 * Copyright (c) 1999, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package com.sun.tools.javac.util;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.tools.DiagnosticListener;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;

import com.sun.tools.javac.api.DiagnosticFormatter;
import com.sun.tools.javac.main.Main;
import com.sun.tools.javac.main.Option;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.EndPosTable;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticFlag;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticPosition;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType;

import static com.sun.tools.javac.main.Option.*;

A class for error logs. Reports errors and warnings, and keeps track of error numbers and positions.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** A class for error logs. Reports errors and warnings, and * keeps track of error numbers and positions. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
public class Log extends AbstractLog {
The context key for the log.
/** The context key for the log. */
public static final Context.Key<Log> logKey = new Context.Key<>();
The context key for the standard output PrintWriter.
/** The context key for the standard output PrintWriter. */
public static final Context.Key<PrintWriter> outKey = new Context.Key<>();
The context key for the diagnostic PrintWriter.
/** The context key for the diagnostic PrintWriter. */
public static final Context.Key<PrintWriter> errKey = new Context.Key<>(); /* TODO: Should unify this with prefix handling in JCDiagnostic.Factory. */ public enum PrefixKind { JAVAC("javac."), COMPILER_MISC("compiler.misc."); PrefixKind(String v) { value = v; } public String key(String k) { return value + k; } final String value; }
DiagnosticHandler's provide the initial handling for diagnostics. When a diagnostic handler is created and has been initialized, it should install itself as the current diagnostic handler. When a client has finished using a handler, the client should call log.removeDiagnosticHandler(); Note that javax.tools.DiagnosticListener (if set) is called later in the diagnostic pipeline.
/** * DiagnosticHandler's provide the initial handling for diagnostics. * When a diagnostic handler is created and has been initialized, it * should install itself as the current diagnostic handler. When a * client has finished using a handler, the client should call * {@code log.removeDiagnosticHandler();} * * Note that javax.tools.DiagnosticListener (if set) is called later in the * diagnostic pipeline. */
public static abstract class DiagnosticHandler {
The previously installed diagnostic handler.
/** * The previously installed diagnostic handler. */
protected DiagnosticHandler prev;
Install this diagnostic handler as the current one, recording the previous one.
/** * Install this diagnostic handler as the current one, * recording the previous one. */
protected void install(Log log) { prev = log.diagnosticHandler; log.diagnosticHandler = this; }
Handle a diagnostic.
/** * Handle a diagnostic. */
public abstract void report(JCDiagnostic diag); }
A DiagnosticHandler that discards all diagnostics.
/** * A DiagnosticHandler that discards all diagnostics. */
public static class DiscardDiagnosticHandler extends DiagnosticHandler { public DiscardDiagnosticHandler(Log log) { install(log); } @Override public void report(JCDiagnostic diag) { } }
A DiagnosticHandler that can defer some or all diagnostics, by buffering them for later examination and/or reporting. If a diagnostic is not deferred, or is subsequently reported with reportAllDiagnostics(), it will be reported to the previously active diagnostic handler.
/** * A DiagnosticHandler that can defer some or all diagnostics, * by buffering them for later examination and/or reporting. * If a diagnostic is not deferred, or is subsequently reported * with reportAllDiagnostics(), it will be reported to the previously * active diagnostic handler. */
public static class DeferredDiagnosticHandler extends DiagnosticHandler { private Queue<JCDiagnostic> deferred = new ListBuffer<>(); private final Filter<JCDiagnostic> filter; public DeferredDiagnosticHandler(Log log) { this(log, null); } public DeferredDiagnosticHandler(Log log, Filter<JCDiagnostic> filter) { this.filter = filter; install(log); } @Override public void report(JCDiagnostic diag) { if (!diag.isFlagSet(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticFlag.NON_DEFERRABLE) && (filter == null || filter.accepts(diag))) { deferred.add(diag); } else { prev.report(diag); } } public Queue<JCDiagnostic> getDiagnostics() { return deferred; }
Report all deferred diagnostics.
/** Report all deferred diagnostics. */
public void reportDeferredDiagnostics() { reportDeferredDiagnostics(EnumSet.allOf(JCDiagnostic.Kind.class)); }
Report selected deferred diagnostics.
/** Report selected deferred diagnostics. */
public void reportDeferredDiagnostics(Set<JCDiagnostic.Kind> kinds) { JCDiagnostic d; while ((d = deferred.poll()) != null) { if (kinds.contains(d.getKind())) prev.report(d); } deferred = null; // prevent accidental ongoing use } } public enum WriterKind { NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, STDOUT, STDERR } private final Map<WriterKind, PrintWriter> writers;
The maximum number of errors/warnings that are reported.
/** The maximum number of errors/warnings that are reported. */
protected int MaxErrors; protected int MaxWarnings;
Switch: prompt user on each error.
/** Switch: prompt user on each error. */
public boolean promptOnError;
Switch: emit warning messages.
/** Switch: emit warning messages. */
public boolean emitWarnings;
Switch: suppress note messages.
/** Switch: suppress note messages. */
public boolean suppressNotes;
Print stack trace on errors?
/** Print stack trace on errors? */
public boolean dumpOnError;
Diagnostic listener, if provided through programmatic interface to javac (JSR 199).
/** * Diagnostic listener, if provided through programmatic * interface to javac (JSR 199). */
protected DiagnosticListener<? super JavaFileObject> diagListener;
Formatter for diagnostics.
/** * Formatter for diagnostics. */
private DiagnosticFormatter<JCDiagnostic> diagFormatter;
Keys for expected diagnostics.
/** * Keys for expected diagnostics. */
public Set<String> expectDiagKeys;
Set to true if a compressed diagnostic is reported
/** * Set to true if a compressed diagnostic is reported */
public boolean compressedOutput;
JavacMessages object used for localization.
/** * JavacMessages object used for localization. */
private JavacMessages messages;
Handler for initial dispatch of diagnostics.
/** * Handler for initial dispatch of diagnostics. */
private DiagnosticHandler diagnosticHandler;
Get the Log instance for this context.
/** Get the Log instance for this context. */
public static Log instance(Context context) { Log instance = context.get(logKey); if (instance == null) instance = new Log(context); return instance; }
Register a Context.Factory to create a Log.
/** * Register a Context.Factory to create a Log. */
public static void preRegister(Context context, PrintWriter w) { context.put(Log.class, (Context.Factory<Log>) (c -> new Log(c, w))); }
Construct a log with default settings. If no streams are set in the context, the log will be initialized to use System.out for normal output, and System.err for all diagnostic output. If one stream is set in the context, with either Log.outKey or Log.errKey, it will be used for all output. Otherwise, the log will be initialized to use both streams found in the context.
/** * Construct a log with default settings. * If no streams are set in the context, the log will be initialized to use * System.out for normal output, and System.err for all diagnostic output. * If one stream is set in the context, with either Log.outKey or Log.errKey, * it will be used for all output. * Otherwise, the log will be initialized to use both streams found in the context. */
protected Log(Context context) { this(context, initWriters(context)); }
Initialize a map of writers based on values found in the context
  • context – the context in which to find writers to use
Returns:a map of writers
/** * Initialize a map of writers based on values found in the context * @param context the context in which to find writers to use * @return a map of writers */
private static Map<WriterKind, PrintWriter> initWriters(Context context) { PrintWriter out = context.get(outKey); PrintWriter err = context.get(errKey); if (out == null && err == null) { out = new PrintWriter(System.out, true); err = new PrintWriter(System.err, true); return initWriters(out, err); } else if (out == null || err == null) { PrintWriter pw = (out != null) ? out : err; return initWriters(pw, pw); } else { return initWriters(out, err); } }
Construct a log with all output sent to a single output stream.
/** * Construct a log with all output sent to a single output stream. */
protected Log(Context context, PrintWriter writer) { this(context, initWriters(writer, writer)); }
Construct a log. The log will be initialized to use stdOut for normal output, and stdErr for all diagnostic output.
/** * Construct a log. * The log will be initialized to use stdOut for normal output, and stdErr * for all diagnostic output. */
protected Log(Context context, PrintWriter out, PrintWriter err) { this(context, initWriters(out, err)); }
Initialize a writer map for a stream for normal output, and a stream for diagnostics.
  • out – a stream to be used for normal output
  • err – a stream to be used for diagnostic messages, such as errors, warnings, etc
Returns:a map of writers
/** * Initialize a writer map for a stream for normal output, and a stream for diagnostics. * @param out a stream to be used for normal output * @param err a stream to be used for diagnostic messages, such as errors, warnings, etc * @return a map of writers */
private static Map<WriterKind, PrintWriter> initWriters(PrintWriter out, PrintWriter err) { Map<WriterKind, PrintWriter> writers = new EnumMap<>(WriterKind.class); writers.put(WriterKind.ERROR, err); writers.put(WriterKind.WARNING, err); writers.put(WriterKind.NOTICE, err); writers.put(WriterKind.STDOUT, out); writers.put(WriterKind.STDERR, err); return writers; }
Construct a log with given I/O redirections.
Deprecated: This constructor is provided to support the supported but now-deprecated javadoc entry point com.sun.tools.javadoc.Main.execute(String programName, PrintWriter errWriter, PrintWriter warnWriter, PrintWriter noticeWriter, String defaultDocletClassName, String... args)
/** * Construct a log with given I/O redirections. * @deprecated * This constructor is provided to support the supported but now-deprecated javadoc entry point * com.sun.tools.javadoc.Main.execute(String programName, * PrintWriter errWriter, PrintWriter warnWriter, PrintWriter noticeWriter, * String defaultDocletClassName, String... args) */
@Deprecated protected Log(Context context, PrintWriter errWriter, PrintWriter warnWriter, PrintWriter noticeWriter) { this(context, initWriters(errWriter, warnWriter, noticeWriter)); }
Initialize a writer map with different streams for different types of diagnostics.
  • errWriter – a stream for writing error messages
  • warnWriter – a stream for writing warning messages
  • noticeWriter – a stream for writing notice messages
Returns:a map of writers
Deprecated:This method exists to support a supported but now deprecated javadoc entry point.
/** * Initialize a writer map with different streams for different types of diagnostics. * @param errWriter a stream for writing error messages * @param warnWriter a stream for writing warning messages * @param noticeWriter a stream for writing notice messages * @return a map of writers * @deprecated This method exists to support a supported but now deprecated javadoc entry point. */
@Deprecated private static Map<WriterKind, PrintWriter> initWriters(PrintWriter errWriter, PrintWriter warnWriter, PrintWriter noticeWriter) { Map<WriterKind, PrintWriter> writers = new EnumMap<>(WriterKind.class); writers.put(WriterKind.ERROR, errWriter); writers.put(WriterKind.WARNING, warnWriter); writers.put(WriterKind.NOTICE, noticeWriter); writers.put(WriterKind.STDOUT, noticeWriter); writers.put(WriterKind.STDERR, errWriter); return writers; }
Creates a log.
  • context – the context in which the log should be registered
  • writers – a map of writers that can be accessed by the kind of writer required
/** * Creates a log. * @param context the context in which the log should be registered * @param writers a map of writers that can be accessed by the kind of writer required */
private Log(Context context, Map<WriterKind, PrintWriter> writers) { super(JCDiagnostic.Factory.instance(context)); context.put(logKey, this); this.writers = writers; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // FIXME DiagnosticListener<? super JavaFileObject> dl = context.get(DiagnosticListener.class); this.diagListener = dl; diagnosticHandler = new DefaultDiagnosticHandler(); messages = JavacMessages.instance(context); messages.add(Main.javacBundleName); final Options options = Options.instance(context); initOptions(options); options.addListener(() -> initOptions(options)); } // where private void initOptions(Options options) { this.dumpOnError = options.isSet(DOE); this.promptOnError = options.isSet(PROMPT); this.emitWarnings = options.isUnset(XLINT_CUSTOM, "none"); this.suppressNotes = options.isSet("suppressNotes"); this.MaxErrors = getIntOption(options, XMAXERRS, getDefaultMaxErrors()); this.MaxWarnings = getIntOption(options, XMAXWARNS, getDefaultMaxWarnings()); boolean rawDiagnostics = options.isSet("rawDiagnostics"); this.diagFormatter = rawDiagnostics ? new RawDiagnosticFormatter(options) : new BasicDiagnosticFormatter(options, messages); String ek = options.get("expectKeys"); if (ek != null) expectDiagKeys = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(ek.split(", *"))); } private int getIntOption(Options options, Option option, int defaultValue) { String s = options.get(option); try { if (s != null) { int n = Integer.parseInt(s); return (n <= 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : n); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // silently ignore ill-formed numbers } return defaultValue; }
Default value for -Xmaxerrs.
/** Default value for -Xmaxerrs. */
protected int getDefaultMaxErrors() { return 100; }
Default value for -Xmaxwarns.
/** Default value for -Xmaxwarns. */
protected int getDefaultMaxWarnings() { return 100; }
The number of errors encountered so far.
/** The number of errors encountered so far. */
public int nerrors = 0;
The number of warnings encountered so far.
/** The number of warnings encountered so far. */
public int nwarnings = 0;
A set of all errors generated so far. This is used to avoid printing an error message more than once. For each error, a pair consisting of the source file name and source code position of the error is added to the set.
/** A set of all errors generated so far. This is used to avoid printing an * error message more than once. For each error, a pair consisting of the * source file name and source code position of the error is added to the set. */
protected Set<Pair<JavaFileObject, Integer>> recorded = new HashSet<>();
A set of "not-supported-in-source-X" errors produced so far. This is used to only generate one such error per file.
/** A set of "not-supported-in-source-X" errors produced so far. This is used to only generate * one such error per file. */
protected Set<Pair<JavaFileObject, String>> recordedSourceLevelErrors = new HashSet<>(); public boolean hasDiagnosticListener() { return diagListener != null; } public void setEndPosTable(JavaFileObject name, EndPosTable endPosTable) { Assert.checkNonNull(name); getSource(name).setEndPosTable(endPosTable); }
Return current sourcefile.
/** Return current sourcefile. */
public JavaFileObject currentSourceFile() { return source == null ? null : source.getFile(); }
Get the current diagnostic formatter.
/** Get the current diagnostic formatter. */
public DiagnosticFormatter<JCDiagnostic> getDiagnosticFormatter() { return diagFormatter; }
Set the current diagnostic formatter.
/** Set the current diagnostic formatter. */
public void setDiagnosticFormatter(DiagnosticFormatter<JCDiagnostic> diagFormatter) { this.diagFormatter = diagFormatter; } public PrintWriter getWriter(WriterKind kind) { return writers.get(kind); } public void setWriter(WriterKind kind, PrintWriter pw) { Assert.checkNonNull(pw); writers.put(kind, pw); } public void setWriters(PrintWriter pw) { Assert.checkNonNull(pw); for (WriterKind k: WriterKind.values()) writers.put(k, pw); }
Replace the specified diagnostic handler with the handler that was current at the time this handler was created. The given handler must be the currently installed handler; it must be specified explicitly for clarity and consistency checking.
/** * Replace the specified diagnostic handler with the * handler that was current at the time this handler was created. * The given handler must be the currently installed handler; * it must be specified explicitly for clarity and consistency checking. */
public void popDiagnosticHandler(DiagnosticHandler h) { Assert.check(diagnosticHandler == h); diagnosticHandler = h.prev; }
Flush the logs
/** Flush the logs */
public void flush() { for (PrintWriter pw: writers.values()) { pw.flush(); } } public void flush(WriterKind kind) { getWriter(kind).flush(); }
Returns true if an error needs to be reported for a given source name and pos.
/** Returns true if an error needs to be reported for a given * source name and pos. */
protected boolean shouldReport(JavaFileObject file, int pos) { if (file == null) return true; Pair<JavaFileObject,Integer> coords = new Pair<>(file, pos); boolean shouldReport = !recorded.contains(coords); if (shouldReport) recorded.add(coords); return shouldReport; }
Returns true if a diagnostics needs to be reported.
/** Returns true if a diagnostics needs to be reported. */
private boolean shouldReport(JCDiagnostic d) { JavaFileObject file = d.getSource(); if (file == null) return true; if (!shouldReport(file, d.getIntPosition())) return false; if (!d.isFlagSet(DiagnosticFlag.SOURCE_LEVEL)) return true; Pair<JavaFileObject, String> coords = new Pair<>(file, d.getCode()); boolean shouldReport = !recordedSourceLevelErrors.contains(coords); if (shouldReport) recordedSourceLevelErrors.add(coords); return shouldReport; }
Prompt user after an error.
/** Prompt user after an error. */
public void prompt() { if (promptOnError) { System.err.println(localize("resume.abort")); try { while (true) { switch (System.in.read()) { case 'a': case 'A': System.exit(-1); return; case 'r': case 'R': return; case 'x': case 'X': throw new AssertionError("user abort"); default: } } } catch (IOException e) {} } }
Print the faulty source code line and point to the error. @param pos Buffer index of the error position, must be on current line
/** Print the faulty source code line and point to the error. * @param pos Buffer index of the error position, must be on current line */
private void printErrLine(int pos, PrintWriter writer) { String line = (source == null ? null : source.getLine(pos)); if (line == null) return; int col = source.getColumnNumber(pos, false); printRawLines(writer, line); for (int i = 0; i < col - 1; i++) { writer.print((line.charAt(i) == '\t') ? "\t" : " "); } writer.println("^"); writer.flush(); } public void printNewline() { PrintWriter noticeWriter = writers.get(WriterKind.NOTICE); noticeWriter.println(); } public void printNewline(WriterKind wk) { getWriter(wk).println(); } public void printLines(String key, Object... args) { PrintWriter noticeWriter = writers.get(WriterKind.NOTICE); printRawLines(noticeWriter, localize(key, args)); } public void printLines(PrefixKind pk, String key, Object... args) { PrintWriter noticeWriter = writers.get(WriterKind.NOTICE); printRawLines(noticeWriter, localize(pk, key, args)); } public void printLines(WriterKind wk, String key, Object... args) { printRawLines(getWriter(wk), localize(key, args)); } public void printLines(WriterKind wk, PrefixKind pk, String key, Object... args) { printRawLines(getWriter(wk), localize(pk, key, args)); }
Print the text of a message, translating newlines appropriately for the platform.
/** Print the text of a message, translating newlines appropriately * for the platform. */
public void printRawLines(String msg) { PrintWriter noticeWriter = writers.get(WriterKind.NOTICE); printRawLines(noticeWriter, msg); }
Print the text of a message, translating newlines appropriately for the platform.
/** Print the text of a message, translating newlines appropriately * for the platform. */
public void printRawLines(WriterKind kind, String msg) { printRawLines(getWriter(kind), msg); }
Print the text of a message, translating newlines appropriately for the platform.
/** Print the text of a message, translating newlines appropriately * for the platform. */
public static void printRawLines(PrintWriter writer, String msg) { int nl; while ((nl = msg.indexOf('\n')) != -1) { writer.println(msg.substring(0, nl)); msg = msg.substring(nl+1); } if (msg.length() != 0) writer.println(msg); }
Print the localized text of a "verbose" message to the noticeWriter stream.
/** * Print the localized text of a "verbose" message to the * noticeWriter stream. */
public void printVerbose(String key, Object... args) { PrintWriter noticeWriter = writers.get(WriterKind.NOTICE); printRawLines(noticeWriter, localize("verbose." + key, args)); } @Override protected void directError(String key, Object... args) { PrintWriter errWriter = writers.get(WriterKind.ERROR); printRawLines(errWriter, localize(key, args)); errWriter.flush(); }
Report a warning that cannot be suppressed. @param pos The source position at which to report the warning. @param key The key for the localized warning message. @param args Fields of the warning message.
/** Report a warning that cannot be suppressed. * @param pos The source position at which to report the warning. * @param key The key for the localized warning message. * @param args Fields of the warning message. */
public void strictWarning(DiagnosticPosition pos, String key, Object ... args) { writeDiagnostic(diags.warning(null, source, pos, key, args)); nwarnings++; }
Primary method to report a diagnostic.
  • diagnostic –
/** * Primary method to report a diagnostic. * @param diagnostic */
@Override public void report(JCDiagnostic diagnostic) { diagnosticHandler.report(diagnostic); }
Common diagnostic handling. The diagnostic is counted, and depending on the options and how many diagnostics have been reported so far, the diagnostic may be handed off to writeDiagnostic.
/** * Common diagnostic handling. * The diagnostic is counted, and depending on the options and how many diagnostics have been * reported so far, the diagnostic may be handed off to writeDiagnostic. */
private class DefaultDiagnosticHandler extends DiagnosticHandler { @Override public void report(JCDiagnostic diagnostic) { if (expectDiagKeys != null) expectDiagKeys.remove(diagnostic.getCode()); switch (diagnostic.getType()) { case FRAGMENT: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); case NOTE: // Print out notes only when we are permitted to report warnings // Notes are only generated at the end of a compilation, so should be small // in number. if ((emitWarnings || diagnostic.isMandatory()) && !suppressNotes) { writeDiagnostic(diagnostic); } break; case WARNING: if (emitWarnings || diagnostic.isMandatory()) { if (nwarnings < MaxWarnings) { writeDiagnostic(diagnostic); nwarnings++; } } break; case ERROR: if (nerrors < MaxErrors && (diagnostic.isFlagSet(DiagnosticFlag.MULTIPLE) || shouldReport(diagnostic))) { writeDiagnostic(diagnostic); nerrors++; } break; } if (diagnostic.isFlagSet(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticFlag.COMPRESSED)) { compressedOutput = true; } } }
Write out a diagnostic.
/** * Write out a diagnostic. */
protected void writeDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic diag) { if (diagListener != null) { diagListener.report(diag); return; } PrintWriter writer = getWriterForDiagnosticType(diag.getType()); printRawLines(writer, diagFormatter.format(diag, messages.getCurrentLocale())); if (promptOnError) { switch (diag.getType()) { case ERROR: case WARNING: prompt(); } } if (dumpOnError) new RuntimeException().printStackTrace(writer); writer.flush(); } @Deprecated protected PrintWriter getWriterForDiagnosticType(DiagnosticType dt) { switch (dt) { case FRAGMENT: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); case NOTE: return writers.get(WriterKind.NOTICE); case WARNING: return writers.get(WriterKind.WARNING); case ERROR: return writers.get(WriterKind.ERROR); default: throw new Error(); } }
Find a localized string in the resource bundle. Because this method is static, it ignores the locale. Use localize(key, args) when possible. @param key The key for the localized string. @param args Fields to substitute into the string.
/** Find a localized string in the resource bundle. * Because this method is static, it ignores the locale. * Use localize(key, args) when possible. * @param key The key for the localized string. * @param args Fields to substitute into the string. */
public static String getLocalizedString(String key, Object ... args) { return JavacMessages.getDefaultLocalizedString(PrefixKind.COMPILER_MISC.key(key), args); }
Find a localized string in the resource bundle. @param key The key for the localized string. @param args Fields to substitute into the string.
/** Find a localized string in the resource bundle. * @param key The key for the localized string. * @param args Fields to substitute into the string. */
public String localize(String key, Object... args) { return localize(PrefixKind.COMPILER_MISC, key, args); } public String localize(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticInfo diagInfo) { if (useRawMessages) { return diagInfo.key(); } else { return messages.getLocalizedString(diagInfo.key(), diagInfo.args); } }
Find a localized string in the resource bundle. @param key The key for the localized string. @param args Fields to substitute into the string.
/** Find a localized string in the resource bundle. * @param key The key for the localized string. * @param args Fields to substitute into the string. */
public String localize(PrefixKind pk, String key, Object... args) { if (useRawMessages) return pk.key(key); else return messages.getLocalizedString(pk.key(key), args); } // where // backdoor hook for testing, should transition to use -XDrawDiagnostics private static boolean useRawMessages = false; /*************************************************************************** * raw error messages without internationalization; used for experimentation * and quick prototyping ***************************************************************************/
print an error or warning message:
/** print an error or warning message: */
private void printRawDiag(PrintWriter pw, String prefix, int pos, String msg) { if (source == null || pos == Position.NOPOS) { printRawLines(pw, prefix + msg); } else { int line = source.getLineNumber(pos); JavaFileObject file = source.getFile(); if (file != null) printRawLines(pw, file.getName() + ":" + line + ": " + msg); printErrLine(pos, pw); } pw.flush(); }
report an error:
/** report an error: */
public void rawError(int pos, String msg) { PrintWriter errWriter = writers.get(WriterKind.ERROR); if (nerrors < MaxErrors && shouldReport(currentSourceFile(), pos)) { printRawDiag(errWriter, "error: ", pos, msg); prompt(); nerrors++; } errWriter.flush(); }
report a warning:
/** report a warning: */
public void rawWarning(int pos, String msg) { PrintWriter warnWriter = writers.get(WriterKind.ERROR); if (nwarnings < MaxWarnings && emitWarnings) { printRawDiag(warnWriter, "warning: ", pos, msg); } prompt(); nwarnings++; warnWriter.flush(); } public static String format(String fmt, Object... args) { return String.format((java.util.Locale)null, fmt, args); } }