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package sun.security.krb5.internal.tools;

import sun.security.krb5.*;
import sun.security.krb5.internal.*;
import sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import sun.security.util.Password;

Kinit tool for obtaining Kerberos v5 tickets.
Author:Yanni Zhang, Ram Marti
/** * Kinit tool for obtaining Kerberos v5 tickets. * * @author Yanni Zhang * @author Ram Marti */
public class Kinit { private KinitOptions options; private static final boolean DEBUG = Krb5.DEBUG;
The main method is used to accept user command line input for ticket request.

Usage: kinit [-A] [-f] [-p] [-c cachename] [[-k [-t keytab_file_name]] [principal] [password]

  • -A do not include addresses
  • -f forwardable
  • -p proxiable
  • -c cache name (i.e., FILE://c:\temp\mykrb5cc)
  • -k use keytab
  • -t keytab file name
  • principal the principal name (i.e., duke@java.sun.com)
  • password the principal's Kerberos password

Use java sun.security.krb5.tools.Kinit -help to bring up help menu.

We currently support only file-based credentials cache to store the tickets obtained from the KDC. By default, for all Unix platforms a cache file named /tmp/krb5cc_<uid> will be generated. The <uid> is the numeric user identifier. For all other platforms, a cache file named <USER_HOME>/krb5cc_<USER_NAME> would be generated.

<USER_HOME> is obtained from java.lang.System property user.home. <USER_NAME> is obtained from java.lang.System property user.name. If <USER_HOME> is null the cache file would be stored in the current directory that the program is running from. <USER_NAME> is operating system's login username. It could be different from user's principal name.

For instance, on Windows NT, it could be c:\winnt\profiles\duke\krb5cc_duke, in which duke is the <USER_NAME>, and c:\winnt\profile\duke is the <USER_HOME>.

A single user could have multiple principal names, but the primary principal of the credentials cache could only be one, which means one cache file could only store tickets for one specific user principal. If the user switches the principal name at the next Kinit, the cache file generated for the new ticket would overwrite the old cache file by default. To avoid overwriting, you need to specify a different cache file name when you request a new ticket.

You can specify the location of the cache file by using the -c option

/** * The main method is used to accept user command line input for ticket * request. * <p> * Usage: kinit [-A] [-f] [-p] [-c cachename] [[-k [-t keytab_file_name]] * [principal] [password] * <ul> * <li> -A do not include addresses * <li> -f forwardable * <li> -p proxiable * <li> -c cache name (i.e., FILE://c:\temp\mykrb5cc) * <li> -k use keytab * <li> -t keytab file name * <li> principal the principal name (i.e., duke@java.sun.com) * <li> password the principal's Kerberos password * </ul> * <p> * Use java sun.security.krb5.tools.Kinit -help to bring up help menu. * <p> * We currently support only file-based credentials cache to * store the tickets obtained from the KDC. * By default, for all Unix platforms a cache file named * /tmp/krb5cc_&lt;uid&gt will be generated. The &lt;uid&gt is the * numeric user identifier. * For all other platforms, a cache file named * &lt;USER_HOME&gt/krb5cc_&lt;USER_NAME&gt would be generated. * <p> * &lt;USER_HOME&gt is obtained from <code>java.lang.System</code> * property <i>user.home</i>. * &lt;USER_NAME&gt is obtained from <code>java.lang.System</code> * property <i>user.name</i>. * If &lt;USER_HOME&gt is null the cache file would be stored in * the current directory that the program is running from. * &lt;USER_NAME&gt is operating system's login username. * It could be different from user's principal name. *</p> *<p> * For instance, on Windows NT, it could be * c:\winnt\profiles\duke\krb5cc_duke, in * which duke is the &lt;USER_NAME&gt, and c:\winnt\profile\duke is the * &lt;USER_HOME&gt. *<p> * A single user could have multiple principal names, * but the primary principal of the credentials cache could only be one, * which means one cache file could only store tickets for one * specific user principal. If the user switches * the principal name at the next Kinit, the cache file generated for the * new ticket would overwrite the old cache file by default. * To avoid overwriting, you need to specify * a different cache file name when you request a * new ticket. *</p> *<p> * You can specify the location of the cache file by using the -c option * */
public static void main(String[] args) { try { Kinit self = new Kinit(args); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = null; if (e instanceof KrbException) { msg = ((KrbException)e).krbErrorMessage() + " " + ((KrbException)e).returnCodeMessage(); } else { msg = e.getMessage(); } if (msg != null) { System.err.println("Exception: " + msg); } else { System.out.println("Exception: " + e); } e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } return; }
Constructs a new Kinit object.
  • args – array of ticket request options. Avaiable options are: -f, -p, -c, principal, password.
/** * Constructs a new Kinit object. * @param args array of ticket request options. * Avaiable options are: -f, -p, -c, principal, password. * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs. * @exception RealmException if the Realm could not be instantiated. * @exception KrbException if error occurs during Kerberos operation. */
private Kinit(String[] args) throws IOException, RealmException, KrbException { if (args == null || args.length == 0) { options = new KinitOptions(); } else { options = new KinitOptions(args); } String princName = null; PrincipalName principal = options.getPrincipal(); if (principal != null) { princName = principal.toString(); } KrbAsReqBuilder builder; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Principal is " + principal); } char[] psswd = options.password; EncryptionKey[] skeys = null; boolean useKeytab = options.useKeytabFile(); if (!useKeytab) { if (princName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (" Can not obtain principal name"); } if (psswd == null) { System.out.print("Password for " + princName + ":"); System.out.flush(); psswd = Password.readPassword(System.in); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(">>> Kinit console input " + new String(psswd)); } } builder = new KrbAsReqBuilder(principal, psswd); } else { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(">>> Kinit using keytab"); } if (princName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Principal name must be specified."); } String ktabName = options.keytabFileName(); if (ktabName != null) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println( ">>> Kinit keytab file name: " + ktabName); } } // assert princName and principal are nonnull skeys = EncryptionKey.acquireSecretKeys(principal, ktabName); if (skeys == null || skeys.length == 0) { String msg = "No supported key found in keytab"; if (princName != null) { msg += " for principal " + princName; } throw new KrbException(msg); } builder = new KrbAsReqBuilder(principal, skeys); } KDCOptions opt = new KDCOptions(); setOptions(KDCOptions.FORWARDABLE, options.forwardable, opt); setOptions(KDCOptions.PROXIABLE, options.proxiable, opt); builder.setOptions(opt); String realm = options.getKDCRealm(); if (realm == null) { realm = Config.getInstance().getDefaultRealm(); } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(">>> Kinit realm name is " + realm); } PrincipalName sname = PrincipalName.tgsService(realm, realm); builder.setTarget(sname); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(">>> Creating KrbAsReq"); } if (options.getAddressOption()) builder.setAddresses(HostAddresses.getLocalAddresses()); builder.action(); sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache.Credentials credentials = builder.getCCreds(); builder.destroy(); // we always create a new cache and store the ticket we get CredentialsCache cache = CredentialsCache.create(principal, options.cachename); if (cache == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to create the cache file " + options.cachename); } cache.update(credentials); cache.save(); if (options.password == null) { // Assume we're running interactively System.out.println("New ticket is stored in cache file " + options.cachename); } else { Arrays.fill(options.password, '0'); } // clear the password if (psswd != null) { Arrays.fill(psswd, '0'); } options = null; // release reference to options } private static void setOptions(int flag, int option, KDCOptions opt) { switch (option) { case 0: break; case -1: opt.set(flag, false); break; case 1: opt.set(flag, true); } } }