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package org.graalvm.compiler.phases;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.CounterKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext.CompilerPhaseScope;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugOptions;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.MemUseTrackerKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.MethodFilter;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.TimerKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph.Mark;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph.NodeEvent;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph.NodeEventListener;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph.NodeEventScope;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.contract.NodeCostUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.contract.PhaseSizeContract;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaMethod;

Base class for all compiler phases. Subclasses should be stateless. There will be one global instance for each compiler phase that is shared for all compilations. VM-, target- and compilation-specific data can be passed with a context object.
/** * Base class for all compiler phases. Subclasses should be stateless. There will be one global * instance for each compiler phase that is shared for all compilations. VM-, target- and * compilation-specific data can be passed with a context object. */
public abstract class BasePhase<C> implements PhaseSizeContract { public static class PhaseOptions { // @formatter:off @Option(help = "Verify before - after relation of the relative, computed, code size of a graph", type = OptionType.Debug) public static final OptionKey<Boolean> VerifyGraalPhasesSize = new OptionKey<>(false); @Option(help = "Exclude certain phases from compilation, either unconditionally or with a method filter", type = OptionType.Debug) public static final OptionKey<String> CompilationExcludePhases = new OptionKey<>(null); // @formatter:on } /** * Records time spent in {@link #apply(StructuredGraph, Object, boolean)}. */ private final TimerKey timer; /** * Counts calls to {@link #apply(StructuredGraph, Object, boolean)}. */ private final CounterKey executionCount;
Accumulates the live node count of all graphs sent to apply(StructuredGraph, Object, boolean).
/** * Accumulates the {@linkplain Graph#getNodeCount() live node count} of all graphs sent to * {@link #apply(StructuredGraph, Object, boolean)}. */
private final CounterKey inputNodesCount;
Records memory usage within apply(StructuredGraph, Object, boolean).
/** * Records memory usage within {@link #apply(StructuredGraph, Object, boolean)}. */
private final MemUseTrackerKey memUseTracker;
Lazy initialization to create pattern only when assertions are enabled.
/** Lazy initialization to create pattern only when assertions are enabled. */
static class NamePatternHolder { static final Pattern NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+"); } public static class BasePhaseStatistics { /** * Records time spent in {@link BasePhase#apply(StructuredGraph, Object, boolean)}. */ private final TimerKey timer; /** * Counts calls to {@link BasePhase#apply(StructuredGraph, Object, boolean)}. */ private final CounterKey executionCount; /** * Accumulates the {@linkplain Graph#getNodeCount() live node count} of all graphs sent to * {@link BasePhase#apply(StructuredGraph, Object, boolean)}. */ private final CounterKey inputNodesCount; /** * Records memory usage within {@link BasePhase#apply(StructuredGraph, Object, boolean)}. */ private final MemUseTrackerKey memUseTracker; public BasePhaseStatistics(Class<?> clazz) { timer = DebugContext.timer("PhaseTime_%s", clazz).doc("Time spent in phase."); executionCount = DebugContext.counter("PhaseCount_%s", clazz).doc("Number of phase executions."); memUseTracker = DebugContext.memUseTracker("PhaseMemUse_%s", clazz).doc("Memory allocated in phase."); inputNodesCount = DebugContext.counter("PhaseNodes_%s", clazz).doc("Number of nodes input to phase."); } } private static final ClassValue<BasePhaseStatistics> statisticsClassValue = new ClassValue<BasePhaseStatistics>() { @Override protected BasePhaseStatistics computeValue(Class<?> c) { return new BasePhaseStatistics(c); } }; private static BasePhaseStatistics getBasePhaseStatistics(Class<?> c) { return statisticsClassValue.get(c); } protected BasePhase() { BasePhaseStatistics statistics = getBasePhaseStatistics(getClass()); timer = statistics.timer; executionCount = statistics.executionCount; memUseTracker = statistics.memUseTracker; inputNodesCount = statistics.inputNodesCount; } public final void apply(final StructuredGraph graph, final C context) { apply(graph, context, true); } private BasePhase<?> getEnclosingPhase(DebugContext debug) { for (Object c : debug.context()) { if (c != this && c instanceof BasePhase) { if (!(c instanceof PhaseSuite)) { return (BasePhase<?>) c; } } } return null; } private boolean dumpBefore(final StructuredGraph graph, final C context, boolean isTopLevel) { DebugContext debug = graph.getDebug(); if (isTopLevel && (debug.isDumpEnabled(DebugContext.VERBOSE_LEVEL) || shouldDumpBeforeAtBasicLevel() && debug.isDumpEnabled(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL))) { if (shouldDumpBeforeAtBasicLevel()) { debug.dump(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL, graph, "Before phase %s", getName()); } else { debug.dump(DebugContext.VERBOSE_LEVEL, graph, "Before phase %s", getName()); } } else if (!isTopLevel && debug.isDumpEnabled(DebugContext.VERBOSE_LEVEL + 1)) { debug.dump(DebugContext.VERBOSE_LEVEL + 1, graph, "Before subphase %s", getName()); } else if (debug.isDumpEnabled(DebugContext.ENABLED_LEVEL) && shouldDump(graph, context)) { debug.dump(DebugContext.ENABLED_LEVEL, graph, "Before %s %s", isTopLevel ? "phase" : "subphase", getName()); return true; } return false; } protected boolean shouldDumpBeforeAtBasicLevel() { return false; } protected boolean shouldDumpAfterAtBasicLevel() { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("try") protected final void apply(final StructuredGraph graph, final C context, final boolean dumpGraph) { graph.checkCancellation(); if (ExcludePhaseFilter.exclude(graph.getOptions(), this, graph.asJavaMethod())) { return; } DebugContext debug = graph.getDebug(); try (CompilerPhaseScope cps = getClass() != PhaseSuite.class ? debug.enterCompilerPhase(getName()) : null; DebugCloseable a = timer.start(debug); DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope(getClass(), this); DebugCloseable c = memUseTracker.start(debug);) { int sizeBefore = 0; Mark before = null; OptionValues options = graph.getOptions(); boolean verifySizeContract = PhaseOptions.VerifyGraalPhasesSize.getValue(options) && checkContract(); if (verifySizeContract) { sizeBefore = NodeCostUtil.computeGraphSize(graph); before = graph.getMark(); } boolean isTopLevel = getEnclosingPhase(graph.getDebug()) == null; boolean dumpedBefore = false; if (dumpGraph && debug.areScopesEnabled()) { dumpedBefore = dumpBefore(graph, context, isTopLevel); } inputNodesCount.add(debug, graph.getNodeCount()); this.run(graph, context); executionCount.increment(debug); if (verifySizeContract) { if (!before.isCurrent()) { int sizeAfter = NodeCostUtil.computeGraphSize(graph); NodeCostUtil.phaseFulfillsSizeContract(graph, sizeBefore, sizeAfter, this); } } if (dumpGraph && debug.areScopesEnabled()) { dumpAfter(graph, isTopLevel, dumpedBefore); } if (debug.isVerifyEnabled()) { debug.verify(graph, "%s", getName()); } assert graph.verify(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw debug.handle(t); } } private void dumpAfter(final StructuredGraph graph, boolean isTopLevel, boolean dumpedBefore) { boolean dumped = false; DebugContext debug = graph.getDebug(); if (isTopLevel) { if (shouldDumpAfterAtBasicLevel()) { if (debug.isDumpEnabled(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL)) { debug.dump(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL, graph, "After phase %s", getName()); dumped = true; } } else { if (debug.isDumpEnabled(DebugContext.INFO_LEVEL)) { debug.dump(DebugContext.INFO_LEVEL, graph, "After phase %s", getName()); dumped = true; } } } else { if (debug.isDumpEnabled(DebugContext.INFO_LEVEL + 1)) { debug.dump(DebugContext.INFO_LEVEL + 1, graph, "After subphase %s", getName()); dumped = true; } } if (!dumped && debug.isDumpEnabled(DebugContext.ENABLED_LEVEL) && dumpedBefore) { debug.dump(DebugContext.ENABLED_LEVEL, graph, "After %s %s", isTopLevel ? "phase" : "subphase", getName()); } } @SuppressWarnings("try") private boolean shouldDump(StructuredGraph graph, C context) { DebugContext debug = graph.getDebug(); String phaseChange = DebugOptions.DumpOnPhaseChange.getValue(graph.getOptions()); if (phaseChange != null && Pattern.matches(phaseChange, getClass().getSimpleName())) { StructuredGraph graphCopy = (StructuredGraph) graph.copy(graph.getDebug()); GraphChangeListener listener = new GraphChangeListener(graphCopy); try (NodeEventScope s = graphCopy.trackNodeEvents(listener)) { try (DebugContext.Scope s2 = debug.sandbox("GraphChangeListener", null)) { run(graphCopy, context); } catch (Throwable t) { debug.handle(t); } } return listener.changed; } return false; } private static final class GraphChangeListener extends NodeEventListener { boolean changed; private StructuredGraph graph; private Mark mark; GraphChangeListener(StructuredGraph graphCopy) { this.graph = graphCopy; this.mark = graph.getMark(); } @Override public void changed(NodeEvent e, Node node) { if (!graph.isNew(mark, node) && node.isAlive()) { if (e == NodeEvent.INPUT_CHANGED || e == NodeEvent.ZERO_USAGES) { changed = true; } } } } protected CharSequence getName() { return new ClassTypeSequence(BasePhase.this.getClass()); } protected abstract void run(StructuredGraph graph, C context); @Override public String contractorName() { return getName().toString(); } @Override public float codeSizeIncrease() { return 1.25f; } private static final class ExcludePhaseFilter {
Contains the excluded phases and the corresponding methods to exclude.
/** * Contains the excluded phases and the corresponding methods to exclude. */
private EconomicMap<Pattern, MethodFilter> filters;
Cache instances of this class to avoid parsing the same option string more than once.
/** * Cache instances of this class to avoid parsing the same option string more than once. */
private static ConcurrentHashMap<String, ExcludePhaseFilter> instances; static { instances = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); }
Determines whether the phase should be excluded from running on the given method based on the given option values.
/** * Determines whether the phase should be excluded from running on the given method based on * the given option values. */
protected static boolean exclude(OptionValues options, BasePhase<?> phase, JavaMethod method) { String compilationExcludePhases = PhaseOptions.CompilationExcludePhases.getValue(options); if (compilationExcludePhases == null) { return false; } else { return getInstance(compilationExcludePhases).exclude(phase, method); } }
Gets an instance of this class for the given option values. This will typically be a cached instance.
/** * Gets an instance of this class for the given option values. This will typically be a * cached instance. */
private static ExcludePhaseFilter getInstance(String compilationExcludePhases) { return instances.computeIfAbsent(compilationExcludePhases, excludePhases -> ExcludePhaseFilter.parse(excludePhases)); }
Determines whether the given phase should be excluded from running on the given method.
/** * Determines whether the given phase should be excluded from running on the given method. */
protected boolean exclude(BasePhase<?> phase, JavaMethod method) { if (method == null) { return false; } String phaseName = phase.getClass().getSimpleName(); for (Pattern excludedPhase : filters.getKeys()) { if (excludedPhase.matcher(phaseName).matches()) { return filters.get(excludedPhase).matches(method); } } return false; }
Creates a phase filter based on a specification string. The string is a colon-separated list of phase names or phase_name=filter pairs. Phase names match any phase of which they are a substring. Filters follow MethodFilter syntax.
/** * Creates a phase filter based on a specification string. The string is a colon-separated * list of phase names or {@code phase_name=filter} pairs. Phase names match any phase of * which they are a substring. Filters follow {@link MethodFilter} syntax. */
private static ExcludePhaseFilter parse(String compilationExcludePhases) { EconomicMap<Pattern, MethodFilter> filters = EconomicMap.create(); String[] parts = compilationExcludePhases.trim().split(":"); for (String part : parts) { String phaseName; MethodFilter methodFilter; if (part.contains("=")) { String[] pair = part.split("="); if (pair.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected phase_name=filter pair in: " + part); } phaseName = pair[0]; methodFilter = MethodFilter.parse(pair[1]); } else { phaseName = part; methodFilter = MethodFilter.matchAll(); } Pattern phasePattern = Pattern.compile(".*" + MethodFilter.createGlobString(phaseName) + ".*"); filters.put(phasePattern, methodFilter); } return new ExcludePhaseFilter(filters); } private ExcludePhaseFilter(EconomicMap<Pattern, MethodFilter> filters) { this.filters = filters; } } }