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package sun.security.util;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;

A DER input stream, used for parsing ASN.1 DER-encoded data such as that found in X.509 certificates. DER is a subset of BER/1, which has the advantage that it allows only a single encoding of primitive data. (High level data such as dates still support many encodings.) That is, it uses the "Definite" Encoding Rules (DER) not the "Basic" ones (BER).

Note that, like BER/1, DER streams are streams of explicitly tagged data values. Accordingly, this programming interface does not expose any variant of the java.io.InputStream interface, since that kind of input stream holds untagged data values and using that I/O model could prevent correct parsing of the DER data.

At this time, this class supports only a subset of the types of DER data encodings which are defined. That subset is sufficient for parsing most X.509 certificates.

Author:David Brownell, Amit Kapoor, Hemma Prafullchandra
/** * A DER input stream, used for parsing ASN.1 DER-encoded data such as * that found in X.509 certificates. DER is a subset of BER/1, which has * the advantage that it allows only a single encoding of primitive data. * (High level data such as dates still support many encodings.) That is, * it uses the "Definite" Encoding Rules (DER) not the "Basic" ones (BER). * * <P>Note that, like BER/1, DER streams are streams of explicitly * tagged data values. Accordingly, this programming interface does * not expose any variant of the java.io.InputStream interface, since * that kind of input stream holds untagged data values and using that * I/O model could prevent correct parsing of the DER data. * * <P>At this time, this class supports only a subset of the types of DER * data encodings which are defined. That subset is sufficient for parsing * most X.509 certificates. * * * @author David Brownell * @author Amit Kapoor * @author Hemma Prafullchandra */
public class DerInputStream { // The static part final byte[] data; final int start; // inclusive final int end; // exclusive final boolean allowBER; // The moving part int pos; int mark;
Constructs a DerInputStream by assigning all its fields. No checking on arguments since all callers are internal. data should never be null even if length is 0.
/** * Constructs a DerInputStream by assigning all its fields. * * No checking on arguments since all callers are internal. * {@code data} should never be null even if length is 0. */
public DerInputStream(byte[] data, int start, int length, boolean allowBER) { this.data = data; this.start = start; this.end = start + length; this.allowBER = allowBER; this.pos = start; this.mark = start; } public DerInputStream(byte[] data) throws IOException { this(data, 0, data.length, true); } public DerInputStream(byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException { this(data, offset, len, true); }
Returns the remaining unread bytes, or, all bytes if none read yet.
/** * Returns the remaining unread bytes, or, all bytes if none read yet. */
public byte[] toByteArray() { return Arrays.copyOfRange(data, pos, end); }
Reads a DerValue from this stream. After the call, the data pointer is right after this DerValue so that the next call will read the next DerValue.
  • IOException – if a DerValue cannot be constructed starting from this position because of byte shortage or encoding error.
Returns:the read DerValue.
/** * Reads a DerValue from this stream. After the call, the data pointer * is right after this DerValue so that the next call will read the * next DerValue. * * @return the read DerValue. * @throws IOException if a DerValue cannot be constructed starting from * this position because of byte shortage or encoding error. */
public DerValue getDerValue() throws IOException { DerValue result = new DerValue( this.data, this.pos, this.end - this.pos, this.allowBER, true); if (result.buffer != this.data) { // Indefinite length observed. Unused bytes in data are appended // to the end of return value by DerIndefLenConverter::convertBytes // and stay inside result.buffer. int unused = result.buffer.length - result.end; this.pos = this.data.length - unused; } else { this.pos = result.end; } return result; } // The following getXyz methods are mostly shorthands for getDerValue().getXyz(). public int getInteger() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getInteger(); } public BigInteger getBigInteger() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getBigInteger(); } public BigInteger getPositiveBigInteger() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getPositiveBigInteger(); } public int getEnumerated() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getEnumerated(); } public byte[] getBitString() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getBitString(); } public BitArray getUnalignedBitString() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getUnalignedBitString(); } public byte[] getOctetString() throws IOException { // Not identical to DerValue::getOctetString. This method // does not accept constructed OCTET STRING. DerValue v = getDerValue(); if (v.tag != DerValue.tag_OctetString) { throw new IOException("DER input not an octet string"); } return v.getOctetString(); } public void getNull() throws IOException { getDerValue().getNull(); } public ObjectIdentifier getOID() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getOID(); } public String getUTF8String() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getUTF8String(); } public String getPrintableString() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getPrintableString(); } public String getT61String() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getT61String(); } public String getBMPString() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getBMPString(); } public String getIA5String() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getIA5String(); } public String getGeneralString() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getGeneralString(); } public Date getUTCTime() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getUTCTime(); } public Date getGeneralizedTime() throws IOException { return getDerValue().getGeneralizedTime(); } // Read a series of DerValue objects which is the sub-elements // of a SEQUENCE and SET. public DerValue[] getSequence(int startLen) throws IOException { return getDerValue().subs(DerValue.tag_Sequence, startLen); } public DerValue[] getSet(int startLen) throws IOException { return getDerValue().subs(DerValue.tag_Set, startLen); } public DerValue[] getSet(int startLen, boolean implicit) throws IOException { if (implicit) { return getDerValue().subs((byte) 0, startLen); } else { return getSet(startLen); } } public int peekByte() throws IOException { if (pos == end) { throw new IOException("At end"); } return data[pos]; }
Get a length from the input stream, allowing for at most 32 bits of encoding to be used. (Not the same as getting a tagged integer!)
  • IOException – on parsing error or unsupported lengths.
Returns:the length or -1 if indefinite length found.
/** * Get a length from the input stream, allowing for at most 32 bits of * encoding to be used. (Not the same as getting a tagged integer!) * * @return the length or -1 if indefinite length found. * @exception IOException on parsing error or unsupported lengths. */
static int getLength(InputStream in) throws IOException { int lenByte = in.read(); if (lenByte == -1) { throw new IOException("Short read of DER length"); } if (lenByte == 0x80) { return -1; } int value, tmp; String mdName = "DerInputStream.getLength(): "; tmp = lenByte; if ((tmp & 0x080) == 0x00) { // short form, 1 byte datum value = tmp; } else { // long form tmp &= 0x07f; // tmp > 4 indicates more than 4Gb of data. if (tmp > 4) { throw new IOException(mdName + "lengthTag=" + tmp + ", too big."); } value = 0x0ff & in.read(); tmp--; if (value == 0) { // DER requires length value be encoded in minimum number of bytes throw new IOException(mdName + "Redundant length bytes found"); } while (tmp-- > 0) { value <<= 8; value += 0x0ff & in.read(); } if (value < 0) { throw new IOException(mdName + "Invalid length bytes"); } else if (value <= 127) { throw new IOException(mdName + "Should use short form for length"); } } return value; } /* * Get a definite length from the input stream. * * @return the length * @exception IOException on parsing error or if indefinite length found. */ static int getDefiniteLength(InputStream in) throws IOException { int len = getLength(in); if (len < 0) { throw new IOException("Indefinite length encoding not supported"); } return len; }
Mark the current position in the buffer, so that a later call to reset will return here. The readAheadLimit is useless here because all data is available and we can go to anywhere at will.
/** * Mark the current position in the buffer, so that * a later call to <code>reset</code> will return here. * The {@code readAheadLimit} is useless here because * all data is available and we can go to anywhere at will. */
public void mark(int readAheadLimit) { mark = pos; }
Return to the position of the last mark call. A mark is implicitly set at the beginning of the stream when it is created.
/** * Return to the position of the last <code>mark</code> * call. A mark is implicitly set at the beginning of * the stream when it is created. */
public void reset() { pos = mark; }
Returns the number of bytes available for reading. This is most useful for testing whether the stream is empty.
/** * Returns the number of bytes available for reading. * This is most useful for testing whether the stream is * empty. */
public int available() { return end - pos; } }