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package jdk.incubator.vector;

import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline;
import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;

abstract class AbstractSpecies<E> extends jdk.internal.vm.vector.VectorSupport.VectorSpecies<E>
                                  implements VectorSpecies<E> {
    final VectorShape vectorShape;
    final LaneType laneType;
    final int laneCount;
    final int laneCountLog2P1;
    final Class<? extends AbstractVector<E>> vectorType;
    final Class<? extends AbstractMask<E>> maskType;
    final Function<Object, ? extends AbstractVector<E>> vectorFactory;

    final VectorShape indexShape;
    final int maxScale, minScale;
    final int vectorBitSize, vectorByteSize;

    AbstractSpecies(VectorShape vectorShape,
                    LaneType laneType,
                    Class<? extends AbstractVector<E>> vectorType,
                    Class<? extends AbstractMask<E>> maskType,
                    Function<Object, ? extends AbstractVector<E>> vectorFactory) {
        this.vectorShape = vectorShape;
        this.laneType = laneType;
        this.vectorType = vectorType;
        this.maskType = maskType;
        this.vectorFactory = vectorFactory;

        // derived values:
        int bitSize = vectorShape.vectorBitSize();
        int byteSize = bitSize / Byte.SIZE;
        assert(byteSize * 8 == bitSize);
        this.vectorBitSize = bitSize;
        this.vectorByteSize = byteSize;
        int elementSize = laneType.elementSize;
        this.laneCount = bitSize / elementSize;
        assert(laneCount > 0);  // could be 1 for mono-vector (double in v64)
        this.laneCountLog2P1 = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(laneCount) + 1;

        // Note:  The shape might be the max-shape,
        // if there is no vector this large.
        int indexBitSize = Integer.SIZE * laneCount;
        this.indexShape = VectorShape.forIndexBitSize(indexBitSize, elementSize);

        // What are the largest and smallest scale factors that,
        // when multiplied times the elements in [0..VLENGTH],
        // inclusive, do not overflow the ETYPE?
        int precision = laneType.elementPrecision;
        if (precision >= Integer.SIZE) {
            // No overflow possible from int*int.
            this.maxScale = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            this.minScale = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        } else {
            boolean isfp = (laneType.elementKind == 'F');
            long x = laneCount;
            long maxScale = ((1L << precision)-(isfp?0:1)) / x;
            long minScale = (-1L << precision) / x;
            this.maxScale = (int) maxScale;
            this.minScale = (int) minScale;

    @Stable //lazy JIT constant
    AbstractSpecies<Integer> indexSpecies;

    @Stable //lazy JIT constant
    AbstractShuffle<Byte> swapBytesShuffle;

    @Stable //lazy JIT constant
    AbstractVector<E> dummyVector;

    public final int length() {
        return laneCount;

    // Inside the implementation we use the more descriptive
    // term laneCount:

    final int laneCount() {
        return laneCount;

    final int laneCountLog2() {
        return laneCountLog2P1 - 1;  // subtract one from stable value

    public Class<E> elementType() {
        return (Class<E>) laneType.elementType;

    // FIXME: appeal to general method (see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6176992)
    // replace usages of this method and remove
    Class<E> genericElementType() {
        return (Class<E>) laneType.genericElementType;

    public Class<? extends AbstractVector<E>> vectorType() {
        return vectorType;

    public final Class<? extends AbstractMask<E>> maskType() {
        return maskType;

    public final int elementSize() {
        return laneType.elementSize;

    final int elementByteSize() {
        return laneType.elementSize / Byte.SIZE;

    public final VectorShape vectorShape() {
        return vectorShape;

    final VectorShape indexShape() {
        return indexShape;

    public final int vectorBitSize() {
        return vectorBitSize;

    public final int vectorByteSize() {
        return vectorByteSize;

    public final int loopBound(int length) {
        return VectorIntrinsics.roundDown(length, laneCount);

    public final VectorMask<E> indexInRange(int offset, int limit) {
        return maskAll(true).indexInRange(offset, limit);

    public final <F> VectorSpecies<F> withLanes(Class<F> newType) {
        return withLanes(LaneType.of(newType)).check(newType);

    AbstractSpecies<?> withLanes(LaneType newType) {
        if (newType == laneType)  return this;
        return findSpecies(newType, vectorShape);

    AbstractSpecies<?> asIntegral() {
        return withLanes(laneType.asIntegral());

    AbstractSpecies<?> asFloating() {
        return withLanes(laneType.asFloating());

    public final VectorSpecies<E> withShape(VectorShape newShape) {
        if (newShape == vectorShape)  return this;
        return (VectorSpecies<E>) findSpecies(laneType, newShape);

    AbstractSpecies<Integer> indexSpecies() {
        // This JITs to a constant value:
        AbstractSpecies<Integer> sp = indexSpecies;
        if (sp != null)  return sp;
        return indexSpecies = findSpecies(LaneType.INT, indexShape).check0(int.class);

    AbstractSpecies<Byte> byteSpecies() {
        // This JITs to a constant value:
        return (AbstractSpecies<Byte>) withLanes(LaneType.BYTE);

    AbstractShuffle<Byte> swapBytesShuffle() {
        // This JITs to a constant value:
        AbstractShuffle<Byte> sh = swapBytesShuffle;
        if (sh != null)  return sh;
        return swapBytesShuffle = makeSwapBytesShuffle();
    private AbstractShuffle<Byte> makeSwapBytesShuffle() {
        int vbytes = vectorByteSize();
        int lbytes = elementByteSize();
        int[] sourceIndexes = new int[vbytes];
        for (int i = 0; i < vbytes; i++) {
            sourceIndexes[i] = i ^ (lbytes-1);
        return (AbstractShuffle<Byte>)
            VectorShuffle.fromValues(byteSpecies(), sourceIndexes);
    abstract Vector<E> fromIntValues(int[] values);

Do not use a dummy except to call methods on it when you don't care about the lane values. The main benefit of it is to populate the type profile, which then allows the JIT to derive constant values for dummy.species(), the current species, and then for all of its attributes: ETYPE, VLENGTH, VSHAPE, etc.
/** * Do not use a dummy except to call methods on it when you don't * care about the lane values. The main benefit of it is to * populate the type profile, which then allows the JIT to derive * constant values for dummy.species(), the current species, and * then for all of its attributes: ETYPE, VLENGTH, VSHAPE, etc. */
@ForceInline /*package-private*/ AbstractVector<E> dummyVector() { // This JITs to a constant value: AbstractVector<E> dummy = dummyVector; if (dummy != null) return dummy; // The rest of this computation is probably not JIT-ted. return makeDummyVector(); } private AbstractVector<E> makeDummyVector() { Object za = Array.newInstance(elementType(), laneCount); return dummyVector = vectorFactory.apply(za); // This is the only use of vectorFactory. // All other factory requests are routed // through the dummy vector. }
Build a mask by directly calling its constructor. It is an error if the array is aliased elsewhere.
/** * Build a mask by directly calling its constructor. * It is an error if the array is aliased elsewhere. */
@ForceInline /*package-private*/ AbstractMask<E> maskFactory(boolean[] bits) { return dummyVector().maskFromArray(bits); } public final @Override @ForceInline VectorShuffle<E> shuffleFromArray(int[] sourceIndexes, int offset) { return dummyVector().shuffleFromArray(sourceIndexes, offset); } public final @Override @ForceInline VectorShuffle<E> shuffleFromValues(int... sourceIndexes) { return dummyVector().shuffleFromArray(sourceIndexes, 0); } public final @Override @ForceInline VectorShuffle<E> shuffleFromOp(IntUnaryOperator fn) { return dummyVector().shuffleFromOp(fn); } public final @Override @ForceInline VectorShuffle<E> iotaShuffle(int start, int step, boolean wrap) { AbstractShuffle<E> res; if (start == 0 && step == 1) return dummyVector().iotaShuffle(); else return dummyVector().iotaShuffle(start, step, wrap); } @ForceInline @Override public final Vector<E> fromByteArray(byte[] a, int offset, ByteOrder bo) { return dummyVector() .fromByteArray0(a, offset) .maybeSwap(bo); } @Override public VectorMask<E> loadMask(boolean[] bits, int offset) { return VectorMask.fromArray(this, bits, offset); } // Define zero and iota when we know the ETYPE and VSHAPE. public abstract AbstractVector<E> zero(); /*package-private*/ abstract AbstractVector<E> iota(); // Constructing vectors from raw bits. /*package-private*/ abstract long longToElementBits(long e); /*package-private*/ abstract AbstractVector<E> broadcastBits(long bits); /*package-private*/ final IllegalArgumentException badElementBits(long iv, Object cv) { String msg = String.format("Vector creation failed: "+ "value %s cannot be represented in ETYPE %s"+ "; result of cast is %s", iv, elementType(), cv); return new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } /*package-private*/ static final IllegalArgumentException badArrayBits(Object iv, boolean isInt, long cv) { String msg = String.format("Array creation failed: "+ "lane value %s cannot be represented in %s"+ "; result of cast is %s", iv, (isInt ? "int" : "long"), cv); return new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } /*package-private*/ Object iotaArray() { // Create an iota array. It's OK if this is really slow, // because it happens only once per species. Object ia = Array.newInstance(laneType.elementType, laneCount); assert(ia.getClass() == laneType.arrayType); checkValue(laneCount-1); // worst case for (int i = 0; i < laneCount; i++) { if ((byte)i == i) Array.setByte(ia, i, (byte)i); else if ((short)i == i) Array.setShort(ia, i, (short)i); else Array.setInt(ia, i, i); assert(Array.getDouble(ia, i) == i); } return ia; } @ForceInline /*package-private*/ void checkScale(int scale) { if (scale > 0) { if (scale <= maxScale) return; } else { // scale <= 0 if (scale >= minScale) return; } throw checkScaleFailed(scale); } private IllegalArgumentException checkScaleFailed(int scale) { String msg = String.format("%s: cannot represent VLENGTH*%d", this, scale); return new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } /*package-private*/ interface RVOp { long apply(int i); // supply raw element bits } /*package-private*/ abstract AbstractVector<E> rvOp(RVOp f); /*package-private*/ interface FOpm { boolean apply(int i); } AbstractMask<E> opm(FOpm f) { boolean[] res = new boolean[laneCount]; for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { res[i] = f.apply(i); } return dummyVector().maskFromArray(res); } @Override @ForceInline public final <F> VectorSpecies<F> check(Class<F> elementType) { return check0(elementType); } @ForceInline @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") /*package-private*/ final <F> AbstractSpecies<F> check0(Class<F> elementType) { if (elementType != this.elementType()) { throw AbstractSpecies.checkFailed(this, elementType); } return (AbstractSpecies<F>) this; } @ForceInline /*package-private*/ AbstractSpecies<E> check(LaneType laneType) { if (laneType != this.laneType) { throw AbstractSpecies.checkFailed(this, laneType); } return this; } @Override @ForceInline public int partLimit(VectorSpecies<?> toSpecies, boolean lanewise) { AbstractSpecies<?> rsp = (AbstractSpecies<?>) toSpecies; int inSizeLog2 = this.vectorShape.vectorBitSizeLog2; int outSizeLog2 = rsp.vectorShape.vectorBitSizeLog2; if (lanewise) { inSizeLog2 += (rsp.laneType.elementSizeLog2 - this.laneType.elementSizeLog2); } int diff = (inSizeLog2 - outSizeLog2); // Let's try a branch-free version of this. int sign = (diff >> -1); //d = Math.abs(diff); //d = (sign == 0 ? diff : sign == -1 ? 1 + ~diff); int d = (diff ^ sign) - sign; // Compute sgn(diff) << abs(diff), but replace 1 by 0. return ((sign | 1) << d) & ~1; }
Helper for throwing CheckCastExceptions, used by the various Vector*.check(*) methods.
/** * Helper for throwing CheckCastExceptions, * used by the various Vector*.check(*) methods. */
/*package-private*/ static ClassCastException checkFailed(Object what, Object required) { // Find a species for the thing that's failing. AbstractSpecies<?> whatSpecies = null; String where; if (what instanceof VectorSpecies) { whatSpecies = (AbstractSpecies<?>) what; where = whatSpecies.toString(); } else if (what instanceof Vector) { whatSpecies = (AbstractSpecies<?>) ((Vector<?>) what).species(); where = "a Vector<"+whatSpecies.genericElementType()+">"; } else if (what instanceof VectorMask) { whatSpecies = (AbstractSpecies<?>) ((VectorMask<?>) what).vectorSpecies(); where = "a VectorMask<"+whatSpecies.genericElementType()+">"; } else if (what instanceof VectorShuffle) { whatSpecies = (AbstractSpecies<?>) ((VectorShuffle<?>) what).vectorSpecies(); where = "a VectorShuffle<"+whatSpecies.genericElementType()+">"; } else { where = what.toString(); } Object found = null; if (whatSpecies != null) { if (required instanceof VectorSpecies) { // required is a VectorSpecies; found the wrong species found = whatSpecies; } else if (required instanceof Vector) { // same VectorSpecies required; found the wrong species found = whatSpecies; required = ((Vector<?>)required).species(); } else if (required instanceof Class) { // required is a Class; found the wrong ETYPE Class<?> requiredClass = (Class<?>) required; LaneType requiredType = LaneType.forClassOrNull(requiredClass); found = whatSpecies.elementType(); if (requiredType == null) { required = required + " (not a valid lane type)"; } else if (!requiredClass.isPrimitive()) { required = required + " (should be " + requiredType + ")"; } } else if (required instanceof LaneType) { // required is a LaneType; found the wrong ETYPE required = ((LaneType) required).elementType; found = whatSpecies.elementType(); } else if (required instanceof Integer) { // required is a length; species has wrong VLENGTH required = required + " lanes"; found = whatSpecies.length(); } } if (found == null) found = "bad value"; String msg = where+": required "+required+" but found "+found; return new ClassCastException(msg); } private static final @Stable AbstractSpecies<?>[][] CACHES = new AbstractSpecies<?>[LaneType.SK_LIMIT][VectorShape.SK_LIMIT]; // Helper functions for finding species: /*package-private*/ @ForceInline static <E> AbstractSpecies<E> findSpecies(Class<E> elementType, LaneType laneType, VectorShape shape) { assert(elementType == laneType.elementType); return findSpecies(laneType, shape).check0(elementType); } /*package-private*/ @ForceInline static AbstractSpecies<?> findSpecies(LaneType laneType, VectorShape shape) { // The JIT can see into this cache. // Therefore it is useful to arrange for constant // arguments to this method. If the cache // is full when the JIT runs, the cache item becomes // a compile-time constant. And then all the @Stable // fields of the AbstractSpecies are also constants. AbstractSpecies<?> s = CACHES[laneType.switchKey][shape.switchKey]; if (s != null) return s; return computeSpecies(laneType, shape); } private static AbstractSpecies<?> computeSpecies(LaneType laneType, VectorShape shape) { AbstractSpecies<?> s = null; // enum-switches don't optimize properly JDK-8161245 switch (laneType.switchKey) { case LaneType.SK_FLOAT: s = FloatVector.species(shape); break; case LaneType.SK_DOUBLE: s = DoubleVector.species(shape); break; case LaneType.SK_BYTE: s = ByteVector.species(shape); break; case LaneType.SK_SHORT: s = ShortVector.species(shape); break; case LaneType.SK_INT: s = IntVector.species(shape); break; case LaneType.SK_LONG: s = LongVector.species(shape); break; } if (s == null) { // NOTE: The result of this method is guaranteed to be // non-null. Later calls to ".check" also ensure this. // If this method hits a NPE, it is because a helper // method EVector.species() has returned a null value, and // that is because a SPECIES_X static constant has not yet // been initialized. And that, in turn, is because // somebody is calling this method way too early during // bootstrapping. throw new AssertionError("bootstrap problem"); } assert(s.laneType == laneType) : s + "!=" + laneType; assert(s.vectorShape == shape) : s + "!=" + shape; CACHES[laneType.switchKey][shape.switchKey] = s; return s; } @Override public final String toString() { return "Species["+laneType+", "+laneCount+", "+vectorShape+"]"; } @Override public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof AbstractSpecies) { AbstractSpecies<?> that = (AbstractSpecies<?>) obj; return (this.laneType == that.laneType && this.laneCount == that.laneCount && this.vectorShape == that.vectorShape); } return this == obj; }
Returns a hash code value for the shuffle, based on the lane source indexes and the vector species.
Returns: a hash code value for this shuffle
/** * Returns a hash code value for the shuffle, * based on the lane source indexes and the vector species. * * @return a hash code value for this shuffle */
@Override public final int hashCode() { int[] a = { laneType.ordinal(), laneCount, vectorShape.ordinal() }; return Arrays.hashCode(a); } }