V1_5);
The class file version of Java 6.
/** * The class file version of Java 6. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V6 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V1_6);
The class file version of Java 7.
/** * The class file version of Java 7. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V7 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V1_7);
The class file version of Java 8.
/** * The class file version of Java 8. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V8 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V1_8);
The class file version of Java 9.
/** * The class file version of Java 9. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V9 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V9);
The class file version of Java 10.
/** * The class file version of Java 10. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V10 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V10);
The class file version of Java 11.
/** * The class file version of Java 11. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V11 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V11);
The class file version of Java 12.
/** * The class file version of Java 12. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V12 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V12);
The class file version of Java 13.
/** * The class file version of Java 13. */
public static final ClassFileVersion JAVA_V13 = new ClassFileVersion(Opcodes.V13);
A version locator for the executing JVM.
/** * A version locator for the executing JVM. */
private static final VersionLocator VERSION_LOCATOR = AccessController.doPrivileged(VersionLocator.CreationAction.INSTANCE);
The version number that is represented by this class file version instance.
/** * The version number that is represented by this class file version instance. */
private final int versionNumber;
Creates a wrapper for a given minor-major release of the Java class file file.
  • versionNumber – The minor-major release number.
/** * Creates a wrapper for a given minor-major release of the Java class file file. * * @param versionNumber The minor-major release number. */
protected ClassFileVersion(int versionNumber) { this.versionNumber = versionNumber; }
Creates a wrapper for a given minor-major release of the Java class file file.
  • versionNumber – The minor-major release number.
Returns:A representation of the version number.
/** * Creates a wrapper for a given minor-major release of the Java class file file. * * @param versionNumber The minor-major release number. * @return A representation of the version number. */
public static ClassFileVersion ofMinorMajor(int versionNumber) { ClassFileVersion classFileVersion = new ClassFileVersion(versionNumber); if (classFileVersion.getMajorVersion() <= BASE_VERSION) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class version " + versionNumber + " is not valid"); } return classFileVersion; }
Returns the Java class file by its representation by a version string in accordance to the formats known to javac.
  • javaVersionString – The Java version string.
Returns:The appropriate class file version.
/** * Returns the Java class file by its representation by a version string in accordance to the formats known to <i>javac</i>. * * @param javaVersionString The Java version string. * @return The appropriate class file version. */
public static ClassFileVersion ofJavaVersionString(String javaVersionString) { if (javaVersionString.equals("1.1")) { return JAVA_V1; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.2")) { return JAVA_V2; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.3")) { return JAVA_V3; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.4")) { return JAVA_V4; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.5") || javaVersionString.equals("5")) { return JAVA_V5; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.6") || javaVersionString.equals("6")) { return JAVA_V6; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.7") || javaVersionString.equals("7")) { return JAVA_V7; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.8") || javaVersionString.equals("8")) { return JAVA_V8; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.9") || javaVersionString.equals("9")) { return JAVA_V9; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.10") || javaVersionString.equals("10")) { return JAVA_V10; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.11") || javaVersionString.equals("11")) { return JAVA_V11; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.12") || javaVersionString.equals("12")) { return JAVA_V12; } else if (javaVersionString.equals("1.13") || javaVersionString.equals("13")) { return JAVA_V13; } else { if (OpenedClassReader.EXPERIMENTAL) { try { int version = Integer.parseInt(javaVersionString.startsWith("1.") ? javaVersionString.substring(2) : javaVersionString); if (version > 0) { return new ClassFileVersion(BASE_VERSION + version); } } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Java version string: " + javaVersionString); } }
Creates a class file version for a given major release of Java. Currently, all versions reaching from Java 1 to Java 9 are supported.
  • javaVersion – The Java version.
Returns:A wrapper for the given Java class file version.
/** * Creates a class file version for a given major release of Java. Currently, all versions reaching from * Java 1 to Java 9 are supported. * * @param javaVersion The Java version. * @return A wrapper for the given Java class file version. */
public static ClassFileVersion ofJavaVersion(int javaVersion) { switch (javaVersion) { case 1: return JAVA_V1; case 2: return JAVA_V2; case 3: return JAVA_V3; case 4: return JAVA_V4; case 5: return JAVA_V5; case 6: return JAVA_V6; case 7: return JAVA_V7; case 8: return JAVA_V8; case 9: return JAVA_V9; case 10: return JAVA_V10; case 11: return JAVA_V11; case 12: return JAVA_V12; case 13: return JAVA_V13; default: if (OpenedClassReader.EXPERIMENTAL && javaVersion > 0) { return new ClassFileVersion(BASE_VERSION + javaVersion); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Java version: " + javaVersion); } } }
Finds the highest class file version that is compatible to the current JVM version. Prior to Java 9, this is achieved by parsing the java.version property which is provided by System.getProperty(String). If the system property is not available, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
Returns:The currently running Java process's class file version.
/** * Finds the highest class file version that is compatible to the current JVM version. Prior to Java 9, this is achieved * by parsing the {@code java.version} property which is provided by {@link java.lang.System#getProperty(String)}. If the system * property is not available, an {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown. * * @return The currently running Java process's class file version. */
@CachedReturnPlugin.Enhance public static ClassFileVersion ofThisVm() { return VERSION_LOCATOR.locate(); }
Finds the highest class file version that is compatible to the current JVM version. Prior to Java 9, this is achieved by parsing the java.version property which is provided by System.getProperty(String). If the system property is not available, the fallback version is returned.
  • fallback – The version to fallback to if locating a class file version is not possible.
Returns:The currently running Java process's class file version or the fallback if locating this version is impossible.
/** * Finds the highest class file version that is compatible to the current JVM version. Prior to Java 9, this is achieved * by parsing the {@code java.version} property which is provided by {@link java.lang.System#getProperty(String)}. If the system * property is not available, the {@code fallback} version is returned. * * @param fallback The version to fallback to if locating a class file version is not possible. * @return The currently running Java process's class file version or the fallback if locating this version is impossible. */
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION", justification = "Exception should not be rethrown but trigger a fallback") public static ClassFileVersion ofThisVm(ClassFileVersion fallback) { try { return ofThisVm(); } catch (Exception ignored) { return fallback; } }
Extracts a class' class version. The class' byte code is located by querying the ClassLoader of the class.
  • type – The type for which to locate a class file version.
  • IOException – If an error occurs while reading the class file.
Returns:The type's class file version.
/** * Extracts a class' class version. The class' byte code is located by querying the {@link ClassLoader} of the class. * * @param type The type for which to locate a class file version. * @return The type's class file version. * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the class file. */
public static ClassFileVersion of(Class<?> type) throws IOException { return of(type, ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(type.getClassLoader())); }
Extracts a class' class version.
  • type – The type for which to locate a class file version.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to query for a class file.
  • IOException – If an error occurs while reading the class file.
Returns:The type's class file version.
/** * Extracts a class' class version. * * @param type The type for which to locate a class file version. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to query for a class file. * @return The type's class file version. * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the class file. */
public static ClassFileVersion of(Class<?> type, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) throws IOException { return of(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(type), classFileLocator); }
Extracts a class' class version.
  • typeDescription – The type for which to locate a class file version.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to query for a class file.
  • IOException – If an error occurs while reading the class file.
Returns:The type's class file version.
/** * Extracts a class' class version. * * @param typeDescription The type for which to locate a class file version. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to query for a class file. * @return The type's class file version. * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the class file. */
public static ClassFileVersion of(TypeDescription typeDescription, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) throws IOException { ClassReader classReader = OpenedClassReader.of(classFileLocator.locate(typeDescription.getName()).resolve()); VersionExtractor versionExtractor = new VersionExtractor(); classReader.accept(versionExtractor, ClassReader.SKIP_CODE); return ClassFileVersion.ofMinorMajor(versionExtractor.getClassFileVersionNumber()); }
Returns the minor-major release number of this class file version.
Returns:The minor-major release number of this class file version.
/** * Returns the minor-major release number of this class file version. * * @return The minor-major release number of this class file version. */
public int getMinorMajorVersion() { return versionNumber; }
Returns the major version this instance represents.
Returns:The major version this instance represents.
/** * Returns the major version this instance represents. * * @return The major version this instance represents. */
public int getMajorVersion() { return versionNumber & 0xFF; }
Returns the minor version this instance represents.
Returns:The minor version this instance represents.
/** * Returns the minor version this instance represents. * * @return The minor version this instance represents. */
public int getMinorVersion() { return versionNumber >> 16; }
Returns the Java runtime version number of this class file version.
Returns:The Java runtime version.
/** * Returns the Java runtime version number of this class file version. * * @return The Java runtime version. */
public int getJavaVersion() { return getMajorVersion() - BASE_VERSION; }
Checks if this class file version is at least as new as the provided version.
  • classFileVersion – The version to check against.
Returns:true if this version is at least of the given version.
/** * Checks if this class file version is at least as new as the provided version. * * @param classFileVersion The version to check against. * @return {@code true} if this version is at least of the given version. */
public boolean isAtLeast(ClassFileVersion classFileVersion) { return compareTo(classFileVersion) > -1; }
Checks if this class file version is newer than the provided version.
  • classFileVersion – The version to check against.
Returns:true if this version is newer than the provided version.
/** * Checks if this class file version is newer than the provided version. * * @param classFileVersion The version to check against. * @return {@code true} if this version is newer than the provided version. */
public boolean isGreaterThan(ClassFileVersion classFileVersion) { return compareTo(classFileVersion) > 0; }
Checks if this class file version is at most as new as the provided version.
  • classFileVersion – The version to check against.
Returns:true if this version is as most as new as the provided version.
/** * Checks if this class file version is at most as new as the provided version. * * @param classFileVersion The version to check against. * @return {@code true} if this version is as most as new as the provided version. */
public boolean isAtMost(ClassFileVersion classFileVersion) { return compareTo(classFileVersion) < 1; }
Checks if this class file version is older than the provided version.
  • classFileVersion – The version to check against.
Returns:true if this version is older than the provided version.
/** * Checks if this class file version is older than the provided version. * * @param classFileVersion The version to check against. * @return {@code true} if this version is older than the provided version. */
public boolean isLessThan(ClassFileVersion classFileVersion) { return compareTo(classFileVersion) < 0; }
Returns this class file version indicating a class using preview features.
Returns:This class file version but indicating the use of preview features.
/** * Returns this class file version indicating a class using preview features. * * @return This class file version but indicating the use of preview features. */
public ClassFileVersion asPreviewVersion() { return new ClassFileVersion(versionNumber | Opcodes.V_PREVIEW); }
Returns true if this class file version indicates the use of preview features.
Returns:true if this class file version indicates the use of preview features.
/** * Returns {@code true} if this class file version indicates the use of preview features. * * @return {@code true} if this class file version indicates the use of preview features. */
public boolean isPreviewVersion() { return (versionNumber & Opcodes.V_PREVIEW) == Opcodes.V_PREVIEW; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int compareTo(ClassFileVersion other) { return Integer.signum(getMajorVersion() == other.getMajorVersion() ? getMinorVersion() - other.getMinorVersion() : getMajorVersion() - other.getMajorVersion()); } @Override public String toString() { return "Java " + getJavaVersion(); }
A locator for the executing VM's Java version.
/** * A locator for the executing VM's Java version. */
protected interface VersionLocator {
Locates the current VM's major version number.
Returns:The current VM's major version number.
/** * Locates the current VM's major version number. * * @return The current VM's major version number. */
ClassFileVersion locate();
A creation action for a version locator.
/** * A creation action for a version locator. */
enum CreationAction implements PrivilegedAction<VersionLocator> {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION", justification = "Exception should not be rethrown but trigger a fallback") public VersionLocator run() { try { return new VersionLocator.ForJava9CapableVm(Runtime.class.getMethod("version"), Class.forName("java.lang.Runtime$Version").getMethod("major")); } catch (Exception ignored) { return VersionLocator.ForLegacyVm.INSTANCE; } } }
A version locator for a JVM of at least version 9.
/** * A version locator for a JVM of at least version 9. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ForJava9CapableVm implements VersionLocator {
Indicates that a reflective method call invokes a static method.
/** * Indicates that a reflective method call invokes a static method. */
private static final Object STATIC_METHOD = null;
The java.lang.Runtime#version() method.
/** * The {@code java.lang.Runtime#version()} method. */
private final Method current;
The java.lang.Runtime.Version#major() method.
/** * The {@code java.lang.Runtime.Version#major()} method. */
private final Method major;
Creates a new version locator for a Java 9 capable VM.
  • current – The java.lang.Runtime#version() method.
  • major – The java.lang.Runtime.Version#major() method.
/** * Creates a new version locator for a Java 9 capable VM. * * @param current The {@code java.lang.Runtime#version()} method. * @param major The {@code java.lang.Runtime.Version#major()} method. */
protected ForJava9CapableVm(Method current, Method major) { this.current = current; this.major = major; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ClassFileVersion locate() { try { return ClassFileVersion.ofJavaVersion((Integer) major.invoke(current.invoke(STATIC_METHOD))); } catch (IllegalAccessException exception) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not access VM version lookup", exception); } catch (InvocationTargetException exception) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not look up VM version", exception.getCause()); } } }
A version locator for a JVM that does not provide the java.lang.Runtime.Version class.
/** * A version locator for a JVM that does not provide the {@code java.lang.Runtime.Version} class. */
enum ForLegacyVm implements VersionLocator, PrivilegedAction<String> {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
The system property for this JVM's Java version.
/** * The system property for this JVM's Java version. */
private static final String JAVA_VERSION_PROPERTY = "java.version";
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ClassFileVersion locate() { String versionString = AccessController.doPrivileged(this); int[] versionIndex = {-1, 0, 0}; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { versionIndex[i] = versionString.indexOf('.', versionIndex[i - 1] + 1); if (versionIndex[i] == -1) { throw new IllegalStateException("This JVM's version string does not seem to be valid: " + versionString); } } return ClassFileVersion.ofJavaVersion(Integer.parseInt(versionString.substring(versionIndex[1] + 1, versionIndex[2]))); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String run() { return System.getProperty(JAVA_VERSION_PROPERTY); } } }
A simple visitor that extracts the class file version of a class file.
/** * A simple visitor that extracts the class file version of a class file. */
protected static class VersionExtractor extends ClassVisitor {
The class file version extracted from a class.
/** * The class file version extracted from a class. */
private int classFileVersionNumber;
Creates a new extractor.
/** * Creates a new extractor. */
protected VersionExtractor() { super(OpenedClassReader.ASM_API); } @Override public void visit(int classFileVersionNumber, int modifier, String internalName, String signature, String superTypeName, String[] interfaceName) { this.classFileVersionNumber = classFileVersionNumber; }
Returns the class file version number found in a class file.
Returns:The class file version number found in a class file.
/** * Returns the class file version number found in a class file. * * @return The class file version number found in a class file. */
protected int getClassFileVersionNumber() { return classFileVersionNumber; } } }