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 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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package com.sun.tools.javac.util;

import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import javax.tools.Diagnostic;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;

import com.sun.tools.javac.api.DiagnosticFormatter;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Lint.LintCategory;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.EndPosTable;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.DefinedBy.Api;

import static com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType.*;

An abstraction of a diagnostic message generated by the compiler.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** An abstraction of a diagnostic message generated by the compiler. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
public class JCDiagnostic implements Diagnostic<JavaFileObject> {
A factory for creating diagnostic objects.
/** A factory for creating diagnostic objects. */
public static class Factory {
The context key for the diagnostic factory.
/** The context key for the diagnostic factory. */
protected static final Context.Key<JCDiagnostic.Factory> diagnosticFactoryKey = new Context.Key<>();
Get the Factory instance for this context.
/** Get the Factory instance for this context. */
public static Factory instance(Context context) { Factory instance = context.get(diagnosticFactoryKey); if (instance == null) instance = new Factory(context); return instance; } DiagnosticFormatter<JCDiagnostic> formatter; final String prefix; final Set<DiagnosticFlag> defaultErrorFlags;
Create a new diagnostic factory.
/** Create a new diagnostic factory. */
protected Factory(Context context) { this(JavacMessages.instance(context), "compiler"); context.put(diagnosticFactoryKey, this); final Options options = Options.instance(context); initOptions(options); options.addListener(() -> initOptions(options)); } private void initOptions(Options options) { if (options.isSet("onlySyntaxErrorsUnrecoverable")) defaultErrorFlags.add(DiagnosticFlag.RECOVERABLE); }
Create a new diagnostic factory.
/** Create a new diagnostic factory. */
public Factory(JavacMessages messages, String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; this.formatter = new BasicDiagnosticFormatter(messages); defaultErrorFlags = EnumSet.of(DiagnosticFlag.MANDATORY); }
Create an error diagnostic @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the error. @param pos The source position at which to report the error. @param key The key for the localized error message. @param args Fields of the error message.
/** * Create an error diagnostic * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the error. * @param pos The source position at which to report the error. * @param key The key for the localized error message. * @param args Fields of the error message. */
public JCDiagnostic error( DiagnosticFlag flag, DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, String key, Object... args) { return error(flag, source, pos, errorKey(key, args)); }
Create an error diagnostic @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the error. @param pos The source position at which to report the error. @param errorKey The key for the localized error message.
/** * Create an error diagnostic * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the error. * @param pos The source position at which to report the error. * @param errorKey The key for the localized error message. */
public JCDiagnostic error( DiagnosticFlag flag, DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, Error errorKey) { JCDiagnostic diag = create(null, EnumSet.copyOf(defaultErrorFlags), source, pos, errorKey); if (flag != null) { diag.setFlag(flag); } return diag; }
Create a warning diagnostic that will not be hidden by the -nowarn or -Xlint:none options. @param lc The lint category for the diagnostic @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the warning. @param pos The source position at which to report the warning. @param key The key for the localized warning message. @param args Fields of the warning message. @see MandatoryWarningHandler
/** * Create a warning diagnostic that will not be hidden by the -nowarn or -Xlint:none options. * @param lc The lint category for the diagnostic * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the warning. * @param pos The source position at which to report the warning. * @param key The key for the localized warning message. * @param args Fields of the warning message. * @see MandatoryWarningHandler */
public JCDiagnostic mandatoryWarning( LintCategory lc, DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, String key, Object... args) { return mandatoryWarning(lc, source, pos, warningKey(key, args)); }
Create a warning diagnostic that will not be hidden by the -nowarn or -Xlint:none options. @param lc The lint category for the diagnostic @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the warning. @param pos The source position at which to report the warning. @param warningKey The key for the localized warning message. @see MandatoryWarningHandler
/** * Create a warning diagnostic that will not be hidden by the -nowarn or -Xlint:none options. * @param lc The lint category for the diagnostic * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the warning. * @param pos The source position at which to report the warning. * @param warningKey The key for the localized warning message. * @see MandatoryWarningHandler */
public JCDiagnostic mandatoryWarning( LintCategory lc, DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, Warning warningKey) { return create(lc, EnumSet.of(DiagnosticFlag.MANDATORY), source, pos, warningKey); }
Create a warning diagnostic. @param lc The lint category for the diagnostic @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the warning. @param pos The source position at which to report the warning. @param key The key for the localized error message. @param args Fields of the warning message. @see MandatoryWarningHandler
/** * Create a warning diagnostic. * @param lc The lint category for the diagnostic * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the warning. * @param pos The source position at which to report the warning. * @param key The key for the localized error message. * @param args Fields of the warning message. * @see MandatoryWarningHandler */
public JCDiagnostic warning( LintCategory lc, DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, String key, Object... args) { return warning(lc, source, pos, warningKey(key, args)); }
Create a warning diagnostic. @param lc The lint category for the diagnostic @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the warning. @param pos The source position at which to report the warning. @param warningKey The key for the localized warning message. @see MandatoryWarningHandler
/** * Create a warning diagnostic. * @param lc The lint category for the diagnostic * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the warning. * @param pos The source position at which to report the warning. * @param warningKey The key for the localized warning message. * @see MandatoryWarningHandler */
public JCDiagnostic warning( LintCategory lc, DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, Warning warningKey) { return create(lc, EnumSet.noneOf(DiagnosticFlag.class), source, pos, warningKey); }
Create a note diagnostic that will not be hidden by the -nowarn or -Xlint:none options. @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the warning. @param key The key for the localized warning message. @param args Fields of the warning message. @see MandatoryWarningHandler
/** * Create a note diagnostic that will not be hidden by the -nowarn or -Xlint:none options. * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the warning. * @param key The key for the localized warning message. * @param args Fields of the warning message. * @see MandatoryWarningHandler */
public JCDiagnostic mandatoryNote(DiagnosticSource source, String key, Object... args) { return mandatoryNote(source, noteKey(key, args)); }
Create a note diagnostic that will not be hidden by the -nowarn or -Xlint:none options. @param noteKey The key for the localized note message. @see MandatoryWarningHandler
/** * Create a note diagnostic that will not be hidden by the -nowarn or -Xlint:none options. * @param noteKey The key for the localized note message. * @see MandatoryWarningHandler */
public JCDiagnostic mandatoryNote(DiagnosticSource source, Note noteKey) { return create(null, EnumSet.of(DiagnosticFlag.MANDATORY), source, null, noteKey); }
Create a note diagnostic. @param key The key for the localized error message. @param args Fields of the message.
/** * Create a note diagnostic. * @param key The key for the localized error message. * @param args Fields of the message. */
public JCDiagnostic note( DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, String key, Object... args) { return note(source, pos, noteKey(key, args)); }
Create a note diagnostic. @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the note. @param pos The source position at which to report the note. @param noteKey The key for the localized note message.
/** * Create a note diagnostic. * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the note. * @param pos The source position at which to report the note. * @param noteKey The key for the localized note message. */
public JCDiagnostic note( DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, Note noteKey) { return create(null, EnumSet.noneOf(DiagnosticFlag.class), source, pos, noteKey); }
Create a fragment diagnostic, for use as an argument in other diagnostics @param key The key for the localized message. @param args Fields of the message.
/** * Create a fragment diagnostic, for use as an argument in other diagnostics * @param key The key for the localized message. * @param args Fields of the message. */
public JCDiagnostic fragment(String key, Object... args) { return fragment(fragmentKey(key, args)); }
Create a fragment diagnostic, for use as an argument in other diagnostics @param fragmentKey The key for the localized subdiagnostic message.
/** * Create a fragment diagnostic, for use as an argument in other diagnostics * @param fragmentKey The key for the localized subdiagnostic message. */
public JCDiagnostic fragment(Fragment fragmentKey) { return create(null, EnumSet.noneOf(DiagnosticFlag.class), null, null, fragmentKey); }
Create a new diagnostic of the given kind, which is not mandatory and which has no lint category. @param kind The diagnostic kind @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the message. @param pos The source position at which to report the message. @param key The key for the localized message. @param args Fields of the message.
/** * Create a new diagnostic of the given kind, which is not mandatory and which has * no lint category. * @param kind The diagnostic kind * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the message. * @param pos The source position at which to report the message. * @param key The key for the localized message. * @param args Fields of the message. */
public JCDiagnostic create( DiagnosticType kind, DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, String key, Object... args) { return create(null, EnumSet.noneOf(DiagnosticFlag.class), source, pos, DiagnosticInfo.of(kind, prefix, key, args)); }
Create a new diagnostic of the given kind, which is not mandatory and which has no lint category. @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the message. @param pos The source position at which to report the message. @param diagnosticInfo The key for the localized message.
/** * Create a new diagnostic of the given kind, which is not mandatory and which has * no lint category. * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the message. * @param pos The source position at which to report the message. * @param diagnosticInfo The key for the localized message. */
public JCDiagnostic create( DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, DiagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo) { return create(null, EnumSet.noneOf(DiagnosticFlag.class), source, pos, diagnosticInfo); }
Create a new diagnostic of the given kind. @param kind The diagnostic kind @param lc The lint category, if applicable, or null @param flags The set of flags for the diagnostic @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the message. @param pos The source position at which to report the message. @param key The key for the localized message. @param args Fields of the message.
/** * Create a new diagnostic of the given kind. * @param kind The diagnostic kind * @param lc The lint category, if applicable, or null * @param flags The set of flags for the diagnostic * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the message. * @param pos The source position at which to report the message. * @param key The key for the localized message. * @param args Fields of the message. */
public JCDiagnostic create(DiagnosticType kind, LintCategory lc, Set<DiagnosticFlag> flags, DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, String key, Object... args) { return create(lc, flags, source, pos, DiagnosticInfo.of(kind, prefix, key, args)); }
Create a new diagnostic with given key. @param lc The lint category, if applicable, or null @param flags The set of flags for the diagnostic @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the message. @param pos The source position at which to report the message. @param diagnosticInfo The key for the localized message.
/** * Create a new diagnostic with given key. * @param lc The lint category, if applicable, or null * @param flags The set of flags for the diagnostic * @param source The source of the compilation unit, if any, in which to report the message. * @param pos The source position at which to report the message. * @param diagnosticInfo The key for the localized message. */
public JCDiagnostic create( LintCategory lc, Set<DiagnosticFlag> flags, DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos, DiagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo) { return new JCDiagnostic(formatter, normalize(diagnosticInfo), lc, flags, source, pos); } //where DiagnosticInfo normalize(DiagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo) { //replace all nested FragmentKey with full-blown JCDiagnostic objects return DiagnosticInfo.of(diagnosticInfo.type, diagnosticInfo.prefix, diagnosticInfo.code, Stream.of(diagnosticInfo.args).map(o -> { return (o instanceof Fragment) ? fragment((Fragment)o) : o; }).toArray()); }
Create a new error key.
/** * Create a new error key. */
Error errorKey(String code, Object... args) { return (Error)DiagnosticInfo.of(ERROR, prefix, code, args); }
Create a new warning key.
/** * Create a new warning key. */
Warning warningKey(String code, Object... args) { return (Warning)DiagnosticInfo.of(WARNING, prefix, code, args); }
Create a new note key.
/** * Create a new note key. */
Note noteKey(String code, Object... args) { return (Note)DiagnosticInfo.of(NOTE, prefix, code, args); }
Create a new fragment key.
/** * Create a new fragment key. */
Fragment fragmentKey(String code, Object... args) { return (Fragment)DiagnosticInfo.of(FRAGMENT, prefix, code, args); } }
Create a fragment diagnostic, for use as an argument in other diagnostics @param key The key for the localized error message. @param args Fields of the error message.
/** * Create a fragment diagnostic, for use as an argument in other diagnostics * @param key The key for the localized error message. * @param args Fields of the error message. * */
@Deprecated public static JCDiagnostic fragment(String key, Object... args) { return new JCDiagnostic(getFragmentFormatter(), DiagnosticInfo.of(FRAGMENT, "compiler", key, args), null, EnumSet.noneOf(DiagnosticFlag.class), null, null); } //where @Deprecated public static DiagnosticFormatter<JCDiagnostic> getFragmentFormatter() { if (fragmentFormatter == null) { fragmentFormatter = new BasicDiagnosticFormatter(JavacMessages.getDefaultMessages()); } return fragmentFormatter; }
A DiagnosticType defines the type of the diagnostic.
/** * A DiagnosticType defines the type of the diagnostic. **/
public enum DiagnosticType {
A fragment of an enclosing diagnostic.
/** A fragment of an enclosing diagnostic. */
A note: similar to, but less serious than, a warning.
/** A note: similar to, but less serious than, a warning. */
A warning.
/** A warning. */
An error.
/** An error. */
ERROR("err"); final String key;
Create a DiagnosticType.
  • key – A string used to create the resource key for the diagnostic.
/** Create a DiagnosticType. * @param key A string used to create the resource key for the diagnostic. */
DiagnosticType(String key) { this.key = key; } }
A DiagnosticPosition provides information about the positions in a file that gave rise to a diagnostic. It always defines a "preferred" position that most accurately defines the location of the diagnostic, it may also provide a related tree node that spans that location.
/** * A DiagnosticPosition provides information about the positions in a file * that gave rise to a diagnostic. It always defines a "preferred" position * that most accurately defines the location of the diagnostic, it may also * provide a related tree node that spans that location. */
public static interface DiagnosticPosition {
Gets the tree node, if any, to which the diagnostic applies.
/** Gets the tree node, if any, to which the diagnostic applies. */
JCTree getTree();
If there is a tree node, get the start position of the tree node. Otherwise, just returns the same as getPreferredPosition().
/** If there is a tree node, get the start position of the tree node. * Otherwise, just returns the same as getPreferredPosition(). */
int getStartPosition();
Get the position within the file that most accurately defines the location for the diagnostic.
/** Get the position within the file that most accurately defines the * location for the diagnostic. */
int getPreferredPosition();
If there is a tree node, and if endPositions are available, get the end position of the tree node. Otherwise, just returns the same as getPreferredPosition().
/** If there is a tree node, and if endPositions are available, get * the end position of the tree node. Otherwise, just returns the * same as getPreferredPosition(). */
int getEndPosition(EndPosTable endPosTable); }
A DiagnosticPosition that simply identifies a position, but no related tree node, as the location for a diagnostic. Used for scanner and parser diagnostics.
/** * A DiagnosticPosition that simply identifies a position, but no related * tree node, as the location for a diagnostic. Used for scanner and parser * diagnostics. */
public static class SimpleDiagnosticPosition implements DiagnosticPosition { public SimpleDiagnosticPosition(int pos) { this.pos = pos; } public JCTree getTree() { return null; } public int getStartPosition() { return pos; } public int getPreferredPosition() { return pos; } public int getEndPosition(EndPosTable endPosTable) { return pos; } private final int pos; } public enum DiagnosticFlag { MANDATORY, RESOLVE_ERROR, SYNTAX, RECOVERABLE, NON_DEFERRABLE, COMPRESSED,
Print multiple errors for same source locations.
/** Print multiple errors for same source locations. */
Flag for not-supported-in-source-X errors.
/** Flag for not-supported-in-source-X errors. */
SOURCE_LEVEL; } private final DiagnosticSource source; private final DiagnosticPosition position; private final DiagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo; private final Set<DiagnosticFlag> flags; private final LintCategory lintCategory;
source line position (set lazily)
/** source line position (set lazily) */
private SourcePosition sourcePosition;
This class is used to defer the line/column position fetch logic after diagnostic construction.
/** * This class is used to defer the line/column position fetch logic after diagnostic construction. */
class SourcePosition { private final int line; private final int column; SourcePosition() { int n = (position == null ? Position.NOPOS : position.getPreferredPosition()); if (n == Position.NOPOS || source == null) line = column = -1; else { line = source.getLineNumber(n); column = source.getColumnNumber(n, true); } } public int getLineNumber() { return line; } public int getColumnNumber() { return column; } }
A diagnostic key object encapsulates basic properties of a diagnostic, such as the resource key, the arguments and the kind associated with the diagnostic object. Diagnostic keys can be either created programmatically (by using the supplied factory method) or obtained through build-time generated factory methods.
/** * A diagnostic key object encapsulates basic properties of a diagnostic, such as the resource key, * the arguments and the kind associated with the diagnostic object. Diagnostic keys can be either * created programmatically (by using the supplied factory method) or obtained through build-time * generated factory methods. */
public static abstract class DiagnosticInfo {
The diagnostic kind (i.e. error).
/** The diagnostic kind (i.e. error). */
DiagnosticType type;
The diagnostic prefix (i.e. 'javac'); used to compute full resource key.
/** The diagnostic prefix (i.e. 'javac'); used to compute full resource key. */
String prefix;
The diagnostic code (i.e. 'cannot.resolve.sym'); together with prefix it forms the full resource key.
/** The diagnostic code (i.e. 'cannot.resolve.sym'); together with {@code prefix} it forms * the full resource key. */
String code;
The diagnostic arguments.
/** The diagnostic arguments. */
Object[] args; private DiagnosticInfo(DiagnosticType type, String prefix, String code, Object... args) { this.type = type; this.prefix = prefix; this.code = code; this.args = args; }
Compute the resource key.
/** * Compute the resource key. */
public String key() { return prefix + "." + type.key + "." + code; }
Static factory method; build a custom diagnostic key using given kind, prefix, code and args.
/** * Static factory method; build a custom diagnostic key using given kind, prefix, code and args. */
public static DiagnosticInfo of(DiagnosticType type, String prefix, String code, Object... args) { switch (type) { case ERROR: return new Error(prefix, code, args); case WARNING: return new Warning(prefix, code, args); case NOTE: return new Note(prefix, code, args); case FRAGMENT: return new Fragment(prefix, code, args); default: Assert.error("Wrong diagnostic type: " + type); return null; } } }
Class representing error diagnostic keys.
/** * Class representing error diagnostic keys. */
public static final class Error extends DiagnosticInfo { public Error(String prefix, String key, Object... args) { super(DiagnosticType.ERROR, prefix, key, args); } }
Class representing warning diagnostic keys.
/** * Class representing warning diagnostic keys. */
public static final class Warning extends DiagnosticInfo { public Warning(String prefix, String key, Object... args) { super(DiagnosticType.WARNING, prefix, key, args); } }
Class representing note diagnostic keys.
/** * Class representing note diagnostic keys. */
public static final class Note extends DiagnosticInfo { public Note(String prefix, String key, Object... args) { super(DiagnosticType.NOTE, prefix, key, args); } }
Class representing fragment diagnostic keys.
/** * Class representing fragment diagnostic keys. */
public static final class Fragment extends DiagnosticInfo { public Fragment(String prefix, String key, Object... args) { super(DiagnosticType.FRAGMENT, prefix, key, args); } }
Create a diagnostic object.
  • formatter – the formatter to use for the diagnostic
  • diagnosticInfo – the diagnostic key
  • lc – the lint category for the diagnostic
  • source – the name of the source file, or null if none.
  • pos – the character offset within the source file, if given.
/** * Create a diagnostic object. * @param formatter the formatter to use for the diagnostic * @param diagnosticInfo the diagnostic key * @param lc the lint category for the diagnostic * @param source the name of the source file, or null if none. * @param pos the character offset within the source file, if given. */
protected JCDiagnostic(DiagnosticFormatter<JCDiagnostic> formatter, DiagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo, LintCategory lc, Set<DiagnosticFlag> flags, DiagnosticSource source, DiagnosticPosition pos) { if (source == null && pos != null && pos.getPreferredPosition() != Position.NOPOS) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.defaultFormatter = formatter; this.diagnosticInfo = diagnosticInfo; this.lintCategory = lc; this.flags = flags; this.source = source; this.position = pos; }
Get the type of this diagnostic.
Returns:the type of this diagnostic
/** * Get the type of this diagnostic. * @return the type of this diagnostic */
public DiagnosticType getType() { return diagnosticInfo.type; }
Get the subdiagnostic list
Returns:subdiagnostic list
/** * Get the subdiagnostic list * @return subdiagnostic list */
public List<JCDiagnostic> getSubdiagnostics() { return List.nil(); } public boolean isMultiline() { return false; }
Check whether or not this diagnostic is required to be shown.
Returns:true if this diagnostic is required to be shown.
/** * Check whether or not this diagnostic is required to be shown. * @return true if this diagnostic is required to be shown. */
public boolean isMandatory() { return flags.contains(DiagnosticFlag.MANDATORY); }
Check whether this diagnostic has an associated lint category.
/** * Check whether this diagnostic has an associated lint category. */
public boolean hasLintCategory() { return (lintCategory != null); }
Get the associated lint category, or null if none.
/** * Get the associated lint category, or null if none. */
public LintCategory getLintCategory() { return lintCategory; }
Get the name of the source file referred to by this diagnostic.
Returns:the name of the source referred to with this diagnostic, or null if none
/** * Get the name of the source file referred to by this diagnostic. * @return the name of the source referred to with this diagnostic, or null if none */
@DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER) public JavaFileObject getSource() { if (source == null) return null; else return source.getFile(); }
Get the source referred to by this diagnostic.
Returns:the source referred to with this diagnostic, or null if none
/** * Get the source referred to by this diagnostic. * @return the source referred to with this diagnostic, or null if none */
public DiagnosticSource getDiagnosticSource() { return source; } protected int getIntStartPosition() { return (position == null ? Position.NOPOS : position.getStartPosition()); } protected int getIntPosition() { return (position == null ? Position.NOPOS : position.getPreferredPosition()); } protected int getIntEndPosition() { return (position == null ? Position.NOPOS : position.getEndPosition(source.getEndPosTable())); } @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER) public long getStartPosition() { return getIntStartPosition(); } @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER) public long getPosition() { return getIntPosition(); } @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER) public long getEndPosition() { return getIntEndPosition(); } public DiagnosticPosition getDiagnosticPosition() { return position; }
Get the line number within the source referred to by this diagnostic.
Returns: the line number within the source referred to by this diagnostic
/** * Get the line number within the source referred to by this diagnostic. * @return the line number within the source referred to by this diagnostic */
@DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER) public long getLineNumber() { if (sourcePosition == null) { sourcePosition = new SourcePosition(); } return sourcePosition.getLineNumber(); }
Get the column number within the line of source referred to by this diagnostic.
Returns: the column number within the line of source referred to by this diagnostic
/** * Get the column number within the line of source referred to by this diagnostic. * @return the column number within the line of source referred to by this diagnostic */
@DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER) public long getColumnNumber() { if (sourcePosition == null) { sourcePosition = new SourcePosition(); } return sourcePosition.getColumnNumber(); }
Get the arguments to be included in the text of the diagnostic.
Returns: the arguments to be included in the text of the diagnostic
/** * Get the arguments to be included in the text of the diagnostic. * @return the arguments to be included in the text of the diagnostic */
public Object[] getArgs() { return diagnosticInfo.args; }
Get the prefix string associated with this type of diagnostic.
Returns:the prefix string associated with this type of diagnostic
/** * Get the prefix string associated with this type of diagnostic. * @return the prefix string associated with this type of diagnostic */
public String getPrefix() { return getPrefix(diagnosticInfo.type); }
Get the prefix string associated with a particular type of diagnostic.
Returns:the prefix string associated with a particular type of diagnostic
/** * Get the prefix string associated with a particular type of diagnostic. * @return the prefix string associated with a particular type of diagnostic */
public String getPrefix(DiagnosticType dt) { return defaultFormatter.formatKind(this, Locale.getDefault()); }
Return the standard presentation of this diagnostic.
/** * Return the standard presentation of this diagnostic. */
@Override public String toString() { return defaultFormatter.format(this, Locale.getDefault()); } private DiagnosticFormatter<JCDiagnostic> defaultFormatter; @Deprecated private static DiagnosticFormatter<JCDiagnostic> fragmentFormatter; // Methods for javax.tools.Diagnostic @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER) public Diagnostic.Kind getKind() { switch (diagnosticInfo.type) { case NOTE: return Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE; case WARNING: return flags.contains(DiagnosticFlag.MANDATORY) ? Diagnostic.Kind.MANDATORY_WARNING : Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING; case ERROR: return Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR; default: return Diagnostic.Kind.OTHER; } } @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER) public String getCode() { return diagnosticInfo.key(); } @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER) public String getMessage(Locale locale) { return defaultFormatter.formatMessage(this, locale); } public void setFlag(DiagnosticFlag flag) { flags.add(flag); if (diagnosticInfo.type == DiagnosticType.ERROR) { switch (flag) { case SYNTAX: flags.remove(DiagnosticFlag.RECOVERABLE); break; case RESOLVE_ERROR: flags.add(DiagnosticFlag.RECOVERABLE); break; } } } public boolean isFlagSet(DiagnosticFlag flag) { return flags.contains(flag); } public static class MultilineDiagnostic extends JCDiagnostic { private final List<JCDiagnostic> subdiagnostics; public MultilineDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic other, List<JCDiagnostic> subdiagnostics) { super(other.defaultFormatter, other.diagnosticInfo, other.getLintCategory(), other.flags, other.getDiagnosticSource(), other.position); this.subdiagnostics = subdiagnostics; } @Override public List<JCDiagnostic> getSubdiagnostics() { return subdiagnostics; } @Override public boolean isMultiline() { return true; } } }