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 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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package sun.security.provider.certpath;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.Security;
import java.security.cert.*;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal;

import sun.misc.IOUtils;
import static sun.security.provider.certpath.OCSP.*;
import sun.security.util.Debug;
import sun.security.x509.*;

OCSPChecker is a PKIXCertPathChecker that uses the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) as specified in RFC 2560 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2560.txt.
Author: Ram Marti
/** * OCSPChecker is a <code>PKIXCertPathChecker</code> that uses the * Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) as specified in RFC 2560 * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2560.txt"> * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2560.txt</a>. * * @author Ram Marti */
class OCSPChecker extends PKIXCertPathChecker { static final String OCSP_ENABLE_PROP = "ocsp.enable"; static final String OCSP_URL_PROP = "ocsp.responderURL"; static final String OCSP_CERT_SUBJECT_PROP = "ocsp.responderCertSubjectName"; static final String OCSP_CERT_ISSUER_PROP = "ocsp.responderCertIssuerName"; static final String OCSP_CERT_NUMBER_PROP = "ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber"; private static final String HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"; private static final Debug DEBUG = Debug.getInstance("certpath"); private static final boolean dump = false; private int remainingCerts; private X509Certificate[] certs; private CertPath cp; private PKIXParameters pkixParams; private boolean onlyEECert = false;
Default Constructor
  • certPath – the X509 certification path
  • pkixParams – the input PKIX parameter set
/** * Default Constructor * * @param certPath the X509 certification path * @param pkixParams the input PKIX parameter set * @throws CertPathValidatorException if OCSPChecker can not be created */
OCSPChecker(CertPath certPath, PKIXParameters pkixParams) throws CertPathValidatorException { this(certPath, pkixParams, false); } OCSPChecker(CertPath certPath, PKIXParameters pkixParams, boolean onlyEECert) throws CertPathValidatorException { this.cp = certPath; this.pkixParams = pkixParams; this.onlyEECert = onlyEECert; List<? extends Certificate> tmp = cp.getCertificates(); certs = tmp.toArray(new X509Certificate[tmp.size()]); init(false); }
Initializes the internal state of the checker from parameters specified in the constructor
/** * Initializes the internal state of the checker from parameters * specified in the constructor */
@Override public void init(boolean forward) throws CertPathValidatorException { if (!forward) { remainingCerts = certs.length; } else { throw new CertPathValidatorException( "Forward checking not supported"); } } @Override public boolean isForwardCheckingSupported() { return false; } @Override public Set<String> getSupportedExtensions() { return Collections.<String>emptySet(); }
Sends an OCSPRequest for the certificate to the OCSP Server and processes the response back from the OCSP Server.
  • cert – the Certificate
  • unresolvedCritExts – the unresolved critical extensions
/** * Sends an OCSPRequest for the certificate to the OCSP Server and * processes the response back from the OCSP Server. * * @param cert the Certificate * @param unresolvedCritExts the unresolved critical extensions * @exception CertPathValidatorException Exception is thrown if the * certificate has been revoked. */
@Override public void check(Certificate cert, Collection<String> unresolvedCritExts) throws CertPathValidatorException { X509CertImpl currCertImpl = null; try { currCertImpl = X509CertImpl.toImpl((X509Certificate)cert); } catch (CertificateException ce) { throw new CertPathValidatorException(ce); } if (onlyEECert && currCertImpl.getBasicConstraints() != -1) { if (DEBUG != null) { DEBUG.println("Skipping revocation check, not end entity cert"); } return; } /* * OCSP security property values, in the following order: * 1. ocsp.responderURL * 2. ocsp.responderCertSubjectName * 3. ocsp.responderCertIssuerName * 4. ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber */ // should cache these properties to avoid calling every time? String[] properties = getOCSPProperties(); // Check whether OCSP is feasible before seeking cert information URI uri = getOCSPServerURI(currCertImpl, properties[0]); // When responder's subject name is set then the issuer/serial // properties are ignored X500Principal responderSubjectName = null; X500Principal responderIssuerName = null; BigInteger responderSerialNumber = null; if (properties[1] != null) { responderSubjectName = new X500Principal(properties[1]); } else if (properties[2] != null && properties[3] != null) { responderIssuerName = new X500Principal(properties[2]); // remove colon or space separators String value = stripOutSeparators(properties[3]); responderSerialNumber = new BigInteger(value, 16); } else if (properties[2] != null || properties[3] != null) { throw new CertPathValidatorException( "Must specify both ocsp.responderCertIssuerName and " + "ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber properties"); } // If the OCSP responder cert properties are set then the // identified cert must be located in the trust anchors or // in the cert stores. boolean seekResponderCert = false; if (responderSubjectName != null || responderIssuerName != null) { seekResponderCert = true; } // Set the issuer certificate to the next cert in the chain // (unless we're processing the final cert). X509Certificate issuerCert = null; boolean seekIssuerCert = true; X509Certificate responderCert = null; if (remainingCerts < certs.length) { issuerCert = certs[remainingCerts]; seekIssuerCert = false; // done // By default, the OCSP responder's cert is the same as the // issuer of the cert being validated. if (!seekResponderCert) { responderCert = issuerCert; if (DEBUG != null) { DEBUG.println("Responder's certificate is the same " + "as the issuer of the certificate being validated"); } } } // Check anchor certs for: // - the issuer cert (of the cert being validated) // - the OCSP responder's cert if (seekIssuerCert || seekResponderCert) { if (DEBUG != null && seekResponderCert) { DEBUG.println("Searching trust anchors for responder's " + "certificate"); } // Extract the anchor certs Iterator<TrustAnchor> anchors = pkixParams.getTrustAnchors().iterator(); if (!anchors.hasNext()) { throw new CertPathValidatorException( "Must specify at least one trust anchor"); } X500Principal certIssuerName = currCertImpl.getIssuerX500Principal(); while (anchors.hasNext() && (seekIssuerCert || seekResponderCert)) { TrustAnchor anchor = anchors.next(); X509Certificate anchorCert = anchor.getTrustedCert(); X500Principal anchorSubjectName = anchorCert.getSubjectX500Principal(); if (dump) { System.out.println("Issuer DN is " + certIssuerName); System.out.println("Subject DN is " + anchorSubjectName); } // Check if anchor cert is the issuer cert if (seekIssuerCert && certIssuerName.equals(anchorSubjectName)) { issuerCert = anchorCert; seekIssuerCert = false; // done // By default, the OCSP responder's cert is the same as // the issuer of the cert being validated. if (!seekResponderCert && responderCert == null) { responderCert = anchorCert; if (DEBUG != null) { DEBUG.println("Responder's certificate is the" + " same as the issuer of the certificate " + "being validated"); } } } // Check if anchor cert is the responder cert if (seekResponderCert) { // Satisfy the responder subject name property only, or // satisfy the responder issuer name and serial number // properties only if ((responderSubjectName != null && responderSubjectName.equals(anchorSubjectName)) || (responderIssuerName != null && responderSerialNumber != null && responderIssuerName.equals( anchorCert.getIssuerX500Principal()) && responderSerialNumber.equals( anchorCert.getSerialNumber()))) { responderCert = anchorCert; seekResponderCert = false; // done } } } if (issuerCert == null) { throw new CertPathValidatorException( "No trusted certificate for " + currCertImpl.getIssuerDN()); } // Check cert stores if responder cert has not yet been found if (seekResponderCert) { if (DEBUG != null) { DEBUG.println("Searching cert stores for responder's " + "certificate"); } X509CertSelector filter = null; if (responderSubjectName != null) { filter = new X509CertSelector(); filter.setSubject(responderSubjectName); } else if (responderIssuerName != null && responderSerialNumber != null) { filter = new X509CertSelector(); filter.setIssuer(responderIssuerName); filter.setSerialNumber(responderSerialNumber); } if (filter != null) { List<CertStore> certStores = pkixParams.getCertStores(); for (CertStore certStore : certStores) { try { for (Certificate selected : certStore.getCertificates(filter)) { responderCert = (X509Certificate) selected; seekResponderCert = false; // done break; } if (!seekResponderCert) { break; } } catch (CertStoreException cse) { // ignore and try next certStore if (DEBUG != null) { DEBUG.println("CertStore exception:" + cse); } continue; } } } } // Could not find the certificate identified in the OCSP properties if (seekResponderCert) { throw new CertPathValidatorException( "Cannot find the responder's certificate " + "(set using the OCSP security properties)."); } // The algorithm constraints of the OCSP trusted responder certificate // does not need to be checked in this code. The constraints will be // checked when the responder's certificate is validated. CertId certId = null; OCSPResponse response = null; try { certId = new CertId (issuerCert, currCertImpl.getSerialNumberObject()); String variant = null; if (pkixParams instanceof PKIXExtendedParameters) { variant = ((PKIXExtendedParameters)pkixParams).getVariant(); } response = OCSP.check(Collections.singletonList(certId), uri, null, responderCert, pkixParams.getDate(), variant); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof CertPathValidatorException) { throw (CertPathValidatorException) e; } else { // Wrap exceptions in CertPathValidatorException so that // we can fallback to CRLs, if enabled. throw new CertPathValidatorException(e); } } RevocationStatus rs = (RevocationStatus) response.getSingleResponse(certId); RevocationStatus.CertStatus certStatus = rs.getCertStatus(); if (certStatus == RevocationStatus.CertStatus.REVOKED) { throw new CertificateRevokedException(cp, remainingCerts - 1); } else if (certStatus == RevocationStatus.CertStatus.UNKNOWN) { throw new CertPathValidatorException( "Certificate's revocation status is unknown", null, cp, remainingCerts - 1); } } } /* * The OCSP security property values are in the following order: * 1. ocsp.responderURL * 2. ocsp.responderCertSubjectName * 3. ocsp.responderCertIssuerName * 4. ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber */ private static URI getOCSPServerURI(X509CertImpl currCertImpl, String responderURL) throws CertPathValidatorException { if (responderURL != null) { try { return new URI(responderURL); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new CertPathValidatorException(e); } } // Examine the certificate's AuthorityInfoAccess extension AuthorityInfoAccessExtension aia = currCertImpl.getAuthorityInfoAccessExtension(); if (aia == null) { throw new CertPathValidatorException( "Must specify the location of an OCSP Responder"); } List<AccessDescription> descriptions = aia.getAccessDescriptions(); for (AccessDescription description : descriptions) { if (description.getAccessMethod().equals( AccessDescription.Ad_OCSP_Id)) { GeneralName generalName = description.getAccessLocation(); if (generalName.getType() == GeneralNameInterface.NAME_URI) { URIName uri = (URIName) generalName.getName(); return uri.getURI(); } } } throw new CertPathValidatorException( "Cannot find the location of the OCSP Responder"); } /* * Retrieves the values of the OCSP security properties. */ private static String[] getOCSPProperties() { final String[] properties = new String[4]; AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<Void>() { public Void run() { properties[0] = Security.getProperty(OCSP_URL_PROP); properties[1] = Security.getProperty(OCSP_CERT_SUBJECT_PROP); properties[2] = Security.getProperty(OCSP_CERT_ISSUER_PROP); properties[3] = Security.getProperty(OCSP_CERT_NUMBER_PROP); return null; } }); return properties; } /* * Removes any non-hexadecimal characters from a string. */ private static String stripOutSeparators(String value) { char[] chars = value.toCharArray(); StringBuilder hexNumber = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { if (HEX_DIGITS.indexOf(chars[i]) != -1) { hexNumber.append(chars[i]); } } return hexNumber.toString(); } }
Indicates that the identified certificate has been revoked.
/** * Indicates that the identified certificate has been revoked. */
final class CertificateRevokedException extends CertPathValidatorException { CertificateRevokedException(CertPath certPath, int index) { super("Certificate has been revoked", null, certPath, index); } }