 * Copyright (c) 1999, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

package com.sun.tools.javac.jvm;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;

import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.FileObject;
import javax.tools.JavaFileManager.Location;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;

import com.sun.tools.javac.code.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Attribute.RetentionPolicy;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Directive.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Types.UniqueType;
import com.sun.tools.javac.file.PathFileObject;
import com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.Pool.DynamicMethod;
import com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.Pool.Method;
import com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.Pool.MethodHandle;
import com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.Pool.Variable;
import com.sun.tools.javac.main.Option;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*;

import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.Kind.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Scope.LookupKind.NON_RECURSIVE;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.TypeTag.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.main.Option.*;

import static javax.tools.StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT;

This class provides operations to map an internal symbol table graph rooted in a ClassSymbol into a classfile.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** This class provides operations to map an internal symbol table graph * rooted in a ClassSymbol into a classfile. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
public class ClassWriter extends ClassFile { protected static final Context.Key<ClassWriter> classWriterKey = new Context.Key<>(); private final Options options;
Switch: verbose output.
/** Switch: verbose output. */
private boolean verbose;
Switch: emit source file attribute.
/** Switch: emit source file attribute. */
private boolean emitSourceFile;
Switch: generate CharacterRangeTable attribute.
/** Switch: generate CharacterRangeTable attribute. */
private boolean genCrt;
Switch: describe the generated stackmap.
/** Switch: describe the generated stackmap. */
private boolean debugstackmap;
Target class version.
/** * Target class version. */
private Target target;
Source language version.
/** * Source language version. */
private Source source;
Type utilities.
/** Type utilities. */
private Types types;
If true, class files will be written in module-specific subdirectories of the CLASS_OUTPUT location.
/** * If true, class files will be written in module-specific subdirectories * of the CLASS_OUTPUT location. */
public boolean multiModuleMode;
The initial sizes of the data and constant pool buffers. Sizes are increased when buffers get full.
/** The initial sizes of the data and constant pool buffers. * Sizes are increased when buffers get full. */
static final int DATA_BUF_SIZE = 0x0fff0; static final int POOL_BUF_SIZE = 0x1fff0;
An output buffer for member info.
/** An output buffer for member info. */
ByteBuffer databuf = new ByteBuffer(DATA_BUF_SIZE);
An output buffer for the constant pool.
/** An output buffer for the constant pool. */
ByteBuffer poolbuf = new ByteBuffer(POOL_BUF_SIZE);
The constant pool.
/** The constant pool. */
Pool pool;
The inner classes to be written, as a set.
/** The inner classes to be written, as a set. */
Set<ClassSymbol> innerClasses;
The inner classes to be written, as a queue where enclosing classes come first.
/** The inner classes to be written, as a queue where * enclosing classes come first. */
ListBuffer<ClassSymbol> innerClassesQueue;
The bootstrap methods to be written in the corresponding class attribute (one for each invokedynamic)
/** The bootstrap methods to be written in the corresponding class attribute * (one for each invokedynamic) */
Map<DynamicMethod.BootstrapMethodsKey, DynamicMethod.BootstrapMethodsValue> bootstrapMethods;
The log to use for verbose output.
/** The log to use for verbose output. */
private final Log log;
The name table.
/** The name table. */
private final Names names;
Access to files.
/** Access to files. */
private final JavaFileManager fileManager;
Sole signature generator
/** Sole signature generator */
private final CWSignatureGenerator signatureGen;
The tags and constants used in compressed stackmap.
/** The tags and constants used in compressed stackmap. */
static final int SAME_FRAME_SIZE = 64; static final int SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_EXTENDED = 247; static final int SAME_FRAME_EXTENDED = 251; static final int FULL_FRAME = 255; static final int MAX_LOCAL_LENGTH_DIFF = 4;
Get the ClassWriter instance for this context.
/** Get the ClassWriter instance for this context. */
public static ClassWriter instance(Context context) { ClassWriter instance = context.get(classWriterKey); if (instance == null) instance = new ClassWriter(context); return instance; }
Construct a class writer, given an options table.
/** Construct a class writer, given an options table. */
protected ClassWriter(Context context) { context.put(classWriterKey, this); log = Log.instance(context); names = Names.instance(context); options = Options.instance(context); target = Target.instance(context); source = Source.instance(context); types = Types.instance(context); fileManager = context.get(JavaFileManager.class); signatureGen = new CWSignatureGenerator(types); verbose = options.isSet(VERBOSE); genCrt = options.isSet(XJCOV); debugstackmap = options.isSet("debug.stackmap"); emitSourceFile = options.isUnset(G_CUSTOM) || options.isSet(G_CUSTOM, "source"); String modifierFlags = options.get("debug.dumpmodifiers"); if (modifierFlags != null) { dumpClassModifiers = modifierFlags.indexOf('c') != -1; dumpFieldModifiers = modifierFlags.indexOf('f') != -1; dumpInnerClassModifiers = modifierFlags.indexOf('i') != -1; dumpMethodModifiers = modifierFlags.indexOf('m') != -1; } } /****************************************************************** * Diagnostics: dump generated class names and modifiers ******************************************************************/
Value of option 'dumpmodifiers' is a string indicating which modifiers should be dumped for debugging: 'c' -- classes 'f' -- fields 'i' -- innerclass attributes 'm' -- methods For example, to dump everything: javac -XDdumpmodifiers=cifm MyProg.java
/** Value of option 'dumpmodifiers' is a string * indicating which modifiers should be dumped for debugging: * 'c' -- classes * 'f' -- fields * 'i' -- innerclass attributes * 'm' -- methods * For example, to dump everything: * javac -XDdumpmodifiers=cifm MyProg.java */
private boolean dumpClassModifiers; // -XDdumpmodifiers=c private boolean dumpFieldModifiers; // -XDdumpmodifiers=f private boolean dumpInnerClassModifiers; // -XDdumpmodifiers=i private boolean dumpMethodModifiers; // -XDdumpmodifiers=m
Return flags as a string, separated by " ".
/** Return flags as a string, separated by " ". */
public static String flagNames(long flags) { StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; long f = flags & StandardFlags; while (f != 0) { if ((f & 1) != 0) { sbuf.append(" "); sbuf.append(flagName[i]); } f = f >> 1; i++; } return sbuf.toString(); } //where private final static String[] flagName = { "PUBLIC", "PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "STATIC", "FINAL", "SUPER", "VOLATILE", "TRANSIENT", "NATIVE", "INTERFACE", "ABSTRACT", "STRICTFP"}; /****************************************************************** * Output routines ******************************************************************/
Write a character into given byte buffer; byte buffer will not be grown.
/** Write a character into given byte buffer; * byte buffer will not be grown. */
void putChar(ByteBuffer buf, int op, int x) { buf.elems[op ] = (byte)((x >> 8) & 0xFF); buf.elems[op+1] = (byte)((x ) & 0xFF); }
Write an integer into given byte buffer; byte buffer will not be grown.
/** Write an integer into given byte buffer; * byte buffer will not be grown. */
void putInt(ByteBuffer buf, int adr, int x) { buf.elems[adr ] = (byte)((x >> 24) & 0xFF); buf.elems[adr+1] = (byte)((x >> 16) & 0xFF); buf.elems[adr+2] = (byte)((x >> 8) & 0xFF); buf.elems[adr+3] = (byte)((x ) & 0xFF); }
Signature Generation
/** * Signature Generation */
private class CWSignatureGenerator extends Types.SignatureGenerator {
An output buffer for type signatures.
/** * An output buffer for type signatures. */
ByteBuffer sigbuf = new ByteBuffer(); CWSignatureGenerator(Types types) { super(types); }
Assemble signature of given type in string buffer. Check for uninitialized types before calling the general case.
/** * Assemble signature of given type in string buffer. * Check for uninitialized types before calling the general case. */
@Override public void assembleSig(Type type) { switch (type.getTag()) { case UNINITIALIZED_THIS: case UNINITIALIZED_OBJECT: // we don't yet have a spec for uninitialized types in the // local variable table assembleSig(types.erasure(((UninitializedType)type).qtype)); break; default: super.assembleSig(type); } } @Override protected void append(char ch) { sigbuf.appendByte(ch); } @Override protected void append(byte[] ba) { sigbuf.appendBytes(ba); } @Override protected void append(Name name) { sigbuf.appendName(name); } @Override protected void classReference(ClassSymbol c) { enterInner(c); } private void reset() { sigbuf.reset(); } private Name toName() { return sigbuf.toName(names); } private boolean isEmpty() { return sigbuf.length == 0; } }
Return signature of given type
/** * Return signature of given type */
Name typeSig(Type type) { Assert.check(signatureGen.isEmpty()); //- System.out.println(" ? " + type); signatureGen.assembleSig(type); Name n = signatureGen.toName(); signatureGen.reset(); //- System.out.println(" " + n); return n; }
Given a type t, return the extended class name of its erasure in external representation.
/** Given a type t, return the extended class name of its erasure in * external representation. */
public Name xClassName(Type t) { if (t.hasTag(CLASS)) { return names.fromUtf(externalize(t.tsym.flatName())); } else if (t.hasTag(ARRAY)) { return typeSig(types.erasure(t)); } else { throw new AssertionError("xClassName expects class or array type, got " + t); } } /****************************************************************** * Writing the Constant Pool ******************************************************************/
Thrown when the constant pool is over full.
/** Thrown when the constant pool is over full. */
public static class PoolOverflow extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; public PoolOverflow() {} } public static class StringOverflow extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; public final String value; public StringOverflow(String s) { value = s; } }
Write constant pool to pool buffer. Note: during writing, constant pool might grow since some parts of constants still need to be entered.
/** Write constant pool to pool buffer. * Note: during writing, constant pool * might grow since some parts of constants still need to be entered. */
void writePool(Pool pool) throws PoolOverflow, StringOverflow { int poolCountIdx = poolbuf.length; poolbuf.appendChar(0); int i = 1; while (i < pool.pp) { Object value = pool.pool[i]; Assert.checkNonNull(value); if (value instanceof Method || value instanceof Variable) value = ((DelegatedSymbol)value).getUnderlyingSymbol(); if (value instanceof MethodSymbol) { MethodSymbol m = (MethodSymbol)value; if (!m.isDynamic()) { poolbuf.appendByte((m.owner.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0 ? CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref : CONSTANT_Methodref); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(m.owner)); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(nameType(m))); } else { //invokedynamic DynamicMethodSymbol dynSym = (DynamicMethodSymbol)m; MethodHandle handle = new MethodHandle(dynSym.bsmKind, dynSym.bsm, types); DynamicMethod.BootstrapMethodsKey key = new DynamicMethod.BootstrapMethodsKey(dynSym, types); // Figure out the index for existing BSM; create a new BSM if no key DynamicMethod.BootstrapMethodsValue val = bootstrapMethods.get(key); if (val == null) { int index = bootstrapMethods.size(); val = new DynamicMethod.BootstrapMethodsValue(handle, index); bootstrapMethods.put(key, val); } //init cp entries pool.put(names.BootstrapMethods); pool.put(handle); for (Object staticArg : dynSym.staticArgs) { pool.put(staticArg); } poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic); poolbuf.appendChar(val.index); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(nameType(dynSym))); } } else if (value instanceof VarSymbol) { VarSymbol v = (VarSymbol)value; poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_Fieldref); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(v.owner)); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(nameType(v))); } else if (value instanceof Name) { poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_Utf8); byte[] bs = ((Name)value).toUtf(); poolbuf.appendChar(bs.length); poolbuf.appendBytes(bs, 0, bs.length); if (bs.length > Pool.MAX_STRING_LENGTH) throw new StringOverflow(value.toString()); } else if (value instanceof ClassSymbol) { ClassSymbol c = (ClassSymbol)value; if (c.owner.kind == TYP) pool.put(c.owner); poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_Class); if (c.type.hasTag(ARRAY)) { poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(typeSig(c.type))); } else { poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(names.fromUtf(externalize(c.flatname)))); enterInner(c); } } else if (value instanceof NameAndType) { NameAndType nt = (NameAndType)value; poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_NameandType); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(nt.name)); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(typeSig(nt.uniqueType.type))); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_Integer); poolbuf.appendInt(((Integer)value).intValue()); } else if (value instanceof Long) { poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_Long); poolbuf.appendLong(((Long)value).longValue()); i++; } else if (value instanceof Float) { poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_Float); poolbuf.appendFloat(((Float)value).floatValue()); } else if (value instanceof Double) { poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_Double); poolbuf.appendDouble(((Double)value).doubleValue()); i++; } else if (value instanceof String) { poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_String); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(names.fromString((String)value))); } else if (value instanceof UniqueType) { Type type = ((UniqueType)value).type; if (type.hasTag(METHOD)) { poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_MethodType); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(typeSig((MethodType)type))); } else { Assert.check(type.hasTag(ARRAY)); poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_Class); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(xClassName(type))); } } else if (value instanceof MethodHandle) { MethodHandle ref = (MethodHandle)value; poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_MethodHandle); poolbuf.appendByte(ref.refKind); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(ref.refSym)); } else if (value instanceof ModuleSymbol) { ModuleSymbol m = (ModuleSymbol)value; poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_Module); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(m.name)); } else if (value instanceof PackageSymbol) { PackageSymbol m = (PackageSymbol)value; poolbuf.appendByte(CONSTANT_Package); poolbuf.appendChar(pool.put(names.fromUtf(externalize(m.fullname)))); } else { Assert.error("writePool " + value); } i++; } if (pool.pp > Pool.MAX_ENTRIES) throw new PoolOverflow(); putChar(poolbuf, poolCountIdx, pool.pp); }
Given a symbol, return its name-and-type.
/** Given a symbol, return its name-and-type. */
NameAndType nameType(Symbol sym) { return new NameAndType(sym.name, sym.externalType(types), types); // the NameAndType is generated from a symbol reference, and the // adjustment of adding an additional this$n parameter needs to be made. } /****************************************************************** * Writing Attributes ******************************************************************/
Write header for an attribute to data buffer and return position past attribute length index.
/** Write header for an attribute to data buffer and return * position past attribute length index. */
int writeAttr(Name attrName) { databuf.appendChar(pool.put(attrName)); databuf.appendInt(0); return databuf.length; }
Fill in attribute length.
/** Fill in attribute length. */
void endAttr(int index) { putInt(databuf, index - 4, databuf.length - index); }
Leave space for attribute count and return index for number of attributes field.
/** Leave space for attribute count and return index for * number of attributes field. */
int beginAttrs() { databuf.appendChar(0); return databuf.length; }
Fill in number of attributes.
/** Fill in number of attributes. */
void endAttrs(int index, int count) { putChar(databuf, index - 2, count); }
Write the EnclosingMethod attribute if needed. Returns the number of attributes written (0 or 1).
/** Write the EnclosingMethod attribute if needed. * Returns the number of attributes written (0 or 1). */
int writeEnclosingMethodAttribute(ClassSymbol c) { return writeEnclosingMethodAttribute(names.EnclosingMethod, c); }
Write the EnclosingMethod attribute with a specified name. Returns the number of attributes written (0 or 1).
/** Write the EnclosingMethod attribute with a specified name. * Returns the number of attributes written (0 or 1). */
protected int writeEnclosingMethodAttribute(Name attributeName, ClassSymbol c) { if (c.owner.kind != MTH && // neither a local class c.name != names.empty) // nor anonymous return 0; int alenIdx = writeAttr(attributeName); ClassSymbol enclClass = c.owner.enclClass(); MethodSymbol enclMethod = (c.owner.type == null // local to init block || c.owner.kind != MTH) // or member init ? null : (MethodSymbol)c.owner; databuf.appendChar(pool.put(enclClass)); databuf.appendChar(enclMethod == null ? 0 : pool.put(nameType(c.owner))); endAttr(alenIdx); return 1; }
Write flag attributes; return number of attributes written.
/** Write flag attributes; return number of attributes written. */
int writeFlagAttrs(long flags) { int acount = 0; if ((flags & DEPRECATED) != 0) { int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.Deprecated); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } return acount; }
Write member (field or method) attributes; return number of attributes written.
/** Write member (field or method) attributes; * return number of attributes written. */
int writeMemberAttrs(Symbol sym) { int acount = writeFlagAttrs(sym.flags()); long flags = sym.flags(); if ((flags & (SYNTHETIC | BRIDGE)) != SYNTHETIC && (flags & ANONCONSTR) == 0 && (!types.isSameType(sym.type, sym.erasure(types)) || signatureGen.hasTypeVar(sym.type.getThrownTypes()))) { // note that a local class with captured variables // will get a signature attribute int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.Signature); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(typeSig(sym.type))); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } acount += writeJavaAnnotations(sym.getRawAttributes()); acount += writeTypeAnnotations(sym.getRawTypeAttributes(), false); return acount; }
Write method parameter names attribute.
/** * Write method parameter names attribute. */
int writeMethodParametersAttr(MethodSymbol m) { MethodType ty = m.externalType(types).asMethodType(); final int allparams = ty.argtypes.size(); if (m.params != null && allparams != 0) { final int attrIndex = writeAttr(names.MethodParameters); databuf.appendByte(allparams); // Write extra parameters first for (VarSymbol s : m.extraParams) { final int flags = ((int) s.flags() & (FINAL | SYNTHETIC | MANDATED)) | ((int) m.flags() & SYNTHETIC); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(s.name)); databuf.appendChar(flags); } // Now write the real parameters for (VarSymbol s : m.params) { final int flags = ((int) s.flags() & (FINAL | SYNTHETIC | MANDATED)) | ((int) m.flags() & SYNTHETIC); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(s.name)); databuf.appendChar(flags); } // Now write the captured locals for (VarSymbol s : m.capturedLocals) { final int flags = ((int) s.flags() & (FINAL | SYNTHETIC | MANDATED)) | ((int) m.flags() & SYNTHETIC); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(s.name)); databuf.appendChar(flags); } endAttr(attrIndex); return 1; } else return 0; } private void writeParamAnnotations(List<VarSymbol> params, RetentionPolicy retention) { for (VarSymbol s : params) { ListBuffer<Attribute.Compound> buf = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Attribute.Compound a : s.getRawAttributes()) if (types.getRetention(a) == retention) buf.append(a); databuf.appendChar(buf.length()); for (Attribute.Compound a : buf) writeCompoundAttribute(a); } } private void writeParamAnnotations(MethodSymbol m, RetentionPolicy retention) { databuf.appendByte(m.params.length()); writeParamAnnotations(m.params, retention); }
Write method parameter annotations; return number of attributes written.
/** Write method parameter annotations; * return number of attributes written. */
int writeParameterAttrs(MethodSymbol m) { boolean hasVisible = false; boolean hasInvisible = false; if (m.params != null) { for (VarSymbol s : m.params) { for (Attribute.Compound a : s.getRawAttributes()) { switch (types.getRetention(a)) { case SOURCE: break; case CLASS: hasInvisible = true; break; case RUNTIME: hasVisible = true; break; default: // /* fail soft */ throw new AssertionError(vis); } } } } int attrCount = 0; if (hasVisible) { int attrIndex = writeAttr(names.RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations); writeParamAnnotations(m, RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME); endAttr(attrIndex); attrCount++; } if (hasInvisible) { int attrIndex = writeAttr(names.RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations); writeParamAnnotations(m, RetentionPolicy.CLASS); endAttr(attrIndex); attrCount++; } return attrCount; } /********************************************************************** * Writing Java-language annotations (aka metadata, attributes) **********************************************************************/
Write Java-language annotations; return number of JVM attributes written (zero or one).
/** Write Java-language annotations; return number of JVM * attributes written (zero or one). */
int writeJavaAnnotations(List<Attribute.Compound> attrs) { if (attrs.isEmpty()) return 0; ListBuffer<Attribute.Compound> visibles = new ListBuffer<>(); ListBuffer<Attribute.Compound> invisibles = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Attribute.Compound a : attrs) { switch (types.getRetention(a)) { case SOURCE: break; case CLASS: invisibles.append(a); break; case RUNTIME: visibles.append(a); break; default: // /* fail soft */ throw new AssertionError(vis); } } int attrCount = 0; if (visibles.length() != 0) { int attrIndex = writeAttr(names.RuntimeVisibleAnnotations); databuf.appendChar(visibles.length()); for (Attribute.Compound a : visibles) writeCompoundAttribute(a); endAttr(attrIndex); attrCount++; } if (invisibles.length() != 0) { int attrIndex = writeAttr(names.RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations); databuf.appendChar(invisibles.length()); for (Attribute.Compound a : invisibles) writeCompoundAttribute(a); endAttr(attrIndex); attrCount++; } return attrCount; } int writeTypeAnnotations(List<Attribute.TypeCompound> typeAnnos, boolean inCode) { if (typeAnnos.isEmpty()) return 0; ListBuffer<Attribute.TypeCompound> visibles = new ListBuffer<>(); ListBuffer<Attribute.TypeCompound> invisibles = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Attribute.TypeCompound tc : typeAnnos) { if (tc.hasUnknownPosition()) { boolean fixed = tc.tryFixPosition(); // Could we fix it? if (!fixed) { // This happens for nested types like @A Outer. @B Inner. // For method parameters we get the annotation twice! Once with // a valid position, once unknown. // TODO: find a cleaner solution. PrintWriter pw = log.getWriter(Log.WriterKind.ERROR); pw.println("ClassWriter: Position UNKNOWN in type annotation: " + tc); continue; } } if (tc.position.type.isLocal() != inCode) continue; if (!tc.position.emitToClassfile()) continue; switch (types.getRetention(tc)) { case SOURCE: break; case CLASS: invisibles.append(tc); break; case RUNTIME: visibles.append(tc); break; default: // /* fail soft */ throw new AssertionError(vis); } } int attrCount = 0; if (visibles.length() != 0) { int attrIndex = writeAttr(names.RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations); databuf.appendChar(visibles.length()); for (Attribute.TypeCompound p : visibles) writeTypeAnnotation(p); endAttr(attrIndex); attrCount++; } if (invisibles.length() != 0) { int attrIndex = writeAttr(names.RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations); databuf.appendChar(invisibles.length()); for (Attribute.TypeCompound p : invisibles) writeTypeAnnotation(p); endAttr(attrIndex); attrCount++; } return attrCount; }
A visitor to write an attribute including its leading single-character marker.
/** A visitor to write an attribute including its leading * single-character marker. */
class AttributeWriter implements Attribute.Visitor { public void visitConstant(Attribute.Constant _value) { Object value = _value.value; switch (_value.type.getTag()) { case BYTE: databuf.appendByte('B'); break; case CHAR: databuf.appendByte('C'); break; case SHORT: databuf.appendByte('S'); break; case INT: databuf.appendByte('I'); break; case LONG: databuf.appendByte('J'); break; case FLOAT: databuf.appendByte('F'); break; case DOUBLE: databuf.appendByte('D'); break; case BOOLEAN: databuf.appendByte('Z'); break; case CLASS: Assert.check(value instanceof String); databuf.appendByte('s'); value = names.fromString(value.toString()); // CONSTANT_Utf8 break; default: throw new AssertionError(_value.type); } databuf.appendChar(pool.put(value)); } public void visitEnum(Attribute.Enum e) { databuf.appendByte('e'); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(typeSig(e.value.type))); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(e.value.name)); } public void visitClass(Attribute.Class clazz) { databuf.appendByte('c'); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(typeSig(types.erasure(clazz.classType)))); } public void visitCompound(Attribute.Compound compound) { databuf.appendByte('@'); writeCompoundAttribute(compound); } public void visitError(Attribute.Error x) { throw new AssertionError(x); } public void visitArray(Attribute.Array array) { databuf.appendByte('['); databuf.appendChar(array.values.length); for (Attribute a : array.values) { a.accept(this); } } } AttributeWriter awriter = new AttributeWriter();
Write a compound attribute excluding the '@' marker.
/** Write a compound attribute excluding the '@' marker. */
void writeCompoundAttribute(Attribute.Compound c) { databuf.appendChar(pool.put(typeSig(c.type))); databuf.appendChar(c.values.length()); for (Pair<Symbol.MethodSymbol,Attribute> p : c.values) { databuf.appendChar(pool.put(p.fst.name)); p.snd.accept(awriter); } } void writeTypeAnnotation(Attribute.TypeCompound c) { writePosition(c.position); writeCompoundAttribute(c); } void writePosition(TypeAnnotationPosition p) { databuf.appendByte(p.type.targetTypeValue()); // TargetType tag is a byte switch (p.type) { // instanceof case INSTANCEOF: // new expression case NEW: // constructor/method reference receiver case CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE: case METHOD_REFERENCE: databuf.appendChar(p.offset); break; // local variable case LOCAL_VARIABLE: // resource variable case RESOURCE_VARIABLE: databuf.appendChar(p.lvarOffset.length); // for table length for (int i = 0; i < p.lvarOffset.length; ++i) { databuf.appendChar(p.lvarOffset[i]); databuf.appendChar(p.lvarLength[i]); databuf.appendChar(p.lvarIndex[i]); } break; // exception parameter case EXCEPTION_PARAMETER: databuf.appendChar(p.getExceptionIndex()); break; // method receiver case METHOD_RECEIVER: // Do nothing break; // type parameter case CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER: case METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER: databuf.appendByte(p.parameter_index); break; // type parameter bound case CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND: case METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND: databuf.appendByte(p.parameter_index); databuf.appendByte(p.bound_index); break; // class extends or implements clause case CLASS_EXTENDS: databuf.appendChar(p.type_index); break; // throws case THROWS: databuf.appendChar(p.type_index); break; // method parameter case METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER: databuf.appendByte(p.parameter_index); break; // type cast case CAST: // method/constructor/reference type argument case CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT: case METHOD_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT: case CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT: case METHOD_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT: databuf.appendChar(p.offset); databuf.appendByte(p.type_index); break; // We don't need to worry about these case METHOD_RETURN: case FIELD: break; case UNKNOWN: throw new AssertionError("jvm.ClassWriter: UNKNOWN target type should never occur!"); default: throw new AssertionError("jvm.ClassWriter: Unknown target type for position: " + p); } { // Append location data for generics/arrays. databuf.appendByte(p.location.size()); java.util.List<Integer> loc = TypeAnnotationPosition.getBinaryFromTypePath(p.location); for (int i : loc) databuf.appendByte((byte)i); } } /********************************************************************** * Writing module attributes **********************************************************************/
Write the Module attribute if needed. Returns the number of attributes written (0 or 1).
/** Write the Module attribute if needed. * Returns the number of attributes written (0 or 1). */
int writeModuleAttribute(ClassSymbol c) { ModuleSymbol m = (ModuleSymbol) c.owner; int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.Module); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(m)); databuf.appendChar(ModuleFlags.value(m.flags)); // module_flags databuf.appendChar(m.version != null ? pool.put(m.version) : 0); ListBuffer<RequiresDirective> requires = new ListBuffer<>(); for (RequiresDirective r: m.requires) { if (!r.flags.contains(RequiresFlag.EXTRA)) requires.add(r); } databuf.appendChar(requires.size()); for (RequiresDirective r: requires) { databuf.appendChar(pool.put(r.module)); databuf.appendChar(RequiresFlag.value(r.flags)); databuf.appendChar(r.module.version != null ? pool.put(r.module.version) : 0); } List<ExportsDirective> exports = m.exports; databuf.appendChar(exports.size()); for (ExportsDirective e: exports) { databuf.appendChar(pool.put(e.packge)); databuf.appendChar(ExportsFlag.value(e.flags)); if (e.modules == null) { databuf.appendChar(0); } else { databuf.appendChar(e.modules.size()); for (ModuleSymbol msym: e.modules) { databuf.appendChar(pool.put(msym)); } } } List<OpensDirective> opens = m.opens; databuf.appendChar(opens.size()); for (OpensDirective o: opens) { databuf.appendChar(pool.put(o.packge)); databuf.appendChar(OpensFlag.value(o.flags)); if (o.modules == null) { databuf.appendChar(0); } else { databuf.appendChar(o.modules.size()); for (ModuleSymbol msym: o.modules) { databuf.appendChar(pool.put(msym)); } } } List<UsesDirective> uses = m.uses; databuf.appendChar(uses.size()); for (UsesDirective s: uses) { databuf.appendChar(pool.put(s.service)); } // temporary fix to merge repeated provides clause for same service; // eventually this should be disallowed when analyzing the module, // so that each service type only appears once. Map<ClassSymbol, Set<ClassSymbol>> mergedProvides = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (ProvidesDirective p : m.provides) { mergedProvides.computeIfAbsent(p.service, s -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).addAll(p.impls); } databuf.appendChar(mergedProvides.size()); mergedProvides.forEach((srvc, impls) -> { databuf.appendChar(pool.put(srvc)); databuf.appendChar(impls.size()); impls.forEach(impl -> databuf.appendChar(pool.put(impl))); }); endAttr(alenIdx); return 1; } /********************************************************************** * Writing Objects **********************************************************************/
Enter an inner class into the `innerClasses' set/queue.
/** Enter an inner class into the `innerClasses' set/queue. */
void enterInner(ClassSymbol c) { if (c.type.isCompound()) { throw new AssertionError("Unexpected intersection type: " + c.type); } try { c.complete(); } catch (CompletionFailure ex) { System.err.println("error: " + c + ": " + ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } if (!c.type.hasTag(CLASS)) return; // arrays if (pool != null && // pool might be null if called from xClassName c.owner.enclClass() != null && (innerClasses == null || !innerClasses.contains(c))) { // log.errWriter.println("enter inner " + c);//DEBUG enterInner(c.owner.enclClass()); pool.put(c); if (c.name != names.empty) pool.put(c.name); if (innerClasses == null) { innerClasses = new HashSet<>(); innerClassesQueue = new ListBuffer<>(); pool.put(names.InnerClasses); } innerClasses.add(c); innerClassesQueue.append(c); } }
Write "inner classes" attribute.
/** Write "inner classes" attribute. */
void writeInnerClasses() { int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.InnerClasses); databuf.appendChar(innerClassesQueue.length()); for (List<ClassSymbol> l = innerClassesQueue.toList(); l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { ClassSymbol inner = l.head; inner.markAbstractIfNeeded(types); char flags = (char) adjustFlags(inner.flags_field); if ((flags & INTERFACE) != 0) flags |= ABSTRACT; // Interfaces are always ABSTRACT flags &= ~STRICTFP; //inner classes should not have the strictfp flag set. if (dumpInnerClassModifiers) { PrintWriter pw = log.getWriter(Log.WriterKind.ERROR); pw.println("INNERCLASS " + inner.name); pw.println("---" + flagNames(flags)); } databuf.appendChar(pool.get(inner)); databuf.appendChar( inner.owner.kind == TYP && !inner.name.isEmpty() ? pool.get(inner.owner) : 0); databuf.appendChar( !inner.name.isEmpty() ? pool.get(inner.name) : 0); databuf.appendChar(flags); } endAttr(alenIdx); }
Write "bootstrapMethods" attribute.
/** Write "bootstrapMethods" attribute. */
void writeBootstrapMethods() { int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.BootstrapMethods); databuf.appendChar(bootstrapMethods.size()); for (Map.Entry<DynamicMethod.BootstrapMethodsKey, DynamicMethod.BootstrapMethodsValue> entry : bootstrapMethods.entrySet()) { DynamicMethod.BootstrapMethodsKey bsmKey = entry.getKey(); //write BSM handle databuf.appendChar(pool.get(entry.getValue().mh)); Object[] uniqueArgs = bsmKey.getUniqueArgs(); //write static args length databuf.appendChar(uniqueArgs.length); //write static args array for (Object o : uniqueArgs) { databuf.appendChar(pool.get(o)); } } endAttr(alenIdx); }
Write field symbol, entering all references into constant pool.
/** Write field symbol, entering all references into constant pool. */
void writeField(VarSymbol v) { int flags = adjustFlags(v.flags()); databuf.appendChar(flags); if (dumpFieldModifiers) { PrintWriter pw = log.getWriter(Log.WriterKind.ERROR); pw.println("FIELD " + v.name); pw.println("---" + flagNames(v.flags())); } databuf.appendChar(pool.put(v.name)); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(typeSig(v.erasure(types)))); int acountIdx = beginAttrs(); int acount = 0; if (v.getConstValue() != null) { int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.ConstantValue); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(v.getConstValue())); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } acount += writeMemberAttrs(v); endAttrs(acountIdx, acount); }
Write method symbol, entering all references into constant pool.
/** Write method symbol, entering all references into constant pool. */
void writeMethod(MethodSymbol m) { int flags = adjustFlags(m.flags()); databuf.appendChar(flags); if (dumpMethodModifiers) { PrintWriter pw = log.getWriter(Log.WriterKind.ERROR); pw.println("METHOD " + m.name); pw.println("---" + flagNames(m.flags())); } databuf.appendChar(pool.put(m.name)); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(typeSig(m.externalType(types)))); int acountIdx = beginAttrs(); int acount = 0; if (m.code != null) { int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.Code); writeCode(m.code); m.code = null; // to conserve space endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } List<Type> thrown = m.erasure(types).getThrownTypes(); if (thrown.nonEmpty()) { int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.Exceptions); databuf.appendChar(thrown.length()); for (List<Type> l = thrown; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) databuf.appendChar(pool.put(l.head.tsym)); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } if (m.defaultValue != null) { int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.AnnotationDefault); m.defaultValue.accept(awriter); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } if (options.isSet(PARAMETERS)) { if (!m.isLambdaMethod()) // Per JDK-8138729, do not emit parameters table for lambda bodies. acount += writeMethodParametersAttr(m); } acount += writeMemberAttrs(m); if (!m.isLambdaMethod()) acount += writeParameterAttrs(m); endAttrs(acountIdx, acount); }
Write code attribute of method.
/** Write code attribute of method. */
void writeCode(Code code) { databuf.appendChar(code.max_stack); databuf.appendChar(code.max_locals); databuf.appendInt(code.cp); databuf.appendBytes(code.code, 0, code.cp); databuf.appendChar(code.catchInfo.length()); for (List<char[]> l = code.catchInfo.toList(); l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { for (int i = 0; i < l.head.length; i++) databuf.appendChar(l.head[i]); } int acountIdx = beginAttrs(); int acount = 0; if (code.lineInfo.nonEmpty()) { int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.LineNumberTable); databuf.appendChar(code.lineInfo.length()); for (List<char[]> l = code.lineInfo.reverse(); l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) for (int i = 0; i < l.head.length; i++) databuf.appendChar(l.head[i]); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } if (genCrt && (code.crt != null)) { CRTable crt = code.crt; int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.CharacterRangeTable); int crtIdx = beginAttrs(); int crtEntries = crt.writeCRT(databuf, code.lineMap, log); endAttrs(crtIdx, crtEntries); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } // counter for number of generic local variables if (code.varDebugInfo && code.varBufferSize > 0) { int nGenericVars = 0; int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.LocalVariableTable); databuf.appendChar(code.getLVTSize()); for (int i=0; i<code.varBufferSize; i++) { Code.LocalVar var = code.varBuffer[i]; for (Code.LocalVar.Range r: var.aliveRanges) { // write variable info Assert.check(r.start_pc >= 0 && r.start_pc <= code.cp); databuf.appendChar(r.start_pc); Assert.check(r.length > 0 && (r.start_pc + r.length) <= code.cp); databuf.appendChar(r.length); VarSymbol sym = var.sym; databuf.appendChar(pool.put(sym.name)); Type vartype = sym.erasure(types); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(typeSig(vartype))); databuf.appendChar(var.reg); if (needsLocalVariableTypeEntry(var.sym.type)) { nGenericVars++; } } } endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; if (nGenericVars > 0) { alenIdx = writeAttr(names.LocalVariableTypeTable); databuf.appendChar(nGenericVars); int count = 0; for (int i=0; i<code.varBufferSize; i++) { Code.LocalVar var = code.varBuffer[i]; VarSymbol sym = var.sym; if (!needsLocalVariableTypeEntry(sym.type)) continue; for (Code.LocalVar.Range r : var.aliveRanges) { // write variable info databuf.appendChar(r.start_pc); databuf.appendChar(r.length); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(sym.name)); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(typeSig(sym.type))); databuf.appendChar(var.reg); count++; } } Assert.check(count == nGenericVars); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } } if (code.stackMapBufferSize > 0) { if (debugstackmap) System.out.println("Stack map for " + code.meth); int alenIdx = writeAttr(code.stackMap.getAttributeName(names)); writeStackMap(code); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } acount += writeTypeAnnotations(code.meth.getRawTypeAttributes(), true); endAttrs(acountIdx, acount); } //where private boolean needsLocalVariableTypeEntry(Type t) { //a local variable needs a type-entry if its type T is generic //(i.e. |T| != T) and if it's not an intersection type (not supported //in signature attribute grammar) return (!types.isSameType(t, types.erasure(t)) && !t.isCompound()); } void writeStackMap(Code code) { int nframes = code.stackMapBufferSize; if (debugstackmap) System.out.println(" nframes = " + nframes); databuf.appendChar(nframes); switch (code.stackMap) { case CLDC: for (int i=0; i<nframes; i++) { if (debugstackmap) System.out.print(" " + i + ":"); Code.StackMapFrame frame = code.stackMapBuffer[i]; // output PC if (debugstackmap) System.out.print(" pc=" + frame.pc); databuf.appendChar(frame.pc); // output locals int localCount = 0; for (int j=0; j<frame.locals.length; j += Code.width(frame.locals[j])) { localCount++; } if (debugstackmap) System.out.print(" nlocals=" + localCount); databuf.appendChar(localCount); for (int j=0; j<frame.locals.length; j += Code.width(frame.locals[j])) { if (debugstackmap) System.out.print(" local[" + j + "]="); writeStackMapType(frame.locals[j]); } // output stack int stackCount = 0; for (int j=0; j<frame.stack.length; j += Code.width(frame.stack[j])) { stackCount++; } if (debugstackmap) System.out.print(" nstack=" + stackCount); databuf.appendChar(stackCount); for (int j=0; j<frame.stack.length; j += Code.width(frame.stack[j])) { if (debugstackmap) System.out.print(" stack[" + j + "]="); writeStackMapType(frame.stack[j]); } if (debugstackmap) System.out.println(); } break; case JSR202: { Assert.checkNull(code.stackMapBuffer); for (int i=0; i<nframes; i++) { if (debugstackmap) System.out.print(" " + i + ":"); StackMapTableFrame frame = code.stackMapTableBuffer[i]; frame.write(this); if (debugstackmap) System.out.println(); } break; } default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected stackmap format value"); } } //where void writeStackMapType(Type t) { if (t == null) { if (debugstackmap) System.out.print("empty"); databuf.appendByte(0); } else switch(t.getTag()) { case BYTE: case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case BOOLEAN: if (debugstackmap) System.out.print("int"); databuf.appendByte(1); break; case FLOAT: if (debugstackmap) System.out.print("float"); databuf.appendByte(2); break; case DOUBLE: if (debugstackmap) System.out.print("double"); databuf.appendByte(3); break; case LONG: if (debugstackmap) System.out.print("long"); databuf.appendByte(4); break; case BOT: // null if (debugstackmap) System.out.print("null"); databuf.appendByte(5); break; case CLASS: case ARRAY: if (debugstackmap) System.out.print("object(" + t + ")"); databuf.appendByte(7); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(t)); break; case TYPEVAR: if (debugstackmap) System.out.print("object(" + types.erasure(t).tsym + ")"); databuf.appendByte(7); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(types.erasure(t).tsym)); break; case UNINITIALIZED_THIS: if (debugstackmap) System.out.print("uninit_this"); databuf.appendByte(6); break; case UNINITIALIZED_OBJECT: { UninitializedType uninitType = (UninitializedType)t; databuf.appendByte(8); if (debugstackmap) System.out.print("uninit_object@" + uninitType.offset); databuf.appendChar(uninitType.offset); } break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } }
An entry in the JSR202 StackMapTable
/** An entry in the JSR202 StackMapTable */
abstract static class StackMapTableFrame { abstract int getFrameType(); void write(ClassWriter writer) { int frameType = getFrameType(); writer.databuf.appendByte(frameType); if (writer.debugstackmap) System.out.print(" frame_type=" + frameType); } static class SameFrame extends StackMapTableFrame { final int offsetDelta; SameFrame(int offsetDelta) { this.offsetDelta = offsetDelta; } int getFrameType() { return (offsetDelta < SAME_FRAME_SIZE) ? offsetDelta : SAME_FRAME_EXTENDED; } @Override void write(ClassWriter writer) { super.write(writer); if (getFrameType() == SAME_FRAME_EXTENDED) { writer.databuf.appendChar(offsetDelta); if (writer.debugstackmap){ System.out.print(" offset_delta=" + offsetDelta); } } } } static class SameLocals1StackItemFrame extends StackMapTableFrame { final int offsetDelta; final Type stack; SameLocals1StackItemFrame(int offsetDelta, Type stack) { this.offsetDelta = offsetDelta; this.stack = stack; } int getFrameType() { return (offsetDelta < SAME_FRAME_SIZE) ? (SAME_FRAME_SIZE + offsetDelta) : SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_EXTENDED; } @Override void write(ClassWriter writer) { super.write(writer); if (getFrameType() == SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_EXTENDED) { writer.databuf.appendChar(offsetDelta); if (writer.debugstackmap) { System.out.print(" offset_delta=" + offsetDelta); } } if (writer.debugstackmap) { System.out.print(" stack[" + 0 + "]="); } writer.writeStackMapType(stack); } } static class ChopFrame extends StackMapTableFrame { final int frameType; final int offsetDelta; ChopFrame(int frameType, int offsetDelta) { this.frameType = frameType; this.offsetDelta = offsetDelta; } int getFrameType() { return frameType; } @Override void write(ClassWriter writer) { super.write(writer); writer.databuf.appendChar(offsetDelta); if (writer.debugstackmap) { System.out.print(" offset_delta=" + offsetDelta); } } } static class AppendFrame extends StackMapTableFrame { final int frameType; final int offsetDelta; final Type[] locals; AppendFrame(int frameType, int offsetDelta, Type[] locals) { this.frameType = frameType; this.offsetDelta = offsetDelta; this.locals = locals; } int getFrameType() { return frameType; } @Override void write(ClassWriter writer) { super.write(writer); writer.databuf.appendChar(offsetDelta); if (writer.debugstackmap) { System.out.print(" offset_delta=" + offsetDelta); } for (int i=0; i<locals.length; i++) { if (writer.debugstackmap) System.out.print(" locals[" + i + "]="); writer.writeStackMapType(locals[i]); } } } static class FullFrame extends StackMapTableFrame { final int offsetDelta; final Type[] locals; final Type[] stack; FullFrame(int offsetDelta, Type[] locals, Type[] stack) { this.offsetDelta = offsetDelta; this.locals = locals; this.stack = stack; } int getFrameType() { return FULL_FRAME; } @Override void write(ClassWriter writer) { super.write(writer); writer.databuf.appendChar(offsetDelta); writer.databuf.appendChar(locals.length); if (writer.debugstackmap) { System.out.print(" offset_delta=" + offsetDelta); System.out.print(" nlocals=" + locals.length); } for (int i=0; i<locals.length; i++) { if (writer.debugstackmap) System.out.print(" locals[" + i + "]="); writer.writeStackMapType(locals[i]); } writer.databuf.appendChar(stack.length); if (writer.debugstackmap) { System.out.print(" nstack=" + stack.length); } for (int i=0; i<stack.length; i++) { if (writer.debugstackmap) System.out.print(" stack[" + i + "]="); writer.writeStackMapType(stack[i]); } } }
Compare this frame with the previous frame and produce an entry of compressed stack map frame.
/** Compare this frame with the previous frame and produce * an entry of compressed stack map frame. */
static StackMapTableFrame getInstance(Code.StackMapFrame this_frame, int prev_pc, Type[] prev_locals, Types types) { Type[] locals = this_frame.locals; Type[] stack = this_frame.stack; int offset_delta = this_frame.pc - prev_pc - 1; if (stack.length == 1) { if (locals.length == prev_locals.length && compare(prev_locals, locals, types) == 0) { return new SameLocals1StackItemFrame(offset_delta, stack[0]); } } else if (stack.length == 0) { int diff_length = compare(prev_locals, locals, types); if (diff_length == 0) { return new SameFrame(offset_delta); } else if (-MAX_LOCAL_LENGTH_DIFF < diff_length && diff_length < 0) { // APPEND Type[] local_diff = new Type[-diff_length]; for (int i=prev_locals.length, j=0; i<locals.length; i++,j++) { local_diff[j] = locals[i]; } return new AppendFrame(SAME_FRAME_EXTENDED - diff_length, offset_delta, local_diff); } else if (0 < diff_length && diff_length < MAX_LOCAL_LENGTH_DIFF) { // CHOP return new ChopFrame(SAME_FRAME_EXTENDED - diff_length, offset_delta); } } // FULL_FRAME return new FullFrame(offset_delta, locals, stack); } static boolean isInt(Type t) { return (t.getTag().isStrictSubRangeOf(INT) || t.hasTag(BOOLEAN)); } static boolean isSameType(Type t1, Type t2, Types types) { if (t1 == null) { return t2 == null; } if (t2 == null) { return false; } if (isInt(t1) && isInt(t2)) { return true; } if (t1.hasTag(UNINITIALIZED_THIS)) { return t2.hasTag(UNINITIALIZED_THIS); } else if (t1.hasTag(UNINITIALIZED_OBJECT)) { if (t2.hasTag(UNINITIALIZED_OBJECT)) { return ((UninitializedType)t1).offset == ((UninitializedType)t2).offset; } else { return false; } } else if (t2.hasTag(UNINITIALIZED_THIS) || t2.hasTag(UNINITIALIZED_OBJECT)) { return false; } return types.isSameType(t1, t2); } static int compare(Type[] arr1, Type[] arr2, Types types) { int diff_length = arr1.length - arr2.length; if (diff_length > MAX_LOCAL_LENGTH_DIFF || diff_length < -MAX_LOCAL_LENGTH_DIFF) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } int len = (diff_length > 0) ? arr2.length : arr1.length; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { if (!isSameType(arr1[i], arr2[i], types)) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } return diff_length; } } void writeFields(Scope s) { // process them in reverse sibling order; // i.e., process them in declaration order. List<VarSymbol> vars = List.nil(); for (Symbol sym : s.getSymbols(NON_RECURSIVE)) { if (sym.kind == VAR) vars = vars.prepend((VarSymbol)sym); } while (vars.nonEmpty()) { writeField(vars.head); vars = vars.tail; } } void writeMethods(Scope s) { List<MethodSymbol> methods = List.nil(); for (Symbol sym : s.getSymbols(NON_RECURSIVE)) { if (sym.kind == MTH && (sym.flags() & HYPOTHETICAL) == 0) methods = methods.prepend((MethodSymbol)sym); } while (methods.nonEmpty()) { writeMethod(methods.head); methods = methods.tail; } }
Emit a class file for a given class. @param c The class from which a class file is generated.
/** Emit a class file for a given class. * @param c The class from which a class file is generated. */
public JavaFileObject writeClass(ClassSymbol c) throws IOException, PoolOverflow, StringOverflow { String name = (c.owner.kind == MDL ? c.name : c.flatname).toString(); Location outLocn; if (multiModuleMode) { ModuleSymbol msym = c.owner.kind == MDL ? (ModuleSymbol) c.owner : c.packge().modle; outLocn = fileManager.getLocationForModule(CLASS_OUTPUT, msym.name.toString()); } else { outLocn = CLASS_OUTPUT; } JavaFileObject outFile = fileManager.getJavaFileForOutput(outLocn, name, JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS, c.sourcefile); OutputStream out = outFile.openOutputStream(); try { writeClassFile(out, c); if (verbose) log.printVerbose("wrote.file", outFile); out.close(); out = null; } finally { if (out != null) { // if we are propagating an exception, delete the file out.close(); outFile.delete(); outFile = null; } } return outFile; // may be null if write failed }
Write class `c' to outstream `out'.
/** Write class `c' to outstream `out'. */
public void writeClassFile(OutputStream out, ClassSymbol c) throws IOException, PoolOverflow, StringOverflow { Assert.check((c.flags() & COMPOUND) == 0); databuf.reset(); poolbuf.reset(); signatureGen.reset(); pool = c.pool; innerClasses = null; innerClassesQueue = null; bootstrapMethods = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Type supertype = types.supertype(c.type); List<Type> interfaces = types.interfaces(c.type); List<Type> typarams = c.type.getTypeArguments(); int flags; if (c.owner.kind == MDL) { flags = ACC_MODULE; } else { flags = adjustFlags(c.flags() & ~DEFAULT); if ((flags & PROTECTED) != 0) flags |= PUBLIC; flags = flags & ClassFlags & ~STRICTFP; if ((flags & INTERFACE) == 0) flags |= ACC_SUPER; } if (dumpClassModifiers) { PrintWriter pw = log.getWriter(Log.WriterKind.ERROR); pw.println(); pw.println("CLASSFILE " + c.getQualifiedName()); pw.println("---" + flagNames(flags)); } databuf.appendChar(flags); if (c.owner.kind == MDL) { PackageSymbol unnamed = ((ModuleSymbol) c.owner).unnamedPackage; databuf.appendChar(pool.put(new ClassSymbol(0, names.module_info, unnamed))); } else { databuf.appendChar(pool.put(c)); } databuf.appendChar(supertype.hasTag(CLASS) ? pool.put(supertype.tsym) : 0); databuf.appendChar(interfaces.length()); for (List<Type> l = interfaces; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) databuf.appendChar(pool.put(l.head.tsym)); int fieldsCount = 0; int methodsCount = 0; for (Symbol sym : c.members().getSymbols(NON_RECURSIVE)) { switch (sym.kind) { case VAR: fieldsCount++; break; case MTH: if ((sym.flags() & HYPOTHETICAL) == 0) methodsCount++; break; case TYP: enterInner((ClassSymbol)sym); break; default : Assert.error(); } } if (c.trans_local != null) { for (ClassSymbol local : c.trans_local) { enterInner(local); } } databuf.appendChar(fieldsCount); writeFields(c.members()); databuf.appendChar(methodsCount); writeMethods(c.members()); int acountIdx = beginAttrs(); int acount = 0; boolean sigReq = typarams.length() != 0 || supertype.allparams().length() != 0; for (List<Type> l = interfaces; !sigReq && l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) sigReq = l.head.allparams().length() != 0; if (sigReq) { int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.Signature); if (typarams.length() != 0) signatureGen.assembleParamsSig(typarams); signatureGen.assembleSig(supertype); for (List<Type> l = interfaces; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) signatureGen.assembleSig(l.head); databuf.appendChar(pool.put(signatureGen.toName())); signatureGen.reset(); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } if (c.sourcefile != null && emitSourceFile) { int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.SourceFile); // WHM 6/29/1999: Strip file path prefix. We do it here at // the last possible moment because the sourcefile may be used // elsewhere in error diagnostics. Fixes 4241573. //databuf.appendChar(c.pool.put(c.sourcefile)); String simpleName = PathFileObject.getSimpleName(c.sourcefile); databuf.appendChar(c.pool.put(names.fromString(simpleName))); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } if (genCrt) { // Append SourceID attribute int alenIdx = writeAttr(names.SourceID); databuf.appendChar(c.pool.put(names.fromString(Long.toString(getLastModified(c.sourcefile))))); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; // Append CompilationID attribute alenIdx = writeAttr(names.CompilationID); databuf.appendChar(c.pool.put(names.fromString(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis())))); endAttr(alenIdx); acount++; } acount += writeFlagAttrs(c.flags()); acount += writeJavaAnnotations(c.getRawAttributes()); acount += writeTypeAnnotations(c.getRawTypeAttributes(), false); acount += writeEnclosingMethodAttribute(c); if (c.owner.kind == MDL) { acount += writeModuleAttribute(c); acount += writeFlagAttrs(c.owner.flags() & ~DEPRECATED); } acount += writeExtraClassAttributes(c); poolbuf.appendInt(JAVA_MAGIC); if (c.owner.kind == MDL) { // temporarily overide to force use of v53 for module-info.class poolbuf.appendChar(0); poolbuf.appendChar(53); } else { poolbuf.appendChar(target.minorVersion); poolbuf.appendChar(target.majorVersion); } writePool(c.pool); if (innerClasses != null) { writeInnerClasses(); acount++; } if (!bootstrapMethods.isEmpty()) { writeBootstrapMethods(); acount++; } endAttrs(acountIdx, acount); poolbuf.appendBytes(databuf.elems, 0, databuf.length); out.write(poolbuf.elems, 0, poolbuf.length); pool = c.pool = null; // to conserve space }
Allows subclasses to write additional class attributes
Returns:the number of attributes written
/**Allows subclasses to write additional class attributes * * @return the number of attributes written */
protected int writeExtraClassAttributes(ClassSymbol c) { return 0; } int adjustFlags(final long flags) { int result = (int)flags; if ((flags & BRIDGE) != 0) result |= ACC_BRIDGE; if ((flags & VARARGS) != 0) result |= ACC_VARARGS; if ((flags & DEFAULT) != 0) result &= ~ABSTRACT; return result; } long getLastModified(FileObject filename) { long mod = 0; try { mod = filename.getLastModified(); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new AssertionError("CRT: couldn't get source file modification date: " + e.getMessage()); } return mod; } }