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package org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type;

import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.RandomAccess;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Constant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.MetaAccessProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;

Type describing all pointers to Java objects.
/** * Type describing all pointers to Java objects. */
public abstract class AbstractObjectStamp extends AbstractPointerStamp { private final ResolvedJavaType type; private final boolean exactType; protected AbstractObjectStamp(ResolvedJavaType type, boolean exactType, boolean nonNull, boolean alwaysNull) { super(nonNull, alwaysNull); this.type = type; this.exactType = exactType; } protected abstract AbstractObjectStamp copyWith(ResolvedJavaType newType, boolean newExactType, boolean newNonNull, boolean newAlwaysNull); @Override protected final AbstractPointerStamp copyWith(boolean newNonNull, boolean newAlwaysNull) { return copyWith(type, exactType, newNonNull, newAlwaysNull); } @Override public Stamp unrestricted() { return copyWith(null, false, false, false); } @Override public Stamp empty() { return copyWith(null, true, true, false); } @Override public Stamp constant(Constant c, MetaAccessProvider meta) { JavaConstant jc = (JavaConstant) c; ResolvedJavaType constType = jc.isNull() ? null : meta.lookupJavaType(jc); return copyWith(constType, jc.isNonNull(), jc.isNonNull(), jc.isNull()); } @Override public boolean hasValues() { return !exactType || (type != null && (isConcreteType(type))); } @Override public JavaKind getStackKind() { return JavaKind.Object; } @Override public ResolvedJavaType javaType(MetaAccessProvider metaAccess) { if (type != null) { return type; } return metaAccess.lookupJavaType(Object.class); } public ResolvedJavaType type() { return type; } public boolean isExactType() { return exactType && type != null; } protected void appendString(StringBuilder str) { if (this.isEmpty()) { str.append(" empty"); } else { str.append(nonNull() ? "!" : "").append(exactType ? "#" : "").append(' ').append(type == null ? "-" : type.getName()).append(alwaysNull() ? " NULL" : ""); } } @Override public Stamp meet(Stamp otherStamp) { if (this == otherStamp) { return this; } AbstractObjectStamp other = (AbstractObjectStamp) otherStamp; if (isEmpty()) { return other; } else if (other.isEmpty()) { return this; } ResolvedJavaType meetType; boolean meetExactType; boolean meetNonNull; boolean meetAlwaysNull; if (other.alwaysNull()) { meetType = type(); meetExactType = exactType; meetNonNull = false; meetAlwaysNull = alwaysNull(); } else if (alwaysNull()) { meetType = other.type(); meetExactType = other.exactType; meetNonNull = false; meetAlwaysNull = other.alwaysNull(); } else { meetType = meetTypes(type(), other.type()); meetExactType = exactType && other.exactType; if (meetExactType && type != null && other.type != null) { // meeting two valid exact types may result in a non-exact type meetExactType = Objects.equals(meetType, type) && Objects.equals(meetType, other.type); } meetNonNull = nonNull() && other.nonNull(); meetAlwaysNull = false; } if (Objects.equals(meetType, type) && meetExactType == exactType && meetNonNull == nonNull() && meetAlwaysNull == alwaysNull()) { return this; } else if (Objects.equals(meetType, other.type) && meetExactType == other.exactType && meetNonNull == other.nonNull() && meetAlwaysNull == other.alwaysNull()) { return other; } else { return copyWith(meetType, meetExactType, meetNonNull, meetAlwaysNull); } } @Override public Stamp join(Stamp otherStamp) { return join0(otherStamp, false); }
Returns the stamp representing the type of this stamp after a cast to the type represented by the to stamp. While this is very similar to a join operation, in the case where both types are not obviously related, the cast operation will prefer the type of the to stamp. This is necessary as long as ObjectStamps are not able to accurately represent intersection types. For example when joining the RandomAccess type with the AbstractList type, without intersection types, this would result in the most generic type (Object ). For this reason, in some cases a castTo operation is preferable in order to keep at least the AbstractList type.
  • other – the stamp this stamp should be casted to
Returns:the new improved stamp or null if this stamp cannot be improved
/** * Returns the stamp representing the type of this stamp after a cast to the type represented by * the {@code to} stamp. While this is very similar to a {@link #join} operation, in the case * where both types are not obviously related, the cast operation will prefer the type of the * {@code to} stamp. This is necessary as long as ObjectStamps are not able to accurately * represent intersection types. * * For example when joining the {@link RandomAccess} type with the {@link AbstractList} type, * without intersection types, this would result in the most generic type ({@link Object} ). For * this reason, in some cases a {@code castTo} operation is preferable in order to keep at least * the {@link AbstractList} type. * * @param other the stamp this stamp should be casted to * @return the new improved stamp or {@code null} if this stamp cannot be improved */
@Override public Stamp improveWith(Stamp other) { return join0(other, true); } private Stamp join0(Stamp otherStamp, boolean improve) { if (this == otherStamp) { return this; } AbstractObjectStamp other = (AbstractObjectStamp) otherStamp; if (isEmpty()) { return this; } else if (other.isEmpty()) { return other; } ResolvedJavaType joinType; boolean joinAlwaysNull = alwaysNull() || other.alwaysNull(); boolean joinNonNull = nonNull() || other.nonNull(); boolean joinExactType = exactType || other.exactType; if (Objects.equals(type, other.type)) { joinType = type; } else if (type == null && other.type == null) { joinType = null; } else if (type == null) { joinType = other.type; } else if (other.type == null) { joinType = type; } else { // both types are != null and different if (type.isAssignableFrom(other.type)) { joinType = other.type; if (exactType) { joinAlwaysNull = true; } } else if (other.type.isAssignableFrom(type)) { joinType = type; if (other.exactType) { joinAlwaysNull = true; } } else { if (improve) { joinType = type; joinExactType = exactType; } else { joinType = null; } if (joinExactType || (!isInterfaceOrArrayOfInterface(type) && !isInterfaceOrArrayOfInterface(other.type))) { joinAlwaysNull = true; } } } if (joinAlwaysNull) { joinType = null; joinExactType = false; } if (joinExactType && joinType == null) { return empty(); } if (joinAlwaysNull && joinNonNull) { return empty(); } else if (joinExactType && !isConcreteType(joinType)) { return empty(); } if (Objects.equals(joinType, type) && joinExactType == exactType && joinNonNull == nonNull() && joinAlwaysNull == alwaysNull()) { return this; } else if (Objects.equals(joinType, other.type) && joinExactType == other.exactType && joinNonNull == other.nonNull() && joinAlwaysNull == other.alwaysNull()) { return other; } else { return copyWith(joinType, joinExactType, joinNonNull, joinAlwaysNull); } } private static boolean isInterfaceOrArrayOfInterface(ResolvedJavaType t) { return t.isInterface() || (t.isArray() && t.getElementalType().isInterface()); } public static boolean isConcreteType(ResolvedJavaType type) { return !(type.isAbstract() && !type.isArray()); } private static ResolvedJavaType meetTypes(ResolvedJavaType a, ResolvedJavaType b) { if (Objects.equals(a, b)) { return a; } else if (a == null || b == null) { return null; } else { // The `meetTypes` operation must be commutative. One way to achieve this is to totally // order the types and always call `meetOrderedNonNullTypes` in the same order. We // establish the order by first comparing the hash-codes for performance reasons, and // then comparing the internal names of the types. int hashA = a.getName().hashCode(); int hashB = b.getName().hashCode(); if (hashA < hashB) { return meetOrderedNonNullTypes(a, b); } else if (hashB < hashA) { return meetOrderedNonNullTypes(b, a); } else { int diff = a.getName().compareTo(b.getName()); if (diff <= 0) { return meetOrderedNonNullTypes(a, b); } else { return meetOrderedNonNullTypes(b, a); } } } } private static ResolvedJavaType meetOrderedNonNullTypes(ResolvedJavaType a, ResolvedJavaType b) { ResolvedJavaType result = a.findLeastCommonAncestor(b); if (result.isJavaLangObject() && a.isInterface() && b.isInterface()) { // Both types are incompatible interfaces => search for first possible common // ancestor match among super interfaces. ResolvedJavaType[] interfacesA = a.getInterfaces(); ResolvedJavaType[] interfacesB = b.getInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < interfacesA.length; ++i) { ResolvedJavaType interface1 = interfacesA[i]; for (int j = 0; j < interfacesB.length; ++j) { ResolvedJavaType interface2 = interfacesB[j]; ResolvedJavaType leastCommon = meetTypes(interface1, interface2); if (leastCommon.isInterface()) { return leastCommon; } } } } return result; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + (exactType ? 1231 : 1237); result = prime * result + ((type == null || type.isJavaLangObject()) ? 0 : type.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } AbstractObjectStamp other = (AbstractObjectStamp) obj; if (exactType != other.exactType) { return false; } // null == java.lang.Object if (type == null) { if (other.type != null && !other.type.isJavaLangObject()) { return false; } } else if (other.type == null) { if (type != null && !type.isJavaLangObject()) { return false; } } else if (!type.equals(other.type)) { return false; } return super.equals(other); } }