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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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package org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type;

import static jdk.vm.ci.code.CodeUtil.signExtend;

import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.NumUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.CodeUtil;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Assumptions;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaType;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.MetaAccessProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Signature;

public class StampFactory {

    // JaCoCo Exclude

    private static final Stamp[] stampCache = new Stamp[JavaKind.values().length];
    private static final Stamp[] emptyStampCache = new Stamp[JavaKind.values().length];
    private static final Stamp objectStamp = new ObjectStamp(null, false, false, false);
    private static final Stamp objectNonNullStamp = new ObjectStamp(null, false, true, false);
    private static final Stamp objectAlwaysNullStamp = new ObjectStamp(null, false, false, true);
    private static final Stamp positiveInt = forInteger(JavaKind.Int, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    private static final Stamp booleanTrue = forInteger(JavaKind.Boolean, -1, -1, 1, 1);
    private static final Stamp booleanFalse = forInteger(JavaKind.Boolean, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    private static final Stamp rawPointer = new RawPointerStamp();

    private static void setCache(JavaKind kind, Stamp stamp) {
        stampCache[kind.ordinal()] = stamp;

    private static void setIntCache(JavaKind kind) {
        int bits = kind.getStackKind().getBitCount();
        long mask;
        if (kind.isUnsigned()) {
            mask = CodeUtil.mask(kind.getBitCount());
        } else {
            mask = CodeUtil.mask(bits);
        setCache(kind, IntegerStamp.create(bits, kind.getMinValue(), kind.getMaxValue(), 0, mask));

    private static void setFloatCache(JavaKind kind) {
        setCache(kind, new FloatStamp(kind.getBitCount()));

    static {


        setCache(JavaKind.Object, objectStamp);
        setCache(JavaKind.Void, VoidStamp.getInstance());
        setCache(JavaKind.Illegal, IllegalStamp.getInstance());

        for (JavaKind k : JavaKind.values()) {
            if (stampCache[k.ordinal()] != null) {
                emptyStampCache[k.ordinal()] = stampCache[k.ordinal()].empty();

    public static Stamp tautology() {
        return booleanTrue;

    public static Stamp contradiction() {
        return booleanFalse;

Return a stamp for a Java kind, as it would be represented on the bytecode stack.
/** * Return a stamp for a Java kind, as it would be represented on the bytecode stack. */
public static Stamp forKind(JavaKind kind) { assert stampCache[kind.ordinal()] != null : "unexpected forKind(" + kind + ")"; return stampCache[kind.ordinal()]; }
Return the stamp for the void type. This will return a singleton instance than can be compared using ==.
/** * Return the stamp for the {@code void} type. This will return a singleton instance than can be * compared using {@code ==}. */
public static Stamp forVoid() { return VoidStamp.getInstance(); } public static Stamp intValue() { return forKind(JavaKind.Int); } public static Stamp positiveInt() { return positiveInt; } public static Stamp empty(JavaKind kind) { return emptyStampCache[kind.ordinal()]; } public static IntegerStamp forInteger(JavaKind kind, long lowerBound, long upperBound, long downMask, long upMask) { return IntegerStamp.create(kind.getBitCount(), lowerBound, upperBound, downMask, upMask); } public static IntegerStamp forInteger(JavaKind kind, long lowerBound, long upperBound) { return forInteger(kind.getBitCount(), lowerBound, upperBound); }
Create a new stamp use newLowerBound and newUpperBound computing the appropriate IntegerStamp.upMask and IntegerStamp.downMask and incorporating any mask information from maskStamp.
  • bits –
  • newLowerBound –
  • newUpperBound –
  • maskStamp –
Returns:a new stamp with the appropriate bounds and masks
/** * Create a new stamp use {@code newLowerBound} and {@code newUpperBound} computing the * appropriate {@link IntegerStamp#upMask} and {@link IntegerStamp#downMask} and incorporating * any mask information from {@code maskStamp}. * * @param bits * @param newLowerBound * @param newUpperBound * @param maskStamp * @return a new stamp with the appropriate bounds and masks */
public static IntegerStamp forIntegerWithMask(int bits, long newLowerBound, long newUpperBound, IntegerStamp maskStamp) { IntegerStamp limit = StampFactory.forInteger(bits, newLowerBound, newUpperBound); return IntegerStamp.create(bits, newLowerBound, newUpperBound, limit.downMask() | maskStamp.downMask(), limit.upMask() & maskStamp.upMask()); } public static IntegerStamp forIntegerWithMask(int bits, long newLowerBound, long newUpperBound, long newDownMask, long newUpMask) { IntegerStamp limit = StampFactory.forInteger(bits, newLowerBound, newUpperBound); return IntegerStamp.create(bits, newLowerBound, newUpperBound, limit.downMask() | newDownMask, limit.upMask() & newUpMask); } public static IntegerStamp forInteger(int bits) { return IntegerStamp.create(bits, CodeUtil.minValue(bits), CodeUtil.maxValue(bits), 0, CodeUtil.mask(bits)); } public static IntegerStamp forUnsignedInteger(int bits) { return forUnsignedInteger(bits, 0, NumUtil.maxValueUnsigned(bits), 0, CodeUtil.mask(bits)); } public static IntegerStamp forUnsignedInteger(int bits, long unsignedLowerBound, long unsignedUpperBound) { return forUnsignedInteger(bits, unsignedLowerBound, unsignedUpperBound, 0, CodeUtil.mask(bits)); } public static IntegerStamp forUnsignedInteger(int bits, long unsignedLowerBound, long unsignedUpperBound, long downMask, long upMask) { long lowerBound = signExtend(unsignedLowerBound, bits); long upperBound = signExtend(unsignedUpperBound, bits); if (!NumUtil.sameSign(lowerBound, upperBound)) { lowerBound = CodeUtil.minValue(bits); upperBound = CodeUtil.maxValue(bits); } long mask = CodeUtil.mask(bits); return IntegerStamp.create(bits, lowerBound, upperBound, downMask & mask, upMask & mask); } public static IntegerStamp forInteger(int bits, long lowerBound, long upperBound) { return IntegerStamp.create(bits, lowerBound, upperBound, 0, CodeUtil.mask(bits)); } public static FloatStamp forFloat(JavaKind kind, double lowerBound, double upperBound, boolean nonNaN) { assert kind.isNumericFloat(); return new FloatStamp(kind.getBitCount(), lowerBound, upperBound, nonNaN); } public static Stamp forConstant(JavaConstant value) { JavaKind kind = value.getJavaKind(); switch (kind) { case Boolean: case Byte: case Char: case Short: case Int: case Long: long mask = value.asLong() & CodeUtil.mask(kind.getBitCount()); return forInteger(kind.getStackKind(), value.asLong(), value.asLong(), mask, mask); case Float: return forFloat(kind, value.asFloat(), value.asFloat(), !Float.isNaN(value.asFloat())); case Double: return forFloat(kind, value.asDouble(), value.asDouble(), !Double.isNaN(value.asDouble())); case Illegal: return forKind(JavaKind.Illegal); case Object: if (value.isNull()) { return alwaysNull(); } else { return objectNonNull(); } default: throw new GraalError("unexpected kind: %s", kind); } } public static Stamp forConstant(JavaConstant value, MetaAccessProvider metaAccess) { if (value.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object) { ResolvedJavaType type = value.isNull() ? null : metaAccess.lookupJavaType(value); return new ObjectStamp(type, value.isNonNull(), value.isNonNull(), value.isNull()); } else { return forConstant(value); } } public static Stamp object() { return objectStamp; } public static Stamp objectNonNull() { return objectNonNullStamp; } public static Stamp alwaysNull() { return objectAlwaysNullStamp; } public static ObjectStamp object(TypeReference type) { return object(type, false); } public static ObjectStamp objectNonNull(TypeReference type) { return object(type, true); } public static ObjectStamp object(TypeReference type, boolean nonNull) { if (type == null) { return new ObjectStamp(null, false, nonNull, false); } else { return new ObjectStamp(type.getType(), type.isExact(), nonNull, false); } } public static Stamp[] createParameterStamps(Assumptions assumptions, ResolvedJavaMethod method) { return createParameterStamps(assumptions, method, false); } public static Stamp[] createParameterStamps(Assumptions assumptions, ResolvedJavaMethod method, boolean trustInterfaceTypes) { Signature signature = method.getSignature(); Stamp[] result = new Stamp[signature.getParameterCount(method.hasReceiver())]; int index = 0; ResolvedJavaType accessingClass = method.getDeclaringClass(); if (method.hasReceiver()) { if (trustInterfaceTypes) { result[index++] = StampFactory.objectNonNull(TypeReference.createTrusted(assumptions, accessingClass)); } else { result[index++] = StampFactory.objectNonNull(TypeReference.create(assumptions, accessingClass)); } } for (int i = 0; i < signature.getParameterCount(false); i++) { JavaType type = signature.getParameterType(i, accessingClass); JavaKind kind = type.getJavaKind(); Stamp stamp; if (kind == JavaKind.Object && type instanceof ResolvedJavaType) { if (trustInterfaceTypes) { stamp = StampFactory.object(TypeReference.createTrusted(assumptions, (ResolvedJavaType) type)); } else { stamp = StampFactory.object(TypeReference.create(assumptions, (ResolvedJavaType) type)); } } else { stamp = StampFactory.forKind(kind); } result[index++] = stamp; } return result; } public static Stamp pointer() { return rawPointer; } public static StampPair forDeclaredType(Assumptions assumptions, JavaType returnType, boolean nonNull) { if (returnType.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object && returnType instanceof ResolvedJavaType) { ResolvedJavaType resolvedJavaType = (ResolvedJavaType) returnType; TypeReference reference = TypeReference.create(assumptions, resolvedJavaType); ResolvedJavaType elementalType = resolvedJavaType.getElementalType(); if (elementalType.isInterface()) { assert reference == null || !reference.getType().equals(resolvedJavaType); TypeReference uncheckedType; ResolvedJavaType elementalImplementor = elementalType.getSingleImplementor(); if (elementalImplementor != null && !elementalType.equals(elementalImplementor)) { ResolvedJavaType implementor = elementalImplementor; ResolvedJavaType t = resolvedJavaType; while (t.isArray()) { implementor = implementor.getArrayClass(); t = t.getComponentType(); } uncheckedType = TypeReference.createTrusted(assumptions, implementor); } else { uncheckedType = TypeReference.createTrusted(assumptions, resolvedJavaType); } return StampPair.create(StampFactory.object(reference, nonNull), StampFactory.object(uncheckedType, nonNull)); } return StampPair.createSingle(StampFactory.object(reference, nonNull)); } else { return StampPair.createSingle(StampFactory.forKind(returnType.getJavaKind())); } } }