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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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package org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc;

import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.GeneratePIC;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeCycles.CYCLES_1;

import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.Condition;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.AbstractObjectStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.AbstractPointerStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.IntegerStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeClass;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.spi.Canonicalizable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.spi.CanonicalizerTool;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeInfo;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BinaryOpLogicNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicNegationNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Constant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ConstantReflectionProvider;

/* TODO (thomaswue/gdub) For high-level optimization purpose the compare node should be a boolean *value* (it is currently only a helper node)
 * But in the back-end the comparison should not always be materialized (for example in x86 the comparison result will not be in a register but in a flag)
 * Compare should probably be made a value (so that it can be canonicalized for example) and in later stages some Compare usage should be transformed
 * into variants that do not materialize the value (CompareIf, CompareGuard...)
@NodeInfo(cycles = CYCLES_1)
public abstract class CompareNode extends BinaryOpLogicNode implements Canonicalizable.Binary<ValueNode> {

    public static final NodeClass<CompareNode> TYPE = NodeClass.create(CompareNode.class);
    protected final Condition condition;
    protected final boolean unorderedIsTrue;

Constructs a new Compare instruction.
  • x – the instruction producing the first input to the instruction
  • y – the instruction that produces the second input to this instruction
/** * Constructs a new Compare instruction. * * @param x the instruction producing the first input to the instruction * @param y the instruction that produces the second input to this instruction */
protected CompareNode(NodeClass<? extends CompareNode> c, Condition condition, boolean unorderedIsTrue, ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { super(c, x, y); this.condition = condition; this.unorderedIsTrue = unorderedIsTrue; }
Gets the condition (comparison operation) for this instruction.
Returns:the condition
/** * Gets the condition (comparison operation) for this instruction. * * @return the condition */
public final Condition condition() { return condition; }
Checks whether unordered inputs mean true or false (only applies to float operations).
Returns:true if unordered inputs produce true
/** * Checks whether unordered inputs mean true or false (only applies to float operations). * * @return {@code true} if unordered inputs produce true */
public final boolean unorderedIsTrue() { return this.unorderedIsTrue; } private ValueNode optimizeConditional(Constant constant, ConditionalNode conditionalNode, ConstantReflectionProvider constantReflection, Condition cond) { Constant trueConstant = conditionalNode.trueValue().asConstant(); Constant falseConstant = conditionalNode.falseValue().asConstant(); if (falseConstant != null && trueConstant != null && constantReflection != null) { boolean trueResult = cond.foldCondition(trueConstant, constant, constantReflection, unorderedIsTrue()); boolean falseResult = cond.foldCondition(falseConstant, constant, constantReflection, unorderedIsTrue()); if (trueResult == falseResult) { return LogicConstantNode.forBoolean(trueResult); } else { if (trueResult) { assert falseResult == false; return conditionalNode.condition(); } else { assert falseResult == true; return LogicNegationNode.create(conditionalNode.condition()); } } } return this; } protected ValueNode optimizeNormalizeCmp(Constant constant, NormalizeCompareNode normalizeNode, boolean mirrored) { throw new GraalError("NormalizeCompareNode connected to %s (%s %s %s)", this, constant, normalizeNode, mirrored); } @Override public ValueNode canonical(CanonicalizerTool tool, ValueNode forX, ValueNode forY) { ConstantReflectionProvider constantReflection = tool.getConstantReflection(); LogicNode constantCondition = tryConstantFold(condition(), forX, forY, constantReflection, unorderedIsTrue()); if (constantCondition != null) { return constantCondition; } ValueNode result; if (forX.isConstant()) { if ((result = canonicalizeSymmetricConstant(tool, forX.asConstant(), forY, true)) != this) { return result; } } else if (forY.isConstant()) { if ((result = canonicalizeSymmetricConstant(tool, forY.asConstant(), forX, false)) != this) { return result; } } else if (forX instanceof ConvertNode && forY instanceof ConvertNode) { ConvertNode convertX = (ConvertNode) forX; ConvertNode convertY = (ConvertNode) forY; if (convertX.preservesOrder(condition()) && convertY.preservesOrder(condition()) && convertX.getValue().stamp().isCompatible(convertY.getValue().stamp())) { boolean supported = true; if (convertX.getValue().stamp() instanceof IntegerStamp) { IntegerStamp intStamp = (IntegerStamp) convertX.getValue().stamp(); supported = tool.supportSubwordCompare(intStamp.getBits()); } if (supported) { boolean multiUsage = (convertX.asNode().getUsageCount() > 1 || convertY.asNode().getUsageCount() > 1); if ((forX instanceof ZeroExtendNode || forX instanceof SignExtendNode) && multiUsage) { // Do not perform for zero or sign extend if there are multiple usages of // the value. return this; } return duplicateModified(convertX.getValue(), convertY.getValue()); } } } return this; } public static LogicNode tryConstantFold(Condition condition, ValueNode forX, ValueNode forY, ConstantReflectionProvider constantReflection, boolean unorderedIsTrue) { if (forX.isConstant() && forY.isConstant() && constantReflection != null) { return LogicConstantNode.forBoolean(condition.foldCondition(forX.asConstant(), forY.asConstant(), constantReflection, unorderedIsTrue)); } return null; }
Does this operation represent an identity check such that for x == y, x is exactly the same thing as y. This is generally true except for some floating point comparisons.
Returns:true for identity comparisons
/** * Does this operation represent an identity check such that for x == y, x is exactly the same * thing as y. This is generally true except for some floating point comparisons. * * @return true for identity comparisons */
public boolean isIdentityComparison() { return condition == Condition.EQ; } protected abstract LogicNode duplicateModified(ValueNode newX, ValueNode newY); protected ValueNode canonicalizeSymmetricConstant(CanonicalizerTool tool, Constant constant, ValueNode nonConstant, boolean mirrored) { if (nonConstant instanceof ConditionalNode) { return optimizeConditional(constant, (ConditionalNode) nonConstant, tool.getConstantReflection(), mirrored ? condition().mirror() : condition()); } else if (nonConstant instanceof NormalizeCompareNode) { return optimizeNormalizeCmp(constant, (NormalizeCompareNode) nonConstant, mirrored); } else if (nonConstant instanceof ConvertNode) { ConvertNode convert = (ConvertNode) nonConstant; boolean multiUsage = (convert.asNode().getUsageCount() > 1 && convert.getValue().getUsageCount() == 1); if ((convert instanceof ZeroExtendNode || convert instanceof SignExtendNode) && multiUsage) { // Do not perform for zero or sign extend if it could introduce // new live values. return this; } boolean supported = true; if (convert.getValue().stamp() instanceof IntegerStamp) { IntegerStamp intStamp = (IntegerStamp) convert.getValue().stamp(); supported = tool.supportSubwordCompare(intStamp.getBits()); } if (supported) { ConstantNode newConstant = canonicalConvertConstant(tool, convert, constant); if (newConstant != null) { if (mirrored) { return duplicateModified(newConstant, convert.getValue()); } else { return duplicateModified(convert.getValue(), newConstant); } } } } return this; } private ConstantNode canonicalConvertConstant(CanonicalizerTool tool, ConvertNode convert, Constant constant) { ConstantReflectionProvider constantReflection = tool.getConstantReflection(); if (convert.preservesOrder(condition(), constant, constantReflection)) { Constant reverseConverted = convert.reverse(constant, constantReflection); if (reverseConverted != null && convert.convert(reverseConverted, constantReflection).equals(constant)) { if (GeneratePIC.getValue()) { // We always want uncompressed constants return null; } return ConstantNode.forConstant(convert.getValue().stamp(), reverseConverted, tool.getMetaAccess()); } } return null; } public static LogicNode createCompareNode(StructuredGraph graph, Condition condition, ValueNode x, ValueNode y, ConstantReflectionProvider constantReflection) { LogicNode result = createCompareNode(condition, x, y, constantReflection); return (result.graph() == null ? graph.unique(result) : result); } public static LogicNode createCompareNode(Condition condition, ValueNode x, ValueNode y, ConstantReflectionProvider constantReflection) { assert x.getStackKind() == y.getStackKind(); assert condition.isCanonical() : "condition is not canonical: " + condition; assert !x.getStackKind().isNumericFloat(); LogicNode comparison; if (condition == Condition.EQ) { if (x.stamp() instanceof AbstractObjectStamp) { comparison = ObjectEqualsNode.create(x, y, constantReflection); } else if (x.stamp() instanceof AbstractPointerStamp) { comparison = PointerEqualsNode.create(x, y); } else { assert x.getStackKind().isNumericInteger(); comparison = IntegerEqualsNode.create(x, y, constantReflection); } } else if (condition == Condition.LT) { assert x.getStackKind().isNumericInteger(); comparison = IntegerLessThanNode.create(x, y, constantReflection); } else { assert condition == Condition.BT; assert x.getStackKind().isNumericInteger(); comparison = IntegerBelowNode.create(x, y, constantReflection); } return comparison; } }