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 * $Id: DOMReference.java,v 1.2 2008/07/24 15:20:32 mullan Exp $
package org.jcp.xml.dsig.internal.dom;

import javax.xml.crypto.*;
import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.*;
import javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMCryptoContext;
import javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMURIReference;

import java.io.*;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.security.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import org.jcp.xml.dsig.internal.DigesterOutputStream;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.exceptions.Base64DecodingException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.signature.XMLSignatureInput;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.Base64;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.UnsyncBufferedOutputStream;

DOM-based implementation of Reference.
Author:Sean Mullan, Joyce Leung
/** * DOM-based implementation of Reference. * * @author Sean Mullan * @author Joyce Leung */
public final class DOMReference extends DOMStructure implements Reference, DOMURIReference {
Look up useC14N11 system property. If true, an explicit C14N11 transform will be added if necessary when generating the signature. See section 3.1.1 of http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/Drafts/xmldsig-core/ for more info. If true, overrides the same property if set in the XMLSignContext.
/** * Look up useC14N11 system property. If true, an explicit C14N11 transform * will be added if necessary when generating the signature. See section * 3.1.1 of http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/Drafts/xmldsig-core/ for more info. * * If true, overrides the same property if set in the XMLSignContext. */
private static boolean useC14N11 = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() { public Boolean run() { return Boolean.getBoolean ("com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.useC14N11"); } }); private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("org.jcp.xml.dsig.internal.dom"); private final DigestMethod digestMethod; private final String id; private final List transforms; private List allTransforms; private final Data appliedTransformData; private Attr here; private final String uri; private final String type; private byte[] digestValue; private byte[] calcDigestValue; private Element refElem; private boolean digested = false; private boolean validated = false; private boolean validationStatus; private Data derefData; private InputStream dis; private MessageDigest md; private Provider provider;
Creates a Reference from the specified parameters.
  • uri – the URI (may be null)
  • type – the type (may be null)
  • dm – the digest method
  • transforms – a list of Transforms. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification. May be null or empty.
  • id – the reference ID (may be null)
Returns:a Reference
/** * Creates a <code>Reference</code> from the specified parameters. * * @param uri the URI (may be null) * @param type the type (may be null) * @param dm the digest method * @param transforms a list of {@link Transform}s. The list * is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification. * May be <code>null</code> or empty. * @param id the reference ID (may be <code>null</code>) * @return a <code>Reference</code> * @throws NullPointerException if <code>dm</code> is <code>null</code> * @throws ClassCastException if any of the <code>transforms</code> are * not of type <code>Transform</code> */
public DOMReference(String uri, String type, DigestMethod dm, List transforms, String id, Provider provider) { this(uri, type, dm, null, null, transforms, id, null, provider); } public DOMReference(String uri, String type, DigestMethod dm, List appliedTransforms, Data result, List transforms, String id, Provider provider) { this(uri, type, dm, appliedTransforms, result, transforms, id, null, provider); } public DOMReference(String uri, String type, DigestMethod dm, List appliedTransforms, Data result, List transforms, String id, byte[] digestValue, Provider provider) { if (dm == null) { throw new NullPointerException("DigestMethod must be non-null"); } this.allTransforms = new ArrayList(); if (appliedTransforms != null) { List transformsCopy = new ArrayList(appliedTransforms); for (int i = 0, size = transformsCopy.size(); i < size; i++) { if (!(transformsCopy.get(i) instanceof Transform)) { throw new ClassCastException ("appliedTransforms["+i+"] is not a valid type"); } } this.allTransforms = transformsCopy; } if (transforms == null) { this.transforms = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { List transformsCopy = new ArrayList(transforms); for (int i = 0, size = transformsCopy.size(); i < size; i++) { if (!(transformsCopy.get(i) instanceof Transform)) { throw new ClassCastException ("transforms["+i+"] is not a valid type"); } } this.transforms = transformsCopy; this.allTransforms.addAll(transformsCopy); } this.digestMethod = dm; this.uri = uri; if ((uri != null) && (!uri.equals(""))) { try { new URI(uri); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage()); } } this.type = type; this.id = id; if (digestValue != null) { this.digestValue = (byte[]) digestValue.clone(); this.digested = true; } this.appliedTransformData = result; this.provider = provider; }
Creates a DOMReference from an element.
  • refElem – a Reference element
/** * Creates a <code>DOMReference</code> from an element. * * @param refElem a Reference element */
public DOMReference(Element refElem, XMLCryptoContext context, Provider provider) throws MarshalException { boolean secVal = Utils.secureValidation(context); // unmarshal Transforms, if specified Element nextSibling = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(refElem); List transforms = new ArrayList(5); if (nextSibling.getLocalName().equals("Transforms")) { Element transformElem = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(nextSibling); int transformCount = 0; while (transformElem != null) { transforms.add (new DOMTransform(transformElem, context, provider)); transformElem = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(transformElem); transformCount++; if (secVal && Policy.restrictNumTransforms(transforms.size())) { String error = "A maximum of " + Policy.maxTransforms() + " transforms per Reference are allowed when" + " secure validation is enabled"; throw new MarshalException(error); } } nextSibling = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(nextSibling); } // unmarshal DigestMethod Element dmElem = nextSibling; this.digestMethod = DOMDigestMethod.unmarshal(dmElem); String digestMethodAlgorithm = this.digestMethod.getAlgorithm(); if (secVal && Policy.restrictAlg(digestMethodAlgorithm)) { throw new MarshalException("It is forbidden to use algorithm " + digestMethodAlgorithm + " when secure validation is enabled"); } // unmarshal DigestValue try { Element dvElem = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(dmElem); this.digestValue = Base64.decode(dvElem); } catch (Base64DecodingException bde) { throw new MarshalException(bde); } // unmarshal attributes this.uri = DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(refElem, "URI"); Attr attr = refElem.getAttributeNodeNS(null, "Id"); if (attr != null) { this.id = attr.getValue(); refElem.setIdAttributeNode(attr, true); } else { this.id = null; } this.type = DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(refElem, "Type"); this.here = refElem.getAttributeNodeNS(null, "URI"); this.refElem = refElem; this.transforms = transforms; this.allTransforms = transforms; this.appliedTransformData = null; this.provider = provider; } public DigestMethod getDigestMethod() { return digestMethod; } public String getId() { return id; } public String getURI() { return uri; } public String getType() { return type; } public List getTransforms() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(allTransforms); } public byte[] getDigestValue() { return (digestValue == null ? null : (byte[]) digestValue.clone()); } public byte[] getCalculatedDigestValue() { return (calcDigestValue == null ? null : (byte[]) calcDigestValue.clone()); } public void marshal(Node parent, String dsPrefix, DOMCryptoContext context) throws MarshalException { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Marshalling Reference"); } Document ownerDoc = DOMUtils.getOwnerDocument(parent); refElem = DOMUtils.createElement (ownerDoc, "Reference", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); // set attributes DOMUtils.setAttributeID(refElem, "Id", id); DOMUtils.setAttribute(refElem, "URI", uri); DOMUtils.setAttribute(refElem, "Type", type); // create and append Transforms element if (!allTransforms.isEmpty()) { Element transformsElem = DOMUtils.createElement (ownerDoc, "Transforms", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); refElem.appendChild(transformsElem); for (int i = 0, size = allTransforms.size(); i < size; i++) { DOMStructure transform = (DOMStructure) allTransforms.get(i); transform.marshal(transformsElem, dsPrefix, context); } } // create and append DigestMethod element ((DOMDigestMethod) digestMethod).marshal(refElem, dsPrefix, context); // create and append DigestValue element if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Adding digestValueElem"); } Element digestValueElem = DOMUtils.createElement (ownerDoc, "DigestValue", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); if (digestValue != null) { digestValueElem.appendChild (ownerDoc.createTextNode(Base64.encode(digestValue))); } refElem.appendChild(digestValueElem); parent.appendChild(refElem); here = refElem.getAttributeNodeNS(null, "URI"); } public void digest(XMLSignContext signContext) throws XMLSignatureException { Data data = null; if (appliedTransformData == null) { data = dereference(signContext); } else { data = appliedTransformData; } digestValue = transform(data, signContext); // insert digestValue into DigestValue element String encodedDV = Base64.encode(digestValue); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Reference object uri = " + uri); } Element digestElem = DOMUtils.getLastChildElement(refElem); if (digestElem == null) { throw new XMLSignatureException("DigestValue element expected"); } DOMUtils.removeAllChildren(digestElem); digestElem.appendChild (refElem.getOwnerDocument().createTextNode(encodedDV)); digested = true; if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Reference digesting completed"); } } public boolean validate(XMLValidateContext validateContext) throws XMLSignatureException { if (validateContext == null) { throw new NullPointerException("validateContext cannot be null"); } if (validated) { return validationStatus; } Data data = dereference(validateContext); calcDigestValue = transform(data, validateContext); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Expected digest: " + Base64.encode(digestValue)); log.log(Level.FINE, "Actual digest: " + Base64.encode(calcDigestValue)); } validationStatus = Arrays.equals(digestValue, calcDigestValue); validated = true; return validationStatus; } public Data getDereferencedData() { return derefData; } public InputStream getDigestInputStream() { return dis; } private Data dereference(XMLCryptoContext context) throws XMLSignatureException { Data data = null; // use user-specified URIDereferencer if specified; otherwise use deflt URIDereferencer deref = context.getURIDereferencer(); if (deref == null) { deref = DOMURIDereferencer.INSTANCE; } try { data = deref.dereference(this, context); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "URIDereferencer class name: " + deref.getClass().getName()); log.log(Level.FINE, "Data class name: " + data.getClass().getName()); } } catch (URIReferenceException ure) { throw new XMLSignatureException(ure); } return data; } private byte[] transform(Data dereferencedData, XMLCryptoContext context) throws XMLSignatureException { if (md == null) { try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance (((DOMDigestMethod) digestMethod).getMessageDigestAlgorithm()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) { throw new XMLSignatureException(nsae); } } md.reset(); DigesterOutputStream dos; Boolean cache = (Boolean) context.getProperty("javax.xml.crypto.dsig.cacheReference"); if (cache != null && cache.booleanValue() == true) { this.derefData = copyDerefData(dereferencedData); dos = new DigesterOutputStream(md, true); } else { dos = new DigesterOutputStream(md); } OutputStream os = new UnsyncBufferedOutputStream(dos); Data data = dereferencedData; for (int i = 0, size = transforms.size(); i < size; i++) { DOMTransform transform = (DOMTransform) transforms.get(i); try { if (i < size - 1) { data = transform.transform(data, context); } else { data = transform.transform(data, context, os); } } catch (TransformException te) { throw new XMLSignatureException(te); } } try { if (data != null) { XMLSignatureInput xi; // explicitly use C14N 1.1 when generating signature // first check system property, then context property boolean c14n11 = useC14N11; String c14nalg = CanonicalizationMethod.INCLUSIVE; if (context instanceof XMLSignContext) { if (!c14n11) { Boolean prop = (Boolean) context.getProperty ("com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.useC14N11"); c14n11 = (prop != null && prop.booleanValue() == true); if (c14n11) { c14nalg = "http://www.w3.org/2006/12/xml-c14n11"; } } else { c14nalg = "http://www.w3.org/2006/12/xml-c14n11"; } } if (data instanceof ApacheData) { xi = ((ApacheData) data).getXMLSignatureInput(); } else if (data instanceof OctetStreamData) { xi = new XMLSignatureInput (((OctetStreamData)data).getOctetStream()); } else if (data instanceof NodeSetData) { TransformService spi = null; try { spi = TransformService.getInstance(c14nalg, "DOM"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) { spi = TransformService.getInstance (c14nalg, "DOM", provider); } data = spi.transform(data, context); xi = new XMLSignatureInput (((OctetStreamData)data).getOctetStream()); } else { throw new XMLSignatureException("unrecognized Data type"); } if (context instanceof XMLSignContext && c14n11 && !xi.isOctetStream() && !xi.isOutputStreamSet()) { DOMTransform t = new DOMTransform (TransformService.getInstance(c14nalg, "DOM")); Element transformsElem = null; String dsPrefix = DOMUtils.getSignaturePrefix(context); if (allTransforms.isEmpty()) { transformsElem = DOMUtils.createElement( refElem.getOwnerDocument(), "Transforms", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); refElem.insertBefore(transformsElem, DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(refElem)); } else { transformsElem = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(refElem); } t.marshal(transformsElem, dsPrefix, (DOMCryptoContext) context); allTransforms.add(t); xi.updateOutputStream(os, true); } else { xi.updateOutputStream(os); } } os.flush(); if (cache != null && cache.booleanValue() == true) { this.dis = dos.getInputStream(); } return dos.getDigestValue(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XMLSignatureException(e); } } public Node getHere() { return here; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof Reference)) { return false; } Reference oref = (Reference) o; boolean idsEqual = (id == null ? oref.getId() == null : id.equals(oref.getId())); boolean urisEqual = (uri == null ? oref.getURI() == null : uri.equals(oref.getURI())); boolean typesEqual = (type == null ? oref.getType() == null : type.equals(oref.getType())); boolean digestValuesEqual = Arrays.equals(digestValue, oref.getDigestValue()); return (digestMethod.equals(oref.getDigestMethod()) && idsEqual && urisEqual && typesEqual && allTransforms.equals(oref.getTransforms())); } boolean isDigested() { return digested; } private static Data copyDerefData(Data dereferencedData) { if (dereferencedData instanceof ApacheData) { // need to make a copy of the Data ApacheData ad = (ApacheData) dereferencedData; XMLSignatureInput xsi = ad.getXMLSignatureInput(); if (xsi.isNodeSet()) { try { final Set s = xsi.getNodeSet(); return new NodeSetData() { public Iterator iterator() { return s.iterator(); } }; } catch (Exception e) { // log a warning log.log(Level.WARNING, "cannot cache dereferenced data: " + e); return null; } } else if (xsi.isElement()) { return new DOMSubTreeData (xsi.getSubNode(), xsi.isExcludeComments()); } else if (xsi.isOctetStream() || xsi.isByteArray()) { try { return new OctetStreamData (xsi.getOctetStream(), xsi.getSourceURI(), xsi.getMIMEType()); } catch (IOException ioe) { // log a warning log.log(Level.WARNING, "cannot cache dereferenced data: " + ioe); return null; } } } return dereferencedData; } }