 * Copyright 2014 - 2019 Rafael Winterhalter
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package net.bytebuddy.description.type;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import net.bytebuddy.build.CachedReturnPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.description.ByteCodeElement;
import net.bytebuddy.description.TypeVariableSource;
import net.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationList;
import net.bytebuddy.description.field.FieldDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackSize;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.FilterableList;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

Implementations represent a list of type descriptions.
/** * Implementations represent a list of type descriptions. */
public interface TypeList extends FilterableList<TypeDescription, TypeList> {
Represents that a type list does not contain any values for ASM interoperability which is represented by null.
/** * Represents that a type list does not contain any values for ASM interoperability which is represented by {@code null}. */
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = {"MS_MUTABLE_ARRAY", "MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT"}, justification = "Value is null") String[] NO_INTERFACES = null;
Returns a list of internal names of all types represented by this list.
Returns:An array of all internal names or null if the list is empty.
/** * Returns a list of internal names of all types represented by this list. * * @return An array of all internal names or {@code null} if the list is empty. */
String[] toInternalNames();
Returns the sum of the size of all types contained in this list.
Returns:The sum of the size of all types contained in this list.
/** * Returns the sum of the size of all types contained in this list. * * @return The sum of the size of all types contained in this list. */
int getStackSize();
An abstract base implementation of a type list.
/** * An abstract base implementation of a type list. */
abstract class AbstractBase extends FilterableList.AbstractBase<TypeDescription, TypeList> implements TypeList { @Override protected TypeList wrap(List<TypeDescription> values) { return new Explicit(values); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getStackSize() { return StackSize.of(this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String[] toInternalNames() { String[] internalNames = new String[size()]; int i = 0; for (TypeDescription typeDescription : this) { internalNames[i++] = typeDescription.getInternalName(); } return internalNames.length == 0 ? NO_INTERFACES : internalNames; } }
Implementation of a type list for an array of loaded types.
/** * Implementation of a type list for an array of loaded types. */
class ForLoadedTypes extends AbstractBase {
The loaded types this type list represents.
/** * The loaded types this type list represents. */
private final List<? extends Class<?>> types;
Creates a new type list for an array of loaded types.
  • type – The types to be represented by this list.
/** * Creates a new type list for an array of loaded types. * * @param type The types to be represented by this list. */
public ForLoadedTypes(Class<?>... type) { this(Arrays.asList(type)); }
Creates a new type list for an array of loaded types.
  • types – The types to be represented by this list.
/** * Creates a new type list for an array of loaded types. * * @param types The types to be represented by this list. */
public ForLoadedTypes(List<? extends Class<?>> types) { this.types = types; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription get(int index) { return TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(types.get(index)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return types.size(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String[] toInternalNames() { String[] internalNames = new String[types.size()]; int i = 0; for (Class<?> type : types) { internalNames[i++] = Type.getInternalName(type); } return internalNames.length == 0 ? NO_INTERFACES : internalNames; } }
A wrapper implementation of an explicit list of types.
/** * A wrapper implementation of an explicit list of types. */
class Explicit extends AbstractBase {
The list of type descriptions this list represents.
/** * The list of type descriptions this list represents. */
private final List<? extends TypeDescription> typeDescriptions;
Creates an immutable wrapper.
  • typeDescription – The list of types to be represented by this wrapper.
/** * Creates an immutable wrapper. * * @param typeDescription The list of types to be represented by this wrapper. */
public Explicit(TypeDescription... typeDescription) { this(Arrays.asList(typeDescription)); }
Creates an immutable wrapper.
  • typeDescriptions – The list of types to be represented by this wrapper.
/** * Creates an immutable wrapper. * * @param typeDescriptions The list of types to be represented by this wrapper. */
public Explicit(List<? extends TypeDescription> typeDescriptions) { this.typeDescriptions = typeDescriptions; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription get(int index) { return typeDescriptions.get(index); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return typeDescriptions.size(); } }
An implementation of an empty type list.
/** * An implementation of an empty type list. */
class Empty extends FilterableList.Empty<TypeDescription, TypeList> implements TypeList {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "EI_EXPOSE_REP", justification = "Value is null") public String[] toInternalNames() { return NO_INTERFACES; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getStackSize() { return 0; } }
A list containing descriptions of generic types.
/** * A list containing descriptions of generic types. */
interface Generic extends FilterableList<TypeDescription.Generic, Generic> {
Returns a list of the generic types' erasures.
Returns:A list of the generic types' erasures.
/** * Returns a list of the generic types' erasures. * * @return A list of the generic types' erasures. */
TypeList asErasures();
Returns a list of the generic types' raw types.
Returns:A list of the generic types' raw types.
/** * Returns a list of the generic types' raw types. * * @return A list of the generic types' raw types. */
Generic asRawTypes();
Transforms a list of attached type variables into their tokenized form. Calling this method throws an IllegalStateException if any type in this list does not represent a type variable (Sort.VARIABLE).
  • visitor – The visitor to use for detaching the type variable's bounds.
Returns:A list of tokens representing the type variables contained in this list.
/** * Transforms a list of attached type variables into their tokenized form. Calling this method throws an {@link IllegalStateException} * if any type in this list does not represent a type variable ({@link net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDefinition.Sort#VARIABLE}). * * @param visitor The visitor to use for detaching the type variable's bounds. * @return A list of tokens representing the type variables contained in this list. */
ByteCodeElement.Token.TokenList<TypeVariableToken> asTokenList(ElementMatcher<? super TypeDescription> visitor);
Transforms the generic types by applying the supplied visitor to each of them.
  • visitor – The visitor to apply to each type.
Returns:A list of the types returned by the supplied visitor.
/** * Transforms the generic types by applying the supplied visitor to each of them. * * @param visitor The visitor to apply to each type. * @return A list of the types returned by the supplied visitor. */
Generic accept(TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor);
Returns the sum of the size of all types contained in this list.
Returns:The sum of the size of all types contained in this list.
/** * Returns the sum of the size of all types contained in this list. * * @return The sum of the size of all types contained in this list. */
int getStackSize();
An abstract base implementation of a generic type list.
/** * An abstract base implementation of a generic type list. */
abstract class AbstractBase extends FilterableList.AbstractBase<TypeDescription.Generic, Generic> implements Generic { @Override protected Generic wrap(List<TypeDescription.Generic> values) { return new Explicit(values); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic accept(TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor) { List<TypeDescription.Generic> visited = new ArrayList<TypeDescription.Generic>(size()); for (TypeDescription.Generic typeDescription : this) { visited.add(typeDescription.accept(visitor)); } return new Explicit(visited); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ByteCodeElement.Token.TokenList<TypeVariableToken> asTokenList(ElementMatcher<? super TypeDescription> matcher) { List<TypeVariableToken> tokens = new ArrayList<TypeVariableToken>(size()); for (TypeDescription.Generic typeVariable : this) { tokens.add(TypeVariableToken.of(typeVariable, matcher)); } return new ByteCodeElement.Token.TokenList<TypeVariableToken>(tokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getStackSize() { int stackSize = 0; for (TypeDescription.Generic typeDescription : this) { stackSize += typeDescription.getStackSize().getSize(); } return stackSize; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList asErasures() { List<TypeDescription> typeDescriptions = new ArrayList<TypeDescription>(size()); for (TypeDescription.Generic typeDescription : this) { typeDescriptions.add(typeDescription.asErasure()); } return new TypeList.Explicit(typeDescriptions); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic asRawTypes() { List<TypeDescription.Generic> typeDescriptions = new ArrayList<TypeDescription.Generic>(size()); for (TypeDescription.Generic typeDescription : this) { typeDescriptions.add(typeDescription.asRawType()); } return new Explicit(typeDescriptions); } }
An explicit list of generic types.
/** * An explicit list of generic types. */
class Explicit extends AbstractBase {
The generic types represented by this list.
/** * The generic types represented by this list. */
private final List<? extends TypeDefinition> typeDefinitions;
Creates a new explicit list of generic types.
  • typeDefinition – The generic types represented by this list.
/** * Creates a new explicit list of generic types. * * @param typeDefinition The generic types represented by this list. */
public Explicit(TypeDefinition... typeDefinition) { this(Arrays.asList(typeDefinition)); }
Creates a new explicit list of generic types.
  • typeDefinitions – The generic types represented by this list.
/** * Creates a new explicit list of generic types. * * @param typeDefinitions The generic types represented by this list. */
public Explicit(List<? extends TypeDefinition> typeDefinitions) { this.typeDefinitions = typeDefinitions; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription.Generic get(int index) { return typeDefinitions.get(index).asGenericType(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return typeDefinitions.size(); } }
A list of loaded generic types.
/** * A list of loaded generic types. */
class ForLoadedTypes extends AbstractBase {
The loaded types this list represents.
/** * The loaded types this list represents. */
private final List<? extends java.lang.reflect.Type> types;
Creates a list of loaded generic types.
  • type – The loaded types this list represents.
/** * Creates a list of loaded generic types. * * @param type The loaded types this list represents. */
public ForLoadedTypes(java.lang.reflect.Type... type) { this(Arrays.asList(type)); }
Creates a list of loaded generic types.
  • types – The loaded types this list represents.
/** * Creates a list of loaded generic types. * * @param types The loaded types this list represents. */
public ForLoadedTypes(List<? extends java.lang.reflect.Type> types) { this.types = types; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription.Generic get(int index) { return TypeDefinition.Sort.describe(types.get(index)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return types.size(); }
A type list that represents loaded type variables.
/** * A type list that represents loaded type variables. */
public static class OfTypeVariables extends Generic.AbstractBase {
The type variables this list represents.
/** * The type variables this list represents. */
private final List<TypeVariable<?>> typeVariables;
Creates a new type list for loaded type variables.
  • typeVariable – The type variables this list represents.
/** * Creates a new type list for loaded type variables. * * @param typeVariable The type variables this list represents. */
protected OfTypeVariables(TypeVariable<?>... typeVariable) { this(Arrays.asList(typeVariable)); }
Creates a new type list for loaded type variables.
  • typeVariables – The type variables this list represents.
/** * Creates a new type list for loaded type variables. * * @param typeVariables The type variables this list represents. */
protected OfTypeVariables(List<TypeVariable<?>> typeVariables) { this.typeVariables = typeVariables; }
Creates a list of the type variables of the supplied generic declaration.
  • genericDeclaration – The generic declaration to represent.
Returns:A generic type list for the returned generic declaration.
/** * Creates a list of the type variables of the supplied generic declaration. * * @param genericDeclaration The generic declaration to represent. * @return A generic type list for the returned generic declaration. */
public static Generic of(GenericDeclaration genericDeclaration) { return new OfTypeVariables(genericDeclaration.getTypeParameters()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription.Generic get(int index) { TypeVariable<?> typeVariable = typeVariables.get(index); return TypeDefinition.Sort.describe(typeVariable, TypeDescription.Generic.AnnotationReader.DISPATCHER.resolveTypeVariable(typeVariable)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return typeVariables.size(); } } }
A list of detached types that are attached on reception.
/** * A list of detached types that are attached on reception. */
class ForDetachedTypes extends AbstractBase {
The detached types this list represents.
/** * The detached types this list represents. */
private final List<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> detachedTypes;
The visitor to use for attaching the detached types.
/** * The visitor to use for attaching the detached types. */
private final TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor;
Creates a list of detached types that are attached on reception.
  • detachedTypes – The detached types this list represents.
  • visitor – The visitor to use for attaching the detached types.
/** * Creates a list of detached types that are attached on reception. * * @param detachedTypes The detached types this list represents. * @param visitor The visitor to use for attaching the detached types. */
public ForDetachedTypes(List<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> detachedTypes, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor) { this.detachedTypes = detachedTypes; this.visitor = visitor; }
Creates a list of type variables that are attached to the provided type.
  • typeDescription – The type to which the type variables are to be attached to.
  • detachedTypeVariables – A mapping of type variable symbols to their detached type variable bounds.
Returns:A type list representing the symbolic type variables in their attached state to the given type description.
/** * Creates a list of type variables that are attached to the provided type. * * @param typeDescription The type to which the type variables are to be attached to. * @param detachedTypeVariables A mapping of type variable symbols to their detached type variable bounds. * @return A type list representing the symbolic type variables in their attached state to the given type description. */
public static Generic attachVariables(TypeDescription typeDescription, List<? extends TypeVariableToken> detachedTypeVariables) { return new OfTypeVariables(typeDescription, detachedTypeVariables, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor.Substitutor.ForAttachment.of(typeDescription)); }
Creates a list of types that are attached to the provided field.
  • fieldDescription – The field to which the detached variables are attached to.
  • detachedTypes – The detached types.
Returns:A type list representing the detached types being attached to the provided field description.
/** * Creates a list of types that are attached to the provided field. * * @param fieldDescription The field to which the detached variables are attached to. * @param detachedTypes The detached types. * @return A type list representing the detached types being attached to the provided field description. */
public static Generic attach(FieldDescription fieldDescription, List<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> detachedTypes) { return new ForDetachedTypes(detachedTypes, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor.Substitutor.ForAttachment.of(fieldDescription)); }
Creates a list of types that are attached to the provided method.
  • methodDescription – The method to which the detached variables are attached to.
  • detachedTypes – The detached types.
Returns:A type list representing the detached types being attached to the provided method description.
/** * Creates a list of types that are attached to the provided method. * * @param methodDescription The method to which the detached variables are attached to. * @param detachedTypes The detached types. * @return A type list representing the detached types being attached to the provided method description. */
public static Generic attach(MethodDescription methodDescription, List<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> detachedTypes) { return new ForDetachedTypes(detachedTypes, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor.Substitutor.ForAttachment.of(methodDescription)); }
Creates a list of type variables that are attached to the provided method.
  • methodDescription – The method to which the type variables are to be attached to.
  • detachedTypeVariables – A mapping of type variable symbols to their detached type variable bounds.
Returns:A type list representing the symbolic type variables in their attached state to the given method description.
/** * Creates a list of type variables that are attached to the provided method. * * @param methodDescription The method to which the type variables are to be attached to. * @param detachedTypeVariables A mapping of type variable symbols to their detached type variable bounds. * @return A type list representing the symbolic type variables in their attached state to the given method description. */
public static Generic attachVariables(MethodDescription methodDescription, List<? extends TypeVariableToken> detachedTypeVariables) { return new OfTypeVariables(methodDescription, detachedTypeVariables, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor.Substitutor.ForAttachment.of(methodDescription)); }
Creates a list of types that are attached to the provided parameter.
  • parameterDescription – The parameter to which the detached variables are attached to.
  • detachedTypes – The detached types.
Returns:A type list representing the detached types being attached to the provided parameter description.
/** * Creates a list of types that are attached to the provided parameter. * * @param parameterDescription The parameter to which the detached variables are attached to. * @param detachedTypes The detached types. * @return A type list representing the detached types being attached to the provided parameter description. */
public static Generic attach(ParameterDescription parameterDescription, List<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> detachedTypes) { return new ForDetachedTypes(detachedTypes, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor.Substitutor.ForAttachment.of(parameterDescription)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription.Generic get(int index) { return detachedTypes.get(index).accept(visitor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return detachedTypes.size(); }
A list of detached types that are attached on reception but not when computing an erasure.
/** * A list of detached types that are attached on reception but not when computing an erasure. */
public static class WithResolvedErasure extends Generic.AbstractBase {
The detached types this list represents.
/** * The detached types this list represents. */
private final List<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> detachedTypes;
The visitor to use for attaching the detached types.
/** * The visitor to use for attaching the detached types. */
private final TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor;
Creates a list of generic type descriptions that are resolved lazily, i.e. type variables are not resolved when computing an erasure.
  • detachedTypes – The detached types this list represents.
  • visitor – The visitor to use for attaching the detached types.
/** * Creates a list of generic type descriptions that are resolved lazily, i.e. type variables are not resolved * when computing an erasure. * * @param detachedTypes The detached types this list represents. * @param visitor The visitor to use for attaching the detached types. */
public WithResolvedErasure(List<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> detachedTypes, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor) { this.detachedTypes = detachedTypes; this.visitor = visitor; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription.Generic get(int index) { return new TypeDescription.Generic.LazyProjection.WithResolvedErasure(detachedTypes.get(index), visitor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return detachedTypes.size(); } }
A list of attached type variables represented by a list of type variable tokens.
/** * A list of attached type variables represented by a list of type variable tokens. */
public static class OfTypeVariables extends Generic.AbstractBase {
The type variable's source.
/** * The type variable's source. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
A token representing the type variable in its detached state.
/** * A token representing the type variable in its detached state. */
private final List<? extends TypeVariableToken> detachedTypeVariables;
A visitor for attaching the type variable's bounds.
/** * A visitor for attaching the type variable's bounds. */
private final TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor;
Creates a new list of attached type variables representing a list of type variable tokens.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable's source.
  • detachedTypeVariables – A token representing the type variable in its detached state.
  • visitor – A visitor for attaching the type variable's bounds.
/** * Creates a new list of attached type variables representing a list of type variable tokens. * * @param typeVariableSource The type variable's source. * @param detachedTypeVariables A token representing the type variable in its detached state. * @param visitor A visitor for attaching the type variable's bounds. */
public OfTypeVariables(TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, List<? extends TypeVariableToken> detachedTypeVariables, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor) { this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.detachedTypeVariables = detachedTypeVariables; this.visitor = visitor; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription.Generic get(int index) { return new AttachedTypeVariable(typeVariableSource, detachedTypeVariables.get(index), visitor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return detachedTypeVariables.size(); }
A wrapper for representing a type variable in its attached state.
/** * A wrapper for representing a type variable in its attached state. */
protected static class AttachedTypeVariable extends TypeDescription.Generic.OfTypeVariable {
The type variable's source.
/** * The type variable's source. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
A token representing the type variable in its detached state.
/** * A token representing the type variable in its detached state. */
private final TypeVariableToken typeVariableToken;
A visitor for attaching the type variable's bounds.
/** * A visitor for attaching the type variable's bounds. */
private final TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor;
Creates a new attached type variable.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable's source.
  • typeVariableToken – A token representing the type variable in its detached state.
  • visitor – A visitor for attaching the type variable's bounds.
/** * Creates a new attached type variable. * * @param typeVariableSource The type variable's source. * @param typeVariableToken A token representing the type variable in its detached state. * @param visitor A visitor for attaching the type variable's bounds. */
protected AttachedTypeVariable(TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, TypeVariableToken typeVariableToken, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor) { this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.typeVariableToken = typeVariableToken; this.visitor = visitor; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getUpperBounds() { return typeVariableToken.getBounds().accept(visitor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeVariableSource getTypeVariableSource() { return typeVariableSource; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getSymbol() { return typeVariableToken.getSymbol(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return typeVariableToken.getAnnotations(); } } } }
A lazy projection of a type's generic interface types.
/** * A lazy projection of a type's generic interface types. */
class OfLoadedInterfaceTypes extends AbstractBase {
The type of which the interface types are represented by this list.
/** * The type of which the interface types are represented by this list. */
private final Class<?> type;
Creates a lazy projection of interface types.
  • type – The type of which the interface types are represented by this list.
/** * Creates a lazy projection of interface types. * * @param type The type of which the interface types are represented by this list. */
public OfLoadedInterfaceTypes(Class<?> type) { this.type = type; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription.Generic get(int index) { return new OfLoadedInterfaceTypes.TypeProjection(type, index, type.getInterfaces()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return type.getInterfaces().length; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList asErasures() { return new TypeList.ForLoadedTypes(type.getInterfaces()); }
A type projection of an interface type.
/** * A type projection of an interface type. */
private static class TypeProjection extends TypeDescription.Generic.LazyProjection.WithLazyNavigation.OfAnnotatedElement {
The type of which an interface type is represented.
/** * The type of which an interface type is represented. */
private final Class<?> type;
The index of the generic interface type that is represented.
/** * The index of the generic interface type that is represented. */
private final int index;
The erasures of the represented type's interface types.
/** * The erasures of the represented type's interface types. */
private final Class<?>[] erasure;
Creates a new lazy type projection of a generic interface type.
  • type – The type of which an interface type is represented.
  • index – The index of the generic interface type that is represented.
  • erasure – The erasures of the represented type's interface types.
/** * Creates a new lazy type projection of a generic interface type. * * @param type The type of which an interface type is represented. * @param index The index of the generic interface type that is represented. * @param erasure The erasures of the represented type's interface types. */
private TypeProjection(Class<?> type, int index, Class<?>[] erasure) { this.type = type; this.index = index; this.erasure = erasure; } @Override @CachedReturnPlugin.Enhance("resolved") protected TypeDescription.Generic resolve() { java.lang.reflect.Type[] type = this.type.getGenericInterfaces(); return erasure.length == type.length ? Sort.describe(type[index], getAnnotationReader()) : asRawType(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription asErasure() { return TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(erasure[index]); } @Override protected AnnotationReader getAnnotationReader() { return AnnotationReader.DISPATCHER.resolveInterfaceType(type, index); } } }
A lazy projection of a constructor's exception types.
/** * A lazy projection of a constructor's exception types. */
class OfConstructorExceptionTypes extends AbstractBase {
The constructor of which the exception types are represented.
/** * The constructor of which the exception types are represented. */
private final Constructor<?> constructor;
Creates a new lazy projection of a constructor's exception types.
  • constructor – The constructor of which the exception types are represented.
/** * Creates a new lazy projection of a constructor's exception types. * * @param constructor The constructor of which the exception types are represented. */
public OfConstructorExceptionTypes(Constructor<?> constructor) { this.constructor = constructor; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription.Generic get(int index) { return new OfConstructorExceptionTypes.TypeProjection(constructor, index, constructor.getExceptionTypes()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return constructor.getExceptionTypes().length; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList asErasures() { return new TypeList.ForLoadedTypes(constructor.getExceptionTypes()); }
A projection of a specific exception type.
/** * A projection of a specific exception type. */
private static class TypeProjection extends TypeDescription.Generic.LazyProjection.WithEagerNavigation.OfAnnotatedElement {
The constructor of which the exception types are represented.
/** * The constructor of which the exception types are represented. */
private final Constructor<?> constructor;
The index of the exception type.
/** * The index of the exception type. */
private final int index;
The erasures of the represented constructor's exception types.
/** * The erasures of the represented constructor's exception types. */
private final Class<?>[] erasure;
Creates a lazy type projection of a constructor's exception type.
  • constructor – The constructor of which the exception types are represented.
  • index – The index of the exception type.
  • erasure – The erasures of the represented constructor's exception types.
/** * Creates a lazy type projection of a constructor's exception type. * * @param constructor The constructor of which the exception types are represented. * @param index The index of the exception type. * @param erasure The erasures of the represented constructor's exception types. */
private TypeProjection(Constructor<?> constructor, int index, Class<?>[] erasure) { this.constructor = constructor; this.index = index; this.erasure = erasure; } @Override @CachedReturnPlugin.Enhance("resolved") protected TypeDescription.Generic resolve() { java.lang.reflect.Type[] type = constructor.getGenericExceptionTypes(); return erasure.length == type.length ? Sort.describe(type[index], getAnnotationReader()) : asRawType(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription asErasure() { return TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(erasure[index]); } @Override protected AnnotationReader getAnnotationReader() { return AnnotationReader.DISPATCHER.resolveExceptionType(constructor, index); } } }
A lazy projection of a method's exception types.
/** * A lazy projection of a method's exception types. */
class OfMethodExceptionTypes extends AbstractBase {
The method of which the exception types are represented.
/** * The method of which the exception types are represented. */
private final Method method;
Creates a new lazy projection of a constructor's exception types.
  • method – The method of which the exception types are represented.
/** * Creates a new lazy projection of a constructor's exception types. * * @param method The method of which the exception types are represented. */
public OfMethodExceptionTypes(Method method) { this.method = method; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription.Generic get(int index) { return new OfMethodExceptionTypes.TypeProjection(method, index, method.getExceptionTypes()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return method.getExceptionTypes().length; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList asErasures() { return new TypeList.ForLoadedTypes(method.getExceptionTypes()); }
A projection of a specific exception type.
/** * A projection of a specific exception type. */
private static class TypeProjection extends TypeDescription.Generic.LazyProjection.WithEagerNavigation.OfAnnotatedElement {
The method of which the exception types are represented.
/** * The method of which the exception types are represented. */
private final Method method;
The index of the exception type.
/** * The index of the exception type. */
private final int index;
The erasures of the represented type's interface type.
/** * The erasures of the represented type's interface type. */
private final Class<?>[] erasure;
Creates a lazy type projection of a constructor's exception type.
  • method – The method of which the exception types are represented.
  • index – The index of the exception type.
  • erasure – The erasures of the represented type's interface type.
/** * Creates a lazy type projection of a constructor's exception type. * * @param method The method of which the exception types are represented. * @param index The index of the exception type. * @param erasure The erasures of the represented type's interface type. */
public TypeProjection(Method method, int index, Class<?>[] erasure) { this.method = method; this.index = index; this.erasure = erasure; } @Override @CachedReturnPlugin.Enhance("resolved") protected TypeDescription.Generic resolve() { java.lang.reflect.Type[] type = method.getGenericExceptionTypes(); return erasure.length == type.length ? Sort.describe(type[index], getAnnotationReader()) : asRawType(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription asErasure() { return TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(erasure[index]); } @Override protected AnnotationReader getAnnotationReader() { return AnnotationReader.DISPATCHER.resolveExceptionType(method, index); } } }
An empty list of generic types.
/** * An empty list of generic types. */
class Empty extends FilterableList.Empty<TypeDescription.Generic, Generic> implements Generic {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList asErasures() { return new TypeList.Empty(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic asRawTypes() { return this; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic accept(TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor<? extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor) { return new Generic.Empty(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ByteCodeElement.Token.TokenList<TypeVariableToken> asTokenList(ElementMatcher<? super TypeDescription> matcher) { return new ByteCodeElement.Token.TokenList<TypeVariableToken>(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getStackSize() { return 0; } } } }