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package sun.security.provider;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import java.security.*;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.security.interfaces.*;
import java.security.spec.*;

import sun.security.util.Debug;
import sun.security.util.DerValue;
import sun.security.util.DerInputStream;
import sun.security.util.DerOutputStream;
import sun.security.jca.JCAUtil;

The Digital Signature Standard (using the Digital Signature Algorithm), as described in fips186-3 of the National Instute of Standards and Technology (NIST), using SHA digest algorithms from FIPS180-3. This file contains the signature implementation for the SHA1withDSA (DSS), SHA224withDSA, SHA256withDSA, SHA384withDSA, SHA512withDSA, SHA3-224withDSA, SHA3-256withDSA, SHA3-384withDSA, SHA3-512withDSA, as well as RawDSA, used by TLS among others. RawDSA expects the 20 byte SHA-1 digest as input via update rather than the original data like other signature implementations. In addition, IEEE P1363 signature format is supported. The corresponding implementation is registered under inP1363Format, e.g. SHA256withDSAinP1363Format.
Author:Benjamin Renaud
See Also:
Since: 1.1
/** * The Digital Signature Standard (using the Digital Signature * Algorithm), as described in fips186-3 of the National Instute of * Standards and Technology (NIST), using SHA digest algorithms * from FIPS180-3. * * This file contains the signature implementation for the * SHA1withDSA (DSS), SHA224withDSA, SHA256withDSA, SHA384withDSA, * SHA512withDSA, SHA3-224withDSA, SHA3-256withDSA, SHA3-384withDSA, * SHA3-512withDSA, as well as RawDSA, used by TLS among others. * RawDSA expects the 20 byte SHA-1 digest as input via update rather * than the original data like other signature implementations. * * In addition, IEEE P1363 signature format is supported. The * corresponding implementation is registered under <sig>inP1363Format, * e.g. SHA256withDSAinP1363Format. * * @author Benjamin Renaud * * @since 1.1 * * @see DSAPublicKey * @see DSAPrivateKey */
abstract class DSA extends SignatureSpi { /* Are we debugging? */ private static final boolean debug = false; /* The number of bits used in exponent blinding */ private static final int BLINDING_BITS = 7; /* The constant component of the exponent blinding value */ private static final BigInteger BLINDING_CONSTANT = BigInteger.valueOf(1 << BLINDING_BITS); /* The parameter object */ private DSAParams params; /* algorithm parameters */ private BigInteger presetP, presetQ, presetG; /* The public key, if any */ private BigInteger presetY; /* The private key, if any */ private BigInteger presetX; /* The RNG used to output a seed for generating k */ private SecureRandom signingRandom; /* The message digest object used */ private final MessageDigest md; /* The format. true for the IEEE P1363 format. false (default) for ASN.1 */ private final boolean p1363Format;
Construct a blank DSA object. It must be initialized before being usable for signing or verifying.
/** * Construct a blank DSA object. It must be * initialized before being usable for signing or verifying. */
DSA(MessageDigest md) { this(md, false); }
Construct a blank DSA object that will use the specified signature format. p1363Format should be true to use the IEEE P1363 format. If p1363Format is false, the DER-encoded ASN.1 format will be used. The DSA object must be initialized before being usable for signing or verifying.
/** * Construct a blank DSA object that will use the specified * signature format. {@code p1363Format} should be {@code true} to * use the IEEE P1363 format. If {@code p1363Format} is {@code false}, * the DER-encoded ASN.1 format will be used. The DSA object must be * initialized before being usable for signing or verifying. */
DSA(MessageDigest md, boolean p1363Format) { super(); this.md = md; this.p1363Format = p1363Format; } private static void checkKey(DSAParams params, int digestLen, String mdAlgo) throws InvalidKeyException { // FIPS186-3 states in sec4.2 that a hash function which provides // a lower security strength than the (L, N) pair ordinarily should // not be used. int valueN = params.getQ().bitLength(); if (valueN > digestLen) { throw new InvalidKeyException("The security strength of " + mdAlgo + " digest algorithm is not sufficient for this key size"); } }
Initialize the DSA object with a DSA private key.
  • privateKey – the DSA private key
/** * Initialize the DSA object with a DSA private key. * * @param privateKey the DSA private key * * @exception InvalidKeyException if the key is not a valid DSA private * key. */
protected void engineInitSign(PrivateKey privateKey) throws InvalidKeyException { if (!(privateKey instanceof java.security.interfaces.DSAPrivateKey)) { throw new InvalidKeyException("not a DSA private key: " + privateKey); } java.security.interfaces.DSAPrivateKey priv = (java.security.interfaces.DSAPrivateKey)privateKey; // check for algorithm specific constraints before doing initialization DSAParams params = priv.getParams(); if (params == null) { throw new InvalidKeyException("DSA private key lacks parameters"); } // check key size against hash output size for signing // skip this check for verification to minimize impact on existing apps if (!"NullDigest20".equals(md.getAlgorithm())) { checkKey(params, md.getDigestLength()*8, md.getAlgorithm()); } this.params = params; this.presetX = priv.getX(); this.presetY = null; this.presetP = params.getP(); this.presetQ = params.getQ(); this.presetG = params.getG(); this.md.reset(); }
Initialize the DSA object with a DSA public key.
  • publicKey – the DSA public key.
/** * Initialize the DSA object with a DSA public key. * * @param publicKey the DSA public key. * * @exception InvalidKeyException if the key is not a valid DSA public * key. */
protected void engineInitVerify(PublicKey publicKey) throws InvalidKeyException { if (!(publicKey instanceof java.security.interfaces.DSAPublicKey)) { throw new InvalidKeyException("not a DSA public key: " + publicKey); } java.security.interfaces.DSAPublicKey pub = (java.security.interfaces.DSAPublicKey)publicKey; // check for algorithm specific constraints before doing initialization DSAParams params = pub.getParams(); if (params == null) { throw new InvalidKeyException("DSA public key lacks parameters"); } this.params = params; this.presetY = pub.getY(); this.presetX = null; this.presetP = params.getP(); this.presetQ = params.getQ(); this.presetG = params.getG(); this.md.reset(); }
Update a byte to be signed or verified.
/** * Update a byte to be signed or verified. */
protected void engineUpdate(byte b) { md.update(b); }
Update an array of bytes to be signed or verified.
/** * Update an array of bytes to be signed or verified. */
protected void engineUpdate(byte[] data, int off, int len) { md.update(data, off, len); } protected void engineUpdate(ByteBuffer b) { md.update(b); }
Sign all the data thus far updated. The signature format is determined by p1363Format. If p1363Format is false (the default), then the signature is formatted according to the Canonical Encoding Rules, returned as a DER sequence of Integers, r and s. If p1363Format is false, the signature is returned in the IEEE P1363 format, which is the concatenation or r and s.
  • SignatureException – if the signature object was not properly initialized, or if another exception occurs.
See Also:
  • engineUpdate.engineUpdate
  • engineVerify.engineVerify
Returns:a signature block formatted according to the format indicated by p1363Format
/** * Sign all the data thus far updated. The signature format is * determined by {@code p1363Format}. If {@code p1363Format} is * {@code false} (the default), then the signature is formatted * according to the Canonical Encoding Rules, returned as a DER * sequence of Integers, r and s. If {@code p1363Format} is * {@code false}, the signature is returned in the IEEE P1363 * format, which is the concatenation or r and s. * * @return a signature block formatted according to the format * indicated by {@code p1363Format} * * @exception SignatureException if the signature object was not * properly initialized, or if another exception occurs. * * @see sun.security.DSA#engineUpdate * @see sun.security.DSA#engineVerify */
protected byte[] engineSign() throws SignatureException { BigInteger k = generateK(presetQ); BigInteger r = generateR(presetP, presetQ, presetG, k); BigInteger s = generateS(presetX, presetQ, r, k); if (p1363Format) { // Return the concatenation of r and s byte[] rBytes = r.toByteArray(); byte[] sBytes = s.toByteArray(); int size = presetQ.bitLength() / 8; byte[] outseq = new byte[size * 2]; int rLength = rBytes.length; int sLength = sBytes.length; int i; for (i = rLength; i > 0 && rBytes[rLength - i] == 0; i--); int j; for (j = sLength; j > 0 && sBytes[sLength - j] == 0; j--); System.arraycopy(rBytes, rLength - i, outseq, size - i, i); System.arraycopy(sBytes, sLength - j, outseq, size * 2 - j, j); return outseq; } else { // Return the DER-encoded ASN.1 form try { DerOutputStream outseq = new DerOutputStream(100); outseq.putInteger(r); outseq.putInteger(s); DerValue result = new DerValue(DerValue.tag_Sequence, outseq.toByteArray()); return result.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SignatureException("error encoding signature"); } } }
Verify all the data thus far updated.
  • signature – the alleged signature, encoded using the Canonical Encoding Rules, as a sequence of integers, r and s.
  • SignatureException – if the signature object was not properly initialized, or if another exception occurs.
See Also:
  • engineUpdate.engineUpdate
  • engineSign.engineSign
/** * Verify all the data thus far updated. * * @param signature the alleged signature, encoded using the * Canonical Encoding Rules, as a sequence of integers, r and s. * * @exception SignatureException if the signature object was not * properly initialized, or if another exception occurs. * * @see sun.security.DSA#engineUpdate * @see sun.security.DSA#engineSign */
protected boolean engineVerify(byte[] signature) throws SignatureException { return engineVerify(signature, 0, signature.length); }
Verify all the data thus far updated.
  • signature – the alleged signature, encoded using the format indicated by p1363Format. If p1363Format is false (the default), then the signature is formatted according to the Canonical Encoding Rules, as a DER sequence of Integers, r and s. If p1363Format is false, the signature is in the IEEE P1363 format, which is the concatenation or r and s.
  • offset – the offset to start from in the array of bytes.
  • length – the number of bytes to use, starting at offset.
  • SignatureException – if the signature object was not properly initialized, or if another exception occurs.
See Also:
  • engineUpdate.engineUpdate
  • engineSign.engineSign
/** * Verify all the data thus far updated. * * @param signature the alleged signature, encoded using the * format indicated by {@code p1363Format}. If {@code p1363Format} * is {@code false} (the default), then the signature is formatted * according to the Canonical Encoding Rules, as a DER sequence of * Integers, r and s. If {@code p1363Format} is {@code false}, * the signature is in the IEEE P1363 format, which is the * concatenation or r and s. * * @param offset the offset to start from in the array of bytes. * * @param length the number of bytes to use, starting at offset. * * @exception SignatureException if the signature object was not * properly initialized, or if another exception occurs. * * @see sun.security.DSA#engineUpdate * @see sun.security.DSA#engineSign */
protected boolean engineVerify(byte[] signature, int offset, int length) throws SignatureException { BigInteger r = null; BigInteger s = null; if (p1363Format) { if ((length & 1) == 1) { // length of signature byte array should be even throw new SignatureException("invalid signature format"); } int mid = length/2; r = new BigInteger(Arrays.copyOfRange(signature, 0, mid)); s = new BigInteger(Arrays.copyOfRange(signature, mid, length)); } else { // first decode the signature. try { // Enforce strict DER checking for signatures DerInputStream in = new DerInputStream(signature, offset, length, false); DerValue[] values = in.getSequence(2); // check number of components in the read sequence // and trailing data if ((values.length != 2) || (in.available() != 0)) { throw new IOException("Invalid encoding for signature"); } r = values[0].getBigInteger(); s = values[1].getBigInteger(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SignatureException("Invalid encoding for signature", e); } } // some implementations do not correctly encode values in the ASN.1 // 2's complement format. force r and s to be positive in order to // to validate those signatures if (r.signum() < 0) { r = new BigInteger(1, r.toByteArray()); } if (s.signum() < 0) { s = new BigInteger(1, s.toByteArray()); } if ((r.compareTo(presetQ) == -1) && (s.compareTo(presetQ) == -1)) { BigInteger w = generateW(presetP, presetQ, presetG, s); BigInteger v = generateV(presetY, presetP, presetQ, presetG, w, r); return v.equals(r); } else { throw new SignatureException("invalid signature: out of range values"); } } @Deprecated protected void engineSetParameter(String key, Object param) { throw new InvalidParameterException("No parameter accepted"); } @Override protected void engineSetParameter(AlgorithmParameterSpec params) throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { if (params != null) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("No parameter accepted"); } } @Deprecated protected Object engineGetParameter(String key) { return null; } @Override protected AlgorithmParameters engineGetParameters() { return null; } private BigInteger generateR(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger g, BigInteger k) { // exponent blinding to hide information from timing channel SecureRandom random = getSigningRandom(); // start with a random blinding component BigInteger blindingValue = new BigInteger(BLINDING_BITS, random); // add the fixed blinding component blindingValue = blindingValue.add(BLINDING_CONSTANT); // replace k with a blinded value that is congruent (mod q) k = k.add(q.multiply(blindingValue)); BigInteger temp = g.modPow(k, p); return temp.mod(q); } private BigInteger generateS(BigInteger x, BigInteger q, BigInteger r, BigInteger k) throws SignatureException { byte[] s2; try { s2 = md.digest(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { // Only for RawDSA due to its 20-byte length restriction throw new SignatureException(re.getMessage()); } // get the leftmost min(N, outLen) bits of the digest value int nBytes = q.bitLength()/8; if (nBytes < s2.length) { s2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(s2, 0, nBytes); } BigInteger z = new BigInteger(1, s2); BigInteger k1 = k.modInverse(q); return x.multiply(r).add(z).multiply(k1).mod(q); } private BigInteger generateW(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger g, BigInteger s) { return s.modInverse(q); } private BigInteger generateV(BigInteger y, BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger g, BigInteger w, BigInteger r) throws SignatureException { byte[] s2; try { s2 = md.digest(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { // Only for RawDSA due to its 20-byte length restriction throw new SignatureException(re.getMessage()); } // get the leftmost min(N, outLen) bits of the digest value int nBytes = q.bitLength()/8; if (nBytes < s2.length) { s2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(s2, 0, nBytes); } BigInteger z = new BigInteger(1, s2); BigInteger u1 = z.multiply(w).mod(q); BigInteger u2 = (r.multiply(w)).mod(q); BigInteger t1 = g.modPow(u1,p); BigInteger t2 = y.modPow(u2,p); BigInteger t3 = t1.multiply(t2); BigInteger t5 = t3.mod(p); return t5.mod(q); } protected BigInteger generateK(BigInteger q) { // Implementation defined in FIPS 186-4 AppendixB.2.1. SecureRandom random = getSigningRandom(); byte[] kValue = new byte[(q.bitLength() + 7)/8 + 8]; random.nextBytes(kValue); return new BigInteger(1, kValue).mod( q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)).add(BigInteger.ONE); } // Use the application-specified SecureRandom Object if provided. // Otherwise, use our default SecureRandom Object. protected SecureRandom getSigningRandom() { if (signingRandom == null) { if (appRandom != null) { signingRandom = appRandom; } else { signingRandom = JCAUtil.getSecureRandom(); } } return signingRandom; }
Return a human readable rendition of the engine.
/** * Return a human readable rendition of the engine. */
public String toString() { String printable = "DSA Signature"; if (presetP != null && presetQ != null && presetG != null) { printable += "\n\tp: " + Debug.toHexString(presetP); printable += "\n\tq: " + Debug.toHexString(presetQ); printable += "\n\tg: " + Debug.toHexString(presetG); } else { printable += "\n\t P, Q or G not initialized."; } if (presetY != null) { printable += "\n\ty: " + Debug.toHexString(presetY); } if (presetY == null && presetX == null) { printable += "\n\tUNINIIALIZED"; } return printable; }
SHA3-224withDSA implementation.
/** * SHA3-224withDSA implementation. */
public static final class SHA3_224withDSA extends DSA { public SHA3_224withDSA() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA3-224")); } }
SHA3-224withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format.
/** * SHA3-224withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format. */
public static final class SHA3_224withDSAinP1363Format extends DSA { public SHA3_224withDSAinP1363Format() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA3-224"), true); } }
Standard SHA3-256withDSA implementation.
/** * Standard SHA3-256withDSA implementation. */
public static final class SHA3_256withDSA extends DSA { public SHA3_256withDSA() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA3-256")); } }
Standard SHA3-256withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format.
/** * Standard SHA3-256withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format. */
public static final class SHA3_256withDSAinP1363Format extends DSA { public SHA3_256withDSAinP1363Format() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA3-256"), true); } }
Standard SHA3-384withDSA implementation.
/** * Standard SHA3-384withDSA implementation. */
public static final class SHA3_384withDSA extends DSA { public SHA3_384withDSA() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA3-384")); } }
Standard SHA3-384withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format.
/** * Standard SHA3-384withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format. */
public static final class SHA3_384withDSAinP1363Format extends DSA { public SHA3_384withDSAinP1363Format() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA3-384"), true); } }
Standard SHA3-512withDSA implementation.
/** * Standard SHA3-512withDSA implementation. */
public static final class SHA3_512withDSA extends DSA { public SHA3_512withDSA() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA3-512")); } }
Standard SHA3-512withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format.
/** * Standard SHA3-512withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format. */
public static final class SHA3_512withDSAinP1363Format extends DSA { public SHA3_512withDSAinP1363Format() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA3-512"), true); } }
Standard SHA224withDSA implementation as defined in FIPS186-3.
/** * Standard SHA224withDSA implementation as defined in FIPS186-3. */
public static final class SHA224withDSA extends DSA { public SHA224withDSA() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-224")); } }
SHA224withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format.
/** * SHA224withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format. */
public static final class SHA224withDSAinP1363Format extends DSA { public SHA224withDSAinP1363Format() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-224"), true); } }
Standard SHA256withDSA implementation as defined in FIPS186-3.
/** * Standard SHA256withDSA implementation as defined in FIPS186-3. */
public static final class SHA256withDSA extends DSA { public SHA256withDSA() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256")); } }
SHA256withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format.
/** * SHA256withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format. */
public static final class SHA256withDSAinP1363Format extends DSA { public SHA256withDSAinP1363Format() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"), true); } }
Standard SHA384withDSA implementation as defined in FIPS186-3.
/** * Standard SHA384withDSA implementation as defined in FIPS186-3. */
public static final class SHA384withDSA extends DSA { public SHA384withDSA() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-384")); } }
SHA384withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format.
/** * SHA384withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format. */
public static final class SHA384withDSAinP1363Format extends DSA { public SHA384withDSAinP1363Format() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-384"), true); } }
Standard SHA512withDSA implementation as defined in FIPS186-3.
/** * Standard SHA512withDSA implementation as defined in FIPS186-3. */
public static final class SHA512withDSA extends DSA { public SHA512withDSA() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512")); } }
SHA512withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format.
/** * SHA512withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format. */
public static final class SHA512withDSAinP1363Format extends DSA { public SHA512withDSAinP1363Format() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512"), true); } }
Standard SHA1withDSA implementation.
/** * Standard SHA1withDSA implementation. */
public static final class SHA1withDSA extends DSA { public SHA1withDSA() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1")); } }
SHA1withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format.
/** * SHA1withDSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format. */
public static final class SHA1withDSAinP1363Format extends DSA { public SHA1withDSAinP1363Format() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"), true); } }
Raw DSA. Raw DSA requires the data to be exactly 20 bytes long. If it is not, a SignatureException is thrown when sign()/verify() is called per JCA spec.
/** * Raw DSA. * * Raw DSA requires the data to be exactly 20 bytes long. If it is * not, a SignatureException is thrown when sign()/verify() is called * per JCA spec. */
static class Raw extends DSA { // Internal special-purpose MessageDigest impl for RawDSA // Only override whatever methods used // NOTE: no clone support public static final class NullDigest20 extends MessageDigest { // 20 byte digest buffer private final byte[] digestBuffer = new byte[20]; // offset into the buffer; use Integer.MAX_VALUE to indicate // out-of-bound condition private int ofs = 0; protected NullDigest20() { super("NullDigest20"); } protected void engineUpdate(byte input) { if (ofs == digestBuffer.length) { ofs = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { digestBuffer[ofs++] = input; } } protected void engineUpdate(byte[] input, int offset, int len) { if (len > (digestBuffer.length - ofs)) { ofs = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { System.arraycopy(input, offset, digestBuffer, ofs, len); ofs += len; } } protected final void engineUpdate(ByteBuffer input) { int inputLen = input.remaining(); if (inputLen > (digestBuffer.length - ofs)) { ofs = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { input.get(digestBuffer, ofs, inputLen); ofs += inputLen; } } protected byte[] engineDigest() throws RuntimeException { if (ofs != digestBuffer.length) { throw new RuntimeException ("Data for RawDSA must be exactly 20 bytes long"); } reset(); return digestBuffer; } protected int engineDigest(byte[] buf, int offset, int len) throws DigestException { if (ofs != digestBuffer.length) { throw new DigestException ("Data for RawDSA must be exactly 20 bytes long"); } if (len < digestBuffer.length) { throw new DigestException ("Output buffer too small; must be at least 20 bytes"); } System.arraycopy(digestBuffer, 0, buf, offset, digestBuffer.length); reset(); return digestBuffer.length; } protected void engineReset() { ofs = 0; } protected final int engineGetDigestLength() { return digestBuffer.length; } } private Raw(boolean p1363Format) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(new NullDigest20(), p1363Format); } }
Standard Raw DSA implementation.
/** * Standard Raw DSA implementation. */
public static final class RawDSA extends Raw { public RawDSA() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(false); } }
Raw DSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format.
/** * Raw DSA implementation that uses the IEEE P1363 format. */
public static final class RawDSAinP1363Format extends Raw { public RawDSAinP1363Format() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(true); } } }