 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package org.graalvm.compiler.replacements;

import static java.util.FormattableFlags.ALTERNATE;
import static jdk.vm.ci.services.Services.IS_IN_NATIVE_IMAGE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext.applyFormattingFlagsAndWidth;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugOptions.DebugStubsAndSnippets;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.graph.iterators.NodePredicates.isNotA;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeCycles.CYCLES_IGNORED;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeSize.SIZE_IGNORED;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.DeadCodeEliminationPhase.Optionality.Required;
import static jdk.internal.vm.compiler.word.LocationIdentity.any;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Formattable;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicMap;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicSet;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.Equivalence;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.MapCursor;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.UnmodifiableEconomicMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Snippet;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Snippet.ConstantParameter;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Snippet.VarargsParameter;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.SnippetReflectionProvider;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.Stamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.StampFactory;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.StampPair;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.TypeReference;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Assertions;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.CounterKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext.Builder;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext.Description;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugHandlersFactory;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.TimerKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph.Mark;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node.NodeIntrinsic;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeClass;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeSourcePosition;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Position;
import org.graalvm.compiler.loop.LoopEx;
import org.graalvm.compiler.loop.LoopsData;
import org.graalvm.compiler.loop.phases.LoopTransformations;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.InputType;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeInfo;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractBeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractMergeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ControlSinkNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.DeoptBciSupplier;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.DeoptimizingNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.DeoptimizingNode.DeoptBefore;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.EndNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedWithNextNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FrameState;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.InliningLog;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopBeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopExitNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.MergeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.NodeView;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ParameterNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.PhiNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.PiNode.Placeholder;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.PiNode.PlaceholderStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ReturnNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StartNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StateSplit;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph.GuardsStage;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.UnreachableControlSinkNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.UnwindNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNodeUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValuePhiNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.VirtualState.NodePositionClosure;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.WithExceptionNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.FloatingNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.AbstractBoxingNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.AbstractNewObjectNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.ExceptionObjectNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.LoadIndexedNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.MethodCallTargetNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.StoreIndexedNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.MemoryAccess;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.MemoryAnchorNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.MemoryKill;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.MemoryMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.MemoryMapNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.MemoryPhiNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.MultiMemoryKill;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.SingleMemoryKill;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.ArrayLengthProvider;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.CoreProviders;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.LoweringTool;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.MemoryEdgeProxy;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.SnippetParameterInfo;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.util.GraphUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.PhaseSuite;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.CanonicalizerPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.DeadCodeEliminationPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.FloatingReadPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.FloatingReadPhase.MemoryMapImpl;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.GuardLoweringPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.IncrementalCanonicalizerPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.IterativeConditionalEliminationPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.LoweringPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.RemoveValueProxyPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.SnippetFrameStateAssignment;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.SnippetFrameStateAssignment.NodeStateAssignment;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.SnippetFrameStateAssignment.SnippetFrameStateAssignmentClosure;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.WriteBarrierAdditionPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.InliningUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.graph.ReentrantNodeIterator;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.schedule.SchedulePhase.SchedulingStrategy;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.util.Providers;
import org.graalvm.compiler.replacements.nodes.ExplodeLoopNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.replacements.nodes.LoadSnippetVarargParameterNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.virtual.phases.ea.PartialEscapePhase;
import org.graalvm.util.CollectionsUtil;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.word.LocationIdentity;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.word.WordBase;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.TargetDescription;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Constant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ConstantReflectionProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Local;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.MetaAccessProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Signature;

A snippet template is a graph created by parsing a snippet method and then specialized by binding constants to the snippet's ConstantParameter parameters. Snippet templates can be managed in a cache maintained by AbstractTemplates.
/** * A snippet template is a graph created by parsing a snippet method and then specialized by binding * constants to the snippet's {@link ConstantParameter} parameters. * * Snippet templates can be managed in a cache maintained by {@link AbstractTemplates}. */
public class SnippetTemplate { private boolean mayRemoveLocation = false;
Holds the ResolvedJavaMethod of the snippet, together with some information about the method that needs to be computed only once. The SnippetInfo should be created once per snippet and then cached.
/** * Holds the {@link ResolvedJavaMethod} of the snippet, together with some information about the * method that needs to be computed only once. The {@link SnippetInfo} should be created once * per snippet and then cached. */
public abstract static class SnippetInfo { protected final ResolvedJavaMethod method; protected final ResolvedJavaMethod original; protected final LocationIdentity[] privateLocations; protected final Object receiver; public Object getReceiver() { return receiver; } boolean hasReceiver() { assert hasReceiver(method) == (receiver != null) : "Snippet with the receiver must have it set as constant. Snippet: " + this; return hasReceiver(method); } static boolean hasReceiver(ResolvedJavaMethod method) { return method.hasReceiver(); }
Times instantiations of all templates derived from this snippet.
/** * Times instantiations of all templates derived from this snippet. */
private final TimerKey instantiationTimer;
Counts instantiations of all templates derived from this snippet.
/** * Counts instantiations of all templates derived from this snippet. */
private final CounterKey instantiationCounter; protected abstract SnippetParameterInfo info(); protected SnippetInfo(ResolvedJavaMethod method, ResolvedJavaMethod original, LocationIdentity[] privateLocations, Object receiver) { this.method = method; this.original = original; this.privateLocations = privateLocations; instantiationCounter = DebugContext.counter("SnippetInstantiationCount[%s]", method.getName()); instantiationTimer = DebugContext.timer("SnippetInstantiationTime[%s]", method.getName()); this.receiver = receiver; } public ResolvedJavaMethod getMethod() { return method; } public int getParameterCount() { return info().getParameterCount(); } public boolean isConstantParameter(int paramIdx) { return info().isConstantParameter(paramIdx); } public boolean isVarargsParameter(int paramIdx) { return info().isVarargsParameter(paramIdx); } public boolean isNonNullParameter(int paramIdx) { return info().isNonNullParameter(paramIdx); } public String getParameterName(int paramIdx) { return info().getParameterName(paramIdx); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + ":" + method.format("%h.%n"); } } protected static class LazySnippetInfo extends SnippetInfo { protected final AtomicReference<SnippetParameterInfo> lazy = new AtomicReference<>(null); protected LazySnippetInfo(ResolvedJavaMethod method, ResolvedJavaMethod original, LocationIdentity[] privateLocations, Object receiver) { super(method, original, privateLocations, receiver); } @Override protected SnippetParameterInfo info() { if (lazy.get() == null) { lazy.compareAndSet(null, new SnippetParameterInfo(method)); } return lazy.get(); } } protected static class EagerSnippetInfo extends SnippetInfo { protected final SnippetParameterInfo snippetParameterInfo; protected EagerSnippetInfo(ResolvedJavaMethod method, ResolvedJavaMethod original, LocationIdentity[] privateLocations, Object receiver, SnippetParameterInfo snippetParameterInfo) { super(method, original, privateLocations, receiver); this.snippetParameterInfo = snippetParameterInfo; } @Override protected SnippetParameterInfo info() { return snippetParameterInfo; } }
Values that are bound to the snippet method parameters. The methods add, addConst, and addVarargs must be called in the same order as in the signature of the snippet method. The parameter name is passed to the add methods for assertion checking, i.e., to enforce that the order matches. Which method needs to be called depends on the annotation of the snippet method parameter:
/** * Values that are bound to the snippet method parameters. The methods {@link #add}, * {@link #addConst}, and {@link #addVarargs} must be called in the same order as in the * signature of the snippet method. The parameter name is passed to the add methods for * assertion checking, i.e., to enforce that the order matches. Which method needs to be called * depends on the annotation of the snippet method parameter: * <ul> * <li>Use {@link #add} for a parameter without an annotation. The value is bound when the * {@link SnippetTemplate} is {@link SnippetTemplate#instantiate instantiated}. * <li>Use {@link #addConst} for a parameter annotated with {@link ConstantParameter}. The value * is bound when the {@link SnippetTemplate} is {@link SnippetTemplate#SnippetTemplate created}. * <li>Use {@link #addVarargs} for an array parameter annotated with {@link VarargsParameter}. A * separate {@link SnippetTemplate} is {@link SnippetTemplate#SnippetTemplate created} for every * distinct array length. The actual values are bound when the {@link SnippetTemplate} is * {@link SnippetTemplate#instantiate instantiated} * </ul> */
public static class Arguments implements Formattable { protected final SnippetInfo info; protected final CacheKey cacheKey; protected final Object[] values; protected final Stamp[] constStamps; protected boolean cacheable; protected int nextParamIdx; public Arguments(SnippetInfo info, GuardsStage guardsStage, LoweringTool.LoweringStage loweringStage) { this.info = info; this.cacheKey = new CacheKey(info, guardsStage, loweringStage); this.values = new Object[info.getParameterCount()]; this.constStamps = new Stamp[info.getParameterCount()]; this.cacheable = true; if (info.hasReceiver()) { addConst("this", info.getReceiver()); } } public Arguments add(String name, Object value) { assert check(name, false, false); values[nextParamIdx] = value; nextParamIdx++; return this; } public Arguments addConst(String name, Object value) { assert value != null; return addConst(name, value, null); } public Arguments addConst(String name, Object value, Stamp stamp) { assert check(name, true, false); values[nextParamIdx] = value; constStamps[nextParamIdx] = stamp; cacheKey.setParam(nextParamIdx, value); nextParamIdx++; return this; } public Arguments addVarargs(String name, Class<?> componentType, Stamp argStamp, Object value) { assert check(name, false, true); Varargs varargs = new Varargs(componentType, argStamp, value); values[nextParamIdx] = varargs; // A separate template is necessary for every distinct array length cacheKey.setParam(nextParamIdx, varargs.length); nextParamIdx++; return this; } public void setCacheable(boolean cacheable) { this.cacheable = cacheable; } private boolean check(String name, boolean constParam, boolean varargsParam) { assert nextParamIdx < info.getParameterCount() : "too many parameters: " + name + " " + this; assert info.getParameterName(nextParamIdx) == null || info.getParameterName(nextParamIdx).equals(name) : "wrong parameter name at " + nextParamIdx + " : " + name + " " + this; assert constParam == info.isConstantParameter(nextParamIdx) : "Parameter " + (constParam ? "not " : "") + "annotated with @" + ConstantParameter.class.getSimpleName() + ": " + name + " " + this; assert varargsParam == info.isVarargsParameter(nextParamIdx) : "Parameter " + (varargsParam ? "not " : "") + "annotated with @" + VarargsParameter.class.getSimpleName() + ": " + name + " " + this; return true; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("Parameters<").append(info.method.format("%h.%n")).append(" ["); String sep = ""; for (int i = 0; i < info.getParameterCount(); i++) { result.append(sep); if (info.isConstantParameter(i)) { result.append("const "); } else if (info.isVarargsParameter(i)) { result.append("varargs "); } result.append(info.getParameterName(i)).append(" = ").append(values[i]); sep = ", "; } result.append(">"); return result.toString(); } @Override public void formatTo(Formatter formatter, int flags, int width, int precision) { if ((flags & ALTERNATE) == 0) { formatter.format(applyFormattingFlagsAndWidth(toString(), flags, width)); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(info.method.getName()).append('('); String sep = ""; for (int i = 0; i < info.getParameterCount(); i++) { if (info.isConstantParameter(i)) { sb.append(sep); if (info.getParameterName(i) != null) { sb.append(info.getParameterName(i)); } else { sb.append(i); } sb.append('=').append(values[i]); sep = ", "; } } sb.append(")"); String string = sb.toString(); if (string.indexOf('%') != -1) { // Quote any % signs string = string.replace("%", "%%"); } formatter.format(applyFormattingFlagsAndWidth(string, flags & ~ALTERNATE, width)); } } }
Wrapper for the prototype value of a varargs parameter.
/** * Wrapper for the prototype value of a {@linkplain VarargsParameter varargs} parameter. */
static class Varargs { protected final Class<?> componentType; protected final Stamp stamp; protected final Object value; protected final int length; protected Varargs(Class<?> componentType, Stamp stamp, Object value) { this.componentType = componentType; this.stamp = stamp; this.value = value; if (value instanceof List) { this.length = ((List<?>) value).size(); } else { this.length = Array.getLength(value); } } @Override public String toString() { if (value instanceof boolean[]) { return Arrays.toString((boolean[]) value); } if (value instanceof byte[]) { return Arrays.toString((byte[]) value); } if (value instanceof char[]) { return Arrays.toString((char[]) value); } if (value instanceof short[]) { return Arrays.toString((short[]) value); } if (value instanceof int[]) { return Arrays.toString((int[]) value); } if (value instanceof long[]) { return Arrays.toString((long[]) value); } if (value instanceof float[]) { return Arrays.toString((float[]) value); } if (value instanceof double[]) { return Arrays.toString((double[]) value); } if (value instanceof Object[]) { return Arrays.toString((Object[]) value); } return String.valueOf(value); } } @NodeInfo(cycles = CYCLES_IGNORED, size = SIZE_IGNORED) static final class VarargsPlaceholderNode extends FloatingNode implements ArrayLengthProvider { public static final NodeClass<VarargsPlaceholderNode> TYPE = NodeClass.create(VarargsPlaceholderNode.class); protected final Varargs varargs; protected VarargsPlaceholderNode(Varargs varargs, MetaAccessProvider metaAccess) { super(TYPE, StampFactory.objectNonNull(TypeReference.createExactTrusted(metaAccess.lookupJavaType(varargs.componentType).getArrayClass()))); this.varargs = varargs; } @Override public ValueNode findLength(FindLengthMode mode, ConstantReflectionProvider constantReflection) { return ConstantNode.forInt(varargs.length); } } static class CacheKey { private final ResolvedJavaMethod method; private final Object[] values; private final GuardsStage guardsStage; private final LoweringTool.LoweringStage loweringStage; private int hash; protected CacheKey(SnippetInfo info, GuardsStage guardsStage, LoweringTool.LoweringStage loweringStage) { this.method = info.method; this.guardsStage = guardsStage; this.loweringStage = loweringStage; this.values = new Object[info.getParameterCount()]; this.hash = info.method.hashCode() + 31 * guardsStage.ordinal(); } protected void setParam(int paramIdx, Object value) { values[paramIdx] = value; hash = (hash * 31) ^ (value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof CacheKey)) { return false; } CacheKey other = (CacheKey) obj; if (!method.equals(other.method)) { return false; } if (guardsStage != other.guardsStage || loweringStage != other.loweringStage) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (values[i] != null && !values[i].equals(other.values[i])) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hash; } } private static final TimerKey SnippetTemplateCreationTime = DebugContext.timer("SnippetTemplateCreationTime"); private static final CounterKey SnippetTemplates = DebugContext.counter("SnippetTemplateCount"); static class Options { @Option(help = "Use a LRU cache for snippet templates.")// public static final OptionKey<Boolean> UseSnippetTemplateCache = new OptionKey<>(true); @Option(help = "")// static final OptionKey<Integer> MaxTemplatesPerSnippet = new OptionKey<>(50); }
Base class for snippet classes. It provides a cache for SnippetTemplates.
/** * Base class for snippet classes. It provides a cache for {@link SnippetTemplate}s. */
public abstract static class AbstractTemplates implements org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.SnippetTemplateCache { protected final OptionValues options; protected final Providers providers; protected final SnippetReflectionProvider snippetReflection; protected final Iterable<DebugHandlersFactory> factories; protected final TargetDescription target; private final Map<CacheKey, SnippetTemplate> templates; protected AbstractTemplates(OptionValues options, Iterable<DebugHandlersFactory> factories, Providers providers, SnippetReflectionProvider snippetReflection, TargetDescription target) { this.options = options; this.providers = providers; this.snippetReflection = snippetReflection; this.target = target; this.factories = factories; if (Options.UseSnippetTemplateCache.getValue(options)) { int size = Options.MaxTemplatesPerSnippet.getValue(options); this.templates = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LRUCache<>(size, size)); } else { this.templates = null; } } public Providers getProviders() { return providers; } public static Method findMethod(Class<? extends Snippets> declaringClass, String methodName, Method except) { for (Method m : declaringClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals(methodName) && !m.equals(except)) { return m; } } return null; } public static ResolvedJavaMethod findMethod(MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, Class<?> declaringClass, String methodName) { ResolvedJavaType type = metaAccess.lookupJavaType(declaringClass); ResolvedJavaMethod result = null; for (ResolvedJavaMethod m : type.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals(methodName)) { if (!Assertions.assertionsEnabled()) { return m; } else { assert result == null : "multiple definitions found"; result = m; } } } if (result == null) { throw new GraalError("Could not find method in " + declaringClass + " named " + methodName); } return result; } protected SnippetInfo snippet(Class<? extends Snippets> declaringClass, String methodName, LocationIdentity... initialPrivateLocations) { return snippet(declaringClass, methodName, null, null, initialPrivateLocations); }
Finds the unique method in declaringClass named methodName annotated by Snippet and returns a SnippetInfo value describing it. There must be exactly one snippet method in declaringClass with a given name.
/** * Finds the unique method in {@code declaringClass} named {@code methodName} annotated by * {@link Snippet} and returns a {@link SnippetInfo} value describing it. There must be * exactly one snippet method in {@code declaringClass} with a given name. */
protected SnippetInfo snippet(Class<? extends Snippets> declaringClass, String methodName, ResolvedJavaMethod original, Object receiver, LocationIdentity... initialPrivateLocations) { assert methodName != null; ResolvedJavaMethod javaMethod = findMethod(providers.getMetaAccess(), declaringClass, methodName); assert javaMethod != null : "did not find @" + Snippet.class.getSimpleName() + " method in " + declaringClass + " named " + methodName; providers.getReplacements().registerSnippet(javaMethod, original, receiver, GraalOptions.TrackNodeSourcePosition.getValue(options), options); LocationIdentity[] privateLocations = GraalOptions.SnippetCounters.getValue(options) ? SnippetCounterNode.addSnippetCounters(initialPrivateLocations) : initialPrivateLocations; if (IS_IN_NATIVE_IMAGE || GraalOptions.EagerSnippets.getValue(options)) { SnippetParameterInfo snippetParameterInfo = providers.getReplacements().getSnippetParameterInfo(javaMethod); return new EagerSnippetInfo(javaMethod, original, privateLocations, receiver, snippetParameterInfo); } else { return new LazySnippetInfo(javaMethod, original, privateLocations, receiver); } } static final AtomicInteger nextSnippetTemplateId = new AtomicInteger(); private DebugContext openDebugContext(DebugContext outer, Arguments args) { if (DebugStubsAndSnippets.getValue(options)) { Description description = new Description(args.cacheKey.method, "SnippetTemplate_" + nextSnippetTemplateId.incrementAndGet()); return new Builder(options, factories).globalMetrics(outer.getGlobalMetrics()).description(description).build(); } return DebugContext.disabled(options); }
Gets a template for a given key, creating it first if necessary.
/** * Gets a template for a given key, creating it first if necessary. */
@SuppressWarnings("try") public SnippetTemplate template(ValueNode replacee, final Arguments args) { StructuredGraph graph = replacee.graph(); DebugContext outer = graph.getDebug(); SnippetTemplate template = Options.UseSnippetTemplateCache.getValue(options) && args.cacheable ? templates.get(args.cacheKey) : null; if (template == null || (graph.trackNodeSourcePosition() && !template.snippet.trackNodeSourcePosition())) { try (DebugContext debug = openDebugContext(outer, args)) { try (DebugCloseable a = SnippetTemplateCreationTime.start(debug); DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("SnippetSpecialization", args.info.method)) { SnippetTemplates.increment(debug); OptionValues snippetOptions = new OptionValues(options, GraalOptions.TraceInlining, GraalOptions.TraceInliningForStubsAndSnippets.getValue(options)); template = new SnippetTemplate(snippetOptions, debug, providers, snippetReflection, args, graph.trackNodeSourcePosition(), replacee, createMidTierPhases()); if (Options.UseSnippetTemplateCache.getValue(snippetOptions) && args.cacheable) { templates.put(args.cacheKey, template); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw debug.handle(e); } } } return template; }
Additional mid-tier optimization phases to run on the snippet graph during template creation. These phases are only run for snippets lowered in the low-tier lowering.
/** * Additional mid-tier optimization phases to run on the snippet graph during * {@link #template} creation. These phases are only run for snippets lowered in the * low-tier lowering. */
protected PhaseSuite<Providers> createMidTierPhases() { return null; } } private static final class LRUCache<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, V> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final int maxCacheSize; LRUCache(int initialCapacity, int maxCacheSize) { super(initialCapacity, 0.75F, true); this.maxCacheSize = maxCacheSize; } @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(java.util.Map.Entry<K, V> eldest) { return size() > maxCacheSize; } } // These values must be compared with equals() not '==' to support replay compilation. private static final Object UNUSED_PARAMETER = "UNUSED_PARAMETER"; private static final Object CONSTANT_PARAMETER = "CONSTANT_PARAMETER";
Determines if any parameter of a given method is annotated with ConstantParameter.
/** * Determines if any parameter of a given method is annotated with {@link ConstantParameter}. */
public static boolean hasConstantParameter(ResolvedJavaMethod method) { for (ConstantParameter p : method.getParameterAnnotations(ConstantParameter.class)) { if (p != null) { return true; } } return false; } private final SnippetReflectionProvider snippetReflection;
Creates a snippet template.
/** * Creates a snippet template. */
@SuppressWarnings("try") protected SnippetTemplate(OptionValues options, DebugContext debug, final Providers providers, SnippetReflectionProvider snippetReflection, Arguments args, boolean trackNodeSourcePosition, Node replacee, PhaseSuite<Providers> midTierPhases) { this.snippetReflection = snippetReflection; this.info = args.info; Object[] constantArgs = getConstantArgs(args); boolean shouldTrackNodeSourcePosition1 = trackNodeSourcePosition || (providers.getCodeCache() != null && providers.getCodeCache().shouldDebugNonSafepoints()); StructuredGraph snippetGraph = providers.getReplacements().getSnippet(args.info.method, args.info.original, constantArgs, shouldTrackNodeSourcePosition1, replacee.getNodeSourcePosition(), options); ResolvedJavaMethod method = snippetGraph.method(); Signature signature = method.getSignature(); // Copy snippet graph, replacing constant parameters with given arguments final StructuredGraph snippetCopy = new StructuredGraph.Builder(options, debug).name(snippetGraph.name).method(snippetGraph.method()).trackNodeSourcePosition( snippetGraph.trackNodeSourcePosition()).setIsSubstitution(true).build(); snippetCopy.setGuardsStage(snippetGraph.getGuardsStage()); assert !GraalOptions.TrackNodeSourcePosition.getValue(options) || snippetCopy.trackNodeSourcePosition(); try (DebugContext.Scope scope = debug.scope("SpecializeSnippet", snippetCopy)) { if (!snippetGraph.isUnsafeAccessTrackingEnabled()) { snippetCopy.disableUnsafeAccessTracking(); } assert snippetCopy.isSubstitution(); EconomicMap<Node, Node> nodeReplacements = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); nodeReplacements.put(snippetGraph.start(), snippetCopy.start()); MetaAccessProvider metaAccess = providers.getMetaAccess(); assert checkTemplate(metaAccess, args, method, signature); int parameterCount = args.info.getParameterCount(); VarargsPlaceholderNode[] placeholders = new VarargsPlaceholderNode[parameterCount]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) { ParameterNode parameter = snippetGraph.getParameter(i); if (parameter != null) { if (args.info.isConstantParameter(i)) { Object arg = args.values[i]; JavaKind kind = signature.getParameterKind(i); ConstantNode constantNode; if (arg instanceof Constant) { Stamp stamp = args.constStamps[i]; if (stamp == null) { assert arg instanceof JavaConstant : "could not determine type of constant " + arg; constantNode = ConstantNode.forConstant((JavaConstant) arg, metaAccess, snippetCopy); } else { constantNode = ConstantNode.forConstant(stamp, (Constant) arg, metaAccess, snippetCopy); } } else { constantNode = ConstantNode.forConstant(snippetReflection.forBoxed(kind, arg), metaAccess, snippetCopy); } nodeReplacements.put(parameter, constantNode); } else if (args.info.isVarargsParameter(i)) { Varargs varargs = (Varargs) args.values[i]; VarargsPlaceholderNode placeholder = snippetCopy.unique(new VarargsPlaceholderNode(varargs, providers.getMetaAccess())); nodeReplacements.put(parameter, placeholder); placeholders[i] = placeholder; } else if (args.info.isNonNullParameter(i)) { parameter.setStamp(parameter.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT).join(StampFactory.objectNonNull())); } } } try (InliningLog.UpdateScope updateScope = snippetCopy.getInliningLog().openDefaultUpdateScope()) { UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates = snippetCopy.addDuplicates(snippetGraph.getNodes(), snippetGraph, snippetGraph.getNodeCount(), nodeReplacements); if (updateScope != null) { snippetCopy.getInliningLog().replaceLog(duplicates, snippetGraph.getInliningLog()); } } debug.dump(DebugContext.INFO_LEVEL, snippetCopy, "Before specialization"); // Gather the template parameters parameters = new Object[parameterCount]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) { if (args.info.isConstantParameter(i)) { parameters[i] = CONSTANT_PARAMETER; } else if (args.info.isVarargsParameter(i)) { assert snippetCopy.getParameter(i) == null; Varargs varargs = (Varargs) args.values[i]; int length = varargs.length; ParameterNode[] params = new ParameterNode[length]; Stamp stamp = varargs.stamp; for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { // Use a decimal friendly numbering make it more obvious how values map assert parameterCount < 10000; int idx = (i + 1) * 10000 + j; assert idx >= parameterCount : "collision in parameter numbering"; ParameterNode local = snippetCopy.addOrUnique(new ParameterNode(idx, StampPair.createSingle(stamp))); params[j] = local; } parameters[i] = params; VarargsPlaceholderNode placeholder = placeholders[i]; if (placeholder != null) { for (Node usage : placeholder.usages().snapshot()) { if (usage instanceof LoadIndexedNode) { LoadIndexedNode loadIndexed = (LoadIndexedNode) usage; debug.dump(DebugContext.INFO_LEVEL, snippetCopy, "Before replacing %s", loadIndexed); LoadSnippetVarargParameterNode loadSnippetParameter = snippetCopy.add( new LoadSnippetVarargParameterNode(params, loadIndexed.index(), loadIndexed.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT))); snippetCopy.replaceFixedWithFixed(loadIndexed, loadSnippetParameter); debug.dump(DebugContext.INFO_LEVEL, snippetCopy, "After replacing %s", loadIndexed); } else if (usage instanceof StoreIndexedNode) { /* * The template lowering doesn't really treat this as an array so * you can't store back into the varargs. Allocate your own array if * you really need this and EA should eliminate it. */ throw new GraalError("Can't store into VarargsParameter array"); } } } } else { ParameterNode local = snippetCopy.getParameter(i); if (local == null) { // Parameter value was eliminated parameters[i] = UNUSED_PARAMETER; } else { parameters[i] = local; } } } explodeLoops(snippetCopy, providers); List<UnwindNode> unwindNodes = snippetCopy.getNodes().filter(UnwindNode.class).snapshot(); if (unwindNodes.size() == 0) { unwindPath = null; } else if (unwindNodes.size() > 1) { throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere("Graph has more than one UnwindNode"); } else { UnwindNode unwindNode = unwindNodes.get(0); GraalError.guarantee(unwindNode.predecessor() instanceof ExceptionObjectNode, "Currently only a single direct exception unwind path is supported in snippets"); ExceptionObjectNode exceptionObjectNode = (ExceptionObjectNode) unwindNode.predecessor(); /* * Replace the path to the UnwindNode with a stub to avoid any optimizations or * lowerings to modify it. Also removes the FrameState of the ExceptionObjectNode. */ unwindPath = snippetCopy.add(new BeginNode()); exceptionObjectNode.replaceAtPredecessor(unwindPath); GraphUtil.killCFG(exceptionObjectNode); unwindPath.setNext(snippetCopy.add(new UnreachableControlSinkNode())); } CanonicalizerPhase canonicalizer; if (GraalOptions.ImmutableCode.getValue(snippetCopy.getOptions())) { canonicalizer = CanonicalizerPhase.createWithoutReadCanonicalization(); } else { canonicalizer = CanonicalizerPhase.create(); } /*- * Mirror the behavior of normal compilations here (without aggressive optimizations * but with the most important phases) * * (1) Run some important high-tier optimizations * (2) Perform high-tier lowering * (3) If lowering stage is != high tier --> Run important mid tier phases --> guard lowering * (4) perform mid-tier lowering * (5) If lowering stage is != mid tier --> Run important mid tier phases after lowering --> write barrier addition * (6) perform low-tier lowering * (7) Run final phases --> dead code elimination * */ // (1) GuardsStage guardsStage = args.cacheKey.guardsStage; boolean needsPEA = false; boolean needsCE = false; LoweringTool.LoweringStage loweringStage = args.cacheKey.loweringStage; for (Node n : snippetCopy.getNodes()) { if (n instanceof AbstractNewObjectNode || n instanceof AbstractBoxingNode) { needsPEA = true; break; } else if (n instanceof LogicNode) { needsCE = true; } } if (needsPEA) { /* * Certain snippets do not have real side-effects if they do allocations, i.e., they * only access the init_location, therefore we might require a late schedule to get * that. However, snippets are small so the compile time cost for this can be * ignored. * * An example of a snippet doing allocation are the boxing snippets since they only * write to newly allocated memory which is not yet visible to the interpreter until * the entire allocation escapes. See LocationIdentity#INIT_LOCATION and * WriteNode#hasSideEffect for details. */ new PartialEscapePhase(true, true, canonicalizer, null, options, SchedulingStrategy.LATEST).apply(snippetCopy, providers); } if (needsCE) { new IterativeConditionalEliminationPhase(canonicalizer, false).apply(snippetCopy, providers); } // (2) try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("LoweringSnippetTemplate_HIGH_TIER", snippetCopy)) { new LoweringPhase(canonicalizer, LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.HIGH_TIER).apply(snippetCopy, providers); } catch (Throwable e) { throw debug.handle(e); } if (loweringStage != LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.HIGH_TIER) { // (3) assert !guardsStage.allowsFloatingGuards() : guardsStage; // only create memory map nodes if we need the memory graph new IncrementalCanonicalizerPhase<>(canonicalizer, new FloatingReadPhase(true, true)).apply(snippetCopy, providers); new GuardLoweringPhase().apply(snippetCopy, providers); new IncrementalCanonicalizerPhase<>(canonicalizer, new RemoveValueProxyPhase()).apply(snippetCopy, providers); // (4) try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("LoweringSnippetTemplate_MID_TIER", snippetCopy)) { new LoweringPhase(canonicalizer, LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.MID_TIER).apply(snippetCopy, providers); snippetCopy.setGuardsStage(GuardsStage.AFTER_FSA); snippetCopy.disableFrameStateVerification(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw debug.handle(e); } if (loweringStage != LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.MID_TIER) { // (5) if (midTierPhases != null) { midTierPhases.apply(snippetCopy, providers); } new WriteBarrierAdditionPhase().apply(snippetCopy, providers); try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("LoweringSnippetTemplate_LOW_TIER", snippetCopy)) { // (6) new LoweringPhase(canonicalizer, LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.LOW_TIER).apply(snippetCopy, providers); } catch (Throwable e) { throw debug.handle(e); } // (7) new DeadCodeEliminationPhase(Required).apply(snippetCopy); } } assert checkAllVarargPlaceholdersAreDeleted(parameterCount, placeholders); ArrayList<StateSplit> curSideEffectNodes = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<DeoptimizingNode> curDeoptNodes = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ValueNode> curPlaceholderStampedNodes = new ArrayList<>(); boolean containsMerge = false; boolean containsLoopExit = false; for (Node node : snippetCopy.getNodes()) { if (node instanceof AbstractMergeNode) { containsMerge = true; } if (node instanceof LoopExitNode) { containsLoopExit = true; } if (node instanceof ValueNode) { ValueNode valueNode = (ValueNode) node; if (valueNode.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT) == PlaceholderStamp.singleton()) { curPlaceholderStampedNodes.add(valueNode); } } if (node instanceof StateSplit) { StateSplit stateSplit = (StateSplit) node; FrameState frameState = stateSplit.stateAfter(); if (stateSplit.hasSideEffect()) { curSideEffectNodes.add((StateSplit) node); } if (frameState != null) { stateSplit.setStateAfter(null); } } if (node instanceof DeoptimizingNode) { DeoptimizingNode deoptNode = (DeoptimizingNode) node; if (deoptNode.canDeoptimize()) { curDeoptNodes.add(deoptNode); } } } this.snippet = snippetCopy; StartNode entryPointNode = snippet.start(); MemoryAnchorNode anchor = snippetCopy.add(new MemoryAnchorNode(info.privateLocations)); snippetCopy.start().replaceAtUsages(anchor, InputType.Memory); debug.dump(DebugContext.VERY_DETAILED_LEVEL, snippetCopy, "After adding memory anchor %s", anchor); if (anchor.hasNoUsages()) { anchor.safeDelete(); this.memoryAnchor = null; } else { // Find out if all the return memory maps point to the anchor (i.e., there's no // kill // anywhere) boolean needsMemoryMaps = false; for (ReturnNode retNode : snippet.getNodes(ReturnNode.TYPE)) { MemoryMapNode memoryMap = retNode.getMemoryMap(); if (memoryMap.getLocations().size() > 1 || memoryMap.getLastLocationAccess(LocationIdentity.any()) != anchor) { needsMemoryMaps = true; break; } } boolean needsAnchor; if (needsMemoryMaps) { needsAnchor = true; } else { // Check that all those memory maps where the only usages of the anchor needsAnchor = anchor.usages().filter(isNotA(MemoryMapNode.class)).isNotEmpty(); // Remove the useless memory map MemoryMapNode memoryMap = null; for (ReturnNode retNode : snippet.getNodes(ReturnNode.TYPE)) { if (memoryMap == null) { memoryMap = retNode.getMemoryMap(); } else { assert memoryMap == retNode.getMemoryMap(); } retNode.setMemoryMap(null); } if (memoryMap != null) { memoryMap.safeDelete(); } } if (needsAnchor) { snippetCopy.addAfterFixed(snippetCopy.start(), anchor); this.memoryAnchor = anchor; } else { anchor.safeDelete(); this.memoryAnchor = null; } } debug.dump(DebugContext.INFO_LEVEL, snippet, "SnippetTemplate after fixing memory anchoring"); List<ReturnNode> returnNodes = snippet.getNodes(ReturnNode.TYPE).snapshot(); if (returnNodes.isEmpty()) { this.returnNode = null; } else if (returnNodes.size() == 1) { this.returnNode = returnNodes.get(0); } else { AbstractMergeNode merge = snippet.add(new MergeNode()); List<MemoryMapNode> memMaps = new ArrayList<>(); for (ReturnNode retNode : returnNodes) { MemoryMapNode memoryMapNode = retNode.getMemoryMap(); if (memoryMapNode != null) { memMaps.add(memoryMapNode); } } containsMerge = true; ValueNode returnValue = InliningUtil.mergeReturns(merge, returnNodes); this.returnNode = snippet.add(new ReturnNode(returnValue)); if (!memMaps.isEmpty()) { MemoryMapImpl mmap = FloatingReadPhase.mergeMemoryMaps(merge, memMaps); MemoryMapNode memoryMap = snippet.unique(new MemoryMapNode(mmap.getMap())); this.returnNode.setMemoryMap(memoryMap); for (MemoryMapNode mm : memMaps) { if (mm != memoryMap && mm.isAlive()) { assert mm.hasNoUsages(); GraphUtil.killWithUnusedFloatingInputs(mm); } } } merge.setNext(this.returnNode); } debug.dump(DebugContext.INFO_LEVEL, snippet, "After fixing returns"); boolean needsMergeStateMap = !guardsStage.areFrameStatesAtDeopts() && (containsMerge || containsLoopExit); if (needsMergeStateMap) { frameStateAssignment = new SnippetFrameStateAssignmentClosure(snippetCopy); ReentrantNodeIterator.apply(frameStateAssignment, snippetCopy.start(), SnippetFrameStateAssignment.NodeStateAssignment.BEFORE_BCI); assert frameStateAssignment.verify() : info; } else { frameStateAssignment = null; } assert verifyIntrinsicsProcessed(snippetCopy); this.sideEffectNodes = curSideEffectNodes; this.deoptNodes = curDeoptNodes; this.placeholderStampedNodes = curPlaceholderStampedNodes; nodes = new ArrayList<>(snippet.getNodeCount()); for (Node node : snippet.getNodes()) { if (node != entryPointNode && node != entryPointNode.stateAfter()) { nodes.add(node); } } if (debug.areMetricsEnabled()) { DebugContext.counter("SnippetTemplateNodeCount[%#s]", args).add(debug, nodes.size()); } debug.dump(DebugContext.INFO_LEVEL, snippet, "SnippetTemplate final state"); this.snippet.freeze(); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw debug.handle(ex); } } private static boolean verifyIntrinsicsProcessed(StructuredGraph snippetCopy) { if (IS_IN_NATIVE_IMAGE) { return true; } for (MethodCallTargetNode target : snippetCopy.getNodes(MethodCallTargetNode.TYPE)) { ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod = target.targetMethod(); if (targetMethod != null) { assert targetMethod.getAnnotation(Fold.class) == null && targetMethod.getAnnotation(NodeIntrinsic.class) == null : "plugin should have been processed"; } } return true; } public static void explodeLoops(final StructuredGraph snippetCopy, CoreProviders providers) { // Do any required loop explosion boolean exploded = false; do { exploded = false; ExplodeLoopNode explodeLoop = snippetCopy.getNodes().filter(ExplodeLoopNode.class).first(); if (explodeLoop != null) { // Earlier canonicalization may have removed the loop // altogether LoopBeginNode loopBegin = explodeLoop.findLoopBegin(); if (loopBegin != null) { LoopEx loop = new LoopsData(snippetCopy).loop(loopBegin); Mark mark = snippetCopy.getMark(); CanonicalizerPhase canonicalizer = null; if (GraalOptions.ImmutableCode.getValue(snippetCopy.getOptions())) { canonicalizer = CanonicalizerPhase.createWithoutReadCanonicalization(); } else { canonicalizer = CanonicalizerPhase.create(); } LoopTransformations.fullUnroll(loop, providers, canonicalizer); CanonicalizerPhase.create().applyIncremental(snippetCopy, providers, mark, false); loop.deleteUnusedNodes(); } GraphUtil.removeFixedWithUnusedInputs(explodeLoop); exploded = true; } } while (exploded); } protected Object[] getConstantArgs(Arguments args) { Object[] constantArgs = args.values.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < args.info.getParameterCount(); i++) { if (!args.info.isConstantParameter(i)) { constantArgs[i] = null; } else { assert constantArgs[i] != null : "Can't pass raw null through as argument"; } } return constantArgs; } private static boolean checkAllVarargPlaceholdersAreDeleted(int parameterCount, VarargsPlaceholderNode[] placeholders) { for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) { if (placeholders[i] != null) { assert placeholders[i].isDeleted() : placeholders[i]; } } return true; } private static boolean checkConstantArgument(MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, final ResolvedJavaMethod method, Signature signature, int paramIndex, String name, Object arg, JavaKind kind) { ResolvedJavaType type = signature.getParameterType(paramIndex, method.getDeclaringClass()).resolve(method.getDeclaringClass()); if (metaAccess.lookupJavaType(WordBase.class).isAssignableFrom(type)) { assert arg instanceof JavaConstant : method + ": word constant parameters must be passed boxed in a Constant value: " + arg; return true; } if (kind != JavaKind.Object) { assert arg != null && kind.toBoxedJavaClass() == arg.getClass() : method + ": wrong value kind for " + name + ": expected " + kind + ", got " + (arg == null ? "null" : arg.getClass().getSimpleName()); } return true; } private static boolean checkVarargs(MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, final ResolvedJavaMethod method, Signature signature, int i, String name, Varargs varargs) { ResolvedJavaType type = (ResolvedJavaType) signature.getParameterType(i, method.getDeclaringClass()); assert type.isArray() : "varargs parameter must be an array type"; assert type.getComponentType().isAssignableFrom(metaAccess.lookupJavaType(varargs.componentType)) : "componentType for " + name + " not matching " + type.toJavaName() + " instance: " + varargs.componentType; return true; }
The graph built from the snippet method.
/** * The graph built from the snippet method. */
private final StructuredGraph snippet; private final SnippetInfo info;
The named parameters of this template that must be bound to values during instantiation. For a parameter that is still live after specialization, the value in this map is either a ParameterNode instance or a ParameterNode array. For an eliminated parameter, the value is identical to the key.
/** * The named parameters of this template that must be bound to values during instantiation. For * a parameter that is still live after specialization, the value in this map is either a * {@link ParameterNode} instance or a {@link ParameterNode} array. For an eliminated parameter, * the value is identical to the key. */
private final Object[] parameters;
The return node (if any) of the snippet.
/** * The return node (if any) of the snippet. */
private final ReturnNode returnNode;
The node that will be replaced with the exception handler of the replacee node, or null if the snippet does not have an exception handler path.
/** * The node that will be replaced with the exception handler of the replacee node, or null if * the snippet does not have an exception handler path. */
private final FixedWithNextNode unwindPath;
The memory anchor (if any) of the snippet.
/** * The memory anchor (if any) of the snippet. */
private final MemoryAnchorNode memoryAnchor;
Nodes that inherit the StateSplit.stateAfter() from the replacee during instantiation.
/** * Nodes that inherit the {@link StateSplit#stateAfter()} from the replacee during * instantiation. */
private final ArrayList<StateSplit> sideEffectNodes;
Nodes that inherit a deoptimization FrameState from the replacee during instantiation.
/** * Nodes that inherit a deoptimization {@link FrameState} from the replacee during * instantiation. */
private final ArrayList<DeoptimizingNode> deoptNodes;
Mapping of merge and loop exit nodes to frame state info determining if a merge/loop exit node is required to have a framestate after the lowering, and if so which state (before,after).
/** * Mapping of merge and loop exit nodes to frame state info determining if a merge/loop exit * node is required to have a framestate after the lowering, and if so which state * (before,after). */
private SnippetFrameStateAssignment.SnippetFrameStateAssignmentClosure frameStateAssignment;
Nodes that have a stamp originating from a Placeholder.
/** * Nodes that have a stamp originating from a {@link Placeholder}. */
private final ArrayList<ValueNode> placeholderStampedNodes;
The nodes to be inlined when this specialization is instantiated.
/** * The nodes to be inlined when this specialization is instantiated. */
private final ArrayList<Node> nodes;
Gets the instantiation-time bindings to this template's parameters.
Returns:the map that will be used to bind arguments to parameters when inlining this template
/** * Gets the instantiation-time bindings to this template's parameters. * * @return the map that will be used to bind arguments to parameters when inlining this template */
private EconomicMap<Node, Node> bind(StructuredGraph replaceeGraph, MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, Arguments args) { EconomicMap<Node, Node> replacements = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); assert args.info.getParameterCount() == parameters.length : "number of args (" + args.info.getParameterCount() + ") != number of parameters (" + parameters.length + ")"; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { Object parameter = parameters[i]; assert parameter != null : this + " has no parameter named " + args.info.getParameterName(i); Object argument = args.values[i]; if (parameter instanceof ParameterNode) { if (argument instanceof ValueNode) { replacements.put((ParameterNode) parameter, (ValueNode) argument); } else { JavaKind kind = ((ParameterNode) parameter).getStackKind(); assert argument != null || kind == JavaKind.Object : this + " cannot accept null for non-object parameter named " + args.info.getParameterName(i); JavaConstant constant = forBoxed(argument, kind); replacements.put((ParameterNode) parameter, ConstantNode.forConstant(constant, metaAccess, replaceeGraph)); } } else if (parameter instanceof ParameterNode[]) { ParameterNode[] params = (ParameterNode[]) parameter; Varargs varargs = (Varargs) argument; int length = params.length; List<?> list = null; Object array = null; if (varargs.value instanceof List) { list = (List<?>) varargs.value; assert list.size() == length : length + " != " + list.size(); } else { array = varargs.value; assert array != null && array.getClass().isArray(); assert Array.getLength(array) == length : length + " != " + Array.getLength(array); } for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { ParameterNode param = params[j]; assert param != null; Object value = list != null ? list.get(j) : Array.get(array, j); if (value instanceof ValueNode) { replacements.put(param, (ValueNode) value); } else { JavaConstant constant = forBoxed(value, param.getStackKind()); ConstantNode element = ConstantNode.forConstant(constant, metaAccess, replaceeGraph); replacements.put(param, element); } } } else { assert parameter.equals(CONSTANT_PARAMETER) || parameter.equals(UNUSED_PARAMETER) : "unexpected entry for parameter: " + args.info.getParameterName(i) + " -> " + parameter; } } return replacements; }
Converts a Java boxed value to a JavaConstant of the right kind. This adjusts for the limitation that a Local's kind is a stack kind and so cannot be used for re-boxing primitives smaller than an int.
  • argument – a Java boxed value
  • localKind – the kind of the Local to which argument will be bound
/** * Converts a Java boxed value to a {@link JavaConstant} of the right kind. This adjusts for the * limitation that a {@link Local}'s kind is a {@linkplain JavaKind#getStackKind() stack kind} * and so cannot be used for re-boxing primitives smaller than an int. * * @param argument a Java boxed value * @param localKind the kind of the {@link Local} to which {@code argument} will be bound */
protected JavaConstant forBoxed(Object argument, JavaKind localKind) { assert localKind == localKind.getStackKind(); if (localKind == JavaKind.Int) { return JavaConstant.forBoxedPrimitive(argument); } return snippetReflection.forBoxed(localKind, argument); }
Logic for replacing a snippet-lowered node at its usages with the return value of the snippet. An alternative to the default replacement logic can be used to handle mismatches between the stamp of the node being lowered and the stamp of the snippet's return value.
/** * Logic for replacing a snippet-lowered node at its usages with the return value of the * snippet. An alternative to the {@linkplain SnippetTemplate#DEFAULT_REPLACER default} * replacement logic can be used to handle mismatches between the stamp of the node being * lowered and the stamp of the snippet's return value. */
public interface UsageReplacer {
Replaces all usages of oldNode with direct or indirect usages of newNode.
/** * Replaces all usages of {@code oldNode} with direct or indirect usages of {@code newNode}. */
void replace(ValueNode oldNode, ValueNode newNode); }
Represents the default usage replacer logic which simply delegates to Node.replaceAtUsages(Node).
/** * Represents the default {@link UsageReplacer usage replacer} logic which simply delegates to * {@link Node#replaceAtUsages(Node)}. */
public static final UsageReplacer DEFAULT_REPLACER = new UsageReplacer() { @Override public void replace(ValueNode oldNode, ValueNode newNode) { if (newNode == null) { assert oldNode.hasNoUsages(); } else { oldNode.replaceAtUsages(newNode); } } }; private boolean assertSnippetKills(ValueNode replacee) { if (!replacee.graph().isAfterFloatingReadPhase()) { // no floating reads yet, ignore locations created while lowering return true; } if (returnNode == null) { // The snippet terminates control flow return true; } MemoryMapNode memoryMap = returnNode.getMemoryMap(); if (memoryMap == null || memoryMap.isEmpty()) { // there are no kills in the snippet graph return true; } EconomicSet<LocationIdentity> kills = EconomicSet.create(Equivalence.DEFAULT); kills.addAll(memoryMap.getLocations()); if (replacee instanceof SingleMemoryKill) { // check if some node in snippet graph also kills the same location LocationIdentity locationIdentity = ((SingleMemoryKill) replacee).getKilledLocationIdentity(); if (locationIdentity.isAny()) { // if the replacee kills ANY_LOCATION, the snippet can kill arbitrary locations return true; } assert kills.contains(locationIdentity) : replacee + " kills " + locationIdentity + ", but snippet doesn't contain a kill to this location"; kills.remove(locationIdentity); } assert !(replacee instanceof MultiMemoryKill) : replacee + " multi not supported (yet)"; // remove ANY_LOCATION if it's just a kill by the start node if (memoryMap.getLastLocationAccess(any()) instanceof MemoryAnchorNode) { kills.remove(any()); } // node can only lower to a ANY_LOCATION kill if the replacee also kills ANY_LOCATION assert !kills.contains(any()) : "snippet graph contains a kill to ANY_LOCATION, but replacee (" + replacee + ") doesn't kill ANY_LOCATION. kills: " + kills; /* * Kills to private locations are safe, since there can be no floating read to these * locations except reads that are introduced by the snippet itself or related snippets in * the same lowering round. These reads are anchored to a MemoryAnchor at the beginning of * their snippet, so they can not float above a kill in another instance of the same * snippet. */ for (LocationIdentity p : this.info.privateLocations) { kills.remove(p); } assert kills.isEmpty() : "snippet graph kills non-private locations " + kills + " that replacee (" + replacee + ") doesn't kill"; return true; } private static class MemoryInputMap implements MemoryMap { private final LocationIdentity locationIdentity; private final MemoryKill lastLocationAccess; MemoryInputMap(ValueNode replacee) { if (replacee instanceof MemoryAccess) { MemoryAccess access = (MemoryAccess) replacee; locationIdentity = access.getLocationIdentity(); lastLocationAccess = access.getLastLocationAccess(); } else { locationIdentity = null; lastLocationAccess = null; } } @Override public MemoryKill getLastLocationAccess(LocationIdentity location) { if (locationIdentity != null && locationIdentity.equals(location)) { return lastLocationAccess; } else { return null; } } @Override public Collection<LocationIdentity> getLocations() { if (locationIdentity == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } else { return Collections.singleton(locationIdentity); } } } private class MemoryOutputMap extends MemoryInputMap { private final UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates; MemoryOutputMap(ValueNode replacee, UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates) { super(replacee); this.duplicates = duplicates; } @Override public MemoryKill getLastLocationAccess(LocationIdentity locationIdentity) { MemoryMapNode memoryMap = returnNode.getMemoryMap(); assert memoryMap != null : "no memory map stored for this snippet graph (snippet doesn't have a ReturnNode?)"; MemoryKill lastLocationAccess = memoryMap.getLastLocationAccess(locationIdentity); assert lastLocationAccess != null : locationIdentity; if (lastLocationAccess == memoryAnchor) { return super.getLastLocationAccess(locationIdentity); } else { return (MemoryKill) duplicates.get(ValueNodeUtil.asNode(lastLocationAccess)); } } @Override public Collection<LocationIdentity> getLocations() { return returnNode.getMemoryMap().getLocations(); } } private void rewireMemoryGraph(ValueNode replacee, UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates) { if (replacee.graph().isAfterFloatingReadPhase()) { // rewire outgoing memory edges replaceMemoryUsages(replacee, new MemoryOutputMap(replacee, duplicates)); if (returnNode != null) { ReturnNode ret = (ReturnNode) duplicates.get(returnNode); if (ret != null) { MemoryMapNode memoryMap = ret.getMemoryMap(); if (memoryMap != null) { ret.setMemoryMap(null); memoryMap.safeDelete(); } } } if (memoryAnchor != null) { // rewire incoming memory edges MemoryAnchorNode memoryDuplicate = (MemoryAnchorNode) duplicates.get(memoryAnchor); replaceMemoryUsages(memoryDuplicate, new MemoryInputMap(replacee)); if (memoryDuplicate.hasNoUsages()) { if (memoryDuplicate.next() != null) { memoryDuplicate.graph().removeFixed(memoryDuplicate); } else { // this was a dummy memory node used when instantiating pure data-flow // snippets: it was not attached to the control flow. memoryDuplicate.safeDelete(); } } } } } private static LocationIdentity getLocationIdentity(Node node) { if (node instanceof MemoryAccess) { return ((MemoryAccess) node).getLocationIdentity(); } else if (node instanceof MemoryEdgeProxy) { return ((MemoryEdgeProxy) node).getLocationIdentity(); } else if (node instanceof MemoryPhiNode) { return ((MemoryPhiNode) node).getLocationIdentity(); } else { return null; } } private void replaceMemoryUsages(ValueNode node, MemoryMap map) { for (Node usage : node.usages().snapshot()) { if (usage instanceof MemoryMapNode) { continue; } LocationIdentity location = getLocationIdentity(usage); if (location != null) { for (Position pos : usage.inputPositions()) { if (pos.getInputType() == InputType.Memory && pos.get(usage) == node) { MemoryKill replacement = map.getLastLocationAccess(location); if (replacement == null) { assert mayRemoveLocation || LocationIdentity.any().equals(location) || CollectionsUtil.anyMatch(info.privateLocations, Predicate.isEqual(location)) : "Snippet " + info.method.format("%h.%n") + " contains access to the non-private location " + location + ", but replacee doesn't access this location." + map.getLocations(); } else { pos.set(usage, replacement.asNode()); } } } } } }
Replaces a given fixed node with this specialized snippet.
  • metaAccess –
  • replacee – the node that will be replaced
  • replacer – object that replaces the usages of replacee
  • args – the arguments to be bound to the flattened positional parameters of the snippet
Returns:the map of duplicated nodes (original -> duplicate)
/** * Replaces a given fixed node with this specialized snippet. * * @param metaAccess * @param replacee the node that will be replaced * @param replacer object that replaces the usages of {@code replacee} * @param args the arguments to be bound to the flattened positional parameters of the snippet * @return the map of duplicated nodes (original -&gt; duplicate) */
@SuppressWarnings("try") public UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> instantiate(MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, FixedNode replacee, UsageReplacer replacer, Arguments args) { return instantiate(metaAccess, replacee, replacer, args, true); }
Replaces a given fixed node with this specialized snippet.
  • metaAccess –
  • replacee – the node that will be replaced
  • replacer – object that replaces the usages of replacee
  • args – the arguments to be bound to the flattened positional parameters of the snippet
  • killReplacee – is true, the replacee node is deleted
Returns:the map of duplicated nodes (original -> duplicate)
/** * Replaces a given fixed node with this specialized snippet. * * @param metaAccess * @param replacee the node that will be replaced * @param replacer object that replaces the usages of {@code replacee} * @param args the arguments to be bound to the flattened positional parameters of the snippet * @param killReplacee is true, the replacee node is deleted * @return the map of duplicated nodes (original -&gt; duplicate) */
@SuppressWarnings("try") public UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> instantiate(MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, FixedNode replacee, UsageReplacer replacer, Arguments args, boolean killReplacee) { DebugContext debug = replacee.getDebug(); assert assertSnippetKills(replacee); try (DebugCloseable a = args.info.instantiationTimer.start(debug)) { args.info.instantiationCounter.increment(debug); // Inline the snippet nodes, replacing parameters with the given args in the process final FixedNode replaceeGraphPredecessor = (FixedNode) replacee.predecessor(); StartNode entryPointNode = snippet.start(); FixedNode firstCFGNode = entryPointNode.next(); StructuredGraph replaceeGraph = replacee.graph(); EconomicMap<Node, Node> replacements = bind(replaceeGraph, metaAccess, args); replacements.put(entryPointNode, AbstractBeginNode.prevBegin(replacee)); UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates = inlineSnippet(replacee, debug, replaceeGraph, replacements); // Re-wire the control flow graph around the replacee FixedNode firstCFGNodeDuplicate = (FixedNode) duplicates.get(firstCFGNode); replacee.replaceAtPredecessor(firstCFGNodeDuplicate); if (replacee.graph().getGuardsStage().areFrameStatesAtSideEffects()) { boolean replaceeHasSideEffect = replacee instanceof StateSplit && ((StateSplit) replacee).hasSideEffect(); boolean replacementHasSideEffect = !sideEffectNodes.isEmpty(); /* * Following cases are allowed: Either the replacee and replacement don't have * side-effects or the replacee has and the replacement hasn't (lowered to something * without a side-effect which is fine regarding correctness) or both have * side-effects, under which conditions also merges should have states. */ if (replacementHasSideEffect) { GraalError.guarantee(replaceeHasSideEffect, "Lowering node %s without side-effect to snippet %s with sideeffects=%s", replacee, info, this.sideEffectNodes); } } rewireFrameStates(replacee, duplicates, replaceeGraphPredecessor); updateStamps(replacee, duplicates); rewireMemoryGraph(replacee, duplicates); // Replace all usages of the replacee with the value returned by the snippet ValueNode returnValue = null; if (returnNode != null && !(replacee instanceof ControlSinkNode)) { ReturnNode returnDuplicate = (ReturnNode) duplicates.get(returnNode); returnValue = returnDuplicate.result(); if (returnValue == null && replacee.usages().isNotEmpty() && replacee instanceof MemoryKill) { replacer.replace(replacee, null); } else { assert returnValue != null || replacee.hasNoUsages(); replacer.replace(replacee, returnValue); } if (returnDuplicate.isAlive()) { FixedNode next = null; if (replacee instanceof FixedWithNextNode) { FixedWithNextNode fwn = (FixedWithNextNode) replacee; next = fwn.next(); fwn.setNext(null); } else if (replacee instanceof WithExceptionNode) { WithExceptionNode withExceptionNode = (WithExceptionNode) replacee; next = withExceptionNode.next(); withExceptionNode.setNext(null); } returnDuplicate.replaceAndDelete(next); } } if (unwindPath != null) { GraalError.guarantee(!replacee.graph().isAfterFloatingReadPhase(), "Using a snippet with an UnwindNode after floating reads would require support for the memory graph"); GraalError.guarantee(replacee instanceof WithExceptionNode, "Snippet has an UnwindNode, but replacee is not a node with an exception handler"); FixedWithNextNode unwindPathDuplicate = (FixedWithNextNode) duplicates.get(unwindPath); WithExceptionNode withExceptionNode = (WithExceptionNode) replacee; AbstractBeginNode exceptionEdge = withExceptionNode.exceptionEdge(); withExceptionNode.setExceptionEdge(null); unwindPathDuplicate.replaceAtPredecessor(exceptionEdge); GraphUtil.killCFG(unwindPathDuplicate); } else { GraalError.guarantee(!(replacee instanceof WithExceptionNode), "Snippet does not have an UnwindNode, but replacee is a node with an exception handler"); } if (killReplacee) { // Remove the replacee from its graph GraphUtil.killCFG(replacee); } debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, replaceeGraph, "After lowering %s with %s", replacee, this); return duplicates; } } private UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> inlineSnippet(Node replacee, DebugContext debug, StructuredGraph replaceeGraph, EconomicMap<Node, Node> replacements) { Mark mark = replaceeGraph.getMark(); try (InliningLog.UpdateScope scope = replaceeGraph.getInliningLog().openUpdateScope((oldNode, newNode) -> { InliningLog log = replaceeGraph.getInliningLog(); if (oldNode == null) { log.trackNewCallsite(newNode); } })) { UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates = replaceeGraph.addDuplicates(nodes, snippet, snippet.getNodeCount(), replacements); if (scope != null) { replaceeGraph.getInliningLog().addLog(duplicates, snippet.getInliningLog()); } NodeSourcePosition position = replacee.getNodeSourcePosition(); InliningUtil.updateSourcePosition(replaceeGraph, duplicates, mark, position, true); debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, replaceeGraph, "After inlining snippet %s", snippet.method()); return duplicates; } } private void propagateStamp(Node node) { if (node instanceof PhiNode) { PhiNode phi = (PhiNode) node; if (phi.inferStamp()) { for (Node usage : node.usages()) { propagateStamp(usage); } } } } private void updateStamps(ValueNode replacee, UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates) { for (ValueNode node : placeholderStampedNodes) { ValueNode dup = (ValueNode) duplicates.get(node); Stamp replaceeStamp = replacee.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT); if (node instanceof Placeholder) { Placeholder placeholderDup = (Placeholder) dup; placeholderDup.makeReplacement(replaceeStamp); } else { dup.setStamp(replaceeStamp); } } for (ParameterNode paramNode : snippet.getNodes(ParameterNode.TYPE)) { for (Node usage : paramNode.usages()) { Node usageDup = duplicates.get(usage); propagateStamp(usageDup); } } }
Gets a copy of the specialized graph.
/** * Gets a copy of the specialized graph. */
public StructuredGraph copySpecializedGraph(DebugContext debugForCopy) { return (StructuredGraph) snippet.copy(debugForCopy); }
Replaces a given floating node with this specialized snippet.
  • metaAccess –
  • replacee – the node that will be replaced
  • replacer – object that replaces the usages of replacee
  • tool – lowering tool used to insert the snippet into the control-flow
  • args – the arguments to be bound to the flattened positional parameters of the snippet
/** * Replaces a given floating node with this specialized snippet. * * @param metaAccess * @param replacee the node that will be replaced * @param replacer object that replaces the usages of {@code replacee} * @param tool lowering tool used to insert the snippet into the control-flow * @param args the arguments to be bound to the flattened positional parameters of the snippet */
@SuppressWarnings("try") public void instantiate(MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, FloatingNode replacee, UsageReplacer replacer, LoweringTool tool, Arguments args) { DebugContext debug = replacee.getDebug(); assert assertSnippetKills(replacee); try (DebugCloseable a = args.info.instantiationTimer.start(debug)) { args.info.instantiationCounter.increment(debug); // Inline the snippet nodes, replacing parameters with the given args in the process StartNode entryPointNode = snippet.start(); FixedNode firstCFGNode = entryPointNode.next(); StructuredGraph replaceeGraph = replacee.graph(); EconomicMap<Node, Node> replacements = bind(replaceeGraph, metaAccess, args); replacements.put(entryPointNode, tool.getCurrentGuardAnchor().asNode()); UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates = inlineSnippet(replacee, debug, replaceeGraph, replacements); FixedWithNextNode lastFixedNode = tool.lastFixedNode(); assert lastFixedNode != null && lastFixedNode.isAlive() : replaceeGraph + " lastFixed=" + lastFixedNode; FixedNode next = lastFixedNode.next(); lastFixedNode.setNext(null); FixedNode firstCFGNodeDuplicate = (FixedNode) duplicates.get(firstCFGNode); replaceeGraph.addAfterFixed(lastFixedNode, firstCFGNodeDuplicate); /* * floating nodes that are not state-splits do not need to re-wire frame states, however * snippets might contain merges for which we want proper frame states */ assert !(replacee instanceof StateSplit); updateStamps(replacee, duplicates); rewireMemoryGraph(replacee, duplicates); rewireFrameStates(replacee, duplicates, lastFixedNode); // Replace all usages of the replacee with the value returned by the snippet ReturnNode returnDuplicate = (ReturnNode) duplicates.get(returnNode); ValueNode returnValue = returnDuplicate.result(); assert returnValue != null || replacee.hasNoUsages(); replacer.replace(replacee, returnValue); if (returnDuplicate.isAlive()) { returnDuplicate.replaceAndDelete(next); } debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, replaceeGraph, "After lowering %s with %s", replacee, this); } }
Replaces a given floating node with this specialized snippet. This snippet must be pure data-flow
  • metaAccess –
  • replacee – the node that will be replaced
  • replacer – object that replaces the usages of replacee
  • args – the arguments to be bound to the flattened positional parameters of the snippet
/** * Replaces a given floating node with this specialized snippet. * * This snippet must be pure data-flow * * @param metaAccess * @param replacee the node that will be replaced * @param replacer object that replaces the usages of {@code replacee} * @param args the arguments to be bound to the flattened positional parameters of the snippet */
@SuppressWarnings("try") public void instantiate(MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, FloatingNode replacee, UsageReplacer replacer, Arguments args) { DebugContext debug = replacee.getDebug(); assert assertSnippetKills(replacee); try (DebugCloseable a = args.info.instantiationTimer.start(debug)) { args.info.instantiationCounter.increment(debug); // Inline the snippet nodes, replacing parameters with the given args in the process StartNode entryPointNode = snippet.start(); assert entryPointNode.next() == (memoryAnchor == null ? returnNode : memoryAnchor) : entryPointNode.next(); StructuredGraph replaceeGraph = replacee.graph(); EconomicMap<Node, Node> replacements = bind(replaceeGraph, metaAccess, args); MemoryAnchorNode anchorDuplicate = null; if (memoryAnchor != null) { anchorDuplicate = replaceeGraph.add(new MemoryAnchorNode(info.privateLocations)); replacements.put(memoryAnchor, anchorDuplicate); } List<Node> floatingNodes = new ArrayList<>(nodes.size() - 2); for (Node n : nodes) { if (n != entryPointNode && n != returnNode) { floatingNodes.add(n); } } UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates = inlineSnippet(replacee, debug, replaceeGraph, replacements); // floating nodes are not state-splits not need to re-wire frame states assert !(replacee instanceof StateSplit); updateStamps(replacee, duplicates); rewireMemoryGraph(replacee, duplicates); assert anchorDuplicate == null || anchorDuplicate.isDeleted(); // Replace all usages of the replacee with the value returned by the snippet ValueNode returnValue = (ValueNode) duplicates.get(returnNode.result()); replacer.replace(replacee, returnValue); debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, replaceeGraph, "After lowering %s with %s", replacee, this); } } protected void rewireFrameStates(ValueNode replacee, UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates, FixedNode replaceeGraphCFGPredecessor) { if (replacee.graph().getGuardsStage().areFrameStatesAtSideEffects() && requiresFrameStateProcessingBeforeFSA(replacee)) { rewireFrameStatesBeforeFSA(replacee, duplicates, replaceeGraphCFGPredecessor); } else if (replacee.graph().getGuardsStage().areFrameStatesAtDeopts() && replacee instanceof DeoptimizingNode) { rewireFrameStatesAfterFSA(replacee, duplicates); } } private boolean requiresFrameStateProcessingBeforeFSA(ValueNode replacee) { return replacee instanceof StateSplit || frameStateAssignment != null; } private void rewireFrameStatesBeforeFSA(ValueNode replacee, UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates, FixedNode replaceeGraphCFGPredecessor) { if (replacee instanceof StateSplit && ((StateSplit) replacee).hasSideEffect() && ((StateSplit) replacee).stateAfter() != null) { /* * We have a side-effecting node that is lowered to a snippet that also contains * side-effecting nodes. Either of 2 cases applies: either there is a frame state merge * assignment meaning there are merges in the snippet that require states, then those * will be assigned based on a reverse post order iteration of the snippet examining * effects and trying to find a proper state, or no merges are in the graph, i.e., there * is no complex control flow so every side-effecting node in the snippet can have the * state after of the original node with the correct values replaced (i.e. the replacee * itself in the snippet) */ for (StateSplit sideEffectNode : sideEffectNodes) { assert ((StateSplit) replacee).hasSideEffect(); Node sideEffectDup = duplicates.get(sideEffectNode.asNode()); assert sideEffectDup != null : sideEffectNode; FrameState stateAfter = ((StateSplit) replacee).stateAfter(); assert stateAfter != null : "Replacee " + replacee + " has no state after"; if (sideEffectDup instanceof DeoptBciSupplier) { if (replacee instanceof DeoptBciSupplier) { ((DeoptBciSupplier) sideEffectDup).setBci(((DeoptBciSupplier) replacee).bci()); } } if (stateAfter.values().contains(replacee)) { FrameState duplicated = stateAfter.duplicate(); ValueNode valueInReplacement = (ValueNode) duplicates.get(returnNode.result()); if (valueInReplacement instanceof ValuePhiNode) { valueInReplacement = (ValueNode) sideEffectDup; } ValueNode replacement = valueInReplacement; duplicated.applyToNonVirtual(new NodePositionClosure<Node>() { @Override public void apply(Node from, Position p) { if (p.get(from) == replacee) { p.set(from, replacement); } } }); ((StateSplit) sideEffectDup).setStateAfter(duplicated); } else { ((StateSplit) sideEffectDup).setStateAfter(((StateSplit) replacee).stateAfter()); } } } if (frameStateAssignment != null) { assignNecessaryFrameStates(replacee, duplicates, replaceeGraphCFGPredecessor); } } private void assignNecessaryFrameStates(ValueNode replacee, UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates, FixedNode replaceeGraphCFGPredecessor) { FrameState stateAfter = null; if (replacee instanceof StateSplit && ((StateSplit) replacee).hasSideEffect()) { stateAfter = ((StateSplit) replacee).stateAfter(); assert stateAfter != null : "Statesplit with side-effect needs a framestate " + replacee; } else { /* * We dont have a state split as a replacee, thus we take the prev state as the state * after for the node in the snippet. */ stateAfter = findLastFrameState(replaceeGraphCFGPredecessor); } NodeMap<NodeStateAssignment> assignedStateMappings = frameStateAssignment.getStateMapping(); MapCursor<Node, NodeStateAssignment> stateAssignments = assignedStateMappings.getEntries(); while (stateAssignments.advance()) { Node nodeRequiringState = stateAssignments.getKey(); NodeStateAssignment assignment = stateAssignments.getValue(); switch (assignment) { case AFTER_BCI: FrameState newState = stateAfter.duplicate(); if (stateAfter.values().contains(replacee)) { ValueNode valueInReplacement = (ValueNode) duplicates.get(returnNode.result()); newState.applyToNonVirtual(new NodePositionClosure<Node>() { @Override public void apply(Node from, Position p) { if (p.get(from) == replacee) { p.set(from, valueInReplacement); } } }); } ((StateSplit) duplicates.get(nodeRequiringState)).setStateAfter(newState); break; case BEFORE_BCI: FrameState stateBeforeSnippet = findLastFrameState(replaceeGraphCFGPredecessor); ((StateSplit) duplicates.get(nodeRequiringState)).setStateAfter(stateBeforeSnippet.duplicate()); break; case INVALID: /* * We cannot assign a proper frame state for this snippet's node since there are * effects which cannot be represented by a single state at the node */ throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere("Invalid snippet replacing a node before frame state assignment with node " + nodeRequiringState + " for replacee " + replacee); default: throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere("Unknown StateAssigment:" + assignment); } replacee.graph().getDebug().dump(DebugContext.VERY_DETAILED_LEVEL, replacee.graph(), "After duplicating after state for node %s in snippet", duplicates.get(nodeRequiringState)); } } private void rewireFrameStatesAfterFSA(ValueNode replacee, UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates) { DeoptimizingNode replaceeDeopt = (DeoptimizingNode) replacee; FrameState stateBefore = null; FrameState stateDuring = null; FrameState stateAfter = null; if (replaceeDeopt.canDeoptimize()) { if (replaceeDeopt instanceof DeoptimizingNode.DeoptBefore) { stateBefore = ((DeoptimizingNode.DeoptBefore) replaceeDeopt).stateBefore(); } if (replaceeDeopt instanceof DeoptimizingNode.DeoptDuring) { stateDuring = ((DeoptimizingNode.DeoptDuring) replaceeDeopt).stateDuring(); } if (replaceeDeopt instanceof DeoptimizingNode.DeoptAfter) { stateAfter = ((DeoptimizingNode.DeoptAfter) replaceeDeopt).stateAfter(); } } for (DeoptimizingNode deoptNode : deoptNodes) { DeoptimizingNode deoptDup = (DeoptimizingNode) duplicates.get(deoptNode.asNode()); if (deoptDup.canDeoptimize()) { if (deoptDup instanceof DeoptimizingNode.DeoptBefore) { ((DeoptimizingNode.DeoptBefore) deoptDup).setStateBefore(stateBefore); } if (deoptDup instanceof DeoptimizingNode.DeoptDuring) { // compute a state "during" for a DeoptDuring inside the snippet depending // on what kind of states we had on the node we are replacing. // If the original node had a state "during" already, we just use that, // otherwise we need to find a strategy to compute a state during based on // some other state (before or after). DeoptimizingNode.DeoptDuring deoptDupDuring = (DeoptimizingNode.DeoptDuring) deoptDup; if (stateDuring != null) { deoptDupDuring.setStateDuring(stateDuring); } else if (stateAfter != null) { deoptDupDuring.computeStateDuring(stateAfter); } else if (stateBefore != null) { assert ((DeoptBefore) replaceeDeopt).canUseAsStateDuring() || !deoptDupDuring.hasSideEffect() : "can't use stateBefore as stateDuring for state split " + deoptDupDuring; deoptDupDuring.setStateDuring(stateBefore); } } if (deoptDup instanceof DeoptimizingNode.DeoptAfter) { DeoptimizingNode.DeoptAfter deoptDupAfter = (DeoptimizingNode.DeoptAfter) deoptDup; if (stateAfter != null) { deoptDupAfter.setStateAfter(stateAfter); } else { assert !deoptDupAfter.hasSideEffect() : "can't use stateBefore as stateAfter for state split " + deoptDupAfter; deoptDupAfter.setStateAfter(stateBefore); } } } } } public static FrameState findLastFrameState(FixedNode start) { FrameState state = findLastFrameState(start, false); assert state != null : "Must find a prev state (this can be transitively broken) for node " + start + " " + findLastFrameState(start, true); return state; } public static FrameState findLastFrameState(FixedNode start, boolean log) { assert start != null; FixedNode lastFixedNode = null; FixedNode currentStart = start; while (true) { for (FixedNode fixed : GraphUtil.predecessorIterable(currentStart)) { if (fixed instanceof StateSplit) { StateSplit stateSplit = (StateSplit) fixed; assert !stateSplit.hasSideEffect() || stateSplit.stateAfter() != null : "Found state split with side-effect without framestate=" + stateSplit; if (stateSplit.stateAfter() != null) { return stateSplit.stateAfter(); } } lastFixedNode = fixed; } if (lastFixedNode instanceof LoopBeginNode) { currentStart = ((LoopBeginNode) lastFixedNode).forwardEnd(); continue; } if (log) { NodeSourcePosition p = lastFixedNode.getNodeSourcePosition(); DebugContext debug = start.getDebug(); debug.log(DebugContext.VERY_DETAILED_LEVEL, "Last fixed node %s\n with source position -> %s", lastFixedNode, p == null ? "null" : p.toString()); if (lastFixedNode instanceof MergeNode) { MergeNode merge = (MergeNode) lastFixedNode; debug.log(DebugContext.VERY_DETAILED_LEVEL, "Last fixed node is a merge with predecessors:"); for (EndNode end : merge.forwardEnds()) { for (FixedNode fixed : GraphUtil.predecessorIterable(end)) { NodeSourcePosition sp = fixed.getNodeSourcePosition(); debug.log(DebugContext.VERY_DETAILED_LEVEL, "%s:source position%s", fixed, sp != null ? sp.toString() : "null"); } } } } break; } return null; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(snippet.toString()).append('('); String sep = ""; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { String name = "[" + i + "]"; Object value = parameters[i]; buf.append(sep); sep = ", "; if (value == null) { buf.append("<null> ").append(name); } else if (value.equals(UNUSED_PARAMETER)) { buf.append("<unused> ").append(name); } else if (value.equals(CONSTANT_PARAMETER)) { buf.append("<constant> ").append(name); } else if (value instanceof ParameterNode) { ParameterNode param = (ParameterNode) value; buf.append(param.getStackKind().getJavaName()).append(' ').append(name); } else { ParameterNode[] params = (ParameterNode[]) value; String kind = params.length == 0 ? "?" : params[0].getStackKind().getJavaName(); buf.append(kind).append('[').append(params.length).append("] ").append(name); } } return buf.append(')').toString(); } private static boolean checkTemplate(MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, Arguments args, ResolvedJavaMethod method, Signature signature) { int offset = args.info.hasReceiver() ? 1 : 0; for (int i = offset; i < args.info.getParameterCount(); i++) { if (args.info.isConstantParameter(i)) { JavaKind kind = signature.getParameterKind(i - offset); assert checkConstantArgument(metaAccess, method, signature, i - offset, args.info.getParameterName(i), args.values[i], kind); } else if (args.info.isVarargsParameter(i)) { assert args.values[i] instanceof Varargs; Varargs varargs = (Varargs) args.values[i]; assert checkVarargs(metaAccess, method, signature, i - offset, args.info.getParameterName(i), varargs); } } return true; } public void setMayRemoveLocation(boolean mayRemoveLocation) { this.mayRemoveLocation = mayRemoveLocation; } }