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package com.sun.tools.javac.code;

import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.Kind;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.CompletionFailure;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.TypeSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCImport;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List;

import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Scope.LookupKind.NON_RECURSIVE;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Scope.LookupKind.RECURSIVE;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.util.Iterators.createCompoundIterator;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.util.Iterators.createFilterIterator;

A scope represents an area of visibility in a Java program. The Scope class is a container for symbols which provides efficient access to symbols given their names. Scopes are implemented as hash tables with "open addressing" and "double hashing". Scopes can be nested. Nested scopes can share their hash tables.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** A scope represents an area of visibility in a Java program. The * Scope class is a container for symbols which provides * efficient access to symbols given their names. Scopes are implemented * as hash tables with "open addressing" and "double hashing". * Scopes can be nested. Nested scopes can share their hash tables. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
public abstract class Scope {
The scope's owner.
/** The scope's owner. */
public final Symbol owner; protected Scope(Symbol owner) { this.owner = owner; }
Returns all Symbols in this Scope. Symbols from outward Scopes are included.
/**Returns all Symbols in this Scope. Symbols from outward Scopes are included. */
public final Iterable<Symbol> getSymbols() { return getSymbols(noFilter); }
Returns Symbols that match the given filter. Symbols from outward Scopes are included.
/**Returns Symbols that match the given filter. Symbols from outward Scopes are included. */
public final Iterable<Symbol> getSymbols(Filter<Symbol> sf) { return getSymbols(sf, RECURSIVE); }
Returns all Symbols in this Scope. Symbols from outward Scopes are included iff lookupKind == RECURSIVE.
/**Returns all Symbols in this Scope. Symbols from outward Scopes are included * iff lookupKind == RECURSIVE. */
public final Iterable<Symbol> getSymbols(LookupKind lookupKind) { return getSymbols(noFilter, lookupKind); }
Returns Symbols that match the given filter. Symbols from outward Scopes are included iff lookupKind == RECURSIVE.
/**Returns Symbols that match the given filter. Symbols from outward Scopes are included * iff lookupKind == RECURSIVE. */
public abstract Iterable<Symbol> getSymbols(Filter<Symbol> sf, LookupKind lookupKind);
Returns Symbols with the given name. Symbols from outward Scopes are included.
/**Returns Symbols with the given name. Symbols from outward Scopes are included. */
public final Iterable<Symbol> getSymbolsByName(Name name) { return getSymbolsByName(name, RECURSIVE); }
Returns Symbols with the given name that match the given filter. Symbols from outward Scopes are included.
/**Returns Symbols with the given name that match the given filter. * Symbols from outward Scopes are included. */
public final Iterable<Symbol> getSymbolsByName(final Name name, final Filter<Symbol> sf) { return getSymbolsByName(name, sf, RECURSIVE); }
Returns Symbols with the given name. Symbols from outward Scopes are included iff lookupKind == RECURSIVE.
/**Returns Symbols with the given name. Symbols from outward Scopes are included * iff lookupKind == RECURSIVE. */
public final Iterable<Symbol> getSymbolsByName(Name name, LookupKind lookupKind) { return getSymbolsByName(name, noFilter, lookupKind); }
Returns Symbols with the given name that match the given filter. Symbols from outward Scopes are included iff lookupKind == RECURSIVE.
/**Returns Symbols with the given name that match the given filter. * Symbols from outward Scopes are included iff lookupKind == RECURSIVE. */
public abstract Iterable<Symbol> getSymbolsByName(final Name name, final Filter<Symbol> sf, final LookupKind lookupKind);
Return the first Symbol from this or outward scopes with the given name. Returns null if none.
/** Return the first Symbol from this or outward scopes with the given name. * Returns null if none. */
public final Symbol findFirst(Name name) { return findFirst(name, noFilter); }
Return the first Symbol from this or outward scopes with the given name that matches the given filter. Returns null if none.
/** Return the first Symbol from this or outward scopes with the given name that matches the * given filter. Returns null if none. */
public Symbol findFirst(Name name, Filter<Symbol> sf) { Iterator<Symbol> it = getSymbolsByName(name, sf).iterator(); return it.hasNext() ? it.next() : null; }
Returns true iff there are is at least one Symbol in this scope matching the given filter. Does not inspect outward scopes.
/** Returns true iff there are is at least one Symbol in this scope matching the given filter. * Does not inspect outward scopes. */
public boolean anyMatch(Filter<Symbol> filter) { return getSymbols(filter, NON_RECURSIVE).iterator().hasNext(); }
Returns true iff the given Symbol is in this scope or any outward scope.
/** Returns true iff the given Symbol is in this scope or any outward scope. */
public boolean includes(final Symbol sym) { return includes(sym, RECURSIVE); }
Returns true iff the given Symbol is in this scope, optionally checking outward scopes.
/** Returns true iff the given Symbol is in this scope, optionally checking outward scopes. */
public boolean includes(final Symbol sym, LookupKind lookupKind) { return getSymbolsByName(sym.name, t -> t == sym, lookupKind).iterator().hasNext(); }
Returns true iff this scope does not contain any Symbol. Does not inspect outward scopes.
/** Returns true iff this scope does not contain any Symbol. Does not inspect outward scopes. */
public boolean isEmpty() { return !getSymbols(NON_RECURSIVE).iterator().hasNext(); }
Returns the Scope from which the givins Symbol originates in this scope.
/** Returns the Scope from which the givins Symbol originates in this scope. */
public abstract Scope getOrigin(Symbol byName);
Returns true iff the given Symbol is part of this scope due to a static import.
/** Returns true iff the given Symbol is part of this scope due to a static import. */
public abstract boolean isStaticallyImported(Symbol byName); private static final Filter<Symbol> noFilter = null;
A list of scopes to be notified if items are to be removed from this scope.
/** A list of scopes to be notified if items are to be removed from this scope. */
ScopeListenerList listeners = new ScopeListenerList(); public interface ScopeListener { void symbolAdded(Symbol sym, Scope s); void symbolRemoved(Symbol sym, Scope s); }
A list of scope listeners; listeners are stored in weak references, to avoid memory leaks. When the listener list is scanned (upon notification), elements corresponding to GC-ed listeners are removed so that the listener list size is kept in check.
/** * A list of scope listeners; listeners are stored in weak references, to avoid memory leaks. * When the listener list is scanned (upon notification), elements corresponding to GC-ed * listeners are removed so that the listener list size is kept in check. */
public static class ScopeListenerList { List<WeakReference<ScopeListener>> listeners = List.nil(); void add(ScopeListener sl) { listeners = listeners.prepend(new WeakReference<>(sl)); } void symbolAdded(Symbol sym, Scope scope) { walkReferences(sym, scope, false); } void symbolRemoved(Symbol sym, Scope scope) { walkReferences(sym, scope, true); } private void walkReferences(Symbol sym, Scope scope, boolean isRemove) { ListBuffer<WeakReference<ScopeListener>> newListeners = new ListBuffer<>(); for (WeakReference<ScopeListener> wsl : listeners) { ScopeListener sl = wsl.get(); if (sl != null) { if (isRemove) { sl.symbolRemoved(sym, scope); } else { sl.symbolAdded(sym, scope); } newListeners.add(wsl); } } listeners = newListeners.toList(); } } public enum LookupKind { RECURSIVE, NON_RECURSIVE; }
A scope into which Symbols can be added.
/**A scope into which Symbols can be added.*/
public abstract static class WriteableScope extends Scope { public WriteableScope(Symbol owner) { super(owner); }
Enter the given Symbol into this scope.
/** Enter the given Symbol into this scope. */
public abstract void enter(Symbol c);
Enter symbol sym in this scope if not already there.
/** Enter symbol sym in this scope if not already there. */
public abstract void enterIfAbsent(Symbol c); public abstract void remove(Symbol c);
Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with same owner. The new scope may shares internal structures with the this scope. Used in connection with method leave if scope access is stack-like in order to avoid allocation of fresh tables.
/** Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with same owner. The new scope may * shares internal structures with the this scope. Used in connection with * method leave if scope access is stack-like in order to avoid allocation * of fresh tables. */
public final WriteableScope dup() { return dup(this.owner); }
Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with new owner. The new scope may shares internal structures with the this scope. Used in connection with method leave if scope access is stack-like in order to avoid allocation of fresh tables.
/** Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with new owner. The new scope may * shares internal structures with the this scope. Used in connection with * method leave if scope access is stack-like in order to avoid allocation * of fresh tables. */
public abstract WriteableScope dup(Symbol newOwner);
Must be called on dup-ed scopes to be able to work with the outward scope again.
/** Must be called on dup-ed scopes to be able to work with the outward scope again. */
public abstract WriteableScope leave();
Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with same owner. The new scope will not share internal structures with this scope.
/** Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with same owner. The new scope * will not share internal structures with this scope. */
public final WriteableScope dupUnshared() { return dupUnshared(owner); }
Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with new owner. The new scope will not share internal structures with this scope.
/** Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with new owner. The new scope * will not share internal structures with this scope. */
public abstract WriteableScope dupUnshared(Symbol newOwner);
Create a new WriteableScope.
/** Create a new WriteableScope. */
public static WriteableScope create(Symbol owner) { return new ScopeImpl(owner); } } private static class ScopeImpl extends WriteableScope {
The number of scopes that share this scope's hash table.
/** The number of scopes that share this scope's hash table. */
private int shared;
Next enclosing scope (with whom this scope may share a hashtable)
/** Next enclosing scope (with whom this scope may share a hashtable) */
public ScopeImpl next;
A hash table for the scope's entries.
/** A hash table for the scope's entries. */
Entry[] table;
Mask for hash codes, always equal to (table.length - 1).
/** Mask for hash codes, always equal to (table.length - 1). */
int hashMask;
A linear list that also contains all entries in reverse order of appearance (i.e later entries are pushed on top).
/** A linear list that also contains all entries in * reverse order of appearance (i.e later entries are pushed on top). */
public Entry elems;
The number of elements in this scope. This includes deleted elements, whose value is the sentinel.
/** The number of elements in this scope. * This includes deleted elements, whose value is the sentinel. */
int nelems = 0; int removeCount = 0;
Use as a "not-found" result for lookup. Also used to mark deleted entries in the table.
/** Use as a "not-found" result for lookup. * Also used to mark deleted entries in the table. */
private static final Entry sentinel = new Entry(null, null, null, null);
The hash table's initial size.
/** The hash table's initial size. */
private static final int INITIAL_SIZE = 0x10;
Construct a new scope, within scope next, with given owner, using given table. The table's length must be an exponent of 2.
/** Construct a new scope, within scope next, with given owner, using * given table. The table's length must be an exponent of 2. */
private ScopeImpl(ScopeImpl next, Symbol owner, Entry[] table) { super(owner); this.next = next; Assert.check(owner != null); this.table = table; this.hashMask = table.length - 1; }
Convenience constructor used for dup and dupUnshared.
/** Convenience constructor used for dup and dupUnshared. */
private ScopeImpl(ScopeImpl next, Symbol owner, Entry[] table, int nelems) { this(next, owner, table); this.nelems = nelems; }
Construct a new scope, within scope next, with given owner, using a fresh table of length INITIAL_SIZE.
/** Construct a new scope, within scope next, with given owner, * using a fresh table of length INITIAL_SIZE. */
public ScopeImpl(Symbol owner) { this(null, owner, new Entry[INITIAL_SIZE]); }
Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with new owner, which shares its table with the outer scope. Used in connection with method leave if scope access is stack-like in order to avoid allocation of fresh tables.
/** Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with new owner, * which shares its table with the outer scope. Used in connection with * method leave if scope access is stack-like in order to avoid allocation * of fresh tables. */
public WriteableScope dup(Symbol newOwner) { ScopeImpl result = new ScopeImpl(this, newOwner, this.table, this.nelems); shared++; // System.out.println("====> duping scope " + this.hashCode() + " owned by " + newOwner + " to " + result.hashCode()); // new Error().printStackTrace(System.out); return result; }
Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with new owner, with a new hash table, whose contents initially are those of the table of its outer scope.
/** Construct a fresh scope within this scope, with new owner, * with a new hash table, whose contents initially are those of * the table of its outer scope. */
public WriteableScope dupUnshared(Symbol newOwner) { if (shared > 0) { //The nested Scopes might have already added something to the table, so all items //that don't originate in this Scope or any of its outer Scopes need to be cleared: Set<Scope> acceptScopes = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>()); ScopeImpl c = this; while (c != null) { acceptScopes.add(c); c = c.next; } int n = 0; Entry[] oldTable = this.table; Entry[] newTable = new Entry[this.table.length]; for (int i = 0; i < oldTable.length; i++) { Entry e = oldTable[i]; while (e != null && e != sentinel && !acceptScopes.contains(e.scope)) { e = e.shadowed; } if (e != null) { n++; newTable[i] = e; } } return new ScopeImpl(this, newOwner, newTable, n); } else { return new ScopeImpl(this, newOwner, this.table.clone(), this.nelems); } }
Remove all entries of this scope from its table, if shared with next.
/** Remove all entries of this scope from its table, if shared * with next. */
public WriteableScope leave() { Assert.check(shared == 0); if (table != next.table) return next; while (elems != null) { int hash = getIndex(elems.sym.name); Entry e = table[hash]; Assert.check(e == elems, elems.sym); table[hash] = elems.shadowed; elems = elems.sibling; } Assert.check(next.shared > 0); next.shared--; next.nelems = nelems; // System.out.println("====> leaving scope " + this.hashCode() + " owned by " + this.owner + " to " + next.hashCode()); // new Error().printStackTrace(System.out); return next; }
Double size of hash table.
/** Double size of hash table. */
private void dble() { Assert.check(shared == 0); Entry[] oldtable = table; Entry[] newtable = new Entry[oldtable.length * 2]; for (ScopeImpl s = this; s != null; s = s.next) { if (s.table == oldtable) { Assert.check(s == this || s.shared != 0); s.table = newtable; s.hashMask = newtable.length - 1; } } int n = 0; for (int i = oldtable.length; --i >= 0; ) { Entry e = oldtable[i]; if (e != null && e != sentinel) { table[getIndex(e.sym.name)] = e; n++; } } // We don't need to update nelems for shared inherited scopes, // since that gets handled by leave(). nelems = n; }
Enter symbol sym in this scope.
/** Enter symbol sym in this scope. */
public void enter(Symbol sym) { Assert.check(shared == 0); if (nelems * 3 >= hashMask * 2) dble(); int hash = getIndex(sym.name); Entry old = table[hash]; if (old == null) { old = sentinel; nelems++; } Entry e = new Entry(sym, old, elems, this); table[hash] = e; elems = e; //notify listeners listeners.symbolAdded(sym, this); }
Remove symbol from this scope.
/** Remove symbol from this scope. */
public void remove(Symbol sym) { Assert.check(shared == 0); Entry e = lookup(sym.name, candidate -> candidate == sym); if (e.scope == null) return; // remove e from table and shadowed list; int i = getIndex(sym.name); Entry te = table[i]; if (te == e) table[i] = e.shadowed; else while (true) { if (te.shadowed == e) { te.shadowed = e.shadowed; break; } te = te.shadowed; } // remove e from elems and sibling list te = elems; if (te == e) elems = e.sibling; else while (true) { if (te.sibling == e) { te.sibling = e.sibling; break; } te = te.sibling; } removeCount++; //notify listeners listeners.symbolRemoved(sym, this); }
Enter symbol sym in this scope if not already there.
/** Enter symbol sym in this scope if not already there. */
public void enterIfAbsent(Symbol sym) { Assert.check(shared == 0); Entry e = lookup(sym.name); while (e.scope == this && e.sym.kind != sym.kind) e = e.next(); if (e.scope != this) enter(sym); }
Given a class, is there already a class with same fully qualified name in this (import) scope?
/** Given a class, is there already a class with same fully * qualified name in this (import) scope? */
public boolean includes(Symbol c) { for (Scope.Entry e = lookup(c.name); e.scope == this; e = e.next()) { if (e.sym == c) return true; } return false; }
Return the entry associated with given name, starting in this scope and proceeding outwards. If no entry was found, return the sentinel, which is characterized by having a null in both its scope and sym fields, whereas both fields are non-null for regular entries.
/** Return the entry associated with given name, starting in * this scope and proceeding outwards. If no entry was found, * return the sentinel, which is characterized by having a null in * both its scope and sym fields, whereas both fields are non-null * for regular entries. */
protected Entry lookup(Name name) { return lookup(name, noFilter); } protected Entry lookup(Name name, Filter<Symbol> sf) { Entry e = table[getIndex(name)]; if (e == null || e == sentinel) return sentinel; while (e.scope != null && (e.sym.name != name || (sf != null && !sf.accepts(e.sym)))) e = e.shadowed; return e; } public Symbol findFirst(Name name, Filter<Symbol> sf) { return lookup(name, sf).sym; } /*void dump (java.io.PrintStream out) { out.println(this); for (int l=0; l < table.length; l++) { Entry le = table[l]; out.print("#"+l+": "); if (le==sentinel) out.println("sentinel"); else if(le == null) out.println("null"); else out.println(""+le+" s:"+le.sym); } }*/
Look for slot in the table. We use open addressing with double hashing.
/** Look for slot in the table. * We use open addressing with double hashing. */
int getIndex (Name name) { int h = name.hashCode(); int i = h & hashMask; // The expression below is always odd, so it is guaranteed // to be mutually prime with table.length, a power of 2. int x = hashMask - ((h + (h >> 16)) << 1); int d = -1; // Index of a deleted item. for (;;) { Entry e = table[i]; if (e == null) return d >= 0 ? d : i; if (e == sentinel) { // We have to keep searching even if we see a deleted item. // However, remember the index in case we fail to find the name. if (d < 0) d = i; } else if (e.sym.name == name) return i; i = (i + x) & hashMask; } } public boolean anyMatch(Filter<Symbol> sf) { return getSymbols(sf, NON_RECURSIVE).iterator().hasNext(); } public Iterable<Symbol> getSymbols(final Filter<Symbol> sf, final LookupKind lookupKind) { return () -> new Iterator<Symbol>() { private ScopeImpl currScope = ScopeImpl.this; private Entry currEntry = elems; private int seenRemoveCount = currScope.removeCount; { update(); } public boolean hasNext() { if (seenRemoveCount != currScope.removeCount && currEntry != null && !currEntry.scope.includes(currEntry.sym)) { doNext(); //skip entry that is no longer in the Scope seenRemoveCount = currScope.removeCount; } return currEntry != null; } public Symbol next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return doNext(); } private Symbol doNext() { Symbol sym = (currEntry == null ? null : currEntry.sym); if (currEntry != null) { currEntry = currEntry.sibling; } update(); return sym; } private void update() { skipToNextMatchingEntry(); if (lookupKind == RECURSIVE) { while (currEntry == null && currScope.next != null) { currScope = currScope.next; currEntry = currScope.elems; seenRemoveCount = currScope.removeCount; skipToNextMatchingEntry(); } } } void skipToNextMatchingEntry() { while (currEntry != null && sf != null && !sf.accepts(currEntry.sym)) { currEntry = currEntry.sibling; } } }; } public Iterable<Symbol> getSymbolsByName(final Name name, final Filter<Symbol> sf, final LookupKind lookupKind) { return () -> new Iterator<Symbol>() { Entry currentEntry = lookup(name, sf); int seenRemoveCount = currentEntry.scope != null ? currentEntry.scope.removeCount : -1; public boolean hasNext() { if (currentEntry.scope != null && seenRemoveCount != currentEntry.scope.removeCount && !currentEntry.scope.includes(currentEntry.sym)) { doNext(); //skip entry that is no longer in the Scope } return currentEntry.scope != null && (lookupKind == RECURSIVE || currentEntry.scope == ScopeImpl.this); } public Symbol next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return doNext(); } private Symbol doNext() { Entry prevEntry = currentEntry; currentEntry = currentEntry.next(sf); return prevEntry.sym; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } public Scope getOrigin(Symbol s) { for (Scope.Entry e = lookup(s.name); e.scope != null ; e = e.next()) { if (e.sym == s) { return this; } } return null; } @Override public boolean isStaticallyImported(Symbol s) { return false; } public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("Scope["); for (ScopeImpl s = this; s != null ; s = s.next) { if (s != this) result.append(" | "); for (Entry e = s.elems; e != null; e = e.sibling) { if (e != s.elems) result.append(", "); result.append(e.sym); } } result.append("]"); return result.toString(); } }
A class for scope entries.
/** A class for scope entries. */
private static class Entry {
The referenced symbol. sym == null iff this == sentinel
/** The referenced symbol. * sym == null iff this == sentinel */
public Symbol sym;
An entry with the same hash code, or sentinel.
/** An entry with the same hash code, or sentinel. */
private Entry shadowed;
Next entry in same scope.
/** Next entry in same scope. */
public Entry sibling;
The entry's scope. scope == null iff this == sentinel
/** The entry's scope. * scope == null iff this == sentinel */
public ScopeImpl scope; public Entry(Symbol sym, Entry shadowed, Entry sibling, ScopeImpl scope) { this.sym = sym; this.shadowed = shadowed; this.sibling = sibling; this.scope = scope; }
Return next entry with the same name as this entry, proceeding outwards if not found in this scope.
/** Return next entry with the same name as this entry, proceeding * outwards if not found in this scope. */
public Entry next() { return shadowed; } public Entry next(Filter<Symbol> sf) { if (shadowed.sym == null || sf == null || sf.accepts(shadowed.sym)) return shadowed; else return shadowed.next(sf); } } public static class ImportScope extends CompoundScope { public ImportScope(Symbol owner) { super(owner); }
Finalize the content of the ImportScope to speed-up future lookups. No further changes to class hierarchy or class content will be reflected.
/**Finalize the content of the ImportScope to speed-up future lookups. * No further changes to class hierarchy or class content will be reflected. */
public void finalizeScope() { for (List<Scope> scopes = this.subScopes; scopes.nonEmpty(); scopes = scopes.tail) { Scope impScope = scopes.head; if (impScope instanceof FilterImportScope && impScope.owner.kind == Kind.TYP) { WriteableScope finalized = WriteableScope.create(impScope.owner); for (Symbol sym : impScope.getSymbols()) { finalized.enter(sym); } finalized.listeners.add(new ScopeListener() { @Override public void symbolAdded(Symbol sym, Scope s) { Assert.error("The scope is sealed."); } @Override public void symbolRemoved(Symbol sym, Scope s) { Assert.error("The scope is sealed."); } }); scopes.head = finalized; } } } } public static class NamedImportScope extends ImportScope { public NamedImportScope(Symbol owner, Scope currentFileScope) { super(owner); prependSubScope(currentFileScope); } public Scope importByName(Types types, Scope origin, Name name, ImportFilter filter, JCImport imp, BiConsumer<JCImport, CompletionFailure> cfHandler) { return appendScope(new FilterImportScope(types, origin, name, filter, imp, cfHandler)); } public Scope importType(Scope delegate, Scope origin, Symbol sym) { return appendScope(new SingleEntryScope(delegate.owner, sym, origin)); } private Scope appendScope(Scope newScope) { List<Scope> existingScopes = this.subScopes.reverse(); subScopes = List.of(existingScopes.head); subScopes = subScopes.prepend(newScope); for (Scope s : existingScopes.tail) { subScopes = subScopes.prepend(s); } return newScope; } private static class SingleEntryScope extends Scope { private final Symbol sym; private final List<Symbol> content; private final Scope origin; public SingleEntryScope(Symbol owner, Symbol sym, Scope origin) { super(owner); this.sym = sym; this.content = List.of(sym); this.origin = origin; } @Override public Iterable<Symbol> getSymbols(Filter<Symbol> sf, LookupKind lookupKind) { return sf == null || sf.accepts(sym) ? content : Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Iterable<Symbol> getSymbolsByName(Name name, Filter<Symbol> sf, LookupKind lookupKind) { return sym.name == name && (sf == null || sf.accepts(sym)) ? content : Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Scope getOrigin(Symbol byName) { return sym == byName ? origin : null; } @Override public boolean isStaticallyImported(Symbol byName) { return false; } } } public static class StarImportScope extends ImportScope { public StarImportScope(Symbol owner) { super(owner); } public void importAll(Types types, Scope origin, ImportFilter filter, JCImport imp, BiConsumer<JCImport, CompletionFailure> cfHandler) { for (Scope existing : subScopes) { Assert.check(existing instanceof FilterImportScope); FilterImportScope fis = (FilterImportScope) existing; if (fis.origin == origin && fis.filter == filter && fis.imp.staticImport == imp.staticImport) return ; //avoid entering the same scope twice } prependSubScope(new FilterImportScope(types, origin, null, filter, imp, cfHandler)); } public boolean isFilled() { return subScopes.nonEmpty(); } } public interface ImportFilter { public boolean accepts(Scope origin, Symbol sym); } private static class FilterImportScope extends Scope { private final Types types; private final Scope origin; private final Name filterName; private final ImportFilter filter; private final JCImport imp; private final BiConsumer<JCImport, CompletionFailure> cfHandler; public FilterImportScope(Types types, Scope origin, Name filterName, ImportFilter filter, JCImport imp, BiConsumer<JCImport, CompletionFailure> cfHandler) { super(origin.owner); this.types = types; this.origin = origin; this.filterName = filterName; this.filter = filter; this.imp = imp; this.cfHandler = cfHandler; } @Override public Iterable<Symbol> getSymbols(final Filter<Symbol> sf, final LookupKind lookupKind) { if (filterName != null) return getSymbolsByName(filterName, sf, lookupKind); try { SymbolImporter si = new SymbolImporter(imp.staticImport) { @Override Iterable<Symbol> doLookup(TypeSymbol tsym) { return tsym.members().getSymbols(sf, lookupKind); } }; List<Iterable<Symbol>> results = si.importFrom((TypeSymbol) origin.owner, List.nil()); return () -> createFilterIterator(createCompoundIterator(results, Iterable::iterator), s -> filter.accepts(origin, s)); } catch (CompletionFailure cf) { cfHandler.accept(imp, cf); return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public Iterable<Symbol> getSymbolsByName(final Name name, final Filter<Symbol> sf, final LookupKind lookupKind) { if (filterName != null && filterName != name) return Collections.emptyList(); try { SymbolImporter si = new SymbolImporter(imp.staticImport) { @Override Iterable<Symbol> doLookup(TypeSymbol tsym) { return tsym.members().getSymbolsByName(name, sf, lookupKind); } }; List<Iterable<Symbol>> results = si.importFrom((TypeSymbol) origin.owner, List.nil()); return () -> createFilterIterator(createCompoundIterator(results, Iterable::iterator), s -> filter.accepts(origin, s)); } catch (CompletionFailure cf) { cfHandler.accept(imp, cf); return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public Scope getOrigin(Symbol byName) { return origin; } @Override public boolean isStaticallyImported(Symbol byName) { return imp.staticImport; } abstract class SymbolImporter { Set<Symbol> processed = new HashSet<>(); List<Iterable<Symbol>> delegates = List.nil(); final boolean inspectSuperTypes; public SymbolImporter(boolean inspectSuperTypes) { this.inspectSuperTypes = inspectSuperTypes; } List<Iterable<Symbol>> importFrom(TypeSymbol tsym, List<Iterable<Symbol>> results) { if (tsym == null || !processed.add(tsym)) return results; if (inspectSuperTypes) { // also import inherited names results = importFrom(types.supertype(tsym.type).tsym, results); for (Type t : types.interfaces(tsym.type)) results = importFrom(t.tsym, results); } return results.prepend(doLookup(tsym)); } abstract Iterable<Symbol> doLookup(TypeSymbol tsym); } }
A class scope adds capabilities to keep track of changes in related class scopes - this allows client to realize whether a class scope has changed, either directly (because a new member has been added/removed to this scope) or indirectly (i.e. because a new member has been added/removed into a supertype scope)
/** A class scope adds capabilities to keep track of changes in related * class scopes - this allows client to realize whether a class scope * has changed, either directly (because a new member has been added/removed * to this scope) or indirectly (i.e. because a new member has been * added/removed into a supertype scope) */
public static class CompoundScope extends Scope implements ScopeListener { List<Scope> subScopes = List.nil(); private int mark = 0; public CompoundScope(Symbol owner) { super(owner); } public void prependSubScope(Scope that) { if (that != null) { subScopes = subScopes.prepend(that); that.listeners.add(this); mark++; listeners.symbolAdded(null, this); } } public void symbolAdded(Symbol sym, Scope s) { mark++; listeners.symbolAdded(sym, s); } public void symbolRemoved(Symbol sym, Scope s) { mark++; listeners.symbolRemoved(sym, s); } public int getMark() { return mark; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("CompoundScope{"); String sep = ""; for (Scope s : subScopes) { buf.append(sep); buf.append(s); sep = ","; } buf.append("}"); return buf.toString(); } @Override public Iterable<Symbol> getSymbols(final Filter<Symbol> sf, final LookupKind lookupKind) { return () -> Iterators.createCompoundIterator(subScopes, scope -> scope.getSymbols(sf, lookupKind) .iterator()); } @Override public Iterable<Symbol> getSymbolsByName(final Name name, final Filter<Symbol> sf, final LookupKind lookupKind) { return () -> Iterators.createCompoundIterator(subScopes, scope -> scope.getSymbolsByName(name, sf, lookupKind) .iterator()); } @Override public Scope getOrigin(Symbol sym) { for (Scope delegate : subScopes) { if (delegate.includes(sym)) return delegate.getOrigin(sym); } return null; } @Override public boolean isStaticallyImported(Symbol sym) { for (Scope delegate : subScopes) { if (delegate.includes(sym)) return delegate.isStaticallyImported(sym); } return false; } }
An error scope, for which the owner should be an error symbol.
/** An error scope, for which the owner should be an error symbol. */
public static class ErrorScope extends ScopeImpl { ErrorScope(ScopeImpl next, Symbol errSymbol, Entry[] table) { super(next, /*owner=*/errSymbol, table); } public ErrorScope(Symbol errSymbol) { super(errSymbol); } public WriteableScope dup(Symbol newOwner) { return new ErrorScope(this, newOwner, table); } public WriteableScope dupUnshared(Symbol newOwner) { return new ErrorScope(this, newOwner, table.clone()); } public Entry lookup(Name name) { Entry e = super.lookup(name); if (e.scope == null) return new Entry(owner, null, null, null); else return e; } } }