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package org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc;

import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Constant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ConstantReflectionProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.PrimitiveConstant;

Condition codes used in conditionals.
/** * Condition codes used in conditionals. */
public enum Condition {
/** * Equal. */
Not equal.
/** * Not equal. */
Signed less than.
/** * Signed less than. */
Signed less than or equal.
/** * Signed less than or equal. */
Signed greater than.
/** * Signed greater than. */
Signed greater than or equal.
/** * Signed greater than or equal. */
Unsigned greater than or equal ("above than or equal").
/** * Unsigned greater than or equal ("above than or equal"). */
Unsigned less than or equal ("below than or equal").
/** * Unsigned less than or equal ("below than or equal"). */
Unsigned greater than ("above than").
/** * Unsigned greater than ("above than"). */
Unsigned less than ("below than").
/** * Unsigned less than ("below than"). */
BT("|<|"); public final String operator; Condition(String operator) { this.operator = operator; } public boolean check(int left, int right) { switch (this) { case EQ: return left == right; case NE: return left != right; case LT: return left < right; case LE: return left <= right; case GT: return left > right; case GE: return left >= right; case AE: return UnsignedMath.aboveOrEqual(left, right); case BE: return UnsignedMath.belowOrEqual(left, right); case AT: return UnsignedMath.aboveThan(left, right); case BT: return UnsignedMath.belowThan(left, right); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.toString()); }
Given a condition and its negation, this method returns true for one of the two and false for the other one. This can be used to keep comparisons in a canonical form.
Returns:true if this condition is considered to be the canonical form, false otherwise.
/** * Given a condition and its negation, this method returns true for one of the two and false for * the other one. This can be used to keep comparisons in a canonical form. * * @return true if this condition is considered to be the canonical form, false otherwise. */
public boolean isCanonical() { switch (this) { case EQ: return true; case NE: return false; case LT: return true; case LE: return false; case GT: return false; case GE: return false; case BT: return true; case BE: return false; case AT: return false; case AE: return false; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.toString()); }
Returns true if the condition needs to be mirrored to get to a canonical condition. The result of the mirroring operation might still need to be negated to achieve a canonical form.
/** * Returns true if the condition needs to be mirrored to get to a canonical condition. The * result of the mirroring operation might still need to be negated to achieve a canonical form. */
public boolean canonicalMirror() { switch (this) { case EQ: return false; case NE: return false; case LT: return false; case LE: return true; case GT: return true; case GE: return false; case BT: return false; case BE: return true; case AT: return true; case AE: return false; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.toString()); }
Returns true if the condition needs to be negated to get to a canonical condition. The result of the negation might still need to be mirrored to achieve a canonical form.
/** * Returns true if the condition needs to be negated to get to a canonical condition. The result * of the negation might still need to be mirrored to achieve a canonical form. */
public boolean canonicalNegate() { switch (this) { case EQ: return false; case NE: return true; case LT: return false; case LE: return true; case GT: return false; case GE: return true; case BT: return false; case BE: return true; case AT: return false; case AE: return true; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.toString()); }
Negate this conditional.
Returns:the condition that represents the negation
/** * Negate this conditional. * * @return the condition that represents the negation */
public final Condition negate() { switch (this) { case EQ: return NE; case NE: return EQ; case LT: return GE; case LE: return GT; case GT: return LE; case GE: return LT; case BT: return AE; case BE: return AT; case AT: return BE; case AE: return BT; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.toString()); } public boolean implies(Condition other) { if (other == this) { return true; } switch (this) { case EQ: return other == LE || other == GE || other == BE || other == AE; case NE: return false; case LT: return other == LE || other == NE; case LE: return false; case GT: return other == GE || other == NE; case GE: return false; case BT: return other == BE || other == NE; case BE: return false; case AT: return other == AE || other == NE; case AE: return false; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.toString()); }
Mirror this conditional (i.e. commute "a op b" to "b op' a")
Returns:the condition representing the equivalent commuted operation
/** * Mirror this conditional (i.e. commute "a op b" to "b op' a") * * @return the condition representing the equivalent commuted operation */
public final Condition mirror() { switch (this) { case EQ: return EQ; case NE: return NE; case LT: return GT; case LE: return GE; case GT: return LT; case GE: return LE; case BT: return AT; case BE: return AE; case AT: return BT; case AE: return BE; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }
Returns true if this condition represents an unsigned comparison. EQ and NE are not considered to be unsigned.
/** * Returns true if this condition represents an unsigned comparison. EQ and NE are not * considered to be unsigned. */
public final boolean isUnsigned() { return this == Condition.BT || this == Condition.BE || this == Condition.AT || this == Condition.AE; }
Checks if this conditional operation is commutative.
Returns:true if this operation is commutative
/** * Checks if this conditional operation is commutative. * * @return {@code true} if this operation is commutative */
public final boolean isCommutative() { return this == EQ || this == NE; }
Attempts to fold a comparison between two constants and return the result.
  • lt – the constant on the left side of the comparison
  • rt – the constant on the right side of the comparison
  • constantReflection – needed to compare constants
Returns:Boolean.TRUE if the comparison is known to be true, Boolean.FALSE if the comparison is known to be false
/** * Attempts to fold a comparison between two constants and return the result. * * @param lt the constant on the left side of the comparison * @param rt the constant on the right side of the comparison * @param constantReflection needed to compare constants * @return {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the comparison is known to be true, {@link Boolean#FALSE} if * the comparison is known to be false */
public boolean foldCondition(JavaConstant lt, JavaConstant rt, ConstantReflectionProvider constantReflection) { assert !lt.getJavaKind().isNumericFloat() && !rt.getJavaKind().isNumericFloat(); return foldCondition(lt, rt, constantReflection, false); }
Attempts to fold a comparison between two constants and return the result.
  • lt – the constant on the left side of the comparison
  • rt – the constant on the right side of the comparison
  • constantReflection – needed to compare constants
  • unorderedIsTrue – true if an undecided float comparison should result in "true"
Returns:true if the comparison is known to be true, false if the comparison is known to be false
/** * Attempts to fold a comparison between two constants and return the result. * * @param lt the constant on the left side of the comparison * @param rt the constant on the right side of the comparison * @param constantReflection needed to compare constants * @param unorderedIsTrue true if an undecided float comparison should result in "true" * @return true if the comparison is known to be true, false if the comparison is known to be * false */
public boolean foldCondition(Constant lt, Constant rt, ConstantReflectionProvider constantReflection, boolean unorderedIsTrue) { if (lt instanceof PrimitiveConstant) { PrimitiveConstant lp = (PrimitiveConstant) lt; PrimitiveConstant rp = (PrimitiveConstant) rt; switch (lp.getJavaKind()) { case Boolean: case Byte: case Char: case Short: case Int: { int x = lp.asInt(); int y = rp.asInt(); switch (this) { case EQ: return x == y; case NE: return x != y; case LT: return x < y; case LE: return x <= y; case GT: return x > y; case GE: return x >= y; case AE: return UnsignedMath.aboveOrEqual(x, y); case BE: return UnsignedMath.belowOrEqual(x, y); case AT: return UnsignedMath.aboveThan(x, y); case BT: return UnsignedMath.belowThan(x, y); default: throw new GraalError("expected condition: %s", this); } } case Long: { long x = lp.asLong(); long y = rp.asLong(); switch (this) { case EQ: return x == y; case NE: return x != y; case LT: return x < y; case LE: return x <= y; case GT: return x > y; case GE: return x >= y; case AE: return UnsignedMath.aboveOrEqual(x, y); case BE: return UnsignedMath.belowOrEqual(x, y); case AT: return UnsignedMath.aboveThan(x, y); case BT: return UnsignedMath.belowThan(x, y); default: throw new GraalError("expected condition: %s", this); } } case Float: { float x = lp.asFloat(); float y = rp.asFloat(); if (Float.isNaN(x) || Float.isNaN(y)) { return unorderedIsTrue; } switch (this) { case EQ: return x == y; case NE: return x != y; case LT: return x < y; case LE: return x <= y; case GT: return x > y; case GE: return x >= y; default: throw new GraalError("expected condition: %s", this); } } case Double: { double x = lp.asDouble(); double y = rp.asDouble(); if (Double.isNaN(x) || Double.isNaN(y)) { return unorderedIsTrue; } switch (this) { case EQ: return x == y; case NE: return x != y; case LT: return x < y; case LE: return x <= y; case GT: return x > y; case GE: return x >= y; default: throw new GraalError("expected condition: %s", this); } } default: throw new GraalError("expected value kind %s while folding condition: %s", lp.getJavaKind(), this); } } else { Boolean equal = constantReflection.constantEquals(lt, rt); if (equal == null) { throw new GraalError("could not fold %s %s %s", lt, this, rt); } switch (this) { case EQ: return equal.booleanValue(); case NE: return !equal.booleanValue(); default: throw new GraalError("expected condition: %s", this); } } } public Condition join(Condition other) { if (other == this) { return this; } switch (this) { case EQ: if (other == LE || other == GE || other == BE || other == AE) { return EQ; } else { return null; } case NE: if (other == LT || other == GT || other == BT || other == AT) { return other; } else if (other == LE) { return LT; } else if (other == GE) { return GT; } else if (other == BE) { return BT; } else if (other == AE) { return AT; } else { return null; } case LE: if (other == GE || other == EQ) { return EQ; } else if (other == NE || other == LT) { return LT; } else { return null; } case LT: if (other == NE || other == LE) { return LT; } else { return null; } case GE: if (other == LE || other == EQ) { return EQ; } else if (other == NE || other == GT) { return GT; } else { return null; } case GT: if (other == NE || other == GE) { return GT; } else { return null; } case BE: if (other == AE || other == EQ) { return EQ; } else if (other == NE || other == BT) { return BT; } else { return null; } case BT: if (other == NE || other == BE) { return BT; } else { return null; } case AE: if (other == BE || other == EQ) { return EQ; } else if (other == NE || other == AT) { return AT; } else { return null; } case AT: if (other == NE || other == AE) { return AT; } else { return null; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.toString()); } public Condition meet(Condition other) { if (other == this) { return this; } switch (this) { case EQ: if (other == LE || other == GE || other == BE || other == AE) { return other; } else if (other == LT) { return LE; } else if (other == GT) { return GE; } else if (other == BT) { return BE; } else if (other == AT) { return AE; } else { return null; } case NE: if (other == LT || other == GT || other == BT || other == AT) { return NE; } else { return null; } case LE: if (other == EQ || other == LT) { return LE; } else { return null; } case LT: if (other == EQ || other == LE) { return LE; } else if (other == NE || other == GT) { return NE; } else { return null; } case GE: if (other == EQ || other == GT) { return GE; } else { return null; } case GT: if (other == EQ || other == GE) { return GE; } else if (other == NE || other == LT) { return NE; } else { return null; } case BE: if (other == EQ || other == BT) { return BE; } else { return null; } case BT: if (other == EQ || other == BE) { return BE; } else if (other == NE || other == AT) { return NE; } else { return null; } case AE: if (other == EQ || other == AT) { return AE; } else { return null; } case AT: if (other == EQ || other == AE) { return AE; } else if (other == NE || other == BT) { return NE; } else { return null; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.toString()); } }