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package sun.security.util;

import sun.nio.cs.UTF_32BE;
import sun.util.calendar.CalendarDate;
import sun.util.calendar.CalendarSystem;

import java.io.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.*;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.*;

Represents a single DER-encoded value. DER encoding rules are a subset of the "Basic" Encoding Rules (BER), but they only support a single way ("Definite" encoding) to encode any given value.

All DER-encoded data are triples {type, length, data}. This class represents such tagged values as they have been read (or constructed), and provides structured access to the encoded data.

At this time, this class supports only a subset of the types of DER data encodings which are defined. That subset is sufficient for parsing most X.509 certificates, and working with selected additional formats (such as PKCS #10 certificate requests, and some kinds of PKCS #7 data). A note with respect to T61/Teletex strings: From RFC 1617, section 4.1.3 and RFC 5280, section 8, we assume that this kind of string will contain ISO-8859-1 characters only.

Author:David Brownell, Amit Kapoor, Hemma Prafullchandra
/** * Represents a single DER-encoded value. DER encoding rules are a subset * of the "Basic" Encoding Rules (BER), but they only support a single way * ("Definite" encoding) to encode any given value. * * <P>All DER-encoded data are triples <em>{type, length, data}</em>. This * class represents such tagged values as they have been read (or constructed), * and provides structured access to the encoded data. * * <P>At this time, this class supports only a subset of the types of DER * data encodings which are defined. That subset is sufficient for parsing * most X.509 certificates, and working with selected additional formats * (such as PKCS #10 certificate requests, and some kinds of PKCS #7 data). * * A note with respect to T61/Teletex strings: From RFC 1617, section 4.1.3 * and RFC 5280, section 8, we assume that this kind of string will contain * ISO-8859-1 characters only. * * * @author David Brownell * @author Amit Kapoor * @author Hemma Prafullchandra */
public class DerValue {
The tag class types
/** The tag class types */
public static final byte TAG_UNIVERSAL = (byte)0x000; public static final byte TAG_APPLICATION = (byte)0x040; public static final byte TAG_CONTEXT = (byte)0x080; public static final byte TAG_PRIVATE = (byte)0x0c0; /* * The type starts at the first byte of the encoding, and * is one of these tag_* values. That may be all the type * data that is needed. */ /* * These tags are the "universal" tags ... they mean the same * in all contexts. (Mask with 0x1f -- five bits.) */
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "BOOLEAN" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "BOOLEAN" value. */
public static final byte tag_Boolean = 0x01;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "INTEGER" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "INTEGER" value. */
public static final byte tag_Integer = 0x02;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "BIT STRING" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "BIT STRING" value. */
public static final byte tag_BitString = 0x03;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "OCTET STRING" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "OCTET STRING" value. */
public static final byte tag_OctetString = 0x04;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "NULL" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "NULL" value. */
public static final byte tag_Null = 0x05;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "OBJECT IDENTIFIER" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "OBJECT IDENTIFIER" value. */
public static final byte tag_ObjectId = 0x06;
Tag value including an ASN.1 "ENUMERATED" value
/** Tag value including an ASN.1 "ENUMERATED" value */
public static final byte tag_Enumerated = 0x0A;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "UTF8String" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "UTF8String" value. */
public static final byte tag_UTF8String = 0x0C;
Tag value including a "printable" string
/** Tag value including a "printable" string */
public static final byte tag_PrintableString = 0x13;
Tag value including a "teletype" string
/** Tag value including a "teletype" string */
public static final byte tag_T61String = 0x14;
Tag value including an ASCII string
/** Tag value including an ASCII string */
public static final byte tag_IA5String = 0x16;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "UTCTime" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "UTCTime" value. */
public static final byte tag_UtcTime = 0x17;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "GeneralizedTime" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "GeneralizedTime" value. */
public static final byte tag_GeneralizedTime = 0x18;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "GenerallString" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "GenerallString" value. */
public static final byte tag_GeneralString = 0x1B;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "UniversalString" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "UniversalString" value. */
public static final byte tag_UniversalString = 0x1C;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "BMPString" value.
/** Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "BMPString" value. */
public static final byte tag_BMPString = 0x1E; // CONSTRUCTED seq/set
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "SEQUENCE" (zero to N elements, order is significant).
/** * Tag value indicating an ASN.1 * "SEQUENCE" (zero to N elements, order is significant). */
public static final byte tag_Sequence = 0x30;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "SEQUENCE OF" (one to N elements, order is significant).
/** * Tag value indicating an ASN.1 * "SEQUENCE OF" (one to N elements, order is significant). */
public static final byte tag_SequenceOf = 0x30;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "SET" (zero to N members, order does not matter).
/** * Tag value indicating an ASN.1 * "SET" (zero to N members, order does not matter). */
public static final byte tag_Set = 0x31;
Tag value indicating an ASN.1 "SET OF" (one to N members, order does not matter).
/** * Tag value indicating an ASN.1 * "SET OF" (one to N members, order does not matter). */
public static final byte tag_SetOf = 0x31; // This class is mostly immutable except that: // // 1. resetTag() modifies the tag // 2. the data field is mutable // // For compatibility, data, getData() and resetTag() are preserved. // A modern caller should call withTag() or data() instead. // // Also, some constructors have not cloned buffer, so the data could // be modified externally. public /*final*/ byte tag; final byte[] buffer; private final int start; final int end; private final boolean allowBER; // Unsafe. Legacy. Never null. final public DerInputStream data; /* * These values are the high order bits for the other kinds of tags. */
Returns true if the tag class is UNIVERSAL.
/** * Returns true if the tag class is UNIVERSAL. */
public boolean isUniversal() { return ((tag & 0x0c0) == 0x000); }
Returns true if the tag class is APPLICATION.
/** * Returns true if the tag class is APPLICATION. */
public boolean isApplication() { return ((tag & 0x0c0) == 0x040); }
Returns true iff the CONTEXT SPECIFIC bit is set in the type tag. This is associated with the ASN.1 "DEFINED BY" syntax.
/** * Returns true iff the CONTEXT SPECIFIC bit is set in the type tag. * This is associated with the ASN.1 "DEFINED BY" syntax. */
public boolean isContextSpecific() { return ((tag & 0x0c0) == 0x080); }
Returns true iff the CONTEXT SPECIFIC TAG matches the passed tag.
/** * Returns true iff the CONTEXT SPECIFIC TAG matches the passed tag. */
public boolean isContextSpecific(byte cntxtTag) { if (!isContextSpecific()) { return false; } return ((tag & 0x01f) == cntxtTag); } boolean isPrivate() { return ((tag & 0x0c0) == 0x0c0); }
Returns true iff the CONSTRUCTED bit is set in the type tag.
/** Returns true iff the CONSTRUCTED bit is set in the type tag. */
public boolean isConstructed() { return ((tag & 0x020) == 0x020); }
Returns true iff the CONSTRUCTED TAG matches the passed tag.
/** * Returns true iff the CONSTRUCTED TAG matches the passed tag. */
public boolean isConstructed(byte constructedTag) { if (!isConstructed()) { return false; } return ((tag & 0x01f) == constructedTag); }
Creates a new DerValue by specifying all its fields.
/** * Creates a new DerValue by specifying all its fields. */
DerValue(byte tag, byte[] buffer, int start, int end, boolean allowBER) { this.tag = tag; this.buffer = buffer; this.start = start; this.end = end; this.allowBER = allowBER; this.data = data(); }
Creates a PrintableString or UTF8string DER value from a string.
/** * Creates a PrintableString or UTF8string DER value from a string. */
public DerValue(String value) { this(isPrintableString(value) ? tag_PrintableString : tag_UTF8String, value); } private static boolean isPrintableString(String value) { for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) { if (!isPrintableStringChar(value.charAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; }
Creates a string type DER value from a String object
  • stringTag – the tag for the DER value to create
  • value – the String object to use for the DER value
/** * Creates a string type DER value from a String object * @param stringTag the tag for the DER value to create * @param value the String object to use for the DER value */
public DerValue(byte stringTag, String value) { this(stringTag, string2bytes(stringTag, value), false); } private static byte[] string2bytes(byte stringTag, String value) { Charset charset = switch (stringTag) { case tag_PrintableString, tag_IA5String, tag_GeneralString -> US_ASCII; case tag_T61String -> ISO_8859_1; case tag_BMPString -> UTF_16BE; case tag_UTF8String -> UTF_8; case tag_UniversalString -> Charset.forName("UTF_32BE"); default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported DER string type"); }; return value.getBytes(charset); } DerValue(byte tag, byte[] buffer, boolean allowBER) { this(tag, buffer, 0, buffer.length, allowBER); }
Creates a DerValue from a tag and some DER-encoded data. This is a public constructor.
  • tag – the DER type tag
  • buffer – the DER-encoded data
/** * Creates a DerValue from a tag and some DER-encoded data. * * This is a public constructor. * * @param tag the DER type tag * @param buffer the DER-encoded data */
public DerValue(byte tag, byte[] buffer) { this(tag, buffer.clone(), true); }
Parse an ASN.1/BER encoded datum. The entire encoding must hold exactly one datum, including its tag and length. This is a public constructor.
/** * Parse an ASN.1/BER encoded datum. The entire encoding must hold exactly * one datum, including its tag and length. * * This is a public constructor. */
public DerValue(byte[] encoding) throws IOException { this(encoding.clone(), 0, encoding.length, true, false); }
Parse an ASN.1 encoded datum from a byte array.
  • buf – the byte array containing the DER-encoded datum
  • offset – where the encoded datum starts inside buf
  • len – length of bytes to parse inside buf
  • allowBER – whether BER is allowed
  • allowMore – whether extra bytes are allowed after the encoded datum. If true, len can be bigger than the length of the encoded datum.
  • IOException – if it's an invalid encoding or there are extra bytes after the encoded datum and allowMore is false.
/** * Parse an ASN.1 encoded datum from a byte array. * * @param buf the byte array containing the DER-encoded datum * @param offset where the encoded datum starts inside {@code buf} * @param len length of bytes to parse inside {@code buf} * @param allowBER whether BER is allowed * @param allowMore whether extra bytes are allowed after the encoded datum. * If true, {@code len} can be bigger than the length of * the encoded datum. * * @throws IOException if it's an invalid encoding or there are extra bytes * after the encoded datum and {@code allowMore} is false. */
DerValue(byte[] buf, int offset, int len, boolean allowBER, boolean allowMore) throws IOException { if (len < 2) { throw new IOException("Too short"); } int pos = offset; tag = buf[pos++]; int lenByte = buf[pos++]; int length; if (lenByte == (byte) 0x80) { // indefinite length if (!allowBER) { throw new IOException("Indefinite length encoding " + "not supported with DER"); } if (!isConstructed()) { throw new IOException("Indefinite length encoding " + "not supported with non-constructed data"); } // Reconstruct data source buf = DerIndefLenConverter.convertStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, pos, len - (pos - offset)), tag); offset = 0; len = buf.length; pos = 2; if (tag != buf[0]) { throw new IOException("Indefinite length encoding not supported"); } lenByte = buf[1]; if (lenByte == (byte) 0x80) { throw new IOException("Indefinite len conversion failed"); } } if ((lenByte & 0x080) == 0x00) { // short form, 1 byte datum length = lenByte; } else { // long form lenByte &= 0x07f; if (lenByte > 4) { throw new IOException("Invalid lenByte"); } if (len < 2 + lenByte) { throw new IOException("Not enough length bytes"); } length = 0x0ff & buf[pos++]; lenByte--; if (length == 0 && !allowBER) { // DER requires length value be encoded in minimum number of bytes throw new IOException("Redundant length bytes found"); } while (lenByte-- > 0) { length <<= 8; length += 0x0ff & buf[pos++]; } if (length < 0) { throw new IOException("Invalid length bytes"); } else if (length <= 127 && !allowBER) { throw new IOException("Should use short form for length"); } } // pos is now at the beginning of the content if (len - length < pos - offset) { throw new EOFException("not enough content"); } if (len - length > pos - offset && !allowMore) { throw new IOException("extra data at the end"); } this.buffer = buf; this.start = pos; this.end = pos + length; this.allowBER = allowBER; this.data = data(); } // Get an ASN1/DER encoded datum from an input stream w/ additional // arg to control whether DER checks are enforced. DerValue(InputStream in, boolean allowBER) throws IOException { this.tag = (byte)in.read(); int length = DerInputStream.getLength(in); if (length == -1) { // indefinite length encoding found if (!allowBER) { throw new IOException("Indefinite length encoding " + "not supported with DER"); } if (!isConstructed()) { throw new IOException("Indefinite length encoding " + "not supported with non-constructed data"); } this.buffer = DerIndefLenConverter.convertStream(in, tag); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(this.buffer); if (tag != bin.read()) { throw new IOException ("Indefinite length encoding not supported"); } length = DerInputStream.getDefiniteLength(bin); this.start = this.buffer.length - bin.available(); this.end = this.start + length; // position of in is undetermined. Precisely, it might be n-bytes // after DerValue, and these n bytes are at the end of this.buffer // after this.end. } else { this.buffer = IOUtils.readExactlyNBytes(in, length); this.start = 0; this.end = length; // position of in is right after the DerValue } this.allowBER = allowBER; this.data = data(); }
Get an ASN1/DER encoded datum from an input stream. The stream may have additional data following the encoded datum. In case of indefinite length encoded datum, the input stream must hold only one datum, i.e. all bytes in the stream might be consumed. Otherwise, only one DerValue will be consumed.
  • in – the input stream holding a single DER datum, which may be followed by additional data
/** * Get an ASN1/DER encoded datum from an input stream. The * stream may have additional data following the encoded datum. * In case of indefinite length encoded datum, the input stream * must hold only one datum, i.e. all bytes in the stream might * be consumed. Otherwise, only one DerValue will be consumed. * * @param in the input stream holding a single DER datum, * which may be followed by additional data */
public DerValue(InputStream in) throws IOException { this(in, true); }
Encode an ASN1/DER encoded datum onto a DER output stream.
/** * Encode an ASN1/DER encoded datum onto a DER output stream. */
public void encode(DerOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.write(tag); out.putLength(end - start); out.write(buffer, start, end - start); data.pos = data.end; // Compatibility. Reach end. }
Returns a new DerInputStream pointing at the start of this DerValue's content.
Returns:the new DerInputStream value
/** * Returns a new DerInputStream pointing at the start of this * DerValue's content. * * @return the new DerInputStream value */
public final DerInputStream data() { return new DerInputStream(buffer, start, end - start, allowBER); }
Returns the data field inside this class directly. Both this method and the data field should be avoided. Consider using data() instead.
/** * Returns the data field inside this class directly. * * Both this method and the {@link #data} field should be avoided. * Consider using {@link #data()} instead. */
public final DerInputStream getData() { return data; } public final byte getTag() { return tag; }
Returns an ASN.1 BOOLEAN
Returns:the boolean held in this DER value
/** * Returns an ASN.1 BOOLEAN * * @return the boolean held in this DER value */
public boolean getBoolean() throws IOException { if (tag != tag_Boolean) { throw new IOException("DerValue.getBoolean, not a BOOLEAN " + tag); } if (end - start != 1) { throw new IOException("DerValue.getBoolean, invalid length " + (end - start)); } data.pos = data.end; // Compatibility. Reach end. return buffer[start] != 0; }
Returns:the OID held in this DER value
/** * Returns an ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER. * * @return the OID held in this DER value */
public ObjectIdentifier getOID() throws IOException { if (tag != tag_ObjectId) { throw new IOException("DerValue.getOID, not an OID " + tag); } data.pos = data.end; // Compatibility. Reach end. return new ObjectIdentifier(Arrays.copyOfRange(buffer, start, end)); }
Returns:the octet string held in this DER value
/** * Returns an ASN.1 OCTET STRING * * @return the octet string held in this DER value */
public byte[] getOctetString() throws IOException { if (tag != tag_OctetString && !isConstructed(tag_OctetString)) { throw new IOException( "DerValue.getOctetString, not an Octet String: " + tag); } // Note: do not attempt to call buffer.read(bytes) at all. There's a // known bug that it returns -1 instead of 0. if (end - start == 0) { return new byte[0]; } data.pos = data.end; // Compatibility. Reach end. if (!isConstructed()) { return Arrays.copyOfRange(buffer, start, end); } else { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DerInputStream dis = data(); while (dis.available() > 0) { bout.write(dis.getDerValue().getOctetString()); } return bout.toByteArray(); } }
Returns an ASN.1 INTEGER value as an integer.
Returns:the integer held in this DER value.
/** * Returns an ASN.1 INTEGER value as an integer. * * @return the integer held in this DER value. */
public int getInteger() throws IOException { return getIntegerInternal(tag_Integer); } private int getIntegerInternal(byte expectedTag) throws IOException { BigInteger result = getBigIntegerInternal(expectedTag, false); if (result.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE)) < 0) { throw new IOException("Integer below minimum valid value"); } if (result.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) > 0) { throw new IOException("Integer exceeds maximum valid value"); } return result.intValue(); }
Returns an ASN.1 INTEGER value as a BigInteger.
Returns:the integer held in this DER value as a BigInteger.
/** * Returns an ASN.1 INTEGER value as a BigInteger. * * @return the integer held in this DER value as a BigInteger. */
public BigInteger getBigInteger() throws IOException { return getBigIntegerInternal(tag_Integer, false); }
Returns an ASN.1 INTEGER value as a positive BigInteger. This is just to deal with implementations that incorrectly encode some values as negative.
Returns:the integer held in this DER value as a BigInteger.
/** * Returns an ASN.1 INTEGER value as a positive BigInteger. * This is just to deal with implementations that incorrectly encode * some values as negative. * * @return the integer held in this DER value as a BigInteger. */
public BigInteger getPositiveBigInteger() throws IOException { return getBigIntegerInternal(tag_Integer, true); }
Returns a BigInteger value
  • makePositive – whether to always return a positive value, irrespective of actual encoding
Returns:the integer as a BigInteger.
/** * Returns a BigInteger value * * @param makePositive whether to always return a positive value, * irrespective of actual encoding * @return the integer as a BigInteger. */
private BigInteger getBigIntegerInternal(byte expectedTag, boolean makePositive) throws IOException { if (tag != expectedTag) { throw new IOException("DerValue.getBigIntegerInternal, not expected " + tag); } if (end == start) { throw new IOException("Invalid encoding: zero length Int value"); } data.pos = data.end; // Compatibility. Reach end. if (!allowBER && (end - start >= 2 && (buffer[start] == 0) && (buffer[start + 1] >= 0))) { throw new IOException("Invalid encoding: redundant leading 0s"); } return makePositive ? new BigInteger(1, buffer, start, end - start) : new BigInteger(buffer, start, end - start); }
Returns an ASN.1 ENUMERATED value.
Returns:the integer held in this DER value.
/** * Returns an ASN.1 ENUMERATED value. * * @return the integer held in this DER value. */
public int getEnumerated() throws IOException { return getIntegerInternal(tag_Enumerated); }
Returns an ASN.1 BIT STRING value. The bit string must be byte-aligned.
Returns:the bit string held in this value
/** * Returns an ASN.1 BIT STRING value. The bit string must be byte-aligned. * * @return the bit string held in this value */
public byte[] getBitString() throws IOException { return getBitString(false); }
Returns an ASN.1 BIT STRING value that need not be byte-aligned.
Returns:a BitArray representing the bit string held in this value
/** * Returns an ASN.1 BIT STRING value that need not be byte-aligned. * * @return a BitArray representing the bit string held in this value */
public BitArray getUnalignedBitString() throws IOException { return getUnalignedBitString(false); }
Returns the name component as a Java string, regardless of its encoding restrictions (ASCII, T61, Printable, IA5, BMP, UTF8).
/** * Returns the name component as a Java string, regardless of its * encoding restrictions (ASCII, T61, Printable, IA5, BMP, UTF8). */
// TBD: Need encoder for UniversalString before it can be handled. public String getAsString() throws IOException { return switch (tag) { case tag_UTF8String -> getUTF8String(); case tag_PrintableString -> getPrintableString(); case tag_T61String -> getT61String(); case tag_IA5String -> getIA5String(); case tag_UniversalString -> getUniversalString(); case tag_BMPString -> getBMPString(); case tag_GeneralString -> getGeneralString(); default -> null; }; }
Returns an ASN.1 BIT STRING value, with the tag assumed implicit based on the parameter. The bit string must be byte-aligned.
  • tagImplicit – if true, the tag is assumed implicit.
Returns:the bit string held in this value
/** * Returns an ASN.1 BIT STRING value, with the tag assumed implicit * based on the parameter. The bit string must be byte-aligned. * * @param tagImplicit if true, the tag is assumed implicit. * @return the bit string held in this value */
public byte[] getBitString(boolean tagImplicit) throws IOException { if (!tagImplicit) { if (tag != tag_BitString) { throw new IOException("DerValue.getBitString, not a bit string " + tag); } } if (end == start) { throw new IOException("Invalid encoding: zero length bit string"); } int numOfPadBits = buffer[start]; if ((numOfPadBits < 0) || (numOfPadBits > 7)) { throw new IOException("Invalid number of padding bits"); } // minus the first byte which indicates the number of padding bits byte[] retval = Arrays.copyOfRange(buffer, start + 1, end); if (numOfPadBits != 0) { // get rid of the padding bits retval[end - start - 2] &= (0xff << numOfPadBits); } data.pos = data.end; // Compatibility. Reach end. return retval; }
Returns an ASN.1 BIT STRING value, with the tag assumed implicit based on the parameter. The bit string need not be byte-aligned.
  • tagImplicit – if true, the tag is assumed implicit.
Returns:the bit string held in this value
/** * Returns an ASN.1 BIT STRING value, with the tag assumed implicit * based on the parameter. The bit string need not be byte-aligned. * * @param tagImplicit if true, the tag is assumed implicit. * @return the bit string held in this value */
public BitArray getUnalignedBitString(boolean tagImplicit) throws IOException { if (!tagImplicit) { if (tag != tag_BitString) { throw new IOException("DerValue.getBitString, not a bit string " + tag); } } if (end == start) { throw new IOException("Invalid encoding: zero length bit string"); } data.pos = data.end; // Compatibility. Reach end. int numOfPadBits = buffer[start]; if ((numOfPadBits < 0) || (numOfPadBits > 7)) { throw new IOException("Invalid number of padding bits"); } if (end == start + 1) { return new BitArray(0); } else { return new BitArray(((end - start - 1) << 3) - numOfPadBits, Arrays.copyOfRange(buffer, start + 1, end)); } }
Helper routine to return all the bytes contained in the DerInputStream associated with this object.
/** * Helper routine to return all the bytes contained in the * DerInputStream associated with this object. */
public byte[] getDataBytes() throws IOException { data.pos = data.end; // Compatibility. Reach end. return Arrays.copyOfRange(buffer, start, end); } private String readStringInternal(byte expectedTag, Charset cs) throws IOException { if (tag != expectedTag) { throw new IOException("Incorrect string type " + tag + " is not " + expectedTag); } data.pos = data.end; // Compatibility. Reach end. return new String(buffer, start, end - start, cs); }
Returns an ASN.1 STRING value
Returns:the printable string held in this value
/** * Returns an ASN.1 STRING value * * @return the printable string held in this value */
public String getPrintableString() throws IOException { return readStringInternal(tag_PrintableString, US_ASCII); }
Returns an ASN.1 T61 (Teletype) STRING value
Returns:the teletype string held in this value
/** * Returns an ASN.1 T61 (Teletype) STRING value * * @return the teletype string held in this value */
public String getT61String() throws IOException { return readStringInternal(tag_T61String, ISO_8859_1); }
Returns an ASN.1 IA5 (ASCII) STRING value
Returns:the ASCII string held in this value
/** * Returns an ASN.1 IA5 (ASCII) STRING value * * @return the ASCII string held in this value */
public String getIA5String() throws IOException { return readStringInternal(tag_IA5String, US_ASCII); }
Returns the ASN.1 BMP (Unicode) STRING value as a Java string.
Returns:a string corresponding to the encoded BMPString held in this value
/** * Returns the ASN.1 BMP (Unicode) STRING value as a Java string. * * @return a string corresponding to the encoded BMPString held in * this value */
public String getBMPString() throws IOException { // BMPString is the same as Unicode in big endian, unmarked format. return readStringInternal(tag_BMPString, UTF_16BE); }
Returns the ASN.1 UTF-8 STRING value as a Java String.
Returns:a string corresponding to the encoded UTF8String held in this value
/** * Returns the ASN.1 UTF-8 STRING value as a Java String. * * @return a string corresponding to the encoded UTF8String held in * this value */
public String getUTF8String() throws IOException { return readStringInternal(tag_UTF8String, UTF_8); }
Returns the ASN.1 GENERAL STRING value as a Java String.
Returns:a string corresponding to the encoded GeneralString held in this value
/** * Returns the ASN.1 GENERAL STRING value as a Java String. * * @return a string corresponding to the encoded GeneralString held in * this value */
public String getGeneralString() throws IOException { return readStringInternal(tag_GeneralString, US_ASCII); }
Returns the ASN.1 UNIVERSAL (UTF-32) STRING value as a Java String.
Returns:a string corresponding to the encoded UniversalString held in this value
/** * Returns the ASN.1 UNIVERSAL (UTF-32) STRING value as a Java String. * * @return a string corresponding to the encoded UniversalString held in * this value */
public String getUniversalString() throws IOException { return readStringInternal(tag_UniversalString, new UTF_32BE()); }
Reads the ASN.1 NULL value
/** * Reads the ASN.1 NULL value */
public void getNull() throws IOException { if (tag != tag_Null) { throw new IOException("DerValue.getNull, not NULL: " + tag); } if (end != start) { throw new IOException("NULL should contain no data"); } }
Private helper routine to extract time from the der value.
  • generalized – true if Generalized Time is to be read, false if UTC Time is to be read.
/** * Private helper routine to extract time from the der value. * @param generalized true if Generalized Time is to be read, false * if UTC Time is to be read. */
private Date getTimeInternal(boolean generalized) throws IOException { /* * UTC time encoded as ASCII chars: * YYMMDDhhmmZ * YYMMDDhhmmssZ * YYMMDDhhmm+hhmm * YYMMDDhhmm-hhmm * YYMMDDhhmmss+hhmm * YYMMDDhhmmss-hhmm * UTC Time is broken in storing only two digits of year. * If YY < 50, we assume 20YY; * if YY >= 50, we assume 19YY, as per RFC 5280. * * Generalized time has a four-digit year and allows any * precision specified in ISO 8601. However, for our purposes, * we will only allow the same format as UTC time, except that * fractional seconds (millisecond precision) are supported. */ int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millis; String type; int pos = start; int len = end - start; if (generalized) { type = "Generalized"; year = 1000 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); year += 100 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); year += 10 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); year += toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); len -= 2; // For the two extra YY } else { type = "UTC"; year = 10 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); year += toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); if (year < 50) { // origin 2000 year += 2000; } else { year += 1900; // origin 1900 } } month = 10 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); month += toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); day = 10 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); day += toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); hour = 10 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); hour += toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); minute = 10 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); minute += toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); len -= 10; // YYMMDDhhmm /* * We allow for non-encoded seconds, even though the * IETF-PKIX specification says that the seconds should * always be encoded even if it is zero. */ millis = 0; if (len > 2) { second = 10 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); second += toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); len -= 2; // handle fractional seconds (if present) if (generalized && (buffer[pos] == '.' || buffer[pos] == ',')) { len --; if (len == 0) { throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, empty fractional part"); } pos++; int precision = 0; while (buffer[pos] != 'Z' && buffer[pos] != '+' && buffer[pos] != '-') { // Validate all digits in the fractional part but // store millisecond precision only int thisDigit = toDigit(buffer[pos], type); precision++; len--; if (len == 0) { throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, invalid fractional part"); } pos++; switch (precision) { case 1 -> millis += 100 * thisDigit; case 2 -> millis += 10 * thisDigit; case 3 -> millis += thisDigit; } } if (precision == 0) { throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, empty fractional part"); } } } else second = 0; if (month == 0 || day == 0 || month > 12 || day > 31 || hour >= 24 || minute >= 60 || second >= 60) { throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, invalid format"); } /* * Generalized time can theoretically allow any precision, * but we're not supporting that. */ CalendarSystem gcal = CalendarSystem.getGregorianCalendar(); CalendarDate date = gcal.newCalendarDate(null); // no time zone date.setDate(year, month, day); date.setTimeOfDay(hour, minute, second, millis); long time = gcal.getTime(date); /* * Finally, "Z" or "+hhmm" or "-hhmm" ... offsets change hhmm */ if (! (len == 1 || len == 5)) { throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, invalid offset"); } int hr, min; switch (buffer[pos++]) { case '+': if (len != 5) { throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, invalid offset"); } hr = 10 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); hr += toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); min = 10 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); min += toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); if (hr >= 24 || min >= 60) { throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, +hhmm"); } time -= ((hr * 60) + min) * 60 * 1000; break; case '-': if (len != 5) { throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, invalid offset"); } hr = 10 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); hr += toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); min = 10 * toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); min += toDigit(buffer[pos++], type); if (hr >= 24 || min >= 60) { throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, -hhmm"); } time += ((hr * 60) + min) * 60 * 1000; break; case 'Z': if (len != 1) { throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, invalid format"); } break; default: throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, garbage offset"); } return new Date(time); }
Converts byte (represented as a char) to int.
  • IOException – if integer is not a valid digit in the specified radix (10)
/** * Converts byte (represented as a char) to int. * @throws IOException if integer is not a valid digit in the specified * radix (10) */
private static int toDigit(byte b, String type) throws IOException { if (b < '0' || b > '9') { throw new IOException("Parse " + type + " time, invalid format"); } return b - '0'; }
Returns a Date if the DerValue is UtcTime.
Returns:the Date held in this DER value
/** * Returns a Date if the DerValue is UtcTime. * * @return the Date held in this DER value */
public Date getUTCTime() throws IOException { if (tag != tag_UtcTime) { throw new IOException("DerValue.getUTCTime, not a UtcTime: " + tag); } if (end - start < 11 || end - start > 17) throw new IOException("DER UTC Time length error"); data.pos = data.end; // Compatibility. Reach end. return getTimeInternal(false); }
Returns a Date if the DerValue is GeneralizedTime.
Returns:the Date held in this DER value
/** * Returns a Date if the DerValue is GeneralizedTime. * * @return the Date held in this DER value */
public Date getGeneralizedTime() throws IOException { if (tag != tag_GeneralizedTime) { throw new IOException( "DerValue.getGeneralizedTime, not a GeneralizedTime: " + tag); } if (end - start < 13) throw new IOException("DER Generalized Time length error"); data.pos = data.end; // Compatibility. Reach end. return getTimeInternal(true); }
Bitwise equality comparison. DER encoded values have a single encoding, so that bitwise equality of the encoded values is an efficient way to establish equivalence of the unencoded values.
  • o – the object being compared with this one
/** * Bitwise equality comparison. DER encoded values have a single * encoding, so that bitwise equality of the encoded values is an * efficient way to establish equivalence of the unencoded values. * * @param o the object being compared with this one */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof DerValue)) { return false; } DerValue other = (DerValue) o; if (tag != other.tag) { return false; } if (buffer == other.buffer && start == other.start && end == other.end) { return true; } return Arrays.equals(buffer, start, end, other.buffer, other.start, other.end); }
Returns a printable representation of the value.
Returns:printable representation of the value
/** * Returns a printable representation of the value. * * @return printable representation of the value */
@Override public String toString() { return String.format("DerValue(%02x, %s, %d, %d)", 0xff & tag, buffer, start, end); }
Returns a DER-encoded value, such that if it's passed to the DerValue constructor, a value equivalent to "this" is returned.
Returns:DER-encoded value, including tag and length.
/** * Returns a DER-encoded value, such that if it's passed to the * DerValue constructor, a value equivalent to "this" is returned. * * @return DER-encoded value, including tag and length. */
public byte[] toByteArray() throws IOException { DerOutputStream out = new DerOutputStream(); encode(out); data.pos = data.start; // encode go last, should go back return out.toByteArray(); }
For "set" and "sequence" types, this function may be used to return a DER stream of the members of the set or sequence. This operation is not supported for primitive types such as integers or bit strings.
/** * For "set" and "sequence" types, this function may be used * to return a DER stream of the members of the set or sequence. * This operation is not supported for primitive types such as * integers or bit strings. */
public DerInputStream toDerInputStream() throws IOException { if (tag == tag_Sequence || tag == tag_Set) return data; throw new IOException("toDerInputStream rejects tag type " + tag); }
Get the length of the encoded value.
/** * Get the length of the encoded value. */
public int length() { return end - start; }
Determine if a character is one of the permissible characters for PrintableString: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, apostrophe (39), left and right parentheses, plus sign, comma, hyphen, period, slash, colon, equals sign, and question mark. Characters that are *not* allowed in PrintableString include exclamation point, quotation mark, number sign, dollar sign, percent sign, ampersand, asterisk, semicolon, less than sign, greater than sign, at sign, left and right square brackets, backslash, circumflex (94), underscore, back quote (96), left and right curly brackets, vertical line, tilde, and the control codes (0-31 and 127). This list is based on X.680 (the ASN.1 spec).
/** * Determine if a character is one of the permissible characters for * PrintableString: * A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, apostrophe (39), left and right parentheses, * plus sign, comma, hyphen, period, slash, colon, equals sign, * and question mark. * * Characters that are *not* allowed in PrintableString include * exclamation point, quotation mark, number sign, dollar sign, * percent sign, ampersand, asterisk, semicolon, less than sign, * greater than sign, at sign, left and right square brackets, * backslash, circumflex (94), underscore, back quote (96), * left and right curly brackets, vertical line, tilde, * and the control codes (0-31 and 127). * * This list is based on X.680 (the ASN.1 spec). */
public static boolean isPrintableStringChar(char ch) { if ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) { return true; } else { switch (ch) { case ' ': /* space */ case '\'': /* apostrophe */ case '(': /* left paren */ case ')': /* right paren */ case '+': /* plus */ case ',': /* comma */ case '-': /* hyphen */ case '.': /* period */ case '/': /* slash */ case ':': /* colon */ case '=': /* equals */ case '?': /* question mark */ return true; default: return false; } } }
Create the tag of the attribute.
  • tagClass – the tag class type, one of UNIVERSAL, CONTEXT, APPLICATION or PRIVATE
  • form – if true, the value is constructed, otherwise it is primitive.
  • val – the tag value
/** * Create the tag of the attribute. * * @param tagClass the tag class type, one of UNIVERSAL, CONTEXT, * APPLICATION or PRIVATE * @param form if true, the value is constructed, otherwise it * is primitive. * @param val the tag value */
public static byte createTag(byte tagClass, boolean form, byte val) { byte tag = (byte)(tagClass | val); if (form) { tag |= (byte)0x20; } return (tag); }
Set the tag of the attribute. Commonly used to reset the tag value used for IMPLICIT encodings. This method should be avoided, consider using withTag() instead.
  • tag – the tag value
/** * Set the tag of the attribute. Commonly used to reset the * tag value used for IMPLICIT encodings. * * This method should be avoided, consider using withTag() instead. * * @param tag the tag value */
public void resetTag(byte tag) { this.tag = tag; }
Returns a new DerValue with a different tag. This method is used to convert a DerValue decoded from an IMPLICIT encoding to its real tag. The content is not checked against the tag in this method.
  • newTag – the new tag
Returns:a new DerValue
/** * Returns a new DerValue with a different tag. This method is used * to convert a DerValue decoded from an IMPLICIT encoding to its real * tag. The content is not checked against the tag in this method. * * @param newTag the new tag * @return a new DerValue */
public DerValue withTag(byte newTag) { return new DerValue(newTag, buffer, start, end, allowBER); }
Returns a hashcode for this DerValue.
Returns:a hashcode for this DerValue.
/** * Returns a hashcode for this DerValue. * * @return a hashcode for this DerValue. */
@Override public int hashCode() { int result = tag; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { result = 31 * result + buffer[i]; } return result; }
Reads the sub-values in a constructed DerValue.
  • expectedTag – the expected tag, or zero if we don't check. This is useful when this DerValue is IMPLICIT.
  • startLen – estimated number of sub-values
Returns:the sub-values in an array
/** * Reads the sub-values in a constructed DerValue. * * @param expectedTag the expected tag, or zero if we don't check. * This is useful when this DerValue is IMPLICIT. * @param startLen estimated number of sub-values * @return the sub-values in an array */
DerValue[] subs(byte expectedTag, int startLen) throws IOException { if (expectedTag != 0 && expectedTag != tag) { throw new IOException("Not the correct tag"); } List<DerValue> result = new ArrayList<>(startLen); DerInputStream dis = data(); while (dis.available() > 0) { result.add(dis.getDerValue()); } return result.toArray(new DerValue[0]); } }